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如何理解长句 句子理解讲义 Henson Zhou Dipont Education 长句?看完这些就够了 周日进 长句?看完这些就够了  简单句 主句、从句、修饰成分、定语、同位语……都听过吧?但是他们到底是什么东东估计还是很多人搞 不明白。其实这些东西如果归纳成两个字的时候确实比较吓人:语法。但语法其实就是纸老虎。你 害怕它的原因是由于过去别人只是告诉你语法是老虎,但没有告诉你它只是纸老虎。 如何攻克语法呢?今天我讲到的不是语法,但是掌握这些对你理解托福的句子已经...

句子理解讲义 Henson Zhou Dipont Education 长句?看完这些就够了 周日进 长句?看完这些就够了  简单句 主句、从句、修饰成分、定语、同位语……都听过吧?但是他们到底是什么东东估计还是很多人搞 不明白。其实这些东西如果归纳成两个字的时候确实比较吓人:语法。但语法其实就是纸老虎。你 害怕它的原因是由于过去别人只是告诉你语法是老虎,但没有告诉你它只是纸老虎。 如何攻克语法呢?今天我讲到的不是语法,但是掌握这些对你理解托福的句子已经足够了。 首先我们来想一想不论是中文还是英语,一个正常语序的句子,其开头基本是什么?中间是什么? 结尾是什么?聪明的你肯定想到了。 名词+动词+其他成分 好的,记住这个东西。可以说它就是 90%句子的句型之父。然后我们再稍微深入一下。英语中的动 词如果要分类的话,你会怎么分? 及物动词:这个动词后面可以再加一个名词。中文例子:他翻墙。 不及物动词:这个动词后面不能加名词。中文例子:他醒了。 系动词:你不需要知道系动词的定义。基本上英语中的系动词就是 be 动词(is, am, are),以及特殊 情况下的grow, get, feel, seem, appear, look, turn, prove等等。而这些词的特征大家也肯定已经发现了: 后面接的是形容词。 那么根据句型之父中间的动词三种分类,我们可以得出三种子句型: 名词+动词 专业说法:主语+谓语 (主谓结构) 名词+动词+名词 专业说法:主语+谓语+宾语 (主谓宾结构) 名词+系动词+形容词/名词 专业说法:主语+系动词+表语 (主系表结构) 需要注意两点: a. 这些基本句型可以通过动词的用法而稍显不同。比如有些动词可以加两个名词(宾语),像 give, lend, buy, send 等等。 I give/lend/buy/send him a book=I give/lend/buy/send a book to him. b. 不及物动词可以通过连接一个介词来搭配一个宾语。也就是说:vi+prep=vt 思考?如何判断一个句子是主谓宾还是主系表呢? 好了,关于这三个句型你已经懂得差不多了,但是我有个小问题给你。下面这个句子你觉得是哪种 句型呢?The baby is crying. 注意: be动词的用法很多,不要混淆: 周日进 长句?看完这些就够了 a. be动词做系动词 b. be动词做助动词,用来表示进行时的时态 c. be动词还可以用来表示被动语态。 好的,我们再做一些练习巩固下吧(判断下面句子类型)。 Things change. She seemed kind. It tastes delicious. Nothing is impossible. Nobody went there. I found the answer. We need change. She likes swimming. Class begins. She is sitting. The work has been finished. 讲到这里,你基本上掌握了三种简单句的句型。但是你可能还有一个问题:如果所有的句子都是这 样子的那么还有什么长句子呢。确实,如果你想掌握长句子还需要继续往下看。那么长句子是怎么 来的呢?  并列句 第一种 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,很简单。就是把我们已经掌握的三种句型任意两种或是三种放在一起就可以了。比如: 他醒了,然后翻墙。这样,句子明显就长了。那么在英语中具体是怎么操作的呢?  用 and 连接  用 but 连接 用这种词连接两个句子就叫做并列句; 类似功能的连词还有 while, yet, not only…but also, so, becuase 等等。给大家举些例子: She likes swimming and I like basketball. The food is cheap but it is delicious. He tried but he failed. Jim finished his homework and he went to bed. Either you can do it by yourself, or you can ask someone else to do it. He worked hard, yet he failed. She didn’t come to school today, for/because she was ill. 特别提醒: 周日进 长句?看完这些就够了 虽然中文中“因为…所以…”/“虽然…但是…”经常放在一个句子中。但英文中是不可以同时出现 的。 下面我们看句子很长的另外一个原因。  从句 所谓的从句是相对于主句而言的。如果一个句子当中有从句,那么这个句子叫做复合句。 英语中的从句有哪些呢?你可能知道一些。其实我们可以这样分类:名词性从句、定语从句和状语 从句三大类。 1、名词性从句 1)主语从句 以句子的形式在句子中充当主语,例如: That things will improve is obvious. Whether he’s coming (or not) doesn’t matter very much. What made him do so is a mystery. 主语从句虽然可以位于主句谓语动词之前,但多数情况下用先行词 it 作形式主语。例如: It doesn’t matter much who does it as long as it is done. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside. 2)宾语从句 名词性质的词类在句中可以做谓语动词的宾语。例如: He told me (that) the match had been cancelled. I’ll give my ticket to whoever wants it. 3)表语从句 表语从句是以句子的形式来充当表语。表语从句如果是一个陈述句,其引导词 that 不能省略。 例如: The question is whether we can understand the meaning of his remarks. This is why he had a day off yesterday. My idea is that you should take this matter into reconsideration. That was what we are badly in need of. 周日进 长句?看完这些就够了 The problem is who can undertake this responsibility. 4)同位语从句 补充说明名词、名词短语或代词的名词以及名词短语称为同位语。起相同作用的从句形式称为同位 语从句。同位语从句的特点是:从句由 that 引导,一般位于抽象名词之后,说明抽象名词所包含的 具体内容、含义是什么。 