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half-life 半条命1攻略(1攻略半衰期半条命)


half-life 半条命1攻略(1攻略半衰期半条命)half-life 半条命1攻略(1攻略半衰期半条命) half-life 半条命1攻略(1攻略半衰期半条命) Press the "~" key to open the console and play sv_cheats 1 If the sv_cheats change to 1 is displayed, the cheat mode is opened Playing God shows godmode, on is invincible, then hit closed Noclip nocl...

half-life 半条命1攻略(1攻略半衰期半条命)
half-life 半条命1攻略(1攻略半衰期半条命) half-life 半条命1攻略(1攻略半衰期半条命) Press the "~" key to open the console and play sv_cheats 1 If the sv_cheats change to 1 is displayed, the cheat mode is opened Playing God shows godmode, on is invincible, then hit closed Noclip noclip on/off through wall flight Notarget, notarget, on/off, are the enemies attacking? Impulse 101 all weapons include supplementary ammunition Give monster_barney If you press the ~ key, the console does not come out, you need to add -console (front spaces) to the HL of the target column of the desktop shortcut property A. Under the rail car after the anomalous material into a research center, here can be a joke: sitting on the table after the reception the guards have a red button, you can click to provoke a big trouble. Along the green marker wall into the locker room, and then into the inner chamber of special clothing, press the control button next to the computer, put the shield protective clothing will open, went up to wear protective clothing. Follow the blue sign on the wall and come to the safe. When you see that you're dressed in the HEV suit, the guard will open the door for you. When you get in, go straight inside and take the elevator (press the button on the side). After entering the laboratory found two scientists already here waiting for you for a long time, after consultation and they will give you open the sealed door, let you into the test chamber, along the ladder to climb up, turn on the computer, and then climbed down to open a small cart, pushing it to slide into the beam test range, so the big bang start. Two. Yet the broken retina scanner can barely use, quickly escaped from the testing room, don't forget to pick up on the road to a crowbar running at the same time (in the hall). Be careful on the road there are those deadly demons and ghosts, particle beams, and quickly fled to the reception room at the beginning of the game, that is your trouble. On the right foot with a crowbar to pry open air drilling, there are a few head crab, if you have a way of recruiting the partners at least will get a help you rest on your own, here also must be careful of the sudden explosion of computer. Shun only export climbed to another ventilation, you must use the crowbar to break the grid crossing climb in, also with a pistol, but can save the best bullet. Pick up the pistol from the dead guard, and if you're ruthless, you can kill your guards directly and grab the gun from the body. Go to the end of the hall, the iron fence after the monster in the bare teeth, shot and kill it, and then jumped into the hole from the sewers. There's another hole in the sewer, but now it's covered with iron fence. Remember its location. At the end of the sewer somewhere there is a round turn on the valve, after the flood, quickly swim to cover the hole to open the iron fence, iron fence, the original here is just the only monster bare teeth stood, fortunately just kill it, or. ..... there is a huge lift platform inside, next to a bar, go to the other end of the ammunition picked up, and then pull the pole, the lifting platform will go down, don't jump up, the other end will fall under two monster, kill them as fast as you can, and then jump, Must fall on the platform, if caught in the gap is a dead. In the decline, there is a crab coming, try to dodge tactics, drag to the platform, then jump out. Here is the bridge to go up, it will explode, the best first round to the left of the exit, then jump on the silver pipeline go past. To the other side after the break with a crowbar on the right side of the fence. When crossing the water, watch out for attacks from your head. You can swim through, push a box, ride a bridge, run, run to the left, climb a ladder, and enter the door. Go along the corridor, just run for it, go straight in front of the elevator and get in. Three. The office area after the break out of the elevator, sparking cable beside the wall grille, don't go in first, later head crabs climbed out of their own, picked up a crowbar blow off, drilling, climbing to the right, open the fence out you will witness the scientist was swallowed monster miserable, then go to the room where to find the door immediately turn off the active force in the electronic switch, all the lights will be extinguished, touch a flashlight look around there are no more monsters, then you can continue to move forward. At the end of the hall to break the glass and then climb in, break the crate in the way. Green in the top of the box can be obtained by shotgun and ammunition, kill the alien monsters hiding in the fence after assaulting a guard, a door not if you don't save the guards into the side of the ammunition and blood there. In the crate under the footbridge, there was ammunition and blood. Then into a flooded