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中国文化汉英翻译材料Exercise I. Translate the following sentences into English. 如今,作为东方艺术的一颗璀璨的明珠,京剧不仅在中国各地喜闻乐见,而且已被全世界人民广泛接受。 根据所表演角色的性别、年龄和社会地位的不同,演员角色分成四类:生(男角)、旦(女角)、净(花脸男角)、丑(丑角)。 京剧的独特艺术魅力使它经久不衰:它创造了一种台上台下演员观众相互交融的美学欣赏与享受。 他曾成功地塑造了许多古代中国妇女的形象,完美地表现了她们的温柔、优雅和细腻。 梅兰芳也是把...

Exercise I. Translate the following sentences into English. 如今,作为东方艺术的一颗璀璨的明珠,京剧不仅在中国各地喜闻乐见,而且已被全世界人民广泛接受。 根据所表演角色的性别、年龄和社会地位的不同,演员角色分成四类:生(男角)、旦(女角)、净(花脸男角)、丑(丑角)。 京剧的独特艺术魅力使它经久不衰:它创造了一种台上台下演员观众相互交融的美学欣赏与享受。 他曾成功地塑造了许多古代中国妇女的形象,完美地表现了她们的温柔、优雅和细腻。 梅兰芳也是把京剧介绍到国外的第一人。 作为中国的文化瑰宝,京剧必将获得全中国和全世界人民越来越多的喜爱。 Key to Exercise I. Today, as one of the glowing pearls of oriental arts, not only has Beijing Opera been widely enjoyed all over China, it has also been well received all over the world. According to the gender, age and social position of the different roles which they play, actors and actresses are divided into four categories: sheng (male roles), dan (female roles), jing (male roles with facial paintings) and chou (clowns). The uniqueness of Beijing Opera makes its artistic charm so everlasting: the creation of an aesthetic co-appreciation between the actors and actresses on stage and the audience off stage. Mei Lanfang had created very successfully various images of ancient Chinese women and expressed their tenderness, elegance and subtlety. Mei Lanfang was also the first person who introduced Beijing Opera to foreign countries. Being a great treasure of the Chinese culture, Beijing Opera will surely be more and more appeciated by people in China and in the whole world. Exercise II. Make a web advertisement in English, based on the information given in Chinese. 著名的京剧武生徐力先生最近接受了我们舞蹈学校的邀请,担任高级舞蹈教员。武生是京剧中的一个重要生角。武生的特点是武艺好,身手矫健敏捷。武生演员常通过在舞台上翻滚武打(tumbles, tweists, and somersaults)来表现他们高超的武艺。武生的动作准确有力,是大量艰苦训练的结果。 中国古典舞蹈和民族舞蹈的舞台技巧和身段(floor skills and postures)大多来自中国传统戏曲的武功(acrobatic skills)。我们舞蹈学校非常荣幸能够请到徐先生教授女子班毯子功(floor skills)和男子班的功夫课。有关课程安排请点击此网址。 Key to Ex. II Make a web advertisement in English, based on the information given in Chinese. A Rare Opportunity The famous Beijing Opera performer of Wu Sheng (acrobatic male role), Mr Xu Li, recently accepted an engagement with our Dancing School. Wu Sheng is a very important role in Beijing Opera. It requires a high level of acrobatic skills. Wu Sheng actors often show off their skills with tumbles, twists, and somersaults on the stage. These skills and movements require great precision in timing and strength, which takes a lot of training and exercise. Many of the floor skills and postures of classic and ethnic Chinese dances were originally from the acrobatic skills of traditional Chinese operas. Our dancing school is very fortunate to have Mr Xu Li to teach our Floor Skills class for girls and Kungfu class for boys. For class schedule, please click HERE. Exercise III. Translate the following sentences into English. 齐白石以革新水墨画和毕生献身于这项中国的传统艺术形式而闻名于世。 他在几天后把那幅画重画了很多次,但是总比不上他当天即兴完成的作品。 兰亭序的极高的艺术价值促使更多书法家临摹王羲之的字体。 一个好的书法家所写出来的字必须充满生气,活力并具备完美的形体。 书法是一门艺术,它需要清醒的头脑以及对毛笔有全面的掌握。 这个年轻演员认识到自己的演技还差,无法与他老师的演技相提并论。 