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色拉英语11-20lesson 11 You flatter me 你太夸奖我了 MY , don't you look smart today! 你今天看上去真帅! Really? Why thank you ! 是吗?哎呀,谢谢! I don't remember you telling me that before! 过去我可从没听说过! Oh, I've always thought you were beautiful! 哦!我一直认为你很漂亮! That new home of yours is...

lesson 11 You flatter me 你太夸奖我了 MY , don't you look smart today! 你今天看上去真帅! Really? Why thank you ! 是吗?哎呀,谢谢! I don't remember you telling me that before! 过去我可从没听说过! Oh, I've always thought you were beautiful! 哦!我一直认为你很漂亮! That new home of yours is really gorgeous! 你的新房子真是漂亮极了! Really? Oh, you flatter me! 是吗?你在恭维我! You are such a sweet-talker! 你的嘴真甜! Congratulations on your new home! 恭喜你有了个新家! Why, thank you very much! 哎呀,非常感谢! smart 漂亮的/remember 记起,想起/gorgeous 美丽的,豪华的/ sweet-talker 油嘴滑舌的人/Congratulations 祝贺/ You look …. 你看上去… MY, don't you look smart today! 哎呀,你今天看上去真帅! You look marvellous! 你看上去很棒! You look so beautiful! 你看上去真漂亮! You look handsome tonight! 你今天晚上看上去真英俊! I don't remember…. 我不记得 ….. I don't remember you telling me that before. 我不记得你告诉过我. I don't remember where I put my notebook. 我不记得把笔记本放哪里了. I don't remember this street. 我不记得这条路. I've always thought…. 我一直认为…. Oh, I've always thought you were beautiful! 我一直认为你很漂亮! I've always thought you are the best! 我一直认为你是最好的! I've always thought he was boring. 我一直认为他很无聊. I've always thought football is the most exciting sport. 我一直认为足球是最激动人心的运动. That new home of yours is really gorgeous! 你的新房子真是漂亮极了! You flatter me! 你在恭维我! Really? Oh, you flatter me! You are such a sweet-talker! 是吗? 你在恭维我! 你的嘴真甜! Your new hair do looks terrific! 你的新发型看起来太棒了! Oh , you flatter me ! 哦,你在恭维我! You look marvellous in that new dress! 这件新衣服你穿起来太棒了! Really? You flatter me! 真的吗? 你在恭维我! Congratulations on your new home! 恭喜你有了个新家! Why 哎呀 Why, that's the strangest thing I've ever seen. 哎呀, 这是我见过最奇怪的事! Why, it's beautiful today! 哎呀,今天天气真好! Why, that's ridiculous! 哎呀! 这太荒唐了! Lesson 12 What do yo do ? 你是做什么工作的? Today let's talk about jobs! 今天让我们来谈谈自已的工作! Excuse me , can you tell me what you do ? 请问您的工作是什么? Me? I'm a cab driver. 你问我吗? 啊! 我是个出租司机. This is a really tiring job, you know. 你知道这是个很累人的工作. Pardon me, could you tell me what you do for a living? 对不起,请问你是什么工作? Sure, I'm a salesman. 啊! 我是一名推销员. Say, if you need anything, just give me a call. 如果你想买什么的话, 别忘了给我打电话 Fresh milk! Fresh milk! 新鲜牛奶! 新鲜牛奶! Sorry to disturb you, what , may I ask , is your job? 打搅您了,请问您是什么工作? Who, me ? I'm just a shop assistant. 我吗? 我是个商店售货员. Would you like some fresh, sweet milk? 您需要新鲜、香甜的牛奶吗? Excuse me, sir, could you please tell us ,what is your profession? 耽误您一分钟,请问您的工作是什么? Why, I'm a surgeon. 我的职业是外科医生. And me? I'm a reporter, bringing you this story. 啊! 我的职业是记者,现在在现场报道. How about you? 那么您好的职业是什么呢? cab driver 出租车司机/ tiring 令人疲惫的/ salesman 推销员/ surgeon 外科医生/ reporter 记者 Let's talk about… 让我们来谈谈… Today let's talk about jobs. 