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Reliability prediction for component-based software architectures


Reliability prediction for component-based software architectures Reliability prediction for component-based software architectures Ralf H. Reussner a, Heinz W. Schmidt b,*, Iman H. Poernomo a a Distributed Systems Technology Center, Melbourne, Australia b School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monash Univer...

Reliability prediction for component-based software architectures
Reliability prediction for component-based software architectures Ralf H. Reussner a, Heinz W. Schmidt b,*, Iman H. Poernomo a a Distributed Systems Technology Center, Melbourne, Australia b School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monash University, 900 Dandenong Road, 3145 Caulfield, Vic., 3800, Australia Received 21 January 2002; received in revised form 9 April 2002; accepted 17 May 2002 Abstract One of the motivations for specifying software architectures explicitly is the use of high level structural design information for improved control and prediction of software system quality attributes. In this paper, we present an approach for determining the reliability of component-based software architectures. Our method is based on rich architecture definition language (RADL) oriented towards modem industrial middleware platforms, such as Microsoft�s. NET and Sun�s EJB. Our methods involve parameterised contractual specifications based on state machines and thus permits efficient static analysis. We show how RADL allows software architects to predict component reliability through compositional analysis of usage profiles and of environment component reliability. We illustrate our approach with an e-commerce example and report about empirical measurements which confirm our analytical reliability prediction through monitoring in our reliability test-bed. Our evaluation confirms that prediction accuracy for software components necessitates modelling the behaviour of binary components and the dependency of provided services on required components. Fortunately, our measurements also show that an abstract protocol view of that behaviour is sufficient to predict reliability with high accuracy. The reliability of a component most strongly depends on its environment. Therefore, we advocate a reliability model parameterized by required component reliability in a deployment context. � 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Reliability; Availability; Component-based software; Software architecture 1. Introduction Compositionality demands the possibility to reason about system properties based on just the external (or interface) abstractions and the architectural composi- tions (de Roever et al., 1998). The use of software ar- chitectures for predicting quality attributes of the overall system is one of the original motivations in the field of software architecture (Shaw and Garlan, 1996). Soft- ware architecture is a high level abstraction of a soft- ware system: its components and their connections. Thus, architecture complements component definition which focuses on the individual components and their interfaces. Interface specifications are the hallmark of component-based software engineering (CBSE). Given the connection between components and architecture, it is natural to extend contracts to the level of architectural specifications, and worthwhile to develop specialised methods for the prediction of quality attributes for component-based software architectures (Hamlet et al., 2001). To be able to predict reliability, the component de- veloper must make concrete assumptions about the de- ployment context. We make two observations. Unknown usage profile: Design and implementation faults of software have a different impact on the reli- ability of the software, depending on how frequently the faulty code is executed. Different usage profiles of soft- ware arise in the context of different deployments but also as a result of changes of use––a kind of software aging. Unknown required context: In CBSE components rely on other components in the environment. The exact properties of these components are not known until de- ployment. Such external, unknown components include *Corresponding author. Tel.: +61-3-9905-2479; fax: +61-9903-2863. E-mail addresses: reussner@dstc.monash.edu.au (R.H. Reussner), heinz.schmidt@monash.edu.au, hws@monash.edu.au (H.W. Sch- midt), imanp@dstc.monash.edu.au (I.H. Poernomo). 0164-1212/03/$ - see front matter � 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0164-1212(02)00080-8 The Journal of Systems and Software 66 (2003) 241–252 www.elsevier.com/locate/jss Panda 高亮 Panda 下划线 Panda 下划线 middleware (such as servers mapping web interfaces to back office data bases), operating systems, network and transport services, each potentially a point of failure if the component relies exclusively on it. Therefore, the reliability of a component depends on the reliability of its context. Consequently, in our work we take the view that component-based interfaces and architectures need to be parameterised by the usage profile and the required components� reliability. Our approach uses the archi- tectural composition of software to achieve composi- tionality for such parameterised reliability models. The binary deployment of components in CBSE implies exe- cutability. We make use of this fact to derive some of the required usage and reliability profiles automatically by execution. This leads to a partly empirical, execution- based approach to reliability evaluation and validation. The availability of (some) required components and potentially (some) usage profiles of components that are part of the ‘‘real’’ environment are clearly beneficial–– provided the system architecture is tightly connected with the final implementation of the system. The contribution of this paper is a novel method for predicting the reliability for component-based systems. Our prediction method overcomes the problem of missing usage and context information for components. Firstly, this is achieved by enhancing the solution given in (Hamlet et al., 2001). Hamlet proposes the separation of reliability and usage profile. But his methods focus on functions and require the component source. Our methods enable the user to compute directly the reli- ability of a component as a function of the usage profile. Secondly, we model parameterised contracts (Reussner, 2001b). These compute the protocols for services as a function of required services. This paper extends pa- rameterised contracts to parameterised reliability con- tracts. We start this paper with a brief summary of some fundamentals of reliability theory and the motivation for our component-oriented notions of reliability. Then we extend the component-oriented model to an archi- tecture-based model of reliability, showing how to use the hierarchical composition to derive higher-level reli- ability models. Lastly, we empirically validate the quality of our predictions with data obtained from measurements on an example system. 