首页 Osprey [MAA] 276.-.Austrian.Army.1740-80.(2).Infantry(奥地利军队2)

Osprey [MAA] 276.-.Austrian.Army.1740-80.(2).Infantry(奥地利军队2)


Osprey [MAA] 276.-.Austrian.Army.1740-80.(2).Infantry(奥地利军队2) l!mm MILITARY \IE~-~lT-~\R\IS SERIES 276 THE AUSTRIAN ARMY 1740-80: 2 INFANTRY 1'1111.11' II \\ ""OR'\TII\\ \1'11. BILL \Ol ,\(i1ll "B \ '\f) THE AUSTRIAN ARMY 1740-1780 (2) THE EMPIRE AND ITS INFANTRY The composition of Ihe Habsburg Empire and ils mil...

Osprey [MAA] 276.-.Austrian.Army.1740-80.(2).Infantry(奥地利军队2)
l!mm MILITARY \IE~-~lT-~\R\IS SERIES 276 THE AUSTRIAN ARMY 1740-80: 2 INFANTRY 1'1111.11' II \\ ""OR'\TII\\ \1'11. BILL \Ol ,\(i1ll "B \ '\f) THE AUSTRIAN ARMY 1740-1780 (2) THE EMPIRE AND ITS INFANTRY The composition of Ihe Habsburg Empire and ils mililar~ forces is summarized in the fir~t parI ufthis stud~, Tilt! .lustruUl .·Jm~)' 17-10 I i80 (I): C(/,l.'It1ry (~IAA 271). The present \olumc I;ollccrn:-Ihc hull. part orthe arm~, the infantr~. At the accession uf .\laria Thcn:ssia in 1742), but frum lhe llUlOno- mous Slates of the Hol~ Roman Empire and bc~ol1d. When rcgimt.'ntal numbc~ \\cre a..signcd perma- lir-emdicrs. c. 1;"&:1 fUintill~. ptT:Sum.,bl.. h-onlli(c. b., I)'B id .\loner. teft: Regl. Los Rios(no. 9): II hire uniform _ilhpttn (udn~_.. und _lIisfco.". bllffbrfT'C"hcs. JdJo_ bUUtllls; (':1/' II ith pttrl oog.•, dloll or gold I:I~ ilnd f:ISSCI, unlrc: Rerl. 1I11!dcc.-k (no, .15): I,,"hitt uni(orm \I illl S('Ilr/N /iJdngs (but .. lIire IlIpds lind rurnb:lcJ.s). n'ffou hlIllOnS. elll' wiri, bmss plprt lI;,h ydlow or !luld jllcx uncI tl/s~'f, R;lolht: Rer', n·urmbmnd(no. 50): IIhitt II il.h SOlrJ(" filcings, IIhitt hUllons, rcd Cli/' bill! lI·i,h IIhile or sifn'rlll('t" brass oodge 0" w·nisr pouch, Onl} 'hCC"Cnfrill IiXUrthuSli rnJ SlOe!, tht: others blucJ.; nolt: the &dng-colourt'fl rollllrs, 1M nlrit4 lur""llcmcrll of buttons lind differcnf f»"ansofhelt, lind the narrn,,'slrnp for ,h(' ":list poudJ ofRql, II urmhr.md. (The R 0.'":11 cml«lion ( l/tor H:ljcsl.' fMQ!J«n) nell1l~ in 1769. Ih(,rt., \\ere 57 regular regiments. including 11 Ilung-Jrian, the :-':elhcrl:lIldish and t\\O Italian. Prior to that date one rt."g"imenl e:aeh had OCcn disb;mded from the 'etherlamb., I.umbard~, and S\\;t7.erl:lIld, There \\ere in addition the Grm::. or border infantr~ reg;mem.s (to be cm ernl ;n Part:; of this stud~). \ s;gnilic;llli change \1 hich tH.:curred during Ihis perio(\ I\a.' the increase in the proportion of regi- ments r:tised in Ilung;lry, the gmernment of Ihat st:lle (of \1 hidl ~l:iria Theresa \\as Il1Ieen) h:l\ ing from 1741111a(\e their l.:olllrihutiolllllore in "eeping \\ilh the e'Ullpantli\e sizes of the \:triolls Ifahsburg terriloric~. ·\lthou~h Ihe I hlllbrari:lIl regiments \1 ere part of all intcgr:lled Illililar~ ,,~slem. Ilungar~ re- mained a '>t'par:u(' J,.ingdom, p:lrI of the empire onl~ b~ reason of the llabshurg possession oflhe lTO\\ n of Hun~rar~: for this reason all non-llung-J.ri:1lI units \Iere cummonl~ st~lcd 'Germ:Ill', irn"I)I;(,ti\e of their actu:11 place oforigin. 