首页 MBTI八种功能对人格的影响(深入了解mbti必备)



MBTI八种功能对人格的影响(深入了解mbti必备)      The 16 Type Patterns   16种人格类型      Adapted from Linda V. Berens and Dario Nardi,   Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code   (Telos Publications, 2004) *Used with permission.      THERE ARE 16 PERSONALITY ...

     The 16 Type Patterns   16种人格类型      Adapted from Linda V. Berens and Dario Nardi,   Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code   (Telos Publications, 2004) *Used with permission.      THERE ARE 16 PERSONALITY TYPES. EACH "TYPE" REPRESENTS A UNIQUE PREDICTABLE PATTERN OF HOW THE EIGHT PROCESSES ARE USED IN EVERYDAY LIFE.   存在16种人格类型。每种“类型”都可预见出的在日常生活中对应的八种功能的运用方式。      The Roles of the Processes   不同功能的作用      In each of the sixteen types, each of the eight processes plays a different “role” in the personality. The type code lets you know what role each process plays for each type. This is called “type dynamics.” It is also referred to as the “hierarchy of functions”: Dominant, Auxiliary, Tertiary, and Inferior. The roles are explained below to help you better understand the patterns. In most of what we do we rely on two of the processes—a preferred way of accessing information and a preferred way of organizing and evaluating that information. As we look more closely we can see that one process takes a leading role and the other takes a supporting role.*   所有的功能均在不同的人格类型中扮演着各自的角色。类型代码的作用就是让你知道在不同的类型中,各种功能分别扮演着何等角色。这就是所谓的“动力类型”。也就是我们所说的“功能等级”:主导功能,辅助功能,第三功能和劣势功能。这些内容在下面会有进一步的解释以助你加深理解。通常情况下我们主要依靠两种功能,一种用来收集信息,另一种用来组织所获取的信息。当我们对此更深入观察时,会发现一种功能占主导地位而另一种起辅助作用。      In truth, we have access to all eight cognitive processes—the other six are often in the background, playing other kinds of roles. Each has a positive and a negative way of expressing itself. Each bears a different energy cost when we use it.   事实上,我们能够使用所有这八种功能,只是另外六种常常居于幕后,起着不同的作用。每种方式都可能被积极或消极地呈现。当我们运用不同方式时,也就是在向不同的方面投入精力。      The Primary Processes   人格类型的阳面      The primary processes are those used in the first four roles. Each process tends to emerge and develop at different times in our lives. During these times we are drawn to activities that use these processes. Then, learning the content and the skills that engage these processes is often nearly effortless. We find our interest is drawn to them and our interest is pulled away from things we were drawn to before.   人格类型的阳面我们首要运用的四种功能。不同的功能会在我们生命中的不同阶段出现与发展。在不同的阶段,我们会更活跃地应用对应的功能,并发现可以几乎毫不费力地应用它。我们会发现自己的兴趣逐渐转移,从过去吸引我们的事物上移开。      