例如: His delay of an hour is due to the fact that he did not catch the train. Most teachers share the opinion that the majority of the freshmen are promising. 常带同位语从句的名词:belief, conviction, doubt, explanation, fact, fear, feeling, guarantee, hope, idea, indication, message, news, opinion, order, proof, rumor, suggestion, thought, wish 2、定语从句 定语从句在句中所起的作用与形容词所起的作用是一样的,所以定语从句又可以称为形容词从句。 This is the magazine which you are looking for. He is the man whose responsibility we don’t know. The energetic man (whom/who/that) we met on holiday works for the BBC. 如何判断是同位语从句还是定语从句? a. 同位语从句绝大部分是由 that连接,而定语从句有 that, which, who, whose, where 等 b. 同位语从句中的 that 是不担当任何成分的,而定语从句中的 that要不做主语,要不做宾语。 c. 同位语从句表达的是前面名词的内容,而定语从句是限定前面的名词 判断: The news that he sent to us is exciting. VS The news that oil price will drop is exciting. He told me the belief that I had never heard before. VS He told me the belief that God is almighty. 3、 状语从句 1) 时间状语从句 引导从句的从属连词:when, while, before, after, since, once, as soon as, hardly---before, no sooner---than, scarcely---when, by the time (that), during the time, till\until When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you. While the grass grows the horse starves. 周日进 长句?看完这些就够了 All things are difficult before they are easy. 2) 原因状语从句 Because, since, as, for, in that, considering, seeing that, now that He didn't hear the knocking at the door because he was listening to the radio. 3)条件状语从句 if, even if , providing\provided that, unless, as long as, on condition that, until If you are over 35 and out of work, you're in great trouble. Unless we hurry up, we will miss the beginning of the lecture. 4) 让步状语从句 Although/though you don’t like him, you can still be polite. Even though the sun were to rise in the west, he would not do so. Even if you were to try, you wouldn’t be able to do it. 5) 目的状语从句 She takes notes carefully in class so that she may/can/will use them when she reviews her lessons after class. The secretary put the note on the manager’s desk so that the manager would be sure to see it. 6) 结果状语从句 Nothing more was heard of him, so that people thought he was dead. Those ponds and streams are so small that they cannot be shown in the maps.  介词短语 这是句子扩展的第三种方法,也是很简单的一种方法。所谓介词短语就是介词+名词短语。 英文中常见的介词有:at, in, on, from, before, after, for, during, through, since, into, out of, along, across, by, via, near, under, beneath, among, between, behind, with, of, as, like, without, around 等等。 The search began in a small village. In the torch light, he caught sight of a figure. by accident, in addition, on the basis of …  非谓语动词 周日进 长句?看完这些就够了 很多同学不理解什么是非谓语动词,因为这个专业术语听起来确实有些吓人。但是如果我说动词你 是明白的;我说谓语,如果你前面没有落下的话你也是明白的。谓语动词,其实就是我们之前句型 中主语+谓语(+宾语)中的动词做谓语。所以非谓语动词就是句子当中不是做谓语的动词。具体来 说,有三种形式: 1. to do He has the ability to sleep and snore in classes. The Kinetoscope permitted only one customer to view a short film. Cats never fail to fascinate human beings. 2. v-ed The descriptions given by people were similar. Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. 3. v-ing Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one o’clock. In the phonograph parlors, customers listened to recordings through individual ear tubes, moving from one machine to the next to hear different recorded speeches or pieces of music.  