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法律翻译的一般原则nullLegal TranslationLegal Translation法律翻译的一般原则法律翻译专题法律翻译专题 Nevertheless, nothing is now more obvious than that the criterion of a translation,whether communicative or semantic,must be its measure of accuracy,its ability to reproduce the greatest pos...

nullLegal TranslationLegal Translation法律 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 的一般原则法律翻译专 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 法律翻译专题 Nevertheless, nothing is now more obvious than that the criterion of a translation,whether communicative or semantic,must be its measure of accuracy,its ability to reproduce the greatest possible degree of the meaning of the original:the heart of the meaning being the message in communicative translation——the significance,the enduring value and importance in semantic translation.(Newmark,1988:44)法律翻译专题法律翻译专题Most non-literary writing,journalism,informative articles and books,textbooks,reports,scientific and technological writing,non-personal correspondence,propaganda,publicity,public notices,standardized writing,popular fiction—the run-of-the-mill texts which have to be translated today but were not translated and in most cases did not exist a hundred years ago--comprise typical material suitable for communicative translation.On the other hand,original expression,whether the specific language of the speaker or writer is as important as the content,whether it is philosophical,religious,political,scientific,technical or literary,needs to be translated semantically.(Newmark,1988:66)法律翻译的六项应用型作业原则 法律翻译的六项应用型作业原则 1)准确性及精确性(Accuracy and Precision) 2)一致性及同一性(Consistency and Identity); 3)清晰及简练(Clarity and Concision); 4)专业化(Professionalism); 5)语言 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 化(Standardized Language); 6)集体作业(Tearm Work)。1、准确性及精确性1、准确性及精确性要求及重要意义: The lawyer must be more precise in his writing than almost anyone else.Most writers can expect their work to be read in good faith,that is,with an honest desire to understand what was meant.But the lawyer must write in constant fear o f what we might call the reader in bad faith,the man looking for loopholes in the contract so as to avoid liability for his failure to perform,the disappointed heir who wants the will read in a way that would defeat the testator’s intention,the criminal defendant who wants the statute interpreted so as not to cover his act,and all the others who will want to twist the meaning of words for their own ends.(Chen,1992:164—165)1、准确性及精确性1、准确性及精确性例l ……所有董事会成员……须由合营方委派和撤换。 (…all the directors shall be appointed and replaced by the parties t0 the venture.)(Chen,1992:166)1、准确性及精确性1、准确性及精确性例2 如果买方对品质有异议,可以在货到目的口岸或收货后30天内向卖方提出索赔。 (In case the Buyers have disputes over the quality of the goods,the Buyers may,within 30 days after arrival at the destination port or delivery of goods,file a claim a—gainst the Sellers~1、准确性及精确性1、准确性及精确性例3 外国合营者如果有意以落后的技术和设备进行欺骗,造成损失的,应赔偿损失。 (If the foreign joint -venturer causes losses by deception through the intentional use of backward technology and equipment,he shall pay compensation for the losses.)(Chen,1992:166)1、准确性及精确性1、准确性及精确性正确译文应该如下: “If the foreign joint venturer causes any loss or losses by deception through the intentional use of backward technology and equipment,he shall pay compensation there-for.”