首页 第二课时大江保卫战



第二课时大江保卫战第二课时大江保卫战 第二课时 一、复习导入,回顾整体 1、同学们,这节课我们仍旧和时光老人回到那难忘的1998年,和人民子弟兵一起深入抗洪第一线,打响气壮山河的大江保卫战,、、、 (学生齐读课题。)在这场保卫战中发生了许多感人的事迹。通过上一堂课的学习,相信那些感人的事迹已经给你留下了深刻的印象。 2、我们来回顾一下:大屏幕出示: 问题解决单 二、创设情境,引入学习内容 师:好,让我们带着这个问题再次走进那场没有硝烟的战争,去感受人民子弟兵与洪水顽强决战的情景吧。 三、用心灵去体会――体会英雄壮举 ...

第二课时大江保卫战 第二课时 一、复习导入,回顾整体 1、同学们,这节课我们仍旧和时光老人回到那难忘的1998年,和人民子弟兵一起深入抗洪第一线,打响气壮山河的大江保卫战,、、、 (学生齐读课题。)在这场保卫战中发生了许多感人的事迹。通过上一堂课的学习,相信那些感人的事迹已经给你留下了深刻的印象。 2、我们来回顾一下:大屏幕出示: 问题解决单 二、创设情境,引入学习 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 师:好,让我们带着这个问题再次走进那场没有硝烟的战争,去感受人民子弟兵与洪水顽强决战的情景吧。 三、用心灵去体会――体会英雄壮举 1、师:2至5自然段具体介绍了这三个感人的典型事例。 有请每组的( )号同学来读2——5小节,其他同学边听边想一想让你感动的地方。(指名读2—5自然段) 2、俗话说,静能生慧。 大屏幕出示:学习小提示 四、组织交流,体会情感,读好课文 (一) 学习画面之一:大堤抢险 过渡:让我们先回到九江赛城湖的大堤。哪些细节感动了你,说说理由。指小小组交流。 1、交流体会,,感情朗读朗读。 2、根据学生的回答随即处理。(始终以抓住重点词句,指导朗读为主,让学生真正走进文本,体验情感。(1)“四百多名官兵、、、、、、出现了。” A、“闻讯赶到”“顿时”体会战士们救援速度非常快。 B、生:我补充,这句话里的“一声令下”说明战士们一切都听指挥员的命令,没有一个人开小差的。(众笑) 师:这就人民军队,一切行动听指挥~灾情就是命令~ C、生:我也补充,“一条长龙”说明人很多,很有气势。 (2)感情朗读。 大屏幕出示:(2)“官兵们肩扛沉重的沙包,在泥水中来回穿梭。有的为了行走快捷,索性赤脚奔跑起来。嶙峋的片石割破了脚趾,他们全然不顾,心中只有一个念头:“大堤,保住大堤~” A、(从这句话中的“沉重”“来回穿梭”“赤脚奔跑”“全然不顾”等词可以看出战士们意志坚定、奋不顾身。 B、这么多战士,心中只有一个念头,就像一个人一样,齐心协力~ 师:说得好~“一个念头”~这就叫“众志成城”~这就叫“万众一心”~这就叫“人心齐,泰山移”~ C、想象:为了保住大堤,他们全然不顾,他们不顾的仅仅是片石割破了脚趾吗,他们不顾什么,(自由说) 他们心中只顾着、、、、、、、、 B、感情朗读:面对这些,子弟兵们选择的是奋不顾身、勇往直前,此时你的心中一定会涌起一股情感,你能读好这句话吗,试读 指读 (2)大屏幕出示:“战士们高声喊道:‘狂风为我们呐喊~暴雨为我们助威~巨浪为我们加油~” village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few months, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destination--wearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, long-distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao-cutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time, A、“高声喊道”“奋然”(体会子弟兵大无畏的乐观主义精神 ) B、在狂风暴雨中,在滚滚的怒涛中,他们依然那么乐观,让我们一起高喊: 指导朗读,相互评价。(师评价:在狂风暴雨中,在滚滚的怒涛中,这种声音早已被淹没掉了,怎能鼓舞人心。谁再来大声喊一下。) D、战士们不仅喊出了这样乐观的口号,还立下了震撼人心的誓言。 大屏幕出示:立下的誓言 齐读。 师小结:事隔十年,2008年的5月12日我英勇的人民子弟兵又一次用自己的行动诠释了这分誓言,而我也更深深的领悟到这是他们的永恒! (3)他们一个个奋然跳入水中,用自己的血肉之躯筑起了一道人墙。经过几个小时的鏖战,大堤保住了官兵们浑身上下却是伤痕累累。” 师:“奋然”可以换个什么词, 生:奋不顾身。 师:战士们有生命的危险吗, 生:有~ 师:你怎么认为的, 生:(师:当时情况怎样,)“狂风卷着巨浪,猛烈的撕扯堤岸。”说明当时雨大、风狂、浪大。人跳下去很可能被洪水冲走,被巨浪吞没。 师、生:战士们奋然跳入水中,也许这一跳,就会被急流冲走;也许这一跳就会被巨浪吞没 ;也许这一跳就再也见不到自己的亲人了 ;再也不能回到自己温馨的家里了;也许这一跳,孩子失去了父亲;也许这一跳,母亲再也见不到自己心爱的儿子了…… 师:但是战士们义无反顾,一个个奋然跳入水中。