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Geostatistical approaches for incorporating elevation into the


Geostatistical approaches for incorporating elevation into the Geostatistical approaches for incorporating elevation into the spatial interpolation of rainfall P. Goovaerts* Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125, USA Received 11 February 1999; received i...

Geostatistical approaches for incorporating elevation into the
Geostatistical approaches for incorporating elevation into the spatial interpolation of rainfall P. Goovaerts* Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125, USA Received 11 February 1999; received in revised form 11 November 1999; accepted 16 December 1999 Abstract This paper presents three multivariate geostatistical algorithms for incorporating a digital elevation model into the spatial prediction of rainfall: simple kriging with varying local means; kriging with an external drift; and colocated cokriging. The techniques are illustrated using annual and monthly rainfall observations measured at 36 climatic stations in a 5000 km2 region of Portugal. Cross validation is used to compare the prediction performances of the three geostatistical interpolation algorithms with the straightforward linear regression of rainfall against elevation and three univariate techniques: the Thiessen polygon; inverse square distance; and ordinary kriging. Larger prediction errors are obtained for the two algorithms (inverse square distance, Thiessen polygon) that ignore both the elevation and rainfall records at surrounding stations. The three multivariate geostatistical algorithms outperform other inter- polators, in particular the linear regression, which stresses the importance of accounting for spatially dependent rainfall observations in addition to the colocated elevation. Last, ordinary kriging yields more accurate predictions than linear regres- sion when the correlation between rainfall and elevation is moderate (less than 0.75 in the case study). q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Rainfall; DEM; Multivariate geostatistics; Kriging 1. Introduction Measured rainfall data are important to many problems in hydrologic analysis and designs. For example the ability of obtaining high resolution esti- mates of spatial variability in rainfall fields becomes important for identification of locally intense storms which could lead to floods and especially to flash floods. The accurate estimation of the spatial distribu- tion of rainfall requires a very dense network of instruments, which entails large installation and operational costs. Also, vandalism or the failure of the observer to make the necessary visit to the gage may result in even lower sampling density. It is thus necessary to estimate point rainfall at unrecorded locations from values at surrounding sites. A number of methods have been proposed for the interpolation of rainfall data. The simplest approach consists of assigning to the unsampled location the record of the closest gage (Thiessen, 1911). This method amounts at drawing around each gage a poly- gon of influence with the boundaries at a distance halfway between gage pairs, hence the name Thiessen polygon for the technique. Although the Thiessen polygon method is essentially used for estimation of areal rainfall (McCuen, 1998), it has also been applied to the interpolation of point measurements (Creutin Journal of Hydrology 228 (2000) 113–129 0022-1694/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0022-1694(00)00144-X www.elsevier.com/locate/jhydrol * Tel.: 11-734-936-0141; fax: 11-734-763-2275. E-mail address: goovaert@engin.umich.edu (P. Goovaerts). and Obled, 1982; Tabios and Salas, 1985; Dirks et al., 1998). In 1972, the US National Weather Service has developed another method whereby the unknown rainfall depth is estimated as a weighted average of surrounding values, the weights being reciprocal to the square distances from the unsampled location (Bedient and Huber, 1992, p. 25). Like the Thiessen polygon method, the inverse square distance tech- nique does not allow the hydrologist to consider factors, such as topography, that can affect the catch at a gage. The isohyetal method (McCuen, 1998, p. 190) is designed to overcome this deficiency. The idea is to use the location and catch for each gage, as well as knowledge of the factors affecting these catches, to draw lines of equal rainfall depth (isohyets). The amount of rainfall at the unsampled location is then estimated by interpolation within the isohyets. A limitation of the technique is that an extensive gage network is required to draw isohyets accurately. Geostatistics, which is based on the theory of regionalized variables (Journel and Huijbregts, 1978; Goovaerts, 1997, 1999), is increasingly preferred because it allows one to capitalize on the spatial correlation between neighboring observations to predict attribute values at unsampled locations. Several authors (Tabios and Salas, 1985; Phillips et al., 1992) have shown that the geostatistical