今天让我们来谈谈工作. Let's talk about travelling. 让我们谈谈旅游. Let's talk about hobbies. 让我们来谈谈兴趣爱好. Let's talk about sports. 让我们来谈谈运动. Can you tell me ….? 你能告诉我….? Can you tell me what you do? 你能告诉我你是什么工作吗? Can you tell me your name? 你能告诉我你的名字吗? Can you tell me what your profession is? 你能告诉我你的职业是什么吗? What do you do for a living? 你的工作是什么? Pardon me, could you tell me what you do for a living? 对不起,请问你的工作是什么? What does she do for a living? She is a shop assistant. 她是干什么维生的? 她是个售货员. What does your father do for a living ? 你父亲是干什么的? How would you like some fresh , sweet milk? 您需要新鲜,香甜的牛奶吗? I'm a reporter, bringing you this story. 我的职业是记者, 现在在现场报道. Pardon me. 对不起. Pardon me, but I have something important to tell you. 对不起,我有些重要的事要跟你谈谈. Sorry to disturb you. 很抱歉打搅你. give somebody a call. 给…. 打电话 If you need any help, just give me a call. 如果你需要帮助,给我打电话 Lesson 13 Bottoms up I've got some great news! 我要告诉你一个好消息。 Beat it! I'm in a bad mood. 走开! 我今天心情可不好。 This is my lucky day! 今天是我走运的日子! I found a new job! 我找到个新工作。 A new job?. Really ? 新工作? 真的? Really! 真的! I wanted you to be the first to know! 所以我希望你第一个听到这个好消息。 Congratulations! 祝贺你! I wish you the best of luck in your new job! 祝你工作顺利! Let's drink to that! 让我们为这个喝一杯! To your luck! 为你的幸运! Thank you! 谢谢! And to our friendship! 还有我们的友谊! To friendship! 为了友谊! Wait! And to your health! 等等! 还有你的健康! Yes, to good health. 对,为了健康。 And to….还有。。。。 To… Cheers! 干杯! news 消息/ job 工作/ health 健康/ friendship 友谊/ luck 运气/ I've got … 我有。。。 I've got some great news! 我有一个好消息要告诉你! I've got a new job! 我有了一份新工作! I've got a promotion! 我获得了升职! I've got something to give you! 我有些礼物给你! This is my lucky day! I found a new job! 今天是我走运的日子! 我找到了个新工作! A new job ? 新工作? Really ? 真的吗? I've got a promotion! 我获得了晋升! Really? 真的吗? We're going to Japan next week! 我们下周去日本! Really ? 真的吗? I passed the test! 我通过了考试! Really? 真的吗? I wanted you to be the first to know! 我希望你第一个听到这个好消息。 I wish you…! 祝你....! I wish you the best of luck in your new job! 祝你工作顺利! I wish you a pleasant journey! 祝你旅途愉快! I wish you good luck! 祝你好运! I wish you good health! 祝你身体健康! Cheers! 干杯! Beat it! 走开! Beat it! I'm in a bad mood. 走开,我心情不好. Congratulations! 恭喜! Lesson 14 It's my first time 是我的第一次 I'm really nervous about this. 我真的很紧张。 I've got butterflies! 我在发抖! Don't worry, everyone's afraid the first time! 别担心,第一次的时候,每个人都会害怕。 Are you sure everything is ready? 你确定这很安全? Yes, I've double-checked everything. 是的,我已经查过两次了。 Trust me! 相信我! Ok, go for it! 来,跳吧! That's it! 就是这样! You're doing great! 干得不赖! nervous 紧张的/ worry 担心/ afraid 害怕的/ double-check 复查/ trust 信任 be nervous (about something) 对….紧张 I'm really nervous about this. 我真的很紧张. Don't be nervous! 别紧张! He was nervous about the exam. 他对考试很紧张. I've got butterflies! 我在发抖! the first time 第一次 Don't worry, everyone's afraid the first time! 别担心, 第一次的时候,每个人都会很害怕. The first time is difficult, after that it's easy. 第一次确实很难,以后就简单了. Don't expect too much the first time. 