The Leading Role (Dominant) (sometimes referred to as the 1st function)   主角(主导功能)      The process that plays the leading role is the one that usually develops early in childhood. We tend to engage in this process first, trusting it to solve our problems and help us be successful. Being the most trusted and most used, it usually has an adult, mature quality to it. While we are likely to engage in it rather automatically and effortlessly, we have much more conscious control over it. The energy cost for using it is very low. Much like in the movies, the leading role has a heroic quality as using it can get us out of difficult situations. However, we can sometimes “turn up the volume” on this process and become overbearing and domineering. Then it takes on a negative dominating quality.   主导功能通常是我们在童年期即已发展出的功能。我们会倾向于首先运用它,指望它来解决我们的问题,帮助我们成功。这是我们最值得信赖和最常使用的功能,通常是相当成熟完善的。尽管多数情况下我们是在自然而然、毫不费力地运用它,我们也可以更有意识地去掌控它。运用主导功能所需投入的精力极少。正如电影中的主角所起的作用那样,主导功能的运用能够令我们摆脱困境。然而,有时我们也会过分依赖主导功能,变得过于傲慢自大。此时它主要起消极作用。      The Supporting Role (Auxiliary) (sometimes referred to as the 2nd function)   配角(辅助功能)      The supporting role is how we are helpful to others as well as supportive of ourselves. Once we have developed some facility with our leading role process, we are more likely to feel comfortable engaging in our supporting role process. In its most positive form, this can be quite like a nurturing parent. In its more negative aspect, it can be overprotective and stunting rather than helpful. When the leading role process is an extraverted one, the supporting role process is introverted. When the leading role process is an introverted one, the supporting role process is extraverted and may be quite active and visible as it provides a way of dealing with the outer world.   辅助功能帮助我们自身的作用正如我们帮助他人。一旦我们能够熟练地运用主导功能,让作为配角的辅助功能来发挥作用会让我们更感舒适。当状况良好时,恰似合适的家庭环境有利于孩子成长。若状况不佳,则可能是主角过于强大而使得配角不能很好地发展,而非起到促进作用。当主导功能外倾时,对应的辅助功能是内倾的。当主导功能内倾时,外倾的辅助功能是我们与外界打交道的方式,会是活跃而易于被觉察的。      The Relief Role (Tertiary) (sometimes referred to as the 3rd function)   替补队员(第三功能)      The relief role gives us a way to energize and recharge ourselves. It serves as a backup to the supporting role and often works in tandem with it. When we are younger, we might not engage in the process that plays this role very much unless our life circumstances require it or make it hard to use the supporting role process. Usually, in young adulthood we are attracted to activities that draw upon this process. The relief role often is how we express our creativity. It is how we are playful and childlike. In its most negative expression, this is how we become childish. Then it has an unsettling quality, and we can use this process to distract ourselves and others, getting us off target.   替补队员为我们提供了恢复自我的途径。是配角的替补,并经常与配角共同协作。在我们年轻时,若不是情非得已,配角不能很好地完成任务,可能并不会有力地运用它。通常,在成人初期我们会被替补队员的活动吸引。第三功能通常是我们发挥创造力的途径,会在我们像孩童般嬉戏时出现。在最糟的情况下,这是我们表现出幼稚行为时运用的功能。此时它稳定性不佳,会令我们自己与其他人偏离常轨。      