首页 高中英语模块八U1-4译林版



高中英语模块八U1-4译林版nullnull第24讲 Unit 1 The written word  第25讲 Unit 2 The universal language 第26讲 Unit 3 The world of colours and light 第27讲 Unit 4 Films and film events高中英语 模块8 null第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录[2012•...

nullnull第24讲 Unit 1 The written word  第25讲 Unit 2 The universal language 第26讲 Unit 3 The world of colours and light 第27讲 Unit 4 Films and film events 高中 高中语文新课程标准高中物理选修31全套教案高中英语研修观课报告高中物理学习方法和技巧高中数学说课稿范文 英语 模块8 null第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录[2012•天津卷] 假设你是李津,你的美国朋友Chris就读于天津某国际学校。他热爱中国文化,特别是戏曲文化。8月5日下午2:00在新落成的天津大剧院将上演越剧《梁山伯与祝英台》。请你根据以下提示,用英语给Chris写一封电子邮件, 邀请他一起观看演出。 ※ 提出邀请并简述原因; ※ 提出观剧后活动建议(如参观附近的博物馆或美术馆等); ※ 请求对方回复。 注意:1.请使用 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 英语,词数不少于100; 2.可适当加入细节,以使 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 充实、行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word参考词汇: 越剧 Shaoxing Opera 《梁山伯与祝英台》 Butterfly Lovers 天津大剧院 Tianjin Grand Theater返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordDear Chris, I have good news to tell you. I'd like to invite you to see Butterfly Lovers, a famous Chinese Shaoxing Opera, which is to be put on at the newly built Tianjin Grand Theater at 2:00 p.m on August 5th. As your close friend, I know you are fond of Chinese culture, especially opera culture. Of course, besides going to the theater, we can do some other meaningful things, such as visiting the museum or the art gallery nearby, which both contain a lot of items of great value. I‘m sure that we will have a good time.返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word—— 精 彩 美 文 ——第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordI'm looking forward to receiving your reply. Best wishes. Yours, Li Jin返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word1.行文逻辑:提出邀请并简述原因→提出观剧后活动建议→请求对方回复。较好地使用了连接词,如:besides等。 2.词汇短语:运用了较高难度的词汇和短语。如:put on,be fond of,meaningful,such as,contain,of great value,have a good time,look forward to等。 3.句式句法:运用了多样化的句式和句法结构。如:非限制性定语从句which is to be put on at the newly built Tianjin Grand Theater(同时使用了be to do 结构);which both contain a lot of items。非谓语动词going to the theater;visiting the museum…等。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word—— 名 师 点 睛 ——第24讲 Unit 1 The written word1.poetry n.诗歌(总称)→________ n.诗→________ n.诗人→________ adj.诗的, 富有诗情的 2.characteristic n.特征;典型的→_________n.人物;性格;角色;特性 3.novelist n.小说家→________ n.小说 adj.新颖的, 新奇的 4.abuse vt.虐待;滥用→________v.&n.使用 5.tension n.紧张气氛;紧张,烦躁;矛盾,对立→________ adj.紧张的;绷紧的 n.时态返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordpoempoeticpoetⅠ.单词荟萃characternoveluse tense第24讲 Unit 1 The written word6.resist vi. & vt.反抗,抵制,抵挡→________ adj. 抵抗的,抗……的,耐……的→________ n.反抗,抵制; 抵抗力(性) 7.violent adj. 暴力的,粗暴的;猛烈的,强烈的→________ n.暴力,暴行 8.reform vt. & vi.改造;改良→________ n.改革家;改良者 9.adore vt.热爱,喜爱→__________n.崇拜,爱慕→________ n.崇拜者 10.intend vt.& vi.打算,想要→________ adj.打算的,预期的;故意的,有意的→________ n.意图,打算返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordresistant resistance       violencereformer  adorationadorerintended intention 第24讲 Unit 1 The written word1.躲避;忙碌,不停地奔波 _______________________ 2.达到,符合(期望) _________________________ 3.决心做某事(通常指坏事) _________________________ 4.救援某人 _________________________ 5.音调准确;演奏合调 _________________________ 6.谈及,涉及 _________________________ 7.为……打算(或 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 )的 _________________________ 8.破烂不堪的,废旧的;筋疲力尽的 _________________________ 9.并无不同 _________________________ 10.与……无关,与……没来往 _____________________返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordon the runlive up tobe bent on (doing) sth.come to one's rescuein tunetouch onbe intended toworn outⅡ.短语检测no differenthave nothing to do with第24讲 Unit 1 The written word1.so…that…如此……以至于…… They are novels, plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were______________that people still read them today. 它们是很久以前创作的小说、戏剧和诗歌,写得很好,直至今日人们仍然在阅读这些作品。 2.make+复合宾语 This__________________for some people to read, so they are often left to gather dust on shelves. 这使一些人阅读起来有困难,经典文学作品常常被遗忘在书架上尘封。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordso well writtenⅢ.佳句再现makes them difficult第24讲 Unit 1 The written word3.dislike+it+从句 Pip___________ when Joe comes to visit him in London.