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求职信与简历nullnull求职申请信 Letter of Application Cover Letternull求职申请信主要用于向某个单位或机构推荐自己以获取工作的机会。 求职申请信实际上是一则申请人自我推销的广告,它推销的是申请人的才智,是申请人在职场竞争中迈出的第一步,同推销任何产品一样。 求职信的主要目的有三个:自我推荐,展现优势,争取面试。null2. 不明确具体的职位,推测某种就业可能性而提出的申请。求职申请信 两种类型1. 对某一招聘信息所提及的职业提出申请。要求:简明扼要、实事求是、说服力强。null ...

nullnull求职申请信 Letter of Application Cover Letternull求职申请信主要用于向某个单位或机构推荐自己以获取工作的机会。 求职申请信实际上是一则申请人自我推销的广告,它推销的是申请人的才智,是申请人在职场竞争中迈出的第一步,同推销任何产品一样。 求职信的主要目的有三个:自我推荐,展现优势,争取面试。null2. 不明确具体的职位,推测某种就业可能性而提出的申请。求职申请信 两种类型1. 对某一招聘信息所提及的职业提出申请。要求:简明扼要、实事求是、说服力强。null 1、采用“点对点”的表述方式,突出“ 求职信 ”的针对性,针对某家招聘单位的某个招聘职位。 2、在一页纸内写完。 3、语言精炼,措词尽量职业化。 4、主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 紧紧围绕“我符合要求、 我定能胜任、我有诚意应聘”。撰写“ 求职信 ”的四大原则:null开头: 针对两种类型的求职信,分别有不同的开头。 第一种情况下申请人应该在信件开头说明招聘信息来源,同时指出具体的应聘职位,并简略地概括自己能胜任该职位的主要因素。 null Your advertisement in Section C-3 of the June 1 Daily News for an accounting administrator greatly appeals to me. With my accounting training and computer experience, I believe I could serve Delta Tech well. null第二种情况: 如果不确定具体的职位,则应在开头部分陈述一下自己对该公司业务初步的了解,对在该公司工作的兴趣,以及自己哪些才能和特质对公司有益。nullToday’s Examiner reports that your organization plans to expand its operations to include national distribution of sporting goods, and it occurs to me that you will be needing highly motivated, self-starting sales representatives and marketing managers.null 总结怎么写开头:告诉对方你是在哪里得知应聘信息以及所要应聘职位的名称,如:   (1) In answer to your advertisement in…(媒体名称) for …(职位名称),I wish to tender my services. (2) With reference to your advertisement in…(媒体名称)for…(职位名称), I respectfully offer myself for the post. 求职信的翻译 Useful Sentences (I)求职信的翻译 Useful Sentences (I)(1) I’m interested in the position you advertised in the Washington Post of June 3. (2) I’m writing in reply to your advertisement in the Career Weekly for a part-time translator. (3) Please find enclosed a copy of my resume which is for the position of personal assistant that you advertised in today’s New York Times. (4) 本人特此来信并随附履历表应聘贵公司今天在《中国日报》所刊登的职位。(1) 本人对贵公司6月3日刊登在《华盛顿邮报》上的招聘岗位很感兴趣。 (2) 本人特此来函应聘贵公司在《前程周刊》刊登的兼职译员一职。 (3) 本人随函附寄个人履历表一份,以应聘贵公司今天在《纽约时报》所刊登的私人秘书职位。 (4) This letter and attached resume are sent in response to your advertisement in today’s China Daily. null2.正文 如果说开头还只是引起了读者的一些注意,正文就应该好好把握住机会,趁热打铁,展现自我优势,提升读者兴趣。 首先,在有招聘广告的情况下,要将自己的条件与具体的职位要求联系起来。在准备阶段,就应该基于自身的了解,将这两者一一对应,做出一张权重表(balance sheet)。null其次,要突出招聘方的利益,换言之,要体现自身优势如何对招聘方有利。 多数用人单位表示:“我希望求职者能告诉我们,他能为企业做什么,这比着重描述在学校里学了什么课程更重要。” 所以,与其说:“I have completed courses in business communication, report writing, and technical writing”, 不如说:“Courses in business communication, report writing and technical writing have helped me develop the research writing skills required of your technical writers.”nullIBM:写得不好不如不写 IBM(中国)有限公司大中华区招聘经理说,求职信如果写得好,确实能吸引注意力,附上也可,如果写得不好那就不如不写。一般求职信都是非常简短地介绍一下自己的特点以及希望应聘的职位,还会有一些问候之类的话。微软:   微软强调关键看应聘者如何在求职信中介绍自己。如果要附上求职信,一定要在上面很清楚地说明自己的特点,罗列出自己的强项,以及可以引起主考官或 面试 人员兴奋的东西,如果求职者很泛泛地写了一封求职信,那么很容易就会被翻过去直接看简历了,起不到求职信真正的作用。 西门子:不能千篇一律 外企HR如何看待求职信 null注意:求职申请不同于个人简历。简历着重强调求职者的过去,而求职申请信更注重表明能为企业做什么,侧重于对未来的展望。 再次,应适当提及个人的品质,个性等特点。除了能力、学历、工作经验等因素,招聘方往往也看中求职者的责任感、创造力、团队合作能力等等。