首页 Osprey [MAA] 168.US.Cavalry.on.the.Plains.1850-90(美国平原骑兵-英文版军事)

Osprey [MAA] 168.US.Cavalry.on.the.Plains.1850-90(美国平原骑兵-英文版军事)


Osprey [MAA] 168.US.Cavalry.on.the.Plains.1850-90(美国平原骑兵-英文版军事) l\lEN-~\T-t\RMS SERIES 168 US CAVALRY ON T E PLAINS 1850-90 mmD MILITARY PI II IJP I," ~ \' r( :I IE}{ l{( )~ \"( )I ,S'r. \I) MEN-AT-ARMS SERIES EDITOR: MARTIN WINDROW ~ 168 US CAVALRY ON THE PLAINS 1850-90 l;iN p..h'i~llI"d in (:1"1';11 Uril,lIn ...

Osprey [MAA] 168.US.Cavalry.on.the.Plains.1850-90(美国平原骑兵-英文版军事)
l\lEN-~\T-t\RMS SERIES 168 US CAVALRY ON T E PLAINS 1850-90 mmD MILITARY PI II IJP I," ~ \' r( :I IE}{ l{( )~ \"( )I ,S'r. \I) MEN-AT-ARMS SERIES EDITOR: MARTIN WINDROW ~ 168 US CAVALRY ON THE PLAINS 1850-90 l;iN p..h'i~llI"d in (:1"1';11 Uril,lIn ill l~tH~ 11) O~:prt'~' all imprilll nfRt'l'tl CUI\SUllwr Hooks I.td. :\lidwlinlltlllW,1I1 Fulli,llIl RH,ld, Lundoll SW'f tiRl! ,\Ild .\U\ kl.llld. "Idll\)uflw. Sill~,II)()rt'ullalo herds. il wa' naturallhat th I'm', th nill ion's a1'mC'd pea e-keeper , should b' 'en L t ~a rrison Ihe \1\ csl a nd osten. ibl y, to pI' te t selll 1's and Indians from each th r. To I'm l1l'ad uaners and .ongres. ba k 10 Washingt n the rmy hi h had fI ught all it, wars would he sum iellt 10 p Ii c th(' Plain'. It \0 a.s an arm, heavy in infanlr and artill T ,whi'h had < I Ihal time only thr e 1110ul1lcd units: the I.t allcl '.Ind Regimen ts ofDrago ns. hich had bet'n raised in tl1(' 1B30S and the Regiment of l\lounted Riflemen wi i '11 Ilad len raised in I Rl6 fl r. rvic ill Ihc Mcxi '£1n- mcrican W·u·. To an}onc with nqxrien einthc est, h wever, it wa. ob"iou, that Illore mounted troops w uld be nl'\·d'd. Col. (;('orgc McCall. fi'om II e rmy's In, pc tor ;('lIcral\ ofTicc I' 'port d after an insp ('tion of I'my hases in w M 'i 0: 'I am I rsuad'd lhat Ilwllatlrcofthe.cr\,ic t I rquircl fth- rmy ICll' the nr'XI len cars will be such as to rcquirC' that lite cavalr ;)1'111 shall gr 'atly predominale ill it.' nq~a r is. The Sioux and Cheyenne It was . )me lim befe)!' un maJor 'onfliCls d 'v -lop 'd, whi h gave Ihe 1'111 a chan e to organi e itsdf. t first L!w Iluml T of' white p opl J ro'. in the Plains, < s I , , and th'. did not com(' in Conling in ,mall raids '\g-aillsl Ihe whites, V h n. in 'r1 lB () the lIi,d I ISLIp lhe "alt Lake-mail oach and, oune!ce!lh 'driv('!'. one ane! a hall' . mp"'alr' and lWO il1l~lIllr)' camp nit's; 1(~, J hn tg-wick 11, d lour ,m- panics orlh 1 'l a\'alr '; and umm'l' look the resl or hi, r gimel1l and LI e two dragolln 1111 Cllli 'S, On 2( July .-'umn'r', group ftHilid a group or Indian near IT 'I y. .olol'ad ,Th' :1()0 mc ll1ll 'd lnclian, drew up in an actual '(illl' flfhallie' lont' of' the' rar inSlance. wh n this c urn'd l. Thl'ir kft flank r('st(,d on Ill(' limht'red hallk Ill' IIH' Slliomoll AD exaJ'Dpl oflhe Model .840 heavy dragO<>D ahre. Thi was es entially the saJ'De design as the Model .86. light cavalry sabre, which replaced this 'old wristbr aker' iD that year, (Author' CoUection) (' llllm. II lin~ llrTiccr. Their lask \ as I I unish 1I Sioux. ill til drag( OilS und I' LL. :01. Philip J 'orgt' .( ok,' lea lin,l< 111(' W<1)'. l h 1'01' (' SI arl d OUL. bOll I halrlht.'i lUX (;H'ing tlWI S IIT(:'nd r'd il IlW lialcly, I ullh(' r 'st fled. Th' lruop' foulldthe sitc or Ihe Ill'W In lian eaml ' and <11\ r makill' a nighl march n LI e 1'\Tlling )1' '.! 