第一次别期望太高. Are you sure…? 你肯定….? Are you sure everything is ready? 你肯定这很安全吗? Are you sure (that) you will win the game? 你肯定能赢得比赛吗? Are you sure (that) he is the right person? 你肯定他是适合的人选吗? Are you sure (that) this is the way to Shanghai Museum? 你肯定这是去上海博物馆的路吗? Yes, I've double-checked everything. 是的,我已经查过两次了. Trust me! 相信我! have (got) butterflies 心慌,紧张 That's it! 就这样! You're doing great! 你做得很好! be ready 准备就绪 Is everyone ready? 大家准备就绪了吗? go for it 去吧! nervous 紧张的/ worry 担心/ afraid 害怕/ have (got) butterflies 心慌,紧张/ that's it! 就这样! / be ready 准备就绪/ Lesson 15 I want to fly 我要飞 Can I give you a hand? 我能帮你吗? No, thanks. 谢谢。 Are you sure you don't need any help? 你真的不需要帮忙吗? I don't want to risk my neck just to fly. 我可不想为了飞而伤着自已。 Who wants to fly, anyway. 谁想要飞啊。 May I help you ? 有什么要帮忙的吗? I'd like to book an airline ticket. 我想订一张机票。 give you a hand 帮忙/ risk 危险,风险/ neck 脖子/ I'd like to 我想要/ airline ticket 机票 give you a hand 帮忙 Can I give you a hand? 我能帮你吗? Can you give me a hand? I'm all thumbs. 你能帮我吗?我忙不过来了。 Can you give me a hand? I'm exhausted. 你能帮我吗? 我已经筋疲力尽了。 Can you give me a hand? This is really heavy. 你能帮我吗? 这太沉了。 I don't want to risk…. 我可不想冒险。。。 I don't want to risk my neck just to fly. 我可不想为了飞而伤着自已。 I don't want to risk the reputation of our company. 我可不想拿公司的名誉冒险。 I don't want to risk my money on this deal. 我可不想拿我的钱在这笔买卖上冒险。 Who wants to fly, anyway. 谁想要飞啊。 May I help you? 有什么要帮忙的吗? Good morning. May I help you? 早上好,有什么要帮忙的吗? May I help you, sir? What are you looking for today? 有什么要帮忙的吗?先生?你今天需要什么? May I help you? No, thanks , I'm just looking. 有什么要帮忙的吗? 不,谢谢,我只是看看。 No, thanks. 不,谢谢 book 预定 We'd like to book a table for two. 我想预定一个双人座。 We'd like to book a ticket for tonight's show. 我想预定一张今晚演出的票子。 Don't forget to book a hotel room before you go! 你走以前别忘了预定一个宾馆房间。 give you a hand 帮忙/ risk 危险,风险/ neck 脖子/ no, thanks. 不,谢谢/ book 预定/ Lesson 16 Where Am I 我在哪 Get your maps here, really cheap! 要地图吗? 很便宜! Excuse me, sir. Would you like to buy a map? 对不起,先生,您想买地图吗? No, thank you. 谢谢,我不要。 They're real bargain, just four yuan each! 很便宜的,每张才4元。 You can't find a good map that cheap anywhere else! 哪里去买这么好的地图。 Sorry, I don't need a map! 对不起,我不需要地图! Sure you do! 你当然需要! Come on, these are great maps! 买吧,多好的地图啊! Thanks anyway. 谢谢 Where… where am I ? 我在哪里? See, I told you you needed a map! 看!我说你需要地图吧! bargain 便宜货/ need 需要/ cheap 便宜的/ anyway 不管怎样/ anywhere else 别的地方 ….a real bargain …真是便宜 They're a real bargain,just four yuan each! 这真是便宜货,每张才4元。 Those shoes you bought were a real bargain. 你买的那双鞋可真是便宜。 You can always get a real bargain in that department store. 在那个商场你总能买到便宜货。 That china vase is a real bargain. 那个瓷花瓶可真是个便宜货。 You can't find ... anywhere else. 在别处再也找不到这么。。。 You can't find a good map that cheap anywhere else. 在别处你再也找不到这么好的地图了. You can't find a better choice anywhere else. 在别处你再也没有更好的选择了. You can't find food this good anywhere else. 