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英文句型宝典句 型 寶 典 疑問句型 What is this? 結構︰問句:What+be 動詞+this(that…)? 答句:This(that…)+be 動詞+a book(pen…)。 說明︰此句型意為“這(那)是什麼?這(那)是書(鋼筆…)”。what(什麼)叫做“疑問詞”,用於詢問“事物”,通常放在句首,後接 b...

句 型 寶 典 疑問句型 What is this? 結構︰問句:What+be 動詞+this(that…)? 答句:This(that…)+be 動詞+a book(pen…)。 說明︰此句型意為“這(那)是什麼?這(那)是書(鋼筆…)”。what(什麼)叫做“疑問詞”,用於詢問“事物”,通常放在句首,後接 be <動詞>,再接<主詞>,第一個字母 w要大寫,句尾要加問號(?),位置不可排錯。 What is this? This is a chair. 這是什麼?這是一張椅子。 What’s this? It’s a book. 這是什麼?它是一本書。 What is that? That is a desk. 那是什麼?那是一張書桌。 What are these? 結構︰問句:What are+these/those…? 答句:These/Those are+複數名詞(+s/es)。 說明︰<主詞>與<動詞>的形式要一致,is 後面接單數<名詞>,are 後面要接複數<名詞>。 What are these? These are books. 這些是什麼?這些是書。 What are those? Those are cups. 那些是什麼?那些是茶杯。 What are they? They are glasses. 它們是什麼?它們是玻璃杯。 What are you? 結構︰問句:What+be 動詞+主詞(人)…? 答句:主詞+be 動詞+a student…。 說明︰此句型意為“你是做什麼事情的?我是學生…”。疑問詞 what 除了詢問事物之外,還可用於詢問“人的職業或身分”。be <動詞>隨<人稱代名詞>的變化而改變形態,如:I am,we are,you are,he is…。 What are you? I am a student. 你是做什麼事情的?我是一名學生。 What is she? She is a teacher. 她是做什麼事情的?她是一名教師。 Are you a ...? 結構︰問句:Be 動詞(am,are,is)+主詞+…? 肯定簡答:Yes,主詞+am(are,is)。 否定簡答:No,主詞+am(are,is)not。 說明︰在否定<簡答句>中,<主詞>和 am,is,are 可以縮寫;在肯定<簡答句>中則不可。 Is he a student? Yes, he is. (No, he isn’t.) 他是學生嗎?是的,他是。(不,他不是。) Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. (No, I’m not.) 你是教師嗎?是的,我是。(不,我不是。) Is that a clock? Yes, it is. (No, it isn’t.) 那是鐘錶嗎?是的,它是。(不,它不是。) What is your name? 結構︰問句:What+is+所有格+name? 答句:所有格+name+is+名字。 說明︰“my,your,his,her”為單數人稱的<所有格>;<所有格>後面必接<名詞>,即“<所有格>+<名詞>”;<所有格>不可與 a,an,this,that,these 或 those 緊接一起使用。 What is your name? My name is Sue. 妳叫什麼名字?我的名字叫蘇。 What is his name? His name is John. 他叫什麼名字?他的名字叫約翰。 What is her name? Her name is Jean. 她叫什麼名字?她的名字叫珍。 Who is that ...? 結構︰問句:Who+be 動詞+that+形容詞+名詞? 答句:That is+名字。 說明︰Who 是<疑問代名詞>,詢問人的“姓名”或“關係”;將<形容詞>直接放在<名詞>前面,叫做“前位修飾”。 Who is that short boy? That is Bill. 那位矮男孩是誰?那位是比爾。 Who is that tall girl? That is Mary. 那位高女孩是誰?那位是瑪麗。 Who is that fat man? He is my uncle. 那位胖男子是誰?那位是我叔叔。 Where is ...? 結構︰問句:Where+be 動詞(am,are,is)+主詞…? 答句:主詞+be 動詞+in the+名詞…。 說明︰問句是“Where ...?”,簡答時可用<副詞片語>“In/On the+<名詞>”。 Where is Sue? She is in her room. 蘇在那裡?她在她的房間裡。 Where are your books? On the desk. 你的書在那裡?在書桌上。 Where is your mother? She is in the kitchen. 你媽嗎在哪裡?