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OSCE病史书写null病史书写病史书写A. 一般项目 General ItemsA. 一般项目 General Items姓名Name: 性别Sex: 年龄Age: 职业Occupation: 民族Race: 婚姻状况Marital status: 住址Address: 病史陈诉者Complainer: 可靠性Reliability: 入院日期Date of admission: 记录日期Date of record:B. 主诉Chief complaintB. 主诉Chief complaint症状描述: a. 好转、...

null病史书写病史书写A. 一般项目 General ItemsA. 一般项目 General Items姓名Name: 性别Sex: 年龄Age: 职业Occupation: 民族Race: 婚姻状况Marital status: 住址Address: 病史陈诉者Complainer: 可靠性Reliability: 入院日期Date of admission: 记录日期Date of record:B. 主诉Chief complaintB. 主诉Chief complaint症状描述: a. 好转、减轻: alleviate, palliate, reduce b. 消失、消退: disappear, c. 加重、恶化: become worse (aggravated) d. 无变化: remain the same e. 时好时坏: wane and wax, hang in the balance B. 主诉Chief complaintB. 主诉Chief complaint 时间描述: cough with yellow sputum for five days black tarry stool of three day’s duration low fever 2 weeks in duration two-day history of chest pain 全身症状 (General) 发热 fever 疼痛 pain 不适 malaise 疲倦 lassitude;fatigue 虚弱 weakness;debilitating 瘦 wasting; thin;emaciation 出汗 sweating;perspiration 多汗 hidrosis 发冷 feel chilly 畏寒 chilly sensations 寒战 shivering;shaking chill 瘙痒 pruritus 痒 itching 全身症状 (General) 发热 fever 疼痛 pain 不适 malaise 疲倦 lassitude;fatigue 虚弱 weakness;debilitating 瘦 wasting; thin;emaciation 出汗 sweating;perspiration 多汗 hidrosis 发冷 feel chilly 畏寒 chilly sensations 寒战 shivering;shaking chill 瘙痒 pruritus 痒 itching A) 呼吸系统: 气喘 asthma 咳嗽 cough 呼吸困难 dyspnea 咯血 hemoptysis 喘鸣 wheezing 痰 sputum;phlegm B)循环系统: 胸痛 chest pain 心前区痛 precordial pain; 胸骨后痛 retrosternal pain; 胸部压榨感(压迫感;窒息感;紧缩感) spueezing( pressing;choking; tightness)sensation of the chest 泡沫样痰 frothy sputum 活动后气促 breathlessness of exertion 阵发性夜间呼吸困难 paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea A) 呼吸系统: 气喘 asthma 咳嗽 cough 呼吸困难 dyspnea 咯血 hemoptysis 喘鸣 wheezing 痰 sputum;phlegm B)循环系统: 胸痛 chest pain 心前区痛 precordial pain; 胸骨后痛 retrosternal pain; 胸部压榨感(压迫感;窒息感;紧缩感) spueezing( pressing;choking; tightness)sensation of the chest 泡沫样痰 frothy sputum 活动后气促 breathlessness of exertion 阵发性夜间呼吸困难 paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea C)消化系统 胃灼热 pyrosis 腹痛 abdominal pain 胃痛 stomachache 厌食 anorexia 纳差 poor appetite 恶心 nausea 呕吐 vomiting 呕血 hematemesis 呕粪 stercoraceous vomiting 呕胆汁 bilious vomiting 嗳气 belching 返酸 sour regurgitation 饭后腹胀 postprandial distension 便秘 constipation 腹泻 diarrhea 里急后重 tenesmus C)消化系统 胃灼热 pyrosis 腹痛 abdominal pain 胃痛 stomachache 厌食 anorexia 纳差 poor appetite 恶心 nausea 呕吐 vomiting 呕血 hematemesis 呕粪 stercoraceous vomiting 呕胆汁 bilious vomiting 嗳气 belching 返酸 sour regurgitation 饭后腹胀 postprandial distension 便秘 constipation 腹泻 diarrhea 里急后重 tenesmus D) 泌尿系统: 无尿 anuria 尿浑浊 cloudy urine 绞痛 colic 浮肿 edema 腰痛 lumbodynia;lumbago 夜尿 nocturia 少尿 oliguria 多尿 polyuria 排尿中断 interruption E) 造血系统: 出血 bleeding 皮肤出血点 bleeding spots in the skin 鼻出血 epistaxis 牙龈出血 gum bleeding 