当乔来伦敦看他时,皮普并不喜欢。 4.would rather…than…与其……倒不如…… Pip's sister often abuses him, but Joe is a kind and simple man who____________die_________ see any harm come to Pip. 皮普的姐姐经常辱骂他,但乔却是一个淳朴善良的人,他宁愿死也不愿意看到皮普受到任何伤害。 5.by the end of“到……末为止”与完成时的连用 By the end of the novel, Pip________________a lot. 到这部小说的最后,皮普改变了很多。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written worddislikes itwould ratherthan has changed 第24讲 Unit 1 The written word1 desperate adj.铤而走险的,拼命的,绝望的;非常需要,渴望的 (1)be desperate at… 因……而绝望 be desperate to do sth./for sth. 渴望做某事 in desperate need (of…) 急需(……) make a desperate attempt 孤注一掷 (2)desperately adv. 拼命地,绝望地,极度地 (3)desperation n. 绝望;不顾一切, 拼命 in desperation 绝望,拼死,无可奈何地,不顾死活地 返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word◇ 单词点睛 ◇第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【活学活用】 (1)After a few hopeless attempts to find a job, Fred became desperate for experience. 找工作几次无望的尝试后,佛瑞德因此经历而绝望。 (2)They struggled in their desperate attempts to escape but missed the exit and started heading in the wrong direction. 他们努力的尝试逃脱,但是错过了出口并开始朝向错误的方向走去。 (3)A ________ man will stop at nothing to get what he wants. 一个亡命之徒为了达到自己的目的什么事都做得出来。 返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written worddesperate第24讲 Unit 1 The written word(4)He ____________when he lost all his money. 当他丢了所有的钱时,他绝望了。 (5)He ________________ work to provide for a large family. 他渴望有个工作,挣钱供养子女众多的家。 (6)If foreign aid dries up the situation will __________. 倘若外援枯竭,形势将极为严峻。 (7)When the stranger was dragging him away, the baby reached out his hands in ________ want of his mother. A.curious B.desperate C.sincere D.serious返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordwas desperatewas desperate forbe desperate第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word [解析] B 句意:当陌生人拖他走的时候,那个婴儿伸出自己的手,极想找妈妈。curious好奇的;desperate绝望的;sincere真诚的;serious严肃的。故B项符合题意要求。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word2 vain  adj.虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的,无结果的 (1)in vain 徒然, 白费, 无效 labor in vain 徒劳 for vain 徒劳地;徒然 (2)be vain of 对……很自负 make vain attempts to do sth. 徒然尝试做某事 (3)vainly adv. 徒劳地,无益地 vainness n. 无益,自负返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【活学活用】 (1)He stopped at the door, waiting in vain for her to acknowledge his presence. 他停在门口,徒然地等着她跟自己打招呼。 (2)They ________________________ the mountaintop. 他们几次徒然尝试到达山顶。 (3)He __________ to catch the butterfly on the flower. 他想抓住停在花上的蝴蝶,结果是白费力气。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordmade vain attempts to reachtried in vain第24讲 Unit 1 The written word(4)His efforts to raise money for his program were ________ because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets. A.in place B.in sight C.in effect D.in vain返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word [解析] D 考查介词短语辨析。根据下文no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets可知为集资做出的努力都白费了,应选择in vain。in place在正确位置;in sight看得见;被看到;in effect实际上。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word3 rescue v.(to save sb./sth. from a dangerous or harmful situation)营救,援救 n.营救 (1)rescue sb./sth. from sb./sp. 把……从……营救出来 (2)come to/go to sb's rescue = rescue sb. 援救某人 a rescue team 救援队 a rescue mission 救援任务 rescue workers 救援人员返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【活学活用】 (1)[2012•辽宁卷•阅读A] The townspeople never forgot the rescue and came to help their most famous neighbor. 市民从来也没忘记救援,来帮助他们最著名的邻居。 (2)He__________________drowning. 他救起了一名落水儿童。 (3)The police soon__________________. 警察很快就来营救他们了。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordrescued a child fromcame to their rescue第24讲 Unit 1 The written word(4)Teddy came to my ________ with a cheque of 200 yuan to pay my room rate, after I phoned him that my wallet had been stolen. A.attendance B.assistance C.rescue D.safety返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word [解析] C 固定短语come to one's rescue意为“援助某人,帮助某人”。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word4 reputation n.