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2018年可锐考研英语阅读文章精选可锐教育官网 2018年可锐考研英语阅读文章精选(九) The view from the top, and bottom 老板与员工的意见分歧 Bosses think their firms are caring. Their minions disagree. 老板们认为公司对员工关怀备至,但其下属却不以为然。 AS WALMART grew into the world s largest retailer, its staff were subjected to a long list of...

可锐教育官网 2018年可锐考研英语阅读文章精选(九) The view from the top, and bottom 老板与员工的意见分歧 Bosses think their firms are caring. Their minions disagree. 老板们认为公司对员工关怀备至,但其下属却不以为然。 AS WALMART grew into the world s largest retailer, its staff were subjected to a long list ofdos and don ts covering every aspect of their work. 随着沃尔玛发展成为全球最大零售商,其员工在工作的各方各面都受到了一大堆规则的限制。 Now the firm has decided that its rules-based culture is too inflexible to cope with thechallenges of globalisation and technological change, 如今,沃尔玛已经认识到其以规则为基础的公司文化过于死板,无法应对全球化和科技变革所带来的挑战。 and is trying to instil a values-based culture, in which employees can be trusted to do theright thing because they know what the firm stands for. 所以,沃尔玛正尝试逐渐培养一种以价值观为基础的公司文化,在这种文化中,员工了解公司的主张,所以能够得到公司的信任,去做他们认为正确的事情。 Values is the latest hot topic in management thinking. 价值观念是管理学思维最新的热门话 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 PepsiCo has started preaching a creed of performance with purpose . 百事可乐公司已开始宣扬一个信条:目的性绩效。 Chevron, an oil firm, brands itself as a purveyor of human energy , though presumably itdoes not really want you to travel by rickshaw. 石油公司雪佛龙在自己的商标上印上‘人类体能的供应商的字样,尽管它大概并非真的希望你用人力车代步。 Nearly every big firm claims to be building a more caring and ethical culture. 几乎每一家大型企业都宣称自身正在发展更为关怀体贴、合乎道德的企业文化。 A new study suggests there is less to this than it says on the label. 一项新的研究显示,实际情况与商家们所标榜的有差距。 Commissioned by Dov Seidman, boss of LRN, a firm that advises on corporate culture, andauthor of How , LRN的老板、同时也是《怎么做到的?》 a book arguing that the way firms do business matters as much as what they do, andconducted by the Boston Research Group, the National Governance, Culture and LeadershipAssessment is based on a survey of thousands of American employees, from every rung ofthe corporate ladder. 的作者多弗?塞德曼委托波士顿研究集团进行这项国家治理、文化和领导能力评估的研究,该研究是以对来自公司各个级别的数千位美国雇员的调查为基础的。 It found that 43% of those surveyed described their company s culture as based oncommand-and-control, top-down management or leadership by coercion—what MrSeidman calls blind obedience . 研究发现,有43%的调查对象对其公司的文化有以下描述:以命令和指挥为基础、自上而下的管理模式或强制式的领导——塞德曼先生称之为盲目服从型。 The largest category, 54%, saw their employer s culture as top-down, but with skilledleadership, lots of rules and a mix of carrots and sticks, which Mr Seidman calls informedacquiescence . 所占百分比最多的调查对象,即有54%的人认为其公司文化自上而下型的,但公司的领导也有技巧可言,只是规则繁多并存在软硬兼施的手段,塞德曼先生称这种为知情服从型。 Only 3% fell into the category of self-governance , in which everyone is guided by a set ofcore principles and values that inspire everyone to align around a company s mission . 只有3%的调查对象属于自我管理型,即每个员工都被一套核心 原则 组织架构调整原则组织架构设计原则组织架构设置原则财政预算编制原则问卷调查设计原则 和价值所引导,这套原则和价值激励每个员工以公司的宗旨为中心进行工作。 The study found evidence that such differences matter. 研究也发现一些证据, 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 这些公司文化之间的差异事关重大。 Nearly half of those in blind-obedience companies said they had observed unethicalbehaviour in the previous year, compared with around a quarter in the other sorts of firm. 在盲目服从型企业中,几乎有过半数员工都称在前一年目睹过有违职业道德的行为,而在其他类型的企业中只有四分之一的员工有此经历。 Yet only a quarter of those in the blind-obedience firms said they were likely to blow thewhistle, compared with over 90% in self-governing firms. 但是,在盲目服从型企业中只有约四分之一的员工说他们可能会揭发这种行为,而在自我管理型企业中却有90%的员工会进行揭发。 Lack of trust may inhibit innovation, too. 同样,上下级之间缺乏信任会抑制员工创新。 More than 90% of employees in self-governing firms, and two-thirds in the informed-acquiescence category, agreed that good ideas are readily adopted by my company . 自我管理型公司中超过90%的员工承认绝妙的想法很容易会被公司采纳,选择性顺从型公司中也有三分之二的员工这样认为。 At blind-obedience firms, fewer than one in five did. 而在盲目服从型公司中,持这种想法的人少于五分之一。 Tragicomically, the study found that bosses often believe their own guff, even if theirunderlings do not. 令人哭笑不得的是,研究还发现老板们时常对自己瞎掰的那一套信以为真,即便员工们不以为然。 Bosses are eight times more likely than the average to believe that their organisation is self-governing. 老板们相信其公司是自我管理型公司的程度比普通员工高八倍。 Some 27% of bosses believe their employees are inspired by their firm. 大约27%的老板认为自己公司的员工能够被公司所激励。 Alas, only 4% of employees agree. 奈何,只有4%的员工同意此说。 