因为在他们心中只有一个念头:(生:大堤,保住大堤~)) 师:“鏖战”是什么意思,猜猜看。(生无语) 师:你再读读这句话。“你能联系上下文说说鏖战是什么意思吗, 生:鏖战就是激烈的战斗,残酷的战斗。 师:从哪儿可以看出这是一场鏖战, 生:从战士们浑身上下的累累伤痕。 生:从官兵们被割得鲜血淋漓的双脚。 生:从黄连长被铁钉扎伤后又爬上大堤。 …… 师:大堤保住了,官兵们浑身上下却是伤痕累累。谁来读读这句话,用你的感动,感染我们每一个人。(指名读) 师:听了你的朗读老师心在颤抖,你读得太令人感动了,大家一齐读读。(生齐读) 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf :洪水肆虐的时候,我们的子弟兵就是每一根坚桩,每一袋沙土,同时筑起了一道道钢铁长堤。(大屏幕播放抢险的场面。) 大屏幕出示: 这是一群( )的子弟兵。(什么样,奋不顾身 舍生忘死 勇往直前、、、、、、) 这是一场( )的大江保卫战。(怎样的,惊天动地、气壮山河、惊心动魄、village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few months, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destination--wearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, long-distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao-cutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time, 震撼人心、扣人心弦、、) B、老师要用一副对联来诠释这震撼人心的动人场面。 大屏幕出示对联 齐读。 师小结过渡:这就是我人民子弟兵在这场大决战中的真实写照。黄晓文就是这铮铮铁汉中的一个。 (二)学习画面之二:铮铮铁汉 1、文中什么地方能让你感到黄晓文是一个铁汉呢, 生:这句话里的一些词语生动形象地写出了战士们的铁汉本色。如“一咬牙、猛地、拔、扯、捆、二话没说、又”等。 生:想想我自己真觉得惭愧,一次我削铅笔把手上的皮削破了,还哭了起来,跟黄晓文比真是差多了。 师:这些平常的动词,用在这里就不平常了,体现了一个铮铮铁汉的本色~ 生:我发现“三下两下”是说黄晓文根本不把伤痛放在眼里。不像我们,一点皮擦破了,都要大声叫喊。还要到医院去消毒,挂盐水什么的。所以说,他很英雄~(众笑) 师:真是轻伤不下火线,黄晓文忘记了疼痛,可我们的心在疼啊,你能读出来吗,指导朗读。 指名读 3、在黄晓文身上,我们又一次地感受到了铮铮铁汉的本色,其实像这样的英雄真的很多很多,他们个个都是铮铮铁汉。通过课前搜集了资料,同学们还知道其他抗洪英雄的名字吗,简单介绍一下他们的事迹,预设:(下节拓展课我们就开一个抗洪英雄事迹交流会) 4、语言训练:铮铮铁汉(奋不顾身) 保大堤 (三)学习画面之三:勇救群众 1、师:是啊,正是因为有了这些铮铮铁汉,才能使大堤不溃;正是因为有了他们,才能让军威永扬。在大江保卫战中,人民子弟兵除了保卫大堤,还要救护遇险的群众,在这里感人事迹也是数不胜数,又有哪个细节深深地感动了你呢, 2、集体交流。 (1)大屏幕出示:“战士们的冲锋舟„„摇摇欲坠的电杆”( 这句话连续用了三个“飞向”说明战士们营救群众的速度很快。 生:还可以看出处处都有遇险的群众,战士们迫不及待地去进行营救。 师:你体会得很真切,能把你的体会融入到朗读中去吗, (2)生:我从“在安造垸„„以生的希望。”这句话不仅看出了子弟兵救了很多群众,也看出了人民子弟兵在群众心目中有着至高无上的地位。因为被困三天三夜的幼儿园老师周运兰和被困近九个小时的小江珊他们没有放弃生的希望,他们相信人民子弟兵一定会去救他们的。 师:说得多好啊,为他鼓掌~ b在安造垸……的希望.(理解省略号的含义) 师:大屏幕播放勇救群众图。是啊,人民子弟兵们救出的何止是周运兰和小江珊两个人,他们把老大娘背出了危险的房屋,他们把木船送给了无家可归的母女,他们把救生衣让给了在洪水中苦苦挣扎的人民群众. (3)大屏幕出示:“哪里有洪水,哪里就有军旗飘扬;哪里有危险,哪里就有军徽闪烁、、、、、、大救星。” A、 这句话可以看出战士们无所不在,永远冲在最危险的地方。 village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few months, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destination--wearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, long-distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao-cutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time, B、(体会到子弟兵急人民所急,把生的希望留给人民,把死的危险留给自己。