(Chen,1992:166)1、准确性及精确性1、准确性及精确性例4 The defense produced EX.D1,a medical report which showed that the appellant had suffered abrasion to both hands,arms and elbows and clinical fractures to both legs and arms.(辩方将一份医生报告,证物D1,呈堂。报告指出上诉人双手,手臂及手肘都有擦伤,而且双手和双脚都有骨折。)(Court Interpreters' Journal,1996:11)2、一致性及同一性2、一致性及同一性《法律文体》一书的作者Henry Weihofen强调说: ...exactness often demands repeating the same term to express the same idea.Where that is true,never be afraid o f using the same word over and over again.Many more sentences are spoiled by trying to avoid repetition than by repetition.(Chen,1992:164—165)2、一致性及同一性2、一致性及同一性The Customs supervising fees on the import goods granted with duty reduction and exemption and that on the goods in bond shall be collected in accordance with the Customs Regulations of the People’s Republic of China Governing the Collection of Customs Supervising Fees on Import Goods Granted with Duty Reduction or Exemption and the Bonded Goods.(李文阳,1994:14)2、一致性及同一性2、一致性及同一性这是《上海市涉外经济法规规章汇编》中的一段规定。 对照以下原文:“保税区的减免税货物、保税货物的监管手续费,应当按照《中华人民共和国海关对进口减税、免税和保税货物征收海关监管手续费的办法》办理。” 2、一致性及同一性2、一致性及同一性For the purpose of this Part一 (a) an instrument is false i f it purports to have been—— (i) made in the form in which it is made by a person who did not in fact make it that form; (ii) made in the form in which it is made on the authority of a person who did not in fact authorize its making in that form; (iii) made in terms in which it is made by a person who did not in fact make it in those terms:2、一致性及同一性2、一致性及同一性(iv) made in terms in which it is made on the authority of a person who did not in fact authorize its making on those terms; (v) altered in any respect by a person who did not in fact alter it in that respect; (vi) altered in any respect on the authority of any person who did not in fact authorize its alteration in that respect; 2、一致性及同一性2、一致性及同一性 (vii)...就本部而言—— (a)任何文书如有以下情况,即属虚假—— (i)该文书是以某种式样制成,并看来是由某人以该式样制成,但事实上该人并无以该式样制造该文书; (ii)该文书是以某种式样制成,并看来是获某人授权以该式样制造,但事实上该人并无授权以该式样制造该文书; (iii)该文书是按某些条款制造,但事实上该人并无按该等条款制造该文书;2、一致性及同一性 2、一致性及同一性 (iv)该文书是按某些条款制成,并看来是获某人授权按该等条款制造,但事实上该人并无授权按该等条款制造该文书; (v)该文书看来曾由某人在某些方面予以更改,但事实上该人并无授权在该方面予以更改; (vi)该文书看来是获某人授权在某方面予以更改,但事实上该人并无在某方面予以更改; (vii)……(Laws of Hong.Kong,“Crimes Ordinance”,1996:44)3、清晰及简练3、清晰及简练例5 The district court,on the other hand,erroneously addressed but one word of the Bankers Blanket Bond—the term ‘realized’一and then the district court misapplied it by erroneously considering whether (the appellee) ‘realized’ a benefit and the Bank suffered a loss,which is not a question under the Bankers Blanket Bond;and once the district court found that the Bank suffered a loss it held the Insurer liable without considering the language of the Bankers Blanket Bond as relevant to the issue of whether that 10ss was covered under the Bankers Blanket Bond.(Faulk & Mehler,1994:5)3、清晰及简练3、清晰及简练其实,这个句子总共包含四层主要意思: 1)The court read only a part of the Bankers Blanket Bond. 2)The court read that part incorrectly. 3)And as a consequence,the court failed to focus on the proper issue in the case. 4)The dispositive issue in the case is whether the loss was covered under the Bond.