room, jump as far as possible, do not touch the surface of the water, and do not get hit by electricity. On the left, there was a light switch on the wall. It was safe when it was turned off. It could get a lot of good stuff from the cabinet, and then pried through the hole in the wall on the left. Push the box up and down the steps to reach the ladder and climb into another ventilation channel. Before you go out, you'd better save it because there is an automatic machine gun outside to greet you. You can use the shotgun to destroy it, or quickly jump to below it, there is a power supply switch can turn it off. Take the guard together to climb up the ladder, they can usually attract part of the fire for you, then from near the exit to a ladder, there is a guard can help you, if just the recruitment has been linked with the peer can. On the left side of the house can be found nearby some grenades, then smashed to the right channel mouth, open the electric drill into it, you will find the freezer door, press the left handle to open the door, but before going the best a disk, or the nearby can get ammunition and blood to get into the future, because can come back. When you enter the refrigerator, walk left, find a red switch, open it, start the trolley on the top beam, return to the entrance, climb up the ladder, smash the air vent and climb in. It comes right beside the track of the overhead crane. The car pulled away, jump in time to get to the other side, waving the crate on the car smashed the crowbar after the jump, don't be caught in the middle of the crane and the wall, or die. Then the ventilation to climb from the left exit, a guard's body on the right, next to a few pieces of battery HEV can start. Go upstairs and pay attention to the elevator shaft. There is a ladder in it that you can jump up and grab, But you'd better save a plate and do it again, or don't blame me for not reminding you. When you are steady, climb up the elevator shaft and you'll see a scientist dangling from his head. Don't expect to save him. He'll fall as soon as you touch the elevator. After coming to the top of the elevator to find the control board, a first break cover crowbar drilling, the control panel in the left rear light eyes can not, have to open the flashlight to see clearly. Four. Be careful in the way of enemy cannon, and laser warning line, it will touch the cannon to throw a hail of bullets toward you, and all the doors will be shut down immediately, also issued a blue laser tripwire will put all the things around the bomb out of order. The most troublesome is the organ turret, should try to sneak past each encounter, if missed to find a wall or a crate to hide quickly, then pulled out a shotgun slowly knocking burst it. Sometimes although you have to try to be careful not to touch the red and blue laser warning line, but suddenly the alien will trigger in the battle, but so shaped to quickly get rid of the enemy saved. Of course, if you cool, knocking out all the organs of the turret will not have to worry about the red laser warning line. Well, well, slipped past the alert zone climbed up the crate and then jump to the corridor, note here there are a lot of organ turret, and a sliding door and a yawning black hole (jump lift well if you're alive), first walk can successfully pass the thunder blow up turret. As for the blue laser lines, don't touch them, or they will hurt a lot of blood. If the blue laser line was originally on the crate, do not move the crate. From the ladder to climb after the export saw a thought rescued scientists at the soldiers ran, but did not expect to die in the hands of compatriots, you immediately at the sight of injustice flew out a grenade, pay attention to the delay time calculated explosion to throw grenades, otherwise the crafty enemy will have time to escape the explosion range. Take the freight elevator to leave, then from the fire doors on the bridge in the fork out, go to the right to the conveyor belt to walk in the opposite direction in the next room can climb the crate, back on the conveyor belt to go. The turrets, grenades greeted on the line, the safety after the jump, if you want to sneak past very difficult to succeed. Notice there is a turret behind the open fire door. Climb the ladder in the warehouse, let the soldiers who kill each other after a special and clean up the mess in here before, soldiers are strong, be careful they threw a grenade, astonishing precision. Jump onto the overpass leading to the roof, down the corridor, grab the commanding heights, and kill all the soldiers below. Everything is calm. Then go down and take the elevator up to the ground. You'd better save a plate. Don't fight with the soldiers who drop down on the plane. They will only get more and more. They should quickly move to the bunker on the left. They can live longer along the surrounding area. Open the ventilation well and go into the bunker. You should jump off the ladder and hide. In the ventilation tube slowly through the fan blade from the right side, then through the middle of the left ventricular vent fan. After going out, press the button on the computer control board, open the missile well door, and