The Aspirational Role (Inferior) (sometimes referred to as the 4th function)   龙套演员(劣势功能或第四功能)      The aspirational role usually doesn’t develop until around midlife. We often experience it first in its negative aspect of projecting our “shoulds,” fears, and negativities onto others. The qualities of these fears reflect the process that plays this role, and we are more likely to look immature when we engage in the process that plays this role. There is often a fairly high energy cost for using it—even when we acquire the skill to do so. As we learn to trust it and develop it, the aspirational role process provides a bridge to balance in our lives. Often our sense of purpose, inspiration, and ideals have the qualities of the process that plays this role.   龙套演员通常在我们中年以前并未发展。我们通常是先遇到它在跟我们捣乱,作为我们的内心的命令、恐惧及其他负面情绪出现。此类恐惧是劣势功能在发挥作用的体现,而我们常常在此时并不会成熟地去对待它。在龙套演员登场时,我们常常要投入相当多的精力——即使是在我们掌握了调配它的技能以后。一旦我们学会去信赖并发展它,龙套演员能够成为平衡我们生活的桥梁,连通我们的目标、灵感、理想。      The Shadow Processes   人格类型的阴面      The other four cognitive processes operate more on the boundaries of our awareness. It is as if they are in the shadows and only come forward under certain circumstances. We usually experience these processes in a negative way, yet when we are open to them, they can be quite positive.   剩下的四种功能,处在我们意识的边缘,常常隐身在黑暗中,不会主动出现。它们常常会带给我们负面影响,然而,若我们愿意,同样可以将它们纳入觉知中,发挥它们的积极作用。      The Opposing Role (sometimes referred to as the 5th function)   对手(第五功能)      The opposing role is often how we get stubborn and argumentative—refusing to “play” and join in whatever is going on at the time. It might be easy for us to develop skill in the process that plays this role, but we are likely to be more narrow in our application of this skill, and it will likely take more energy to use it extensively. In its positive aspect, it provides a shadow or depth to our leading role process, backing it up and enabling us to be more persistent in pursuit of our goals.   对手通常是让我们感到棘手的——无论何事发生,都拒绝“加入”我方阵营。我们或许可以通过有意让它上场来发展它,但通常可能并不会给它太多的戏份,要让它发挥自如也得投入我们更多的精力。从积极方面来讲,对手是主角的影子,它的存在是对主角的丰富,帮助我们更持久地追求目标。      The Critical Parent Role (sometimes referred to as the 6th function)   批评家(第六功能)      The critical parent role is how we find weak spots and can immobilize and demoralize others. We can also feel this way when others use the process that plays this role. It is often used sporadically and emerges more often under stressful conditions when something important is at risk. When we engage it, we can go on and on. To access its positive side of discovery, we must learn to appreciate and be open to it. Then it has an almost magical quality and can provide a profound sense of wisdom.   批评家使我们能够找出弱点,打压别人。当别人运用它来对付我们时,我们就知道它是咋起作用的了。这一位常常在我们遭遇重大危机、顶着极大压力时,才登台表演。若我们愿意,可以让它继续留在台上。若要发挥它的积极作用,我们必须学会欣赏它,留一席之地给它。如此,它会拥有神奇的品质,带给我们深刻的智慧洞见。      The Deceiving Role (sometimes referred to as the 7th function)   骗子(第七功能)      The deceiving role fools us into thinking something is important to do or pay attention to. The process that fills this role is often not trusted or seen as worthy of attention, for when we do engage it, we may make mistakes in perception or in decision making. Then we feel double bound—trapped between two bad options. Yet this role can have a positive side as it provides comic relief. Then we can laugh at ourselves. It can be refreshing and join with the relief role as we recharge ourselves through play.   