术后伤口出血 postoperative wound hemorrhage 血尿 hematuria D) 泌尿系统: 无尿 anuria 尿浑浊 cloudy urine 绞痛 colic 浮肿 edema 腰痛 lumbodynia;lumbago 夜尿 nocturia 少尿 oliguria 多尿 polyuria 排尿中断 interruption E) 造血系统: 出血 bleeding 皮肤出血点 bleeding spots in the skin 鼻出血 epistaxis 牙龈出血 gum bleeding 术后伤口出血 postoperative wound hemorrhage 血尿 hematuria F)内分泌系统: 贪食 hyperorexia 矮小 dwarfism 过高 excessive height 多汗 excessive sweating 手抖 hands tremble 肥胖 obesity 消瘦 wasting 烦渴 polydipsia;excessive thirst G)生殖系统: 月经不调 menoxenia 月经过多过频 epimenorrhagia 月经过频 epimenorrhea;polymenorrhea 月经过少 hypomenrrhea(指量); oligomenorrhea(之间隔时间长于35天) 月经过多 menorrhagia; 闭经 amenorrhea;menochesis 绝经 menostasis;menopause F)内分泌系统: 贪食 hyperorexia 矮小 dwarfism 过高 excessive height 多汗 excessive sweating 手抖 hands tremble 肥胖 obesity 消瘦 wasting 烦渴 polydipsia;excessive thirst G)生殖系统: 月经不调 menoxenia 月经过多过频 epimenorrhagia 月经过频 epimenorrhea;polymenorrhea 月经过少 hypomenrrhea(指量); oligomenorrhea(之间隔时间长于35天) 月经过多 menorrhagia; 闭经 amenorrhea;menochesis 绝经 menostasis;menopause H)神经系统: 焦虑不安 agitation 忧虑 anxiety 失语 aphasia 健忘 amnesia; 头晕 dizziness 倦睡 drowsiness 蚁走感 formication 偏身麻木 hemianesthesia 半身不遂 hemiplegia 失眠 insomnia 麻木 numbness 眩晕 vertigo 昏倒 syncope 麻刺感 tingling 游走痛 wandering pain H)神经系统: 焦虑不安 agitation 忧虑 anxiety 失语 aphasia 健忘 amnesia; 头晕 dizziness 倦睡 drowsiness 蚁走感 formication 偏身麻木 hemianesthesia 半身不遂 hemiplegia 失眠 insomnia 麻木 numbness 眩晕 vertigo 昏倒 syncope 麻刺感 tingling 游走痛 wandering pain I)运动系统: 关节痛 arthrodynia;arthralgia 背痛 back pain 腰痛 lumbago;lurnbodynia 足痛 foot pain 肢痛 pain in limbs;acrodynia J)皮肤科症状 抓痒后渗血 blood oozed out after scratch an itch 渗出 exudation 头皮屑 scurf 肿 swollen I)运动系统: 关节痛 arthrodynia;arthralgia 背痛 back pain 腰痛 lumbago;lurnbodynia 足痛 foot pain 肢痛 pain in limbs;acrodynia J)皮肤科症状 抓痒后渗血 blood oozed out after scratch an itch 渗出 exudation 头皮屑 scurf 肿 swollen 耳疾病 聋 deafness;anacusia 耳痛 otalgia;otodynia 耳鸣 tinnitus 头晕 vertigo 鼻疾病 鼻干燥 dryness of the nose 嗅觉丧失 anosmia 嗅觉减退 hyposmiai 额部头痛 frontal headache 鼻塞 nasal obstruction 脓鼻涕 purulent rhinorrhea 鼻出血 rhinorrhagia;nosebleed 流鼻涕 rhinorrhea;snivel 打喷涕 sneezing 打鼾 snoring 水样鼻涕 watery rhinorrhea 耳疾病 聋 deafness;anacusia 耳痛 otalgia;otodynia 耳鸣 tinnitus 头晕 vertigo 鼻疾病 鼻干燥 dryness of the nose 嗅觉丧失 anosmia 嗅觉减退 hyposmiai 额部头痛 frontal headache 鼻塞 nasal obstruction 脓鼻涕 purulent rhinorrhea 鼻出血 rhinorrhagia;nosebleed 流鼻涕 rhinorrhea;snivel 打喷涕 sneezing 打鼾 snoring 水样鼻涕 watery rhinorrhea 咽部疾病 咽下困难 dysphagia 声嘶 hoarseness 咽食时疼痛 pain on swallowing 咽喉痛 sore throat 声音沙哑 troaty voice 喘鸣 stridor L)眼科 视物模糊 blurred vision;hazy vision 复视 diplopia 闪光 flashing lights 异物感 foreign body sensation 失明 lose the sight 眨眼 nictitation 眼痛 eye-ache;ocular pain; 眼花 vertigo 咽部疾病 咽下困难 dysphagia 声嘶 hoarseness 咽食时疼痛 pain on swallowing 咽喉痛 sore throat 声音沙哑 troaty voice 喘鸣 stridor L)眼科 视物模糊 blurred vision;hazy vision 复视 diplopia 闪光 flashing lights 异物感 foreign body sensation 失明 lose the sight 眨眼 nictitation 眼痛 eye-ache;ocular pain; 眼花 vertigoC. 