她在廚房裡。 Are you V-ing ...? 結構︰Am(Are,Is)+主詞+現在分詞…? 說明︰此句型意為“<主詞>(人,物)正在…嗎?”。這一<句型>轉換的三要素是:be <動詞>移到句首;改為大寫;句尾用問號。 Is Mary sleeping? 瑪麗正在睡覺嗎? Are you reading a book? 你正在看書嗎? Is the dog playing? 小狗正在玩耍嗎? What are you doing? 結構︰問句:What+am(are,is)+主詞+現在分詞? 答句:主詞+am(are,is)+現在分詞…。 說明︰“<主詞>(人)正在做什麼?<主詞>(人)正在…”。注意:<祈使句>的動詞只能用原形,不可造<現在進行式>;表示“瞬間產生”的動作的<動詞片語>,如 sit down,stand up,不可造<現在進行式>。 What am I doing? You are reading a book. 我正在做什麼? 你正在閱讀一本書。 What are the girls doing? They are singing. 姑娘們正在做什麼? 她們在唱歌。 What is Bill writing? He is writing a letter. 比爾在寫什麼? 他在寫一封信。 How old are you? 結構︰問句:How old+be 動詞+主詞(某人)? 答句:主詞(某人)+be 動詞+year(s) old。 說明︰此句型意為“某人幾歲?某人是…歲”。該句型中,<疑問詞>要用 how,不可用 what;且 be <動詞>(am,is,are)要和後面的<主詞>(某人)配合;答句中的“year(s) old”可以省略。 How old are you? I am twelve (years old). 你幾歲?我十二歲。 How old is your sister? She is thirteen years old. 你的姊妹幾歲?她十三歲。 How old is John? He is one year old. 約翰幾歲?他一歲。 What time is it? 結構︰問句:What time is it? 答句:It is+數字+o’clock。 說明︰此句型意為“現在是幾點鐘?現在是…點鐘”。問句中 what 當<形容詞>,修飾後面的<名詞> time;time 當時間解時,只能用單數,不可用複數。 What time is it? It is ten o’clock. 現在是幾點鐘?現在是十點鐘。 What time is it? It is six o’clock. 現在是幾點鐘?現在是六點鐘。 What time is it? It is nine o’clock. 現在是幾點鐘?現在是九點鐘。 Do you + V ...? 結構︰問句:Do/Does+主詞+原形動詞…? 肯定簡答:Yes,主詞+do/does。 否定簡答:No,主詞+don’t/doesn’t。 說明︰肯定句中,如有一般<動詞>(speak,work,teach…),則在句首加<助動詞> do 或 does,並將一般<動詞>改為原形<動詞>(不加s或es),即構成<疑問句>。 Do you speak English? Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.) 你講英語嗎?是的,我講英語。(不,我不講英語。) Does she have a cat? Yes, she does. (No, she doesn’t.) 她有一隻貓嗎?是的,她有一隻貓。(不,她沒有一隻貓。) Do they work in office? Yes, they do. (No, they don’t.) 他們在辦公室裡工作嗎?是的,他們在辦公室裡工作。(不,他們不在辦公室裡工作。) What time do you + V ...? 結構︰問句:What time+do/does+主詞+原形動詞…? 答句:主詞(某人)+一般動詞…+時間。 說明︰此句型意為“某人幾點做某事?”<助動詞> do 或 does 的選擇依<主詞>而定,若<主詞>為第三人稱單數,用 does;其它用 do。 What time do you get up? I usually get up at six. 你幾點起床?我通常六點起床。 What time does he go to bed? He usually goes to bed at ten.他幾點就寢?他通常十點就寢。 What time does your class begin? It begins at eight-ten. 你的課幾點開始?八點十分開始。 What day is today? 結構︰問句:What day is today? 答句:It’s+Sunday/Monday/…。 說明︰此句型意為“今天是星期幾?今天是星期日/星期一/…。”it 可用於指“星期的名稱”,但 this或 that 不可以;一星期七天的名稱,都是<專有名詞>,開頭的首字母要大寫,前面不加<冠詞>。 What day is today? It’s Sunday. 今天是星期幾?今天是星期日。 What day is today? It’s Wednesday. 今天是星期幾?今天是星期三。 