首页 2012-2013学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市第四十七中学九年级第二学期3月月考英语试卷(含答案)



2012-2013学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市第四十七中学九年级第二学期3月月考英语试卷(含答案)北京初中数学周老师的博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/beijingstudy 哈尔滨市第四十七中学2012-2013学年第二学期3月月考 九年级英语试题 考试时间:2013年3月2日  一、听力测试(本题共30分)听录音,每题读两遍。 Ⅰ。听句子,选出与所听句子内容相匹配的图画。(本题共5分,每小题1分) ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. II.听对话,根据问题选出正确答案(本题共10分,每小题2分) ( )...

北京初中数学周老师的博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/beijingstudy 哈尔滨市第四十七中学2012-2013学年第二学期3月月考 九 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 英语试题 考试时间:2013年3月2日  一、听力测试(本题共30分)听录音,每题读两遍。 Ⅰ。听句子,选出与所听句子 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 相匹配的图画。(本题共5分,每小题1分) ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. II.听对话,根据问题选出正确答案(本题共10分,每小题2分) ( ) 6. A. Only one. B.. Three. C. Two ( ) 7. A. China. B. America.. C. Germany ( ) 8. A. Interesting. B. Exciting. C. Terrible. ( ) 9. A. It’s cool. B. It is so slow. C. It is fast. ( ) 10. A.. Meat B. Rice and vegetables. C. A hamburger III.听对话,根据对话内容选出最佳答案完成各句(本题共5分,每小题1分) ( )11. There was a football match ________. A. this Wednesday B. last Wednesday C. next Wednesday ( )12. Betty _______ this exciting football match. A. missed B. watched C. won ( )13. _______ is the stronger team because it has some good players. A. Yucai Middle School football team B. Zhonghua Middle School football team C. Neither of them ( )14. Zhonghua Middle School football team did better in ______ and won the match at last. A. homework B. exercising C. teamwork ( )15. The match was held _________. A. in the gym B. on the school playground C. in front of the library IV.听短文,根据所听内容选出短文中画线部分词的同义词或同义短语(本题共10分) For many young people, becoming a professional(职业的) athlete might seem like a dream job. If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to make a living doing something you love. If you become famous, people 16 will know you. Many athletes give money to schools and charities(慈善机构), and do a lot of work to help people. This is a great chance_ 17__ many people do not have. However, professional athletes can also have many 18 . If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and 19 you everywhere. This can make life difficult. If you play sports for a living, your job will _____20______ be very dangerous. Many professional athletes get hurt. And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. Actually , many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were happier before they became rich and famous. ( )16. A. in the earth B. around us C. throughout the world ( )17. A. which B. where C. who ( )18. A. danger B. difficulties C. fun ( )19. A. go after B. report C. hurt ( )20. A. sometime B. at times C. On the other hand 二、单项选择(本题共15分,每小题1分)选择最佳答案 ( )21. —Dear friends, please read every sentence carefully. Believe it or not, if you can take it seriously, you’ll achieve your ___________. A. goal B. information C. marks ( )22.— ___________good newspaper China Daily is! There is a lot of information about foreign countries in it. —Me, too. After you read it, please lend it to me. A. What B. What a C. How ( )23. When we are having a class, we should __________ our attention ________our teachers. I know listening to the teachers carefully is the best way to study well. A. pay, for B. focus, on C. leave, on ( )24. If you want to know more about______, you’d better walk around and talk to the local people there, it’s necessary for you to do so, then you can go and have a look to widen (开阔)your sight. A. new somewhere B. someone new C. somewhere new ( )25. ----I got another B in my exam. I don’t know how to overcome the spelling mistake. ----You should remember _____attention you pay, the_____ mistakes you will make. A. the more, the more B. the less, the fewer C. the more, the fewer ( )26.—It is said that _____ young people may lose their abilities to hear after five years if they listen to MP4 players which are too loud for more than five hours a week. A. thousand of B. six thousand C. six thousands of ( )27.—How time flies! Several years _________ since we started our middle school life. We will keep the pleasant experiences in our minds. A. have passed B. has passed C. will pass ( )28. After graduation ceremony, many middle school students get to love their teachers because they are strict ___________ them. As the saying goes ‘Talented students are trained by strict teacher.’ A. to B. at C. with ( )29. Boys and girls, learn to appreciate _________ others __________ yourselves, and you will find everyone is able to do everything in life calmly and successfully. A. both, and B. either, or C. neither, nor ( )30.