首页 律师担任破产管理人业务指引(中英文)



律师担任破产管理人业务指引(中英文)中华全国律师协会 律师担任破产管理人业务指引 中华全国律师协会 律师担任破产管理人业务指引 (征求意见稿) 中华全国律师协会经济专业委员会 中华全国律师协会民事专业委员会 2008年3月 中华全国律师协会 律师担任破产管理人业务指引 (六届中华全国律师协会常务理事会第 次会议审议通过) 目 录 第一章 一般规定 1、宗旨和效力 ...

中华全国律师协会 律师担任破产管理人业务指引 中华全国律师协会 律师担任破产管理人业务指引 (征求意见稿) 中华全国律师协会经济专业委员会 中华全国律师协会民事专业委员会 2008年3月 中华全国律师协会 律师担任破产管理人业务指引 (六届中华全国律师协会常务理事会第 次会议审议通过) 目 录 第一章 一般 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 1、宗旨和效力 第1页 2、适用范围 第1页 3、相关 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 制订 第1页 4、管理人的指定、回避、辞职和更换 第2页 5、管理人团队的人员组成、分工和调整 第4页 6、管理人报酬 第5页 7、管理人的工作原则 第5页 8、管理人的责任赔偿 第6页 第二章 破产清算申请受理后的管理人 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 9、人民法院裁定受理破产清算申请后的管理人职责 第6页 10、印章刻制和使用 第6页 11、开立管理人帐户 第7页 12、接管债务人财产、印章和帐簿、文书等资料 第7页 13、调查债务人财产状况和制作财产状况报告 第9页 14、决定债务人的内部管理事务 第10页 15、决定债务人的日常开支和其他必要开支 第10页 16、决定继续或者停止债务人的营业 第11页 17、管理和处分债务人的财产 第11页 18、决定合同的解除或者继续履行 第12页 19、接收债务清偿或者财产交付 第13页 20、追回可撤销行为涉及的财产 第14页 21、追回无效行为涉及的财产 第15页 22、追缴出资人欠缴的出资 第15页 23、追回债务人董事、监事和高级管理人员侵占的财产 第15页 24、取回质物、留置物 第15页 25、权利人对于债务人占有的不属于债务人的财产的取回 第16页 26、出卖人对于在运途中的标的物的取回 第16页 27、决定债权、债务的抵销 第16页 28、代表债务人参加诉讼、仲裁或者其他法律程序 第17页 29、拟定和执行财产管理 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 第17页 30、接收债权申报材料和登记造册 第17页 31、调查与公示职工优先债权 第18页 32、审查申报的债权 第18页 33、编制债权表 第20页 34、债权表的核查、异议和确认 第20页 35、补充申报债权和调整债权 第20页 36、提议召开债权人会议 第21页 37、接受债权人会议和债权人委员会的监督 第22页 38、聘用必要的工作人员 第22页 39、提请人民法院裁定宣告破或者终结破产程序 第22页 第三章 裁定重整后的管理人职责 40、人民法院裁定重整后的管理人职责 第23页 41、债务人财产和营业事务的管理 第23页 42、财产权利的限制 第23页 43、提请人民法院裁定终止重整程序并宣告破产 第24页 44、制定重整计划草案 第24页 45、重整计划草案的表决、通过和批准 第24页 46、重整计划的执行和监督 第26页 47、重整计划执行的终止 第26页 第四章 裁定和解后的管理人职责 48、人民法院裁定和解后的管理人职责 第27页 49、和解协议的认可和执行 第27页 50、和解协议执行的终止 第27页 第五章 宣告破产后的管理人职责 51、人民法院裁定宣告破产后的管理人职责 第28页 52、拟定破产财产变价方案 第28页 53、破产财产变价方案的通过、裁定和执行 第28页 54、拟定破产财产分配方案 第28页 55、破产财产分配方案的通过、裁定和执行 第29页 56、破产财产分配的提存和公告 第29页 57、终止执行职务 第30页 律师担任破产管理人业务指引 第一章 一般规定 Counsel insolvency administrator operational guidelines Chapter I General Provisions 第1条 宗旨和效力 1.1为指导律师担任破产管理人业务,规范律师执业行为,提高律师的服务质量和水平,防范执业风险,充分发挥律师在企业破产案件事务中的作用,依据《中华人民共和国企业破产法》及其他相关法律、行政法规和司法解释的规定,制订本指引。 1.2本指引为律师担任破产管理人业务的指导性意见。本指引与相关法律、行政法规及司法解释有抵触的,以相关法律、行政法规及司法解释的规定为准。 1.3本指引由中华全国律师协会经济专业委员会和民事专业委员会共同组织起草,经六届中华全国律师协会常务理事会第**次会议于2008年**月**日审议通过,自通过之日起施行。 1.4本指引由中华全国律师协会经济专业委员会负责解释。 Article 1 of the purpose and effect of 1.1 lawyers for guidance as the insolvency administrator business, and regulate lawyers, lawyers raise the service quality and level of risk prevention practice, give full play to lawyers in the business affairs of the bankruptcy case, according to "People's Republic of China Enterprise Bankruptcy Law "and other relevant laws, administrative regulations and judicial interpretation of the provisions of the formulation of the guidelines. 1.2 guidelines for lawyers as the insolvency administrator of the guidance of the business. The guidelines and related laws, administrative regulations and judicial interpretation of the conflict to the relevant laws, administrative regulations and judicial interpretation of the provisions shall prevail. 