在别处你再也找不到这么好吃的东西了. don't need…. 不需要… Sorry, I don't need a map! Thanks anyway. 对不起,我不需要地图! 谢谢 I don't need any help. 我不需要任何帮助. You don't need to finish the work now. 你不需要现在就完成工作. You don't need to worry. 你不需要担心. Where am I ? 我在哪里? I told you you needed a map! 你说你需要地图吧! Sure you do. 你当要(这么做).。 Thanks anyway. 不管怎样得谢谢你。 Can I help you? 要帮忙吗? No, but thanks anyway. 不,但是,还是要谢谢你。 bargain 便宜货/ need 需要/ cheap 便宜的/ Sure you do. 你当然要(这么做)./ Thanks anyway. 不管怎样得谢谢你. Lesson 17 Let's rock n'roll 我们一起来摇滚 There's a rock concert tonight at the club. 今天晚上俱乐部有摇滚音乐会. Man, I really wish I was going! 伙计,我好想去啊! Big deal! 有什么了不起! You're not going? 你不准备去吗? No, I couldn't care less. 对不起,我一点也不感兴趣. Oh. Well, it sounds like everyone will be there. 哦,好吧,听说所有的人都会去啊. SO WHAT!!! 那又怎么样! HEY, the concert is now OVER! 嘿! 摇滚音乐会到此结束! rock concert 摇滚音乐会/ club 俱乐部./ everyone 所有的人/ sounds like 听起来/ SO WHAT 那又怎么样? There's …. 那里有… There's rock concert tonight at the club. 今天晚上俱乐部有摇滚音乐会. There's a sculpture exhibit in the Shanghai Museum. 上海博物馆正在举办一场雕塑展。 There's a good restaurant next door. 隔壁有一家很不错的餐厅。 There's a bug in my soup. 我的汤里有只虫子。 I really wish …. 我真希望…. I really wish I was going! 我好想去啊! I really wish I could find a better job. 我真希望我能找到一份更好的工作。 I really wish you could come with us. 我真希望你能跟我一起去。 I really wish I could help you. 我真希望我能帮你。 Big deal! 有什么了不起! He is No. 1. 他是第一名。 Big deal! 有什么了不起! I am going to the USA. 我要去美国了. Big deal! 有什么了不起! She is the most fashionable star. 她是最时尚的明星. Big deal! 有什么了不起. It sounds like… 听说…. It sounds like everyone will be there. 听说所有的人都会去啊! It sounds like he will leave tomorrow. 听说他明天就离开了. It sounds like everyone will be at the meeting. 听说每个人都会来开会. I couldn't care less. 我不感兴趣. Are you going to take the exam? 你去参加考试吗? I couldn't care less. 我不感兴趣. Is he OK now? 他现在好吗? I couldn't care less. 我不感兴趣 over 结束 Class is over. Goodbye! 下课了. 再见! Please wait a minute, the meeting is almost over. 请等一分钟,会议差不多结束了. rock concert 摇滚音乐会./ club 俱乐部/ everyone 所有的人 / I couldn't care less. 我不感兴趣. / over 结束 Lesson 18 Long time no see 好久不见 Hey, stranger! 嘿, 伙计! Haven't seen you in a while! 好久不见! Long time no see. 好久不见了. Yeah, long time no see! 是啊, 好久不见! How have you been? 最近怎么样? Are you all right? 你还好吗? How's your wife? 你太太怎么样? Are you still working for that horrible company? 你还在那个公司? Hey, are you free Friday? 嗨, 星期五有空吗? Let's get together! 我们一起过! Hey, buddy, Great to see you! 嘿,伙计!你好.! work for … 为….工作/ company 公司 / still 仍然 / free 有空/ buddy 家伙,好朋友 Hey, stranger! 嘿, 伙计! Are you ….? 你….? Are you all right? 你还好吗? Are you ok? 你还好吧? Are you hungry? 你饿吗? Are you tired? 你累吗? How ….? …. 怎么样? How's your wife? 你太太怎么样? How are you these days? 你最近怎么样? How are your parents? 你的父母怎么样? How is everything? 事情怎么样? Hey, are you free Friday? 嗨, 星期五有空吗? Let's …! 让我们 ... ...! Let's get together! 让我们一起过! Let's have a rest! 让我们休息一下! Let's visit the Shanghai zoo! 