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超详细整理 TEM8 英语专八英美文学


超详细整理 TEM8 英语专八英美文学 英国文学(English Literature) 450-1066 Old English (or Anglo-Saxon) Period 古英语(或盎格鲁—撒克逊)时期 1066-1500 Middle English Period 中古英语时期 1500-1660 1516-1578 1578-1625 1625-1660 The Renaissance 文艺复兴 1) The beginning of the Renaissan...

超详细整理 TEM8 英语专八英美文学
英国文学(English Literature) 450-1066 Old English (or Anglo-Saxon) Period 古 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 (或盎格鲁—撒克逊)时期 1066-1500 Middle English Period 中古英语时期 1500-1660 1516-1578 1578-1625 1625-1660 The Renaissance 文艺复兴 1) The beginning of the Renaissance 2) The flowering period 3) The epilogue of the Renaissance 1660-1785 The Neoclassical Period 新古典主义时期 1785-1830 The Romantic Period 浪漫主义时期 1832-1901 The Victorian Period 维多利亚时期 1901-1914 The Edwardian Period 爱德华时期 1910-1936 The Georgian Period 乔治五世时期 1914 - The Modern Period 现代时期 1945 - Postmodernism 后现代主义 一、 Old and Medieval English Literature中古英语文学 (8世纪-14世纪) 1) The Old English Period / The Anglo-Saxon Period古英语时期 (449-1066) A. Pagan poetry(异教诗歌): Beowulf《贝奥武甫》- 最早的诗歌;长诗(3000行) heroism & fatalism & Christian qualities the folk legends of the primitive northern tribes; a heroic Scandinavian epic legend; 善恶有报 B. Religious poetry: Caedmon(凯德蒙 610-680): 《赞美诗》(Anthem),大多取材余《圣经》(Bible)故事。 Cynewulf(基涅武甫 9C): 《十字架之梦》(Dream of the Rood) C. Anglo-Saxon prose: Venerable Bede(673-735)《英吉利人教会史》(Historian Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum) Alfred the Great(848-901)Father of English Prose《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》(Anglo-Saxon Chronicle) 2) The Medieval Period 中世纪 (1066-ca.1485 / 1500): Cavalier literature骑士文学 A. Romance 中世纪传奇故事 (1200-1500): the Middle Ages; 英雄诗歌 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 《高文爵士与绿色骑士》: Celtic legend; verse-romance; 2530 lines Geoffrey Chaucer(1340-1400): the father of English poetry; Heroic couplet(英雄双韵体) The Canterbury Tales; The Parliament of Fowls;The Book of the Duchess The House of Fame; Troilus and Criseyde; The Romaunt of the Rose《玫瑰罗曼史》 William Langland(朗兰 1332-1400):The Vision of Piers Plowman《农夫皮尔斯之幻象》 B. English ballads(15th C) Thomas Malory (1395-1471) : Morte d’Arthur《亚瑟王之死》- 圆桌骑士 二、The Renaissance Period英国文艺复兴 (1500-1660): 人文主义humanism; 十四行诗Sonnets; 无韵诗Blank verse; 戏剧Drama; 斯宾塞诗体Spenserian;University Wits 大学才子派 1) 诗歌 a. Thomas Wyatt (怀亚特1503-1542): the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature b. Sir Philip Sidney(雪尼爵士 1554-1586):代表了当时的理想 - “the complete man” Defense of Poetry《为诗辩护》 Astrophel and Stella《爱星者与星》; Arcadia《阿卡狄亚》: a prose romance filled with lyrics; a forerunner of the modern world c. Edmund Spenser(斯宾塞 1552-1599): the poets’ poet The Shepherd Calendar《牧人日历》;Amoretti《爱情小唱》 The Faerie Queen《仙后》:long poem for Queen Elizabeth; Allegory - nine-line verse stanza/ the Spenserian Stanza Spenserian Stanza(斯宾塞诗体): Nine lines, the first eight lines is in iambic(抑扬格) pentameter(五步诗), and the ninth line is an iambic hexameter(六步诗) line. 2) 散文 a. Thomas More(莫尔 1478-1535): 欧洲早期空想社会主义创始人 Utopia《乌托邦》: More与海员的对话 b. John Lyly (黎里 1553-160,散文家,剧作家&小说家):Eupheus《尤菲绮斯》 Euphuism(夸饰文体): Abundant use of balanced sentences, alliterations(头韵) and other artificial prosodic(韵律) means. The use of odd similes(明喻) and comparisons c. Francis Bacon (培根 1561-1626): Essays(论说文集):Of Studies, Of Love, Of Beauty: the first true English prose classic Philosophical: New Instrument《新工具》 New Atlantis《新大溪岛》Advancement of Learning《学术的推进》 Professionals: Maxims of the Law《法律格言》 3) 戏剧 a. Christopher Marlowe : University Wits 大学才子派 First made blank verse(无韵诗:不押韵的五步诗) the principle instrument of English drama The Jew of Malta《马耳他的犹太人》 The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus《浮士德博士的悲剧》:根据德国民间故事书写成; 完善了无韵体诗。 Tamburlaine the Great《帖木儿大帝》:残酷而野心勃勃的帝王 b. William Shakespeare(剧作家&诗人, 1564-1616): 154 sonnets(十四行诗) + 38 plays + 2long poems 16 comedies : Merchant of Venice (Shylock; Antonio; Bassanio; Portia); The Taming of the Shrew《驯悍记》 A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream; As You Like It《皆大欢喜》; The Twelfth Night; The Comedy of Errors; Much Ado About Nothing《无事生非》; The Winter’s Tale《冬天的故事》; All is Well that Ends Well《终成眷属》 11 tragedies: Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Macbeth《麦克白》; The Tempest《暴风雨》 Othello: a hero Othello vs. bad man Iago; Venice and Cyprus King Lear: British King; greatest achievement; most complex in plot and most painful 10 historical plays: Henry IV; Henry V c. Ben Jonson(琼生 1562-1637 诗人&剧作家&批评家): 称之为“马洛式的雄浑诗行”(Marlowes mighty line) Comedy:Every Man in His Humor《人人高兴》 ,《福尔蓬奈》(Volpone)。 Satirical comedy讽刺喜剧:Volpone《狐狸》,The Alchemist《炼金术士》 Comedy of manners 风尚喜剧:Edy of Manners《人性互异》 d.Jonson Webster The White Devil; The Duchess of Malfi 三、 17世纪文学 1) Literature of the Revolution Period (Age of Milton)资产阶级革命时期: poetry (Metaphysical 玄学派+ Cavalier骑士派) a. John Donne(多恩 1572-1631):玄学派创始人; A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning《临别辞:莫悲伤》 文风:obscene, vulgar and serious philosophical thinking – the conflict between body and soul The Holy Sonnets; The Flea; Go and Catch a Falling Star; The Songs and Sonnets(主题-爱) b. John Milton(弥尔顿 1608-1674):Renaissance and Reformation (宗教改革) Paradise Regained《复乐园》; Paradise Lost《失乐园》: the greatest English epic; Satan is the hero Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》:closet drama; for reading rather than performing; On His Blindness《目盲自咏》; Areopagitica《论出版自由》; Comus; L’allegro《快乐的人》; Lycidas c. John Bunyan(班扬 1628-1688): prose writing in the Puritan Age; 文风:simple and lively prose style The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》: prose allegory depicting a human soul searching for salvation 宗教寓言 “具有永恒意义的百科全书”,英国文学史上里程碑式著作。