1.3 guidelines from the All China Lawyers Association Economics Committee and the professional civil drafting committee co-organized by the Sixth All-China Lawyers Association executive director ** will be the first meeting of 2008 on ** **, examined and adopted, since the date of the adoption of Will go into effect. 1.4 guidelines from the All China Lawyers Association Economics Committee is responsible for the interpretation. 第2条 适用范围 2.1进入人民法院公布的机构管理人名册的律师事务所,以及进入人民法院公布的个人管理人名册的律师,接受人民法院指定担任破产案件管理人并依法履行管理人职责的,适用本指引。 2.2人民法院指定清算组为破产案件管理人的,作为清算组成员的律师事务所或律师个人依法履行管理人职责的,适用本指引。 2.3被人民法院指定为破产案件管理人的律师事务所或者律师个人指派的管理人团队成员,无论其是否为律师,在其履行管理人职责时,负责指派其为成员的律师事务所或者律师个人可以要求其参照本指引执行。 Article 2 of the scope of 2.1 to enter the people's court announced the roster of managers of the agencies law firm, and access to the personal manager of the people's court announced the roster of lawyers, to accept the people's court appointed administrator of the bankruptcy cases in accordance with the law and fulfil the responsibilities of managers, The application of the guidelines. 2.2 People's Court designated for bankruptcy liquidation group of managers, members of the group as a clearing firm or individual lawyers to the manager duties in accordance with the law, the application of the guidelines. 2.3 People's Court was designated as the administrator of the bankruptcy case of law firms or lawyers appointed by the managers of individual team members, regardless of whether the lawyers, managers in the discharge of its duties, is responsible for their assigned as a member of the firm or individual lawyers Can request its reference to the implementation of the guidelines. 第3条 相关制度制订 3.1进入人民法院公布的机构管理人名册的律师事务所,应当结合本律师事务所的实际情况,制订本律师事务所担任破产管理人业务的相关制度。管理人业务的相关制度包括但不限于:管理人团队组成及分工负责制度、管理人业务培训制度、管理人消极资格审查和报告制度、管理人业务操作流程制度、管理人工作底稿和档案管理制度、管理人报酬分配与风险承担制度等。 3.2进入人民法院公布的机构管理人名册中的律师个人,除应当配合本律师事务所制订前款规定的相关制度外,还应当配合本律师事务所制订与律师个人担任破产管理人业务有关的制度。 3.3进入人民法院公布的机构管理人名册中的律师个人,应当参加律师执业责任保险。 Clause 3 of the relevant systems into the formulation of 3.1 of the People's Court announced the roster of institutional managers firm, the firm should be combined with the actual situation in the formulation of this law firm as the insolvency administrator of the relevant business system. Business manager of the relevant systems, including but not limited to: the administrator responsible for the team composition and division of labor system, the manager of professional training system, the manager of negative screening and reporting system, the administrator of the system operational processes, the manager working papers and records management System, the manager and the risk reward distribution system. 3.2 entered the People's Court announced the roster of managers in the agency's lawyer individuals, with the exception of the law firm should be developed as stipulated in relevant systems, should also tie in with the law firms and lawyers develop personal insolvency administrator of the system operational . 3.3 entered the People's Court announced the roster of managers of the institutions personal lawyer, practising lawyers should participate in liability insurance. 第4条 管理人的指定、回避、辞职和更换 4.1进入人民法院公布的管理人名册中的律师事务所、律师个人,应当接受人民法院关于破产案件管理人的指定。