(the opinion that people have about what sb./sth. is like, based on what has happened in the past)声誉,名誉;美名,声望 have a good/bad reputation  名誉好/坏 have a reputation for (=have the reputation of) 因……而著名, 以……闻名 live up to one's reputation 不负盛名 lose/ruin one's reputation 名誉扫地,失去声望 build (up) a reputation 逐渐成名 be good/bad for one's reputation 有益/损于某人的名声 of great/good/high reputation 名誉很好的 of no reputation 默默无闻返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【易混辨析】 reputation与fame (1)reputation可指好名声,亦可指坏名声,强调人们心目中的印象。 (2)fame仅指好名声,强调较高的知名度。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【活学活用】 (1)[2012•重庆卷•阅读D] What earned the plant its awful reputation was its roots which looked like a dried­up human body occupied by evil spirits.使得这个植物赢得可怕的声誉的是它的根,看上去像一个年老干瘪的被恶魔缠身的身体一样。 (2)He is a man ____________________. 他是一个具有好名声的人。 (3)Mr. Smith ____________________ being lazy. 史密斯先生以懒惰出名。 (4)He has a ____________ for generosity. 他因慷慨大方而闻名。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordof good/high reputationhas a reputation forreputation 第24讲 Unit 1 The written word(5)Hangzhou is ________ for its scenic spots. 杭州以其风景点闻名。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordfamed第24讲 Unit 1 The written word5 intend vt.& vi.(to have a plan, result or purpose in your mind when you do sth.)打算, 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,想要 (1)intend…as… 打算使……成为…… intend sth. for sb. 为某人准备/预备某事物(通常用被动语态) intend to do/doing sth. 打算/想要做某事 intend sb./sth to do 想要……去做…… had intended to do sth. 原本打算做某事 (2)be intended for (专为……而)设计/打算的 be intended to do 是为了(做) (3)intension n. 意图;本来的想法 (4)intentional adj. 有意的;故意的 intended adj. 打算的,预期的;故意的,有意的返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【活学活用】 (1)[2012•辽宁卷•阅读A] The book Happy:And Other Bad Thoughts is intended for parents with young children. Happy: And Other Bad Thoughts这本书是专门写给有小孩的父母的。 (2)This article ________________ an introduction to rock climbing only. 本文仅旨在向大家介绍攀岩运动。 (3)This dictionary ____________ middle school students. 这本词典是给中学生用的。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordis intended asis intended for第24讲 Unit 1 The written word(4)I didn't intend her ______________ the painting until it was finished. 直到画画完了我才打算让她看。 (5)The performance of the host, who ________ to please the audience and drew their attention, was greeted with a cold silence, however. A.had intended   B.intended C.intending D.to intend 返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordto see [答案] B第24讲 Unit 1 The written word1 have nothing to do with 与……无关,与……没来往 (1)have sth. to do with  与……有关 (2)have nothing on sb. 远比不上某人 come to nothing 没结果,终归失败 go for nothing 毫无用处 care nothing for 不以为然 think nothing of… 对……满不在乎 make nothing of 不重视 (3)for nothing=for free 免费 返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word◇ 短语储存 ◇第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【活学活用】 (1)The whale's unusual acts have nothing to do with human activities. 鲸特殊的行为跟人类活动没有关系。 (2)It ____________________ you. 这与你无关。 (3)Do you think what he is doing now ____________________ his studies? 你认为他现在做的与学习有关吗?返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordhas nothing to do withhas anything to do with第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word(4)You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do ________ about its width and depth. A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything [答案] B第24讲 Unit 1 The written word2 be bent on doing sth.   一心想要做某事;决心要做某事 (1)make up one's mind to do sth. 下定决心去做某事 determine to do sth. 决定做某事 be determined to do sth. 决心做某事 determine sb. to do sth. 使某人下决心做某事 decide on/upon (doing)sth. 决定(做)某事 (2)bend one's mind to sth. 专心于某事 bend (sb.) to sth. 迫使(某人)屈从、顺从返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【活学活用】 (1)He has been bent on becoming a lawyer for a long time. 长期以来他一直想成为一名律师。 (2)Jim seems________________a musician. 吉姆似乎下决心要成为音乐家。 (3)My mom's encouragement____________________on with my study. 我母亲的鼓励使我决心继续学业。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordbent on becomingdetermined me to go第24讲 Unit 1 The written word(4)He is ____________ learning English well. A.bent to      B.bent on C.bending to D.bend on 返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word [答案] B第24讲 Unit 1 The written word3 be lost to 不再属于……所有 at a loss 不知所措 be lost in thought 陷入沉思返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【活学活用】 (1)A recent survey found that 24 minutes a day are lost to buying, making and drinking tea and coffee. 