骗子会愚弄我们,让我们以为某些事情是重要的或值得关注的。它的意见通常被认为是不可信或不值得被关注的,若我们当真了,倒是会形成错觉或做出错误的决定。此时我们会发现自己陷入两难境地,左右皆非。尽管如此,它也有积极面,能以滑稽来助我们减压,教我们自嘲。如此,它可以为我们服务,在我们恢复精力时发挥作用。      The Devilish Role (sometimes referred to as the 8th function)   魔鬼(第八功能)      The devilish role can be quite negative. Using the process that plays this role, we might become destructive of ourselves or others. Actions (or inactions) taken when we engage in the process that plays this role are often regretted later. Usually, we are unaware of how to use the process that fills this role and feel like it just erupts and imposes itself rather unconsciously. Yet when we are open to the process that plays the devilish role, it becomes transformative. It gives us the impetus to create something new—to make lemonade out of lemons, rather than lament their sourness.   魔鬼通常不干好事儿。当它出现时,可能会让我们自毁毁人。受它影响作出的行动(或不作为)往往会令我们事后悔恨。通常,我们并不知道如何有意使用它,感觉它多半是在我们毫无觉察的情况下突然爆发的。话虽这么说,若我们心胸够宽广,魔鬼也可以改变阵营,倒戈投诚。这时它会成为有创造性的力量,带来新生——恰似将柠檬榨成柠檬汁,使我们不必抱怨柠檬的酸涩。      The Developed Self   自我完善      Remember, we can use all the processes and we can become skilled in that use. Skill comes through practice. As we go through life, we seem to be drawn to activities that develop our primary processes. Sometimes the environment doesn’t allow or foster that development or it can heighten it. Thus, while the personality pattern will be the same for each type, there will be considerable variation among individuals of the same type due to their varying development.   要知道,我们有能力运用所有这些功能并熟练掌握它们。熟能生巧。在生活中,我们会主要倾向于发展人格类型中的阳面。但环境可能会强化它,也可能会阻碍它的发展。因此,即使是人格类型完全相同的人,在各自不同的成长道路中,他们的功能发展也会有相当大的差别。      We are more likely to identify and claim those processes we are aware of, rather than those we are unaware of. If we are competent in using a process yet unaware of it, we will take it for granted. If we are incompetent and unaware, we are likely to project the negative aspects of this process onto others and even deny that it can have any value anywhere.   在我们有意识地情况下识别运用这些功能,比起我们无意中让它们出现,要容易得多。若我们有足够的能力去运用一个尚不熟悉的功能,我们也可以很自然地享受这个过程。若是能力不到,觉知力不够,则多半会受功能的消极面影响,反而怪罪说它其实在任何地方都毫无价值。      The Pattern   模型      The pattern of the processes can be represented by a stick figure. At the head is the process we lead with, commonly called the Dominant. At the right hand is the process we use in a supportive way, commonly called the Auxiliary. At the left hand is the process we use in a relief-giving way, commonly called the Tertiary. And at the feet is what we aspire to, commonly called the Inferior. Since this process is what we aspire to be doing well, it is often what “makes our feet go” even when we are unaware of wanting to go in that direction.   