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新加坡总理国庆献词总理国庆献词全文(中英):保持警惕 应付更多挑战 (2009-08-08) 2009年国庆献词全文(华) 对新加坡来说,这是充满波折和挑战的一年。今年1月份,我们便看见乌云密布。这是我国历史上最严重的经济风暴。贸易出口量减少了三份之一。制造业产值也大幅下滑,我们十分依赖世界市场,产品都是外销的。在这个背景下,我国今年的经济预测将萎缩6%至9%。   我们无法躲避这场风暴,但是也不是被动地听天由命,而是动员人民一起应付危机。政府提早在1月份公布财政预算案,提出一项振兴配套,并且动用了储备金,以资助“雇用补...

总理国庆献词全文(中英):保持警惕 应付更多挑战 (2009-08-08) 2009年国庆献词全文(华) 对新加坡来说,这是充满波折和挑战的一年。今年1月份,我们便看见乌云密布。这是我国历史上最严重的经济风暴。贸易出口量减少了三份之一。制造业产值也大幅下滑,我们十分依赖世界市场,产品都是外销的。在这个背景下,我国今年的经济预测将萎缩6%至9%。   我们无法躲避这场风暴,但是也不是被动地听天由命,而是动员人民一起应付危机。政府提早在1月份公布财政预算案,提出一项振兴配套,并且动用了储备金,以资助“雇用补贴 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ”和“特别风险分担计划”。   跟今年年初比较,我们现在的情况有了改善。全球的经济略微稳定下来。我们采取的措施缓和了工人所受到的影响。虽然新加坡所受到的冲击比多数国家严重,但是我们的失业率是世界最低的之一。 经济展望不明朗 现在还不是庆祝时候   除了政府尽力而为,我国人民也 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现得很坚定,很团结。这些有利的因素,使我国经济在第二季出现了强力的回弹,也使我们在今年上半年只萎缩6.5%。虽然这是相当大幅度的萎缩,但是情况比我们预期的好。所以,我们能够上调全年的经济增长预测。全年经济预料只将萎缩4%至6%。   但是,现在还不是庆祝的时候。经济展望还不明朗。一般预料,发达国家的经济不会在近期内回弹。我们的出口量比去年的低得多。新加坡航空公司和其他新加坡企业的处境仍旧十分艰难。今年迟些时候可能出现另一波的裁员现象。因此,我们应该保持警惕,以应付更多的挑战。   过了今年, 全球经济问题预料将持续一段时日。虽然外在环境对我们不利,但是这不等于说我们就无法发展。   我们可以另找出路,应该寻找发展和创造财富的新途径。我们不难找到新的商机,特别是在亚洲。只要我们够机敏,懂得变通,就能把握时机和开创商机。   我们的企业和工友已经作出调整,以配合时代的需要。许多公司改变了业务 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 ,采取革新的方法,以开源节流,并且全力开拓新的市场。工友也利用“技能提升及应变”计划,提升自己的技术,接受再训练,做好转行的准备。工会尽量跟雇主配合,以适应新的情况,而不是抗拒改变。我们应该保持这种积极的态度。   我们在解决眼前的问题的时候,也不应该忽略长远的发展。政府成立了一个经济战略委员会,以探讨如何重新打造我们的经济,包括探讨如何寻找新的发展机会,如何建立新的业务,以及如何取得持续平衡的增长和克服局限。   委员会邀请企业界人士参与工作,集思广益,以争取振兴经济的最好对策。委员会将在明年提呈报告。我有信心,他们能够提出良好的建议,一旦欧美和世界的经济复苏,我们的对策将发挥作用,使我们再次脱颖而出,成为生机勃勃的亚洲的一部分。   我们现在也许觉得困难重重,但是我们应该从更长远的观点看问题。新加坡在1959年成为自治邦,我们当家作主已有50年。半个世纪来,我国多次面对重大的挑战,包括60年代的种族暴动、70年代的两场石油危机、80年代的严重经济衰退、90年代的亚洲金融风暴、911袭击事件,以及沙斯危机。每当危机出现时,新加坡人都能同心协力,使国家一再平稳地走出困境,保持繁荣昌盛,并且取得今天的成就。   我们原本不是单一民族。我们的祖先来自不同的地方,属于不同的种族。他们漂洋过海到新加坡,是为了替自己和家人寻找更好的生活。各族群在经历了争取独立的斗争,经历了艰难的建国岁月之后,开始产生了认同感。在遇到困难时,各族都能同心协力,以群体的利益为重,因此克服一次又一次的挑战,逐渐加深彼此之间的认同感,而且更有信心应付下一次的危机。   就以目前的经济风暴来说,人人都尽力解决问题。在政府和人民之间,在雇主和雇员之间,体现的是互相配合、互相支持的精神。这使企业得以生存和维持竞争力,而工人也能保住工作和维持生计。   此外,政府也加强了“就业奖励”和“社区关怀基金”等计划,以巩固社会安全网。这场经济风暴带来严峻的考验。然而,过去的经验给我们带来信心,相信我们能够再次化危机为机会,进一步加强社会的凝聚力,以及提升我们的经济。   我们在防范甲型流感的时候,也是齐心协力,以延缓流感的传播。我们有优良的医疗设施和医护人员,也有负责任、保持警惕的民众,因此争取了宝贵的时间,使我们能够研究流感病毒的特性,以及做好防范的工作。   不论是应付经济衰退,还是防范流感,新加坡人都不会觉得自己在孤军作战。只要你尽力而为,就会得到其他人的帮助和扶持。   团结一致是我们一再成功的要素。我们应该不断加强这种精神,并且尽量消除社会里潜在的隔阂。新加坡人和新移民之间,穷人和富人之间,以及各族或各宗教信仰者之间,都可能存在隔阂。我们经常听到各地爆发的种族或宗教冲突。譬如孟买去年的恐怖袭击事件,雅加达最近的爆炸事件。   在新加坡,我们必须尊重彼此的文化、习俗和信仰,使各社群互相信任,和睦相处,并且逐渐扩大共同的世俗空间,使我们能够成为“一个民族,一个国家,一个新加坡”。 创造一个新的新加坡   我们有能力解决这种种的问题。我们正努力促进经济的增长,加强社会的凝聚力,以及重新打造我们的城市。我们最终的目标是创造一个新的新加坡。   我们正在改善居住环境,建造更优良的公共设施,铺设更多的绿色地带和公园连道。我们为学生提供更多深造的机会,提供更多大学学额。我们也在建造新的医院,改善护理服务,为全体人民提供更方便、负担得起的医药服务。   我们为我们的城市注入新的活力,这包括提升全岛各处的组屋区,重新打造市中心,使它成为一流的购物和娱乐地带,并且在滨海湾大兴土木。一个全新的城市风景线正逐渐成形。   亲爱的同胞,我们在半个世纪前成为自治邦以来,历经了许多考验,也为自己创造了很多机会。   不论大环境是好是坏;是晴天,还是雨天,我们都应该肩并肩,一起为国家的未来奋斗,以建设一个更好、更有活力的国家,以及一个独特的、值得我们自豪的家园。   我祝全体新加坡人国庆日快乐。 2009年国庆献词全文(英)   1. Singapore has had a turbulent and challenging year. In January, dark clouds had gathered all around us. Our economy was hit by the worst storm in our history. Exports went down by a third, and manufacturing declined sharply, since we produced for world markets. Given this backdrop, we projected GDP to shrink this year by 6% to 9%.   2. We could not avoid the storm, but we did not passively resign ourselves to fate. Instead, we mobilized Singaporeans to tackle the crisis together. We brought the Budget forward to January, implemented a Resilience Package, and drew on past reserves to help fund the Special Risk Sharing Initiative and the Jobs Credit.   