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section 2 income - unifi


section 2 income - unifisection 2 income - unifi Pag.1 Section 0: Introduction Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. THE IMPACT OF RURAL INEQUALITY ON FERTILITY AND MIGRATION, VIEWED AS ALTERNATIVE HOUSEHOLD RESPONSES TO CHANGING POPULATION-RESOURCE RATIOS ...

section 2 income - unifi
section 2 income - unifi Pag.1 Section 0: Introduction Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. THE IMPACT OF RURAL INEQUALITY ON FERTILITY AND MIGRATION, VIEWED AS ALTERNATIVE HOUSEHOLD RESPONSES TO CHANGING POPULATION-RESOURCE RATIOS SECTION 0: INTRODUCTION 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Code of interviewer Number of community Name of village Enumeration Area Number of dwelling Number of household (sampling unit) C._._._. I._._. E._._._._. D._._. H._._. 0.7 0.8 (only if the household is single-ethnic) Is this a single or multiethnic household? Ethnicity of household South-Africa: India: Botswana: [_] Single ,Q.0.8 [_] 1=Xhosa [_] 1=Scheduled castes [_] 1=Motswana [_] Multi ,Q. 0.9 [_] 2=Zulu [_] 2=Scheduled tribes [_] 2=Mokalanga [_] 3=Sotho [_] 3=Other backward castes [_] 3=Mokhalaghadi [_] 4=Tswana [_] 4=Other [_] 4=San [_] 5=Venda coloured [_] 5=Coloured [_] 6=White [_] 6=White [_] 7=Indian [_] 7=Other [_]8=Other (Specify) ______________________ 0.9 0.10 (only if the household has a unique religious affiliation) Is this household characterised by a unique religious affiliation? Which one? [_] 1= Hindu [_] 6= Parsi/Zoroastrian [_] 11=Zionist [_] Yes ,Q 0.10 [_] 2= Muslim [_] 7= Buddhist/Neobuddhist [_] 12=Other Christian [_] No ,Q 0.11 [_] 3= Sikh [_] 8= Animist/ Traditional/Spirits [_] 13=Other (Specify)_______ ._._._. [_] 4= Jain [_] 9= Catholic [_] 14=No religion [_] 5=Jewish [_] 10= Protestant Please, record the following information First visit Second visit Third visit Date of interview 0.11 0.12 0.13 Time started 0.14 0.15 0.16 Time ended 0.17 0.18 0.19 Result 0.20 0.21 0.22 REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.2 Section 1: Household composition Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. SECTION 1 - HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION List names of all members who 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Individual are considered part of the ID* household, whether usually residing there or not.* Age now Gender Marital Status Relationship to the household head Is he/she a usual resident member of the household or not? [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. [_] M / F [_] [_] Yes / No [_] / ._._._. Note: We are interested in gathering Enter raw 1=Single 1= Resident head 8= Brother / sister 1=Yes * Note: information about all the people who number of 2=Civil marriage 2= Absent head 9= Brother/ sister in law 2=No R._._. the interviewed person / head of the age at last 3=Customary 3= Wife / husband /partner 10= Son/daughter in law (usual Resident household considers part of his/her birthday marriage 4= Son / daughter 11= Other relative In all cases fill next column; member within that household. Therefore we want to list 4=Divorced 5= Father / mother 12= Household help if resident go to Q.1.6, else Hh: e.g. R01; R02; all resident and non-resident members 5=Separated 6= Grandchild 13= Other (e.g. lodger) skip to next member or, if etc.) (though not all questions are 6=Widowed not 7= Grandparent (Specify)_______ last member, go to next N._._. administered to non-residents). These married section (usual Non resident categories are „migrants?, but we want to avoid this term as much as 7=Living together /in member within that possible. What is important is who is process to get married Hh: e.g. N01; N02; considered a member, whether absent etc.) or not. (See interviews instructions) REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.3 Section 1: Household composition Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. ONLY FOR RESIDENT MEMBERS ID 1.6 1.7 1.8 (Only if the household is multi-religious, cf. Q.0.9) (Only if the household is multiethnic, cf. Q.0.7) Highest school standard passed Religion Ethnicity R.0.0.1 R._._._. R._._._. R._._._. R._._._. R._._._. R._._._. R._._._. R._._._. R._._._. R._._._. R._._._. R._._._. R._._._. R._._._. R._._._. Use either years- preferred choice- or 1= Hindu 6= Parsi/Zoroastrian 11=Zionist South-Africa: India: Botswana: 2= Muslim 7= Buddhist/Neobuddhist 12=Other Christian 1=Xhosa 1=Scheduled castes 1=Motswana levels: 3= Sikh 8= Animist/ 13=Other (Specify) 2=Zulu 2=Scheduled tribes 2=Mokalanga 1, 2, …, 18=Years of school 4= Jain Traditional/Spirits _______ 3=Sotho 3=Other backward 3=Mokhalaghadi 50= Primary school 5=Jewish 9= Catholic 14=No religion 4=Tswana castes 4=San 10= Protestant 5=Venda coloured 4=Hindu other that 5=Coloured 51=Secondary school 6=White scheduled caste or 6=White 52=Diploma 53=Degreee 7=Indian tribe 7=Other 54= Other (Specify)_________________ 8=Other (Specify) 5=Non-Hindu Indian (Specify)_______ _______6=Other (Specify)_______ REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.4 Section 1: Household composition Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. ONLY FOR RESIDENT MEMBERS ID 1.9 1.10 Only for employed 1.11 Only for students and 1.12 1.13 and self-emp. workers Main vocational status of each h/h member in month For the employed, main Where does this person How much did each How much did each household before survey sector of work work or study? household member member contribute to the home (NOTE: estimate and insert contribute to the home from from pension/welfare distance categories from labour earning? remittances? place name as mentioned by 1.12.1 1.12.2 1.13.1 1.13.2 respondent) Amount Currency Amount Currency ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R.0.0.1 ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. ._._._._._._._ ._._._._._._._ R._._._. 1= Agriculture 1= This village NOTE: Indicate raw amount in Rands / rupees / pula 1=Baby, pre-school - home or crèche ,go to next Q 2=Cattle farming 2= Neighbouring village earned/contributed by each person permanently living in household 2=Scholar / student – attending ,Q.1.11 3= Industry 3= Less than 20 km from wages or salaries or pensions or welfare or migrant or business 3=Retired - not working ,Q.1.13 4= Tertiary 4= More than 20 km away activities remittance, in the last month up to survey day, or average 4=Labour disabled-not seeking work ,go to next sector/services of any 5= More than 100 km away month if last month exception. If respondent does not wish to state Q5=Housewife / help - unpaid work ,go to next Q kind 6=Other (Specify)_______ actual amount, ask e.g. 