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A77 GHz mHEMT MMIC Chip Set for Automotive Radar Systems


A77 GHz mHEMT MMIC Chip Set for Automotive Radar Systems A 77 GHz mHEMT MMIC Chip Set for Automotive Radar Systems Dong Min Kang, Ju Yean Hong, Jae Yeco Shim, Jin-Hee Lee, Hyung-Sup Yoon, and Kyung Ho Lee Amonoltduc microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) chip set constsdng of a power amplifier, a driver amplifier, a...

A77 GHz mHEMT MMIC Chip Set for Automotive Radar Systems
A 77 GHz mHEMT MMIC Chip Set for Automotive Radar Systems Dong Min Kang, Ju Yean Hong, Jae Yeco Shim, Jin-Hee Lee, Hyung-Sup Yoon, and Kyung Ho Lee Amonoltduc microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) chip set constsdng of a power amplifier, a driver amplifier, and a frequency doubler has been developed for automotive radar systems at 77 GHz. The chip set was fabricated using a 0.15 J.IIIl gate-length fuGaAsJ1nAlAs/GaAs metemorpbtc high electron mobility transistor (mHEM'I) process based III a 4-indt substrate. The power amplifier demonstrated a measured small signal gain of over 20 dB n-om 76 to 77 GHz with 15.5 dBm output power. The chip size is 2 nnn x 2 mrn. The driver amplifier exhibited a gain of23 dB over a 7600 77 GHz band with au output power of13 dBm. The chip size is 2.1 nnn x 2 llllIL The frequency doubler achieved an output power of --6 dBm at 76.5 GHz with a conversion gain of -16 dB for an input power of 10 dBm and a 38.25 GHz input frequency. The chip size is 1.2 nnn x 1.2 llllIL This :MNllC chip set is suitable foc the 77 GHz automotive radar systems and related apphcattons in a W- baud. Keywords: Automotive radar, :M],!llC, :NllIE1.IT, 77 GHz, amplifier, doubler. M,"-"aipt rec6ved s ept.30;revi' edNov 17,2004 Dct1g Min Kang !phme + 82 42 860 1592, errro kdm1597@etrireh-j Ju Yean Hm g (errro jyhong@etri.reh-j J", Yeah :1lim (email jyshm@t1ri .rehj Jin-Hre Lre (ffll"J jintdee@ttri.reh-j Hymg-Sup Yom (email h'Yoon@t1rireh-j ,.-,j Kyung Ho Lee (fflloi1 khl259@etri.reh-) ""withBasicRe'e----ir----.:,---".--'t' [ Frequency L_:_~~:~~ _vco Fig. 1. A generalized block diagram of the RF front-end of an automotive radar system. Fig . 3. Cross-sectional SEM of the passivated 0.15 /-till gate- length mHEMI with a wide head I-shaped gate. 134 Dong Min Kangetal. ETRI Journal, Volume 27, Number 2, April 2005 • h21 e MSG/MAG 10010 Frequency (GHz) • • • •.. -. • • •• • 30 10 m u ~ 20 iii(') Fig. 6. Typical current gain, Ihz]l, as a function of frequency for the 0.15 urn gate-length mHEMT device. 40,,-- - - - - - .--- - - - - - .--- ..----, III. Circuit Design and Experimental Results2.01.51.0 v: (V) 0.5 10 Figure 4 shows drain-to-source current Om) as a function of drain-to-source voltage (Vds) for the 0.15 urn GaAs mHEMT devices. As shown in Fig. 3, the devices exhibit a good pinch- off characteristic at a drain voltage of 2 V The drain saturation current Oms) measured at Vds = 2 V and Vgs = 0 V is 38 rnA. The threshold voltage (VtiJ is defmed by a linear extrapolation of the square root of drain current versus gate voltage to zero current. Vth was measured as -0.9 V 40 r----------------------, 30 ;;: E. 20 0.25 ,----~-_,__~---,--~--r----,--~__, 800 1.Power Amplifierand DriverAmplifier A 4-stage MMIC power amplifier (PA) anddriver (DA) were designed by using mHEMT devices of2-fmger 100 urn (2flOO) and 4-finger 200 urn (4:1200). In order to increase the stability of the mHEMT device, negative feedback was employed by a resistor network. In the case of employing parallel feedback, the gainwas decreased to some extent. There are some advantages such as a broadband and a remarkably increased stability. In addition, the effect of the feedback is to make the input and output impedance more convenient for matching. The MMIC amplifiers were designed as single-ended 4-stage types. The first two stages used mHEMTs with a 100 urn gate width and operated as class A amplifiers for gain consideration, while the last two stages employed 200 urn devices for power and efficiency requirements and operated at class A. All input/output matching, interstage matching, and biasing networks were included in the MMIC design In each stage of the MMIC, a microstrip line, an open stub, and a capacitor are connected between the HEMT and an input/output node to achieve both a good return loss and a good rejection characteristic of the undesired frequency bandwidth All grounded parts of the PA were processed by via-holes. The front- and back-side dimensions of the via-holes were 60 fim