首页 2015年高考地理试题分项版解析专题11区域可持续发展和地理信息技术



2015年高考地理试题分项版解析专题11区域可持续发展和地理信息技术2015年高考地理试题分项版解析专题11区域可持续发展和地理信息技术 2015年高考地理试题分项版解析专题11区域可持续发展和地理信息技术 (2015•北京卷)从太白山的北麓往上,越上树木越密越高,上到山的中腰再往上,树木则越稀越矮。待到大稀大矮的境界。繁衍着狼的族类,也居住了一户猎狼的人家(引自贾平凹《太白山记》。太白山为秦岭主峰,海拔3767米)。据此,回答下列问题。 1(太白山( ) A、北麓为亚热带常绿阔叶林带 B、北坡山中腰降水量比山麓少 C、又密又高的树木在针叶林带 D、树木大稀大矮处为稀树草原 ...

2015年 高考 地理事物空间分布特征语文高考下定义高考日语答题卡模板高考688高频词汇高考文言文120个实词 地理试题分项版解析专题11区域可持续发展和地理信息技术 2015年高考地理试题分项版解析专题11区域可持续发展和地理信息技术 (2015•北京卷)从太白山的北麓往上,越上树木越密越高,上到山的中腰再往上,树木则越稀越矮。待到大稀大矮的境界。繁衍着狼的族类,也居住了一户猎狼的人家(引自贾平凹《太白山记》。太白山为秦岭主峰,海拔3767米)。据此,回答下列问题。 1(太白山( ) A、北麓为亚热带常绿阔叶林带 B、北坡山中腰降水量比山麓少 C、又密又高的树木在针叶林带 D、树木大稀大矮处为稀树草原 2.如果过度猎狼,将会( ) ?、造成山区生物多样性减少 ?、增加山区的环境承载力 ?、导致不良消费观念的形成 ?、破坏可持续发展的公平性 A.?? B.?? C.?? D.?? 【答案】1(C 2.D 【解析】 试题分析: 1、太白山的北坡属于温带季风气候,其山麓为温带落叶阔叶林带,向上为针叶林带;而山中腰树木茂密,降水较多;树木大稀大矮为高山灌木。故选C。 2、过渡猎狼,会使植食动物增多,导致山区生物多样性减少;会使狼数量减少,甚至灭绝,破坏可持续发展的公平性;而生物资源的破坏,会减少环境承载力;对人们的消费观念影响不大。故选D。 考点:地理环境的整体性、环境承载力、可续发展 【名师点睛】植被的垂直分布可以概括以下规律:?基带为当地典型的植被带。?在各森林地带内,随着海拔高度的升高与随着纬度的增加,植被类型的变化大题一致,垂直带可以看作水平带的缩影。但二者存在差异。如落叶阔叶林带在典型的亚热带以南退出各垂直带,寒温带针叶林也只限于亚热带以北的山地。另一方面,一些山地植被带,如高山灌丛带和高山草甸带是水平带中所没有的。?植被带中每个植被带的下限海拔高度向两极逐渐降低,森林带的上限海拔高度也有类似规律。?垂直带中每个植被带的宽度互不相同,且随气候差异而变化。?山体越高,垂直带谱越完整。 (一)(2015•上海卷地理)“一带一路”是经济互补之路,是文化融合之路,是创新圆梦之路。 1、“一带一路”东部连接快速发展的中国,西部连接发达的欧洲而中部是亟待发展的中亚、南亚等地区,东、中、西部的经济具有互补性, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现为( ) ?东部产能增强,需要加强对外合作 ?西部经济发达,需要引进大量人 才 ?中亚油气丰富,需要寻求消费市场 ?南亚农业发达,需要扩大粮食出口 A、?? B、?? C、?? D、?? 2、“新丝绸之路”横贯亚欧大陆,自东向西依次经过的世界文化圈是东亚文化圈与( ) four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, A、伊斯兰文化圈、西欧文化圈、东欧文化圈 B、东欧文化圈、伊斯兰文化圈、西欧文化圈 C、西欧文化圈、东欧文化圈、伊斯兰文化圈 D、伊斯兰文化圈、东欧文化圈、西欧文化圈 3、上海科研人员将太阳能技术与海水淡化 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 巧妙“嫁接”,大幅度降低了海水淡化的成本。