What day is today? It’s Saturday. 今天是星期幾?今天是星期六。 How many N are there ... 結構︰問句:How many+複數名詞+are there in/on+名詞? 答句:There is/are+單數(複數)名詞+in/on+名詞。 說明︰此句型意為“在某處有多少…?在某處有…。”該句型中,many 修飾複數<名詞>;又因本句型是 <疑問句>,故用 are there,不可用 there are。 How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons in a year. 一年有幾個季節? 一年有四季。 How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week. 一星期有幾天? 一星期有七天。 How many lessons are there in this book? There are twelve lessons in this book. 這本書裡有幾課? 這本書裡有十二課。 How many ... do you have? 結構︰問句:How many+複數名詞+do/does+主詞+have? 答句:主詞+have/has…+複數名詞+…。 答句:主詞+don’t/doesn’t have…+複數名詞…。 說明︰“How many”後面接複數<可數名詞>,複數<名詞>的前面可用 many,a lot of,a few,some,few,any,no 等修飾。 How many books do you have? I have a lot of books. (I don’t have any books.) 你有幾本書? 我有許多書。(我沒有書。) How many sweaters do you have? I have three sweaters. (I don’t have any sweaters.) 你有幾件毛衣? 我有三件毛衣。(我沒有毛衣。) How many friends does she have? She has a lot of friends. (She doesn’t have many friends.) 她有幾個朋友? 她有許多朋友。(她沒有許多朋友。) How much ... do you have? 結構︰問句:How much+單數不可數名詞+do/does+主詞+have? 答句:主詞+have/has…+單數不可數名詞。 答句:主詞+don’t/doesn’t have…+單數不可數名詞。 說明︰“How much”後面接單數<不可數名詞>,單數<不可數名詞>前面可用 much, a little,some,little,any,no 等修飾。 How much tea does he have? He has a lot of tea. (He doesn’t have any tea.) 他有多少茶? 他有很多茶。(他沒有茶。) How much homework do they have? They have a lot of homework. (They don’t have much homework.) 他們有多少家庭作業? 他們有許多家庭作業。(他們沒有許多家庭作業。) How much fruit do they have? They have a lot of fruit. (They don’t have a lot of fruit.) 他們有多少水果? 他們有許多水果。(他們沒有許多水果。) How much do(es) ... cost? 結構︰How much do(es)+某物+cost…? 說明︰此句型意為“某物值多少錢?”。how much 用來詢問商品的價格。還可以寫作:“How much+ be <動詞>+某物?"。 How much does this computer cost? (=How much is this computer?)這部電腦值多少錢? How much do the vegetables cost? 這些蔬菜值多少錢? How much do the movie tickets cost? 這些電影票值多少錢? Did ... V ... 結構︰Did+主詞+原形動詞+…過去時間? 說明︰將肯定句中的過去式改為“Did+原形<動詞>”,並將 Did 放在句首,句尾用問號,即構成過去式的<疑問句>。 Did he clean the room yesterday? 他昨天打掃房間嗎? Did she wash the skirt yesterday? 她昨天洗這裙子嗎? Did your brother play in the park this morning? 你弟弟今天上午在公園玩耍嗎? Did he eat lunch yesterday? 他昨天吃午飯嗎? Did you see any elephants in the zoo last week? 上星期你在動物園裡看到大象了嗎? Did Sue have her breakfast at eight? 蘇在八點鐘吃過早餐了嗎? Do you ever + V ...? 結構︰問句:Do/Does+主詞+ever+原形動詞…? 答句:No,主詞+never+一般動詞(加s或es)…。 