句子 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 与应用 Example: In 1979, a team looking for fossils in northern Pakistan found what proved to be the oldest fossil whale. 分析:In 1979(介词短语,表示时间), a team looking for fossils in northern Pakistan(非谓语动词) found what proved to be the oldest fossil whale(宾语从句).主干为 A team found what proved to be the oldest fossil whale. It should be obvious that cetaceans—whales, porpoises, and dolphins—are mammals. However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds, it is not easy to envision what the first whales looked like. Desertification is accomplished primarily through the loss of stabilizing natural vegetation and the subsequent accelerated erosion of the soil by wind and water. He wrote me a letter last month, welcoming my visit and expressing his hope that we could meet often. 周日进 长句?看完这些就够了 The increased pressures of expanding populations have led to the removal of woody plants so that many cities and towns are surrounded by large areas completely lacking in trees and shrubs. The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected on a screen in a darkened theater. Exhibitors, however, wanted to maximize their profits, which they could do more readily by projecting a handful of films to hundreds of customers at a time (rather than one at a time) and by charging 25 to 50 cents admission. Even though early exhibitors shaped their film programs by mixing films and other entertainments together in whichever way they thought would be most attractive to audiences or by accompanying them with lectures, their creative control remained limited. To stop the citrus beetle, healthy trees were destroyed even though there was no visible evidence of infestation, and normal environmental regulations were suspended so that rapid response could be mounted. Foraging near the hut that he built himself, cultivating beans whose properties invited speculation, gazing into the depths of Walden Pond, Henry David Thoreau epitomizes a long-standing American worship of nature. Although Thoreau, in Walden, was sometimes ambivalent about the mechanization that he saw around him, at other times he was downright enthusiastic, as in his response to the railroad. This is the assumption that nature, left to itself, will find a state of equilibrium (a "balance of nature") and that the correct role for humanity is to find a way to fit into that balance. Invariably, the notice would be accompanied by an editorial comment hailing the meeting and expressing the editor's hope that it "will have a powerful effect on the public's mind." Douglass supported the society but took issue with the move led by secretary Amelia Bloomer to limit to women the right to hold its offices. But his discussions with pioneers of the women's rights movement convinced him that even though wives were not paid for their domestic labors, their work was as important to the family as that of their husbands. Later, he was more severe when he learned that she had invited Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois, one of the architects of the infamous Fugitive Slave Act of 1850,2 to join the women who were to meet in Chicago in 1859 to publicize the women's rights cause.
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