这一成果将惠泽“一带一路”上严重缺水而光热资源丰富的地区。这些地区主要是( ) A、大洋洲、西欧 B、东欧、东南亚 C、中亚、西亚 D、东亚、南亚 【答案】1、A 2、D 3、C 【解析】 1、“一带一路”连接亚欧大陆东西两端,区域内部经济差异明显,互补性强。我国处于东部,是著名的“世界工厂”,产能大,需加强对外合作以输出过剩产能。中亚地区是全球能源资源最丰富的地区,其石油资源依赖国际市场。南亚地区因人口稠密,对粮食需求量大,是粮食的进口区域。欧洲经济发达,受老龄化严重影响,需引进国际劳工。A正确。 2、“新丝绸之路”自东向西依次经过东亚、中亚、西亚、东欧、中欧和西欧。中亚与西亚地区人口主要信奉伊斯兰教为伊斯兰文化圈,在欧洲依次经过东欧文化圈和西欧文化圈。D正确。 3、中亚与西亚因深居内陆或常年受副高控制,气候干旱,降水少,水资源短缺。C正确。 考点:“一带一路”沿线经济文化差异与环境差异。 【名师点睛】该题以“一带一路”热点问题作为背景材料,考查“一带一路”沿线地区的自然和人文地理特征差异, 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 学生平时复习关注热点,联系生活,学会知识迁移,了解“一带一路”战略的地理范围,理解战略发展的特点和影响。 (2015•福建卷)图1示意我国某地循环农业生产模式。读图完成下列问题。 1.该地的农业地域类型是( ) A.季风水田农业 B.乳畜业 C.大牧场放牧业 D.混合农业 2.该生产模式的农产品深受消费者青睐是因为( ) A.价格低廉 B.减耗保鲜 C.绿色优质 D.品种丰富。 【答案】1.D 2.C 【解析】 试题分析: 1(图示该地既种植水稻,发展种植业,又饲养牛羊,发展畜牧业,因此属于混合农业;而季风水田农业、乳畜业和大牧场放牧业等都属于单一农业生产类型(故选 D。 2(该生产模式不适用化肥,所产农产品无污染,绿色优质,深受消费者的青睐:而农产品的价格不会低:农产品的新鲜程度与该生产模式无关:消费者青睐的是农产品的质量,而不是农产品的种类。故选C。 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 【考点定位】本题主要考查农业生产地域类型、生态农业的优势 【名师点睛】混合农业是一种在同一农场中将两种或两种以上农业生产类型有机结合在一起的农业生产地域类型,且每一种农业生产类型的规模相当。所以判断是否属于混合农业,一是看该地农业生产类型的多少,二是看每一种农业生产类型是否达到一定规模。生态农业的生产以资源的永续利用和生态环境保护为重要前提,根据生物与环境相协调适应、物种优化组合、能量物质高效率运转、输入输出平衡等原理。通过食物链网络化、农业废弃物资源化,充分发挥资源潜力和物种多样性优势,建立良性物质循环体系,促进农业持续稳定地发展。在整个生产过程中,减少化肥、农药的投入,使农产品绿色无污染。 (2015•江苏卷地理)下图为某冰川所在区域遥感影像,下图为根据1973 、2009年遥感影像提取的该冰川分布图层(局部),图中每个方格面积表示900平方米。读图回答下列问题。 17(上左图中甲点所处的地形是( ) A(山谷 B(山脊 C(冲积扇 D(盆地 18(上右图所示区域冰川面积变化的情况是( ) A(减少了1800平方米 B(增加了1800平方米 C(增加了2700平方米 D(减少了2700平方米 【答案】17.A 18.D 【解析】 试题分析: 17.根据成像原理,地势较低山谷光线较暗,地势较高的山脊处光线明亮,图中甲点光线较暗应为山谷,故答案为A。 18.根据图中数据冰川区域“2”2009年比1973年共减少了3个方格,每个方格面积表示900平方米,所以减少的总面积为2700平方米,故答案为D。 【考点定位】本题组主要考查地理信息技术,具体考查了遥感影像图的判断和相关计算。 【名师点睛】本题组以某地两年的遥感影像和数据资料为切入点,简单考查学生对地理信息技术的掌握情况。