說明︰ever 通常用於<疑問句>,never 通常用於否定回答;never 也可放在句首,後接原形 <動詞>,形成否定<祈使句>,如例句4。 Do you ever use a computer? No, I never use a computer. 你曾經使用電腦嗎?不,我未曾使用過電腦。 Does Tom ever get up late? No, Tom never gets up late. 湯姆曾經晚起床嗎?不,湯姆未曾晚起床過。 Does Sally ever play the piano? No, Sally never plays the piano. 薩莉曾經彈鋼琴嗎?不,薩莉未曾彈過鋼琴。 Never be late for school, Bill. 比爾,上學絕不可遲到。 What year was he born in? 結構︰What date/year+was/were+主詞+born+on/in? 說明︰此句型意為“你出生於幾月幾日(那一年)?”。born 是<原形動詞> bear 的過去<分詞>,在文法上當 <形容詞>,前面常有 was 或 were;中文說“某人出生”,英語應說:“某人+was/were born…”。 What year were you born in? 你出生於那一年? What date was your mother born on? 你母親出生於幾月幾日? What month was your sister born in? 你妹妹出生於幾月? What will you do on ...? 結構︰What will/did+主詞+do+on+時間? 說明︰此句型意為“某人在某時間將做什麼?(未來式)某人在某時做了什麼事?(過去式)”。指特定的日期(如幾月幾日)、星期幾或星期幾的早上(下午,晚上),要用介系詞on。 What will you do on Teacher’s Day? 你在教師節將做什麼事? What will they do on Christmas Eve? 他們在聖誕夜將做什麼事? What will Helen do on her birthday? 海倫在她生日那天將做什麼事? What did John do on New Year’s Day? 約翰在元旦做了什麼事? What did Mary do on Youth Day? 瑪麗在青年節做了什麼事? What did the suspect do on July ninth? 嫌疑犯在七月九日做了什麼事情? How do you + V ...? 結構︰問句:How+do+主詞+一般動詞…? 答句:主詞+一般動詞…+情狀副詞。 說明︰How 是問情況的<疑問副詞>,表示“怎樣…?”。用於說明“狀態或性質”的副詞,稱為 <情狀副詞>。當用來修飾<不及物動詞>時,<情狀副詞>位於其後;當用來修飾<及物動詞>時,<情狀動詞>位於<及物動詞>的前面或後面。 How did you do your work? I did my work happily. 你怎樣做你的工作? 我很快樂地做了我的工作。 How did Mrs. Lin look at Mr. Lin? She looked at Mr. Lin coldly. 林太太怎樣注視林先生? 她冷漠地注視林先生。 How does Mr. Wang drive his taxi? He drives his taxi carefully. 王先生怎樣駕駛他的計程車? 他小心地駕駛他的計程車。 You are ..., aren’t you? 結構︰肯定句,+否定式助動詞+主詞? 說明︰這是一種反意<疑問句>,其結構特點是:第一部分是肯定式,第二部分就用否定式。直述句的<主詞>是<名詞>時,附加問句的<主詞>要用<代名詞>代替:it 代替 this, that,<不定詞>(當<主詞>)或<動名詞>(當<主詞>)等;they 代替 these,those, people 等。下列<助動詞>的否定縮寫式較易弄錯:will not->won’t;would not-> wouldn’t;should not->shouldn’t;can not->can’t;could not->couldn’t; might not->mightn’t;ought not->oughtn’t。直述句有一般<動詞>現在式,則附加問句用 do 或 does 代替;有一般<動詞>過去式,則附加問句用 did 代替。 They’re ready, aren’t they?(讀降調)他們準備好了吧?(讀升調)他們準備好了,不是嗎? Mike has a car, doesn’t he?(讀降調)麥克有輛車,是吧?(讀升調)麥克有輛車,不是嗎? The secretary typed the letter, didn’t she? 是祕書打了這封信,不是嗎? They will go to Europe, won’t they? 他們將去歐洲,不是嗎? You are the teacher, aren’t you? 你就是老師,不是嗎? I suppose you have been in our woods, haven’t you?我推想你在我們的森林裡呆過,不是嗎? I know he had a good time last night, didn’t he? 