'Foreign' personnel, including man~ offkcr!l, J Gn:nadiers.. e. 'NS: a pain/in/! b..-fJ."II·jd JloriIT. IIIhieh inc1udc..-s Rq,rt. L"jnir.d (no. ~). rilfhl. III ellring ehllrllctt·r;." Tbe "ther grc'lIadiers h:ll'(' sc..'tlrkl Clln:i:ln army. Fr.IIl:' \Iurit;, 1~IC~ (1725-1!'l01) \\:I~ burn in 51. Petersburg, Inc son of an ("\ill' of 1690 \\ho had a distinguished career in Ihe Ru~~ian ~lrm~. Carl Claudius O'Dollllell (1715-i I), count ofTyrconnell, also came from an Irish cllligrant lamil~ and \\:I~ a kinsman of Ihe Spanish field-marshal I h:nr~ Joseph O'Donnell (1769-18.H). Ahhough Ihe nalurc uf .!tome memocrs uf Ihe Austrian army ,\as Ilut as -foreign' as Iheir namL'S might suggest, il is interesting 10 note lhal of the II/hubers (colonel-proprielors) of inf~lnlr~ n.:gilllents during the period li-W-liSO, :llmo~1 half had 1I0n- German namL'S. amllhe proportion of'foreig:ncn.' 10 Austrians is c\"Cn gn.':ller \\ hen Ih(' Gcrman~ origi- n:lling from outside Ihe I-bb...burg: bnds arc con:.id- ered. (I\lore th~1Il l\\elH~ 11I!lII!Jas bore Hungarian names, a simibr number had names suggesling ~l French or Nelherlands origin, U had Ilalhm nalll\."S, nine Irish and Ihr('e Scoui...h). Recruiling Ih:l,:l'uiling: \\a:-; (oll(hU:lnl pl'imaril~ b~ Ihe regi- menlS. ill\lll\ing: hlllh \Olunl:lr~ enli... llllent and eUll- ...eriplion. \'Olullh.'1:r... \\erc :IlITal'led b~ L";ISn \)(lUn- liL,:>, \Iith inf:mlr~ !>tJlllclimc... offered onl~ half Inc alllouni the L";I\alr~mCIl r(':l"('i\ed. Ill(' moulll('d regi- Illl'nts t hu:,> h:l\ ing the pid, of recruits. \ I:ln~ rCl"l'uils came rrom outside the I bh:.burg dUl11~lins; e\ell during: 11ll' hrief pl:riOlI \1 hen Ihe imperial ero\\ n pa",sl'd from Ihe hands of the Ilabshurg: lamil~ 10 Ihn...", ofeharlcs :\Ibert of lJ~l\ ,Iria (Emperor eh,lrle... \ II). I hu~ dcpri\ ing Ih(' .-\ u... lri,1ll recruileN ofacn ... to Illuch of til(' empire, Ihe recruil" frolll 110n- Il:Ihsburg ll'l'riturie... slill rcpresellll'd :llmoSI one- liflh of Ihe 101;11. onida I l'l:cruiling-gruunds \\ithin Ihe empire \1 ('rt.' nOI :I ......ignl·d tt) regimenl" unlil Ii66, but Ix'furL' Ihal date mall\ mai11laincd a 'national' Grmadirrs, C. , i4S; II p:linti".~b.l IJ:ll"id Morit·r. The /t,f'-}II111d figlln" tIJ ~·hich 11/1 irh·lI/if." OrRt1t'. IJrmnw ("0. .16) 1I:ls bt,t,,, uscrilxd, hilS gn:c1J 6cings. ~-hilC'bIJUC}fJ5, IJO bpds. red slOd., and IIpon 1M M-:list polich a M hite mrtul coal ofarms IlIId sq,.'1t'JHc grcfllldcs ,If the sides. 'rhe t~lJ' h,"IS:1 gn't'" pf:uc with II"hi't'l/Iell,1 border IIncl bnlss gn'"mh', IltId u gn'CtI b:li! M-ilh II hilt, M siJno,. It.C'C'. Tht· right lund figure has scu,.lt,t fucinp. -,"dloll btJtw"s and poIICh-gn·tladc. bll"'" ,noe". and Ii sc:,rlC't ClIp 1m!! ",ilh yd/ow ur goM Ince. (The Roml CofJt·t'lioll /-Ier Mllit''';.'