leave. Five. The crater with a crowbar broke the barricades, if there is danger on drilling in the past. There's a control room on the right. Turn on the switch and leave by the freight elevator. Jump on the train, start the console, and show a big arrow on the screen, you can press the forward speed, press back, slow down. Press the "use" button to leave the console. Driving a train full speed, the monster in the tunnel is hard to hit you, and some slow running will be crushed to you. A hard but through barriers after the train malfunctions can't stop, so in either through the barricades immediately after parking, along the ladder to climb or jump overboard; after the tour to the middle of the box, as long as fast can't hurt much blood. Then, following the box, he jumped to the opposite platform, found the ladder, climbed onto the top of the pipe, walked along the pipe in the flooded house, jumped onto the platform, and there was an elevator up there. Don't panic when you leave the elevator. Don't panic. Aim carefully at the fuel tank next to you. Fire it and send it to the sky. Watch yourself. Don't be too close. Press the switch at the door and open the capsule. The scientist in the experimental cabin has no hope. Don't spend too much energy on him. When you get into the lab, smash the crate that blocks the ladder to the left, and be careful that the vine will hear the sound coming along. There is a "fire control test" switch board, you still can't start it, because you also need oxygen, fuel and power, in order not to stand in the way must kill near the tentacle, and then to open the oxygen, fuel and power switch, the second layer slowly slipped into the experimental chamber, a crowbar board quickly fled after the break through the bridge, along the pipeline under the red and blue in the hall. In the sewer entrance squat, aimed at the entrance fence is a crowbar, and then can be gotten, walk along the pipeline, the fork is on the right end of the road, along the left, there is a ladder in front of. From the ladder down to the fan, there should also be a tray. Turn on the switch and drop back on the ladder immediately. Don't let the fan blade cut you apart. Wait for the fan to rotate to the top speed. If you look up, you'll find a plank on the roof. How can you get to it? There are two ways, if there can be a fan threw grenades, strong wind will blow up the grenade to the roof of the wood explosion; if there is no grenade jump to (don't worry), winds above the fan will blow you up to the roof, the floor can also be accomplished with a crowbar alignment. After the entrance to the cave, there is a vent near the wall. Go in. Climb into the oxygen fuel control room along the ventilation channel and turn on the two switch on the board. There will be a light on, and something will start flowing in the pipe. All right, go back to the vine with the red and yellow pipes. Finally, to open the power switch also have to cost a lot of effort, climbed out from the experimental class cautiously without any noise, the lower part of the door, jump to the fracture of metal corridor, seems not far away and, if there is no problem on (hey, I didn't ask you to close your eyes). Push the box in the puddle into a pontoon bridge. Although there is no danger in the water now, it will be electrified when you turn on the power switch. After arranging the escape route, take the elevator up. The elevator will break down on the way up, To make a prompt decision to catch out of the left wall of the ladder, a slight hesitation and will lift a fall into the bottom, where severe radioactive sludge will make you suffer heavy losses. Go up the ladder to the power control area, where there are two switches, one on both sides of the generator, all of them open, and the generator will start. Be sure to stand on top when you turn on the second switch, or you'll be a roast pig. Be very careful when walking in the close vicinity of the generator, especially those who move around the board, to be honest to your life, the first observation for a while, Mozhun beat to come through. Power on the way to retreat, after just a pontoon bridge at the back at the lab, on the console lights should be sparkling, press the "fire test" button, because the automatic door closing fast enough you may be affected by some small injury, but no sorrow of life. Then enter the experimental module, the floor is originally a vine strange place, there is a hole, must aim at the hole in the middle of the jump, if partial to death undoubtedly. When you reach the bottom, you can get some 357 caliber Magner M pistols. The bottom of the pool also has two fans, don't knock them, look around the fountain with four tubes, each side should have two, but there is a missing, this is your escape route, swim up finally left the pond. Along the pipeline all the way to the end, jumped into the broken pipe near the fence, carefully climbed in, you can see there is a place the color is different, if you go up there will be split, to immediately jump back, otherwise it caved in. When you break the tube, go left, jump between the pipe and the jet steam, fall on the roof, and then continue to jump. If you are injured, don't