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NFPA 20-chineseNFPA20 Chapter 6 Electric Drive for Pumps 6-1 General. / 概述 This chapter covers the minimum performance and testing requirements of the sources and transmission of electrical power to motors driving fire pumps. Also covered are the minimum performance requi...

NFPA 20-chinese
NFPA20 Chapter 6 Electric Drive for Pumps 6-1 General. / 概述 This chapter covers the minimum performance and testing requirements of the sources and transmission of electrical power to motors driving fire pumps. Also covered are the minimum performance requirements of all intermediate equipment between the source(s) and the pump, including the motor(s), excepting the electric fire pump controller, transfer switch, and accessories (see Chapter 7). All electrical equipment and installation methods shall comply with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 695, and other applicable articles. / 本章规定了以下项目的最低性能及试验要求:电力来源及至消防泵电机的输电过程,电源与消防泵间的其他设备,含电机。电动消防泵控制柜,电源转换开关及相应附件的要求在第七章中描述,不在本章范围内。所有电气设备及其安装方法必须符合NFPA70《国家电气 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 》之695条及其他相应规范的要求。 6-2 Power Source(s). / 电力来源 Power shall be supplied to the electric motor-driven fire pump by a reliable source or two or more approved independent sources, all of which shall make compliance with Section 6-4 possible. / 电动消防泵必须由一路、两路或多路可靠且经主管部门认可的独立的电源供电,且所有电源必须符合6.4条的要求。 Exception: Where electric motors are used and the height of the structure is beyond the pumping capacity of the fire department apparatus, a second source in accordance with 6-2.3 shall be provided. 例外:采用电动消防泵,若被保护设施的高度超过了消防设备的保护范围时,必须提供第二中符合6-2.3条要求的电源。 6-2.1 Service. / 市电 Where power is supplied by a service, it shall be located and arranged to minimize the possibility of damage by fire from within the premises and exposing hazards. / 当由市电供电时,线路的布置必须将室内或暴露处因火灾而造成损坏的可能性降至最小。 6-2.2* On-Site Electrical Power Production Facility. / 就地发电设施 Where power is supplied to the fire pump(s) solely by an on-site electrical power production facility, such facility shall be located and protected to minimize the possibility of damage by fire. / 若消防泵仅由就地发电设施供电,该设施的布置及防护必须合理,以尽可能地避免因火灾对之产生的损坏。 6-2.3* Other Sources. / 其他电力供应 For pump(s) driven by electric motor(s) where reliable power cannot be obtained from one of the power sources of 6-2.1 or 6-2.2, one more of the following shall also be provided / 当电动消防泵不能由6-2.1或6-2.2所述电源供电时,必须下列一种或多种电源: (1) An approved combination of two or more of the power sources in Section 6-2 / 经主管部门认可的两路或多路6-2条中所述电源的组合。 (2) One of the approved power sources and an on-site standby generator (see 6-2.4.2) / 一路经主管部门认可的电源及就地备用发电机(见6-2.4.2)。 (3) An approved combination of feeders constituting two or more power sources, but only as permitted in 6-2.4.3 / 经主管部门认可的由来自多路电源的馈电线组成的组合,仅在满足6-2.4.3时可行。 (4) An approved combination of one or more feeders in combination with an on-site standby generator, but only as permitted in 6-2.4.3 / 经主管部门认可的由就地备用发电机及馈电线组合组成的联合供电措施,仅在满足6-2.4.3时可行。 (5) A redundant diesel engine-driven fire pump complying with Chapter 8 / 符合第八章的备用的柴油机消防泵组。 (6) A redundant steam turbine-driven fire pump complying with Chapter 10 /符合第十章的备用的蒸汽机消防泵组。 