首页 我愿意是急流-裴多菲(中英文对照)



我愿意是急流-裴多菲(中英文对照)我愿意是急流-裴多菲(中英文对照) 我愿意是急流-裴多菲 我愿意是急流, 山里的小河, 在崎岖的山路上 岩石上经过…… 只要我的爱人 是一条小鱼, 在我的浪花中 快乐地游来游去。 我愿意是荒林, 在河流的两岸, 对一阵阵的狂风, 勇敢地作战…… 只要我的爱人 是一只小鸟 在我的稠密的 树枝间做窠 鸣叫。 我愿意是废墟, 在峻峭的山岩上, 这静默的毁灭 并不使我懊丧…… 只要我的爱人 是青青的常春藤, 沿着我荒凉的额, 亲密地攀援上升。 我愿意是草屋, 在深深的山谷底, 草屋的顶上 饱受风雨的...

我愿意是急流-裴多菲(中英文对照) 我愿意是急流-裴多菲 我愿意是急流, 山里的小河, 在崎岖的山路上 岩石上经过…… 只要我的爱人 是一条小鱼, 在我的浪花中 快乐地游来游去。 我愿意是荒林, 在河流的两岸, 对一阵阵的狂风, 勇敢地作战…… 只要我的爱人 是一只小鸟 在我的稠密的 树枝间做窠 鸣叫。 我愿意是废墟, 在峻峭的山岩上, 这静默的毁灭 并不使我懊丧…… 只要我的爱人 是青青的常春藤, 沿着我荒凉的额, 亲密地攀援上升。 我愿意是草屋, 在深深的山谷底, 草屋的顶上 饱受风雨的打击…… 只要我的爱人 是可爱的火焰, 在我的炉子里, 愉快地缓缓闪现。 我愿意是云朵, 是灰色的破旗, 在广漠的空中 懒懒得飘来荡去, 只要我的爱人 是珊瑚似的夕阳, 傍着我苍白的脸, 显出鲜艳的辉煌。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along I am willing that it is a torrent -- Pet?fi Sándor I am willing that it is a torrent , the river in the mountain, pass the rock on the rugged mountain path Only my spouse It is a small fish, swim happily in my spray. I willing neglect woods, two sides in river, to a burst of blast, Fight bravely Only my spouse It is a bird Dense in mine Make the nest among the branch Pipe. I am willing that it is the ruins, on high and steep mountain and rock, this ruin mourned in silence does not make me dejected Only my spouse It is the blue and green blue and green Chinese ivy, along my bleak and desolate volume, climb up by holding on to and rise on intimate terms with each otherly. I am willing that it is the thatched cottage, in the deep mountain valley bottom, endure the strike of the trials and hardship to the fullest extent on the top of the thatched cottage Only my spouse It is the lovely flame, in my stove, flash slowly happily . I am willing that it is a cloud, it is the grey breaking the flag, swing too lazy to feel like floatingly in the vast sky , Only my spouse Coral's the setting sun, draw near me pale face and show bright-colored brilliance —1849)是匈牙利伟大的革命诗人,也是匈牙利民族文学的奠基人。裴多菲?山陀尔(1823 他写过很多著名的诗歌,并被大众广泛流传有抒情诗《民族之歌》、《我的歌》、《一个念头在 烦恼着我》、《自由与爱情》、《我愿意是急流》、《把国王吊上绞架》等等;最著名的叙事诗 有 《农村的大锤》、《雅诺什勇士》和《使徒》。 这首诗歌写于诗人与尤丽亚热恋时期,是一首向自己所爱的恋人表白爱情的诗。 