但被指定的律师事务所、律师个人有下列情形之一的,视为不宜担任管理人,其应当向人民法院申请不接受指定并说明情况: 4.1.1因故意犯罪受到刑事处罚; 4.1.2曾被吊销相关专业执业证书; 4.1.3与破产案件有利害关系; 4.1.4人民法院认为的不宜担任管理人的其他情形。 4.2被人民法院指定为破产案件管理人的律师事务所,有下列情形之一,可能影响其忠实履行管理人职责的,视为与破产案件有利害关系: 4.2.1与债务人、债权人有未了结的债权债务关系; 4.2.2在人民法院受理破产申请前三年内,曾为债务人提供相对固定的法律服务; 4.2.3 现在是或者在人民法院受理破产申请前三年内曾经是债务人、债权人的控股股东或者实际控制人; 4.2.4现在担任或者在人民法院受理破产申请前三年内曾经担任债务人、债权人的财务顾问、法律顾问; 4.2.5人民法院认为可能影响其忠实履行管理人职责的其他情形。 4.3被人民法院指定为破产案件管理人的律师个人,有下列情形之一,可能影响其忠实履行管理人职责的,视为与破产案件有利害关系: 4.3.1具有本指引第4.2条款规定的情形; 4.3.2现在担任或者在人民法院受理破产申请前三年内曾经担任债务人、债权人的董事、监事、高级管理人员; 4.3.3与债权人或者债务人的控股股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员存在夫妻、直系血亲、三代以内旁系血亲或者近姻亲关系; 4.3.4人民法院认为可能影响其公正履行管理人职责的其他情形。 4.4被人民法院指定为破产案件管理人的律师事务所,有下列情形之一的,视为有人民法院认为不宜担任管理人的其他情形: 4.4.1因执业、经营中故意或者重大过失行为,受到行政机关、监管机构或者行业自律组织行政处罚或者纪律处分之日起未逾三年; 4.4.2因涉嫌违法行为正被相关部门调查; 4.4.3执业许可证或者营业执照被吊销或者注销; 4.4.4因不适当履行职务或者拒绝接受人民法院指定等原因,被人民法院从管理人名册除名之日起未逾三年; 4.4.5缺乏担任管理人所应具备的专业能力; 4.4.6缺乏承担民事责任的能力; 4.4.7有重大债务纠纷; 4.4.8出现解散、破产事由或者丧失承担执业责任风险的能力; 4.4.9履行职务时,因故意或者重大过失导致债权人利益受到损害; 4.4.10人民法院认为可能影响履行管理人职责的其他情形。 4.5被人民法院指定为破产案件管理人的律师个人,有下列情形之一的,视为有人民法院认为不宜担任管理人的其他情形: 4.5.1执业资格被取消、吊销; 4.5.2因执业、经营中故意或者重大过失行为,受到行政机关、监管机构或者行业自律组织行政处罚或者纪律处分之日起未逾三年; 4.5.3履行职务时,因故意或者重大过失导致债权人利益受到损害; 4.5.4因不适当履行职务或者拒绝接受人民法院指定等原因,被人民法院从管理人名册除名之日起未逾三年; 4.5.5缺乏担任管理人所应具备的专业能力; 4.5.6缺乏承担民事责任的能力; 4.5.7失踪、死亡或者丧失民事行为能力; 4.5.8因健康原因无法履行职务; 4.5.9执业责任保险失效; 4.5.10有重大债务纠纷; 4.5.11因涉嫌违法行为正被相关部门调查; 4.5.12人民法院认为可能影响履行管理人职责的其他情形。 4.6进入人民法院公布的管理人名册的律师事务所,在参与人民法院采取公告方式邀请的管理人业务竞争时,如发现自己有本指引4.1条款规定的情形之一的,应当退出竞争。 4.7律师事务所、律师个人接受人民法院指定为破产案件管理人后,发现自己有与破产案件有利害关系的情形之一的,应当向人民法院提出回避申请并说明情况。 4.8律师事务所、律师个人接受人民法院指定为破产案件管理人后,发现自己有不宜担任管理人的其他情形之一的,应当向人民法院提出辞职申请并说明情况。 4.9律师事务所、律师个人接受人民法院指定为破产案件管理人后,债权人会议向人民法院申请更换管理人的,作为管理人的律师事务所、律师个人应当及时作出是否同意债权人会议申请的说明,并陈述其原因和理由。 4.10被人民法院指定为破产案件管理人的律师事务所、律师个人,依据本指引规定向人民法院提出不接受指定、回避、辞职的申请报告后,人民法院予以批准的,以及人民法院因债权人会议申请决定更换管理人的,作为原管理人的律师事务所、律师个人应当停止履行管理人职责,在人民法院监督下向新任管理人移交自己已接管的全部资料、财产、营业事务及管理人印章,并及时向新任管理人书面说明工作进展情况。此外,在破产程序终结前,作为原管理人的律师事务所、律师个人应当随时接受新任管理人、债权人会议、人民法院关于其已履行的管理人职责情况的询问。 4.11被人民法院指定为破产案件管理人的律师事务所、律师个人,在人民法院未决定更换管理人之前,应当继续依法履行管理人职务。 Article 4 of the designated administrator, disqualification, resignation and replacement of 4.1 to enter the administrator of the people's court announced the roster of law firms, lawyers individuals, should accept the people's court on the appointed administrator of the bankruptcy case. However, the designated law firm, lawyers personal one of the following situations, should not be regarded as the administrator, its application should not accept the people's court and explain the situation specified: 4.1.1 due to intentional crime subject to criminal penalties; 4.1.2 Relevant professional practice has been revoked certificates; 4.1.3 and bankruptcy cases stake; 4.1.4 of the people's courts should not be considered as manager。