prediction technique (kriging) provides better estimates of rain- fall than conventional methods. Recently, Dirks et al. (1998) found that the results depend on the sampling density and that, for high-resolution networks (e.g. 13 raingages over a 35 km2 area), the kriging method does not show significantly greater predictive skill than simpler techniques, such as the inverse square distance method. Similar results were found by Borga and Vizzaccaro (1997) when they compared kriging and multiquadratic surface fitting for various gage densities. In fact, besides providing a measure of P. Goovaerts / Journal of Hydrology 228 (2000) 113–129114 Fig. 1. Location of the study area and positions of the 36 climatic stations. prediction error (kriging variance), a major advantage of kriging over simpler methods is that the sparsely sampled observations of the primary attribute can be complemented by secondary attributes that are more densely sampled. For rainfall, secondary information can take the form of weather-radar observations. A multivariate extension of kriging, known as cokriging, has been used for merging raingage and radar-rainfall data (Creutin et al., 1988; Azimi-Zonooz et al., 1989). Raspa et al. (1997) used another geostatistical tech- nique, kriging with an external drift, to combine both types of information. In this paper, another valuable and cheaper source of secondary information is considered: digital elevation model (DEM). Precipi- tation tends to increase with increasing elevation, mainly because of the orographic effect of moun- tainous terrain, which causes the air to be lifted verti- cally, and the condensation occurs due to adiabatic cooling. For example Hevesi et al. (1992a,b) reported a significant 0.75 correlation between average annual precipitation and elevation recorded at 62 stations in Nevada and southeastern California. In their paper, they used a multivariate version of kriging, called cokriging, to incorporate elevation into the mapping of rainfall. A more straightforward approach consists of estimating rainfall at a DEM grid cell through a regression of rainfall versus elevation (Daly et al., 1994). In this paper, annual and monthly rainfall data from the Algarve region (Portugal) are interpolated using two types of techniques: (1) methods that use only rainfall data recorded at 36 stations (the Thiessen polygon, inverse square distance, and ordinary kriging); and (2) algorithms that combine rainfall data with a digital elevation model (linear regression, simple kriging with varying local means, kriging with an external drift, colocated ordinary cokriging). Prediction performances of the different algorithms are compared using cross validation and are related to the strength of the correlation between rainfall and elevation, and the pattern of spatial dependence of rainfall. 2. Case study The Algarve is the most southern region of Portu- gal, with an area of approximately 5000 km2. Fig. 1 shows the location of 36 daily read raingage stations used in this study. The monthly and annual rainfall depths have been averaged over the period of January 1970–March 1995, and basic sample statistics (mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum) are given in Table 1. The subsequent analysis will be conducted on these averaged data, hence fluctuations of monthly and annual precipitations from one year to another will not be investigated. P. Goovaerts / Journal of Hydrology 228 (2000) 113–129 115 Table 1 Statistics for the monthly and annual rainfall data (36 observations). The last three columns give the linear correlation coefficient between rainfall and elevation, and the mean absolute error (MAE) and mean square error (MSE) of prediction of rainfall by linear regression of elevation Period Rainfall (mm) Correlation MAE MSE Mean Std. dev. Min. Max. Jan 69.9 24.7 37.6 137.0 0.69 13.9 317 Feb 58.0 25.7 27.4 146.6 0.75 12.5 287 Mar 32.7 11.4 17.2 73.9 0.80 5.05 47.4 Apr 42.1 17.3 17.9 105.9 0.74 8.91 135 May 21.0 9.8 7.2 54.6 0.83 4.30 30.1 Jun 8.1 3.7 3.2 16.8 0.83 1.71 4.33 Jul 1.0 0.8 0.0 3.2 0.39 0.66 0.61 Aug 2.0 1.2 0.0 5.3 0.33 0.85 1.21 Sep 12.1 4.1 5.6 22.8 0.75 2.24 7.56 Oct 59.6 16.1 32.2 111.0 0.76 8.38 111 Nov 79.3 22.0 39.4 148.7 0.72 11.1 231 Dec 96.3 33.7 44.4 183.0 0.71 19.9 562 Annual 482.1 159.8 259.5 1005 0.79 76.2 9774 Another source of information is the elevation map shown in Fig. 2. Each grid cell represents 1 km2 and its elevation was computed as the average of the elevations at 4 discrete points within the cell. The relief is dominated by the two main Algarve’s moun- tains: the Monchique (left) and the Caldeira˜o (right). Table 1 indicates that the correlation between rainfall and elevation ranges from 0.33 to 0.83, hence it seems worth accounting for this exhaustive secondary infor- mation into the mapping of rainfall. The control of elevation on the spatial distribution of rainfall explains the moderate to strong correlation between monthly rainfall data, see Table 2. Apart from the two dry months of July and August the correlation ranges from 0.50 to 0.97. The correlation coefficients of Table 2 have been averaged as a function of the time lag between months, excluding July and August. Fig. 3 shows that the average correlation between rainfall measured over two consecutive months …lag ˆ 1† is 0.9 and slightly decreases to 0.8 as the separation time increases. 