null 通常在这段里介绍你的工作经验,要特别注意的,和所应聘职位无关经历尽量不要,如: (1)I have been serving for over(数字)years in(以前供职单位). (2)I have had(数字)years’ experience with(以前供职单位)as a(以前职务). null最后,请读者阅读附在信中另一份重要资料——个人简历。可以说: Please refer to the attached resume for further information regarding my education, experience, and references. 正文部分 小结 学校三防设施建设情况幼儿园教研工作小结高血压知识讲座小结防范电信网络诈骗宣传幼儿园师德小结 : 证明能力——突出个人能力 非常重要,这点可以说是直接关系到求职的成功率…如:null(1)I have received a special English education…(你的专业),and have a fair command of Japanese…(你的副业).In addition, I … (2)During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed …(你所通过的水平测试或其它职业技能考核),but more important I can communicate with others freely in…(你个人的能力,尤其是强项).My ability to…(你个人的能力)is out of question.Cover Letters Studied Useful Sentences (II)Cover Letters Studied Useful Sentences (II)(5) 大学期间,本人一直在一家贸易公司担任翻译一职。 (6) 本人具有责任感,热情及才能,喜爱挑战,学习能力强。 (7) I have graduated from Zhejiang Financial Professional College with outstanding academic record. (8) I have served as the editor-in-chief Arts and Leisure Magazine for the past two years, and during that time I have also contributed articles for a publishing company.(5) I worked in a trading company as a translator during my college years. (6) I am a person of responsibility, enthusiasm, and ability. I like challenges and I can quickly catch on to new procedures. (7) 本人以优异的学习成绩从浙江金融职业学院毕业。 (8) 本人在过去两年里担任《艺术与休闲杂志》的总编辑,同时为一家出版社撰写文章。null3.结尾在求职信末尾,我们通常要提及关于希望得到面试的事情,在表达自己的这种意愿时,语气要真诚,自信而又不冒昧。同时提供自己最常用的联系方式,便于对方通知。null 一些比较经典的申请信结尾: I would be very happy to work under your supervision if it is possible. Thank you very much for your kind attention. Please send me an answer at your earliest convenience. 如能为贵公司效力,本人将不胜荣幸。阁下耐心读完这篇申请,本人至为感激,并请尽速惠函示知。nullI believe that I can fulfill the requirements in your company. I hope you will be able to place me somewhere.我相信我可以担任贵公司的任何工作,如蒙录用,愿意随时接受阁下指派。Cover Letters Studied Useful Sentences (III)Cover Letters Studied Useful Sentences (III)(9) I would be very grateful if you gave me a chance to interview for the position. (10) I’m sure that an interview will help you realize that I’m the right person for the position. (11) If you need more information about me, I’m ready for an interview. (12) If you feel I could be a suitable candidate for your vacancy, I would be happy to provide you with samples of my work or attend an interview. (9) 如果您能给我一个该职位的面试机会,我将感激不尽。 (10) 我相信, 面试之后您会发现我是该职位的合适人选。 (11) 如果您需要了解更多信息,我可以接受您的面试。 (12) 若您认为我是该空缺之合适人选,我将十分乐意为您提供我的作品样本,或与您面谈 。 Cover Letters Studied Useful Sentences (IV)Cover Letters Studied Useful Sentences (IV)(13) I’ve enclosed a brief resume. However, I will be very happy to provide you with further information about my abilities and experience in an interview with you. (14) I hope I soon have a chance to meet you and learn more about the position. I can be reached at my office number which is 84885532. (15) I would appreciate it very much if you would give me an interview at your convenience. I am available during the mornings, and you can reach me at 13611041749. (16) I eagerly await the opportunity to interview for the position. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. (13)随函附上本人简历一份。我也非常原意与您面谈,以提供给您更多有关我工作能力和工作经验方面的 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 。 (14)希望很快能有机会与您见面,以便进一步了解此职位。您可以打我的办公室电话:84885532。 (15)若您能抽空与我面谈,我将不胜感激。我上午都有空,您可致电13611041749联系我。 (16)我殷切盼您安排一次面试,请您尽早抽空与本人联系。null署名:按照中国人的习惯,直接签上自己的名字即可。国外一般都在名字前“你诚挚的、你忠实的、你信赖的”等之类例形容词,这种方法不能轻易效法。 日期:写在署名右下方,应用阿拉伯数字书写,年、月、日都全写上。http://hr.wtojob.com/careermore_147_151.shtmlnullnullEXERCISE: 尊敬的王先生, 我想回复您在“北京青年报”中关于招聘导游的广告。我确信我将会是您员工中一个有价值的添加。 我将在7月份毕业于浙江经济职业技术学院的旅游专业。我一直在做导游兼职并在***旅行社待过两年。在学院的学习和兼职工作中,我有机会学习了很多关于旅游业以及中西方文化。 我擅长阅读和 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 口语,并对日语有一定的了解。我喜欢交际和处理工作问题并找到解决办法。 我在多方面了解到里您的机构。我认为,将会在您那里找到一个非常满意的职业。兹附上载有关于我充分的信息的简历。期待您的好消息。 此致,nullDear Sir or Madam: If you want to hire a manager who knows how to work with people, knows hotel management like the back of his hand, and knows what it takes to be a team player, you might just want to hire me.尊敬的先生/女士: 如果您想雇用一名经理,他必须知道如何与人合作,对酒店管理就像对他的左右手一样熟悉,直到什么是团队精神,那么我可能正是您想雇用的人。EXERCISE:null I moved up through the ranks of hotel management while in high school. I answered the phones, supervised the front desk and, eventually, decided hotel management was for me. 我从高中时期就在酒店工作,做遍了酒店各阶层的管理岗位。我接过电话,当过前台经理,最终进入酒店管理层。 正如您从我随附的简历看到的那样,我现在拥有学历,以及六年管理中型酒店的经验。 As you can see from the enclosed resume, I now have a degree and six years of experience managing hotel in medium-sized markets. nullFranklin Inn’s policy that allows managers to keep learning and move up would really motivate me to keep performing at a high level.富兰克林酒店允许经理继续深造和发展的政策确实能激励我保持高水平的工作状态。 You’d find me a valuable employee now, and an increasingly valuable one in the future. 我现在是一名有价值的员工,今后更是一名能增值的员工。nullDo you have any positions opening up in the next few months? I’d be happy to come in at your convenience to discuss your staffing needs in my qualifications. 贵酒店在下几个月是否有公开招聘的岗位?我很乐意能在你方便的时候拜访您,谈谈您对员工的要求以及我的能力。 I’ll phone you early next week to see if a meeting would be possible. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 我将在下周早些时候给您打电话,看是否能安排一次会面。 感谢您能考虑我的申请。 。。。敬上 Cover Letters Studied Chinese SampleCover Letters Studied Chinese Sample谋求秘书之职 敬启者: 3月9日贵公司在《羊城晚报》上刊登了广告,招聘人才。我愿应聘,请予考虑。 我现在是一名女大学生,还有4个月就要毕业了。我主修国际贸易,所有课程,成绩皆优。除了专业课程,我兼修英语和秘书业务等课程,并于2005年通过了国家英语六级考试。我在英文文字处理方面,有着丰富的经验,中文打字速度为每分钟XX字,英文为每分钟XX个单词。随函附上毕业证书两份及简历一份,谨供参考。 本人恳请贵方在方便的时候尽早安排我面试。如有试用机会,我当尽力而为,以满足贵公司的要求。 此致 敬礼 XXX 敬呈 Cover Letters Studied English SampleCover Letters Studied English SampleApplication for a Position of Secretary Dear Sirs, Please consider me an applicant for the position of secretary which you advertised in Yangcheng Evening News of March 9. I’m currently a female student in college. I have nearly four months to complete before I graduate. My major is International Trade and I have excellent grades in all my subjects. Apart from courses in my major, I learned English and Secretarial Practice at school and passed the College English Test Band 6 in 2005. I have rich experience in word processing of both Chinese and English and can type at the rate of XX Chinese words or XX English words per minute. Enclosed herewith are two copies of my diplomas and a copy of my resume for your reference. I hope that you will schedule me for an interview at your earliest convenience. Should you give me a trial, I will do my utmost to afford you every satisfaction. Yours respectfully, XXXnullnull个人简历 (Resume,或称为C/V)着 重描述求职者的过去,包括其教育 背景,工作经历等。