4.2 People's Court was designated as the administrator of the bankruptcy case law firm, one of the following situations may affect their faithfully perform the duties of managers, as stakeholders and bankruptcy cases: 4.2.1 and the debtor, creditors are outstanding The credits and debts; 4.2.2 People's Court accepted a bankruptcy petition in the first three years, provided the debtor has a relatively fixed legal services; 4.2.3 is now or People's Court accepted a bankruptcy petition in the first three years once the debtor, creditors holding Shareholders or actual control; 4.2.4 is now accepted as the people's court or bankruptcy petitions in the first three years served as the debtor, creditors of financial advisers, legal advisers; 4.2.5 People's Court that could affect their duties faithfully carry out the manager of the other cases. 4.3 People's Court was designated as the administrator of the bankruptcy case of individual lawyers, one of the following situations may affect their faithfully perform the duties of managers, as stakeholders and bankruptcy cases: 4.3.1 of the guidelines of the provisions of Article 4.2 Circumstances; 4.3.2 is now accepted as the people's court or bankruptcy petitions in the first three years served as the debtor, 4.3.3 and the creditors or the debtor's controlling shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managers there spouses, immediate blood, three generations of the past within the collateral blood or affinity; 4.3.4 People's Court that may affect the impartial performance of their duties to other managers Circumstances. 4.4 People's Court was designated as the administrator of the bankruptcy case law firm, one of the following situations, as the people's courts have considered it inappropriate to serve as the administrator of the other cases: 4.4.1 for practice, operating in gross negligence or intentional acts by the executive authorities, regulatory bodies or industry self-regulatory organizations administrative punishment or disciplinary action from the date of Weiyu 2003; 4.4.2 on suspicion of being an offence related departments for investigation; 4.4.3 practice permit or business license was revoked or cancelled; 4.4.4 due to improper discharge of their functions or refuse to accept the people's court specified reasons, were removed from the roster of managers from the People's Court on the date of Weiyu 2003; 4.4.5 By the lack of managers should have the professional capacity; 4.4.6 lack the ability to bear civil liability; 4.4.7 have significant debt disputes; 4.4.8 in the dissolution of the subject or the insolvency practitioners assume responsibility for the loss of the ability; 4.4.9 to perform his functions, due to intentional or gross negligence caused damage to the interests of the creditors; 4.4.10 may be that people's courts Carry out the responsibilities of managers affect other cases. 4.5 People's Court was designated as the administrator of the bankruptcy case of individual lawyers, one of the following situations, as the people's courts have considered it inappropriate to serve as the administrator of the other cases: 4.5.1 for practice was cancelled, revoked; 4.5.2 for practice, operating in gross negligence or intentional acts by the executive authorities, regulatory bodies or industry self-regulatory organizations administrative punishment or disciplinary action from the date of Weiyu 2003; 4.5.3 to perform his functions, due