3. Interpolation procedures This section briefly introduces the different esti- mators used in the case study. Interested readers should refer to Goovaerts (1997) for a detailed presen- tation of the different kriging algorithms, and Deutsch and Journel (1998) for their implementation in the public-domain Geostatistical Software Library (Gslib). 3.1. Univariate estimation Consider first the problem of estimating the rainfall depth z at an unsampled location u using only rainfall data. Let {z…ua†;a ˆ 1;…; n} be the set of rainfall data measured at n ˆ 36 locations ua . The most straightforward approach is the Thiessen P. Goovaerts / Journal of Hydrology 228 (2000) 113–129116 Fig. 2. Digital elevation model. Table 2 Matrix of linear correlation coefficients between monthly rainfall data (36 observations) Period Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 1.00 0.97 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.78 0.23 0.31 0.58 0.88 0.94 0.94 Feb 1.00 0.92 0.91 0.87 0.81 0.22 0.42 0.64 0.92 0.96 0.93 Mar 1.00 0.96 0.89 0.80 0.20 0.47 0.71 0.89 0.89 0.81 Apr 1.00 0.91 0.82 0.20 0.42 0.71 0.91 0.89 0.78 May 1.00 0.88 0.33 0.36 0.75 0.90 0.85 0.78 Jun 1.00 0.38 0.34 0.77 0.84 0.79 0.72 Jul 1.00 20.04 0.26 0.12 0.24 0.34 Aug 1.00 0.46 0.37 0.35 0.31 Sep 1.00 0.75 0.65 0.50 Oct 1.00 0.89 0.81 Nov 1.00 0.91 Dec 1.00 Fig. 3. Average correlation between monthly rainfall data measured at increasing time intervals: 1–5 months. polygon method whereby the value of the closest observation is simply assigned to u: zpPol…u† ˆ z…ua 0 † with uu 2 ua 0 u , uu 2 uau ;a ± a 0: …1† Fig. 4 (2nd graph) shows the map of annual rainfall interpolated at the nodes of a 1 £ 1 km2 grid corre- sponding to the resolution of the elevation model. The map displays the characteristic polygonal zones of influence around the 36 gages. To avoid unrealistic patchy maps, the depth z can be estimated as a linear combination of several surround- ing observations, with the weights being inversely proportional to the square distance between obser- vations and u: zpInv…u† ˆ 1Xn…u† aˆ1 la…u† Xn…u† aˆ1 la…u†z…ua† with la…u† ˆ 1 uu 2 uau 2 …2† Fig. 4 (3rd graph) shows the map of annual rainfall produced using the inverse square distance method and n…u† ˆ 16 surrounding observations. The basic idea behind the weighting scheme (2) is that observations that are close to each other on the ground tend to be more alike than those further apart, hence observations closer to u should receive a larger weight. Instead of the Euclidian distance, geostatistics uses the semivariogram as a measure of dissimilarity between observations. The experimental semivario- gram g^…h† is computed as half the average squared difference between the components of data pairs: g^…h† ˆ 1 2N…h† XN…h† aˆ1 ‰z…ua†2 z…ua 1 h†Š2; …3† where N(h) is the number of pairs of data locations a vector h apart. The semivariogram is a function of both the distance and direction, and so it can account for direction-dependent variability (anisotropic spatial pattern). Fig. 5 (top graph) shows the semivariogram of annual rainfall computed from the 36 data of Fig. 4. Because of the lack of data only the omnidirectional semivariogram was computed, and hence the spatial variability is assumed to be identical in all directions. Semivariogram values increase with the separation distance, reflecting our intuitive feeling that two rain- fall data close to each other on the ground are more alike, and thus their squared difference is smaller, than those that are further apart. The semivariogram reaches a maximum at 25 km before dipping and fluc- tuating around a sill value. The so-called “hole effect” typically reflects pseudo-periodic or cyclic phenom- ena (Journel and Huijbregts, 1978, p. 403). Here, the P. Goovaerts / Journal of Hydrology 228 (2000) 113–129 117 Fig. 4. Annual rainfall maps obtained by interpolation of 36 obser- vations (top map) using the Thiessen polygon, inverse square distance, and ordinary kriging. hole effect relates to the existence of two mountains 40 km apart (recall Fig. 2) which creates two high- valued areas in the rainfall field. Kriging is a generalized least-square regression technique that allows one to account for the spatial dependence between observations, as revealed by the semivariogram, into spatial prediction. Most of geos- tatistics is based on the concept of a random function, whereby the set of unknown values is regarded as a set of spatially dependent random variables. Each measurement z…ua† is thus interpreted as a particular realization of a random variable Z…ua†. Interested readers should refer to textbooks such as Isaaks and Srivastava (1989, pp. 196–236) or Goovaerts (1997, pp. 59–74) for a detailed presentation of