我知道他昨天晚上玩得很愉快,不是嗎? The wall plug is broken, isn’t it? 牆上的插座壞了,不是嗎? Clean parks are beautiful, aren’t they? 乾淨的公園是美麗的,不是嗎? You can do it, can’t you? 你會做它,不是嗎? We should rise early, shouldn’t we? 我們應該早起,不是嗎? He isn’t ..., is he? 結構︰否定句,+肯定式助動詞+主詞? 說明︰這是另一種反意<疑問句>。否定結構在第一部分,第二部分就要用肯定結構。對反意<疑問句>的回答和對否定式一般<疑問句>一樣,要看答句。 He isn’t a manager, is he? -- Yes, he is. (No, he isn’t.) 他不是經理,是吧?--不,他是經理。(是的,他不是經理。) Mike doesn’t have a car, does he? 麥克沒有車,是嗎? The secretary didn’t type the letter, did she? 祕書沒有打過這封信,是嗎? They won’t go to Europe, will they? 他們不會去歐洲,是嗎? You aren’t the teacher, are you? 你不是老師,是嗎? I don’t think he can answer the question, can he? 我想他無法回答這個問題,是嗎? What in the world ...? 結構︰疑問詞+in the world/on earth/ever+其他 說明︰此句型意為“究竟…?到底…?”。這是特殊<疑問句>的強調說法。in the world,on earth 和 ever是強調疑問詞的<片語>。 How in the world will he do it? 他到底將如何做這件事? What in the world do you mean? 你的意思究竟是什麼? How on earth did you know it? 你到底是怎麼知道的? Who on earth told you that? 那件事究竟是誰告訴你的? Where ever did you lose it? 你到底在哪兒丟的呀? What in the world are they hoping for? 他們到底想要什麼? Are you ... or ...? 結構︰一般疑問句(讀升調)+or+一般疑問句(讀降調) 說明︰此句型意為“是…還是…?"。這是選擇<疑問句>,前面都是一般<疑問句>,後面的問句如與前面有相同的部分,都可以省略。 Shall we come to see you or will you come to see us? 是我們來找你們,還是你們來找我們? Are you from the America or from the England? 您是美國人還是英國人? Will he go on Monday or on Tuesday? 他是星期一走還是星期二走? Would you like coffee or tea? 你是要咖啡還是茶? What ..., + A or B? 結構︰特殊疑問句(讀降調),+A(讀升調)or B(讀降調) 說明︰這種選擇<疑問句>使用得相當廣泛,其特點是:前面的特殊<疑問句>已經明確地指出了要問的內容,再補充幾項具體事物讓對方做出肯定的答覆。其語調是“降-升-降”調。 What would you like - coffee or tea? 你要什麼?咖啡還是茶? Which would you rather to buy - silk or cotton? 您想買什麼?絲還是棉? Where did you go: to Tianjin or to Beijing? 您去了哪裡?天津還是北京? When will you go to the Fair, tomorrow or some other day? 你何時去交易會?明天還是另找哪一天? ... what/which ... 結構︰主要子句+疑問詞(what/how/which/why 等)+子句 說明︰這是間接<疑問句>。疑問詞後面的語句採用正常詞序,不採用特殊<疑問句>所用的倒裝詞序。全句末尾大多用句點,但也有用問號的。直接問句改為間接問句或間接句時,原先的<疑問句>要改為肯定句或<否定句>的順序;<助動詞>如 will,should,would, must,may,can 等,須照抄,不可去掉;<助動詞>如 do,does,did,必須去掉,再將它後面的原形<動詞>改為適當的形式。 I’d like to know how old the manager is. 我想知道經理有多大年紀。 He inquired how it was done. 他問這事做得怎麼樣了。 Please advise me which item I should buy. 請問我該先買哪個品種。 Tell me why it is so important? 告訴我為什麼此事這麼重要? They do not know what the words mean. 他們不知道這些字的意思是什麼。 Tell me what happened yesterday. 