to intentional or gross negligence led to Damage to the interests of the creditors; 4.5.4 due to improper discharge of their functions or refuse to accept the people's court specified reasons, were removed from the roster of managers from the People's Court on the date of Weiyu 2003; 4.5.5 by the lack of managers should have the professional Capacity; 4.5.6 lack the ability to bear civil liability; 4.5.7 disappearance, death or loss;4.5.8 for health reasons can not carry out its duties; 4.5.9 practice liability insurance lapse; 4.5.10 have significant debt disputes; 4.5.11 on suspicion of being an offence related departments for investigation; 4.5.12 People's Court that may affect the performance manager The duties of other cases. 4.6 entered the administrator of the people's court announced the roster of law firms, participating in the people's court to take notice inviting the managers of business competition, if found to have the provisions of the guidelines 4.1, one of the circumstances, should withdraw from the competition. 470 law firms, individuals to accept the people's court appointed lawyers for bankruptcy case managers and found that they have an interest and bankruptcy cases where one of the people's courts should be made to avoid the application and explain the situation. 480 law firms, individuals to accept the people's court appointed lawyers for bankruptcy case managers and found that they have not as the manager of one of the other cases, people's courts should be submitted his resignation to apply for and explain the situation. 4.9 law firms, individuals to accept the people's court appointed lawyers for bankruptcy case managers, a meeting of creditors to apply for the replacement of the administrator of the People's Court, as the manager of the firm, lawyers individuals should promptly agree to a meeting of creditors for the note, And to present its reasons and grounds. 4.10 People's Court was designated as the administrator of the bankruptcy case law firms, lawyers of individuals, based on the guidelines provided to the people's courts would not accept the designation, evasive, to resign for the report, be approved by the people's courts and people's courts because of a meeting of creditors For the replacement of the manager's decision, as a former manager of the firm, lawyers should stop fulfilling personal manager duties, under the supervision of the People's Court to transfer their new manager has taken over all the information, property, business affairs and administrator of the chop And timely written explanations to the new administrator of the progress of work. In addition, before the end of the insolvency proceedings, as a former manager of the firm, individual lawyers should be ready to accept the new managers, creditors meeting, on the people's courts has fulfilled its responsibilities to the administrator of the enquiry. 4.11 People's Court was designated as the administrator of the bankruptcy case law firms, lawyers individuals, the people's court decision to replace the manager, the manager should continue to perform their duties according to law. 