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教案 Teaching Manual Business Eng. Int (Second Edition) For the Academic Year 2012-2013 English Major Teacher: Yang Linlin 课程序号:0210222603_01; 0210222603_02; 0210222603_03; 0210222603_04; 0210222603_05; 0210222603_06 课程名称: 商务英语口译 课程类型: ...

Teaching Manual Business Eng. Int (Second Edition) For the Academic Year 2012-2013 English Major Teacher: Yang Linlin 课程序号:0210222603_01; 0210222603_02; 0210222603_03; 0210222603_04; 0210222603_05; 0210222603_06 课程名称: 商务英语口译 课程类型: 选修课 总 学 时:68 讲课学时:16 实践学时:52 实验学时:0 学  分:4 1, Review and Plan Time: 2013-3-4 Focus: The th. Of int Objective: Making the students to know the basic th. of int. and know how to learn the lan. And acquire the int. skill in busi. Activities. Skills: Th. And prac. Difficulties: Th. About the process and standard of int.. Main Contents: I Show Ss the Course Plan,related rules, and mark ranking etc. 1, Ur Expectation? · From the t’ · From urself · For ur study 2, Ur plan? · How to learn? · How to improve? · How to take the examination? Course Plan · Class info & S’ No. · 16wks = 14wks class study and prac + 1wk quizzes (8/9) + 1 wk review (see APPENDIX Ⅰ). · Exam: Final result = 30% daily performance + 70% final exam result (20 mid-term quiz + 50% final exam.). Mark ranking · 10 marks rule: · Absent when named, -10(≥3, failing daily performance, except for unusual conditions in which a certificate is given by the related authority); · No answers when named, 0; · Answered but not good, 1-5; · Answered & so so, 6-8; · Answered and very good, 9-10; · Voluntary to answer & good, ≈8; · Voluntary to answer & excellent, 10. · The final mark equals to the average marks of all weeks. (each s’ will have at least 8 chances to answer Qs in one semester.) · Asking for leave: 1 mark taken from the 30% Ⅱ Rules and Principles · No eating, sleeping, and talking in class as respect for the t’ and for urself; · No early leaving, no coming late, no walking while having class; (if with business, go stealthily, don’t interrupt others); · Be ready for fast pace studying and be strict with yourself and finish homework on time. · Prompt check, do preview. If the t’ has asked u to preview, u can pause or repeat, but u r not supposed to say: “sorry I don’t know” or “I can’t do it.”. · Morning reading (suggestion) · Good suggestions (eg: for int. materials, good ways of int. etc.) are accepted. · Ask for leave before class. (at least one day earlier.) · No pondering too long for saving time 4 others to answer, if can’t, say it. · If with sth, make an appointment and try to be on time. · If anyone who wants to copy sth, come to the t’ before class. · Prepare for TEM4/8. Equipment: · Pop pen · Notebook · ( replacing ink pen refill) · (Formal dressing) Ⅲ Analysis of the Textbook · 9 chp th. + 15 Us prac · Combining with int. th.s, this book themes on the topics of business activities to cultivate the S’s int. skills, busi. knowledge & lan. abilities. · It’s divided into two major parts: the th. & the prac.. The Ss can do prac. while learning th. · There are many th. which r quite useful for Ss who intend for a further study, such as Schemer th., cross-cul th. Etc. · In the prac. Part, it covers extensive topics in business, such as negotiation, visit, ceremonial speech, presentation, press conf., ad. & publicity, marketing & global sourcing, int. busi. coor., finance and securities, eco. & busi. strategies, mana., interviews & IT industries & so on. All the materials r relatively up to date & are with MP3 audio materials. Ⅳ Recommendation (see APPENDIX Ⅲ) · 1. 李芳琴. 新世纪口译理论、技巧与实践. 四川人民出版社, 2002 (2005重印). · 2. 林郁如. 新编英语口译教程. 