让我们去上海动物园吧! Haven't seen you in a while! 好久不见! Long time no see! 好久不见 Hey, stranger! 嘿, 伙计! company 公司 / still 仍然/ free 有空 / Long time no see! 好久不见! Hey, stranger! 嘿, 伙计 Lesson 19 You are always stylish 你总是那么时髦 Hey man, check out my new look! 喂! 老弟! 瞧我的新打扮怎么样? You are always so stylish! 你总是那么时髦! But … do you really like it ? 不过… 你真的喜欢这样? Like it? 喜欢? Of course! 当然! Am I not fashionable? Am I not chic? 你不觉得这很时髦? You should get one, too! 你也该打一个环! It would look great on you! 看上去会很棒! How awful! 真可怕! Wow, that's really cool! 哦, 太酷了! Hey, can you tell me where you bought that? 嗨,能告诉我你在哪里买的吗? check out 打量/ stylish 时髦的/ fashionable 流行的/ chic 别致的/ awful 可怕的 Hey man , check out my new look! 喂,老弟! 瞧我的新打扮怎么样? You are always so stylish? 你总是那么时髦! You are always so troublesome! 你总是叫人讨厌! You are always so considerate! 你总是想得那么周到! You are always so diligent! 你总是那么用功! Like it? 喜欢? Of course! 当然! Am I not fashionable? 你不觉得这很时髦? … look great on you! 你看上去….! It would look great on you! 你看上去会很棒! That dress looks great on you! 那套衣服看上去太合适你了! That hair style looks great on you! 那款发型看上去太合适你了! That hat looks great on you! 那帽子看上去太合适你了! Can you tell me …? 能不能告诉我…? Can you tell me where you bought that? 能不能告诉我你哪里买的? Can you tell me how to do it? 能不能告诉我你怎么做的? Can you tell me where I could find her? 能不能告诉我哪里能找到她? Can you tell me what day it is today? 能不能告诉我今天星期几? chic 别致的 I like you chic hat. 我喜欢你别致的帽子. awful 可怕的 Today's weather is awful! 今天的天气真糟糕. look 外表 Shanghai has taken on a new look. 上海已经大变样了. check out 打量/ stylish 时髦的/ fashionable 流行的/ chic 别致的/ awful 可怕的/ look 外表 Lesson 20 No speeding, ok. 不要超速行驶 Taxi! Taxi! 出租车, 出租车! Where to ? 请问您要到哪里去? Take me to the Salad Hotel. 我要到色拉酒店. The Salad Hotel? But …. 色拉酒店? 可是…. Hey, Mister! 嘿, 先生! We're already at the Salad Hotel! 这里就是色拉酒店啊! Huh? What? 啊, 什么? Oh, we're here! 哦,到了! Wow, that was quick! 真是快啊! Here you go! 给你钱! Keep the change, pal! 不用找零了,伙计! By the way, next time no speeding, okay? 顺便提一句, 下次开车别太快了, 好吗? It's too dangerous! 很危险的! taxi 出租车/ already 已经/ speeding 超速行驶 / dangerous 危险的/ change 找零 Take me to the Salad Hotel. 我要到色拉酒店. already… 已经…. We're already at the Salad Hotel! 我们已经到色拉酒店了! We're already at home. 我们已经到家了. She has already handed in her report. 她已经交了报告. Have your children started school already? 你的孩子已经上学了吗? Wow, that was quick! 真是快啊! no… 不行/ 严禁…. Next time no speeding, okay? 下次开车别太快了,好吗? No littering. 不得乱扔垃圾。 No dogs. 不得养狗。 No smoking in the cinema. 电影院内不得吸烟.。 by the way,… 顺便提一句, …. By the way, next time no speeding, okay? It's too dangerous! 顺便提一句, 下次开车别太快了,好吗? 很危险的. Oh, by the way, there is a telephone message for you. 哦,顺便提一句,有你一个电话口信. What did you say your name was, by the way? 顺便问一句,你说你的名字叫什么来着? keep the change 不用找钱了/ Here you go! 给你! / Where to ?去哪儿? / pal 老兄 taxi 出租车/ already 已经/ speeding 超速行驶/ keep the change 不用找钱了/ Here you go ! 给你!/ Where to? 去哪儿? / pal 老兄
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