Key Exercise III. Qi Baishi is remembered for revolutionizing the art of inkwash painting and his complete devotion to this traditional Chinese art form. He tried to repaint the picture many times several days later, but he was never able to match his spontaneous painting of that day. The quite high art value of Lan Ting Xu encouraged many calligraphers to imitate Wang Xizhi’s writing style. A good calligrapher is expected to give life and form to his words. Calligraphy is an art that requires a clear mind and complete control of the writing painting brush. The young actor realized that his performance was still very poor as compared to that of his teacher. Exercise IV. Translate the following brief introduction to Traditional Chinese Painting. 中国国画 从审美的角度看,虽然中国国画与西洋画有许多相似之处,但它仍独具中国民族特色。中国国画博采多种艺术形式如诗歌、书法、绘画和篆刻艺术之众长,给画者提供了更自由的表达空间。中国的画家通常将诗歌和哲理结合起来。所以,中国有一个成语叫做“诗情画意”。Key to Ex. IV. Traditional Chinese Painting Fro m an aesthetic point of view, Traditional Chinese Painting possesses China’s unique national character although it has much in common with Western painting. Traditional Chinese painting absorbs the best of many forms of art likely poetry, calligraphy, painting and seal engraving, which gives the painter freedom to express himself. Chinese painters usually combine poetry and philosophy together. Hence there is an expression “painting in poetry and poetry in painting”. Exercise V. Translate the following passage about an African campus into English. 学校的中心地带是个扇形的喷水泉,中间很艺术地摆着些中国式的太湖石。这是新建的。在我们中国教师住的院子里,有一个类似的喷水泉,不过比这要小得多,像个盆景似的,那是早来这儿的老师利用业余时间建的。他们在池中放了些水草和金鱼,可能是为了抒发对祖国的怀念之情吧,还在太湖石上用秀丽的隶书字体刻了“二泉映月”四个红字,似乎这么一来,西湖便在他们的怀抱之中了,故乡的月便也在向着这些游子微笑了。 Key to Ex. V. In the centre of the campus was a newly-built fan-shaped fountain. A number of Chinese Taihu Lake rocks were arranged in it with a touch of artistry. In the courtyard of the house where Chinese teachers were living, there was also a similar but much smaller fountain looking like potted landscape. It was built by the Chinese teachers who had come earlier in their spare time. They had graced it with water plants and goldfish. Perhaps out of a yearning for their homeland, they had even engraved on a Taihu rock four C hinese characters: “Er Quan Ying Yue”, meaning “two springs reflecting the moonlight.” These characters were painted red and written in an ancient calligraphic style. The homestick Chinese teachers seemed to feel that at the sight of these characters, they could by a flight of the imagination bring to their presence a native moon smilingly beaming over the West Lake. Exercise VI. Try to put the following news report into English. 首届中国国际建筑艺术双年展2004 经中华人民共和国文化部批准,“首届中国国际建筑艺术双年展”将于2004年9月20日至10月6日在北京举行,这是在我国首次举办的国际大型系列建筑文化产业会展,是中国建筑艺术史上规模最大、内容最丰富的建筑主题文化活动。双年展旨在展示国际建筑新思潮、新理念、新设计、新 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 、新发展,它是中国建筑业产业界的一个资源共享平台,是加强国际建筑艺术交流的窗口与建筑技术交流的桥梁。 双年展包括国际建筑设计作品和新型建材展示、学术论坛和国际生态建筑艺术园 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 展示等三大部分。展会期间还专门为与会代表开通“北京社区住宅”和北京现代建筑参观专线,使各国代表对北京的建设有一个全面的了解。展会期间将重点介绍北京正在规划和建设中的重点项目,如2008奥运会主体育场“鸟巢”、游泳馆“水立方”、国家大剧院和中国中央电视台大楼等。这些国家重点项目被称为“世纪焦点”项目,引起中国乃至世界建筑界的极大关注。 双年展是世界建筑界的节日和文化盛会,您可以在会展期间发现新的职业合作机会以及潜在的新市场。欢迎您的光临。 