上海外语教育出版, 1999. · . 口译教程, 上海外语教育出版社, 2006. · 3. 梅德明. 高级口译教程.上海外语教育出版社, 2002. · 英语高级口译资格证书考试口译教程. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 1996. · 英语口译实务(三级). 外文出版社, 2004. · 4. 吴冰. 汉英口译教程. 外语教学与研究出版社,1995. · 5. 钟述孔. 实用口译手册(增订版). 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司, 1999. · 6. 仲伟合. 英汉同声传译技巧与训练. 中国翻译,2001(5). · 仲伟合. 英语口译教程. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2006. · 仲伟合. 英语同声传译教程. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2008. · 7,秦小雅,《口译理论与实践》,中国水利水电出版社,2010; · 8,李孚声, 《英汉口译教程》,旅游教育出版社,2007,10; · 9,林超伦, 《实战口译》,外语教学与研究出版社,2004(2007重印)。 Websites: · http://www.kouyi.org/; · www.c-span.org ; · www.whitehouse.gov ; · www.topsage.com (主要三个方向,中口、高口、三级、二级口译); · www.ebigear.com · www.putclub.com · VOA/BBC网页; · 新华网,人民网,外交部网,沪江口译频道,中国日报。 Post-graduate recomm · P306-308 Chap 1 An Overview of Int. · See the textbook (3-10) Comparison · The definitions and classifications of int. (P4-6). · 1) Defi.: 口译是指“对口头 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达的信息及文本进行的口头翻译”(Shuttleworth & Cowie, 1997:82)。Interpretation is a vocal translation to the information delivered by vocal utterance and text. · The features of int. (P6-7). · ·Extemporaneousness · ·Stressfulness · ·Independence · ·Comprehensiveness · ·Miscellaneousness · The characteristics of Interpretation * Unpredictability * Bearing on big pressure * Independency * Comprehensive language and skill operations * Extensive communicative information · The process and standards of int. (P7-8). · The Criteria of Interpretation *accuracy *fluency · The ≠ between tr. & int. and SI and CI (P9-10). · Summary · … & After-class fun:以德报德: One good turn deserves another Recompense kindness with kindness Good for good · Assignment · 1, Make a comparison of wri. tr. VS oral int. and SI VS CI. · 2, Preview U1 (P73), esp. finish vocabulary warm-up part. Unit 1 · Cost, Insurance, Freight · Favorable/preferential Summary · The dialogues r relatively easy compared to the contents in latter units. · Get prepared for the more difficult materials. Chap2 · 口译中的语体识别与对等转换 · On the Identification and Equivalent Rendering of Linguistic Styles in Int. Stylistics · Linguistic Style · Stylistics is the study and interpretation of texts from a linguistic perspective. As a discipline it links literary criticism and linguistics, but has no autonomous domain of its own. · The preferred object of stylistic studies is literature, but not exclusively "high literature" but also other forms of written texts such as text from the domains of advertising, pop culture, politics or religion. · Stylistics also attempts to establish principles capable of explaining the particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use of language, such as socialisation, the production and reception of meaning, critical discourse analysis and literary criticism. · Other features of stylistics include the use of dialogue, including regional accents and people’s dialects, descriptive language, the use of grammar, such as the active voice or passive voice, the distribution of sentence lengths, the use of particular language registers, etc. · In addition, stylistics is a distinctive term that may be used to determine the connections between the form and effects within a particular variety of language. · Therefore, stylistics looks at what is ‘going on’ within the language; what the linguistic associations are that the style of language reveals. · The analysis of literary style goes back to Classical rhetoric, but modern stylistics has its roots in Russian Formalism, [4] and the related Prague School, in the early twentieth century. · Roman Jakobson had been an active member of the Russian Formalists and the Prague School, before emigrating to America in the 1940s. He brought together Russian Formalism and American New Criticism in his Closing Statement at a conference on stylistics M.A.K.Halliday 韩礼德 · Systemic-Functional Linguistics. · Michael Halliday is an important figure in the development of British stylistics. · His 1971 study Linguistic Function and Literary Style: An Inquiry into the Language of William Golding's 'The Inheritors' is a key essay. · 韩礼德教授是世界两大主要语言学派之一的系统功能语言学的创始人,世界语言学界的杰出代表和语言大师。 · One of Halliday's contributions has been the use of the term register to explain the connections between language and its context. 陈冠希道歉口译 · http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/68822711-1254041007.html · http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/68822711-1254041007.html#60241569 (无口译有字幕) 2、Chap2 口译中的语体识别与对等转换; U2 Business Travels(4课时) 口译理论联系实际训练,掌握不同语体。 3、Chap3 商务谈判中译员的角色; U3 Commercial Addresses(4课时) 了解译员在商务谈判中的角色并掌握相关礼仪和口译技巧。 4、U3 Commercial Addresses(4课时) 掌握相关词汇并内化成自己的语言。 5、Chap4 口译与跨文化意识; U4 Business Presentations(4课时) 了解不同文化之间的差异,必要的时候进行编译。 6、Mock Conference(4课时) 现场演练,体现学生口译技巧及能力。 7、Chap5 口译中的模糊信息处理; U5 Press Conference(4课时) 掌握处理模糊信息的技巧并应用于口译中。 8、Chap6 口译的翻译单位U6 Press Conference(4课时) 了解口译的翻译单位并灵活翻译。 9、U6 Press Conference(4课时) 通过观摩记者招待会进行有意识掌握比较难的口译技巧及处理压力的技巧。 10、Chap7 图式理论在口译训练中的实现; U7 Advertising and Publicity(4课时) 了解这一理论并了解该理论是如何在口译过程中实现的。 11、Chap7 图式理论在口译训练中的实现; U7 Advertising and Publicity(4课时) 掌握广告公关等相关词汇。 12、Acti. Business interviews (Ss can refer to U14)(4课时) 13、Chap8 同声传译U8 Economic and Trade Policies(4课时) 对经济与贸易政策有所了解并进行相关口译练习。 理论系统掌握,对考研有所帮助。 14、Chap9 口译中的微观技巧; U9 marketing and global sourcing(4课时) 15、Business management (4课时) 16、 Economic & business strategy(4课时) 对所学内容进行复习准备考试。 四、实践环节 通过理论介绍,教授学生学习口译技巧。给学生充足的时间进行口译练习以提高其口以技能。 五、课外习题及课程讨论 建议学生组成小组,课下进行练习并监督进展情况。 六、教学方法与手段 本课程采用以学生为中心的教学方法,课堂上鼓励学生积极参与各种交际活动以获得基本的交际技能,课外鼓励学生增加阅读量,扩大知识面。充分利用同声传译教室的设备,将教师的技巧讲授与学生的亲身实践紧密地结合起来。 教师在课堂上应以直接的讲解为辅,主要负责指导学生进行大量的练习,并采用讨论的方式引导学生对自我的练习情况进行归纳、总结。此外还有教学中需要注意的几个问题: 重视学生的听力水平的不断提高,在整个口译课程讲授过程中,要提醒学生在课后加强听力训练。没有坚实的听力基础,口译课将成为无源之水。 在口译课初始阶段,一定要学生打好短时记忆和记笔记的基础,否则本课程将无法进行下去。 要不断补充新 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 ,利用多媒体教学手段给学生提供可供学习、观摩的真实口译案例,提高学生的学习兴趣。 要通过即兴演讲、模拟现场口译等办法培养学生良好的口译风范,包括站立的姿态、说话声音的大小、音调的高低、表情、与公众的交流等等。 鉴于口译课每周只有两节课,教师必须给学生布置足够数量的课后作业, 教材 民兵爆破地雷教材pdf初中剪纸校本课程教材衍纸校本课程教材排球校本教材中国舞蹈家协会第四版四级教材 基本用于学生自学,教师一定要严格要求学生,定期检查学生课后作业的完成情况,并作好 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 ,不得丝毫马虎。课堂上尽量给学生提供新的材料,经典的旧材料也可以。 七、各教学环节课时分配 介绍口译的性质、特点、 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 、过程、类型、难点,口笔译区别与联系以及译员必须具备的素质。旨在帮助学生从理论的角度来认识口译这门学科,解答“什么是口译”“如何进行合乎规范的口译”“合格的译员应具备何种条件”等问题。这部分的重要性还在于它向学生传递了这样一种信息,即一个人的口译能力不完全等同于其语言水平加翻译技巧,而是现代社会跨语言交际活动中译员的双语能力、翻译技巧和人的素质之综合体现(2课时); 项目 讲课 习题课 讨论课 实验 其他 合计 1,理论 2 2 2 2 8 2,实践练习 8 6 6 6 26 合计 10 8 8 8 34 八、考核方式 考查 九、推荐教材和教学参考书 教 材:《商务英语口译》,赵军峰编著,高等教育出版社,2009年。 参考书: 李芳琴. 新世纪口译理论、技巧与实践. 四川人民出版社, 2002 (2005重印). 林郁如. 新编英语口译教程. 上海外语教育出版, 1999. 林郁如, 口译教程, 上海外语教育出版社, 2006. 梅德明. 高级口译教程.上海外语教育出版社, 2002. 梅德明. 英语高级口译资格证书考试口译教程. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 1996. 梅德明: 英语口译实务(三级). 外文出版社, 2004. 吴冰. 汉英口译教程. 外语教学与研究出版社,1995. 钟述孔. 实用口译手册(增订版). 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司, 1999. 仲伟合. 英汉同声传译技巧与训练. 中国翻译,2001(5). 仲伟合. 英语口译教程. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2006. 仲伟合. 英语同声传译教程. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2008. http://www.kouyi.org/ www.topsage.com (主要三个方向,中口、高口、三级、二级口译); 新华网,人民网,外交部网,bbc网页。 十、说明 无 大纲制订人:杨琳琳 大纲审定人: 制订日期:2012-2-13 PAGE 1
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