3. We are now in a stronger position. The global economic situation has somewhat stabilised. Our measures have cushioned workers from the worst of the storm. Our economy was among the worst hit, yet we still have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world. Singaporeans too have responded resolutely and cohesively. These factors helped the Singapore economy to bounce back strongly in the second quarter. As a result, growth in the first half of the year was -6.5% – a very significant contraction, but less bad than we had feared. Hence we have revised up our growth projection for 2009. Our economy will still shrink, but “only” by between 4% and 6%.   4. But it is too early to celebrate. The outlook remains clouded. The advanced economies are not expected to bounce back soon. Our exports remain much lower than last year, and companies like SIA are still facing very tough conditions. We might see another wave of retrenchments later in the year. So we must stay on guard for more challenges to come.   5. Beyond this year, we expect the global situation to remain difficult for some time. But the adverse external environment does not mean that Singapore cannot grow. We can and must look for new ways to develop and prosper. Opportunities still exist, especially in Asia, but we need all our ingenuity and resourcefulness to find and exploit them.   6. Businesses and workers are already adjusting to the new world. Many firms are changing their business processes, finding innovative ways to cut costs and generate revenues, and aggressively seeking out new markets. Workers are taking advantage of the SPUR programme to upgrade their skills and retrain for new fields. The unions are cooperating closely with employers to adapt to the changed conditions, instead of resisting change. We must keep this up.   7. In the midst of recession, as we tackle the immediate challenges, we must also look to the future. The Economic Strategies Committee is studying how we can transform our economy. The Committee will examine how Singapore can find new opportunities, build new capabilities, sustain balanced growth and overcome our constraints. We are involving the private sector, to gather the best ideas that can enable us to prosper. I am confident the Committee will have good proposals when it reports next year. Our responses in the crisis will ensure that once the US and Europe emerge from their troubles, and the world economy recovers, Singapore will forge ahead again in a dynamic Asia.   8. Up close, our current difficulties may appear daunting; but we should see them against a longer perspective. It has been 50 years since we attained self-government in 1959. Over this half century, Singapore has encountered many serious challenges – racial riots in the 1960s, oil shocks in the 1970s, a major recession in the 1980s, the Asian Crisis in the 1990s, the 9/11 attacks and SARS in this decade. Each time our people have rallied and prevailed, hence Singapore has continued to thrive and prosper, and arrived here today.   