Key to Ex. VI. China’s 1st Architectural Biennial Exhibition in Bejing(ABB2004) Approved and supported by the Chinese Ministry of Culture, the 1st Architectural Biennial Beijing (ABB2004) will be held from September 20th to October 6th in Beijing, China. It is the first great serial exhibition of architectural culture and building industry and it is the largest architecture show and architectural theme activities in the Chinese history. The aim of ABB2004 is to show the architectural creation, advanced techniology and new building materials, to build up a platform for sharing the latest information and a bridge for cooperation between the Chinese professionals with colleagues abroad. ABB2004 is mainly composed of 3 parts: exhibition, forum and architectural them park, The tours to the excellent communities of housing building and modern building in Beijing will be organized for the participants and that will give visitors a better understanding of the development of building industry in Beijing. Also many “focal pointed projects in Beijing” Will be discussed at forums, such as the State Stadium and Swimming Hall (for World Olympic Game 2008), State Theater, CCTV Tower, etc. All these projects are called “Century Focal Point Projects” and are attractive to professionals in the world. ABB 2004 is an Architectural Festival. You may find new partners for professional cooperation or potential market for future development. Welcome to Beijing! Exercise VII. Translate the following passage into English. 中国有几千年的文明史,文化宝藏光辉灿烂。其中有四部著名的古典长篇小说放射着耀眼的光芒,它们是《西游记》、《水浒传》、《三国演义》和《红楼梦》。这四部作品在中国家喻户晓,老少争诵,世界各地都有各主要语言的译本。通过它们可以反映出中国人的深层情感,折射出他们的传统心理。直到今天,影视界争相把它们搬上银幕荧屏,其影响之大,范围之广,是其他小说无可比拟的。 Key to Exercise VII. China is a country of ancient civilization with magnificent cultural treasures. There are, among others, four famous classic novels that radiate myriads of golden rays. They are Journey to the West, Outlaws of the Marsh, Three Kingdoms, and A Dream of Red Mansions, all of which are known throughout China to every household and every Chinese, old and young. Translated versions in major foreign languages are available all over the world. These four literary works reflect thoughts and feelings deep in the innermost recesses of the hearts of the Chinese, and mirror their traditional psychic characteristics. People in the film and TV circles have been trying with one another to adapt and presenting them on the screen. They have maintained a great impact and popularity beyond compare in the world of novels. Exercise VIII. Translate the following sentences into English. 据说这一天的月亮是一年中最亮最圆的。而月亮正是庆贺中秋的全部主题。 在中国人的眼中,月饼表现的正是同满月一样的圆形,象征着全家人的大团圆。 这种节庆月饼馅中通常包有香甜的莲子或红豆,中央还常夹着一个或几个咸鸭蛋黄来代表月亮。 月饼上通常都压印有汉字,标明月饼制作厂家和月饼馅的种类。 Key to Exercise VIII. It is the time when the moon is said dto be eat its brightest and fullest and the moon is what this celebration is all about. In the eyes of the Chinese people, a moon-cake takes the shape of a round moon and thus symbolizes the reunion of all family members. The seasonal round cakes traditionally have a sweet filling of lotus seed or red bean and often have one or more salted duck eggs in the center to represent the moon. Moon-cakes are usually stamped with Chinese characters indicating the name of the bakery and the type of filling used. Exercise IX. Translate the following sentences into English. 除了赛龙舟以外,赛马和斗牛是端午节的主要特色。 孩子们在长满青草的山坡上滚动彩蛋,比赛看谁的跑得快。 中国历史上有关足球的记载最早可以追溯到战国时期(the Warring States Period)。 在三国时期(the Three Kingdom Period),每逢春节舞狮子竟成了一种乡村习俗。 筷子产生的关键原因也许和当时的进食方式有关。 