第一小题考查遥感影像的判读,图片判断关键是地表起伏对光线的吸收和反射特征差异;第二小题具体考查有关地理信息技术的计算。该题计算只要比较两个年份“1”和“2”的变化数量,在乘以每个方格代表的面积即可。 (2015•江苏卷地理)下左图为1971-2008年世界及部分国家人均碳排放与人均GDP变化率,下右图为1971、2008年世界及部分国家单位GDP碳排放。读图回答下列问题。four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 25(下列说法正确的是( ) A(美、日、德三国人均GDP变化率均低于人均碳排放变化率 B(美、日、德三国人均GDP与人均碳排放同步增长 C(美、日、德三国单位GDP碳排放最大的是美国 D(1971-2008年单位GDP碳排放下降量最大的是中国 26. 下列措施中能有效降低单位GDP 碳排放的是( ) A(控制人口数量 B(加快发展新能源 C(加强科技创新 D(缩减生产规模 【答案】25.CD 26.BC 【解析】 试题分析: 25、两图分别是1971—2008年世界及部分国家人均排放与人均GDP变化率和1971、2008年世界及部分国家单位GDP碳排放图,读图可以看出美、日、德三国单位GDP排放量最大的是美国,中国是1971—2006年单位GDP碳排放量下降量最大的国家,故选CD。 26、加强科技创新可以提高能源的利用率,能有效降低单位GDP碳排放,太阳能、潮汐能、风能等新能源不排放碳,所以加快发展新能源能有效降低单位GDP碳排放,而缩减生产规模和控制人口数量可以有效减少排放总量,不能减少单位GDP碳排放,故答案选BC。 【考点定位】本题组主要考查学生自主学习能力和读图获取地理信息的能力,涉及到可持续发展之路。 【名师点睛】本题组以热点话题“低碳排放”为切入点,考查可持续发展之路,考查学生自主学习能力和读图获取地理信息的能力。本题涉及的要素较多,两个年份、两种现象、四个要素、还要搞清楚每个要素所能反映的地理事项特征及变化规律,做到这一点,两小题选对不难。 (2015•山东卷)绿洲与荒漠的交错带生态环境脆弱,在其附近的绿洲区过量开采地下水会使交错带生态环境退化,形成“生态裂谷”。图2为“生态裂谷”分布示意图。完成下列各题。four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 5、“生态裂谷”形成过程中,附近的交错带( ) A、自然植被改善 B、风力侵蚀减弱 C、地下水流向绿洲区 D、流动沙丘转为固定沙丘 6、“生态裂谷”出现后,为了绿洲区的可持续发展,应该( ) A、在荒漠区植树造林 B、在交错带发展灌溉农业 C、在绿洲区禁止开采地下水 D、在流域内合理分配水资源 【答案】5、C 6、D 【解析】 试题分析: 5、结合材料,在绿洲区过量开采地下水会使交错带生态环境退化,形成“生态裂谷”。根据图例读图分析,“生态裂谷”形成过程中,首先是地下水水位下降,所以附近的交错带的地下水流向绿洲区,C对。根据材料,自然植被恶化,A错。该地位于干旱区,生态环境退化,风力侵蚀增强,B错。固定沙丘可能转为流动沙丘,D错。 6、“生态裂谷”出现后,为了绿洲区的可持续发展,应该在流域内合理分配水资源,D对。森林消耗水量大,不适宜在荒漠区植树造林,A错。在交错带生态环境恶化,不适宜发展灌溉农业,B错。地下水是绿洲区的主要水源,在绿洲区禁止开采地下水不现实,C错。 【考点定位】本题考查区域生态环境问题及形成原因,区域可持续发展的措施。 【名师点睛】 要结合材料和图示内容,分析生态环境问题形成的原因。根据材料可知,“生态裂谷”形成在绿洲与荒漠的交错带,可以判断外力以风力为主。根据图例判断绿洲分布位置,推理出河流流向,地下水流向。可持续发展的措施,在干旱区,水源是最主要限制因素。 (2015•海南卷地理1994年1月1日,美国、加拿大和墨西哥签署的北美自由贸易协定生效。下图示意相关国家和地区占美国进口服装份额(%)的变化。