与但丁《神曲》、奥古斯丁《忏悔录》并列世界三大宗教题材文学杰作。 2) Literature of the Restoration Period (Age of Dryden)王政复辟/德莱顿时期: tendency to Realism and Formalism restoration literature: cliquish culture小集团文化; French classical taste John Dryden (德莱顿 1631-1700, 批评家&戏剧家):first poet laureate(桂冠诗人); the father of English Criticism establish the heroic couplet(英雄史诗式两行诗) as the fashion for satiric, didactic(说教) and descriptive(描写) poetry 最先提出“玄学诗人”一词;他创造的“英语双韵体couplet”, 成为英国诗歌的主要形式之一。 All for Love; Alexander’s Feast; An Essay of Dramatic Poesy《论戏剧诗歌》 四、18世纪英国文学: Realism (关注社会现状,普通人) 1)18世纪上半期的新古典主义The Neoclassical Period a. Samuel Pepys(毕博思 1633-1703): The greatest diarist in 17th C The Diary b. Alexander Pope(蒲柏 1688-1744) : 新古典主义代表; master in satire and heroic couplet 文风:词句工整、精练、富有哲理;对Byron影响巨大 first introduced rationalism to England 作品:An Essay on Criticism(处女作); An Essay on Man; Odyssey; The Rape of the Lock《夺发记》; Dunciad《愚人记》 c. Richard Steele (斯梯尔 1672-1729) & Joseph Addison (艾迪生 1672-1719): literary periodicals The Tattler(闲谈者报): 1709, by Steele; Addison wrote essays; 抨击封建偏见,傲慢的富人,及大众对赌博和决斗的反感 The Spectator(旁观者报):共同创办;the Spectator Club --- 现代英语小说先锋 贡献:资产阶级新社会道德;18世纪英国社会真实写照;英语散文正式成为一大文学流派 d. Samuel Johnson (字典约翰 1709-1784) : literary dictator; “grand champion in literature of that age” The Dictionary of the English Language: 英语字典的基础; The Lives of English poets: 52 early English poets 2) 十八世纪中期小说的崛起: 首批英国小说家 – the Sentimentalist & the Realist * 现实主义 a. Daniel Defoe(笛福 1661-1731): Father of English and European Novels Moll Flanders,The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe,A Journal of the Plague Year b. Henry Fielding(菲尔丁 1707-1754, 小说家&戏剧家): 英国小说之父; 英国现代小说创始人;comic epic in prose创始人 Joseph Andrews; Amelia;The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling《弃婴汤姆·琼斯的故事》;Mr. Allworthy “Prose Humor” c. Jonathan Swift(斯威夫特1667-1745, 政论家&讽刺小说家): 伟大文学创造者之一;master of English satirical prose 文风:simple, clear and vigor; “Proper words in proper places, makes the true definitions of a style” Gulliver’s Travels《格列佛游记》: Liliput(小人国); Brogdingnagians(大人国); Laputa(勒普泰岛); Houyhnhnms(慧马国) The Battle of the Books; The Tale of a Tub; A Modest Proposal (bitter irony) d. Tobias George Smollett (1721-1771): 《罗德里克道登历险记))(The Adventures of Roderick Random);《汉弗莱·克林克》(Expedition of Humphry Clinker) * Sentimentalism(感伤主义): a. Samuel Richardson(理查森 1689-1761): the founder of the English domestic novel 小说开始审视“发生于内心的东西” Pamela; Clarissa; The History of Sir Charles Grandison b. Laurence Sterne (斯特恩 1713-1768):Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy《项狄传》- unusual and queer artistic form c. Oliver Goldsmith (戈德史密斯 1728-1774):Romantic school; The Deserted Village《荒村》; She stoops to Conquer The Vicar of