'epl 'ml cr the)' 'uITollnded il, wilh the infantr ull on' sid and tlw dr goons n the OIher. The Indian. sp lle I lh inrantr " struck lheir t nLS, nel b 'g'm l m vc l \ . rels \ IItT' th' e1rap;()ons \V T wailing in arnhu. h. r he inl~lI1lry lhcn up n'd iiI" Ii-om one :idl', while the dragoons harg d in rOm Ih th r. ':a 19h1 in lh mid II,. lhe In lians ' ntinu'd lo allempt lo flc' ,anello,1 Br dead and Ive v ollnded in the ensiling 'avalry pursuiL. The I'm 10.' wa limr kilkd s,VCII w }un leel and on' mi, sing, 1apcr from Ihe robbed sta~l'tt}'l h, lO~ ,tl1('r \' ilh lWO J{ in-I', ,Iwi I' fig-ht 011 blutlS hordering' a \'a ltvy 10 Ihe tlonh. "I'lll' t'lls11ing ;"u:,ion was possibly lilt· only l'bin.~ Indian hal1k Ihal foreshadowed thl' IInions "f,11t' m(wit' \\riters l\}() )'eal1i lalIT, Sumner lined lip his Il'o(Jps and l'ollullanded, 'Bugler, sound Ihe advann'!' Thl' OIher ordcr~ quickly fol1owed: 'Trol, mardI. Sling' carbine, Draw sahrl'. Gallop, march, {:harps!' Olll' of Ill(' participarlls Ialer wrote: '\Vit h ,I wild ydl we bmuJ.{ht oursahn-s 10 a "Iierec poinl" and daslwd 011 them: As il lIlrlwd out, the Indians had pm(I,'let! tlleITl~d\'l"S \,'ilh 'l1u.'C'(1 Ihcm for scn'n miles, killing Iline braves in III(' proc('SS, Thl' Arm)"s IOSS('S \\'cre :tn enlislt'(l m('l! shol hy arrows and a lieulenanl. olle.Janw~E, B. Slu:lrl, shol in Iheehcsi wilh a pislOl 1>;111. (The gods of th(.' cavalry had mon.' work for Ihis young man, hO\\ evn: and il \\ as 10 be many )t'ars and many miles away Ihal they Iinal1y took him, in a ca\'alry skirmish ncar ;1 place called Ydluw T:lvcm.) The l'xcitl'C! bUI exhaustl'(l cavalrymen camped 'III Ihe ~ill' orhatlle. Twod;I)'s later Ilwy rClurnl"Cllo lhl' trail. lindin~;"tn abandollt"Cl Indian village 15 milt-sMluth, TilL"} burnl"Cllhis: Ihen hca(kd firsl for Ih" Arkall~a, RivC'r, and ti"tllll Ilwrc 10 til\' sitl' of HelU's Fort. Al thi.~ poilll Ihe campaign was ordncd to end, and Ihe troops weI'(: sent ofrto U tall, SUIllller n'gr('It("C1 thl' lack or a lotal victory and, ;:IS Ill' had lim'St."'ll, laIn in the summ,'!'llu' Indialls once agnin ~tarlcd S('lldill~ nul raiding parlies, Howe\"\..-, once ill their WiIHC1" call1p~. ,Il\' Cheyenne Ihought 0\"('1' tile :lcticlllS (If tilt' stimmel' ;Incl, corlsidl'l'illg tlll:msd\"('~ bl'att'Il, rl'mained pl'acel"ullor six Yl'ars, The Texas frontier and the Southern Plains MC:lllWhik, 1111' Kiowa :Uld COll'1andl\' wtr(' r;lvagiriK tilt' Texas ii'until''' l'dcnllcssly, In Dcc- nnlwr 11155 Cu!. Alher! Sidlll'y JohnslOn's 2nd CI\'alr)' RI'Kinwrit ITadlt'd Furllk'lkn 1·lirl.~' was Ihl' lil'si lillll' that 111(' COIl1:lIIdl\' had h"l'n stl badly heall'll in a major aniun by wbitt, mell, Far from beinJ.{ co\\'4..'(\, Ihl'y Wl'l'l' oUII'ag''C1. and J'eturlH..'(11O raidinK with /H or the Rockies, During Ille march lhe}' had ol1ly OIl!' skirmish, wilh Kiowas. ill which tWO Indians Wl'n' killed. Capt. S;ullud D, Slurgis led anotlW!' column. COllsisling ofdt,tl1('lllS oflhe lSt Cavalry. 