现病Present illnessC. 现病Present illness 起病方式: a. 急剧(暴发性): fulminant, explosive b. 突然: abrupt, sudden c. 迅速: rapid d. 缓慢: gradual e. 偶然: haccidentally, occasionallyC. 现病Present illnessC. 现病Present illness 发作规律: a. 经常反复的: recurrent bouts, b. 偶尔: sporadically c. 一过性: transitory d. 持续的: persistent e. 间歇的: intermittent疼痛的描述Pain疼痛的描述Pain 疼痛的性质: 酸痛:aching pain; 坠痛:bearing-down pain; 钻痛:boring pain;烧灼痛:burning pain; 胀裂痛:bursting pain; 绞痛:colic; colicky ( or cramp; griping ) pain;痉挛性痛:cramping pain;钝痛:dull pain;束带样痛:girdle pain;跳痛:jumping pain;刀割样痛:knife-like pain;到刺样痛:piercing pain;搏动性痛:throbbing pain 疼痛的状态: 持续性痛:persistent pain; unremitting pain ;经常性痛: constant pain;间歇性痛: intermittent pain;阵痛:labor pains;时痛时不痛:The pain came and went;疼痛的描述Pain疼痛的描述Pain 疼痛的变化: 痛的发生与 有关:is associated with 痛的减轻: grew less; is relieved by; the severity waned; 疼痛加剧: worsened;severe 疼痛不停止:did not cease 疼痛持续不变:pain was steady 疼痛的位置: 疼痛位于部位:limited to 靠近什么部位:near 局限于什么部位:localized or confined to 转移到:pain shifts to; migrates to; 痛向什么部位放射:radiates or refers to 疼痛持续时间:last; continue发热Fever发热Fever 发热的程度: 高热: hyperpyrexia; high fever; ardent fever 低热: slight fever; low-grade fever; hypothermia; subfebrile temperature 中度发热:moderate fever; 体温变化: 升高至: rise to; go up to; be elevated to 急速降低: fall; decline; abates; drop; reduce (promptly; abruptly) 缓慢下降: slow lysis (crisis) of fever 不超过: do not exceed (go up over) 在范围波动:fluctuate (vary; range)between 疼痛持续时间:last; continue和咳嗽Cough咳嗽Cough 咳嗽的种类: 干咳: dry (nonproductive) cough 阵发性干咳: hacking cough 短咳: short cough 剧咳: sharp cough 带哮鸣音的咳嗽 wheezing cough 难咳: distressed cough 浅咳: shallow cough 刺激性咳嗽: irritable cough 痉挛性咳嗽: spasmodic cough 接连咳嗽: continually coughing 阵发性咳嗽: paroxysmal cough 痰咳: loose cough 湿咳: wet (moist) cough痰Sputum痰Sputum 痰的性状: 绿痰: aeruginosum sputum 血痰: bloody sputum 恶臭痰: fetid (foul) sputum 粘液脓性痰 mucopurulent sputum 铁锈色痰: rusty sputum 浆液痰: serous sputum 透明痰: transparent sputum 粘痰: viscous sputum 大便Stool大便Stool 大便的性状: 无胆色粪: acholic stool 胆汁粪: bilious stool 干便: dry stool 稀便: loose stool 不成形便: formless stool 黑粪: melena 豆浆样便: pea-soup stool 米泔样便: rice-water stool 柏油样便: tarry stool 不消化粪: undigested stool 稀水便: watery (liquid) stool大便Stool大便Stool 大便的气味: 恶臭: stench 臭的: foul, fetid 非常臭: extremely foul 不太臭: less offensive in odor 无臭的: odorless 味道难闻但不太臭的: offensive but not excessively foul 腐败臭的: putrid 酸臭的: sour 大便Stool大便Stool 大便的颜色: 黑色: black 血性: bloody 棕色: brown 棕黑色: brownish black 绿色: green 灰白色: grey-white 柏油色: tarry 黄色: yellow 泥土色: clay-colored小便Urine小便Urine 小便的透明度: 澄清的: clear 混浊的: cloudy 不透明的: opaque 透明的: transparent 半透明的: translucent 小便Urine小便Urine 小便的颜色: 黑色: black 棕黑色: brown-dark 鲜红色: bright red 红色: red 深棕色: dark-brown 暗蓝色: dirty blue 乳白色: milky 橙黄色: orange 棕黄色: brown yellow
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