—Could you tell me _____________ over there? —Oh, that’s Mr. Wu, mu English teacher. A. who talking to my mother was B. who talking to my mother is C. who is talking to my mother ( )31. —Without friendship, one can’t be happy although he is rich enough. As for me, I will never forget the happiest days _____________ I spent with my best friends. —That’s a good idea. A. who B. when C. that ( )32. Festivals are different in America and in China. In the USA, people usually celebrate __________. A. the Spring Festival with eating dumplings and having lucky money. B. Father’s Day with buying flowers for their mothers. C. Christmas Day with buying gifts for their family members. ( )33. Study habits can help you throughout your education. As a successful student, you should ________. ①. ask your classmate for help as soon as you find a problem. ②. pay attention to WHY but not the ANSWER during your study. ③. review your notes before beginning your homework. ④. make a plan for studying ⑤. try to study too much at one time A. ② = 3 \* GB3 ③ = 4 \* GB3 ④ B. ③ = 4 \* GB3 ④ = 5 \* GB3 ⑤ C. ① = 2 \* GB3 ② = 4 \* GB3 ④ ( )34. This is Dandan’s after-class activity plan, read it and find out how many minutes she spends on it on weekends more than on weekdays in a month?. After-class Activities in a Week Time Football Jogging Music On Weekdays 30 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes On weekend 45 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes A. 40 minutes B. 45 minutes C. 160 minutes ( )35. Which stress of the following words is different? A. bathroom B. increase C. expert 三、完型填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)根据短文内容选择最佳答案 As the saying goes, “ Life is not a bed of roses.” Success doesn’t come to you ___36____. You may meet many difficulties on the way to success. Sometimes, things that happen ___37___ you may seem terrible, painful and unfair at first, but later you find that without overcoming those difficulties, you will never realize your dream. We must remember that there is no such thing as a free lunch. In ___38___ words, if you don’t work hard, you will never succeed. The success and failure we experience are __39____the treasure(财富) of our life. They help us to become what we are. You can even learn from the ____40____ experience because no one can win all the time. You will certainly lose or fail some day, but what’s important is not to lose heart. A person who __41__ his or her heart is just like a tree without roots(根). It will be easily blown down by the wind. Nobel failed many times when he was doing his experiments. Sometimes his lab was on fire and he was nearly killed, but he never lost heart. He kept on 42__ and finally invented a new explosive(炸药). So, whenever you fail, just stand up and try again! In fact, failures are probably important ones in our life. They can teach us a good_____43_____. If someone hurts you or breaks your heart, forgive(原谅) them, for they have helped you learn about the importance of being careful with those who you open your heart to. If something beats you, stand up and hold your head up. Tell yourself you are a great man and ____44____ yourself. ____45_____ every day meaningful. Appreciate every moment and take everything from those moments, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to the people who you have never talked to before, and listen to what they have to say. Experience what you dislike, and you can get closer to your success. ( )36. A. easy B. easily C. hard ( )37. A. to B. on C. for ( )38. A. another B. other C. the other ( )39. A. both B. all C. either ( )40. A. good B. bad C. better ( )41. A. is losing B. has lost C. will lose ( )42. A. try B. to try C. trying ( )43. A. grade B. lesson C. idea ( )44. A. belief in B. believe in C. believe ( )45. A. Make B. Making C. To make 四、阅读理解(本题共15分 每小题1分) (A) If you are out in the countryside, and you happen to meet an area of dry, sandy soil, you may find some small holes in the ground, shaped like an upside-down cone(锥形物), perfectly round at the top and tapering down to a point. If you then get a piece of grass, and gently touch the side of this hole, making a little sand fall to the bottom, a little creature(生物) may finally appear, looking for a meal. The creature is called an ant lion, and the hole or the deep hole is the method it uses to catch its food. The ant lion is actually the young worm of the insect. It digs its deep hole by going round and round backwards in a small circle. It uses one of its front legs to put sand up on its head, and then throws the sand out of the deep hole. Round and round it goes, in smaller and smaller circles, throwing out the sand, until it has made a deep hole of about 5 cm in diameter at the top, and 3 or 4 cm deep. Next it hides itself at the bottom, with just its strong jaws(下巴) showing. Then it sits and waits patiently. Finally, an ant or another small insect will come by, and step into the deep hole. If it falls to the bottom, the ant lion will catch it in its jaws, and eat it. But if the ant tries to climb up the side of the deep hole, the falling sand will tell the ant lion at the bottom, and it will throw up sand with its head, causing a small fall of sand which will make the ant fall back down again, to its death. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案 ( )46. The underlined word “ taper” in the passage means __________ in Chinese? A 越来越少 B逐渐变细 C.逐渐降低 ( )47.The purpose of touching the ant lion’s hole with a piece of grass is to __________.? A. try to catch an ant lion B. give the ant lion some food C. see how it catches insects ( )48.Picture _______ best shows the shape of an ant lion’s hole? A. B. C. ( )49.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . The ant lion will set an insect free if it falls to the hole. B. The ant lion made a deep hole of about 3 or 4 cm in diameter at the top, and 5cm deep. C The ant lion goes round and round backwards when it is digging its hole. ( )50.The passage mainly tells us _____________? A. how the ant lion digs its hole B. the ant lion eats its food C. the direction in which the ant lion usually moves ( B ) Some Nuclear Leakages (核泄漏) That Happened in the World Date March 28, 1979 April 26,1986 Sep.30,1999 March 11,2011 Cause Something important melt(熔化) Explosion(爆炸) Mistakes Earthquakes The number of affected people None 9 million 667 25,673 Severity rating (事故等级) Five Seven Four Seven 根据 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 格所提供的信息选择最佳答案 ( ) 51. In 1979, the nuclear leakage happened in ___________. A. America B. U.S.S.R C. Japan ( ) 52. The number of people who were affected by the nuclear leakage was the largest in _________. A. 1986 B. 1999 C. 2011 ( ) 53. The nuclear leakage happened in Japan was caused by _______ in 1999. A. an explosion B. an earthquake C. mistakes ( ) 54. From the graph, ________nuclear leakage(s) happened in the first half of the year. A. only one B. three C. four ( ) 55. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above? A. All of the nuclear leakages happened in the 20th century. B. The nuclear leakage happened in the U.S.A. was more terrible than that in the U.S.S.R. C. None of the people was affected in the nuclear leakage in America in 1979 ( C ) One day, an expert in time management(安排) gave the students a lesson they will never forget. He pulled out a wide-mouth bottle and put it on the table in front of him. He also took some little rocks and carefully placed them ,one at a time into the jar. When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked,“Is this bottle full?” Everyone in the class yelled, “ Yes”. The time management expert replied, “Really?” He pulled out some gravel(砾石)。He put some gravel in and shook the jar , causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the big rocks . He then asked the group once more , “Is this bottle full?” “Probably not,” one of them answered .“Good!”he replied . He brought out a lot of sand again .He started putting the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the question ,“Is this bottle full?” “No!” the class shouted . Once again he said ,“Good.”Then he grabbed a glass of water and began to pour it in until the bottle was filled to the mouth. Then he looked at the class and asked,“What is the point of this lesson?”A boy raised his hand and said,“The point is ,no matter how full your schedule (日程表)is ,if you try really hard, you can always fit some more things in it. “ No,” the speaker replied,“That’s not the point .The truth this teaches us is if you do not put the big rocks in first ,you will never get them in at all. What are the big rocks in your life ?Time with your loved ones ,your education ,your dreams , a worthy cause ,teaching or other things? Remember to put these big rocks in first or you will never get them in at all.” 根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写A,错误的写B ( )56.The expert in time management filled the bottle with some things twice. ( )57. The expert put the sand and it went into all the spaces left between the rocks and gravel. And the jar was full. ( )58. The expert grabbed a glass of water and began to pour it in until the bottle was filled to the mouth . ( )59. The expert wanted to let the students remember to put these big rocks in first. ( )60. This lesson tell us that we should plan to do the big and the important things first, and then we can make full use of time. 