worry. After jumping, you can get the medicine package. Six. Don't hesitate to power increased at the beginning, running through the open area to the left tunnel, leave the giant monster, it and the Marines are fighting, both sides do not have time for your existence. Go along the tunnel until the front of the red valve door, turn the valve wheel open, and then climb to the top. Through an open area to the opposite side along the marker to walk to the nearby generator, don't press the button on the elevator, first let it go down, you lift the top on top of the fire destroyed booby trap, or throwing a remote-controlled bomb into the elevator from the distance can be detonated again. Press the button for cleaning after the lift back down. A step along the road down to the bottom, carefully hidden blood sucking insects in the water, the most appropriate crowbar to deal with them. After arriving at the nearby generator shutdown, blocking the piston with a crowbar hit hair in front of the motor box. Go back to the steps and go to the fan control room. There is a fan that has not been fixed. Switch it on by the switch so that the generator will work. Follow the lead and the monster will be waiting for you there. If you want to start next to the small monster must open the train tracks active power supply, there are "railway control" in the words of a door, now the first switch, leading to the monster jumped out of the window, next to the left of the tunnel, he ran to the end of the wall, there is a pull switch, it can see the steps in the middle the two electrode monster has become an instant gourmet barbecue. Go through the door, out of the house, circle, and then you go back into the tunnel, Now back to the square, on the train, go straight ahead, it will stop on a rotating platform, then back to the control room railway press switch, rotary platform will switch to train the direction you want to go, go back on the train, broke through all obstacles blocking the road. When the train stopped, he could meet a guard. After he told his story, he got off the car and pressed the switch on the wall. The door came up and he continued to drive the train. Be careful not to touch the water or rail, or you'll be injured ten minutes later. The second track switching point when shooting marks can pull the tracks, the train run on the new track, in front of the edge of the platform and the parking monster, kill it, and then along the stairs, don't break the crate, because behind is an automatic turret on the other side, threw a grenade is a good way. Enter the small house of a switch can be removed from the hook. The train went on, went to the next track, still fired, signs changed automatically, drove to the second gate, got off, looked for the switch, opened the gate, and got on the bus. The train was finally opened to the end, only on foot, a marine station team left, to adopt flexible travel tactics to get rid of them, broke the wood inside, find a guard with you. Slowly walk to the second corner, there is a road in front of heavy artillery bunker, if you stood at the quasi. Use the milk to run to the right side of the bunker, then touch it and throw it away. If the injured can climb to take the air on the door or blood plus HEV power battery, air flow door immediately after the fire or throw grenades inside the booby trap solution. After the stairs to find another little train, running attention after falling debris, don't let them take you into the go, in addition to laser warning can not be ignored, the best squat to hide the past. In the corner there is a railway carrying rocket launchers of the Marines, the safest way is to stop on with this boy singled out. Came to the next door to kill several aliens, then skip in the way of green box, want to jump in the past must jump in the incorporation of the squat to. After entering the house, press the switch to rise the gate, continue to go on the road. Soon came to another door, looking after the first kill modeled on, switch, you can also leave the train all the way forward on foot, only to spend some time, sometimes the train can also act as a shield, encountered fierce fire enemies when squatting on the console can not fight too. When you get off at another gate, climb down the ladder and watch out for a warning laser turret at the bottom of the ladder. Try to avoid it. To the control room through the window to jump out of the laser turret can bypass all, at the end of the tunnel will see a turret on the right in the bunker, and then the right side of the bag there is a machine gun, near a bunch of Marines in hovering. First get rid of the machine gunner, then push the box when the bunker near the bunker, climbed above it toward the inside threw a grenade, and then the group of Marines of the guerrilla. Air entering the door, careful laser turret, on the stairs and more, as long as you a wrong step will be killed on the spot. To get past, you have to push a larger box up front, over two laser turrets, Jump from the stairs to the box and jump over the laser beam. With a crossbow silently kill a few guards, the control room to press the launch button, you can look outside the bustling scene. Be