6-2.4 Multiple Power Sources to Electric Motor-Driven Fire Pumps. / 电动消防泵的多路电源 6-2.4.1 Arrangement of Multiple Power Sources. / 多路电源的布置 Where multiple electric power sources are provided, they shall be arranged so that a fire, structural failure, or operational accident that interrupts one source will not cause an interruption of the other source. / 当有多路电源提供时,其布置及 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 必须保证因火灾、房屋倒塌、人为事故导致一路电源中断时不得影响其他电源的供应。 6-2.4.2 On-Site Generator. / 就地发电机 Where alternate power is supplied by an on-site generator, the generator shall be located and protected in accordance with 6-2.1 and Section 6-6. / 当替代电源是就地发电机时,发电机应按6-2.1及6-6条进行布置及保护。 6-2.4.3 Feeder Sources. 馈电线的电源 This requirement shall apply to multi-building campus-style complexes with fire pumps at one or more buildings. Where sources in 6-2.1 and 6-2.2 are not practicable, with the approval of the authority having jurisdiction, two or more feeder sources shall be permitted as one power source or as more than one power source where such feeders are connected to or derived from separate utility services. The connection(s), overcurrent protective device(s), and disconnecting means for such feeders shall meet the requirements of 6- and 6- / 本条适用于消防泵在一栋或多栋建筑内的由多栋建筑组成的场所。若不能提供6-2.1、6-2.2条的电源,在有裁定权的当局许可下,可以以源自不同电网的多个电源馈线为电源。上述电源馈线的过电流保护装置、上电及断开方法必须满足6-及6-的要求。 6-2.4.4 Supply Conductors. / 供电导线 Supply conductors shall directly connect the power sources to either a listed combination fire pump controller and power transfer switch or to a disconnecting means and overcurrent protective device(s) meeting the requirements of 6- and 6- / 电源与控制柜及电源转换开关的组合或切断装置/过电流保护装置间必须由供电导线直接连接。 6-3* Power Supply Lines. / 供电线路 6-3.1* Circuit Conductors. / 电路导线 Circuits feeding fire pump(s) and their accessories shall be dedicated and protected to resist possible damage by fire, structural failure, or operational accident. / 消防泵供电电路及其附件的布置和设计必须能避免因火灾、建筑倒塌及人为事件对其产生的损坏。 6-3.2 Power Supply Arrangement. / 供电设计 6-3.2.1 Power Supply Connection. / 供电联结 The power supply to the fire pump shall not be disconnected when the plant power is disconnected. / 当场区的供电被切断时,消防泵的供电不应被切断。 Exception: Where the installation is approved in accordance with 6-2.4.3, the disconnection of plant power to the fire pumps shall be permitted under circumstances that automatically ensure the continued availability of an alternate power supply. 例外:在经主管部门认可属6-2.4.3条所述的情况下,若能自动保证替换电源的供应,消防泵电源可以随场区电源被切断。 6-3.2.2 Continuity of Power. / 供电的持续 Circuits that supply electric motor-driven fire pumps shall be supervised from inadvertent disconnection as covered in 6- or 6- and 6- / 消防泵的供电电路应如6-、6-、6-条中所述来防止意外切断的发生。 6-* Direct Connection. / 直接连接 The supply conductors shall directly connect the power source to either a listed fire pump controller or listed combination fire pump controller and power transfer switch. /电源与控制柜,控制柜及电源转换开关的组合必须由供电导线直接连接。 6- Supervised Connection. 监督连接 A single disconnecting means and associated overcurrent protective device(s) shall be permitted to be installed between a remote power source and one of the following: / 单一的切断装置及相应的过电流保护装置可以在比较远的电源与下列设备之一间安装: (1) A listed fire pump controller / 经认证的消防泵控制柜 (2) A listed fire pump power transfer switch / 经认证的消防泵电源转换开关 (3) A listed combination fire pump controller and power transfer switch / 经认证的消防泵控制柜与电源转换开关的组合体。 