the theory of random functions. Like the inverse square distance method, geostatistical interpolation amounts at esti- mating the unknown rainfall depth z at the unsampled location u as a linear combination of neighboring observations: zpOK…u† ˆ Xn…u† aˆ1 lOKa …u†z…ua† with Xn…u† aˆ1 lOKa …u† ˆ 1: …4† The ordinary kriging weights lOKa …u† are determined such as to minimize the estimation variance, Var{ZpOK…u†2 Z…u†}; while ensuring the unbiased- ness of the estimator, E{ZpOK…u†2 Z…u†} ˆ 0: These weights are obtained by solving a system of linear equations which is known as “ordinary kriging system”: Xn…u† bˆ1 lb…u†g …ua 2 ub†2 m…u† ˆ g …ua 2 u† a ˆ 1;…; n…u† Xn…u† bˆ1 lb…u† ˆ 1 8>>>>><>>>>>: …5† where m (u) is the Lagrange parameter accounting for the constraint on the weights. The only information required by the kriging system (5) are semivariogram values for different lags, and these are readily derived once a semivariogram model has been fitted to experi- mental values. Fig. 5 shows three different types of permissible models that are combined with a nugget- effect model for the fitting of the experimental semi- variogram of annual rainfall: 1. Spherical model with range a g…h† ˆ 1:5 h a 2 0:5 h a � �3 if h # a 1 otherwise 8><>: …6† P. Goovaerts / Journal of Hydrology 228 (2000) 113–129118 Fig. 5. Experimental semivariogram of the annual rainfall with three different permissible models fitted. 2. Cubic model with range a g…h†ˆ 7 h a � �2 28:75 h a � �3 13:5 h a � �5 20:75 h a � �7 if h # a 1 otherwise 8>>>>>><>>>>>>: …7† 3. Dampened hole effect model g…h† ˆ 1:0 2 exp 23hd � � cos h a p � � …8† where d is the distance at which 95% of the hole effect is dampened out. The spherical model is the most widely used semi- variogram model and is characterized by a linear behavior at the origin. The cubic model (Galli et al., 1984; Chile`s and Delfiner, 1999, p. 84) displays a parabolic behavior at the origin and is preferred to the Gaussian model because it avoids numerical unstability in kriging system (Wackernagel, 1998, p. 120). Although no direct information is available on the variability of rainfall over very short distances (the first semivariogram value corresponds to a lag of 5.9 km), ancillary information, such as the more detailed semivariogram of a correlated attribute like altitude (Fig. 6), suggests that one can expect a para- bolic behavior for the first lags. Note that a very regu- lar behavior near the origin can be combined with a nugget effect, the latter reflecting measurement errors that are superimposed on the underlying continuous phenomenon. The last type of function is more complex and used to model hole effect (Deutsch and Journel, 1998, p. 26). The three models have been fitted using regression and are such that the weighted sum of squares (WSS) of differences between experi- mental g^…hk† and model g …hk† semivariogram values is minimum: WSS ˆ XK kˆ1 v…hk†‰g^…hk†2 g …hk†Š2 …9† The weights were taken as N…hk†=‰g …hk†Š2 in order to give more importance to the first lags and the ones computed from more data pairs. The cubic model has been retained because it yields the smallest WSS value while being more parsimonious (less parameters to estimate) than the dampened hole effect model. Fig. 4 (bottom graph) shows the rainfall map produced by ordinary kriging using the cubic semivariogram model and the 16 closest observations at each grid node. Like the inverse square distance method, the rainfall map is quite crude, which stresses the importance of accounting for more densely sampled information, such as the digital elevation model of Fig. 2. 3.2. Accounting for elevation Consider now the situation where the rainfall data {z…ua†;a ˆ 1;…; n} are supplemented by elevation data available at all estimation grid nodes and denoted y(u). A straightforward approach consists of predicting the rainfall as a function of the co-located elevation, e.g. using a linear relation such as: zp…u† ˆ f … y…u†† ˆ ap0 1 ap1y…u† …10† where the two regression coefficients ap0; ap1 are esti- mated from the set of collocated rainfall and elevation data {…z…ua†; y…ua††; a ˆ 1;…; n}: For example, the relation between annual rainfall and elevation was modeled as z…u† ˆ 324:1 1 0:922y…u† R2 ˆ 0:62; leading to the rainfall map shown at the top of Fig. 7. A major shortcoming of this type of regression is that the rainfall at a particular grid node u is derived only from the elevation at u, regardless of the records P. Goovaerts / Journal of Hydrology 228 (2000) 113–129 119 Fig. 6. Experimental semivariogram of elevation computed from the DEM of Fig. 2. at the surrounding raingages ua . Such an approach amounts at assuming that the residual values r…ua† ˆ z…ua†2 f … y…ua†† are spatially uncorrelated. Spatial correlation of the residuals or of the rainfall observations can be taken into account using the three types of geostatistical algorithms described below. Simple kriging with varying local means (SKlm) amounts at replacing the known stationary mean in the
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