Wakefield《威克菲尔德的牧师》:one of the most enduring characters in English fiction 3) Poetry of the Pre-Romanticism and Sentimentalism (前浪漫主义和感伤主义诗歌):18世纪中期 a. James Thomson(汤姆森 1700-1748 苏格兰): The Seasons: theme - nature; blank verse; the first significant poem in the tradition of Pre-Romanticism b. Edward Young(杨 1683-1765) Busiris;The Revenge ;The Universal Passion ;The Complaint or Night Thoughts on Life, Death and Immortality;The Brothers c. William Collins(柯林斯 1721-1759):Ode to Evening《晚颂》 d. Thomas Gray(格雷 1716-1771):sympathy for the poor and unknown, mocks the great ones who despise and hurt them Elergy Written in a Country Churchyard《墓园挽歌》;Ode on the Spring e. William Blake(布莱克 1757-1827 浪漫派诗人、画家、雕刻家): The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Songs of Experience《经验之歌》: The Tiger; London; The Chimney-Sweeper《扫烟囱的孩子》 世间的丑恶 Songs of Innocence《天真之歌》: The Lamb Poetical Sketches《素描诗集》 f. Robert Burns(彭斯 1759-1796 苏格兰):the greatest songwriter; the national poet of Scotland; the people’s poet 文风:lyrics on love and friendship; simplicity; Scotch dialects My Heart’s in the Highland;A Red, Red Rose; Auld Lang Syne《旧日美好时光》; For a’ That and a’ That《不管那一套》 4) 戏剧 a. John Gay(盖伊 1685-1732): The Beggar’s Opera《乞丐歌剧》: one of the most conspicuous stage triumphs b. Richard Brinsley Sheridan(谢立丹 1751-1816 喜剧作家): The Rivals《情敌》;The School for Scandal《造谣学校》:best English comedy since Shakespeare 五、The Romantic Period英国浪漫主义文学 (1798-1832) 19世纪上半期 1) 诗歌 – Lakers / Lake Poets (湖畔诗人, 第一代): Wordsworth, Coleridge & Southey - worshipper of nature a.William Wordsworth (华兹华斯 1770-1850):Poet Laureate Lyrical Ballads《抒情歌谣集》:Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey《丁登寺杂咏》; Lines Written in Early Spring 英国浪漫主义开端 The Prelude《序曲》; The Solitary Reaper《孤独的割麦女》; I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud; Composed upon Westminster Bridge; Lucy Poems; My Heart Leaps Up; To the Cuckoo《致布谷鸟》 b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge(柯勒律治 1772-1834):poet and literary critic; Kubla Khan《忽必烈汗》;Christabel;The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Lyrical Ballads)《古舟子咏》; The Fall of the Bastille《巴士底狱的倒塌》 c. Robert Southey(骚赛):Joan of Arc《圣女贞德》 2) 诗歌 – 第二代诗人: 早熟、热情而短命;against the bourgeois society and the ruling class; 自由至上 a. George Gordon Byron(拜伦 1788-1824):lyrical poems deal with nature and love, Byronic Heroes: 孤傲、狂热、浪漫,却充满反抗精神。内心孤独苦闷,却又蔑视群小。 作品: Cain《该隐》;Don Juan《唐璜》:西班牙贵族子弟周游各国,发生在18世纪后半叶。长诗 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》: Childe是其诗歌中首位拜伦式英雄。