2. Modelling reliability of software architectures System reliability cannot be equated to software component reliability. Component interactions make a system more than the sum of its parts - and make system reliability a very complex design-specific function of external component reliabilities and the probability of rare human failure. This is shown for instance in the well documented Therac-25 failure. 1 With the increasing interoperation and networking of software systems, the increasing capability and speed of communication be- tween components and systems, errors can spread widely before humans can intervene. Fault-tolerance requires a systematic and formal approach to reliability. But component-based models for reliability, especially compositional ones are lacking. Software reliability is defined as the probability of failure-free operation of a software system for a specified period of lime in a specified environment. It is a function of the software faults and its operational profile, i.e., the inputs to and the use of the software. For open systems, reliability is also a function of the reliability of essential required services in the deployment context of a software component. Reliability, availability and mean-time between failure. For measuring and predicting system reliability, we use the following basic notions (John D. Musa and Okum- oto, 1987; Laprie and Kanoun, 1996): mean time to failure (MTTF) defines the average time to the next failure; mean time to repair (MTTR) is the average time it takes to diagnose and correct a fault, including any reassembly and restart times; mean time between failures (MTTF) is simply defined asMTBF ¼MTTFþMTTR; the failure rate is the number of failures per unit time. It is reciprocal to MTBF. Another important concept closely related to reliability is availability. This is defined as the probability of a system being available when nee- ded. Availability, or more specifically, instantaneous availability, is typically defined as the fraction of time during which a component or system is functioning acceptably, i.e., the uptime over the total service time A ¼MTTF MTBF ¼ MTTF MTTFþMTTR Execution-based component reliability modeling, mea- surement and prediction. For systems, in particular hardware systems, MTTF and MTTR are measured. For many systems, the failure rate and thus MTBF is constant-assuming that system changes can be ignored. The MTBF is then proportional to the length of time considered and is equated to the reliability. Moreover, repair times are often not meaningful for software, or, repairs may introduce faults. Therefore failure rate is more commonly used as a basis for software reliability measurement. Since a particular software component is not running all the time, we measure its reliability rela- tive to execution time or the number of calls. This fits well with our notion of protocols of behaviour specified by finite state machines (FSMs) or Petri nets. The exe- cution of a protocol successively ‘‘fires’’ transitions and failure rates are relative to the length of firing sequences. 1 cf. for instance records of the comp.risks newsgroup. 242 R.H. Reussner et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 66 (2003) 241–252 Operational profiles. Reliability is typically measured over large numbers of runs. An execution, which might take months or years, is divided into these runs more or less naturally depending on the type of system. A run could be for example a single cycle in a closed-loop real- time control system or the execution of a single trans- action in a transactional environment such as online banking. Runs give rise to run types: repetitions of similar executions. Probability distributions over run types, required inputs (such as account types or ranges of deposit and withdrawal amounts) and other envi- ronment and resource parameters define the operational profile of a software system. We model runs by execu- tion traces and run types by state machines or Petri nets generating them. Since our models abstract from many details of the concrete binary component execution, we refer to usage profiles instead of operational profiles of the software. 2.1. Basic component service reliability model From an interface perspective, service executions define the external behaviour of a component. At an abstract level, we regard a service execution as a tran- sition of a protocol state machine representing requests to the component. The states of that protocol are con- trol points constraining the possible orders of these re- quests. Ultimately, at the concrete implementation level, these services are realised by method executions. Fig. 1 shows separate substeps of these executions focusing on the transition across boundaries of components by ex- ternal service calls. The elementary timeless transitions (vertical bars) in the figure are events characterizing the beginnings and ends of relevant states such as ‘‘Method Execution’’. States are subject to different potential failures. For example, the reliability of Method Execu- tion depends on the binary code of the method, of li- braries, the operating system it runs on, the underlying hardware and so forth. In contrast, Call of external Methods typically relies on separate code and its un- derlying systems. Since a failure-free execution must run through all these states, we can model its reliability as a product of separate reliability factors. Which factors should be considered? Although the above analysis identifies a number of factors influencing the reliability of a service call, it is impractical or impossible to measure them all. We simplify the model by using the following observa- tion. There are two kinds of factors: (a) constant factors, such as reliability of the method body code, reliability of call and return and (b) variable factors, such as the re- liability of external method calls. Section 6 discusses how we determine constant factors. We now model the reliability of a method call with three figures: • The method and connection specific reliability rcr of a method call and method return: Intuitively rcr is the product of the reliability of the correct call of the method and the correct return of the results. Since the reliabilities of call and return are dominated by connections and networks, it is useful to capture this in a single figure. • The reliability of the method body