告訴我昨天所發生的事。 What they talked about is what we want to know. 他們談論什麼是我們所想要知道的事。 She washed her hair every night and measured how much it grew in a week. 她每晚洗頭髮,而且量量看一星期長多少。 You will never know how much your encouragement meant to me. 你決不會知道你的鼓勵對我多麼有意義。 ... whether/if ... 結構︰主要子句+whether/if+子句 說明︰此句型意為“…是否…”。口語中使用 if 較為普遍。如果子句中帶有 or not 等詞,則只能用 whether;另外,whether 不能引導否定的間接<疑問句>,而 if 則可以。 He asked me the question whether the price was too high. 他問我價格是否太高。 They asked him whether the quality is fine or not. 他們問他質量是否好。 Tell me whether you like this color. 告訴我你喜不喜歡這種顏色。 Tell me if it doesn’t rain. 告訴我是否下不了雨。 Ask him if it is true. 問他那是不是真的。 I wonder if he is in the school. 我想知道他是否在學校。 Do you know if/where ... 結構︰一般疑問句+疑問詞(what/where/when 等)+子句 說明︰此句為雙重<疑問句>。疑問詞後面採用正常詞序,不用倒裝詞序。 Can you tell me where the teacher has gone? 你能告訴我老師到哪裡去了嗎? Have you any idea where he comes from? 他是哪裡人,您知道不知道? Do you know if they like this new item? 你知道他們是否喜歡這個新品種? Do you know who wants to go with me? 你知道誰想跟我一起去嗎? Do you know when the train will leave? 你知道火車何時開嗎? Can you tell me how much you earn a month? 你能告訴我你一個月賺多少嗎? He is ..., is he? 結構︰肯定式陳述句+肯定式反問句 說明︰這種疑問<句型>的前後一致,都是肯定式結構。後一部分進一步強調前一部分的內容,是不需要回答的一種修辭方式。 We are old friends, not strangers, right? 我們是老朋友了,不是陌生人,是嗎? He’s a capable businessman, is he? 他是一位很有能力的業務員,可不是嗎? So you come importing Chinese textiles, do you? 原來你是來進口中國紡織品的,是麼? So you’ve been to Shanghai, have you? 原來你去過上海,是吧? ... what ...? 結構︰…疑問詞(在句中任何位置上)… 說明︰疑問詞不是位於句子開頭,而是在句子中任何位置上,這種方法十分簡單,因此在口語中經常出現。 Two times what number makes ten? 什麼數的兩倍是十? You will go where? 你要到哪裡去? You are twenty-what this year? 你今年二十幾歲? He’s your who? 他是你什麼人? What/How about + N/V-ing? 結構︰What/How about+名詞/動名詞? 說明︰此句型意為“…如何?”。這是徵求對方意見或提議的委婉說法。 What about the name Smith? 史密斯這個名字怎麼樣? What about going to a movie? 去看場電影如何? What about lending me some money? 借點錢給我如何? What about washing the car on Sunday? 禮拜天洗車怎麼樣? How about the others? 剩餘的怎麼樣? How about a drink? 來一杯吧? How about a cup of coffee at a nearby coffee shop? 去附近的咖啡屋喝杯咖啡吧? What if ...? 結構︰What if+主詞+動詞 說明︰此句型意為“如果…的話怎麼辦呢?”。但經常用於反語,有時也變成“即使…也沒關係”之意。 What if it is true? 如果這是真的又該如何呢? What if he doesn’t agree? 如果他不同意該怎麼辦呢? What if he comes back now? 如果他現在回來怎麼辦? What if the boy’s parents should die? 如果那男孩的父母死了該怎麼辦呢? What if I fail! 即使我失敗了又怎樣! What ... for? 結構︰What+助動詞+主詞+動詞…+for? 