· ll,t, QlIl·t·fI) 5 Gn·l!:u/hT.... ,'. , NtJ;" paillting by IJIII/iel .\Iori,·r. Tllisckpit,t;ollof /lflilk", iliNI n:J!;m,·"ls illt:Judt'S" ..,igllifinmt sick I';ell' uftlle !frellmlier e,,1' (III.J/{· "Isu ,1", gn·"t kngtll ofql"·lJt'j. Tile Idi I."ml figure Ims briglll bllR' fi,cim!s 11m! bn'ed,,'s, Mil,' C"Jl !;;,g wit II .1'1'11/111' or goM/acc, yC'lIow !wttOlIS '1Il11 rI'cl srrx;J,;: rill' t!rI'mldhT m ril!11I hm.' :..ear/N eoll"r ';IJ(I C'lIn;,. 110 ItIpds, wllit(, IlIr"h:n'J,;s, MI.d'stock. Hilll n'el ";11' bllg lI'itl, ydlull' or goM IIIC;e, .vole how d"lIrh' the II-I,il" ,..rocking......110 u: wiIII euloured hre,'c:h,'s (leti), ,,1/11 Ihe !OlIllle lif!lIn' lIlso "l'lx'a,." to ...ho lI' the us,' o[ rci"fiJrel'd or Il'IIlhl'r !!:Iiu:r-lOl's, (T"e Roya' CoJlcc'I;OI' I' I kr l\1;ljesl,\ tile Quec'/I) identity by drawing recruits fi'om ;I particular uea. Nol until Septcmber 1756 were lhe Netherlandish and Italian regiments permitted 10 ;Kcept recruits from any part of the empire, and only from January 1758 \I'cr(~ Hung-,Irian regiments ;l11owed to enrol for('i~ll('rs ;lIld deserters of any nation;llit~. Enlistment was initially for life, but to enmurage a superior grade of reeruil limited service \I',IS intro- duced from j\ lay 1757, by which nwn could cnlist for unl~ six years or the duration of host ilit ies: e\'cnl uall~ up 10 one-third of all rC(ruits enlisled under these terms. Voluntary enlistment was supplemented by:\ limited form of conscription, but this :lpplicd only to the f\ustrian and Bohemian lands, :md produced only limited numbers of recruits who were not alwa\'s of the best qU:llit~. A wider conscription was dc\·ised at the end of ,\ Iari:l Theresa's reign, by which men were tmincd for t\IO years and then permiH('d 10 relllrn home lor ;111 but six wceks' annual tr:llning; but this system ne\"er extended to h,lly or the Netherlands and only hiler 10 I-Iungar~ and the Tyrol, coming into , effect in 17SI. 'I'he tmditiunal method of forming 1-lungari,\11 units was b~ ,I feudal le\'y or 'Insurrec- lion', but the regimcnts r.lised for thc army were organized on the s;\nu: system as those from the 'German' parts of the empire, The ollieer corps was nOI so 1lluch the aristu- cratic elite as it was in some armies, it being possible for an ofllcer of humble origin to rise by his own mcrits; but an otlil'er with aristocratic conncctlons, or \\ealth, could achieve aecc1eralClI promotion. Al- though there was no ollidal system of purchase of r:lI1k, the cmpirc's council of war (I-/ofl.:ril'gsra(h) demanded;\ pa~ment fiw each prnmOlion, ahhough c;llldidatcs for higher r;ll1k had 10 have been deemed worthy in the first place, F;unily influence was an undoubted ad\"amagc. For e'ample. the distin- guished field-marshal