它不同于求职 申请信:申请信侧重表述的是自己 能为企业做什么,所以往往带有较 强的主观色彩;而相比较而言,个 人简历的内容更客观更具体。但个 人简历也并非求职者自身背景经历 的简单罗列。同求职申请信一样 ,它需要求职者精心组织和安排自 身最有价值的资源和信息;对招聘 方产生说服作用,最终赢得面试机 会。 null个人简历按内容的组织形式分为三类: 1),按时间顺序排列(Chronological)。通常是采用倒叙,从最近时间的学历或工作说起,由近及远。这种组织形式尤其适合有相关领域内专业经验,或者在职业生涯上有平稳上升趋势的求职者。 null2),按技能组织(Functional)。通常强调求职者的技能而非工作经历。这种简历将求职者的一些专业能力和记忆分门别类地列出,比如监督和管理能力(Supervisory and Management Skills),零售与营销经验(Retailing and Marketing Experience)等等。这种组织形式淡化了求职者过去的从业经历,适合那些频繁跳槽或者职业生涯中有过断层的人,以及临近毕业,没有工作经验的在校学生。 null 3) , 综合型(Combination)结合了前面两种组织形式的优点,既强调求职者的能力,也叙述工作经历。通常是先罗列一些技能,然后简短地按时间顺序陈述工作经历。 nullnull 个人简历应该浓缩大学生活或研究生生活的精华部分,要写得简洁精练,切忌拖泥带水。个人简历后面,可以附上个人获奖证明,如三好学生、优秀学生干部证书的复印件,外语四、六级证书的复印件以及驾驶执照的复印件,这些复印件能够给用人单位留下深刻的印象。 写时要注意的问题是: (1)首先要突出过去的成就。过去的成就是你能力的最有力的证据。详细把它们写出来,会有说服力。 (2)切忌过长,应尽量浓缩在三页之内。最重要的是要有实质性的东西给用人单位看。 (3)简历上的资料必须是客观而实在的,千万不要吹牛,因为谎话一定会被识破。要本着诚实的态度,有多少写多少。 (4)和写求职信一样,资料不要密密麻麻地堆在一起,项目与项目之间应有一定的空位相隔。 (5)不要写对申请职位无用的东西,切记! null简历专用词(一):name姓名 alias别名 penname笔名 Date of birth出生日期 Birth date出生日期 born出生于 birthplace出生地点 age年龄 native place籍贯 province省 city市 autonomous region自治区 prefecture专区 county县 nationality民族,国籍 citizenship国籍 duel citizenship双重国籍 address地址 current address目前地址 present address目前地址 permanent address永久地址 postal code邮政编码 Home phone住宅电话 office phone办公电话 business phone办公电话 null简历专用词(二): Marital status婚姻状况 Family status家庭状况 married已婚 single/unmarried未婚 divorced离异 separated分居 none无 street街 lane胡同,巷 road路 district区 education学历 Educational background教育程度 Educational history学历 curriculum课程 social practice社会实践 part-time jobs业余工作 summer jobs暑期工作 vacation jobs假期工作 refresher course进修课程 extracurricular activities课外活动 physical activities体育活动 recreational activities娱乐活动 academic activities学术活动 Tel.电话 sex性别 male男 female女 height身高 weight体重nullsocial activities社会活动 rewards奖励 scholarship奖学金 major主修 minor副修 educational highlights课程重点部分 curriculum included课程包括 specialized courses专门课程 courses taken所学课程 courses completed所学课程 special training特别训练 简历专用词 (三):rewards奖励 scholarship奖学金 "ThreeGoods"student (good in study, attribute, and health)三好学生 Excellent League member优秀团员 off-job training脱产培训 in-job training在职培训 educational system学制 academic year学年 semester学期(美) nullmonitor班长 vice-monitor副班长 Party branch secretary党支部书记 League branch secretary团支部书记 简历专用词 (四):degree学位 post doctorate博士后 doctor(Ph.D)博士 master硕士 bachelor学士 student学生 graduate student研究生 abroad student留学生 Excellent League member优秀团员 Excellent Party member优秀党员 excellent leader优秀干部 student council学生会 nullEXAMPLE 1: 姓名:××× 性 别:男 公司电话:××××××××× 出生日期:19××年××月××日 家庭电话:××××××××× 地 址:某省科技职业学院xxxx# 手机 :××××××××× 邮 编:××× 求职意向:销售部主管 工作经历总结 工作经历 教育经历 1996年9月—1999年7月某省科技职业学院国际经济与贸易专业大专学历。 在校一直担任学生干部,工作认真负责,学习成绩优秀,多次被学院评为优秀学生干部,优秀团干,个人标兵等。 所获奖励 1999/06 某某学院 优秀学生干部称号 1998/10 某某学院 优秀团干,个人标兵称号 1997/10 某某学院 优秀团干称号 外语水平 可与外商进行日常常用语沟通,能阅读业务范围内常用术语。 