說明︰此句型意為“為什麼…?”。相當於“For what…?” What are you running for? 你為什麼在跑步? What do you want it for? 你為什麼要那個? What did they go there for? 他們為什麼去那裡? How else ...? 結構︰How else+助動詞+主詞+助動詞? 說明︰此句型意為“…還有別的方法嗎?”。 How else should a father in this modern world express his affection and concern for his own son? 現代這個世界上,父親還應該有別的方法來對自己的兒子表示愛護和關心嗎? How else can the doctor save him? 醫院還有別的方法可以救他嗎? How else can I apologize for her? 我還能有別的方法可以向她道歉嗎? 假設法句型 If + Present Tense ..., S + will/shall + V ... 結構︰If+現在式…,S+未來式… 說明︰if 子句用現在式,表示須具備的條件,主句用未來式表示可能的結果,整句含意為“如果…,那麼…”。will 用於所有的人稱,在 I 和 we 之後可用 shall 代替 will。若主句的主詞為 I 或 we 時,可以用 shall 代替 will。像 if necessary(如果需要),if possible(如果可能),if so(如果這樣)等固定片語實際上是省略了的 if 子句。 If I lose my job, I will/shall go abroad. 如果我失業了,我就出國。 If I have a headache, I will take an aspirin. 如果我頭痛,我就服一片阿斯匹林。 If it rains, we will stay at home. 如果下雨,我們將待在家裡。 If the weather clears, we’ll go for a walk. 如果天晴,我們就去散步。 If the weather doesn’t clear, we won’t go for a walk. 如果天不晴,我們就不去散步。 Inflation may be rising, if (it is) so, prices will go up. 通貨膨脹率可能上升。如果是這樣,物價就會上漲。 If possible, She wants to go with us. 可能的話,她想跟我們一起去。 Sterling may fall, if (this should be) so, interest rates will rise. 英國貨幣可能貶值,如果果真如此,利率就會上升。 If + Present Tense ..., S + Modal Verb ... 結構︰If + 現在式,主詞+情態助動詞 說明︰本句型實為句型之變體。之所以用情態助動詞,主要是因為說話者對可能的結果不是太肯定或者是想表達例如必要的意思。 If it is fine tomorrow, we can go out. 如果明天天氣好,我門可以出門。 If it is fine tomorrow, we could go out. 如果明天天氣好,我門能夠出門。 If it is fine tomorrow, we may go out. 如果明天天氣好,我門可能出門。 If it is fine tomorrow, we might go out. 如果明天天氣好,我門可能出門。 If it is fine tomorrow, we should go out. 如果明天天氣好,我門宜於出門。 If it is fine tomorrow, we ought to go out. 如果明天天氣好,我門宜於出門。 If it is fine tomorrow, we must go out. 如果明天天氣好,我門必須出門。 If I should ..., Imperative Sentence. 結構︰If I+should ...+祈使語氣 說明︰代替,增加了條件的不確定性。本句型常用在想禮貌地提出 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 或建議,或者想圓通地告訴他人該做什麼事的場合。用 should 起始句子即可不用 if 而表示條件。這種用法比較正式,常用於諸如公函之中,而不用於日常會話。 If you should see him, please give him my regards. 如果你見到他,請代我向他致意。 Should you see him, please give him my regards. 如果你見到他,請代我向他致意。 If you should happen to see him, please give him my regards. 如果你萬一見到他,請代我向他致意。 Should you happen to see him, please give him my regards. 如果你萬一見到他,請代我向他致意。 If you should write to her, send her my love. 