各种功能的使用可以拿一个模型(下面的表格)来描述。主导功能,相当于我们的头脑——我们的领导。辅助功能被比做我们的右手,帮助我们实现头脑的想法。第三功能,或替补队员是左手,起替补作用。双足则代表我们的劣势功能,那位梦想远大的龙套演员。它常常是我们努力想要做好,却不知该如何努力的方面。      Think of the shadow processes as being situated just behind the stick figure to show that they are in the background. Just like a shadow, they are always there, but we are most often not actively using them.   人格类型的阴面,是表格的后半部分。正如我们的影子,总是躲在我们身体的背后,但我们并没有积极地利用它们。      附:16人格的动态平衡      前四项为该人格类型的阳面,后四项为该人格类型的阴面。类型名称采用抽屉网。      ESTP — 创业者 Se Ti Fe Ni Si Te Fi Ne   ESFP — 表演者 Se Fi Te Ni Si Fe Ti Ne   ISTJ — 检查者 Si Te Fi Ne Se Ti Fe Ni   ISFJ — 保护者 Si Fe Ti Ne Se Fi Te Ni   ENTP — 发明家 Ne Ti Fe Si Ni Te Fi Se   ENFP — 奋斗者 Ne Fi Te Si Ni Fe Ti Se   INTJ— 策划者 Ni Te Fi Se Ne Ti Fe Si   INFJ— 劝告者 Ni Fe Ti Se Ne Fi Te Si   ESTJ — 监督者 Te Si Ne Fi Ti Se Ni Fe   ENTJ — 陆军元帅 Te Ni Se Fi Ti Ne Si Fe   ISTP — 手艺者 Ti Se Ni Fe Te Si Ne Fi   INTP — 建筑师 Ti Ne Si Fe Te Ni Se Fi   ESFJ — 供应者 Fe Si Ne Ti Fi Se Ni Te   ENFJ — 教导者 Fe Ni Se Ti Fi Ne Si Te   ISFP — 创作者 Fi Se Ni Te Fe Si Ne Ti   INFP — 创作者 Fi Ne Si Te Fe Ni Se Ti      Adapted from Linda V. Berens,   Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code   (Telos Publications, 2004) *Used with permission.         Find out more about Linda V. Berens, PhD   http://www.interstrength.com      Find out more about Dario Nardi, PhD   http://www.darionardi.com      ————————————————      http://www.cognitiveprocesses.com/typecode.html      The 4-Letter Type Code   人格类型四个字母的意义      Adapted from Linda V. Berens, Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code (Telos Publications, 2004) *Used with permission.      It is important to remember that the four-letter type code is more than the sum of four letters. It results from how we answer questions along four dichotomies, Extraversion-Introversion, Sensing-iNtuiting, Thinking-Feeling, and Judging-Perceiving. While on the surface each of these dichotomies can be described generally, they are not separate parts or traits. In the development of the MBTI, it was assumed that reporting preferences for one over the other of each dichotomy would give us an idea of the pattern of cognitive processes of the personality and thus reveal Jung’s psychological type patterns. Use the following diagram to remind you of the kinds of processes and what the letters mean.   记住人格类型不只是四个字母的简单堆砌是很重要的。乍看起来人格类型是四个非此即彼的倾向的简单叠加,即:外倾-内倾,感觉-直觉,思考-情感,判断-感知。似乎每个维度都可以被单独描述,事实却并非如此。在MBTI理论中,这些字母帮助我们认清不同性格类型的在功能使用上的不同,是荣格的心理类型学的具体体现。通过下面的程序,你可以具体了解人格类型是如何具体指出相应的功能使用模式的。      One can “crack the code” in a mechanical fashion and for some people this is necessary for them to understand how the processes are in a hierarchy.   解读代码,破译出它们的涵义,对某些人来说,是了解情况的必要方法。      What follows is a step-by-step process for converting the MBTI code to the pattern of processes represented by that code.   