and 120 urn, respectively. A microstrip thin film capacitor provided by ETRI librarywas applied to DC-block circuits for isolationbetween the stages and the combination of RF signals. The bias networks consisted of high impedancetransmission lines, with decoupling capacitors, serving as RF short circuits. Also, the gate bias circuits were designed using a 580 Q NiCr resistor to obtain low- gainflatness for the operating frequency. The circuit simulation was accomplished by the use of the harmonic balance simulator 700 E E600 ()j E.500 Q) o c; 400 -tl ::J U 300 6 o (/) 200 ~ f- 100 0.5o-0.5 :". ~ / e, e , I • e •f 0 . ---. e J' 'i J' e~ f p .. • 0 •I cl e • p •D • c •• -1.0 000 i1IL-~--'----~---'----~~"'!'!!!!-..---.Jo -1.5 1.0 0.05 0.20 - 0.10 "" 0.15 ~ Fig. 5. The extrinsic transconductance and drain-to-source current (Ids) as a function ofgate-to-source voltage (Vgs) . v; (V) Fig. 4 . Drain-to-source current (Ids) as a function of drain-to- source voltage (Vds) for the 0.15 urn gate-length mHEMT device. The extrinsic transconductance (&n) and drain-to-source current Om) as a function of gate-to-source voltage (Vgs) at 2 V ofdrain voltage were measured and are shown in Fig. 5. The maximumg.,was measuredas 700 mS/mmat Vg; = - 0.5 V and VcI;=2 V The typical current gain (Ihzl!) as a function of frequency for 0.15 x 100 f.ilIlz mHEMT devices is shown in Fig. 6. The cut-off frequency (fT) was obtained from the extrapolation of the Ihzll to unity using a -6 dB/octave slope, and the maximum frequency of oscillation (frnax) was extracted from small signal parameters. The fT and frnax of the devices were 130 and 230 GHz, respectively. ETRI Journal, Volume 27, Number 2, April 2005 Dong Min Kang et al. 135 (a) Small signal gain (S21), input return loss (S11), and output return loss (S22) as a function of frequency (50 to 100 GHz) for the fabricated MMIC PA 100908070 Frequency (GHz) 60 30 S21 20 iii" ~ 10 N N (/) ""0 0C '" (/) -10 N (/) -20 with the HP root model for the active device. The external DC biasing conditions of Ve and Vg were 1.5 V and - 0.3 V, respectively, and the total current consumption ofthe MMIC PA was 180mA. In the case of the DA, the external DC biasing conditionsofVd and Vg were 1.5V and - 0.4 V,respectively, and the total current consmnption was 150 rnA. The on-wafer measurement was performed using an HP PNA N5250A 1l0GHz network analyzer. The circuit schematics and photographs of the fabricated MMIC PA and DA are presented in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. The PA demonstrated a measured small signal gain of over 20 dB from 76 to 77 GHz with a 15.5 dBm output power. The chip size was 2 mm x 2 mm. The DA exhibited a gain of23 dB over a 76 to 77 GHz band with an output power of 13 dBm. The chip size was 2.1 mm x 2 mm. The measurement results of the fabricated MMIC PA and DA are presented in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. (b) Photograph of the MMIC PA (a) Circuit schematic of the MMIC PA (a) Circuit schematic of the MMIC DA Fig. 7. The circuit schematic and photograph of the MMIC power amplifier. (b) Photograph of the MMIC DA 25...-----------------------, 15t------------=:*3~~.... -+- Pout(dBm) at 76GHz __ Power gain (dB) at76GHz 5I-_---::Ir-s;j~----___.,-.- Pout (dBm) at76.5 GHz -+- Power gain (dB) at76.5 GHz __ Pout (dBm) at77GHz -+- Power gain (dB) at77GHz -17 -15 -13 -11 -9 -7 -5 -3 -1 Pin (dBm) (b) Output power and power gain as a function of input power at 76 to 77 GHz 1 tone for the fabricated MMIC PA Fig. 8. The circuit schematic and photograph of the MMIC driver amplifier. Fig. 9. Measured results of the MMIC power amplifier. 136 Dong Min Kang et al. ETRI Journal, Volume 27, Number 2, April 2005 25,- ---, Vd OUT 1---+---1 f-O (a) Circuit schematic of the MMIC frequency doubler IN o----t Recently reported 77 GHz PA results of other studies are compared with this work in Table 1. Our PA results demonstrated the highest output power and gain among all the reported 77 GHz MMIC PAs for automotive radar systems using 0.15 J-Lm GaAs HEMTs . 2. Frequency Doubler Figure 11 shows the circuit schematic and photograph of the frequency doubler. We designed an input circuit and output circuit to match at 38.25 GHz and 76.5 GHz, respectively. The input matching circuit fulfills the requirements of stabilization in the whole frequency range, matching the fundamental at 38.25 GHz and the optimum load at 76.5 GHz. The parallel combination of resistor and capacitor to stabilize the mHEMT was used for the input match at 38.25 GHz. In the output matching circuit, a radial stub was necessary to achieve a high suppression of the fundamental in the output signal of more than 30 dEc. The output was matched at 76.5 GHz with the long open stub, which was also used for the suppression of 100908070 Frequency (GHz) 60 Fig . 