电脑操作 熟练使用常用办公软件编辑业务文档,上网收发电子邮件 null EXAMPLE 2: Name: Marsha Gender: female Date of Birth: May, 1985 Citizenship: Fedu county, Dinyi, Qhandong Major: English (B.A) ⊿ Objective: ⊿ Education Background : ⊿ Main Skills: ⊿ Work Experience: ⊿ Activities: ⊿ Awards & Honors: . ⊿ Interests: . ⊿ Self-Evaluation : English Resume My job VC 成绩名列前茅成绩名列前茅I am at the top of my class. I am a cut above my classmates. I was one of the top students in the class. I am second to none among my classmates. I’m ranked the first of my class in terms of average marks. 成绩不错 I’ve been doing quite well. I got excellent records. I am above the average in the order of merit.三好学生三好学生Excellent Students Awards Straight A student 学业表现报告上一排排下来均为A的学生 “Triple-A" outstanding student;outstanding student. Excellent Tri-A Student Scholarship优秀学生干部优秀学生干部Excellent Leader of the Communist Youth League Excellent Student leader Award/ Scholarship Excellent League member奖学金奖学金I was awarded scholarship from the unversity every year. First-rate/top scholarship Major award Second-rate/second-best/second-class/second prize Minor award在校活动在校活动I was president/chairman of the Students’ Union of our university. I used to be monitor of my class. I served as monitor of my class. I was the class commissary in charge of studies/publicity 宣传/Vice-Minister of Propaganda Department of the Student Union/deputy secretary of fine arts department/secretary of general Youth League branch In unversity, I took an active part in all kinds of social activities.nullI was seriously involved in many social activities. I joined the guitar club and enthusiastically engaged in the club activities. I played an active role in extracurricular activities, such as swimming in summer and jogging in winter. I was on department/college basketball. The experience gave me a lot of confidence in my ability to see things through, and I’m proud of my social activities.工作经历工作经历I learnt to be patient when dealing with customers’ complaints and try my best to solve them. Though I haven’t done that kind of work, I’m willing to learn.证书证书I have received an Accountant Qualification Certificate, a Computer Operation Qualification Certificate, a Tourist Guide Qualification Certificate, a doctor’s license. I have experience in computer operation, proficiency in Microsoft Windows, Word and Excel. I’m skillful with driving. I’m experienced in driving. 单证员资格证书上的英文翻译是:International Commercial Documents National Examination _Qualification Certificate能力能力Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills. With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent.性格性格I’m easy to approach.平易近人 I don’t like to leave something half-done. I’m clined to think independently. Frankly, I have an inquiring mind.爱动脑筋 I’m knowlegeable and levelheaded.冷静 I’m an honest and dependable/reliable man. I’m quite outgoing.nullI’m quite active, energetic and outspoken/frank/candid. Introverted/extroverted/open-mindednull另外,关于简历的封面,一般建议不要太过夸张与花哨(广告 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 等专业除外),简单明了,可以体现自己的特点,简单清爽就好,不必弄的很复杂华丽。
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