他们无愧于“军旗”、“军徽”,他们不愧是人民子弟兵。) C、“大救星。”(体会到人民群众对子弟兵的高度信任可以看出因为群众把人民子弟兵看作大救星。让我们感受到了这浓浓的(板书)军民鱼水情。) D、师:这虽然只是短短的几句话,却 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达了人民最真的情怀. 生:(齐读) F、师:谁能在“救群众”前面添一个词语, 生:奋不顾身。 师:恰当,但已经用过啦~ 生:舍生忘死。 师:不错~ 生:义无反顾。 生:全力以赴。 生:不顾一切。 生:众志成城。 ,在这个词语前面,再添一个什么词,就与上面“铮铮铁汉奋不顾身保大堤”对称了,想一想,词语字数要一样,意思要一致~生:人民子弟兵。 师:意思对的,但是字数不一样了。 生:人民英雄。 生:英勇战士。 生:人民救星。 师:解放军就是人民的大救星,不错~ 生:闪闪红星。 师:好,用了“借代”的手法,形象、生动~更重要的是,上面是“铮铮铁汉”,前两个字是重叠的,这里的“闪闪”也是重叠的;“铁汉”对“红星”也很妥帖~就用你的“闪闪红星”~ 生:(齐读)铮铮铁汉奋不顾身保大堤,闪闪红星舍生忘死救群众。(师指着板书说) 师:加横批 军民鱼水情 (四)品读最后一节 1、师总结过渡:这是一场不动枪炮、不见硝烟的战斗,这里没有泪水,只有汗水;这里没有柔躯,只有铁骨;这就是我们的子弟兵,万里海疆作证,巍巍大地作证,这样的子弟兵永远是矗立在人民心中的丰碑。齐读:大屏幕出示:大江,永远铭记着1998年的夏天,铭记着我英勇的人民子弟兵。 2、师:“铭记”是什么意思, 师:铭记就是永远不会忘记。 师:我就是周运兰老师,我会永远铭记:1998年的夏天,我在灭顶的房屋上被洪水围困了三天三夜,是人民子弟兵冒着生命危险挽救了我的生命。 3、同学们,现在你们就是小江珊,你会永远铭记着—— 生:我会永远铭记:1998年的夏天,我在洪水中等待了近九个小时,是人民子弟兵救了我,给了我第二次生命。 4、师:同学们,我们学了这篇课文,我们永远铭记—— 生:我会永远铭记着:在九江赛城湖的大堤上,官兵们肩扛沉重的沙包,在泥水village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few months, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destination--wearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, long-distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao-cutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time, 中来回穿梭。有的为了行走快捷,索性赤脚奔跑起来。嶙峋的片石割破了脚趾,他们全然不顾。 生:我会永远铭记:“战士们高声喊道:狂风为我们呐喊~暴雨为我们助威~巨浪为我们加油~”一个个奋然跳入水中,用自己的血肉之躯筑起了一道人墙。 生:我会永远铭记:黄晓文脚被铁钉扎伤,他只是简单包扎了一下,又忍着剧痛爬上大堤。 、、、、、、、、、 5、大江永远铭记着(再读大江,永远铭记着1998年的夏天,铭记着我英勇的人民子弟兵。 五、总结课文,升华情感 1、总结:大屏幕播放(音乐响起)同学们,点点迷彩汇成了绿色的海洋,当洪水带来的巨大灾难时;当突如其来的雪灾袭击时,当汶川大地震的灭顶之灾降临时,人们首先看到的是——人民子弟兵。 灾难无情人有情,是点点迷彩为身处水深火热中的人民群众带来了生的希望。可是,我们的一些子弟兵却永远地长眠于大江之下,不知他们是谁,却知道他们为了谁付出了青春与热血。播放歌曲《为了谁》。全体起立,让我们举起右手,向我们最可爱的人民子弟兵敬一个庄严的队礼~(下课) village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few months, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destination--wearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, long-distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao-cutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time,
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