近来研究发现一天二十四分钟不再属于买、泡和喝茶和咖啡的时间。 (2)It reuses heat that would otherwise be lost to the air, reducing carbon emissions while also cutting costs. 它可以循环利用不再属于空气的热,减少碳排放,同时也降低了成本。 (3)Not a moment was ____________________. 一点时间都不能错过。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordto be lost第24讲 Unit 1 The written word(4)The books seem ____________. 那些书好像不见了。 (5)The glory will ____________ him. 光荣将不再属于他。 (6)Unlabeled luggage is liable____________. 未贴标签的行李当然会丢。 (7)The driver was at________ loss when ________ word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding. A.a; / B./; / C.the; the D.a; the 返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordto be lostbe lost toto be lost [答案] A第24讲 Unit 1 The written word4 touch on  谈及,涉及 (1)keep in touch with 与……保持联系 lose touch with 和……失去联系 (2)out of touch 失去联系返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word 第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【活学活用】 (1)The film touches on these issues, but only superficially. 这部电影涉及了这些问题,但很肤浅。 (2)In his talk he ________________ the state of affairs in Latin America. 谈话中他提到了拉丁美洲的局势。 (3)No one whom Mr. Smith has taught seems ever to ____________ him. 史密斯先生教过的人至今似乎没谁与他失去联系。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordtouched on/uponlose touch with第24讲 Unit 1 The written word5 live up to  不辜负做到… live on sth 以某物为食;靠某种经济来源生活 live by doing sth 靠做某事物为生 live for sth 以某事物为生活目标 live through sth 经历某事物而幸存 live together 在一起生活;同居 live on 继续生活或存在 live with sth 接受或容忍某现象 live to be…= live to the age of… 活到……岁 live a…life 过着……的生活返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word 第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【活学活用】 (1)He hoped to live up to his father's expectations. 他希望不辜负他父亲的期望。 (2)What he did failed to ____________ his reputation. 他所做的不符合个人的声誉。 (3)The government has taken effective measures to ____________ the economical crisis. 政府已经采取有效措施以度过金融危机。 (4)We will never fail to ____________ what our parents expect of us. 我们决不辜负我们的父母对我们的期望。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordlive up tolive throughlive up to第24讲 Unit 1 The written word(5)Had she________her promise, she would have made it to Yale University. A.looked up to     B.lived up to C.kept up with D.come up with返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word [解析] B 考查动词词组辨析。该题的难点不仅仅在于这四个词组的辨析,更主要的是考生要读得懂这个句子的意思。该句是典型的虚拟语气,描述的事与过去事实是相反的。句意:如果她当年履行了自己的诺言, 她就会进入耶鲁大学了。look up to抬头看, 尊重; keep up with跟上, 追上; come up with追赶上;想出;提出。只有live up to(履行, 实行)符合题意。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word◇ 句型透视 ◇ 1 Pip's sister often abuses him, but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.  皮普的姐姐经常辱骂他,但乔却是一个淳朴善良的人,他宁愿死也不愿意看到皮普受到任何伤害。 句型公式  would rather…than…与其……倒不如…… 返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【句式点拨】 句中would rather do sth.than do sth.相当于would do sth.rather than do sth. 意为“宁愿做某事也不愿做某事”。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【相关拓展】 ①would rather (not) do sth.宁愿(不)做某事 ②would rather (not) have done sth.但愿过去(没有)做过某事 ③would rather (that) sb.did sth.…希望某人现在或将来做某事 ④prefer doing sth.to doing sth.=prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做某事也不愿做某事返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【活学活用】 (1)Well, it's something that you would rather not have anyone else know about. 它是一件你不希望其他人所知道的事情。 (2)I would rather______________than____________. 我宁愿去游泳而不去购物。 (3)—Mr.Wang, whom would you rather__________the important meeting? —Tom. A.have attend B.have attended C.having attended D.have to attend 返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordgo swimminggo shopping第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word [解析] A 将疑问句改为陈述句,即为:I would rather have Tom attend the important meeting. 其中would rather后必须接动词原形,have sb. do sth.意为“要某人做某事”。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word2 By the end of the novel, Pip has changed a lot.  到这部小说的最后,皮普改变了很多。 句型公式  by the end of“到……末尾为止”与完成时的连用返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【句式点拨】 by the end of后跟时间状语时,当其后跟过去的时间状语时,主句常用过去完成时;当其后是将来的时间状语时,主句用将来完成时。 By the end of next week, we'll have finished the work. 到下周末,我们会把工作做完。 