Key to Exercise IX. Along with dragon-boat races, horse races and bullfights are also major activities of Dragon-boat Festival. Children try to outdo each other in rolling colored eggs down grassy slopes. The first historical mention of football in China goes back to the Warring States Period. In the Three Kingdom Period, it became customary for people to perform the Lion Dance during the Spring Festival. The decisive factor for the invention of chopsticks probably had to do with the eating style during that period of time. Exercise X. Translate the following sentences into English. 现存的魏晋时期的书法作品,以王羲之的作品最负盛名。 据历史记载,骆宾王自幼善作诗。 为纪念孔子诞辰2555周年,学院决定在图书馆前建一座纪念碑式的雕像。 为了增强古代战场的真实性,特在背景放置了许多弓箭。 体育馆前的那尊石刻雕像,历来被认为是体现运动风格的主题作品。 这些建筑物的最大特点是它们与其环境浑然天成的工艺。 Key to Exercise X. The most well-known calligraphy works of the Wei and Jin Dynasties are those left by Wang Xizhi. According to the historical records, Luo Binwang had excelled in writing poems ever since his childhood. In memory of Confucius 2555 years birthday, the university decided that a monumental sculpture be built in front of the library. Bows and arrows were placed in the background to highlight its ancient battlefield favor. The stone statue in front of the stadium is believed to be the thematic icon of sportsmanship. A remarkable feature of these buildings is their harmonious craftsmanship out of the great nature. Exercise XI. Translate the following tourist information on The Old Town of Lijiang into English. 丽江古城是拥有灿烂文化、保护完好的少数民族古城,是云南省丽江纳西族自治县的中心城市。古城相传因形似一方大砚而得名“大砚镇”。 丽江古城是一水城,水对于他们来说就好似血液。黑龙潭是小镇的主要水源,又可分为许多小溪、可以到达小镇的每一个家庭、每一条街。沟渠错综分布,柳树随处可见,小镇中有大约350座各式各样、无法模拟的明清时代建造的小桥。当地的人们创造出“一潭一井三塘水”的用水方法,即头塘饮水、二塘洗菜、三塘洗衣,清水顺序而下,既科学又卫生。水不仅满足了居民的需求,而且还增添了小镇的美丽和幽雅。因此,将小镇誉为“东方威尼斯”、“高原姑苏”一点也不足为怪。只要你来到丽江古城,你就会终身难忘,流连忘返。 Key to Ex. XI. The Old Town of Lijiang, a well-preserved old city of ethnic minorities with brilliant culture, is a central town of the Lijiang Autonomous County of the Naxi Ethnic Minority in Yunnan Province. The old town looks like a big ink slab, therefore getting the alias the Town of Big Ink Slab (Dayanzhen). The old Town of Lijiang is a city that depends on water for existence and water is just like its blood. Black Dragon Pool (Heilongtan) is the main water source of the town and subdivides into many streams which can reach eevery family and every street in the town. Due to the reticular aqueducts, willow trees grow everywhere. There are almost 350 varied and inimitable bridges in the little town, some of which were built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The unique water usage created by the local people is scientific and sanitary. They build three mouths for every well from the upriver to the downriver. The water in the first mouth is for drinking, the second one is for cleaning of the vegetables, and the last one is used to wash the clothes. The water not only meets the need of the dweller, but also gives the town a beauty of gentleness. The town is reputed as the “Oriental Venice” and “Suzhou in Highland”, but it is much, much more than this. Once you have visited the Old Town Lijiang, it will capture your heart for the rest of your life. Exercise XII. Translate the following sentences into English. 你看过中国民族音乐会吗?如果看过的话,我敢肯定你一定会被琵琶(lute)的优美曲调(melody) 所吸引。 这位杂技演员动作真是快如风。 中国的武术历史悠久,是中国文化不可分割的一个组成部分。 学中国武术的人得学会站得像青松一样笔直。 他设法帮助我理解这幅画的深层文化内涵,这与民族精神有着密切的关系。 继续阅读
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