Leopold Daun (1705-66) had been intended for the church, but \\ilh:l father :Illd gr.mdf:uher who \\crc bOlh general omcen. it \\as probabl~ ine\"itable th:1I he should make his l"':lreer in his father's regimenl. I-Ie sened \\ilh it in Sieil~ in 1718, :lnd duly rose Iu command il. (This regimenl, numbered 56 in 1767, \\ ~IS fin~lll~ named :lfler him in 1888). There was no prejudice ag-Jinsl foreign oflicers. I:\'en those who came to Auslrian scn icc from :111- olher arnly: Ihe career of Em.,,1 Gideon I.oudon (1717-90) being one oflhc mosl distinguished c,am- pies. Born in Li\onia ofa Sconish famih \\ho had senlcd Ihere in the l·hh cemur~, he sen"ed first in the Russian army before applying 10 Frederick the Gre.1I for a Prussian commission. This \\as refused (il \\.1.'1 said becausc Frederick remarked, 'The ph~ siognom~ oflhis man docs nOI plC'JSC me'!), M) instl~.ld Loudon joined Trend's Pandours in Ihe :\ustrian amn. If lhe- slor~ is true. il is intcresling 10 reflect UI){)l\ the consequences of Frederick's dislike of Loudon's face, for in I:ucr campaigns he became one of the Prussian ling's sternest opponenls. An incident in I.oudon·s c:lTeer dCmOnSIT:lIeS lhe leadership expected of Auslrian otlieers. Atlhe siege of Iklgr:ldl' in 1789 he assembled his st:lfr at the first parallel amI infllrmnlth,,'m thatlhe~ mu."t not retreat onc stcp: 'Here is the Spol \\here \\e must either ....omluer or dil" ... I i>h:llln·crI m~ utmost enims to attain thl" proposed end. bUI I alslI desire that e\er~ one do his dut~" I \\ish C\"Cr~ one 10 prep:lre for \'il.:tor~ or dealh. and I(ll.:tlflsidcr IhallHllle of us \Iere burn nO( 10 die.' REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION Eaell regiment \Ia~ hcaded b~ its fllfUl!ll'ror ·....utoncl- proprietor'. I\ho cnjoyed almusl eomplele contrul 0\ er Ihe regiment's tinances. lrain ing. recruil ing, and 0\ er the appointml"m .lIul promulion of its ollil.:er." (nul until 1765 did Ihe lIojl:nl.'gmlllt assume the appointing of field ollicers)..-\hhough the rights and influencc of the f"ltll/1(r dcrlined during the period under re\ic\\. and although actual command of Ihe regiment was \-esled in the colonel \\ho led it, thc fllltu!ll.'r remained much more Ihan rnercl~ a titular colonel-in-....hief. ami e"en g' shu... dc"rl." rlg:limif ,lIe n'el IJrccdl<:ll, (1"/1(' R,,)"al Colln'liun <0 l-kr ,\I;1;('SI.I' rill- {JUl'l'll) regimen! of the senior 11I1ItIba the prcli\ ':\It' ;Jnd Ihat oflhl' junior 'Jung' ~ hence 'Jung-\\'olfellbilltcl' (no, 10) ami ';\It-\\'olfl'nbullel' (no, 29), btllh Inlruhrn being memocrs of th:ll sl;lle'~ ruling famil~, Considcr"'J.blc difterences in the \pelling of names ma~ be encountered in contcmp0r"'J.r~ <;ouro,.'S, l'Spc- ciall~ non-German names, c.g. Lj\:lr~i ur Cj\ar~, Kokemesd~ or KoL:cnyesd~, L:ll:~ or Las(:~, ete.; but similar \ariations ma~ be found l'\CIl in the