'Between 50 and 100, 100 and 150, etc. and 6=Unemployed - seeking work ,go to next Q 5= Civil servant write in mid figure, e.g. 75, 125, etc. 7=Unemployed - not seeking work ,go to next Q If None=0. a8=Employed - mainly informal ,Q.1.10 b9=Employed - mainly formal ,Q.1.10 10=Employed - both sectors 50:50 ,Q.1.10 b 11=Self-employed - formal sector,Q.1.10b 12=Self-employed - informal sector,Q.1.10 a Employment is informal when unregistered, e.g. by small firms, or family artisan enterprises, or on family farms. b Formal employment or self-employment means that the employer is a large or registered company or farm, or the government, or that one?s activity is officially registered. REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.5 Section 2: Migration Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. SECTION 2: QUESTIONS TO HOUSEHOLD HEAD ABOUT USUALLY NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS (NOTE: Ask household head about usually non-resident members, if any. Use ID codes of non resident member as in section 1) Use ID codes of non-resident 2.1 2.2 2.3 (see ID section 1) At what age did (NAME) first migrate? Why did this person migrate? Has this person been in contact with you (NOTE: main reason only. Same definition as during the last year? (e.g. leave the household to live in question 2.1) (NOTE: any kind of contact, visiting, sending somewhere else for some relevant amount money etc.) of time) N.0.1 N._._. N._._. N._._. N._._ N._._. 1= Work Yes= ,go to next question 2= Education No= ,Q 2.15 3= Marry 4= Natural disaster (includes flood, crop pests, widespread fire) 5= Drought 6= Illness 7= Death of an earner 8= Quarrel 9= Unproductive land 10= Other (Specify) ______________ REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.6 Section 2: Migration Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. ASK NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS WHO HAVE BEEN IN CONTACT ID 2.4 What type of migration did this involve? (e.g. occasional/regular: see codes) 2.4a During this/last year (1999) .. 2.4b year before (1998) 2.4c – 2 years ago (1997) 2.4d - 3 years ago (1996) 2.4e - 4 years ago (1995) N._._. N._._. N._._. N._._. N._._. N._._. N._._. From Q2.4a to Q2.5e use the following codes: 1=None; 2= Seasonal (harvest etc.); 3=Occasional/activities that do not occur each year (e.g. for building roads); 4=Long-term; 5=School attendance; 6= Other (specify) ID 2.5 Would it be possible for you to give us an idea of the amount of time, expressed in number of months he/she was absent? 2.5a During this/last year (1999) 2.5.b year before (1998) 2.5.c – 2 years ago (1997) 2.5.d - 3 years ago (1996) 2.5.e - 4 years ago (1995) N._._. N._._. N._._. N._._. N._._. N._._. REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.7 Section 2: Migration Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. ID 2.6 2.7 2.8 When this person left, did he/she When (NAME) left, were any of his/her tasks taken over by somebody else? Within your household, was there lose the right to the use of assets sufficient labour (people) available to (land, cattle, any other)? take over the tasks of the person who left N._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. N._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. N._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. N._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. N._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. N._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. (Codes from 3 to 12 are the same codes of Q.1.4) 1= Yes, all the time 50=Nobody 7= Head's grandparent 2=Yes, usually or except in peak seasons 51=Various 8= Head's brother / sister 3= Usually not 52=No tasks 9= Head's brother/ sister in law 4=No or hardly ever 3= Head's wife / husband /partner 10= Head's son/daughter in law 4= Head's son / daughter 11= Other relative 5= Head's father / mother 12= Household help 6= Head's grandchild 13= Other (e.g. lodger) (Specify)_______ ID 2.10. 2.11 2.9 (If migrant away for more than 1 year) Does she/he support the household Can you give us some idea of how much (NAME) has brought or sent home Would you say that the amount brought by sending or bringing back goods during the last year? / sent back (total) was more or less than or money ? the proceedings years? 2.10.1 Cash 2.10.2 Currency 2.10.3 Value of goods 2.10.4Currency N._._. ._._._._._._._._._. ._._._._._._._._._. N._._. ._._._._._._._._._. ._._._._._._._._._. N._._. ._._._._._._._._._. ._._._._._._._._._. N._._. ._._._._._._._._._. ._._._._._._._._._. N._._. ._._._._._._._._._. ._._._._._._._._._. N._._. ._._._._._._._._._. ._._._._._._._._._. 1=Frequently or to a large extent 1=Less 2=Sometime or to a moderate 2=More extent 3=Same 3= Rarely or to a small extent 4=Not at all,Q2.14 REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.8 Section 2: Migration Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. ID 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 (THIS QUESTION IS REQUIRED ONLY AT HOUSEHOLD LEVEL) What are these Who, would you say, is the Do you, or other members of the Would you say that the fact that Is (NAME) present now? If YES, when is she/he remittances/ cash main beneficiary of these household also support (NAME), (NAME) spends most of his/her (NOTE: to be interviewed in available for interview? mainly used for? remittances? e.g. by giving or sending food or time elsewhere has improved the section 7) (Try to fix date for money? situation of the household? interview) N._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. ._._./_._/19._._. N._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. ._._./_._/19._._. N._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. ._._./_._/19._._. N._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. ._._./_._/19._._. N._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. ._._./_._/19._._. N._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. ._._./_._/19._._. 1=Food 1= Whole household or 1=Yes, very much 2=Clothes family 2=Yes, a little bit 3=Other 2= Head 3=Much the same 4=Education 3= Head?s partner 4=A little worse 5=Inputs/tools 4= Other (please, if possible, 5=Much worse 6=Buy land specify the ID code, see 7=Health section 1)- specify_______ 8=Repaying t debt 9=Improving house 10=Paying labourers 11= Other (Specify)___________ REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.9 Section 3: Income Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. SECTION 3 INCOME ONLY FOR HOUSEHOLD NOT FOR INDIVIDUALS NOTE TO INTERVIEWERS s: Time period for the answers of this section should be one year (that is last 12 months) for “large” items (e.g. livestock) and one month (that is the last 30 days) for “small” items (e.g. livestock products). (help respondent to recall dates more precisely by referring to village events of which you know the dates. Such events will have been previously reviewed with headperson/official/records). For incomes, please try to find out the money equivalent in case of barter. 