6- Disconnecting Means and Overcurrent Protective Devices. / 切断装置及过电流保护装置 For systems installed under the provisions of 6-2.4.3 only, such additional disconnecting means and associated overcurrent protective device(s) shall be permitted as required to comply with provisions of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. All disconnecting means and overcurrent protective device(s) that are unique to the fire pump loads shall comply with all of the following. / 仅在按6-2.4.3条安装的系统中,这增加的切断装置及相应的电源保护装置才在要求时被许可去满足NFPA70《国家电气规范》的条文。 (a) Overcurrent Protective Device Selection. The overcurrent protective device(s) shall be selected or set to carry indefinitely the sum of the locked rotor current of the fire pump motor(s), the pressure maintenance pump motor(s), and the full-load current of the associated fire pump accessory equipment when connected to this power supply. / 过电流保护装置。 过电流装置必须按消防泵及稳压泵的启动电流与其他消防泵上与电源联结附件的满载电流之合来选型或设定。 (b) Disconnecting Means. The disconnecting means shall be as follows: / 切断装置:切断装置必须满足以下几点: (1) Identified as suitable for use as service equipment / 被确认适于作为公用设备 (2) Lockable in the closed position / 在闭合位置可以锁住 (3) Located sufficiently remote from other building or other fire pump source disconnecting means that inadvertent contemporaneous operation would be unlikely / 距离其他建筑或其他消防泵的切换开关足够远,意外的同时操作基本不可能。 (c) Disconnect Marking. The disconnecting shall be permanently marked _Fire Pump Disconnecting Means._ The letters shall be at least 1 in. (25.4 mm) in height and they shall be visible without opening enclosure doors or covers. / 切断标识: 必须永久地标上“消防泵切断装置”标签。 字母至少必须1英寸高,且不须开门或移开覆盖物即可看见该标签。 (d) Controller Marking. A placard shall be placed adjacent to the fire pump controller stating the location of this disconnecting means and the location of the key (if the disconnecting means is locked). / 控制柜上标明: 在控制柜附近必须帖一布告 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明切断装置及钥匙(若切断装置锁住的话)的位置。 (e) Supervision. The disconnecting means shall be supervised in the closed position by one of the following methods: / 监视: 切断装置应通过以下方法之一来监视其处于闭合位置: (1) Central station, proprietary, or remote station signal device / 中控室,专人监控、远控站信号显示。 (2) Local signaling service that will cause the sounding of an audible signal at a constantly attended location / 就地指示装置,该装置应在一联结站点发出声报警。 (3) Locking of the disconnecting means in the closed position / 将切换装置锁在闭合位置。 (4) Sealing of disconnecting means and approved weekly recorded inspections where the disconnecting means are located within fenced enclosures or in buildings under the control of the owner / 将切断装置隔离开,并每星期检查 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 隔离的柜子或由主管看守的房子,该检查必须得到主管部门的认可。 6- Short Circuit Coordination. / 短路考虑 For systems installed under the provisions of 6-2.4.3 only, and where more than one disconnecting means is supplied by a single feeder, the overcurrent protective device(s) in each disconnecting means shall be selectively coordinated with any other supply side overcurrent protective device(s). / 只有在如6-2.4.3条所述的系统中,若同时一个电源馈线后有几个切断装置,则每个切断装置中的过电流保护装置都必须与供电侧的过电流保护装置相一致。? 6- Transformers. / 变压器 Where the supply voltage is different from the utilization voltage of the fire pump motor, a transformer meeting the requirements of Article 695-5 of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, and a disconnecting means and overcurrent protective device(s) meeting the requirements of 6- shall be installed. / 当电网电压与消防泵电机电压的规格不一致时,必须安装一个满足NFPA70《国家电气规范》695-5款的变压器、切断装置及符合6-条的过电流保护装置。 