下面将教你一步步地破解MBTI人格类型代码的涵义。      1。Look at the last letter of the code. It tells you which one of the two middle letters is extraverted   1。查看人格类型代码中的最后一个字母,它会告诉你中间两个字母中哪个是外倾的。      --If it is J, then that tells you that the T or F in the code is used in the external world. TJ in the code indicates extraverted Thinking is the preferred process of judgment for that type pattern.   --FJ in the code indicates extraverted Feeling is the preferred process of judgment for that type pattern.   Some people say that J “points to” the letter just next to it.   ——如果是J,代表着T/F是这个类型与外界打交道的方式。TJ表示外倾思考是这个类型主要应用的判断方式。FJ表示外倾感觉是这个类型主要应用的判断方式。有些人习惯说J是指向紧挨着它的那个字母。      If it is P, then that tells you that the S or N in the code is used in the external world.   --S_P in the code indicates extraverted Sensing is the preferred process of perception for that type pattern.   --N_P in the code indicates extraverted iNtuiting is the preferred process of perception for that type pattern.   Some people say that P “points to” the previous letter.   ——如果是P,代表着S/N是这个类型与外界打交道的方式。S_P表示外倾感觉是这个类型主要应用的感知方式,N_P表示外倾直觉是这个类型主要应用的感知方式。有些人习惯说P是指向第二个字母。      2。Now that you have determined which process is extraverted, know that the remaining middle letter in the code is introverted.   2。现在你已经确定了哪个功能是外倾的,中间两个字母中剩下的那个就是内倾的喽。      3。Now look at the first letter in the code.   3。接着来看人格类型代码中的第一个字母。      --If it is an E, then the extraverted process identified in step one is the leading role process (dominant).   --If it is an I, then the introverted process identified in step two is the leading role process (dominant).   ——如果是E,表示外倾的那个功能是这个类型的主导功能。如果是I,表示内倾的那个功能是这个类型的主导功能。      4。The other middle letter is the supporting role process (auxiliary).   4。剩下的那个字母则指出了这个类型的辅助功能。      5。The dichotomous opposite of the supporting role process will be the relief role process (tertiary).   5。第三功能是辅助功能的对立面。      6。The dichotomous opposite of the leading role process will be the aspirational role process (inferior).   6。劣势功能是主导功能的对立面。      7。To get the shadow processes, just take the hierarchical sequence of the primary processes and reverse the attitude (extraverted or introverted) of the process.   7。要确定人格类型的阴面,将人格类型阳面中的各功能按顺序排列,并将它们的作用倾向(外倾或内倾)颠倒即可。      (最后那张表,等我想明白了怎么排版再补上……)      Adapted from Linda V. Berens, Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code (Telos Publications, 2004) *Used with permission. Personal Growth 个人成长     对于一个追求个人成长的人来说,也许最重要的是认识到没有一个单独的公式可以定义和解释个人成功之路。我们有不同的目标和关注重点,这意味这不同的活动和态度使得我们自己觉得状态良好。我们也有不同的天生的优点和缺点,作为我们天生的性格类型的一部分。那么作为社会中的个体,我们怎么在生活中感觉自己是成功的呢?     了解什么对你最重要     每种性格类型对成功都有不同的定义。了解自我是常见的目标,有助于帮助每个人去取得个人的成功。很多人们被别人脑中成功的观念而妨碍了对自己真正目标的追求,因为他们不太清楚什么对自己是最重要的。这种情况太常见了。     在生活中,我们都有重要的偶像和影响我们的人,他们的核心价值观可能和我们大相径庭。就这个例子来说,我们认识到自己天性相信的最重要的东西和我们被告诉是最重要的东西之间的差异是因为我们大脑的差异,这点很重要。     