3.1 3.2 We'd like to know whether staple food/crops, grown on the land you have farmed We'd like to ask about animal products –meat, poultry meat, milk, soured milk, other dairy in the last year, supply much of your resident household members' consumption of products, eggs, etc., - from your owned or managed animals, eaten in your household in the staple food last year. What was such consumption like? [_] 1=More than enough, with a surplus for sale or other uses [_] 1=Regular and a large part of resident household members' diet [_] 2=More than half the staples consumption [_] 2=Regular and a small part of the diet [_] 3=Less than half but more than a quarter [_] 3=Infrequent and/or unimportant [_] 4=A quarter of staples consumption or a bit less [_] 4=None or negligible [_] 5=None, or almost none of your staples consumption [_] 5=No food-providing animals managed or owned [_] 6=No staple food crops grown [_] 6=Other (Specify)___________________ [_] 7=Other (Specify)___________________ 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Income from crop sales Income from renting out ox(en), plough, other Income from sales of manure or compost Income from sales of live cattle/goats/sheep/ (per year, last year) equipment (per year, last year) pigs/donkeys/chickens/other poultry/domestic (per year, last year) animals (per year, last year) 3.3.1 Amount 3.3.2 Currency 3.4.1 Amount 3.4.2 Currency 3.5.1 Amount 3.5.2Currency 3.6.1 Amount 3.6.2 Currency ._._._._._._. ._._._._._._. ._._._._._._. ._._._._._._. Indicate raw amount in Rands/rupees/pula earned by household from wages or salaries or pensions or welfare or migrant or business activities remittance. If respondent does not wish to state actual amount, ask e.g. 'Between 50 and 100, 100 and 150, etc. and write in mid figure, e.g. 75, 125, etc. If None=0 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 Income from sales of milk, meat, hides, eggs or Income from renting out Is there anyone in your area who can help you with meals, How does this year’s income compare other, livestock products accommodation food, or finding/giving you a job or a loan, if you run short of with last year’s income (included (per month, average or last month) (per year, last year) food or money? everything: crops, livestock etc.)? 3.7.1 Amount 3.7.2 Currency 3.8.1 Amount 3.8.2 Currency [_] 1=NO [_] 1=Better then last year ._._._._._. ._._._._._. [_] 2=Much the same as last year [_] 2=Yes relatives [_] 3=Yes neighbours [_] 3=Worse the last year [_] 4=Yes VDC [_] 4=No crops harvested/livestock [_] 5=Yes NGO sold last/this year [_] 6=Yes other (Specify)___________________ REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.10 Section 4: Household infrastructure Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. SECTION 4: HOUSEHOLD INFRASTRUCTURE 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 How much do you think your Do you feel there is, or Is the household’s Is the household’s water Is the household’s water Does the household have dwelling/home is is not, much of a risk of water supply supply clean? supply nearby? access to electricity? worth, including the value losing your house? adequate? (if any) of the land on which the dwelling stands? 4.1.1 4.1.2Currency [_] 1=High risk [_] 1=Always or [_] 1=Always or almost always [_] 1=Own tap connection [_] 1=Good connection to Amount ._._._._. almost always electricity [_] 2=Small risk [_] 2=Usually or most of the time [_] 2=Outside, less than 100m _._._. [_] 2=Usually or most [_] 2=House is connected but only [_] 3=No risk [_] 3=Seldom or occasionally [_] 3=Outside, 100m-less than of the time unreliable supply 500m ._._._ [_] 4=Almost never [_] 3=Seldom or [_] 3=No connection [_] 4=Ouside, 500m-less than 1km occasionally [_] 4=Other (Specify)_________ [_] 5=Outside,1km-less than 5km [_] 4=Almost never [_] 6=Other (Specify)_________ HOUSEHOLD ASSETS NOT USED FOR FARMING Does your house have any of these? When did your household Market price or current estimated value (if house has first acquire an item of this any assets) sort? Amount Currency Telephone 4.7 [_] 1=Yes/[_] 2=No/ ._._._ If yes go to 4.7.1 4.7.1. 19._._. 4.7.2 ._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 4.7.3 Private toilet on the plot 4.8 [_] 1=Yes/[_] 2=No/ ._._._ If yes go to 4.8.1 4.8.1. 19._._. 4.8.2_._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 4.8.3 Hi-fi set 4.9 [_] 1=Yes/[_] 2=No/ ._._._ If yes go to 4.9.1 4.9.1. 19._._. 4.9.2_._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 4.9.3 Radio (excluding hi-fi set) 4.10 [_] 1=Yes/[_] 2=No/ ._._._ If yes go to 4.10.1 4.10.1. 19._._. 4.10.2._._._._._._._._._._._._._ 4.10.3 TV 4.11 [_] 1=Yes/[_] 2=No/ ._._._ If yes go to 4.11.1 4.11.1. 19._._. 4.11.2._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 4.11.3 Dining room suite 4.12 [_] 1=Yes/[_] 2=No/ ._._._ If yes go to 4.12.1 4.12.1. 19._._. 4.12.2._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 4.12.3 Living room suite (excluding dining room suite) 4.13 [_] 1=Yes/[_] 2=No/ ._._._ If yes go to 4.13.1 4.13.1. 19._._. 4.13.2._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 4.13.3 Electrical stove 4.14 [_] 1=Yes/[_] 2=No/ ._._._ If yes go to 4.14.1 4.14.1. 19._._. 4.14.2._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 4.14.3 Gas stove 4.15 [_] 1=Yes/[_] 2=No/ ._._._ If yes go to 4.15.1 4.15.1. 19._._. 4.15.2._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 4.15.3 Bicycles 4.16 [_] 1=Yes/[_] 2=No/ ._._._ If yes go to 4.16.1 4.16.1. 19._._. 4.16.2 _._._ _._._._._._._._._._. 4.16.3 Car used mainly for personal transport 4.17 [_] 1=Yes/[_] 2=No/ ._._._ If yes go to 4.17.1 4.17.1. 19._._. 4.17.2._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 4.17.3 (excluding trucks or pickups, which are used mainly for farming) Other assets (Specify)____________________ 4.18 [_] 1=Yes/[_] 2=No/ ._._._ If yes go to 4.18.1 4.18.1 19._._. 