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口译笔记2nullNote-taking (2)Note-taking (2)nullAsk yourself: 1.Did I use anything as little as possible? They are generally a waste of time. 2.Did I use any form at all? Are my notes clear or confusing? 3.Did I capture main points and all subpoints? 4.Did I use ab...

nullNote-taking (2)Note-taking (2)nullAsk yourself: 1.Did I use anything as little as possible? They are generally a waste of time. 2.Did I use any form at all? Are my notes clear or confusing? 3.Did I capture main points and all subpoints? 4.Did I use abbreviations and shortcuts? If you answered “NO” to any of these questions, you may need to develop some new note-taking skills! Guidelines for Taking NotesGuidelines for Taking Notes1.Concentrate on the lecture or on the reading material. 2.Take notes consistently. 3.Take notes selectively. Do NOT try to write down every word. Remember the average note-taker writes at a rate of about 25 words per minute. 4.Translate ideas into your own words. 5.Organize notes into some sort of logical form. 6.Be brief. Write down only the major points and important information. 7.Write legibly. Notes are useless if you cannot read them later! 8.Don't be concerned with spelling and grammar. Some suggestions for taking notesSome suggestions for taking notes1.利用线条回指重复出现的信息。 2.用最少的汉字笔画 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示完整的意义。 3.使用符号。 4.使用缩略语。 5.记下第一句话和最后一句话。SymbolsSymbols° 人 中° 中国人民 u 你 I 我 h/sh 他/她 □ 国家/区域 □/□ 国家之间 γ 政府 π 政治/政策/决策人 U 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 / 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 /祝酒 Λ 上面 /高高在上/优越 Λ 领导人 °v 下面 ° 下属 v > 优于/期待 < 次于/回顾 >< 冲突/针锋相对 << 波折/波浪 ⊥ 分歧/不同点 ㄣ 椅子/主持 ㄣ° 主席 ⊙ 会议/讨论 ○ 国际/全球/世界 ⊕ 红十字会/护士 /医院 ∞ 渔业/鱼/渔夫null+ 此外/正确/好 ++ 更好/更强 - 弱/差/否定 -- 更弱/更差 √ 肯定/赞成 × 错误/坏了 = 等于/意味着 ≠ 不等于/不意味着 ← 来自/进口自/原因 → 发送/出口至/导致 ↑ 上升/增加/发展 ↓ 下降/减少/退步 ↑↓ 双向/交流 ○ 空洞/无效 # 结束 高兴/荣幸  悲伤/遗憾 ∩ 进入/转换 ∈ 属于 ∵ 因为 ∴ 所以 [ ] 包括/在内 @ 位于 V 胜利 ≡ 坚持/决心 ‖ 但是 ! 非常/惊讶/关键 ·/ 一方面 /· 另一方面 ·/· 双方/关系 ? 疑问/问题 ☆ 优秀/杰出 ☆° 杰出人物null ♀ 女性 ♂ 男性 2 文 两个文明 2 友 双方的友谊 N1 第一名, 首要的 & 和/与 △ 代表 : 某某人说/陈述 ∽ 替换成为 」 过去 ∟ 将来 .d 昨天 ..d 前天 d. 明天 d.. 后天 .w 上周 w. 下周 .y 去年 y. 明年AbbreviationsAbbreviations英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如 IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。很显然如果能熟练掌握缩略词,对口译大有裨益。 缩略词的写法一般为四种方式: 1.拿掉所有元音 MKT: market MGR: manager MSG: message STD: standard RCV: receive null2.保留前几个字母 INFO information INS insurance EXCH exchange I owe you IOU Instead of I/O null3. 保留开头和结尾发音字母 WK week RM room PL people4.根据发音 2 to 4 for C see R are L8 late THO though THRU throughSome abbreviated forms frequently used while interpretingSome abbreviated forms frequently used while interpretingAPT Apartment ACC Accountant ACDG According ACPT Accept AD Advertisement ADS Address ADV Advice AMAP As much/many as possible AMT Amount APV Approve ASAP As soon as possible BAL Balance BLDG Building CAD Canada CERT Certificate CFM Conform CNCL Cancel CNF Conference CMI Commission CMP Complete CMPE Compete/competitive CMU Communication CONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND Condition CO. Company DEPT Department DISC Discount DPT Departure EXCH Exchange EXPLN ExplainnullEXT Extent FLT Flight FNL Final FRT Freight FYR For your reference GB Great Britain GD Good GUAR Guarantee H.O. Home office INFO Information IMPS Impossible IMP(T) Important INCD Include INDIV Individual INS Insurance INTST Interested I/O