1I0rth from FOri Cobb Oil 6J lint'. His lorce ratl illio a large balld ol'Kiowas on Solomon's Fork. Kallsas, in early July, The I ndians formed a skirmish line to enable till' rest of tile group to escape, "ILd lhl, ITsU11in,1!; hatlk cllded inconclusi\'ely for the cavalrynwll, Maj, Charles R, Ruff. soon rcplact'd by Capt. Andrew POrler, led six companies or til(' Mounted Rifles OUI from Fori Union, Ne\\' l\lcxico, 10 scoul lhe PI;\ins caSl urlhe Canadian Riwl'. On till' \\'ay Ihey ran across an abandolled Comanche village, bUI could reron 110 better results thanlhis for their eflons. The lasl column was made up or lhe 2nd Cavalr)" and beaded l'i'olll Texas 10 the head of the COIwho and Colorado Rivers. where they skir- mished w;lh about II Colllanc!u.'S. killing one, The only concrete result of Ihl' 1860 campaig'll was the slrengthcning of the Santa Fl" Trail detence system a nd the bui Idillg of FUrl R iSt· at Big- Ti ml)('rs, Tile Civil filiI' }jfm' On 4 March tHtll Texas voted to secede from till' Unitt'(\ States, The 1St Cavalry jusl managed to escapc becoming immediate prisoners of war as Ihe Civil War broke out. by fleeing 10 Fon Leaven- worth. Kansas. It was ohvious, eVCII to Congress. that more Regulars would bl' Il("eded, A 3"d Ca\'alry Regiment was authorised to he raised on.5 ['vlay 18GI al the Carlisk Barracks. Pellnsyh'ania; and on 3 August 1861 all tht' regul'lr mounted regllllt:llts were redesignated. The 1St and 2nd Dragoons became. the I st and 2nd Cavalry; the t\'!ountcd Rines became tbe 3rd Cavalry; and tbe 1St, 2nd and 3rd Cavalry bcrame tbe 4th, 5th and 6th Cav;'llry. All units were sent east to fight the Confederates, leaving thc Plains defenceless. HowcV('r. volulllcers flocked !O reertliting- olliccs to fill Ihe gap. The various states organised voluntt:er" cavalry regiments to defend the frontiers against lilt' Indians while the Regulars were handling the bloody work in the East. Many or these volunteer regiments were not raised umil the autuml] of 1861, arld were not ready for action until the next year; yet luckily the Indians failed to take advnnlage or this critical period. By mid-IHlo.: enough volunteer cavalrymen were in place to police the Plains adequately. The tSt Independent Battalion, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry ",as a typical example of these volunteer units. It was raised in late 186. and trained in Camp Dennison, Ohio. In March 1862 it was sent to BellLon Barracks, Missouri, and from there to Fon Laramie. Redesignatcd the 1 I th Ohio Voluntcer Cavalry RegimctH, the unit was split up alllong posts which included Fort Halleck, Sweet- watcr Station and Fon Mitchell. This was only one of the many volunteer units which eventually put 20,000 mcn 011 the frontier by 1865. It was not until August 1862 thaI the volul1\cer regiments were first hadly needed. " group of Wahpt:LOn Sioux youths killed five settlers in Minncsota, striking it spark which burst into name when other members of the tribe destroyed the Redwood Agency and allacked FOri Ridgely and the town of New Vim. The Indians failed to take eiLher lhc forI or the town, so they scll1ed in for a siege. Volunteer infantry with a volunteer mounted ranger company attacked the bcsieging Indians on 3 Septemher at the Battle of Birch Coulee, and succeeded in driving them oW Ancr this allack on whitc seltlcrs by the Sioux, additional volunteer infantry were called in to help. The Sioux suffered a heavy defeat at the hands of Ihe infantry at the Battle ofWood Lake, after whieh many braves losl their enthusiasm. By the
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