据此完成以下问题。four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 6. 据图示信息推测,1981-2000年间,中国香港、中国台湾和韩国的服装业( ) A.自主品牌越来越多 B.原材料越来越短缺 C.人力成本不断上升 D.设计能力不断下降 7.1995-2000年,墨西哥向美国出口更多服装的主要原因是( ) A.距离美国近 B.通关税率低 C.生产成本低 D.生产技 术高 【答案】6.C 7.B 【解析】 试题分析: 6.从图中可以看出,1981-2000年间,中国香港、中国台湾和韩国的服装业占美国进口服装份额逐渐下降。服装工业属于劳动力导向型工业,和美国相比,中国香港、中国台湾和韩国劳动力成本较低,因此成为美国主要的服装进口地,随着上述地区劳动力成本(人力成本)的上升,美国进口服装逐渐转向其他地区。 7.和美国相比,墨西哥劳动力成本较低。1994年1月1日,美国、加拿大和墨西哥签署的北美自由贸易协定生效,墨西哥向美国出口产品的通关税率大幅度降低,导致其后墨西哥向美国出口服装逐渐增多。 【考点定位】本小题主要考查区域产业转移的原因。 【名师点睛】该组试题以相关国家和地区占美国进口服装份额的变化扇形图为切入点,主要考查区域产业转移的原因。要求学生能够通过对不同时间相关国家和地区占美国进口服装份额的变化的分析,并结合所学知识,推测区域产业转移的原因。突出高中地理重视图表能力分析的学科特点,注重考查学生灵活运用地理基础知识解决实际问题的能力。 (2015•江苏卷地理)28(阅读材料,回答下列问题。(13分) 材料一 2013年,河北省粗钢产量占全球总产量的11.6%,占全国产量的23.9%。钢铁产业成为河北第一支柱产业。其中,唐山和张家口分别占全省产量近50%和4%。 材料二 下图为河北省煤铁资源分布与水系图。 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, (1)河北省成为我国主要钢铁T业基地的条件是 ? 。(3分) (2)张家口发展钢铁工业对京津地区环境的影响是 ? 。(2分) (3)分析河北省发展钢铁工业的利弊。 利 ? 。 弊 ? 。(4分) (4)河北省钢铁工业可持续发展的途径是 ? 。(4分) 【答案】(13分) (1)煤、铁资源丰富 市场广阔 交通便利 工业基础好(任答3点) (2)位于冬季风的上风向,易造成京津地区大气污染 位于水源地的上游,易造成京津地区水源污染 (3)促进区域经济发展 增加就业机会 带动相关产业发展(任答2点);加剧水资源短缺 造成环境污染和生态破坏 加大能源、交通压力(任答2点) (4)调整钢铁工业布局 加大科技投入 优化钢铁产业结构(延长产业链,提高产品附加值) 加强环境保护 【解析】 试题分析: (1)读图结合所学知识可以看出河北省发展钢铁工业有丰富的煤、铁资源,邻近京津唐地区,市场广阔,铁路网密集,交通便利,工业发展历史悠久,工业基础好. four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, (2)读图可以看出张家口与京津二市的地理位置关系,张家口位于冬季风的上风向,发展钢铁工业易造成京津地区大气污染,从水系图来看,张家口位于水源地,河流的上游,易造成京津地区水源污染。 (3)河北省发展钢铁工业可以带动相关产业发展,促进区域经济发展,增加就业机会,但是钢铁工业生产过程中燃烧大量的煤炭,耗费大量的水资源,排放大量的废气、废水、废渣,加剧水资源短缺,造成环境污染和生态破坏,加大能源、交通运输压力. (4)河北省可以通过调整钢铁工业布局,加强环境保护,减少对环境的污染,加大科技投入,提高资源、能源利用率,优化钢铁产业结构,延长产业链,提高产品附加值,继而可以走上可持续发展之路. 【考点定位】本题主要考查工业区位因素,工业生产对地理环境的影响,可持续发展之路。 