careful to bypass the laser beam and leave the airflow door. The door on the left is now open. Watch out for the enemy sniper on the right rock. Enter the new door Seven. Don't want to arrest the train stopped, or jump or at full speed, fell into the water in the bottom after several tanks locked together on the top of the lock by using the key, they will float up into a bridge, so you can go to the other side. Walk near the overpass and dive into the slope. You can go ashore. On the roof hanging cage has room, through the bridge to the top, climb to the top of the cage inside, will fall into the water within a few seconds, the water fish can be destroyed by bow or gun, or hide in the cage can not move. Go down and turn the red wheel valve and open the fence. As soon as you loose it, the fence closes slowly, so pass quickly. Climb up the ladder, walk along the overpass, come to the iron fence wall, try to jump over the dangling cables, or jump into the water and swim across the door to the right. When you climb the ladder, there are two ways to cross the overpass. One is to push two crates down to build the steps, the other is to press the key on the control board to start the piston and jump over it. After the enemy is killed, scientists will open the door for you. There is nothing in the cold room. Run to the ladder in the right and left. Come down here will encounter snipers, these guys are bad role, there are two hiding in the bottom, one on the overpass, before the fight, it is best to save a disk. After the ramp to the ground along the channel control room, turn the valve open the following round the door, and then save to enter the gate of the darkness inside the world after you will be caught and unconscious. Cutscenes after you slowly wake up, found himself was buried in a garbage grinder, immediately jumped up into the box, and escape around the edge grinding machine to retrieve the crowbar, then from the left wall exit to leave here. Eight. The waste treatment throttling valve can raise or lower the platform in the hydraulic well and make full use of this point to leave. Jump to the edge of the big cylinder, go to the other side of the pipe, and go down the pipe to another big cylinder. Go along the edge of cylinder to be careful, pay attention to the living on the left side of the pile, when it sank and jumped, landed at the top, then the breath from the left of the living pile a jump to the other side, if the water is not afraid, from the ladder back at the beginning. Squat down from the grinding machine, climb over to the belt conveyor room, then turn the three switches on the right to the forward position, and all the belts will start. Back to the control room, press the green button, press off, quickly ran past, along the conveyor forward to observe the press law, the first is a long, second is the first to grow again short, third is the first of two after a long short. Find the other two parallel conveyor belt down from the conveyor belt, the right one is not what meaning, there are two pieces of booby on the left, destroyed the first after don't hit second, because you have entered the killing range, These two booby traps can be solved with a remote control bomb. Nine. Uncertain rules are open electrodes of the electronic fence on the glass door shooting, after the monster will throw out near the window or break the control switch cover, leaving must break the control switch cover, can be this guy on the face threw a pile of grenades in the past. There is a needle gun and a crossbow in the two head crab cell, rushed to take away, don't fight over crab. When you get into the control room and press the switch, all the living things in the house will be killed. There are plenty of booby traps in the building, and monsters and Marines can be seen everywhere, so leave them alone. To the four room at the end of the corridor, turn on the four beam of lasers, find a house with "no laser shield" sign, and push the crate on the floor into the laser force field to interfere with the shield. The scattered laser creates a large hole in the wall, where it goes out and jumps onto the pipe to avoid injury. Talk to the nearby scientists, get the main exit door parts, clear the warning turrets on the road first, then open the door and watch the turret overhead. Ten. The ground at about helicopter, Marines and rocket launchers, as long as the left to run toward the dam jumped into the water to help deal with the enemy, otherwise it will cost you a lot of ammunition. Watch out for the big fish in the water, climb into the tower and press the switch to make sure you swim across the dam safely. Swim to the bottom for the red wheel valve, rotate it opens in the dam channel, swam after surfacing to be careful to chase the helicopter air. After climbing the ladder, cross the pipe and climb up the ladder from the opposite floor. If you come across a cane, be careful to steer clear of it. Go to the right as far as possible to jump on the rocks in the mining area, came to the red valve before it turned round, open the drainage ditch along the ladder to climb down. Go along the pipeline until the re see the blue sky, and then pulled out quietly