9. We did not start out as one people. Our forefathers were different peoples from different lands, who had come to Singapore to seek better lives for themselves and their children. But our formative years fighting for independence, then striving as a new nation to survive against the odds, brought us closer together. Each time we were challenged, we responded as one, everyone pulling together and working for the common good. And each success further cemented our cohesion, and helped us to meet the next challenge.   10. We are doing this again in this crisis. Everyone of us – government and people, employers and unions – is working together, keeping companies viable and competitive, preserving jobs and livelihoods, and enhancing social safety nets like Workfare and ComCare. Even though this crisis may be a severe test, but our history and record give us confidence that we will once again turn it into an opportunity to strengthen our social compact, and upgrade our economy.   11. We have responded to the outbreak of Influenza A(H1N1) in the same way. We worked hard to delay and slow down the spread of the new virus in Singapore. Our efforts depended not only on the healthcare system and professionals, but also on citizens being vigilant and socially responsible. We bought ourselves precious time to learn more about the virus and gear up our defences.   12. Whether fighting the recession or the flu, we made sure every Singaporean knows he is not alone, but that the community and the country are behind him. So long as you make the effort and do your best, the rest of us will help you to pull through.   13. This unity is key to our success in many fields. We must work hard to strengthen it, and to bridge potential divides within our society, be it between Singaporeans and new arrivals, between rich and poor, or most fundamental of all, between the different races and religions. We often see ethnic strife and religious conflicts in other countries. This last year alone, we have witnessed the Mumbai terrorist attacks, and the recent bombings in Jakarta. In Singapore we have to respect each other’s cultures, practices and beliefs, build trust and harmony between our communities, and gradually enlarge the secular common space which all groups share. In this way, we can become one people, one nation, and one Singapore.   14. We are well placed to deal with these challenges. We are not just pursuing economic growth, strengthening our society, or remaking our city, but creating a new Singapore.   15. We are improving our living environment, and developing better amenities for the community, more green spaces and park connectors. We are creating more avenues for students to advance and opening up more opportunities to go to university. We are building new hospitals, improving step-down care, and making healthcare more accessible and affordable to all. We are also revitalising the city – upgrading housing estates all over the island, refreshing our downtown into a premier shopping and entertainment venue, and creating a new skyline around Marina Bay, which is taking shape day by day.   16. My fellow Singaporeans, in the half century since we attained self government, we have been tested many times, but we have also created many possibilities for ourselves. Let us stand shoulder-to-shoulder, so that whether it rains or shines, we can work together and achieve the best results for Singapore. This is how we build a better and more vibrant nation, and make Singapore a special place that we are all proud to call our home.   17. I wish all Singaporeans a Happy National Day. 《联合早报》
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