Instead of IOU I owe you IVO In view of MANUF Manufacture MDL Model MEMO Memorandum MGR Manager MIN Minimum MKT Market MSG Message NCRY Necessary NK North Korea NLT No later than OBS Observe OBT Obtain ORD Ordinary PAT Patent PC Piece nullPKG Packing PL People PLS Please POSN Position POSS(BL) Possible PROD Product QLTY Quality QUTY Quantity RCV Receive REF Reference REGL Regular REP Representative RESN Reservation RPT Repeat RESPON Responsible SEC Section SITN Situation SK South Korea TEL Telephone TEMP Temporary TGM Telegraph THO Though TKS Thanks TRD Trade TRF Traffic TTL Total U You UR Your WK Week WL Will WT Weight XL Extra large较长单词的处理办法较长单词的处理办法-ism   简写为m 如:socialism Sm -tion   简写为n 如:standardization stdn -cian 简写为o 如:technician  techo -ing 简写为g 如:marketing MKTg -ed 简写为d 如:accepted  acptd -able/ible/ble 简写为bl 如:available avbl -ment 简写为mt 如:amendment  amdmt -ize 简写为z 如:recognize regz -ful 简写为fl 如:meaningful mnfl Important point for taking notesImportant point for taking notes1.少写多画 划线条比写文字快。线条形象,相当于翻译的"半成品",有助译员眼看笔记,口出译文。两种情况下应该尽量用线条: 表示动作和动态的词句。比如,以上升的斜线代表"发展","增加","进步","进一步";以下降的斜线代表"减少","下降","恶化"等等。 表示因果或前后关系的词句。比如,用一条线代表"因为/所以","…之后","在…之前",以体现出上下前后之间的关联关系。 null2.少字多义 养成一个词的笔记不超过一个字的习惯。中文里有大量的词汇是由两个,或两个以上的字组成。只要看到其中一个,你的短期记忆就应该能够补齐其余的字。不必多写。比如,"中国"最多写个"中"。"北京"最多写个"北"。英文词也同理处理。"politics" 最多写"poli","government"最多写"gov",等等。另外,需要培养以笔记与记忆互动;看到一个字能说出几个字,甚至一串词的能力。在有上下文的情况下,这不难。比如,谈中国的近况,听到"改革,开放"记一个"改"字,不难从短期记忆中说出原文。听到"British Prime Minister Tony Blair",记"PM",也同样能说出原文。null 3.少线多指 4.少横多竖 null5.快速书写 必须发展自己的汉字快速书写系统。口译笔记完全是自己看,而且只需要几分钟之内能看懂就行。很多汉字笔划减少后,并不影响确认。我这里讲的不是潦草,而是除了实际口译经常不得不潦草之外,花一些时间,把练习中或口译工作中常用的字琢磨一下,看看可以怎样减少笔划,或理顺笔划,一笔成字。nullExamples of note-taking Example 1 Canada and the United States have a very similar culture because they share a similar history. Both countries were settled by people from Europe who came to North America looking for a new life. Canadians and Americans both developed an individual-oriented culture because this was needed to survive in a huge, new land.null Cad &US ≈文 ∵ ≈历 2□stld by E° N.A. for new life Cad°& US° dvlp 个 文 ∵ survive 大 new landnullExample 2 Thank you for the time you gave me and for the faith, trust, and confidence you have shown in my firm and myself. We will try to express our appreciation by continued attention to your interests and by making available to you all our services and facilities.nullA possible note-taking version : TKs ∵ time→me + faith trust → Co. me 信心 TKs: 关注yr 利益 →服务 设施 #Example 3Example 3The most common plastic used in water bottle manufacturing is PET, an environmentally unfriendly substance that actually requires 17.5 kilograms of water to produce only 1 kilogram of PET. In fact, more water is used to make PET bottles than is actually put into them. The production of the plastic also produces numerous byproducts that are extremely harmful to the environment. The Container Recycling Institute reported that 14 billion water bottles were sold in the US in 2002, yet only 10% of these bottles were recycled –90% ended up in the trash.nullnullExample 4 I’m very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company, and I am particularly pleased to be able to work with a group of brilliant people in China’s automobile industry. I had been looking forward to this job for many years and you have made my dream come true. I’m deeply grateful to you and appreciate all you have done for me, especially the new residence by the beach that you have chosen for me. If you don’t mind, I wish to tour around your company properties and meet my Chinese colleagues and lab assistants tomorrow.nullI’m very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company, and I am particularly pleased to be able to work with a group of brilliant people in China’s automobile industry.  