4.18.2._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 4.18.3 Make a rough estimate of the current market value of all items of each kind REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.11 Section 5: Resource base and environmental issues Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. SECTION 5: RESOURCE BASE AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES NOTE TO INTERVIEWERS: In these questions we are trying to understand the household’s experience of its environment. It does not matter whether the person owns the bore hole or well to which s/he has access; nor whether firewood for the household is collected by a household member or an employee; nor whether the cattle being grazed by household members belong to them. Be sure, when asking the questions, not to make implicit assumptions about these matters, or to suggest any particular answer. SECTION 5a: Mainly about farm water resource base 5.0 5.1 5.2 (If you have any access to ground water) 5.3 (If you have any access to ground water) Do you have or use any grazing land or Have you any access to ground-water from a In a year of normal rains, does your dug well, Is your access to this sort of ground-water cropland or small amount of land (e.g. dug well, tubewell or bore hole, for crops or tubewell or bore hole provide enough ground-less and/or deeper (further from the surface), kitchen garden) livestock? water for all, most, some, few or none of your than five years ago; more and/or shallower needs for crops and/or livestock? (closer to the surface); or much the same? [_] Yes ,go to next question [_] 1=No groundwater for crops or stock,Q5.4 [_] 1=None [_] 1=No access to groundwater now and/or five years ago [_] No ,go to section 7 [_] 2=Bore hole; ,Q5.2 [_] 2=Few ._._._. [_] 2=Less and/or deeper [_] 3=Tubewell; ,Q5.2 [_] 3=Some [_] 3=Same [_] 4=Dug well; ,Q5.2 [_] 4=Most [_] 4=More and/or shallower [_] 5= More than one of these sources,Q5.2 [_] 5=All 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Do you sometimes, always, or never use Did you use surface irrigation water to Are your sources of surface water for Do you always, usually, or never harvest surface irrigation water, such as a dam, irrigate a little, most, farming, not counting rainfall, less or most or some of your cropland more than once a year on the canal, tanks, or pumps from a river all or none of your crops last year? more adequate than five years ago, or same piece of land? (OTHER THAN direct rainfall or much the same? groundwater) on your crops? [_] 1=Seldom or never sow crops [_] 1=No crops last year [_] 1=Less adequate now [_] 1=Seldom or never has cropland [_] 2=Never [_] 2=None [_] 2=Much the same [_] 2=Has cropland but none is ever double-cropped [_] 3=Sometimes [_] 3=Little or some [_] 3=More adequate now [_] 3=All cropland planted to trees or other continuous crops [_] 4= Always [_] 4= Most [_] 4=Double harvest on some land in some years [_] 5=All [_] 5=Double harvest on most land, or some land in most years [_] 6=Double harvest on all REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.12 Section 5: Resource base and environmental issues Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. SECTION 5b: Mainly about farm vegetation resource base NOTE TO INTERVIEWERS: If the respondent is a male, and there is an adult or adolescent woman available for interview, questions 5.10-5.12 should be asked of her, not of the male interviewee. 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 Is firewood collected for your household from Are the trees or shrubs (within walking Compared to five years ago, do people who When a person takes cattle (*) to grazing land trees or shrubs often, occasionally, or never? distance and used for firewood by your collect firewood for your household have to from your household, are thorn acacias or household) plentiful, just about adequate, or go considerably further, considerably less far, similar sharp shrubs a serious or frequent scarce? or much the same distance? problem; a slight or rare problem; or no problem? [_] 1=Never [_] 1=Absent [_] 1=Further [_] 1=Nobody here ever looks for grazing land [_] 2= Occasionally [_] 2=Scarse [_] 2=Much the same distance [_] 2=Serious or frequent problem [_] 3=Often [_] 3=Just about adequate [_] 3=Less far [_] 3=Slight or rare problem [_] 4=Plentiful [_] 4=no problem (*) NOTE TO INTERVIEWERS: make clear that you are talking about cattle, not goats or sheep [these can more readily cope with thorn acacia etc.] 5.12 5.13 5.14 Are thorn acacia and similar sharp shrubs, When your household tries to use grazing land, or to clear Within five miles eight kilometres of your household, is the within (say) five miles/eight kilometres of your home, cropland, is the amount or density of invasion by sharp, hard amount or density of invasion by sharp hard grasses like commoner and/or denser than five years ago; less common grasses such as Imperata a serious or frequent problem; a Imperata and/or less dense; slight or rare problem; or no problem? more than 5 years ago, less or much the same? or much the same? [_] 1=Commoner/denser [_] 1=No use of either grazing or cropland [_] 1=More [_] 2=Same [_] 2=Serious or frequent [_] 2=Much the same [_] 3=Less common/dense [_] 3=Slight or rare [_] 3=Less [_] 4=No problem SECTION 5c: Mainly about soil and terrain resource base 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 When you walk around the cropland or When you walk around the cropland or When you walk around the cropland or When you walk around the cropland or grazing land that you or your household grazing land that you or your household grazing land that you or your household grazing land that you or your household members use, do you see the outcrops of bare members use, do you see the patches of pebbles members use, do you see the gravely patches members use, do you see the very sandy soil rock often, seldom or never? often, seldom or never? often, seldom or never? with little or no clay content often, seldom or never? [_] 1=Often [_] 1= Often [_] 1= Often [_] 1=Often [_] 2=Seldom [_] 2=Seldom [_] 2=Seldom [_] 2=Seldom [_] 3=Never [_] 3=Never [_] 3=Never [_] 3=Never REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.13 Section 5: Resource base and environmental issues Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 When you walk around the cropland For outcrops of bare rock, can you For patches of pebbles or medium-For gravely patches, can you say For very sandy soil with little or no or grazing land that you or your say whether- on the cropland or size stones, can you say whether- on whether- on the cropland or clay content, can you say whether- household members use, do you see grazing land that you use locally- the the cropland or grazing land that grazing land that you use locally- on the cropland or grazing land the whitish, salty soil patches on problem is considerably less, much you use locally- the problem is the problem is considerably less, that you use locally- the problem is which nothing useful grows often, the same, or considerably worse considerably less, much the same, or much the same, or considerably considerably less, much the same, seldom or never? than five years ago? considerably worse than five years worse than five years ago? or considerably worse than five ago? years ago? [_] 1=Often [_] 1=Worse [_] 1=Worse [_] 1=Worse [_] 1=Worse [_] 2=Seldom [_] 2=Same [_] 2=Much the same [_] 2=Same [_] 2=Same [_] 3=Never [_] 3=Less [_] 3=Less [_] 3=Less [_] 3=Less [_] 4=Absent [_] 4=Absent [_] 4=Absent [_] 4=Absent 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 For whitish, salty soil patches on which nothing Do you usually plough any land for crops? Is your topsoil usually deep and ample, or Is your topsoil deeper or shallower than about useful grows , can sparse and thin? five years ago, or is their little change? you say