in front of the crossbow shot dead Marines, as turrets double shotguns. Hard twist. Go down the cable from the broken bridge, there will be a helicopter, hiding in it easily, but you can also use two laser guided rocket to knock it out, watch the explosion flame. In front of the T pipe into the junction to the left quietly climbed up the ladder, and then at the Marines back to throw grenades. Return the pipeline from the T - junction right out, jumped into the water, hear the grenade explosion of the enemy have arrived, but did not see the sight of you, is puzzled when you can emerge from the water they raid. Then several rockets were used to destroy the tank, while running around it, waiting for an aim, firing, and opening the door to replenish ammunition. Soon a tank came again, trying to use the shelter, avoiding its firepower, and then giving a fatal blow. There is a minefield ahead. Don't move on. Take a gun at the ground ahead. Take a shot and move on. Be sure to shoot the mine outside the possible range of the explosion. Damn sniper will from the opposite floor window on you, the two guy used to launch grenades sweep away the light. In the past and then shot explosive barrels and then turn off the power, the power tower to climb to the top, there will be a sniper from behind you attack. Go to the left after going to the roof, there's a hole, jump down onto the crate, and don't worry about the terrified scientists, Watch for the booby trap. There is one on the stairs. Push the crate to it and jump over it or jump straight on the railing to avoid it. The main house slipped into a booby trap cloth, there is a lifting platform in the wall crack on the platform lift this box, when you start not excite the above booby trap, but be careful not to break or move next to the box, otherwise it will trigger the laser warning. Finally to the control room, open the switch up platform, the lifting platform jumped again flying over to the middle of the booby trap, press the button down. When aliens jump down, there will be air strikes against them. Don't be afraid when a rain bomb falls. Make sure you find a safe place to stay. Don't run around on the ground. After the raid, he rushed over the tank, avoiding its deadly firepower. Turn right at the corner, be careful on the sniper ladder, then a guard will help you open a store room, jumped from the window, the outer wall touch to the ladder, go to another building roof, here to kill the remnants of the enemy, then left from the opposite beam and the ruins of export. Climb on fire cannon blasted open door, it can also be used to blow up the enemy, then go out from the door. Next door, there are a lot of guys who shot needles. They're usually in three groups. Quickly turn three dry immediately after running, to sweep a large number of machine gun fire at the lightning monster out of the tunnel, not squat on the trigger, don't forget to fan fire, monsters will charge a few waves. Everything is quiet after the jump to the top, you can see the Marines and their special battle, they quickly get rid of the winner when the rest of the people, and then hit the air vent in touch, there are a lot of Spider Mines, throwing grenades into it can help you solve problems, but also may have residual, to shoot them is very difficult, because they are too small. The weakness of spider ray is time. If you can play hide and seek with them, they will explode automatically in twenty seconds. After entering into a tunnel, found in the vent cover smashed, the Marines will be rushed, so you'd better leave the room in the first large spider thunder, when you can see a very spectacular scenes, but you put Spider Mines must be careful. Destroy the enemy and then go out of the door on the right. If you hesitate too long, the house will be sealed and there will be a hand, Lei Fei. In this case, you can pull the switch beside the car lift, and a hole will appear on the wall, and go out from here. The gun caught outside the sweep of the gate, then a long jump to the broken bridge. When you come to the top, open the pipe and go in. There's a guard at the end. Let him follow you. He can help you open the next two doors. The fire breathing monster in front of you was ferocious. Run quickly, don't look back, hit the wall, drop into the water, and then climb up the platform with a green map and radio as soon as possible. There is a control key that can move the level target, another is in charge of the vertical sight and another can call for air strikes. Take a closer look at the map and estimate where the gate is coming in (if it's correct, it should be on the lower left corner of the map). Move the line of sight to the outside of the gate, turn around and wait for the fire breathing monster to appear. When you see this guy, immediately push the button to attract air strikes, A bomb Yudun when making this arrogant guy back home. Don't rest, continue to call air strikes to destroy three targets, one is the castle like building the right wall, the second is the door in the wall, the third is the tower in front of you, it will fall down after forming a bridge to pass the moat.
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