Likewise, 41% of bosses say their firm rewards performance based on values rather thanmerely on financial results. 同样,41%的老板称其公司对绩效的奖励是建基于价值观之上的,而不仅是业绩。 Only 14% of employees swallow this. 然而只有14%的员工接受此说。 二. A big, bad business 点肥成金不现实 Medical firms struggle to profit from weight-loss treatments 制药公司试图从减肥治疗中获利 OBESITY is an epidemic to some and an opportunity to others. 肥胖症对某些人来说是传染病,对别的一些人来说则是机遇。 More than two-thirds of Americans are overweight. 超过三分之二的美国人已经超重。 Find a way to battle the bulge and a huge profit might be made. 找个办法和肥胖对抗,说必定就此大赚一笔。 On February 22nd one pharmaceutical firm, Vivus, took a small step towards this goal. 找个办法和肥胖对抗,说必定就此大赚一笔。 A committee advising America s Food and Drug Administration recommended that itapprove Vivus s diet drug, Qnexa. 2月22日,Vivus制药公司朝着这个目标前进了一步。给美国食品药物管理局做咨询的一家委员会推荐,Vivus公司的减肥药Qnexa。 However, the pill s long-awaited final approval may not come until April, if at all. 但是,如果获得批准,该药品的漫长的最终肯定直到四月份才会到来。 The announcement mostly served as a reminder of what a struggle it is to turn fat intogold. 公告主要是提醒人们,这是一场点肥成金的抗争。 Pharmaceutical and medical-device companies are quite good at treating the conditions thatcome with obesity. 制药和医疗器械公司非常善于解决肥胖带来的问题。 However, they are dismal at helping consumers lose weight. 但是他们无法帮助消费者战胜肥胖本身,减少体重。 This is not for lack of trying. 这不是因为缺乏尝试。 Take the curious case of the gastric band. 以古怪的胃部束带为例。 Bariatric surgery can lead to weight loss in the long term. Hospitals can make money fromall bariatric procedures, including gastric bypasses , but the gastric band is a rareexample of an opportunity for device-makers to profit from weight loss. 肥胖治疗手术可以帮助患者在较长的时间内减少体重。医院就是从这些减肥疗程中赚钱,包括胃绕道手术,但是胃部束带却是一个罕见的例子,被当成一个器械制造商用来从减肥中赚钱的法子。 Allergan, best known for selling Botox, has tried to use its Lap-Band to tap the obesitymarket. Allergan公司以销售肉毒杆菌而出名,尝试用产品Lap-Band打入减肥市场。 It is an inflatable loop which the surgeon fits near the top of the stomach, which helps thepatient feel sated earlier. Lap-Band是一圈松紧带,外科医生可以用它绕住患者胃的上部,这样患者会提前有腹饱感。 Allergan has captured about 70% of the worldwide market for gastric bands and balloons, butsales are now shrinking. Allergan公司在全球胃部束带和充气袋市场占有率达70%,但是如今销量却有所下降。 The recession has sapped consumers desire for expensive surgery. 经济不景气让消费者忍住做昂贵的手术的欲望。 Some patients have had bands removed because they slipped or proved ineffective. 有些病人甚至连束带也不用了,因为束带打滑或者没有效果。 Last year the FDA approved the Lap-Band s use in patients who are only slightly overweight,but insurers have refused to pay. 去年,美国食品药物管理局同意,微超重病人使用Lap-Band,但是保险公司却拒绝付款。 In January David Pyott, Allergan s chief executive, said he would scrap an effort to marketthe band for teenagers. 一月份,Allergan公司首席执行官David Pyott说,他将放弃在年轻人束带市场的努力。 He is now trying to convince insurers of Lap-Band s merits, arguing that the $20,000surgery is recouped in saved medical costs within four years. 他目前试图让保险公司也看到Lap-Band的优点,他认为两万美元手术费可以在四年之内通过减少医疗支出收回。 There is some scepticism about his chances of success: The fact that banding is not as goodas bypass has been known by everybody except the PR firms for the band, says LeeKaplan, director of the Weight Centre at Massachusetts General Hospital. 至今仍有人怀疑他是否能成功:“事实上使用束带不必胃绕道手术好,所有人都知道,除了束带的公关公司,”马萨诸塞州中心医院体重中心主任Lee Kaplan如是说。 Drug companies have had even more trouble than device-makers. 制药公司的麻烦甚至比医疗器械公司的还要多。 It has been 13 years since the FDA approved a prescription diet pill. 从美国食品药物管理局批准减肥药为处方药到如今已经过了十三年。 That drug, Roche s Xenical, has notorious gastrointestinal side-effects. 瑞士罗氏制药公司的Xenical臭名昭著,该药会引发胃肠功能的副作用。 The FDA rejected Vivus s Qnexa in 2010 over concerns for the safety of pregnant women andthe quickening of patients heart rates. 美国食品药物管理局于2010年拒绝批准Vivus公司的Qnexa,因为担心该药对孕妇的安全造成伤害,担心该药会加快患者的心率。 Vivus s new data apparently satisfied the FDA s advisory committee. Vivus公司新的数据显然让管理局的咨询委员会满意。 However, the agency may yet reject the drug. 但是该局还是可能拒绝批准该药。 Even if Qnexa is approved, it is unclear that patients will buy it. 就算Qnexa获得批准,患者会不会买账仍不明了。 Qnexa combines two treatments that are already on the market. Qnexa结合了两种市面上上有的疗效。 Both medicines are generic, which means that doctors may prescribe the existing drugsrather than Qnexa s more expensive version. 这两种药物都是非专利药,这说明医生可能会给患者开已有的药而不选择Qnexa,后者更贵。 For now, it is more profitable to treat fat patients than to try to make them slim. 到目前为止,治疗肥胖患者还是要比让他们减肥更有利可图。
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