长诗 She Walks in Beauty; When We Two Parted; Hebrew Melodies《希伯来歌曲》 b. Percy Bysshe Shelley(雪莱 1792-1822):love the people and hated their oppressors and exploiters Queen Mab;The Revolt of Islam《伊斯兰的反叛》; Adonais; A Defence of Poetry;The Necessity of Atheism(无神论) 诗剧:The Cenci《钦契一家》; Promethus Unbound《解放了的普罗米修斯》(Greek mythology) Love lyrics: Ode To a Skylark《云雀颂》;Ode to the West Wind (冬天来了,春天还会远吗): swift, proud and wild的西风 c. John Keats (济慈 1794-1821): “Beauty is truth, truth beauty” – leading principle Ode to Psyche《普赛克颂》;Ode on Melancholy;Isabella;Ode to Autumn; Ode to a Nightingale; Ode on a Grecian Urn 3) 散文: 19世纪早期,critical prose writing - Leigh Hunt, De Quincy a. Charles Lamb(兰姆 1774-1834 随笔): nostalgia, humor, delicacy, personal and observations 最佳散文家 Old China《古旧的瓷器》; Tales from Shakespeare(儿童文学); Essays of Elia(论说文集) b. William Hazlitt (哈兹利特 1778-1830): 犀利的文学批评 - The Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays Lectures on the English Poets; Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Queen Elizabeth My First Acquaintance with Poets; On Going a Journey《论出游》 4) 小说 a. Walter Scott (司各特1771-1832): 西欧历史小说之父; the first novelist to recreate the past 浪漫主义向现实主义转变 Waverley《威弗利》;Rob Roy《罗伯·罗伊》(苏格兰历史);Ivanhoe《艾凡赫》 b. Jane Austen(简奥斯丁 1775-1817):humor, wit and delicate satire; true to life 首位女作家,以特有的敏锐和细腻刻画英国乡村中产阶级的生活和思想。预示现实主义小说崛起 Northanger Abbey《诺桑觉寺》;Sense and Sensibility;Pride and Prejudice;Emma;Persuasion; Mansfield Park《曼斯菲尔德庄园》 c. Mary Shelly (雪莉):Frankenstein 六、The Victorian Period维多利亚时期 (1832-1901) 19世纪中后期 Critical Realism 批判现实主义- novel poetry/prose Full and detailed representation of social and political events, and the fate of common people and of whole social class 1) 小说 a. Charles Dickens(狄更斯 1812-1870): 小资产阶级知识分子 humoritst, satirist With striking force and truthfulness, he pictured bourgeois civilization, showing the misery of common people. Bleak Hous《荒凉山庄》;Hard Times《艰难时世》;A Christmas Carol《圣诞颂歌》 ~ 1st Period (1836-1841): youthful optimism The Old Curiosity Shop《老古玩店》; Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》;The Pickwick Papers 《匹克威克外传》 ~ 2nd Period(1842-): excitement and irritation David Copperfield; Dombey and Son《董贝父子》 ~ 3rd Period: intensifying pessimism Great Expectations《远大前程》;A Tale of Two Cities b. The Bronte Sisters Charlotte Bronte(1816-1855): Jane Eyre(Mr. Rochester); Shirley《雪莉》 Emily Bronte (1818-1848): Wuthering Heights (Heathcliff & Catherine) – 资本主义社会婚姻 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 Anne Bronte(1820-1849): Agnes Grey c. Mrs. Gaskell (盖斯凯尔夫人 1810-1865): Life of Charlotte Bronte – 英国最佳传记 Mary Barton《玛丽· 巴顿》:the class struggle between the workers and the capitalists d. George Elliot(艾略特 1819-1880 女作家): 田园生活,道德问题,心理描写 Silas Marner《织工马南》 文风:rich humor and keen observation, very philosophical Adam Bede:Adam爱上变心女 The Mill on the Floss《弗洛斯河上的磨房》:Tom & Maggie; Middlemarch, a Study of Provincial Life《米德尔马契》 e. William Makepeace Thackeray(萨克雷 1811-1863): Vanity Fair/ A Novel without a Hero《名利场》 f. Thomas Hardy(哈代 1840-1928 诗人&小说家): 多以农村生活为背景;自然主义小说家。 