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翻译达人百分百之信,达,雅Faithfulness expressiveness, and elegance


翻译达人百分百之信,达,雅Faithfulness expressiveness, and eleganceI came, I saw, I conquered. Faithfulness expressiveness”, and elegance · Calculation never makes a hero. · A. 计算界从来没有造出英雄。 · B. 举棋不定永远成不了英雄 · (1) 王先生用热情的款待把他的窘态掩盖过去。 · Mr. Wang covered up his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitali...

翻译达人百分百之信,达,雅Faithfulness   expressiveness, and elegance
I came, I saw, I conquered. Faithfulness expressiveness”, and elegance · Calculation never makes a hero. · A. 计算界从来没有造出英雄。 · B. 举棋不定永远成不了英雄 · (1) 王先生用热情的款待把他的窘态掩盖过去。 · Mr. Wang covered up his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitality. · (2) 街中的一切逐渐消失在灰暗的暮色里。 · Everything in the street was gradually disappeared into a dusk of gloomy grey. · (3) 海南岛上的空气是这样清香,使人感到格外凉爽、舒畅。 · The air over Hainan Island was so fresh and fragrant; it gave us a feeling of exceptional coolness and comfort. · 要是你们满足于现状,你们就不能在竞争中求得发展。 · You cannot survive in the competition for further development, if you are only content with things as they are. · (3) 获悉贵国南方地区遭受水灾,国际红十字会深表关切,特向你们捐赠以下救济物资。 · The International Red Cross is deeply concerned at the news that a flood has hit the southern areas of your country. The following relief items will be specially denoted for this purpose. · (2) Much of our morality is customary. · 我们大部分的道德观念都有习惯性。 He was a patriotic, adventurous and romantic writer.他是一个具有爱国热情、探索精神和浪漫风格的作家。 · The remedies you propose are neat and easy but impossible.你提的补救措施倒是干净利落、轻而易举 但是行不通。 · 13) This lack of resistance in very cold · metals may become useful in electronic computers. 在非常低温的金属中,这种没有电阻的现象可能对电子计算机有用处。 · (14) Last year they were responsible for 33 killings and may other crimes. · 在过去一年里,他们制造了33起凶杀案及其他许多案件。 · Reading makes a full man; conference ( ) a ready man and writing ( ) an exact man. · 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。 · (7) Outside stood a little girl, dripping wet and shivering. · 门外站着一个小女孩,浑身湿透,冻得发抖。 · (8) They went from one big town to another. · 他们来往于各大城镇之间。 · (9) When you turn a switch, you can easily operate · lighting, heating, or power-driven electrical devices. · 旋动开关,就能轻而易举地启动照明装置、供热装 · 置和电动装置。 · (10) Good marriages don’t just happen---- they take a lot of love and a lot of work. · 幸福的婚姻不是从天上掉下来的——你必须为它付出大量的爱,做大量的工作。 · (2) His diligence, earnestness, carefulness and brilliance make him praised by all. · 他勤勉、踏实、细心、才华过人,这些 都使他受到众人的夸奖。 · (2) The room was warm and comfortably American. · 屋内暖融融,美国式的摆设十分舒适。 · (4) In his opinion, the smog will certainly add to the · Europe’s problem? · 在他看来,烟雾问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 会把欧洲问题搞得更加复杂。 · (4) This assay is well-constructed. · 这篇文章结构严谨。 · (5) The premier is quiet and amiable. · 总理态度和蔼,待人亲切。 · (6) This boy is not big, but he is very clever. · 这孩子个头不大,可脑瓜儿很灵。 · In spite of the opposition of her parents, she never swerved.虽然遭到父母的反对,但她决不改变自己的决心。 · (2) The young man was earnest but poorly · informed. · 那年轻人做事认真,但知识欠缺。 · To promote the development of China-U.S. relation, China needs to know the United States better and vice versa. · 为了推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一步了解美 国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。 · (5) We have advocated the principle of peaceful co-existence, which is now growing more and more popular in the world. · 我们提出和平共处的原则,这项原则目前在世界上已越来越得人心。 · (6) For China, the first thing is to throw off poverty. To do that we have to find a way to develop fairly rapidly. · 对中国来说,首先是要摆脱贫穷。要摆脱贫穷,就要找出一条比较快的发展道路。 · (1) So long as there is chance for peace, we will never abandon the negotiation. · 只要和平有希望,我们仍不放弃和平谈判。 · (2) People use natural science to understand and change nature. · 人们利用自然科学去了解自然,改造自然。 · (6) This is a great victory without parallel in · the history of China, a great victory of · significance following the May Fourth · Movement.这是一个伟大的胜利,是中国史无前列的伟大胜利,也是五四运动以后具有伟大意义的胜利。 · (3) He was honest and modest, diligent and earnest. 他为人老老实实,勤勤恳恳。 (6) She always wears a gloomy face. 她总是愁眉苦脸的。 (7) Only a very slight and very scattering ripples of half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him. 欢迎他的只有几下轻轻的、零零落落的、冷冷淡淡的掌声。 (2) He was stumped by the questions and remained tongue-tied. · 我给问得张口结舌,哑口无言。 (3) What’s that fellow up to, sneaking around like that? 那家伙鬼鬼祟祟的在干什么? (4) He declared that for himself he was still for the Charter, details, name and all. · 他自称他本人仍然拥护宪章,拥护它的细则,拥护它的名称,拥护它的一切。 (7) In their view, war is war and peace is peace, the two are mutually exclusive and entirely unconnected. · 他们看来,战争就是战争,和平就是和平,两个东西相互排斥,毫无联系。 (8) The fact that Harvard was founded before the United States of America testifies to its position in the American history. 先有哈佛,后有美利坚,这说明哈佛在美国历史上的作用。 (9)That point slipped my attention. · 这事(使)我不能理解。 (10)You might well have spared yourself the trouble. 你大可不必多此一举。 (11)That will count against them. · 这一点我没有注意到。 (13)Time is what we want most, but what, alas, many use worst. 时间是我们最缺少的,但可惜的是,偏偏许多人最不善于利用。 (14)The scientist rejects authority as an ultimate basis for truth. · 科学家拒不承认权威是真理的最终依据。 (15)To be vain of one’s rank or place is to show that one is below it. · 凡因自己的地位而觉得了不起的人,就表明他不配有这样的地位。 (5)I would not put it past him to stoop to cheating. 我认为他会干出骗人的勾当的。 (6)Such windows can never be more than half opened. 这种窗子最多只能开足一半。 (7)His speech leaves nothing to be desired.他的讲话精彩极了。 (8)The thought of returning to his native land never deserted his mind amid his tribulation.尽管历经磨难,返回故土的想法始终萦绕在他心 头。 (9)Mary recited the prayer in a low voice, careful not to show her feeling. · 玛丽低声地祈祷,小心翼翼,生怕流露出自己的感情。 (10)A book may be compared to your neighbour; if it be good, it cannot last too long; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early. · 一本书好比你的邻居,如果是本好书,相伴地越久越好。如果是本坏书,越早摆脱它越好。 (4)Shortness of time has required the omission of some countries. · 由于时间短促,未能访问某些国家。 · ( NP (VP ) (5)A state of uncertainty must disgust and alarm. · 动荡的局势一定会引发人们的反感和惊恐。 (NP ( VP) (6)The idiom is above reproach. · 这个成语用得很好,没有什么可挑剔的。 (Prep.P (VP) (7)She has an incisive manner of speaking, happily free from umms and ers. · 她说话干脆果断,完全没有哼哼哈哈的腔调。 (AP (VP) (4) It will generally be found that the man who are habitually behind time are as habitually behind success. 我们通常发现,习惯不准时的人通常也不会成功。 (7) It was beyond his power to sign such a contract. 他无权签定这种 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 。 (8) He thought not very vividly of his father and mother. 他模模糊糊地想起了父母亲。 (9) If all the three of you take part in it, there can be no further question about your courage. · 如果你们三人都参加,那就足以证明你们是有勇气的。 (12) Don’t be a damned fool. Remember I’m not a gentleman. · 别犯傻,我可不是正人君子,我的拳头可不是吃素的。 (6) There are lots of mistakes in this blue print, which has taken us much time to correct. · 这个 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 中错误很多,我们花了许多时间去改正。 (7) Many men who had few advantages in their youth became great leaders of revolution. 很多人虽然青年时代处境艰难,却成了伟大的革命领袖。 (8) In learning a foreign language, say English, one should first pay attention to speaking, which is the groundwork of reading and writing. · 学习一门外语,比如说英语,首先要注意说,因为说是读和写的基础。 (2) They turned a deaf ear to our demands, which enraged all of us. (result) · 他们对我们的要求置之不理,这使我们大家都很生气。 (3) Deanne, awed by the tumultuous river, which she had seen only once, was reluctant. · 黛安(由于)只有一次见过那条河,对那汹涌的河流有点胆战心惊,所以不大想去。 (4) He has brought forward conclusive evidence, which leaves no room for further dispute. · 他列出了铁证,因此再也没有继续争论的余地了。 The sun, which had shone brightly in the morning, was overcast by noon. 上午阳光明媚,而到了中午就转阴了。 (3) He would be a rash man who should venture to forecast the result of this event. · 如果谁敢预测这件事的后果,肯定是鲁莽之徒。 · 谁敢预测这件事的后果,谁就是个鲁莽之徒。 (1) Accurate, legible notes are invaluable aids to the students who are enrolled in a lecture course. · 学生听讲时如能写下正确而字迹清楚的笔记,将会非常有用。 (2) The arms drive, which brings huge profits to the monopolists, weighs heavily on the working people and seriously worsens the economy of the country. · 军备竞赛一方面给垄断资本家带来巨额利润,另一方面却把其沉重的负担强加在劳动人民身上,而且严重损害了国家的经济。 (3) The armed rebellion, which looked very serious at first, was soon put down by the government. · 这次武装暴乱,尽管开始时显得很严重,很快就被政府平定下去了。 (4) Many American boys who have had few advantages in their youth have worked their way into prominence. · 许多美国孩子虽然年轻时并没有多少优越条件,但凭着个人努力,仍能出人头地。 (1) She is flirting with Dick, whom she actually detests. (= though she actually detests him) · 虽然她实际上很讨厌迪克,但还是和他眉来眼去。 · 实际上,她并不喜欢迪克,但还是和他眉来眼去。 (2) It is strange that he should be unkind to you, who did so much for him. (= although you did …) · 你对他那么好,他竟待你如此冷酷无情,真是怪事。 His writing suffers from a diffuseness which not in frequently keeps the main issue clouded. · 他的文章有点罗嗦,往往使主题模糊不清。 (7) Scarcely an adventure or character is given in this works that may not be traced to his own party-colored story. · 他的作品中几乎没有一桩事件或一个人物不是取材于他一生丰富多彩的生活经历。 (into the main part of the sentence; subject + predicate) (8) It is a loss which strikes all countries and us individually. · 所有国家以及我们每一个都对他的逝世感到震惊。 · (into a simple sentence with the logical subject) (9) He had a face in which the leathering wrinkles began only where the scars left off. · 他脸上疤痕累累,没有疤痕的地方则是又粗又深的皱纹。 · (7) Scarcely an adventure or character is given in this works that may not be traced to his own party-colored story. · 他的作品中几乎没有一桩事件或一个人物不是取材于他一生丰富多彩的生活经历。 · (into the main part of the sentence; subject + predicate) · (8) It is a loss which strikes all countries and us individually. · 所有国家以及我们每一个都对他的逝世感到震惊。 · (into a simple sentence with the logical subject) · (9) He had a face in which the leathering wrinkles began only where the scars left off. · 他脸上疤痕累累,没有疤痕的地方则是又粗又深的皱纹。 · (into two compound clauses) · 2. The attributive clause used to serve as adverbials · 2.1 As adverbial of cause · (1) He is a good man, who always helps others. · 他是个好人,因为他经常帮助别人。 · 他经常帮助别人,是个好人。 · (2) The current, which is very rapid, makes the river dangerous. · 由于水流很急,这条河很危险。 · 这条河水流很急,很危险。 · (3) My publishers, with whom I have excellent relations, always give my new books wide publicity. · (由于)我和出版商关系很好,他们总是为我的新书广作宣传。 · (4) Electricity, which can be easily transmitted and changed into other forms of energy, has found wide application in daily life. · 因为便于输送和转换为其他形式的能,电在日常生活中得到广泛应用。 · 2. 2 As adverbial of purpose · (1) Can you think of anyone that could look after him a bit for the next few days? · 你能想出有谁能照顾他两三天吗? · (2) We recognize the need to establish and develop institutions which help to tame the unbridled exercise of power. · 我们认识到需要建立和发展一些机构,以帮助控制滥用权力。 · (3) He wishes to write an article that will attract public attention to the matter. · 他想写篇文章,以引起公众对此事的注意。 · (4) The Wall Street multi-millionaires are looking for new markets overseas where they can damp their surplus goods. · 华尔街的亿万富翁们正在海外寻找新的市场,以便推销他们的剩余物质。 · 2. 3 As adverbial of result · (1) The tram stopped suddenly, which caused me to come late. · 电车突然停了,所以我来晚了。 · (2) They turned a deaf ear to our demands, which enraged all of us. · 他们对我们的要求置之不理,(这使)我们大家都很生气。 · (3) His writing suffers from a diffuseness which not in frequently keeps the main issue clouded. · 他的文章有点罗嗦,往往使主题模糊不清。 · (4) As she turned the corner she had a new idea which made her stop dead. · 她走到拐角处突然想起了一个新主意,于是立刻停了下来。 · (5) The water in the sea contains a considerable quantity of salts, which give such water a particular taste. · 海水中含有大量的盐类,(所以)有一种特殊的味道。 2. 4 As adverbial of concession (1) She is flirting with Dick, whom she actually detests. (= though she actually detests him) · 虽然她实际上很讨厌迪克,但还是和他眉来眼去。 · 实际上,她并不喜欢迪克,但还是和他眉来眼去。 (2) It is strange that he should be unkind to you, who did so much for him. (= although you did …) · 你对他那么好,他竟待你如此冷酷无情,真是怪事。 (3) The armed rebellion, which looked very serious at first, was soon put down by the government. · 这次武装暴乱,尽管开始时显得很严重,很快就被政府平定下去了。 (4) Many American boys who have had few advantages in their youth have worked their way into prominence. · 许多美国孩子虽然年轻时并没有多少优越条件,但凭着个人努力,仍能出人头地。 2. 5 As adverbial of time (1) Accurate, legible notes are invaluable aids to the students who are enrolled in a lecture course. · 学生听讲时如能写下正确而字迹清楚的笔记,将会非常有用。 (2) The arms drive, which brings huge profits to the monopolists, weighs heavily on the working people and seriously worsens the economy of the country. · 军备竞赛一方面给垄断资本家带来巨额利润,另一方面却把其沉重的负担强加在劳动人民身上,而且严重损害了国家的经济。 2. 6 As adverbial of condition (1) There is nothing difficult in the world for people who try to do it. · 天下无难事,只怕有心人。 (2) The same thing, which happened in the old society, would amount to disaster. · 这种事要是发生在旧社会,就(等于)是场灾难。 (3) He would be a rash man who should venture to forecast the result of this event. · 如果谁敢预测这件事的后果,肯定是鲁莽之徒。 · 谁敢预测这件事的后果,谁就是个鲁莽之徒。 (4) How can anyone hope to be a political leader who doesn’t know what the neighborhood are thinking? · 一个人如果不知道左邻右舍在想什么,怎么能指望成为政治领袖呢? · 如果不知道左邻右舍在想什么,怎么能成为一个政治领袖呢? 2. 7 As adverbial of contrast (1) The London team, which played so well last season, has done badly this season. · 伦敦队在上一个赛季打得挺好的,这个赛季却打得很糟。 (2) The sun, which had shone brightly in the morning, was overcast by noon. · 上午阳光明媚,而到了中午就转阴了。 (1) An engineer was sent to your factory, who would help you with your work. · 我们派了一个 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 师到你厂,以便帮助你们工作。 (2) They turned a deaf ear to our demands, which enraged all of us. (result) · 他们对我们的要求置之不理,这使我们大家都很生气。 (3) Deanne, awed by the tumultuous river, which she had seen only once, was reluctant. · 黛安(由于)只有一次见过那条河,对那汹涌的河流有点胆战心惊,所以不大想去。 (4) He has brought forward conclusive evidence, which leaves no room for further dispute. · 他列出了铁证,因此再也没有继续争论的余地了。 (5) The Chinese people are determined to work hard for 20 years, which will thoroughly bring about a change in the whole country. · 中国人民决心苦干20年,以彻底改变全国的面貌。 (6) There are lots of mistakes in this blue print, which has taken us much time to correct. · 这个方案中错误很多,我们花了许多时间去改正。 (7) Many men who had few advantages in their youth became great leaders of revolution. 很多人虽然青年时代处境艰难,却成了伟大的革命领袖。 (8) In learning a foreign language, say English, one should first pay attention to speaking, which is the groundwork of reading and writing. · 学习一门外语,比如说英语,首先要注意说,因为说是读和写的基础。 (2) No one was present that I had ever seen before. · 我以前见过的人都未出席。 (3) No boats were out that we could see. · 凡是能看到的船只,一艘也没出航。 (4) Nothing should be done in a hurry that can be done slowly. · 宜缓办的事不宜操之过急。 (5) The assumption was made that the earth is a great magnet. · 人们提出假设:地球是一个巨大的磁体。 (6) I know of a place on that mountain where we can find this kind of plant. · 我知道那座山上有个地方能找到这类植物。 (7) Word was soon passed that the team members had gone to the mountain to cut bamboo. · 很快传过话来,队员们已进山砍竹子去了。 (8) The theory is of great importance that the hotter the body is, the more energy it radiates. · 物体温度越高,放射的能量越多,这一理论非常重要。 2. 短语的隔离 A. OF短语与它所修饰的名词的隔离 (1) I saw everything I could of their work. · 他们的所作所为,我能看到的都看到了。 (2) After the fire, very little remained of my house. · 失火之后,我的房子没有剩下什么东西。 (3) Rumour spread of major demonstration in that city the next day. · 人们纷纷传说,第二天城里要举行大示威。 (7) When I awoke on the morning of Sunday, the 22nd, the news was brought to me of Hitler’s invasion of Russia. · 二十二日星期日早晨醒来,听到了希特勒侵略俄国的消息。 (8) There have been reports in resent days of scattered clashes between the strikers and the police. · 据报道,近几天罢工者和警察之间爆发了零星的冲突。 (9) Talks continued to try to end the strike, now in its eleventh day, of 100,000 truck drivers. · 十万卡车司机的罢工进入了第十一天,为结束这次罢工而举行的谈判在继续进行。 B. 不定式短语的隔离 (1) After an exciting month of visits, the time came to leave China. · 一个月的激动人心的访问之后,终于得离开中国了。 (2) When a forest is cut down, there is nothing left to create or protect the soil. · 在森林被砍伐之后,没有东西留下来改造或保持土壤了。 (3) They telephoned, just before you came in, to say they had no news of him. · 就在你进来之前,他们来电话说还没有打听到他的消息。 C.其他短语 (1) He told us a great many things we didn’t know about China. · 他告诉我们许多我们不知道的有关中国的事情。 (2) Very few atoms, as you know, can exist singly by themselves in a free state, but they usually combine together to form molecules. · 人们知道,原子不能以游离状态单独存在,它们通常相互结合成分子。 (3) We will reassure the Prime Minster during the latter’s upcoming visit to this country of China’s unswerving opposition to any form of hegemanism, global or regional. · 在首相即将对我国进行访问期间,我们将向他说明中国毫不动摇地反对一切形式的霸权主义(的主张),不管是全球霸权主义还是区域霸权主义。 (7) I couldn’t see why the worker who works and produces gets paid less than the manager who sits on his chair and does nothing. 译文:我不明白为什么干活和生产的人倒比坐在椅子上什么都不干的经理挣的钱少。 (:我搞不懂,工人拼命地干活,拼命地生产,为什么到头来挣的工资却比那些整天坐在椅子上什么都不干的经理还要少。 (8) Business is pretty slack, to begin with, and then I’m fixing up a little house for Ned and Ruth, when they’re married. 译文:生意清淡,这是其一;此外,当纳德和路德结婚时,我还得给他们盖房子。 (:一来生意清淡,二来我正准备给纳德和路德(结婚)盖个房子,他们快结婚了。 (9) To those of us who walk in sunlight and hear all the sounds that beat on our ears, being blind and deaf would seem like being in a prison. 译文:对于我们中能够在阳光下漫步并聆听到撞击在耳边的所有音响的人们来说,眼盲耳聋如同处在一所监狱里。 (:对于我们这些漫步在阳光下、聆听着撞击在耳边的各种声音的人来说,一旦眼睛瞎了,耳朵聋了,那就如同身陷囹圄,很不自由。 (1)Ten minutes later, the hall was filled with chatting, groaning, and angry contempt. · 原译:十分钟后,整个大厅充满了闲谈、抱怨和由于受到蔑视而感到极为愤怒之声。 ( :10分钟后,大厅里人声鼎沸,人们闲聊着,埋怨着,既感到气愤又表示蔑视。 (2)Almost every culture has rituals to signal a change in one’s life. Marriage is one of the most basic life changes for people of all cultures. · 原译:几乎每一种文化都有仪式来标志一个人生活的变化。婚姻对于各种文化的人而言都是最基本的生活变化之一。 · ( :几乎每种文化都要举行一种仪式,来表明人生所经历的某种变化。对于各种文化的人而言,婚姻就是人生最根本的变化之一。 (3)One of my students got herself bicycling every day simply by putting her bicycle in her doorway before she left for school. · 原译:我的一个学生为了促使自己每天骑车锻炼,采取了离家上学前将自行车放在门道里的简单方法。 · ( :我有个学生为了让自己每天骑车锻炼身体,干脆在动身上学之前把自行车放在门道里。 (4)Later in the pub they teased her about not drinking, trying to make her admit what she had done; but she steadily pretended she didn’t want a drink. · 原译:后来,他们在酒吧取笑她不喝酒,试图使她承认她所做过的事情,可她坚决假装她不想喝酒。 · ( : 后来在酒吧,他们试图叫她承认她的所作所为,以此取笑她,说她不会喝酒。但她还是装着一副不想喝的样子,而且态度十分坚决。 (5)He loved the way she looked, her mouth twitching between laughter and disbelief. · 原译:他喜欢她看人时的那副神情,嘴巴在哈哈大笑和怀疑之间抽动了一下。 · ( :他喜欢她看人时的那副神情,小嘴飞快地一撇,一副似笑非笑、将信将疑的样子。 (6)The greatest thing in family life is to take a hint when a hint is intended, and not to take a hint when a hint is not intended. · 原译:家庭生活中最重要的不仅是成员之间的心领神会,还需要心有灵犀一点通。 · ( : 家庭生活中最重要的是心有灵犀一点通,而不是要对别人的意图妄加猜测。 1.Application of Extra-position · Extra-position is a kind of special element in Chinese. It means that a certain part is picked up and placed at the beginning of a sentence, and its original place is occupied by another substitute word. ① 听力、阅读、语音、口语、笔语、翻译等等,样样都要好。 (外位语用作主语) ② 商品这东西,千百万人,天天看它,用它,但是熟视无睹。 (外位语用作宾语) ③ 看过这一部电影的人和听说过这部影片故事的人,他们的评价都很高。 (外位语用作定语) ④ 谁是我们的敌人?谁是我们的朋友?这个问题是革命的首要问题。 · Who are our enemies? Who are our friends? This is a question of the first importance for the revolution. · It is a question of the first importance for the revolution who our enemies are and who our friends are? 1.1 Grammatical function of extra-position (1)The examination of rulers of procedure, the allocation of agenda item, the organization of the work of the Assembly and documentation are the work of the committee. 原译:议事规则的审查、议事项目的分配、大会工作的组织和文件的整理都是该委员会的工作。 改译:议事规则的审查、议事项目的分配、大会工作的组织和文件的整理,这一切都是该委员会的工作。 (2)I came to know the American friends Brown, Hill, David and their wives two years ago. 原译:我于两年前认识了美国朋友布郎、希尔、大卫和他们的夫人。 改译:美国朋友布郎、希尔、大卫和他们的夫人,我是两年前认识他们的。(外位语作宾语) (3)Today’s votes have made clear who are the friends and who are the enemies of a people fighting for freedom and independence. 原译:谁是一个为自由和独立而斗争的民族的朋友,谁是一个为自由和独立而斗争的民族的敌人,通过今天的表决已经一清二楚了。 改译:一个为自由和独立而斗争的民族,谁是它的朋友,谁是它的敌人,通过今天的表决,已经一清二楚了。 (4)The misleading news is designed to show the world that the aggression is justified. 原译:制造骗人的报道的目的是向世界表明该侵略是正义的。 改译:制造骗人的报道,其目的是向世界表明该侵略是正义的。(外位语用来强调定语) (5)It is this threat that the Security Council should take action to meet. 原译:这正是安理会应该采取行动应对的威胁。 改
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