whether- on the cropland or grazing land that you use locally- the problem is considerably less, much the same, or considerably worse than five years ago? [_] 1=Sparse and thin [_] 2=Worse [_] 1=Yes, go to next question [_] 1=Shallower [_] 2=Deep and ample [_] 3=Same [_] 2=No,go to Section 6, Q. 6.1 [_] 2=Little change [_] 3=In between [_] 4=Less _._._ [_] 3=Deeper [_] 4=Other (specify) ___________ [_] 4=Absent 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.31 Is loss of topsoil due to erosion always, usually, Has loss of topsoil got less serious, stayed Is most of the topsoil where you plant crops In the last five years or so, has the amount seldom or never a problem on your cropland? much the same, or got worse in the past five rich in humus, poor in humus, or more or less and quality of humus in the topsoil on your years or so? typical? cropland got worse, stayed the same, or got better? [_] 1=Worse [_] 1=Always [_] 1=Poor [_] 1=Worse [_] 2=Much the same [_] 2=Usually [_] 2=Typical [_] 2=No change [_] 3=Less serious [_] 3=Seldom [_] 3=Rich [_] 3=Better [_] 4=Never REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.14 Section 6: Land access and tenure Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. SECTION 6: LAND ACCESS AND LAND TENURE NOTE TO INTERVIEWERS: convert the answers into just one unit of measure. If units other than the those below are used, convert into one of those below How big is your landholding altogether, including your residential site, cultivation lands and any other type of place that is part your holding? (FOR BOTSWANA excluding grazing land) 6.1 Quantity 6.2 Unit of measure ._._._._._._. [_] 1=Hectares [_] 2=Soccer pitches [_] 3=Morgen [_] 4=Acres (including “Botswana acres”) [_] 5=Bighas [_] 6=Other (specify)__________ WHAT KINDS OF LAND FOR CULTIVATION HAS YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOT NOW? Household main garden or kitchen garden 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 (In INDIA ask everybody, in (In INDIA ask everybody, in Botswana and South Africa only if it Botswana and South Africa only if is applicable) it is applicable 6.8 Price or approximate value when 6.9 If this plot could be sold now, plot acquired what would you expect to fetch? Size Size When did your How would you Tenure arrangements 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.9.1 6.9.2 (quantity) (unit of measure) household first rate the quality of Amount Currency Amount Currency acquire the plot? this plots? (YEAR) ._._._._._. ._._._._. [_] 1=Good [_] 1=Owned by inheritance ._._._._._._._. [_] 2=Average [_] 2=Owned by purchase ._._._._._._._. [_] 3=Bad or poor [_] 3=Commercial or usufruct rights [_] 4=Rented or share cropped in [_] 5=Rented or share cropped out [_] 6=Other (Specify)_____________ REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.15 Section 6: Land access and tenure Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. Household’s other arable plots (except community garden) 6.10 Size (quantity) 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 (Begin with most important, then Size When did your household first acquire the plot? Rate quality of plots Tenure arrangements the second and so on) (unit of measure) (YEAR) 6.11.1 6.13.1 6.14.1 6.10.1 ._._._._._. Since 19._._. [_] Since always 6.11.2 6.13.2 6.14.2 6.10.2 ._._._._._. Since 19._._ [_] Since always 6.11.3 6.13.3 6.14.3 6.10.3 ._._._._._. Since 19._._ [_] Since always 6.11.4 6.13.4 6.14.4 6.10.4 ._._._._._. Since 19._._ [_] Since always 1=Good 1=Owned by inheritance 2=Average 2=Owned by purchase 3=Bad or poor 3=Commercial or usufruct rights 4=Rented or share cropped in 5=Rented or share cropped out 6=Other (Specify)___________ (ONLY FOR INDIA) (ONLY FOR INDIA) 6.15 Price or approximate value when plot acquired 6.16 If this plot could sold now, what would you expect to fetch? Amount Currency Amount Currency ._._._._. ._._._._. ._._._._. ._._._._. ._._._._. ._._._._. ._._._._. Community garden plot (if any) 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 Tenure arrangements 6.22 Size quantity Size unit of measure When did your household first Rate quality of plots? Have you lost control of any acquire the plot? land during the last five years? (YEAR) (Exclude fallow land from this question) ._._._._._. ._._._._. [_] 1=Good [_] 1=Owned by inheritance 1=Yes,go to next question [_] [_] 2=Average [_] 2=Owned by purchase [_] 2=No,go to Q 6.29 [_] 3=Bad or poor [_] 3=Commercial or usufruct rights _._._ [_] 4=Rented or share cropped in [_] 5=Rented or share cropped out [_] 6=Other (Specify)____________ REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.16 Section 6: Land access and tenure Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. 6.23 Size 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 How was it lost? (only if you have lost control of any Quality Time of In INDIA ask everybody, in Botswana land during the last five year) transaction and South Africa only if it is YEAR applicable) Price /Approx. value when plot lost Quantity Unit of Amount Currency measure ._._._._._._. 6.24.1 6.27.1 6.25.1. ._._._._. ._._._._. ._._._._._._. 6.24.2 6.27.2 6.25.2 ._._._._. 1=Best 1=Sold 6=Given to child/children 2=Above average 2=Rented out 7=Given to other near relatives 3=Average 3=Exchanged; 8=Given to persons not near 4=Below average 4=Lost for mortgage/debt relatives 5=Worst 5=Flooded/destroyed 9=Other sources of loss (Specify)_______________ 6.28 6.29 Is your main plot fenced? Overall, would you say that your household, over the last 5 years has rather decreased its land (ask everybody) ownership/control; increased or remained much the same? (NOTE: in case of doubt refer to value of land) [_] 1=Descreased 1=Yes [_] [_] 2=Increased [_] 2=No [_] 3=Remained much the same _._._ REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.17 Section 6: Land access and tenure Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. FARM AND OTHER ASSETS: How many of the following assets does your household own? Enumerators to emphasise that here we only want to know about assets that are primarily used for farming Number of each item Since when do you own it? Amount Currency (most recent year if two or more items) Motor cars and bakkies 6.30.1 ._._. 6.30.2 .19_._. _._._._. Motorbike 6.31.1 ._._. 6.31.2 .19_._. _._._._. Tractor 6.32.1 ._._. 6.32.2 .19_._. _._._._. Trailer/cart 6.33.1 ._._. 6.33.2 .19_._. _._._._. Shop/Workshop 6.34.1 ._._. 6.34.2 .19_._. _._._._. Sewing machine 6.35.1 ._._. 6.35.2 .19_._. _._._._. Hammer mill 6.36.1 ._._. 6.36.2 .19_._. _._._._. Plough 6.37.1 ._._. 6.37.2 .19_._. _._._._. Ridger 6.38.1 ._._. 6.38.2 .19_._. _._._._. Harrower 6.39.1 ._._. 6.39.2 .19_._. _._._._. Weeder 6.40.1 ._._. 6.40.2 .19_._. _._._._. Generator 6.41.1 ._._. 6.41.2 .19_._. _._._._. Other farm productive assets (Specify)________________ 6.42.1 ._._. 