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组态王软件简易升降梯三层控制组态王软件简易升降梯三层控制 实训项目4:简易升降梯控制系统制作 4.1实训题目 简易升降梯控制系统制作 4.2实训任务 建立一个简易升降梯控制系统。 1、 当升降机停于一层或二层时,按三层按钮呼叫,则升降机上升至LS3停止。 2、当升降机停于三层或二层时,按一层按钮呼叫,则升降机下降至LS1停止。 3、当升降机停于一层时,按二层按钮呼叫,则升降机上升至LS2停止。 4、当升降机停于三层时,按二层按钮呼叫,则升降机下降至LS2停止。 5、当升降机停于一层,而二层、三层按钮均有人呼叫时,升降机上升至LS2...

组态王软件简易升降梯三层控制 实训项目4:简易升降梯控制系统制作 4.1实训题目 简易升降梯控制系统制作 4.2实训任务 建立一个简易升降梯控制系统。 1、 当升降机停于一层或二层时,按三层按钮呼叫,则升降机上升至LS3停止。 2、当升降机停于三层或二层时,按一层按钮呼叫,则升降机下降至LS1停止。 3、当升降机停于一层时,按二层按钮呼叫,则升降机上升至LS2停止。 4、当升降机停于三层时,按二层按钮呼叫,则升降机下降至LS2停止。 5、当升降机停于一层,而二层、三层按钮均有人呼叫时,升降机上升至LS2时,在LS2暂停10s后,继续上升至LS3停止。 6、当升降机停于三层,而一层,二层按钮均有人呼叫时,升降机下降至LS2时,在LS2暂停10s后,继续下降至LS1停止。 7、当升降机上升或下降途中,任何反方向的按钮呼叫均无效。 图4.1 系统界面 4.3实训步骤 4.3.1新建一个 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 组态王工程管理器的主要作用是为用户集中管理本机上的组态王工程。工程管理器的主要功能包括:新建、删除工程,对工程重命名,搜索组态王工程,修改工程属性,工程的备份、恢复,数据词典的导入导出,切换到组态王开发或运行环境等。 1、在工程管理器中选择菜单“文件/新建工程”,或者点击工具栏的“新建”按钮,出现“新建工程向导之一” 对话框。 2、单击“下一步”,弹出“新建工程向导之二”对话框,选择所要新建的工程存储的路径。一般是d:\个人名字 3、单击 按钮,弹出“新建工程向导之三”对话框,在对话框中输入工程名称:“我的工程1”,在工程描述中输入:“反应车间监控中心” 4、单击“完成”。 5、弹出对话框,选择“是”按钮,将新建工程设为组态王当前工程。 4.3.2 整体效果 新建画面的方法:单击工程浏览器左边“工程目录显示区”中“画面”项,右面“目录内容显示区”中显示“新建”图标,鼠标双击该图标,弹出“新画面”对话框。 图形制作:简易升降梯控制系统(简易电梯绘制、六个指示灯、六个按钮) 4.3.3构造数据库变量 在工程浏览器中左边的目录树中选择“数据词典”项,右侧的内容显示区会显示当前工程中所定义的变量。双击“新建”图标,弹出“定义变量”属性对话框。组态王的变量属性由基本属性、报警配置、记录配置三个属性页组成。 需要定义的变量有: 表4.1 变量表 输入 对象 类型 说明 一层按钮(SB1) 内存离散 一层是否呼叫 二层按钮(SB2) 内存离散 二层是否呼叫 三层按钮(SB3) 内存离散 三层是否呼叫 一层限位开关(LS1) 内存离散 电梯是否到一层 二层限位开关(LS2) 内存离散 电梯是否到二层 三层限位开关(LS3) 内存离散 电梯是否到三层 一层指示灯(HL1) 内存离散 控制指示灯开关 二层指示灯(HL2) 内存离散 控制指示灯开关 三层指示灯(HL3) 内存离散 控制指示灯开关 上升(M1) 内存离散 控制电梯是否上升 insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 下降(M2) 内存离散 控制电梯是否下降 TWO 内存离散 两个按钮都按下标志 ZHV1 内存离散 定时器状态信号 ZHV2 内存离散 定时器启动复位 ZHV3 内存计数 定时器计数 一层按钮变量定义 1、在工程浏览器的左侧选择“数据词典”,在右侧双击“新建”,弹出“变量属性” 对话框。 2、 对话框设置为: 图4.2 一层按钮变量定义 变量名:“SB1” 变量类型:内存离散 描述:一层按钮 初始值:关 3、设置完成后,单击“确定” 4、同样的方法定义其它的按钮、指示灯、限位开关变量。 定义变量M1、M2 1、在工程浏览器的左侧选择“数据词典”,在右侧双击“新建”,弹出“变量属性” 对话框。 2、对话框设置为: insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 图4.3 变量M1的定义 变量名:“M1” 变量类型:内存离散 描述:控制电梯是否上升 初始值:关 3、设置完成后,单击“确定” 4、同样的方法变量M2。 