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英文励志美文01.The Two Roads It was Christmas Eve.An aged man was standing on the balcony,with uneasy,alarmed and pessimistic expression;he sighed for his miserable fate, and raised his sad eyes,gazed at the sparking stars in the deep blue sky. A falling star depicted a ...

01.The Two Roads It was Christmas Eve.An aged man was standing on the balcony,with uneasy,alarmed and pessimistic expression;he sighed for his miserable fate, and raised his sad eyes,gazed at the sparking stars in the deep blue sky. A falling star depicted a curve in the sky and disappeared,which seemed like the symbol of his life. Then he cast them blow his floor,where a few more desperate people than him were moving towards their invitable destination--the grave.He had already expended sixty years on the way leading to it,and he had acquired nothing but agony and regret.Now his health was poor,his mind was vacant his heart was sorrowful,and his life was short of comforts. The days of his youth appeared like dreams floating in his brain,and he recalled the strategic moment when he stood at the access to the roads--At the end of road,it was a peaseful and sunny place.It was covered with delicate flowers,fascinating bamboo forest,bunches of attractive grapes.There lived cute deer,tame lambs,and flying butterflies and echoed with the merry,sweet laughter.There were also winding tracks and hony peach trees dotted the gracefuk landscape. At the end of the second road,it was a damp and dull cave,which was an absolute hell of great bulk.It was covered with moist ponds and marshes,nasty ditches and jungles,chilling ang thrilling jails,all aroud was emitting the stales acid flavor.There lived evil devils,giant monsters,poisonous snakes,and echoed with horrible barking of wolves.It was full of spiders, bats,frogs,damn rats,offensive bugs and other crawling insects. He looked up to the sky and shouted aloud,"O youth,return!Return!" And his youth did return,for all this was only a nightmare which he had on Christmas Eve.He was still youth though his faults were real;he had not yet entered the damp and dull cave,and he was still free to walk on the road which led to the peaceful and sunny land. Those youngster,who are still wandering at the entrance of life and hesitating to choose the bright road,remenber that when years have passed and your feet are limping in the dark cave,you will cry bitterly,but in vain:"O youth,return!Oh give me back my early days!" 02.The House with a Golden Window In the bowels of a mountain of frontier zone, a little boy lived in crude house, which could only accommodate five people of his household. There was not any railroad, freeway, highway or even a pub (an inn) around the mountain. His ancestors and he were the exclusive inhabitants on the mountain for several centuries. As he was 6 years old, he could see a wonderful house across the valley on a higher altitude of the opposite mountain, which had a golden window. He fancied that the emperor, prince and princess in fable must have been living in that king of palace. Sometimes, in order to assure himself that it was an authentic house, the innocent boy often stared at it, with exceeding thirst for living in it. 6 years later, the little boy believed that he had acquired plentiful knowledge and skills to dominate his life. Accordingly, he made a farewell to his grandmother and parents, and flung himself to the expedition with a manual kit, which was made of the fabric that was weaved by his mother. There was a coil of nylon cord, a saw and other implements in it. In spite of the hindrance of the muddy and slippery slope, for impulse of his keen desire, he probed the road through thorns with a stick, and proceeded towards the house consistently. As he mounted the summit, he focused on the trail that led to the house and then on it. It seemed to appear an abnormal phenomenon----the house vanished weirdly and was replaced by an ugly and shabby house, which was comparable with his little house in every inch, and its windows were plain and rather dirty. After opening the door, he found that the house was an obsolete mill in a state of disorder. In the center of the house, the tools which could grind wheat into flour were covered with thick dust and the trace of mice, a rude donkey saddle and some stained sacks lying nearby it. In one corner, a primitive rack was full of cracks, a spider was spinning web on it, and some fragments of mat were underneath it. In another corner, there was a stack of straw in mess, a rusted spade and a leaky barrel. The little boy was extremely disappointed. When he was ready to leave, he detected a sight which amazed him----there was his little house across the valley on the lower mountain and its window was shining with golden color identically----as the midday daylight (sunshine) was shinning on the glass of its window… This story gives us a hint (cue) that we shouldn't be blind to the welfare in our real life. What we need is to adjust and convert our ritual notions (concepts), to find and enjoy the happiness that belongs to us. 03.The View out of Window Two men, both in serious illness, occupied the same ward of a hospital. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour a day to undergo therapy and drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man had to lie flat on his back all the time. The two men talked for hours on end. They talked about their families, their jobs, their experiences in the military service and a whole lot of things. Every afternoon when the man in the bad next to the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the outdoor things he could see through the window. The man in the other bed would live for those one-hour periods when his world would be broad ened and restored to freshness by all the activities and view of the outside world. The window overlooked a park with a lovely stream and a stone bridge , the man said. Ducks and geese played in the water while kids sailed their model boats. A gang of lads played volleyball on the lawn nearby the bridge. Lovers walked arm in arm amid blooms of brilliant colors. A range of grand oak s and some flourishing palms grace d the spectacular landscape . As the man by the window described all these in vivid detail , the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the magnetic scenery , which gave him deep impression . One fine afternoon the man by the window described a troop (procession) of soldier s striding across the square of downtown . Although the other man could not hear the band, he was charm ed by the invisible scene . Unexpectedly, a thought entered his head: why should he have all the pleasure of seeing everything while I never get to see anything? It seemed unfair . As the thought arose in his mind, the man felt upset and annoyed at first. But with several days passing, his inward (internal) envy turned into resent ment and soon turned him sour . He turned indifferent and isolated, almost neglected all the surroundings . Then, a wicked intention controlled his life—he should lie by that window. He almost couldn’t withstand the torture of his intention, and sighed from dawn to dusk. Finally, his health became worse and worse, but the doctors couldn’t find the cause. Later one night, as he lay staring at the ceiling , abruptly, the man by the window began to cough. He was choked by the fluid in his lungs. The other man peered his panic expression and quivering fingers in the dim room as the man by the window exerted all his strength for the button to call for help. At the critical moment, listening to his crawling (creeping) sound across the room, the other man disguised that he had been fallen asleep, never moved, never pressed down his own handy button which would have brought the nurse coming. It lasted about five minutes, and then the sound of cough and breath stopped. There was only silence—deathly silence. The following morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths. When she found the rigid lifeless body of the man by the window, with enormous grief, she called the hospital maid to take it away—no words, no fuss. As soon as it seemed to be an appropriate opportunity, the man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was glad to make the switch , and after making sure he was comfortable , she left him alone . Slowly, with the acute ache , he sustained himself up on one elbow, and strained to turn to look out of the window. It was incredible that he faced a black wall. 04.Four Wives in Our Life In former days,there was a wealthy merchant,who owned billion acres of fertile land,a considerable sum of property,and multiple compounds(eatates).He was acknowledged leader at home and had four wives. He had the greastest affection on the fourth wife,who enjoyed the beautiful brows and face -a fairy in his eyes.To amuse her,the merchant gave her a life of luxury,bought her fashionable blouses and boots,and look her out to dine on delicious food.Each of their marriage anniversary,he would celebrate. He was also fond of his third wife very much.She was an amateur poet with great literacy and dignity.To approve of her,he gave her prevailing poetry as a prezent,visited museums with her see the antiques and went to the concerts to enjoy music of great musicians and pianists.He was very proud off her,introduced and showed off her to his friends.Nevertheness,he was always in great fear that she might go elsewhere with some other guys. His second spouse,too,won his preference.as a cashier,she was keen,capable and energetic in commercial issues.Whenever he faced critical prob;ems,he always turned to his second wife.And she'd always attempted to help him cope with the problems such as cash collection or the conflicts with clients.Hense,to thank his second wife,he went to excursion with her for entertainment ever several years. His first wife was a very conservative and faithful partner.She was a woman of goodness