6.42.2 .19_._. _._._._. 6.43 6.44 Livestock and draft - What livestock does the household own now ? Do you use your livestock for transport at all? 1) ._._.= No of Calves (under one year) [_] 1=Yes 2) ._._.=No of heifers, bullocks or tollies (1 or 2 years old) [_] 2=No 3) ._._.=No of cows (3 years old or more) _._._ 4) ._._.=No of oxen (3 years old or more) 5) ._._.=No of bulls (3 years old or more) 6) ._._.=No of buffaloes (ONLY FOR INDIA) 7) ._._.=No of camels (ONLY FOR INDIA) 8) ._._.=No of horses 9) ._._.=No of donkeys 10) ._._.=No of goats 11) ._._.=No of sheep 12) ._._.=No of pigs 13) ._._.=No of chickens 14) ._._.=No of Other (Specify)_______________ REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.18 Section 7: Non usual member now present Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. SECTION 7 QUESTIONS TO BE ASKED OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS NOT USUALLY RESIDENT, BUT PRESENT FOR INTERVIEW (SEE LIST IN Q.2.17) ID 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 (IF NOT) Who decided that you should Why was it decided (by whoever How often do you visit Are you intending to/ do you When do you want to Which is your current sector migrate, on the first occasion made the decision) that you your family here? settle permanently resettle here? of economic activity? that you did? migrate) (NOTE: times per year) elsewhere? (Note: main activity only) Note: main type of migration only, during last year) N._._. N._._. N._._. N._._. 1= Self 1= Work 1= As soon as possible 1= Agriculture 1=Yes,go to Q7.6 2= Father/mother 2= Education 2= After a few years 2= Cattle farming 2=No ,go to next question 3=Brother/sister 3=Marry 3= After retirement 3= Industry 4=Husband/wife/partner 4=Natural disaster (includes floods, 4= Never 4= Tertiary sectors 5=Other relative crop pests, widespread fire) 5= Other (Specify) 5= Civil servant 6= Other (Specify)_______ 5= Drought __________________ 6= None / don?t work 6= Illness 7= Other (specify) 7=Death of an earner 8=Quarrel 9= Unproductive land 10 = Other (Specify)__________ REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.19 Section 7: Non usual member now present Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. ID 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 (If migrant away for more than 1 year) What kind of main activity, if any, Do you ever bring Can you give us some idea of how much you brought Would you say that the Do you also get support from the were you carrying out before anything back home, or sent home during the last year? amount brought / household, e.g. food ? leaving, on the first occasion that such as cash or goods? sent back (total) was more you did? (Max 2 answers) or less than the proceedings ndyears? Most important 2 most 7.9.1. 7.9.2 7.9.3 7.9.4 important Cash Currency Value of Currency goods N._._. ._._._._._._ ._._._._._._ N._._. ._._._._._._ ._._._._._._ N._._. ._._._._._._ ._._._._._._ N._._. ._._._._._._ ._._._._._._ 1= None 1= Less 1=Yes 1=Yes , go to next 2= School 2=No 2= More question 3= Help on household enterprise with 3= Same 2=No , Q 7.11 _._._ crops _._._ _._._ 4= Ditto livestock 5= Ditto artisan or other 6= Hired employment for cash or for food, beer, etc. 7= Other (Specify)_______ ID 7.12 Would it be possible for you to give us an idea of the amount of time/number of months you were absent 7.12.a During this/last year (1999) 7.12.b year before (1998) 7.12.c – 2 years ago (1997) 7.12d - 3 years ago (1996) 7.12e - 4 years ago (1995) N._._. N._._. N._._. N._._. REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.20 Section 8: Women Characteristics Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. Woman?s ID ._._._. SECTION 8 - : WOMAN’S CHARACTERISTICS If Hh’s head is a male ask her wife/partner (if women aged 15-60), else skip too next eligible woman If Hh’s head is a female skip AND questions 8.1 , 8.4 have already been asked in Section 1, then skip questions 8.1 , 8.4., and start from Q.8.5 Then interview two more women aged 15-50 If none is available, skip to next section If only one is available, interview that one only If three or more are available, interview only two of them, preferring usual resident (or choosing at random, if there are still more than two). In all cases, always use the individual identification code of Section 1 (e.g. R01; N01, etc.) (Help respondent to recall ages/dates more precisely by referring to village events of which you know the dates–. Such events should have been reviewed with headperson, or official records beforehand) 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 (only if woman is single) In what month How old were Highest school standard passed? What is your marital status? Have you ever been married to or and year were you you at your last lived with a man? born? birthday? Age in complete Month ._._. [_] 1=None [_] 10 years [_] 1=Single ,go to next question [_] 1=Yes, go to next question years Year ._._._._ [_] 2=Pre-school [_] 11 years [_] 2=Civil marriage ,Q8.7 [_] 2=No ,Section 12 ._._. [_] 3=Class 1 or 2 [_] 12 years [_] 3=Customary marriage,Q8.7 _._._ [_] 4 years [_] 13 years [_] 4=Divorced,Q8.6 [_] 5 years [_] 14=Diploma [_] 5=Separated,Q8.6 [_] 6 years [_] 15=Degree [_] 6=Widowed not remarried,Q8.6 [_] 7 years [_] 16=Other [_]7=Living together/in process to get married,Q8.7 (Specify)______________ [_] 8 years [_] 9 years 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 (only if woman have ever had a (only if married or living (only if partner/husband living NOT IN INDIA partner) together) elsewhere) only for currently married women) When did you first get married or Is your husband/partner How often do you meet? Besides yourself, how many other wives/partners does your husband started living with a man? living with you now or is he have? staying elsewhere? Year ._._._._. [_] 1=Lives with her,Q8.9 [_] 1=About once a week Number ._._. [_] 2=Staying elsewhere,Q8.8 [_] 2=About once a month [_] 3=More rarely than once a month REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.21 Section 9: Fertility History Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. Woman?s ID ._._._. SECTION 9: FERTILITY HISTORY (see before) 9.1 Have you ever given live birth? [_] 1= Yes, Q9.2; [_]2=No , Q9.12 ._._._. Ask only women who have given birth (NOTE: help respondents to recall ages and dates more precisely by referring to village events of which you know the dates. Such events should have been reviewed with head person / official record beforehand) ID* 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 (if child still 9.7 (if child still alive) 9.8 (if child died) alive) Name of your Is (NAME) a boy or a Date of Is (name) still alive? How old was Is he/she living with you now? How old was child girl? Birth he/she at his/her (name) when dd/mm/yyyy birthday*? he/she died? [_] 1=Boy / 2=Girl [_] _._/._._./19_._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. _._. [_] 1=Boy / 2=Girl [_] _._/._._./19_._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. _._. [_] 1=Boy / 2=Girl [_] _._/._._./19_._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. _._. [_] 1=Boy / 2=Girl [_] _._/._._./19_._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. _._. [_] 1=Boy / 2=Girl [_] _._/._._./19_._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. _._. [_] 1=Boy / 2=Girl [_] _._/._._./19_._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. _._. [_] 1=Boy / 2=Girl [_] _._/._._./19_._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. _._. [_] 1=Boy / 2=Girl [_] _._/._._./19_._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. _._. [_] 1=Boy / 2=Girl [_] _._/._._./19_._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. _._. [_] 1=Boy / 2=Girl [_] _._/._._./19_._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. _._. [_] 1=Boy / 2=Girl [_] _._/._._./19_._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. _._. [_] 1=Boy / 2=Girl [_] _._/._._./19_._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. _._. * NOTE *Note: Age in Age 1=Yes , Q9.6 R= Resident (completed) years 2=No , Q9.8 N= Non resident O= Other 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 (AFTER 'LAST CHILD' MAKE SURE: NOT FOR INDIA NOT FOR INDIA TOTAL CHECKED = NUMBER OF SONS + NUMBER OF DAUGHTERS) Only if she left school Then the total number of live children you Have you ever left formal school because you Did you return to school after that pregnancy? Are you pregnant now? have ever given birth to is (NUMBER): became pregnant? correct? (if not please get back to questions above) Number ._._. [_] 1=Yes , Q9.11 [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 2=No , Q9.12 ._._._. REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.22 Section 10: Benefits of children Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. Woman?s ID ._._._. SECTION 10- BENEFITS OF CHILDREN If child alive (name) and older than 6 year: 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 (if the child helps (if the child helps working) financially) Name of your Does this child help the household How valuable is How valuable is Do you When do you think (name)’s help might child with some work, or financially? (name’s) work? (name)’s financial expect (name’s) help to substantially diminish, if ever? help? increase in the future? [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. [_] 1=Yes / 2=No [_] / ._._._. 1=No help. (If the respondent has only 1=Very valuable 1=Very valuable 1=If/when (name) move away 2=Valuable 2=Valuable 2=If/when (name) get married one/is the last child then , Q10.7) 3=Not of much value 3=Not of much value 3=If/when (name) set up new home 2=Work , go to next question 5=No value 5=No value 4=Never 3=Financial help , Q10.4 5=Other (Specify)_______ 4=Work and financial help , go to next question REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.23 Section 10: Benefits of children Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. Woman?s ID ._._._. 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 When you grow old, do you When you grow old, do you When you grow old, do you When you grow old, do you When you grow old, do you When you grow old, do you expect to derive any income expect to have house rent as expect to have business expect to have income from expect to have pensions or expect to have assistance from your farmland (either sources of income? activity as sources of savings as sources of social security payments as from your children? worked by self or other?) income? income? sources of income? [_] 1=Yes [_] 1=Yes [_] 1=Yes [_] 1=Yes [_] 1=Yes [_] 1=Yes [_] 2=No [_] 2=No [_] 2=No [_] 2=No [_] 2=No [_] 2=No ._._._. ._._._. ._._._. ._._._. ._._._. ._._._. 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 When you grow old, do you When you grow old, do you When you grow old, do you When you grow old, do you When you grow old, do you When you grow old, do you expect to receive any expect to receive any expect any income from expect any income from expect to have other sources expect to live with your assistance from your family assistance from your renting out farmland? hired farm or other work? of income? children? (other than children)? friends? (Specify) ______________ [_] 1=Yes [_] 1=Yes [_] 1=Yes [_] 1=Yes [_] 1=Yes [_] 1=No [_] 2=No [_] 2=No [_] 2=No [_] 2=No [_] 2=No [_] 2=Yes, with my son ._._._. ._._._. ._._._. ._._._. ._._._. [_] 3=Yes, with my daughter [_] 4=Yes, with either [_] 5=If I ever become widowed with my son [_] 6=If I ever become widowed with my daughter [_] 7=If I ever become widowed with either [_] 8=Other (Specify)__________ 10.19 10.20 10.21 10.22 In your opinion, what is the age at which In your opinion, what is the age at which In your opinion, what level of education In your opinion, what level of education children (girls) should start to offer useful children (boys) should start to offer useful should a child (girl) born in the community should a child (boy) born in the community assistance at home, land or work? assistance at home, land or work? reach? reach? Girl?s age ._._. Boy?s age ._._. [_] 1=At least primary [_] 1=At least primary [_] 2=At least secondary [_] 2=At least secondary [_] 3=Above secondary [_] 3=Above secondary [_] 4=Other (Specify)____________ [_] 4=Other (Specify)_________________ REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.24 Section 11: Contraception Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. Woman?s ID ._._._. SECTION 11- CONTRACEPTION AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH 11.1 11.2 IF EVER USED 11.3 IF EVER USED 11.4 IF USING NOW 11.5 11.6 Have you ever used any What have you used or done? Are you currently using any Which method are you How many living Check from Q. 9.1: method or tried in any way to (thick max 3 answers) contraceptive? using now? children did you have the first time if she has had at least one delay or avoid getting (Thick max 3 answers) that you did something or used a live birth pregnant? method to avoid getting pregnant? [_] 1=Yes [_] 1=Pill 1=Yes [_] 1=Pill Number 1=Yes,go to the next [_] 2=IUD 2=No [_] 2=IUD ._._. [_] 2=No ,Q11.6 question [_] 3=Injections [_] 3=Injections ._._._. 