10. Measured results ofMMIC driver amplifier. (a) Small signal gain (S21), input return loss (S11), and output return loss (S22) as a function of frequency (50 to 100 GHz) for the fabricated MMIC DA (b) Output power and power gain as a function of input power at 76 to 77 GHz 1 tone for the fabricated MMIC DA 30 m :s N N (f) -o c; '" (f) N (f) -20 -30 50 m 20 :s c; 'iii Ol Q; 15 '"0D- oll E 10 rn ..... Pout (dBm) at 76 GHz :s ...... Powergain(dB) at 76 GHz 'S 5 ..... Pout (dBm) at 76.5 GHz0 D- -.- Powergain (dB) at76.5 GHz __ Pout (dBm) at 77 GHz ..... Powergain (dB) at77 GHz Table I. Comparison of the data of previously published W-band PAs with this work. Frequency Process Pout Gain Chip size Ref(GHz) (All GaAs based) (dBrn) (dB) (rnrn') 71-80 0.15 flrnpHEMT 12 13.5 1.5 x 1.2 1 77 0.15 flrnpHEMT 14.5 8.5 0.5 x 0.6 6 76.5 0.15 flrnpHEMT 14 13 1.5 x 1.2 7 76.5 0.13 flrn pHEMT 15 10 2xl 8 76 0.12 flrn pHEMT 13 11 2xl 9 77-78 0.1 flIll pHEMT 21.5 12 3x2 10 This76-77 0.15 flrnpHEMT 15.5 20 2x2 work (b) Photograph of the MMIC frequency doubler Fig . II . The circuit schematic and photograph of the MMIC frequency doubler. ETRI Journal, Volume 27, Number 2, April 2005 Dong Min Kang et at, 137 ~, ~ e ....... Pln v s Pmf , "" ~ e --0- Pin v 5 G: "" ~W '" 0 ~" 0 ~ "m "~ ~" ~ , ~ , e 0 0 " ~" -z ~" c , , e a to Pin (dBm)@38.25 8Hz Fig. 12. Measured output power and conversion gain of the frequency doubler as a function of the input power level at 38.25 GHz. Table 2. Comparison of the data of previously published frequency doublers with this work, Fun dam ental Fre quency Process Gc Chip size sorcresoon (mm'') RefCGHz) (All GaAs based) (dB) (dBc) 38.2Sn6. 5 0.2 flffi X 320 um -11.3 l Ox 1 25 2pH EMT 38.Sn 7 0 12 pm x 100 um ~ n n :MESFET 0 15 pm x 100 um This 38.2Sn6.S ~" 37 1.2x 1.2mHEMT work the fimdamental. The operating conditions were near the pinch- off region so that high, even harmonic power levels were generated. The external DC biasing conditions er v , and Ve were 1.5 and -0.7 V, respectively, and the total current consumption was 8 mA.. Figure 12 shows the measured output power and «nversicn gain of the frequency dcubler as a function of the input power level at 38.25 GHz The frequency doubler achieved an cutput power of- 6 dBm at 76.5 GHzwith a «nversicn gain of-16 dB fer an input power of 10 dBm and a 38.25 GHz input frequency. The frequency dcubler also achieved a fi.ndamental suppression of37 dBc in a 76.5 GHz cutput frequency. The chip size was 1.2 nun x 1.2 mm Table 2 shows a comparison of the data of previously published frequency doublers with this work, IV. Conclusion This paper describes the successful development of an 138 Dong Min Kang et al 11NIIC chip set for automotive radar systems using EIRI's 0.15 urn InGaAslInAlAs/GaAs mHEMT technology on a 4- inch 100 urn thick GaAs substrate. The chip set consists of a power amplifier, a driver amplifier, and a frequency doubler. This 11NIIC chip set is suitable for 77 GHz autanctive radar systems and related applications in a W-band References [1] K. Kamozaki et al., "A 770Hz TiR MJv.IIC Cbip Set fer Automotive Radar Systems," GaAs IC flfmp. Digest, 1997, pp. 275-278. [2] J. Udonoto et al.,"A38!T7 0Hz MJv.IICTransmitter Cbip SEt fer Automotive Appliceticns," IEEE M'T]:.S Digest, 2003, W. 1229- 1232. [3] H. S. Yoon et 31., "0.15 J..lIll Gate Length InAlAslInGaAs Power Metamcphic HEMT 00 Oak Substrate with Extremely Low Noise Characteristics," Int l Con! 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Jin-Hee Lee received the BS degree in physics from Youngnam University,Korea, in 1980, and the MS and PhD degrees from the same University in 1982 and 1987. He joined ETRl in 1984. From 1984 to 1992, was involved in developing fme-line lithography, multi-level interconnection, and a fabrication process of GaAs MESFETs. In 1993, he was dispatched to University ofTokyo in Japan for one year to do internationalresearch activities. After returning to ETRl, he has been involved in the development of high speed devices and their integrated circuits. He is now a principal member of the Research Staff in the Department of Compound Semiconductors in ETRl. His current research interests inc
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