如果我们花费了时间和努力去追求别人认为是成功的东西,忽视或者轻视我们内心灵魂发出的矛盾和冲突的信号,我们将筋疲力尽,很不快乐。认识到什么是对自己最重要是获得个人成功的主要步骤。     承认你的缺点而不要藏在他们后面     提高自我认识和发现自己真正的目标对成功的重要性已经得到了大家的公认,我也不能忽视我们所生活在的社会的游戏规则。我们必须承认,别人的价值观和我们的一样重要。并且我们应该承认和接受到,在社会中,一些性格类型和行为更容易达成特定的任务。这是打开通向个人成长大门的第二把钥匙。     例如,有些情况下,表现的怜悯和同情(情感功能)比客观冰冷的逻辑推理(思考功能)更适合和有效。同样,也有需要使用客观逻辑来进行决策的情况,这时候情感功能发挥出来的主观观点就不怎么适合,效果也不佳。     所以,有时候情感型的人在需要同情和了解对方感情的时候比思考型人有天然的优势,反过来,当需要依据客观数据进行决断的场合下,思考型人就占了天生的优势了。     知道了自己的性格类型和别的类型特点,我们能够理解为什么人在不同的场合会有不同的反应。当我们深入了解了心理类型的知识,我们就能够更好地去承认和理解别人的行为为什么和我们的不一样。这种洞察力对我们来说大有用处,也是强有力的工具。     但是,如果我们关心是的个人成长,我们必须当心,不要把人格类型作为自己不当行为的借口。尽管注意到他人的不当行为是来自他们的人性类型是个有用和强有力的方法,我们不能用同样的推理来用在自己身上。我们应该承认,我们的性格类型中是有缺点的,但是,我们也必须用性格类型知识去征服这些缺点,而不是去原谅因它们导致的卑鄙行为。我们不能为别人的行为负责,但我们可以控制自己的行为。     因此,如果我们注意到某个人看起来不能够做出一项公正的、不受人情影响的决定,我们可能对自己说:“啊哈,这有个情感型的人,这个人不能很好的应用思考功能,这就是为什么他这么做的原因。”     但是,如果作为情感型的我们,在需要我们做出公正选择的时候,可不能对自己说:“我是个情感型性格,不能指望我能这样基于客观的事实和逻辑来作出选择。”这样看起来合理的行为方式当然是从这样的情况下脱身的简单办法,但是会助长了我们的弱点,使弱点越来越弱。     争取均衡     任何一种性格类型相关联的大多数缺陷都是因为这种性格类型的主导功能占据了绝对压倒的优势,以至于别的功能都成了主导功能的奴隶。虽然,对每一种性格类型来说,主导功能的主导地位是自然的,但辅导功能因为过于忙于服务主人——主导功能的时候,辅导功能没有机会去充分发展自己,这就是问题所在。在这种情况下,整个人的性格变得非常不均衡。     性格类型中主导性格占了绝对主导地位,其他功能相形见绌,这就好像一个被一个傲慢的国王统治下的王国,国王需要绝对的奴隶般的服从。想像一下,这位国王在他的城堡中坐下来吃饭,他让所有的奴仆围着他转,要求他们完全地伺候他用餐(漠视他们自己的需要),直到他酒足饭饱。他的外交部长,本来被期望与邻国商讨重要事宜,却发现他替国王倒啤酒。而他的内政大臣,却在切烤火鸡片,而不是谈论经济萧条的正经话题。国王的全体手下四处为他们自己抢夺食物,但是却从来得不到他们真正需要和想要的东西,因此也得不到满足,个个营养不足,发育不良。所有大臣们该做的正事都荒废了,因为他们永远忙于伺候他们的国王。国王所有的需要全部得到满足,所以他是快乐的,但是他是一个无能的国王。就他所知,他认为所有事情和所有人的存在的意义只在于为他服务。他也没有超越他日常所需的所谓的“成功”的概念。因为国王的目光短浅,只限于他自己的需求,整个王国都受到严重的伤害。     同样的,如果一个人的性格类型中把发展主导功能作为目标,将其凌驾于其他的功能之上,容易导致这个人性格上的不均衡。在一些极端的案例中,特定性格类型的弱点是如此的明显,从而遮蔽了性格中自然的优点。这样极端的不均衡不是很常见,通常可能是存在连续而极大压力的结果。在生活中,大多数人都会体验得到这种被压迫到严重不均衡的状态。经常体验这种不均衡的人们会有要认真对待的问题,一般需要寻求帮助。     通常情况下,我们看到人们表现出他们性格类型中的优点和弱点。主导功能占统治地位,并且得到其他功能支持的性格类型才是自然和健康的。我们不寻求改变任何人天赋的自我,或者寻求一种各功能之间的完美平衡。从定义看,一个王国需要一个国王存在,同样一种性格类型也需要一个主导功能。但是,如果一个王国有一个得到良好发展的、给人深刻印象的国王(主导功能),国王得到良好教养并且有个有教养的顾问,那么这个王国肯定比另外一个忽略国事且被没经验的顾问辅佐的国王统治下的国家更能发展繁荣。     正如我们看到的,均衡和成功是相互联系着的词语。它们对于十六种性格类型中的每一种来说都有不同的意义。有一个使用这两个词的句子对所有的类型都是适合的:均衡是开启成功的钥匙。     打开心门     那么我们怎样做才能知道什么对我们自己是真正重要的呢?怎么才能认识自己的弱点,并且学会不去隐藏?怎么变得均衡?怎么打开通往个人成长和成功的神奇之门呢?     没有什么速成的计划可以让你成功。心理类型是我们追去卓越和完美的强大工具,但并不是实际的解决办法。它只是一个模型,能够帮助我们拓展对人类本质的理解。当你对自己和他人有了更多的了解的时候,会帮助你寻找到你自己的路,并且沿着这个路走下去,还能够拓宽你的成功之路。当你认识到并且接受这样的一个事实,即在特定的场合中某一种性格功能会比其他功能更有效,会帮助你了解个人成长对你人生的重要。     卡尔.荣格把个人成长的过程叫做“个性形成”,本质就是实现真正的“我”,从而超越以有意识的那个“自我”。我们帮助人们发展他们自我的主要努力是帮助他们认识到,他们的性格全貌和意识思想只是他们真正自我的一小部分,而且他们越是去发展和保卫这个肤浅的“自我”,他们离真正的我会越来越远。这种认识能够以多种具体的方式来帮助人们,并且也是通向个性化过程的积极的一步。 How we Develop our Personality Types     From age 0 - 6 years     At this early age, we use all four of the functions in an indiscriminate fashion. We "try on" the different functions for size, determining which ones work best for us. The little INFJ has not yet emerged as any particular personality type, although his
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