2=No ,Q.11.10 [_] 4=Implants [_] 4=Implants [_] 5=Diaphragm [_] 5=Diaphragm [_] 6=Condom [_] 6=Condom [_] 7=Female sterilisation [_] 7=Female sterilisation [_] 8=Male sterilisation [_] 8=Male sterilisation [_] 9=Withdrawal [_] 9=Withdrawal [_] 10=Rhythm [_] 10=Rhythm [_] 11=Other (Specify)_______ [_] 11=Other (Specify)_______ 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 11.11 11.12 (only if she has had at least one (only if she has had at least one (only if she has had at least one (only if she wants another (only if she wants another child) child child child) child) When you were pregnant Where did you give birth to When you were giving birth to Would you like to have Overall, how many children Of these, how many boys (with your last child), did any your last child? your last child, who assisted (a/another) child or would you would you like to have, would you like to have? medical or paramedical you? prefer not to have any (more) assuming all survive? personal check you on the children? pregnancy? (for pregnant: after the child you are expecting...) [_] 1=Medical Doctor [_] 1=At home [_] 1=Medical Doctor [_] 1=Have (a/another) child Number Number [_] 2=Trained nurse/midwife [_] 2=Public hospital [_] 2=Trained nurse/midwife ._._. ._._. [_] 2=No more/none ,Q12.1 [_] 3=Traditional Doctor [_] 3= Private hospital [_] 3= Traditional Doctor [_] 3=Says she can?t get [_] 4=Traditional birth attendant [_] 4=Other (Specify)_______ [_] 4=Traditional birth attendant pregnant ,Q12.1 [_] 5=No one [_] 5=No one [_] 997=Undecided / [_] 6=Other (Specify)_______ [_] 6=Other (Specify)______ doesn?t know ,Q12.1 REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.25 Section 12: Woman work Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. Woman?s ID ._._._. SECTION 12- Woman’s work and conditions 12.1 12.2 WOMAN NOT WORKING 12.3 WOMAN WORKED/WORKS 12.4 WORKS ON A FARM 12.5 As you know, some women take up Have you done any such work in the In the last 12 months, or currently, In which type of land have you Let’s talk a little about your jobs sometimes, or occasionally, for last 12 months? have you ever worked on a farm? worked? occupation. Is your work (on or off which they are paid in cash or kind. the farm) mostly done for a member Others sell things, have small of your family/household, for business or work on the family farm someone else, or are you self-or in the family business. Are you employed? currently doing any of these things or any other paid work? [_] 1= Own your family land [_] 1=For family/household member [_] 1=Yes ,Q12.3 [_] 1=Yes ,Q12.3 [_] 1=Yes ,Q12.4 [_] 2=No ,Q12.2 [_] 2= Communal land [_] 2=For someone else [_] 2=No ,Q12.13 [_] 2=No ,Q12.5 [_] 3=Land rented in [_] 3=Self-employed _._._. _._._. _._._. [_] 4=Labourer on someone else?s land [_] 4=Other (specify) __________ [_] 5= Other (specify) __________ 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.10 Is your occupation permanent, During the last 12 months, in how In the months you worked, how When you do have employed or self-Do you usually do this work at home temporary, seasonal, occasional or many months did you work, as an many days a week, on average, did employed work (housework apart), or away from home? once off? employee or self-employed you usually work? farm or non-farm, how many hours (excluding child care and does it take you on a typical day, housework)? including travel to and from work? Number of months ._._. Number of days ._._. Number of hours ._._. [_] 1=Home [_] 1=Permanent [_] 2=Away [_] 2=Temporary, seasonal [_] 3=Occasional, once off 12.11 12.12 Do you earn cash for your How much do you usually earn from wages and work? salaries? 12.12.1 12.12.2 12.12.3 Cash Currency Unit of time ._._._._._._. [_] 1=Per day 1=Yes,go to next question [_] 2=Per week 2=No,Q12.13 [_] 3=Per month REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998 Pag.26 Section 12: Woman work Community C._._._. Household within that community H._._._. Woman?s ID ._._._. ONLY for women who are or have been married or living together (NO SINGLE) We'd like to know your opinion about who should take various decisions in your household. Please tell us how the following decisions should be divided between (main) wife and partner - for instance woman's decision, man's decision, half-and-half, or three-quarters for one partner and a quarter for the other: 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 Whether to have another child Whether a child should continue its education What to arrange for a child’s marriage plans Whether to use a particular family planning method [_] 1= Man only [_] 1= Man only [_] 1= Man only [_] 1= Man only [_] 2= Mainly man but also woman [_] 2= Mainly man but also woman [_] 2= Mainly man but also woman [_] 2= Mainly man but also woman [_] 3= Woman only [_] 3= Woman only [_] 3= Woman only [_] 3= Woman only [_] 4= Mainly woman but also man [_] 4= Mainly woman but also man [_] 4= Mainly woman but also man [_] 4= Mainly woman but also man [_] 5= About fifty-fifty [_] 5= About fifty-fifty [_] 5= About fifty-fifty [_] 5= About fifty-fifty [_] 6= Other (Specify)_______ [_] 6= Other (Specify)_______ [_] 6= None of parent?s business [_] 6= Other (Specify)_______ [_] 7= Other (Specify)_______ How should the decision be made, or divided, on the following 12.17 12.18 12.19 Whether to visit a friend or relative Changing the make-up of household spending Taking a new loan [_] 1= Man only [_] 1= Man only [_] 1= Man only [_] 2= Mainly man but also woman [_] 2= Mainly man but also woman [_] 2= Mainly man but also woman [_] 3= Woman only [_] 3= Woman only [_] 3= Woman only [_] 4= Mainly woman but also man [_] 4= Mainly woman but also man [_] 4= Mainly woman but also man [_] 5= About fifty-fifty [_] 5= About fifty-fifty [_] 5= About fifty-fifty [_] 6= Other (Specify)_______ [_] 6= Other (Specify)_______ [_] 6= Other (Specify)_______ 12.20 12.21 12.22 12.23 12.24 12.25 In general if a woman Do you think a woman In your home, does your Do you go out with your Does your partner allow you Who mainly decides how the disagrees with her partner respects a partner more if he point of view carry the same partner to purchase major to go out alone or with your money you earn will be should she keep quiet or insists she accepts his weight as your partner’s, household items/clothing? children to visit relatives or used? speak up? opinion in everything or if he less weight than his point of friends? takes her opinion into view or isn’t taken into consideration? account at all? [_] 1=Keep quiet [_] 1=Same weight as [_] 1=Never (he goes alone) [_] 1=Respondent decides [_] 1=Insists on his opinion [_] 1=Yes alone husband or more [_] 2=Speak up [_] 2=Never (I go alone) [_] 2=Partner decides [_] 2=Takes her opinion into [_] 2=Yes accompanied by [_] 2=Less weight than husband [_] 3=Not sure/don?t know [_] 3=Never (I go alone with my [_] 3=Jointly with partner consideration children/relatives [_] 3=Not taken into account children/relatives) [_] 4=Someone else decides [_] 3=Not sure/don?t know [_] 3=Not allowed at all [_] 4=Sometimes [_] 5=Jointly with someone else [_] 4= Other (Specify)_______ [_] 4=Other (specify) ________ [_] 5=Always [_] 6=Don?t earn any [_] 6= Other (Specify)_______ [_] 7=Other (Specify)_______ REMINDER: Please, always use the following codes: leave blank when not applicable, “zero”=0, “don’t know”=997, “no answer"=998
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