(Faulk & Mehler,1994:6)3、清晰及简练3、清晰及简练试看以下改进的版本: The district court addressed only the term “realized” as used in the Bankers Blanket Bond.Then the court considered whether the appellee “realized” a benefit and the Bank suffered a loss.At that point,the court incorrectly held the Insurer liable.The issue is whether that loss was covered under the Bond.(Faulk 8L Mehler,1994:6)3、清晰及简练3、清晰及简练例6 The remainder o f the testator’s property should be divided equally between all o four nephews and nieces on my wife’s side and my niece.(李文阳,1994:13—14)3、清晰及简练3、清晰及简练改进后: ‘‘The remainder of the testator’s property should be divided equally between all of our nephews and nieces on my wife’s side as one party and my niece as another.” 3、清晰及简练3、清晰及简练例7 The servant’s liability stems from the duty owed to a third person under the law to conduct HIMSELF SO as not to injure others.(李文阳,1994:13—14) 改写成“The servant’s liability stems from the duty owed to a third person under the law requiring the SERVANT to act So as not to injure others”,就不会产生任何歧义。 3、清晰及简练3、清晰及简练Clarity and concision often go hand in hand.No translators of legal documents should try to achieve clarity at the cost of concision.Of course,wordiness is not a test for clarity or obscurity.A removal of excessive wordiness can help clarify the meaning of legislation.Too often,legal writers include several important ideas in one long,complex sentence.The result is confusion and misunderstanding on the part of the reader.In order to interpret the legal text correctly,the reader may be forced to reread the sentence.So it is advised to try to use short sentences for complicated thoughts in drafting the legal documents.(Faulk & Mehler,1994:5) 3、清晰及简练3、清晰及简练例8 More than 80 per cent of the 32,000 commercial enterprises in Guangdong involve Hong Kong businessmen,with ICAC intelligence indicating many bribe with impunity,through lavish gifts,entertainment and kick-backs.(“Law Could Cover Bribes in China”,1995)3、清晰及简练3、清晰及简练译文甲:在广东省32,000间商业机构中,超过百分之八十与香港有生意上的往来。廉署情报人员指出这些生意上的往来涉及许多贿赂罪行,然而这些罪行并没有受到法律的制裁。贿赂专案包括赠送贵重的礼物、提供高档的娱乐招待以及给予巨额的现金回扣。 译文乙:在32,000个广东商业机构中,八成以上有港商参与,据廉署情报显示,许多港商以大量馈赠、殷勤款待和丰厚回扣行贿,却能逍遥法外。3、清晰及简练3、清晰及简练例9 ‘The case is adjourned for the Crown to prepare transfer paper. 译文甲:将案件押后以便控方准备提交地方法院审讯的文件。(22字) 译文乙:将案件押后以便控方准备移审文件。(15字)(Court In。Interpreters’ Journal,1996:11)3、清晰及简练3、清晰及简练例10 律师一再强调法律面前人人平等。 律师一次又一次强调所有的人在法律面前都是平等的。(Court Interpreters' Journal,1996:11)3、清晰及简练 3、清晰及简练 例11 (3)In subsection(1)“complainant'’(申诉人)means a woman upon whom,in a charge for a rape offence or indecent assault to’ which the trial in question relates,it is alleged that rape or indecent assault was committed,attempted or proposed. (3)在第(1)款中,“申诉人”(complainant)指在有关审讯关乎的强奸罪行或猥亵侵犯的控罪中,指称遭人强奸和猥亵侵犯,或指称遭人企图强奸或猥亵侵犯,或指称有人打算将其强奸或对其猥亵侵犯的女子。(Laws of Hong Kong,“Crimes Ordinance”,1996:91)4、专业化 4、专业化 例如,几乎任何一份外贸货物进出口(在香港,import and export则为“出入口”)合约都涉及如何处理“不可抗力”的条款。根据词义,该短语可译成。force be—yond human power,force controlled by God,or irresistible force,然而只有把它译成force majeure才是道地的、专业的。4、专业化 4、专业化 例如:I ruled that a strict 1iability offence would not be inconsistent with the HKBORO.(我的判决是有关严格责任罪的法例与香港人权法例并没有抵触。) 如果把译文改为“本席裁定严格责任罪并不抵触香港人权法例”(Court Interpreters' Journal, 1996:21—22),不但译文言简意赅,读起来琅琅上口,而且更给人一种法官措辞庄重严肃的感觉。5.语言规范化5.语言规范化所谓语言规范化原则主要是指在法律翻译中使用官方认可的规范化语言或书面语,以及避免使用方言和俚语。 6.集体作业6.集体作业
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