6-4* Voltage Drop. / 电压欠压 The voltage at the controller line terminals shall not drop more than 15 percent below normal (controller-rated voltage) under motor-starting conditions. The voltage at the motor terminals shall not drop more than 5 percent below the voltage rating of the motor when the motor is operating at 115 percent of the full-load current rating of the motor. / 控制柜进线电压在电机启动时不得低于控制柜额定电压15%。电机在115%额定电流下工作时,其进线电压下降不得超过5%。 Exception: This starting limitation shall not apply for emergency-run mechanical starting. (See 7-5.3.2.) 例外:该启动限制不适用于机械应急启动。 6-5 Motors. / 电机 6-5.1 General. / 概述 6-5.1.1 All motors shall comply with NEMA MG-1, Motors and Generators, shall be marked as complying with NEMA Design B standards, and shall be specifically listed for fire pump service. (See Table 6-5.1.1.) / 所有电机必须符合NEMA MG-1《电机通用要求》且必须标识出其符合NEMA 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的B级设计要求,同时必须是经认证的消防泵用电机。(见表6-5.1.1) 6-* The corresponding values of locked rotor current for motors rated at other voltages shall be determined by multiplying the values shown by the ratio of 460 V to the rated voltage in Table 6-5.1.1. / 其他电压规格的电机启动电流值为表6-5.1.1中的值乘上460V与该电压规格的比值。 6- Code letters of motors for all other voltages shall conform with those shown for 460 V in Table 6-5.1.1. / 所有电压规格的启动电流倍数代码均与表6-5.1.1中相同。 6-5.1.2 All motors shall comply with NEMA MG-1, Motors and Generators, and shall be marked as complying with NEMA Design B standards. /所有电机必须符合NEMA MG-1《电机通用要求》且必须标识出其符合NEMA标准的B级设计要求。 Exception: Direct-current, high-voltage (over 600 V), large-horsepower (over 500 horsepower), single-phase, universal-type, or wound-rotor motors shall be permitted to be used where approved. 例外: 直流电机、高压电机(>600V)、大功率电机(>500hp)、单相电机、多用途电机、饶线式电机允许在得到主管部门认可后使用而无须满足该要求。 6-5.1.3 All motors shall be rated for continuous duty. / 所有电机均按连续工作制设计制造。 6-5.1.4 Electric motor-induced transients shall be coordinated with the provisions of 7-4.3.3 to prevent nuisance tripping of motor controller protective devices. / 电动机感应瞬变过程,必须与7-4.3.3条一致,以防止电动机控制器保护装置的跳闸。? 6-5.1.5 Motors for vertical shaft turbine-type pumps shall be dripproof, squirrel cage induction type. The motor shall be equipped with a nonreverse ratchet. / 立式涡轮泵用电机必须是房滴水的鼠笼式感应电机,且必须带防逆转棘轮。 Table 6-5.1.1 Horsepower and Locked Rotor Current Motor Designation for NEMA Design B Motors / NEMA标准B级电机的功率与启动电流指标对应表 Rated Horsepower 额定功率 Locked Rotor Current / 启动电流 Three-Phase/三相 460 V (Ampere/安培) Motor Designation / 电机指标代码 (NEC, Locked Rotor Indicating Code Letter启动电流倍数代码) “F” To and Including 5 46 J 71/2 64 H 10 81 H 15 116 G 20 145 G 25 183 G 30 217 G 40 290 G 50 362 G 60 435 G 75 543 G 100 725 G 125 908 G 150 1085 G 200 1450 G 250 1825 G 300 2200 G 350 2550 G 400 2900 G 450 3250 G 500 3625 G 6-5.2 Current Limits. / 电流限制 6-5.2.1 The motor capacity in horsepower shall be such that the maximum motor current in any phase under any condition of pump load and voltage unbalance shall not exceed the motor-rated full-load current multiplied by the service factor. The maximum service factor at which a motor shall be used is 1.15. These service factors shall be in accordance with NEMA MG-1, Motors and Generators. / 在消防泵可能出现的任何工况及三相电压不平衡的情况下,电机任何一相的电流都不能超过电机额定的满载电流与服务系数的乘积。电机容量的选择必须满足这一条件。服务系数必须满足NEMA MG-1《电机通用要求》。 Exception: General-purpose (open and dripproof) motors, totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motors, and totally enclosed nonventilated (TENV) motors shall not have a service factor larger than 1.15. 