rbody excluding the reliability of called methods: This factor reflects the quality and the length of the method�s code and the kind of operations it performs. • The reliability of external method calls (re): Since in general a method may call several external ser- vices and may have several branches and loops, ob- taining a single number for the influence of the reliability of external services requires a profile for all possible execution traces through the code of the methods. Putting them all together we obtain the service reli- ability rm :¼ rcr � rbody � re ð1Þ 3. Architectures and contractual interfaces In this section we briefly describe rich architectural description language (RADL) and the contractual use of software components within this ADL. A more detailed treatment of RADL can be found in (Schmidt, 1998; Schmidt et al., 2001; Schmidt and Reussner, 2002). We concentrate on issues relevant for the reliability-predic- tion model presented afterwards. A more detailed dis- cussion of parameterised contracts is given in Reussner (2001c) and Reussner (2001b). To ensure a tight rela- tionship between the architectural model and the actual implementation of a system, RADL extends DARWIN (Magee et al., 1995) by adding constructs existing in industrial middleware platforms (such as for instance, server/containers, context-based interception, attribute- oriented configuration). RADL also uses rich interface definitions as advocated in (Kr€aamer, 1998; Han, 2000; DeAlfaro and Henzinger, 2001; Reussner, 2001a) with the aim of capturing information useful for component assembly.Fig. 1. Different states of a method call. R.H. Reussner et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 66 (2003) 241–252 243 3.1. Gates, kens, bindings and mappings We term our architectural entities kens; they are protection domains and provide views of policy rules and constraints. Kens are protected by gates controlling access and migration in and out of kens. The simplest kens, so-called basic kens are black-box components. The simplest gates form connections. Composite kens represent assemblies of kens, i.e., of components or re- cursively of assemblies. RADL supports different kinds of composition that are beyond the scope of this paper. An example configuration is shown in Fig. 2. which shows the basic ken OnlineAccMgr and the composite BankSystemken. Gate specifications include service signatures de- scribing how to call a component service (i.e. name, parameter order and types, return type and possibly thrown exceptions), gate protocol FSMs describing le- gitimate call sequences through gates, and extra-func- tional service attributes such as quality of service characteristics, reliability, timing, synchronisation, fault-tolerance, security, etc. Similar to DARWIN we distinguish provided and required gates, which allows detailed dependency modelling. A pair of compatible gates defines a legitimate, protected connection. Con- nections between a required gate and a provided gate are called bindings. Connections between two provided gates (or two required gates) are called mappings. The exam- ple is discussed in more detail below. Contractually used components. Contracted suppliers (which can be methods, objects, components) have pre- and postconditions associated to them. A precondition states what the supplier expects from its environment (called client of the supplier). For example, if the unit is a method, the preconditions may state assumptions about the method�s parameters and its postcondition guarantees to the caller about the returned value or the state after return. The principal of design-by-contract of B. Meyer (1992) states, that the supplier guarantees the postcondition, if the client fulfills the precondition. This guarantee is usually conditional upon an invariant for the process, object or component modelled. The abstract principle of parameterised contract is an generalisation of the principle of design-by-contract (Reussner 2001b,c). Instead of associating fixed invari- ants, pre- and postconditions to the supplier, in a para- meterised contract the postcondition is parameterised by the precondition and vice versa. More over invariants are conditional. Their premise includes conditions on the environment such as interference constraints, quality of service requirements etc. At the level of components, preconditions, i.e., as- sumptions about the environment, must be satisfied both at provided and required interfaces. This makes component contracts significantly different from object contracts, because the requirements include method postconditions in required gates, usage profiles for provided gates and other extra-functional aspects. By similar arguments the component postconditions (i.e. guarantees to the environment) include service precon- ditions in required gates (which have to be guaranteed by the component in outgoing calls.). Technically, parameterised contracts are based on mappings between provided and required gates and hence depend on the concrete interface model. A simplistic, signature-list based interface model would map each provided services to the set of external ser- vices ESðsÞ it requires. This represents a minimalist approach to dependencies. For example it is now possible to approximate the compound reliability by some product of those services in ESðsÞ. However, this does not reflect call frequencies, which make the reli- ability of a provided service dependent on the number of runs of the required components. As a result their reliability factors more than that of lesser used com- ponents and sometimes more than that of the com- ponent itself, because such runs can be unboundedly long call sequences resulting from loops. In this case the provided service is liability is the limit of a series of increasingly long reliability products. The simplistic product of required services is hopelessly inaccurate in most cases. Our measurement confirms this analytical argument. Because we already used FSMs for gate protocols for interoperability checking and component adaptation, we also utilise them to represent the effect of detailed design decisions on the reliability of provided services. Depending on this design different provided service calls give rise to different uses of required services. We call this a service-effect FSM (short service FSM). Note that service FSMs concentrate on this dependency between provision and requirements, not on implementation details. We view a service FSM as a minimalist ab- straction of such reliability dependencies in architec- tures. We can now compose gate protocol FSMs and service FSMs to derive abstract behavioural models of kens paramet
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