By the end of last month, we had learned twelve texts. 到上月末,我们已学了12篇课文。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【相关拓展】 at the end of意思是“在……尽头(末端)”,后面可接地点或时间名词,通常与一般过去时或一般将来时连用。 by the end of意思是“到……为止”,仅指时间,指某一动作在某时间点以前或到某一时间段为止就已发生或完成,多用于过去完成时。若后面接的是将来时间,句子要用将来时态。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word第24讲 Unit 1 The written word【活学活用】 (1)Transport for London, which runs the scheme, is hoping to have 6, 000 bikes and 400 docking stations in place by the end of the year. 伦敦的运输经营计划有望到年底有六千辆自行车和四百个停靠站。 (2)We are to complete the task_____________ the year. 年底之前我们必须完成此项任务。 (3)You will find the hospital________________ the road. 在路的尽头,你将会找到那家医院。返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordby the end ofat the end of第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordⅠ.选词填空 1. Mary is ____________ from any other teenage girl. 2.Life is often ____________ a river or a dream. 3.I was ____________ after a day of shopping. 4.I've been ____________ all day and I'm exhausted. 5.The violin is not quite ____________ with the piano.返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordno differentworn outin tuneon the runcompared to第24讲 Unit 1 The written wordⅡ.单项填空返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word1.Lu Xun has a place ________ the history of Chinese Literature. A.with B.of C.in D.for [解析] C  固定短语have a place in意为“在……占有一席之地”。故选C项。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word2.Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives out of children's________. A.touch B.sight C.reach D.distance[解析] C 考查名词辨析。out of one's reach意为“够不着,拿不到”。句意:要时刻记得将刀这类的危险东西放到小孩够不着的地方。故选C。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word3.So far we have done a lot to build a low­carbon economy, but it is ________ ideal.We have to work still harder. A.next to B.far from C.out of D.due to [解析] B far from 表示“远远不够”;next to 表示“仅次于”;due to表示“因为,由于”;out of表示“在……外;由于(……原因,动机等)”。根据句意可知答案选B。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word4.He accidentally ________ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn't been home for a couple of weeks. A.let out B.took care C.made sure D.made out [解析] A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:他无意中说出他与妻子吵了一架, 他已经两周没有回家了。let out意为 “泄漏, 说出”;take care意为 “当心”;make sure意为 “确保”;make out意为 “识别, 辨别”。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word5.If you ________ faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price. A.come across B.care about C.look for D.focus upon [解析] A come across偶遇;care about在乎,关心;look for寻找;focus upon关注,集中。根据句意“如果你碰巧遇到缺陷,但你仍然想要买这辆自行车,就去店员那边要他降价吧。”可知,选择A项。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word6.The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather ________ the helplessness of the crew at sea. A.added to B.resulted from C.turned out D.made up [解析] A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:船的引擎出了故障,恶劣的天气增加了海上水手的无助。add to意为“增加,增添”,符合语境。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word7.What he said ________ me. A.has nothing to do with B.cares about C.thinks nothing of D.has nothing to do of[解析] A have nothing to do with 与……无关; care about 关心,在意; think nothing of 对……满不在乎。根据题意此题答案为A。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word8.The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good ________. A.expectation B.reputation C.contribution D.civilization[解析] B 考查名词辨析。reputation名声; expectation期望; contribution贡献; civilization文明。根据句意选B。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word9.It's ________ shame to cheat at an examination, for you have ________ reputation for being honest. A.a;/ B./;/ C.a;a D./;a [解析] C 考查冠词。shame为可数名词,表示“一件令人遗憾的事”要用a来修饰;短语have a reputation for “有……的名声”。第24讲 Unit 1 The written word返回目录第24讲 Unit 1 The written word10.—I'd like to go to the cinema with you, mum. —Sorry, darling, but the film is _______ for adults only. A.admitted B.intended C.promised D.permitted [解析] B 考查动词辨析。be admitted意为“被承认”;be intended for意为“打算供……使用”;be promised意为“被许诺”;be permitted意为“被准许”。答句句意:对不起,亲爱的,电影是专供成人看的。根据题意可知答案为B。null第25讲 Unit 2 The universal language返回目录第25讲 Unit 2 The universal language第25讲 Unit 2 The universal language返回目录[2012•江西卷]
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