the Wessex novels(虚构地点) Under the Greenwood Tree《绿荫下》; The Mayor of Casterbridge《卡斯特桥市长》;The Return of the Native《还乡》 Far from the Madding Crowd《远离尘嚣》; Jude the Obscure《无名的裘德》 Tess of the D’Urbervilles《德伯家的苔丝》: Tess & Angel Clare – 人无法掌控自己的命运 g. Robert Stevenson(史蒂文森 1850-1894): Treasure Island《金银岛》; Kidnapped h. William Morris(莫里斯): The Earthly Pradise; Pilgrims of Hope《希望的探求者》 2) 诗歌 a. Alfred Tennyson(丁尼生 1809-1902):维多利亚时代最具代表性的诗人 Poems by Two Brothers;The Princess; Maud; Break, Break, Break《拍岸曲》;The Idylls of the King《国王叙事诗》; Ulysses《尤利西斯》;In Memoriam《悼念》 b. The Brownings 布朗宁夫妇 The Ring and the Book; Sonnets from the Portuguese Men and Women(诗集); My Last Duchess《我的前公爵夫人》;Meeting at Night; Home Thoughts, from Abroad 3) 散文 a. Thomas Carlyle(卡莱尔 1795-1881 讽刺作家,历史学家): The French Revolution – 起因(the worker’s miserable living condition) The French Revolution; On Heroes and Hero-worship ; Past and Present b. John Ruskin(作家&艺术评论家): 其社会和经济观念对William Morris, Oscar Wilde, Bernard Shaw & D. H. Lawrence影响巨大 Modern Painters; The Seven Lamps of Architecture; Unto this Last; Sesame and Lilies c. Matthew Arnold(阿诺德 1822-1888): Dover Beach《多弗尔海滩》 4) 无产阶级文学 a. Ernest Jones(琼斯 1819-1869): the Chartist poets(宪章派诗人) Freud’s Alter Ego b. William Morris(莫里斯 1834-1896): the first socialist writer 画作La Belle Iseult 建筑成就:The Red House 诗歌:The Defense of Guenevere; The Life and Death of Jason; The Earthly Paradise; The Fall of the Niblungs 小说:Love is Enough; House of Wolfings; The Wood Beyond the World; The Well at the World’s End 5) 19世纪末期文学趋势 a. Naturalism: 19世纪后半期,从现实主义发展而来;subjective and somber - 达尔文 Emile Zola & George Gissing b. New-Romanticism: oppose the idea that art reflects life reality – Stevenson (苏格兰小说家) c. Aestheticism(唯美主义): art is self-sufficient and has no reference to life – 在诗歌中倾向于withdrawal or aversion d. Descadence(颓废派文艺): the crisis of bourgeois culture; opposes the democratic and socialist ideals; “art for art’s sake” ~ Oscar Wilde(王尔德 1854-1900): Aestheticism and Decadence - An Ideal Husband; A Woman of No Importance; The Picture of Dorian Grey; The Happy Prince and Other Tales ; Salome《莎乐美 》 Lady Windermere’s Fan《温德米尔夫人的扇子》;The Importance of Being Earnest《认真的重要》 七、The Modern Period现代时期 (1914-): symbolism; the stream of consciousness; naturalism; impressionism Impressionism – 个人经历(低层中产阶级&工人阶级) Poetry – short lyrics Novels (代表James Joyce) – 心理活动;人性的深度及缺陷 an unending stream of impression, feelings and thoughts a. John Galsworthy(高尔斯华绥 1867-1933 小说家&剧作家): 1932 Nobel Prize The White Monkey《白猿》 The Forsyte Saga《福赛特家史》(小说集):The Man of Property《有产者》(批判现实主义顶峰 Soames Forsyte & Irene) In Chancery《骑虎难下》; To Let《出让》; Interlude; The Indian Summer of a Forsyte; Awakening b. George Bernard Shaw(萧伯纳 1856-1950批判现实主义剧作家):1925Nobel Prize Saint Joan《圣女贞德》 批判资本主义的罪恶面;humorist deals with contemporary social problems Heartbreak House; Widowers’ House; Mrs. Warren’s Profession; Man and Superman《人与超人》; Pygmalion《卖花女》; Major Barbara《巴巴拉少校》; The Apple Cart《苹果车》 c. William Butler Yeats(叶芝 1865-1939 爱尔兰诗人&剧作家):1923Nobel Prize;The Irish nationalist Sailing to Byzantine《驶向拜占庭》;The Second Coming《基督再临》;Leda and the Swan《丽达与天鹅》 The Wind Among the Reeds《芦苇中的风》;Responsibilities; The Winding Stair《盘旋的楼梯》; The Lake Isle of Innisfree《茵尼斯弗里岛》;Easter, 1916;The Tower;The Land of Heart’s Desire d. T. S. Eliot(艾略特 1888-1965 诗人&剧作家&批评家): 1948 Nobel Prize The Waste Land《荒原》: a landmark and a model of the 20th C English poetry The Four Quartets《四个四重奏》:a new serenity of outlook Ash Wednesday ;The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock; The Hollow Men《空心人》 e. D. H. Lawrence(劳伦斯 1885-1930 诗人&小说家&散文家):心理活动;资本主义工业化吞噬人性 The White Peacock《白孔雀》;The Rainbow; Sons and Lovers(半自传体); Lady Chatterley’s Lover; Women in Love f. James Joyce(乔伊斯 1882-1941 爱尔兰小说家):意识流奠基者 obsessed with words The Dubliners《都柏林人》(短篇小说集);Finnegan’s Wake 《芬尼根守灵夜》 A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man《青年艺术家的肖像》: 自传性 – bitter experiences; 最终艺术和精神上的解放 Ulysses《尤利西斯》(非传统小说):modernism – no story/plot/action g. Virginia Woolf(伍尔芙 1882-1941 ):现代主义&意识流代表; Bloomsbury Group The Common Reader;Orlando Novels: Mrs. Dalloway ; To the Lighthouse; The Waves Essays: A Room of One’s Own; Three Guineas《三个基尼》 - 女权运动经典作品 h. Joseph Conrad(康拉德 1857-1924): The Nigger of the Narcissus《白水仙号上的黑家伙》;Lord Jim;Heart of Darkness i. Robert Tressell (屈赛尔 1870-1911):The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists《穿破裤子的慈善家》 j. Edward Morgan Forster(E. M.福斯特): Howards End《霍华德庄园》; A Passage to India《印度之行》 A Room with a View; Where Angels Fear to Tread《天使不敢驻足的地方》 k. William Somerset Maugham(W. S.毛姆 1874-1965): The Moon and Six Pence; Of Human Bondage《人生的枷锁》 George Orwell (奥威尔 1903-1950):政治讽刺小说 Animal Farm; 1984 * Post-modernism (二战后): 愤怒青年  a. John James Osborne(奥斯本 1929-1994 剧作家):Look Back in Anger b. Samuel Beckett(贝克特 1906-1989 爱尔兰剧作家&小说家):1969 Nobel Prize 荒诞派Waiting for Godot《等待戈多》 c. William Golding(戈尔丁 1911-1993 小说家): 1983 Nobel Prize 寓言风 The Lord of The Flies《蝇王》 d. Doris Lessing(多丽丝·莱辛1919- 小说家):2007 Nobel Prize The Grass is Singing (1950);The Golden Notebook (1962) e. V. S. Naipaul (奈保尔1932- 印度裔小说家): 2001 Nobel Prize 小说及非虚构文学 A House for Mr. Biswas; In a Free State; A Bend in the River《河湾》; The Enigma of Arrival《抵达之谜》 g. Harold Pinter(品特1930-2008 剧作家): 2005 Nobel Prize 萧伯纳之后英国最重要剧作家 - 20世纪下半叶 英国戏剧创作流派Pinteresque,早期作品常为荒诞派戏剧 The Caretaker《看房者》;The Birthday Party;The Homecoming g. Herbert George Wells (小说家-科幻):The Time Machine; The Invisible Man 美 国 文 学 一、Before the Revolution of Independence(17世纪之前) 1) Native American Literature(American Indians)印第安传统文学 1. Traditional Literature: 口头文学 – 祝词、部落神话、英雄传说、民歌 2. Tran
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