and honesty.As a housewife,she had made great contributions to nourishing children,caring husband and doing housework.Accidentally,she appeared to be a little clumsy and ignorant.Although the merchant had a prefudice towards her,she maitained her patience to wait for him to come back to her.She was a women of great breadth of mind. After many years,the merchant fell deadly ill for abusing alcohol.He knew it couldn't cure.He was pale and stiff.When he reflected on his lifetime,he couldn't help yelling,"Now I have 4 wives.But when I die,I'll be solitary.How lonely I'll be!" Suffering from the sting body,he asked the fourth wife,"I have attached to you the most affection,and bought pretty clothes to you and spend every festival with you.Now I'm dying,will follow me?""Pardon?I am not a self-sacrificing saint.No way!"The fourth wife ,who was sipping tea idly in her fur overcoat,defied him. The answer made the merchant feel fiercely disppointed on her conscience.Then he asked the third wife,"Do you remenber our romantic experience?Now that I'm dying,will you follow me?"the third wife glimpsed against him."No!"She denied."I couldn't bear tedious life in hell.I diserve a better life.Consequently it is of nessity that I marry other guys afterwards."Then she was calculating the route to other millionaire's home. The answer also hert the merchant,and then he resorted to the second wife,"You've always facilitated me out.Now I barely beg you once more.When I die,will you follow me?""I'm sorry!"She frowned,claiming,"I can only attend your funeral ceremony."The answer came like a bolt of thunder and the merchant felt like being disarded. Then she was modifying the items of a business contract. Then a voice wept:"We are bond couple,I'll go alongside with you wherever you go."The merchant awoke,stroking his first wife's coarse palm.She was so lean.Thinking of her fatigue year aftere year,he was greatly touched and said miserably,"I should have treasured you before!"Then she was doing the laundry for him. Virtually,we all resoectively have four wives in our lives.The fourth tender wife represents our body.Despite the face that we spend time making it look good,it'll distract from us when we die.Our third wife is our possessions,remarkable fame,or noble status.When we die,they all go to eternal collapse.The second wife is our famly,friends,colleagues or acquaitances.Regardless how close we have relied on them when we're alive,what they can do for us is coming to the funeral at the utmost.The first wife is in fact our holy soul,which is often neglected in our pursuit of material and wealth.It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go.We should cultivate it now,otherwise,we will possibly fell regret in the end. 05.What I Learned in Kindergarten Most of what I really need to know about how to live, what to do and how to be, I learned in kindergarten. Most of my wisdom was also gained in the nursery. These are the things I learned: Don't fight. Don't quarrel with my cousins. Don't veil my mistake. Don't imitate the criminal behaviors of fraud and thief in the television series. Don't steal coins in the closet, cartoon in the grocery, bacon, toast or jam in the cupboard(cabinet). Clean up my own garbage(trash). Don't talk about disappointing topics. Share candy with my partners. Distinguish the goodness from the vice. Hold to traditional virtues such as honesty and integrity, justice and kindness, mercy and patience. Promote social morality. Accept the criticism or proposal of others modestly. Eat more carrot, cereal, salad and garlic, and control youself to eat less dessert, fried chips, sausage, and stale diet. Classify the clothing of each season. 06. Words to Live by: From A to Z Ancient sayings are not altogether stereotyped norms. Those such as “being punctual” and “being economical” still work in contemporary society. Budgets and plans are the insurances of a better life. Compromise is one of the solutions to complicated matters; considering concession is the symbol of a talent. Don’t exhaust yourself. Recreations as sightseeing, skiing, solar bathing and playing soccer are all good choices for you to relax. Environment protection is not only the job of the authorities but also the obligation of every civilian. Fantasy is also necessarily a part of life. Trust the magic of dreams, for which there is psychological foundation. Gamble is a risky investment. Haste makes waste. Ignoring or misunderstanding history is often predicted to repeat it. History tells us that humanity and harmony are most valuable. Jealousy is the poison to the compatible friendship. Keep expectations towards a promising life and try hard to make them happe Liberty and democracy are not the privileges of minorities but the inevitable trend of human civilization. Make comments only on the subjects you know well. Never exaggerate. Open your mouth at conferences. Negotiating and discussing are the sources of wit. Poverty is the reward of idleness. Quest for lifelong education is of primary importance. Remember: A fool’s bolt may sometimes hit the mark. Shoulder your commitments. To preserve a friend, there are three requirements: to honor him present, to praise him absent, and to grant him a favor in his necessities. Unity is the ultimate sole possibility of Nature, and the selfish, greedy men who are against her purposes must get the severe punishments. Vain glory blossoms but never bears. Whatever a man sows, which he will also reap. Xcellerate (accelerate) your efforts. You cannot sell the cow and sip the milk. Zeal(热情) is like a wild horse, which should be harnessed by reason. 