五、任务型阅读(本题共10分,每空1分) 先阅读(A)(B)两篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列四项任务。 (A) that beg give much easier (A) The true meaning of life is giving. Giving sometimes might seem to be hard, but it’s very ____61______. Maybe your smile, the comfortable help you give others, or just a glance(一瞥) full of encouragement can help a _____62______escape from feeling cold or hungry, a patient escape from his illness, a homeless person escape from feeling lonely. Giving sometimes doesn’t cost you much, but it means a lot to the people who you help. Giving makes not only the people who receive, but also______63_____ who give happy. And the people who enjoy the pleasure of giving will pass on the warmth in their hearts to others. Giving is love. And of course, loving others and being loved is the greatest fun in this world. So remember, give your love to others in this world, and maybe someday, it will all be _____64______ back to you, just when you need it the _____65_____. As the saying goes, “Giving is better than receiving.” (B) We have been told that never put off what we have to do today until tomorrow since childhood. However, many of us think it’s not very important. We have no plans for work and time. If we always put off today’s work for tomorrow, we will not reach our goals in the end. One Sunday, I felt so tired after having a football match that I didn’t do my homework even at night. I planned to get to school earlier the next morning to finish my homework before school. But the next morning, I was not able to get to school on time because of the bad traffic. I was punished by the teacher. It taught me a good lesson. From then on, I decided that I would never put off anything until the next day. My friends, I hope you can learn from my mistake, and make full use of your time. I’m sure you will get closer to your dreams. 任务1:用方框中所给单词的适当的形式填空(每空一词,每词限用一次) 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 任务2:根据英文释义及首字母提示,拼写单词 66. c time when people are young 67. d make up one mind 任务3:同义句转换,每空一词 I felt so tired after having a football match that I didn’t do my homework even at night. I felt____68_____ tired after having a football match____69____do my homework even at night. 任务4:根据短文内容简答问题 70. If we always put off today’s work for tomorrow, what won’t we reach in the end? . 六、交际运用(共15分,每小题1分) (A)从方框内A-J选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话(有两项是多余的) A: Good morning! Can I help you? B: Yes, please. _____71________ A: For your mother? B: Yes. Mother’s Day is coming. I am thinking of buying her a present. _____72_____ A: Well, what about a dress? It’s made of cotton and we have many colors. B: _____73_______ A: It’s 429 yuan. B: _____74______ I can’t afford it. A: Why not buy this hat? ______75________ B: Let me have a look. Mmm, that’s nice and the color must fit her. A: ______76______And the price is OK. B: That would be fine. _______77________ Here is the money. Thanks very much. A: _____78_____ A: It’s only 158 yuan. B: But I don’t know what to buy. C: It’s my honor. D: How much is it? E: It’s the most fashionable this year. F: I would like to buy something for my mother. G: May I try it on? H: That costs too much. I: My mother must like it. J: I’ll take it. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. (B)填上一个适当的词完成对话,每空一词。 A: Hello. This is Lin Tao. _____79_______ that speaking? B: Hello. This is Peter. Could you tell me if there is a history museum in Harbin? A: Yes, Of course. There are many old things on show in it. B: When does it _____80_____ to the public? A: Every day from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m._____81______ weekends B: ____82____ like to have a look. Can you get ready for a visit to the history museum, then? A: Yes, sure. Tomorrow is Tuesday. How about going there tomorrow morning? B: I can’t agree with you ______83______. How far is it from here. A: It’s about 400 meters ____84____ from here. And we can walk there. B: Well, I’ll ____85_____for you at the hotel gate at 8:00 then. A: OK. See you tomorrow at eight. B: See you. 79. __ 80. __ 81. __ 82. __ 83. _ 84. __ 85. __ 七、阅读表达(本题共10分) (A)阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。(本题共5分,每空1分) Peking University is one of the most famous and oldest universities in China. It’s close to Yuanming Garden and the Summer Palace. The university was established in 1898 during the Qing Dynasty. At that time, it was called Jing Shi Da Xue. It was later renamed Peking University in 1912. It’s known for prov
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