计数器变量定义 1、在工程浏览器的左侧选择“数据词典”,在右侧双击“新建”,弹出“变量属性”对 话框。 2、对话框设置为: 图4.4 定时器状态变量的定义 insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 变量名:“ZHV1” 变量类型:内存离散 描述:定时器状态信号 初始值:关 3、设置完成后,单击“确定” 4、同样的方法定义定时器的其它变量 注意:变量名“ZHV3”,变量类型“内存实数”。 变量TWO定义 变量TWO对话框定义: 图4.5 变量TWO定义 4.3.4动画连接 本项目中需要制作动画效果的部分包括: 1、每层楼的按钮、指示灯、限位开关。 、电梯的升降,以及相应的箭头指示。 2每层楼的按钮、指示灯、限位开关的动画连接 1、在画面上双击图形对象“一层呼叫”,弹出该对象的动画连接对话框。 2、对话框属性设置, insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 图4.6 一层呼叫的动画连接 3、单击“确定”按钮,完成一层呼叫的动画连接。这样建立连接后,变量“SB1”的变化就通过一层呼叫按钮表示出来。 4、用同样的方法设置其它按钮、指示灯和限位开关的动画连接。电梯的升降 1、在画面上双击图形对象“电梯”,弹出该对象的动画连接对话框。 2、单击“垂直移动”,弹出对话框,属性设置, 图4.7 电梯升降动画连接 3、单击“确定”按钮,完成电梯的动画连接。这样建立连接后,变量“电梯”的变化就通过电梯的上升下降表示出来。相应的箭头指示 1、在画面上双击图形对象“向上指示箭头”,弹出该对象的动画连接对话框。 2、单击“填充属性”,弹出对话框,属性设置, insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 图4.8 向上指示箭头动画连接 3、单击“确定”按钮,完成向上指示箭头的动画连接。这样建立连接后,变量“M1”的变 化就通过向上指示箭头的填充颜色的变化表示出来。 4、同样的方法完成向下指示箭头的动画连接。 4.3.5后台语言 //*******呼叫,灯亮******* if(\\本站点\SB1==1) {\\本站点\HL1=1;} if(\\本站点\SB2==1) {\\本站点\HL2=1;} if(\\本站点\SB3==1) {\\本站点\HL3=1;} //*******定时器定义******* if(\\本站点\ZHV2==1) {\\本站点\ZHV3=\\本站点\ZHV3+1; if(\\本站点\ZHV3>=10) {\\本站点\ZHV3=10; \\本站点\ZHV1=1;} } if(\\本站点\ZHV2==0 ) {\\本站点\ZHV3=0; \\本站点\ZHV1=0;} insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless //*******电梯停在某层,该层的按钮复位******* if(\\本站点\LS1==1){\\本站点\SB1=0;} if(\\本站点\LS2==1){\\本站点\SB2=0;} if(\\本站点\LS3==1){\\本站点\SB3=0;} //*******(1)升降机停止于一层或二层,三层呼叫****** if(\\本站点\电梯<=340 && HL3==1 && HL2==0 && HL1==0 &&\\本站点\TWO==0) { \\本站点\M1=1; \\本站点\电梯=\\本站点\电梯+5; if(\\本站点\LS1==1) {\\本站点\LS1=0;} if(\\本站点\LS2==1) {\\本站点\LS2=0;} if(\\本站点\电梯>=340) {\\本站点\电梯=340; \\本站点\LS3=1;} if(\\本站点\LS3==1) {\\本站点\M1=0; \\本站点\HL3=0;}} //*****(2)升降机停于三层或二层,一层呼叫***** if(\\本站点\电梯>=0 && HL3==0 && HL2==0 && HL1==1 &&\\本站点\TWO==0) {\\本站点\M2=1; \\本站点\电梯=\\本站点\电梯-5; if(\\本站点\LS3==1) {\\本站点\LS3=0;} if(\\本站点\LS2==1) {\\本站点\LS2=0;} if(\\本站点\电梯<=0) {\\本站点\电梯=0; \\本站点\LS1=1;} if(\\本站点\LS1==1) insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless {\\本站点\M2=0; \\本站点\HL1=0;}} //*****(3)升降机停于一层,二层呼叫******** if(\\本站点\电梯<=170 && HL3==0 && HL2==1 && HL1==0) { \\本站点\M1=1; \\本站点\电梯=\\本站点\电梯+5; \\本站点\LS1=0; if(\\本站点\电梯>=170) {\\本站点\电梯=170; \\本站点\LS2=1;} if(\\本站点\LS2==1) {\\本站点\M1=0; \\本站点\HL2=0;}} //******(4)升降机停于三层,二层呼叫******** if(\\本站点\电梯>=170 && HL3==0 && HL2==1 && HL1==0) { \\本站点\M2=1; \\本站点\电梯=\\本站点\电梯-5; \\本站点\LS3=0; if(\\本站点\电梯<=170) {\\本站点\电梯=170; \\本站点\LS2=1;} if(\\本站点\LS2==1) {\\本站点\M2=0; \\本站点\HL2=0;}} //*****(5)升降机停于一层,二层 三层呼叫******* if(\\本站点\电梯<=170 &&HL3==1 &&HL2==1 &&HL1==0) { \\本站点\TWO=1; \\本站点\M1=1; insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless \\本站点\电梯=\\本站点\电梯+5; \\本站点\LS1=0; if(\\本站点\电梯>=170) {\\本站点\电梯=170; \\本站点\LS2=1;} if(\\本站点\LS2==1) { \\本站点\HL2=0; \\本站点\ZHV2=1; }} if(\\本站点\ZHV1==1 && \\本站点\HL3==1) { \\本站点\电梯=\\本站点\电梯+5; \\本站点\LS2=0; if(\\本站点\电梯>=340) {\\本站点\电梯=340; \\本站点\LS3=1;} if(\\本站点\LS3==1) {\\本站点\M1=0; \\本站点\ZHV2=0; \\本站点\HL3=0; \\本站点\TWO=0;}} //****(6)升降机停于三层,一、二层呼叫******* if(\\本站点\电梯>=170 && HL3==0 && HL2==1 && HL1==1) { \\本站点\TWO=1; \\本站点\M2=1; \\本站点\电梯=\\本站点\电梯-5; \\本站点\LS3=0; if(\\本站点\电梯<=170) {\\本站点\电梯=170; \\本站点\LS2=1;} if(\\本站点\LS2==1) insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless { \\本站点\HL2=0; \\本站点\ZHV2=1;}} if(\\本站点\ZHV1==1 && \\本站点\HL1==1 ) { \\本站点\电梯=\\本站点\电梯-5; \\本站点\LS2=0; if(\\本站点\电梯<=0) {\\本站点\电梯=0; \\本站点\LS1=1;} if(\\本站点\LS1==1) {\\本站点\M2=0; \\本站点\HL1=0; \\本站点\ZHV2=0; \\本站点\TWO=0;}} //****(7)运行中,反方向呼叫无效**** if(\\本站点\M1==1 &&\\本站点\电梯 >0) {\\本站点\HL1=0; \\本站点\SB1=0;} if(\\本站点\M1==1 &&\\本站点\电梯 >170) {\\本站点\HL2=0; \\本站点\SB2=0;} if(\\本站点\M2==1 &&\\本站点\电梯<340) {\\本站点\HL3=0; \\本站点\SB3=0;} if(\\本站点\M2==1 &&\\本站点\电梯<170) {\\本站点\HL2=0; \\本站点\SB2=0;} 4.3.6运行和调试 insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless 4.4评分表 总得分: 分值 得分 序号 评分项 考核要求 界面设计 符合设计要求、整齐美观 1 30 2 变量的定义 准确定义变量及其属性 20 控制程序编写 实现控制要求,准确简洁 3 30 整体效果 整个系统界面美观、运行准确可靠 4 10 5 其它 系统安全性设置 10 insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of fasteners of stainless
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