07. Youth Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of red lips, straight waist or vigorous body. It is a matter of magnificent imagination, steady determination, unique character and abundant emotion; it is the freshness of the deep spring of life. Youth means an infinite courage and self-confidence over huge challenges, means a precise target and persistent action over worthless complaints. This often exists in an elderly man more than a chap. Nobody grows merely by the number of years; we grow old by deserting our ideas. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm will wrinkle the soul. Worry, fear and self-distrust bow the heart and turn the spirit back to dust. There is in every human being’s heart the temptation of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart, there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, you will keep youth forever. 08.Friends Friends play an very important role in our life. In pleasure, friends will share happiness together with you; in depression, friends will unburden your anxiety, sorrow, distress or puzzle, and cheer you up; in hesitation, the frank suggestion from friends can make you confident and vigorous. When you encounter difficulties, the spiritual or financial aid of friends can easily confirm your belief to accomplish your objective. Furthermore, an intimate and loyal friend is also a healthy outlet of your negative feelings such as complaint, hatred or even curse. Indeed, friends are those who willingly and readily help us when we are in trouble, and show sympathy for us when we are in misery. To make friends, some factors must be take into account such as age, race, intelligence and individual passion. Althought these ingredients are not of prime importance, it is more difficult for us to get on with others when there is a marked difference in age and background. Normally speaking, a permanent friendship needs mutual tolerance and understanding. Friends play an very important role in our life. In pleasure, friends will share happiness together with you; in depression, friends will unburden your anxiety, sorrow, distress or puzzle, and cheer you up; in hesitation, the frank suggestion from friends can make you confident and vigorous. When you encounter difficulties, the spiritual or financial aid of friends can easily confirm your belief to accomplish your objective. Furthermore, an intimate and loyal friend is also a healthy outlet of your negative feelings such as complaint, hatred or even curse. Indeed, friends are those who willingly and readily help us when we are in trouble, and show sympathy for us when we are in misery. To make friends, some factors must be take into account such as age, race, intelligence and individual passion. Althought these ingredients are not of prime importance, it is more difficult for us to get on with others when there is a marked difference in age and background. Normally speaking, a permanent friendship needs mutual tolerance and understanding. 09.Variety is the Source of Creativity Variety is the source of creativity. Variety injects the fluid of creativity into the most hollow minds. To ensure a triumphant career, variety combined with flexibility to fit in diverse circumstances is the major truth nowadays. No housing can be constructed in one single day. The more one explores, the more different dimensions one will observe which can help to complete a job. It is logical to choose the best way of doing a thing among various available options. Innovation is your own discovering an unusual way to fill your aim, which might be an elaborate and perfect scheme, and would yield superb results. Innovation is not something that cannot be realized by us. Belief in yourself and the unique ability of giving concrete shape to your values and ideas are what separate boys from men. It takes a lot of courage to venture into the execution of your ideas. Initial phase is the toughest for you may be not recognized or comprehended mentally. But survival in tough time is a test of your perseverance, endurance and determination. From the graduates, they can spice up their lives with variety by focusing on extra activities apart from academic curriculum. It is evident that academics are the golden key to a good career and a secure job, but the b
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