case of German names, e.g. B:lden or Baaden, Deutsch- mcistcr or Teutschmeister. In sume cases spellings changed during the period: the famil~ name of Gidl'Oll I.oudlln \\as orten spelled '1.:lUdon' or 'J...audohn' b~ GerJ11:ln-speal.ers, the Ialter being used by his f:llllily, until in 1751) he rnerled tll lhe origin:ll Scottish 'I ,oudon '. Throughout the period nllll. structure remained reason:lbl~ conSI:1I11. Bclow the II/III/fur \\:lS Ihe eolo- ncl-comm:mdant or ObriJf (a cllntemp~Jr:lr~ spelling of the modern Oberst: Ihe Illllllln'r \I:I~ somelimes st~led Olmst-llIlllIha). The other field rJ.nl.s "erc those of Ohmilielliellont or lieuIl'nalll-t'olonci (simi- larly, 'lieutenant' was used in place of the more modern Il'IiUWIII), and Oh"Sflruc"tmt'lSIrr, rl'-named ,HaJor from about 1757. Other onicen. \\ere the compan~ C':J.plain (I-IUIlPI",tlll1l or /lul/pllellle), ,,-ith his subaherns Ihe l.it'lIlemlllt and Full/me" (or FanJruhr, an ensign). In 1759 Ihe ranI. of PlUmr,," (Cornrl in the lOl\ airy) was replaced b~ L'III('r-lul/tell- anI, \\ilh Llt'IIlemU/ls being Sl~ led Ober-I/(,/(/l'IIlIlItS. As field officers nominall~ retained eumlll:lTHI of a compan~, the new rank of CUpllti'lt-III'I(//'I/((/1I \\as introduced ill 1748 for Ihe ofllcers \Iho :ICIU:llh commanded field officers' eumpanies. Below the tOlllmissioned of11cers were cadets of variuus gra'!l-s, serving with regimellls in prep:lr:llion fur recei\'ing a commission: the senior of these \1 ere st ~ led Fli"lllt('//- CatMtII. From 1752 onl~ !I\D-thirds uf nC\1 otlicers entered b~ Ihis route: the rem:lining \:tc:lI1cies were rcsen'ed for 1,......J.duatcs of the militar~ alOldem~ at Wiener l':eustadl. The senior XeD rank \\as lhal of company serge-J.IlI-major or Fr/tbl'iihel (Felthl'~hel is Ihe more familiar modern spclling).lkIO\\ him \\as Ihe Fiiltrer, \\ho frcquentl~ carried Ihe mlours, and Ihe l'Ompan~ clerk or FOlmer, 100:\"elher responsible for Ihe com- pany aecoullls and musler rolls. Thl'Se lhree mnh were I.nO\\ll as the P"II/a PlaNfI, from their n:llnl'~ I • l Rn;ru; fill}: fill' :. fin.' : :Ill sea :11 It''''''''' 10 " ..-nu;."..·;t ...j, ; li:l" tu t·fl/;_~I. (I~rilll ,.{tc:r R. I on 01 U'II (('leI) appearing ori!!"inall~ on Ihe first page of Ihe musler roll. Beneath Ihl'lll \\ere the Ctlrptlrtlls,lu,Jch rl'~I)()ns­ ib!l- for one of Iht, compan~'s ClJrpfJrtllsdllljim or platoon~, and the lancc-corporJ.l~or Gejrt'llt'n; :1150 jl:lrt ofeach COlllpan~ , though nOI of xeo r"'J.nk. was the Ft:ltIsdlt'r or llleditOlI orderl~, aTHI usuall~ 1\10 batmen (FfIIlrll'rSrltiiIZt:II). The number tlf ufllcers :md ;'\'CO:- in l':lch cllmpan~ \\:I~ le~s lhan those prm ided in some othcr .trJuies,:1I :1 ellst in cllll.:iency lU the '\ustl'i:1I1 l'eginll:ms. AltllllUgh n:gimellt:t1 org,llIizalioll remained rea~ sonabl~ st:m
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