【名师点睛】本题以河北钢铁工业为背景材料,具体考查钢铁工业区位因素,钢铁工业生产对地理环境的影响,和钢铁工业的可持续发展之路。第一小题具体考查工业区位,分析时要全盘考虑,抓住重点,结合河北省的周边区位环境;第二小题考查区域间工业生产对地理环境的影响,解答该题首先要考虑钢铁工业的污染类型,充分考虑张家口和北京、天津之间的风向关系,水源上下游关系;第四小题具体考查工业可持续发展之路,分析时应从资源、技术、产业布局、产业结构几个方面分析。 (2015•四川卷)13、(30分)阅读材料,回答下列问题 材料一“蓉欧快铁”货运直达列车于2013年4月26日开始运行。“快铁”线路西端的欧洲中部地区有世界著名的传统工业区,钢铁、汽车制造工业历史悠久;东端的成都平原地区有国家级高新技术产业开发区,电子工业、汽车工业发展较快,两端广阔的货物集散区域经济互补性强。 材料二“蓉欧快铁”运行线路图(图6),甲区域等高线地形图(图7) (1)川企产品利用“蓉欧快铁”出口,请分别指出其相对航空运输、海洋运输的突出优点。(6分) (2)据图7,描述图6中甲区域的地形特征。(6分) (3)据图示信息,分析“蓉欧快铁”运行沿线可能发生的主要自然灾害。(12分) (4)一列装有服装鞋帽、家用电器、个人电脑的“蓉欧快铁”奔驰在途中,判断列车的运行方向,并结合汽车生产条件,分析该列车终到站所在地区汽车生产的区位优势。(6分) 【答案】 (1)(6分)比航空运输费用低(2分),运量大(2分);比海洋运输时间短(2分)。 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, (2)(6分)高原、山地为主(2分);高原分布在西南(南)部和东北(北)部,山地主要分布在中部(2分);地势起伏大,西南(南)高,东北(北)低(2分)。 (3)(12分)较高纬度地区,冬季气候寒冷(2分),多暴风雪(2分);内陆地区,气候干旱(2分),多风沙(2分);季风气候的山区,夏、秋季节多暴雨(2分),易发生滑坡、泥石流(2分)。[来源:学*科*网] (4)(6分)自东向西(2分)。欧洲中部地区有传统工业区,原材料丰富,协作条件好( 2分);汽车制造历史悠久,技术水平高,资金雄厚(2分)。 【解析】 试题分析: (1)根据所学的交通运输方式的特点,铁路运输比航空运输的运量大,费用低。比海洋运输的速度快,用时间短。 (2)根据图7中的海拔高度分析,该地地形以高原、山地为主。结合图中经纬网判断,在西南部和东北部,等高线较稀疏,是高原分布区。山地主要分布在中部地区,地势起伏大,西南高,东北低。 (3)读图,“蓉欧快铁”运行沿线经过较高纬度地区,冬季气候寒冷,多暴风雪。经过内陆地区,气候干旱,多风沙天气。经过季风气候区的山区,夏、秋季节多暴雨,易发生滑坡、泥石流灾害。 (4)根据材料,服装鞋帽、家用电器、个人电脑等产品附加值较低,主要在我国生产,销往欧洲。所以列车行驶方向是自东向西。欧洲中部地区有传统工业区,原材料丰富,协作条件好。该列车终到站所在地区位于欧洲国家,汽车制造历史悠久,技术水平高,资金雄厚,有利于资金生产发展。 【考点定位】本题考查现代主要交通方式特征比较,区域主要自然特征及灾害类型,区域经济发展条件。 【名师点睛】 掌握现代交通运输方式的类型、特点,根据不同需求选择合适的出行方式。能够运用题目中的材料、图文信息,分析区域的自然环境特征。回答地形特征要从地形类型和地势特征两方面描述。影响现代交通线路修建的因素,主要考虑山区修路的困难,崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等。工业发展的优势主要从原料、技术、资金、基础设施、区域协作条件等方面分析。 (十七)(2015•上海卷地理)在全球化和产业重组的过程中,长三角地区制造业扩散趋势越来越明显。读图文资料,回答问题。(16分) 地理研究中常常用某一区域内某行业的就业人口密度(即某单位面积中某一行业就业人口的多少)来衡量该行业在该地区的集聚程度。就业密度的变化可以反映行业的集聚和扩散趋势。