全诗清新、自然,毫无做作之感。诗人裴多菲调动起全身爱的细胞,点燃起了激情与真爱的火 焰,大声向全世界宣告着他的爱的誓言,可谓情真意切,令人扼腕感动。这首诗没有空泛直白的抒发作者 的爱意,而是通过一系列鲜活的意象来排列递进,营造了一个情感回旋的天地。作者借用的景物层出多变, 每个诗节的结构安排也有一定的特色。全诗把我以“急流”、“荒林”、“废墟”、“草 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 屋”、“云朵”、“破旗”来自喻,这些事物都是朴实的纯真的客观存在物;而“心爱的人”则是“小鱼”、“小鸟”、“常春藤”、“火焰”、“夕阳”的化身,这些事物都是可爱的,柔美的事物。两者的结合是自然的结合。通篇用“我愿意是-----/只要我的爱人------”式结构回环连接,意象对比排列,其间又含暗喻,诗句一气呵成,给人一种耳目一新的感觉。全诗没有任何华丽的辞藻修饰,没有花前月下的浪漫抒发,没有风花雪夜的柔情温婉,却有一种自然清新的真情表露。 同以往那些用华丽文字和浪漫艺术表现手法的爱情诗说所不同的,作者更注意在细节方面的把握,用简单的形容词,动词来进行语言的点缀。让读者读起来有种更真实更贴近诗歌的感觉。 在第一节中,诗人把自己比喻成"急流",流动在崎岖的山路上,流动在坚硬冰冷的岩石上,因为,自己的爱人是一条"小鱼",自由而活泼的鱼儿,它是多么需要水的滋养呀~所以诗人甘愿让自己经历激流阻挡的危险也要给亲爱的鱼儿带来水的给养。可是“”急流、小河”却要穿越“崎岖的路”和层层“岩石”才能达到亲爱的鱼儿身边,这就如我们的爱情生活一样,在漫长的过程中也许会有重重的艰难险阻,并不会如自己说期望那样一帆风顺。 在第二节中,诗人把自己比喻成"荒林",它为自己所爱的人打造了一个温馨的巢,让自己的爱人在自己稠密的树枝间里无拘无束的飞翔在树枝间呜叫。画面是那样的天真愉悦,甜蜜怡人~而那同“一阵阵的狂风”作战的“荒林”,也再次强调了在爱情路上是会遭受到的磨难和打击。 在 第三节中,诗人把自己想象是一座城堡的废墟,耸立在高山之巅,即使被轻易毁灭,也并不懊丧„„因为自己的爱人还需要依附在自己的身躯上伸展绿色的臂膀,自由地攀升„„青青的“常青藤”,代表是一种永恒的美丽;“废墟”本已被遗弃,并正在“静默地毁灭”之中,在此节表明诗人的心志,就是愿为爱情,为心中的她付出一切,哪怕牺牲的再多,也心甘情愿。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 在第四节中,诗人想象自己是深深的山谷底饱受风雨打击的草屋,虽然面对的是凄风苦雨的咆哮,但是作者欣然接受因为但看到自己的爱人可以在屋中温暖安适地存在--作为一团可爱的火焰,愉快而缓缓地闪现在无风无雨的草屋里。作者觉得那就是一种幸福。炉中的“火焰”,爱的火焰,温馨而暖人。爱情路上再大的危险也不能阻挡我们的誓言,我都愿意做你的守护神,永远保护着你,不让你受到危险。 第五节中,诗人更是驰骋想象:如果自己的爱人是珊瑚似的夕阳,那么,自己情愿是"云朵",是"破旗",并且忍受在广漠的空中飘荡的孤寂与疲惫,只为等待那“珊瑚似的夕阳”,欣赏着它的绚烂美丽。 我的爱人”在一起,只要“我的爱不管自身的处境多么险恶,只要同“ 人”能够自由幸福,那么我也能感受到幸福,爱情让我变得勇敢。一组组的博喻,一组组的对比,勾勒出男女主人公的形象:是内心的倾诉,是画意的泼墨,是对真爱的憧憬。 诗歌中流淌着无限的爱意,自然而宁静。“他”对诗歌里的“爱人”呵护备至,宁愿经过崎岖的山岩、宁愿作岸边的荒林、宁愿是毁灭的废墟、宁愿是饱受打击的草屋、宁愿是天空无着落的云朵„„ 全诗语句简洁,格调轻快,看似自然宁静的词句的背后却难掩作者深藏的热情。 在作者的诗歌中验证了 陀思妥耶夫斯基的名言:爱情是无邪的,神圣的。对于作者来说能遇见自己的心上人是自己一生最美好的场景。无论未来是如何艰巨,我们走过的每一步路,无论它们是欢乐的相逢,还是痛苦的别离,但是请你相信,无论是热切的期待,还是深情的追忆,我们所走过的每一天,都是我所珍爱的。只要能和你在一起,我愿意奉献出自己来陪伴你,只要你不离开我。诗人为了爱人去受坎坷,去战斗,去毁灭,去经受打击,去作陪衬的心志。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 读罢诗人的这首诗歌,我想爱情在诗人心中不仅有风花雪月的轻柔甜蜜,也蕴蓄 着为追求而牺牲生命的崇高。 我愿意是树,如果你是树上的花; 我愿意是花,如果你是露水; 我愿意是露水,如果你是阳光„„ 这样我们就能够结合在一起。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along
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