机 W co. & esp.  W ☆°/中 auto #nullI had been looking forward to this job for many years and you have made my dream come true. I > job yrs u→ dream V #nullI’m deeply grateful to you and appreciate all you have done for me, especially the new residence by the beach that you have chosen for me. Tks u done esp. 住 nr beach (chosen) #nullIf you don’t mind, I wish to tour around your company properties and meet my Chinese colleagues and lab assistants tomorrow. If 介 > tour Co. meet 中° & lab ass °d. # nullExample 5: Ladies and gentlemen, I suppose you’ve all read the report about the restructuring of the group’s organization, which has given rise to the problem of relocating the new group. One possibility is to move all the head offices to Shanghai, and that is basically what the report recommends. Alternatively, we could continue to run the two companies quite separately in their present locations with the smaller company in Shanghai. I’m not sure how efficient the second option would be, but I’d like to hear your ideas on the subject.null Ladies and gentlemen, I suppose you’ve all read the report about the restructuring of the group’s organization, which has given rise to the problem of relocating the new group. L、G I: u read 」rpt / reorg group →? @ new #nullOne possibility is to move all the head offices to Shanghai, and that is basically what the report recommends. •/ H.Q. → S.H. = rpt recom #nullAlternatively, we could continue to run the two companies quite separately in their present locations with the smaller company in Shanghai. /• cont. 2 Co. 现@ 小 (SH) # nullI’m not sure how efficient the second option would be, but I’d like to hear your ideas on the subject. sure eff 2nd ? b I > ur ideas #nullExample 6 Ladies and gentlemen, I regard it as a great honor and a sign of good business that you come to this official launch of IBM of Shanghai and show so much interest in IBM products. As the world leader in personal computers, IBM would like to share with Chinese customers our successes. Among other things, IBM products enjoy an excellent performance and high quality, which I believe are very important to our Chinese customers. We are looking forward to a long-term relationship with our clients and strategic partners which will help further strengthen our position we enjoy as the leader in the world’s computer market.nullLadies and gentlemen, I regard it as a great honor and a sign of good business that you come to this official launch of IBM of Shanghai and show so much interest in IBM products. L、G, I  & √ biz u→开 IBM/SH & int. in IBM prod #nullAs the world leader in personal computers, IBM would like to share with Chinese customers our successes. nullAmong other things, IBM products enjoy an excellent performance and high quality, which I believe are very important to our Chinese customers. esp. IBM pro ☆perf & qlty : impt→中客° #nullWe are looking forward to a long-term relationship with our clients and strategic partners which will help further strengthen our position we enjoy as the leader in the world’s computer market.
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