第5条 管理人团队的人员组成、分工和调整 5.1接受人民法院指定担任破产案件管理人的律师事务所、律师个人,可以指派一个管理人团队履行管理人职责。管理人团队成员的人员组成及其分工,由律师事务所、律师个人根据破产案件实际需要及管理人职责履行情况确定和调整,并报人民法院备案。人民法院另有要求的除外。 5.2管理人团队可以实行组长负责制。组长对外代表管理人,对内领导团队成员,并负责管理人团队内部 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 的制订。 5.3律师事务所指派的管理人团队的组长,应当是该律师事务所的律师。 5.4律师个人指派的管理人团队的组长,应当是该律师本人。 5.5管理人团队成员可以是本律师事务所以外的人员。 5.6因参与人民法院采取公告方式邀请的管理人业务竞争而被指定为管理人的律师事务所,其实际指派的管理人团队应当符合其竞争方案的约定。 5.7接受人民法院指定担任破产案件管理人的律师事务所、律师个人,发现其指派的管理人团队成员有本指引规定的不宜担任管理人的情形之一的,应当及时予以调整并报告人民法院。 Article 5 of the composition of the team managers, and adjust the division of 5.1 to accept the people's courts designated as the administrator of the bankruptcy case law firms, lawyers individuals, can be assigned a team manager to the manager duties. Team managers and their staff members of the division of labour, from law firms, lawyers personal bankruptcy cases in accordance with actual needs and responsibilities of managers of the implementation of determined and adjusted, they shall be reported to the people's court filing. Otherwise requested, except the People's Court. 5.2 team manager, head of the responsibility system can be implemented. The representative of head of external managers, internal leadership team members and team managers responsible for the formulation of internal work plan. 5.3 law firm assigned to the administrator of the team leader, should be the lawyers. 540 individual lawyers appointed by the head of the team manager, I should be the lawyers. 5.5 manager of the team members could be outside the law firm. 5.6 for their participation in the People's Court to take notice inviting the managers of business competition and was designated as the administrator of the firm, its actual team assigned to the administrator of the programme should be in accordance with the agreed terms of its competitiveness. 5.7 accept the people's courts designated as the administrator of the bankruptcy case law firms, lawyers individuals, found his team members assigned to the administrator of the guidelines are not appropriate under the circumstances as one of the managers, should be adjusted and promptly report the people's court. 第6条 管理人报酬 6.1接受人民法院指定的管理人,可以对债务人最终可清偿的无担保财产的价值总额进行预估,并根据破产案件所需要的管理人工作量拟订破产管理人报酬方案建议,报人民法院确定。 6.2人民法院初步确定管理人报酬方案后,管理人应当对该管理人报酬方案进行认真核算,并报告给债权人会议。 6.3管理人经核算人民法院初步确定的管理人报酬方案后,认为管理人获取的报酬数额过低的,管理人可以提出管理人报酬向上调整的新方案并与债权人会议协商,协商一致的,管理人应向人民法院书面提出具体的请求和理由,并附相应的债权人会议决议。 6.4人民法院确定管理人报酬方案后,管理人在执行职务中发现管理人报酬方案不能满足破产案件和管理人职责履行需要的,可以请求人民法院向上调整管理人报酬。人民法院同意向上调整的,管理人应当及时将调整内容报告债权人委员会或债权人会议主席。 6.5管理人对担保财产的管理、处分和变价的工作报酬,由管理人与担保财产权利人协商收取。协商不成的,管理人可以提请人民法院在规定限额内确定。 6.6管理人应当充分考虑到执行职务后所收取的报酬过低或者无报酬的风险。 6.7律师个人接受人民法院指定担任破产案件管理人的,其管理人报酬由所在的律师事务所统一收取。 6.8因参与人民法院采取公告方式邀请的管理人业务竞争而被指定为管理人的律师事务所,对于人民法院根据其竞争报价确定的报酬方案不得请求人民法院向上调整,但债权人会议作出决议同意向上调整的除外。 Article 6 of the remuneration 6.1 to accept the people's court administrator appointed by the administrator, can be the ultimate liquidation of the debtor's unsecured property to estimate the total value, and in accordance with bankruptcy cases by the need to develop workload of
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