例外:普通电机(开放防滴型)、全封闭风冷型电机TEFC,全封闭不透风型电机TENV的服务系数不得超过1.15。 6-5.2.2 Motors used at altitudes above 3300 ft (1000 m) shall be operated or derated according to NEMA MG-1, Motors and Generators, Part 14. / 在海拔1000m以上使用时,电机的选用必须按NEMA MG-1《电机通用要求》考虑到其功率的降低。 6-5.3 Marking. / 标志 6-5.3.1 Marking of motor terminals shall be in accordance with NEMA MG-1, Motors and Generators, Part 2. / 电机接线端子的标识必须符合NEMA MG-1《电机通用要求》第2部分的要求。 6-5.3.2 A motor terminal connecting diagram for multiple lead motors shall be furnished by the motor manufacturer. / 电机厂家必须提供电机端子接线图。 6-6 On-Site Power Generator Systems. / 就地发电机系统 6-6.1 Where on-site generator systems are used to supply power to fire pump motors to meet the requirements of 6-2.3, they shall be of sufficient capacity to allow normal starting and running of the motor(s) driving the fire pump(s) while supplying all other simultaneously operated load(s). A tap ahead of the on-site generator disconnecting means shall not be required. / 若按6-2.3条中所述利用就地发电机给消防泵供电时,发电机的容量必须考虑到正常的消防泵启动及运转电流及其他同时工作的用电设备的负荷。就地发电机切断装置前不应设置开关。 6-6.2* These power sources shall comply with Section 6-4 and shall meet the requirements of Level 1, Type 10, Class X systems of NFPA 110, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems. The fuel supply capacity shall be sufficient to provide 8 hours of fire pump operation at 100 percent of the rated pump capacity in addition to the supply required for other demands. / 就地发电机系统除满足本标准6-4条外,还必须满足NFPA110〈应急及备用电力系统〉中1类、10型,X级的要求。供油系统必须满足100%消防泵额定功率及其他用电设备8小时的供油量。 6-6.3 Automatic sequencing of the fire pumps shall be permitted in accordance with 7-5.2.4. / 消防泵的自动依次启动应满足7-5.2.4的要求。 6-6.4 Transfer of power to the fire pump controller between the normal supply and one alternate supply shall take place within the pump room. / 消防泵控制柜供电电源在正常电源与替代电源间的切换装置必须在泵房内。 6-6.5 Where protective devices are installed in the on-site power source circuits at the generator, such devices shall allow instantaneous pickup of the full pump room load. / 当发电机供电线路中设有保护装置时,该保护装置必须能承受整个泵房负载的瞬时峰值。 Chapter 7 Electric-Drive Controllers and Accessories 7-1 General. / 总则 7-1.1 Application. 应用范围 This chapter covers the minimum performance and testing requirements for controllers and transfer switches for electric motors driving fire pumps. Accessory devices, including alarm monitoring and signaling means, are included where necessary to ensure the minimum performance of the aforementioned equipment. / 本章规定了消防泵电机控制柜及其电源切换开关的最低的性能和试验要求。为保证上述设备的最低性能,在必要时必须包含其他如报警监视及指示设备在内的附属装置。 7-1.2 Performance and Testing. / 性能及试验 7-1.2.1 All controllers and transfer switches shall be specifically listed for electric motor-driven fire pump service. / 所有控制柜及电源切换装置均必须是经过专门认证用于消防泵的设备。 7-1.2.2* The controller and transfer switch shall be suitable for the available short-circuit current at the line terminals of the controller and transfer switch and shall be marked _Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than ____ amperes RMS symmetrical at ____ volts ac._ The blank spaces shown shall have appropriate numbers filled in for each installation. / 控制柜及电源切换装置必须与可能出现的控制柜和切换装置端子排的短路电流相适应,且必须标明“适用于在三相平衡___伏交流电压下可输送___安培电流的电路”。针对每台设备必须在空格处填上合适的数值。 7-1.2.3 All controllers shall be completely assembled, wired, and tested by the manufacturer before shipment from the factory. / 在出厂发运前,所有控制柜必须完成组装、接线、测试。 