four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 41.由图甲可见,与2000年相比,2009年上海的黑色金属冶炼业就业入口密度大幅下降,而长三角其他地区密度仍然很低。这主要是因为该行业属高耗能的资源密集型制造业,在上海产业调整中,部分产能被淘汰或转移。长三角其他地区由于矿产资湖、能源匮乏,该行业—直不是重点发展行业。据此,以2000年为基准,分别分析纺织服装、鞋帽制造业和电子通讯设备制造业2009年就业人口密度的空间变化及主要原因。(12分) 42.归纳2000年到2009年上海制造业结构调整的基本策略,并评价其合理性;(4分) 【答案】 41、由图乙可见,与2000年相比,2009年长三角纺织服装鞋帽制造业就业密度均增加,除上海外,还出现了两个就业密度较高的中心区域(2分)。因为上海交通便捷,人口密集,市场大,可以继续作为该类制造业的中心(2分)。而长三角其他地区劳动力成本、地价较低,具备承接产能转移的优势,尤其是原来轻纺业基础条件较好的地区,发展更快(2分)。 由图丙可见,与2000年相比,2009年上海作为电子通讯设备制造业中心,其就业密度继续上升,同时在邻近地区又出现了另外两个高密度就业中心区域(2分)。因为上海交通便捷,科技水平较高,有利于该类制造业发展(2分)。而紧邻上海市区的长三角其他地区商务成本较低,且可以共享上海的交通、科技等资源,能够承接该行业的产能转移(2分)。 42、基本策略:淘汰和转移高耗能资源密集型制造业,继续保持与发展技术密集型制造业和劳动密集型制造业。(2分) 合理性评价:这种结构调整既充分发挥上海的技术市场、交通、劳动力资源的综合优势;也为当地众多劳动力保留就业机会,保护生态环境。这符合上海社会、生态、人口和经济协调发展的战略要求。(2分) 【解析】 试题分析: four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 41、本题在题干中已经给出了回答问题的方法,首先观察并描述该产业就业人口密度的变化,然后根据当地自然和社会经济条件分析对该产业的影响,进而去解释该产业就业人口密度的变化。由图乙可见,与2000年相比,2009年长三角纺织服装鞋帽制造业就业密度均增加,除上海外,还出现了两个就业密度较高的中心区域。因为上海交通便捷,人口密集,市场大,可以继续作为这类制造业的中心。而长三角其他地区劳动力成本、地价较低,具备承接产能转移的优势,尤其是原来轻纺业基础条件较好的的地区,发展更快。由图丙可见,与2000年相比,2009年上海作为电子通信设备制造业中心,其就业密度继续上升,同时在临近地区又出现了另外两个高密度就业中心区域。因为上海交通便捷,科技水平高,有利于该类制造业发展。而紧邻上海市的长三角其他地区商务成本较低,且可以共享上海的交通、科技等资源,能够承接该类行业的产能转移。 42、由黑色金属冶炼业)高耗能、高耗资源、高污染的资源密集型工业)及纺织服装等工业(劳动力密集型工业)、电子通信制造业(技术密集型工业)的就业人口密度变化,可推测上海此时间段淘汰和转移高耗能资源密集型制造业,继续保持与发展技术密集型制造业和劳动密集型制造业。从这三类产业的特征结合当地影响工业的区位因素入手,分析这种产业结构的调整的好处。这种结构调整既充分发挥上海的技术市场、交通、劳动力资源的综合优势;也为当地众多劳动力保留就业机会,保护生态环境。这符合上海社会、生态、人口和经济协调发展的战略要求。 考点:产业结构调整。 【名师点睛】该题结合在全球化和产业重组的过程中,长三角地区制造业扩散趋势越来越明显的现象,以上海市不同行业的就业人口密度图为材料,考查区域产业结构调整和经济可持续发展。 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials,
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