如果你給她寫信,請代我向她問候。 Should you not wish our agent to call, please let us know. 你若不希望我們的代理人去造訪,請告之。 Should you be interested in our offer, please contact us. 你若對我們的報價感興趣,請與我們聯繫。 If I should ..., I will ... 結構︰If…should…,…would(will)/should(shall)等+原形動詞 說明︰這是表示與未來事實相反的假設<句型>,if <子句>要用<助動詞> should,譯成“萬一”。should可置於<主詞>前,將 if 省略。<主要子句>的<助動詞>則視可能性做變化:若可能性低,則為過去式,若可能性高,則為現在式。should 可以提前,而將 if 省略。 If he should come, I would tell him the truth. 萬一他來,我會把真相告訴他。 If he should come, I will tell him the truth. 萬一他來,我一定會把真相告訴他。 Should the boy come again, I would throw him out. 要是那男孩在來,我就把他攆出去。 If it should rain, our plan would be spoiled. 萬一下雨,我們的計劃就泡湯了。 Should that be true, the contract would be canceled. 假如那是真的,合約就該取消。 Should another world war break out, what would become of human beings? 萬一另一次世界大戰爆發,人類將會發生什麼事? If I were to ..., I ... 結構︰If…were to…,…would/should 等+原形動詞 說明︰這也是表示與未來狀況相反的假設<句型>,與“if ... should, ...”大致相同,但“if ... were to”所表示的可能性更低,通常用以表示“與真理相反”的<假設語氣>。 If the sun were to rise in the west, he would pass the exam. 要是太陽從西邊出來,他就會通過考試--他不可能通過考試。 If I were to be born again, I would like to be a bird. 我要是再活一次,我想當一隻鳥。 If the sun were to disappear, what would the earth be like? 萬一太陽消失了,地球會變成什麼樣子? Were I to die tomorrow, what would my children do? 萬一明天我死了,我的孩子們將怎麼辦呢? If I + V-ed, I would ... 結構︰If…+過去式動詞…,主詞+過去式助動詞(would/should 等)+原形動詞 說明︰這是與現在事實相反的假設句型。if <子句>中的<動詞>,不論<主詞>為第幾人稱,一律用 were,were 可置於主詞前面,而省略 if。過去式<助動詞>除用 should(用於第一人稱)、 would(用於第二、三人稱)外,還可用不分人稱的 could,might 和 ought to,它們與<動詞>原形結合起來構成<假設語氣>。 If I knew his address, I could write to him. 如果我知道他的住址,我會寫信給他。 If I were free now, I might call on him. 如果我有時間,我可能會去看他。 If you were in my shoes (=Were you in my shoes), what would you do? 如果你站在我的立場,你會怎麼做? Were I rich enough, I would buy a sports car. 如果我有足夠的錢,我就買一輛賽車了。 How happy I would be if I were a few inches taller! 要是我再高幾寸,我會好高興。 If I had a car, I could take her for a drive. 如果我有車, 我就帶她去兜風了。 If I had binoculars, I could see that comet clearly. 如果我有望遠鏡,我就可以清楚地看見那顆彗星。 It is time that ... 結構︰It is(high)time+(that)+主詞+過去式動詞 說明︰此句型意為“已經到了…的時間了”。過去式<動詞>處有時亦使用“should+<動詞>原形”。that <子句>也能用 to <不定詞>來表示。 It is time he went to bed. 該是他睡覺的時間了。 It is time that you left for the duty. 該你當班了。 It is time that you reflected upon your mistakes.
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