7-1.2.4 All controllers and transfer switches shall be listed as _suitable for use as service equipment_ where so used. / 所有控制柜及切换开关必须经认证“可作为公用设备使用”。 7-1.2.5 All controllers shall be marked _Electric Fire Pump Controller_ and shall show plainly the name of the manufacturer, the identifying designation, and the complete electrical rating. Where multiple pumps serve different areas or portions of the facility, an appropriate sign shall be conspicuously attached to each controller indicating the area, zone, or portion of the system served by that pump or pump controller. / 所有控制柜必须标明为“消防泵控制柜”且必须明确显示其厂家、设计编号及完整的用电规格。当有多台泵用于保护不同的区域或设施时,必须有合适的标示表明每台泵/控制柜用于保护哪个区域或部分。 7-1.2.6 It shall be the responsibility of the pump manufacturer or its designated representative to make necessary arrangements for the services of a manufacturer’s representative when needed for service and adjustment of the equipment during the installation, testing, and warranty periods. / 在现场设备安装、调试及质量保证期内,若需要服务或调整设备,安排控制柜厂家代表来服务是消防泵厂家或其代表的应尽义务和责任。 7-2 Location. / 位置布置 7-2.1* Controllers shall be located as close as is practical to the motors they control and shall be within sight of the motors. / 控制柜必须尽量靠近其控制的电机且能看见电机。 7-2.2 Controllers shall be located or protected so that they will not be injured by water escaping from pumps or pump connections. Current-carrying parts of controllers shall be not less than 12 in. (305 mm) above the floor level. / 控制柜的布置及保护必须保证其不会受到从泵或管道溅水的影响。控制柜内有电流通过的部分至少必须高出地面305mm。 7-2.3 Working clearances around controllers shall comply with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 110. / 控制柜间的操作间隙必须符合NFPA70 《国家电气规范》110条的规定。 7-3 Construction. / 构造 7-3.1 Equipment. / 设备 All equipment shall be suitable for use in locations subject to a moderate degree of moisture, such as a damp basement. / 所有设备必须适合在中等潮湿的环境如潮湿的基础下使用。 7-3.2 Mounting. / 固定 All equipment shall be mounted in a substantial manner on a single noncombustible supporting structure. / 所有设备必须牢固地固定在一不可燃的支撑结构上。 7-3.3 Enclosures. / 柜体 7-3.3.1* The structure or panel shall be securely mounted in, as a minimum, a National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Type 2, dripproof enclosure(s). Where the equipment is located outside or special environments exist, suitably rated enclosures shall be used. / 控制柜组件应至少安装在NEMA2防滴水的柜体内。当设备在室外或特殊环境下使用时必须选用有合适防护等级的柜体。 7-3.3.2 The enclosure(s) shall be grounded in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 250. / 柜体必须按NFPA70 《国家电气规范》250章进行固定。 7-3.4 Connections and Wiring. / 布线及接线 7-3.4.1 All busbars and connections shall be readily accessible for maintenance work after installation of the controller. These connections shall be arranged so that disconnection of the external circuit conductors will not be required. / 所有布线及接线必须便于控制柜安装后的检修。接线应合理布置,以保证不必拆掉外部的电气元件。 7-3.4.2 Provisions shall be made within the controller to permit the use of test instruments for measuring all line voltages and currents without disconnecting any conductors within the controller. Means shall be provided on the exterior of the controller to read all line currents and all line voltages. / 控制柜布线及接线时必须保证在不移动柜内任何电路元件的情况下可以利用测量仪器测试所有的线电压及电流。必须有措施保证在控制柜外部能读出所有的线电流及电压。 7-3.4.3 Busbars and other wiring elements of the controller shall be designed on a continuous-duty basis. / 母线及控制柜内的其他电器元气件必须按连续工作制设计。 Exception: Conductors that are in a circuit on
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