首页 大一计算机考试试题及答案



大一计算机考试试题及答案大一计算机考试试题及答案 计算机能力考试测评 学号:1206014401 姓名:李奇奇 得分:65 .................................................................. 单项选择 微机上广泛使用的Windows XP是______。 A.单用户多任务操作系统 B.多用户多任务操作系统 C.多用户分时操作系统 D.实时操作系统 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 A 【学生答案】 C 微型计算机硬件系统...

大一计算机考试试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 及答案 计算机能力考试测评 学号:1206014401 姓名:李奇奇 得分:65 .................................................................. 单项选择 微机上广泛使用的Windows XP是______。 A.单用户多任务操作系统 B.多用户多任务操作系统 C.多用户分时操作系统 D.实时操作系统 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 A 【学生答案】 C 微型计算机硬件系统的性能主要取决于(). A.内存储器 B.硬磁盘存储器 C.显示适配卡 D.微处理器 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 D 【学生答案】 A 一个字长为6位的无符号二进制数能表示的十进制数值范围是______。 A.1-63 B.1-64 C.0-63 D.0-64 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 C 【学生答案】 B 正确的IP地址是______。 A. medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance B. C. D.202.202.1 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 A 【学生答案】 A 用高级程序 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 语言编写的程序称为______。 A.实用程序 B.源程序 C.用户程序 D.应用程序 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 B 【学生答案】 B 在word中可以建立几乎所有的复杂公式,通过下列哪种方法实现. A.Excel公式 B.执行"插入"菜单的"对象"命令中选择公式编辑器 C.执行"格式"菜单中的"符号"命令 D.执行"插入"菜单中的"符号"命令 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 B 【学生答案】 B 计算机的发展经历了电子管时代、()、集成电路时代和大规模集成电路时代. A.过程控制时代 B.晶体管时代 C.网络时代 D.数据处理时代 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 B 【学生答案】 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance B 与十进制数4625等值的十六进制数为(). A.1121 B.1122 C.1211 D.1221 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 C 【学生答案】 [未答此题] 硬盘在工作时,应特别注意避免(). A.光线直射 B.强烈震荡 C.噪音 D.卫生环境不好 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 B 【学生答案】 B 在Windows 操作系统中,文件名最多可由()个字符组成. A.240 B.256 C.270 D.255 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 D 【学生答案】 B 在Word中,实现"所见即所得"的视图方式是 ( ) A.Web版视图 B.大纲视图 C.普通视图 D.页面视图 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 D 【学生答案】 D 下面关于USB的叙述中,错误的是______。 A.在Windows XP下,使用USB接口连接的外部设备(如移动硬盘、U盘等)不需要驱动程序 B.USB接口的尺寸比并行接口大得多 C.USB具有热插拔与即插即用的功能 D.USB2.0的数据传输率大大高于USB1.1 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 B 【学生答案】 D 关于"任务栏"上的按钮,说法错误的是( ). A.一个最小化了的程序窗口 B.一个正在执行的程序 C.一个快捷方式 D.以上说法都不对 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 D 【学生答案】 B 编译程序的最终目标是______。 A.将源程序编译成目标程序 B.发现源程序中的语法错误 C.改正源程序中的语法错误 D.将某一高级语言程序翻译成另一高级语言程序 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 A 【学生答案】 A 现代计算机中采用二进制数制是因为二进制数的优点是______。 A.容易阅读,不易出错 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance B.代码表示简短,易读 C.物理上容易实现且简单可靠;运算规则简单;适合逻辑运算 D.只有0,1两个符号,容易书写 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 C 【学生答案】 C 计算机对汉字进行处理和存储时使用汉字的______。 A.国标码 B.输入码 C.字形码 D.机内码 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 D 【学生答案】 A 内存中有一小部分用来存储系统的基本信息,CPU对它们只读不写,这部分存储器的英文缩写是 ______。 A.ROM B.RAM C.Cache D.DOS 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 A 【学生答案】 A 全拼或简拼汉字输入法的编码属于______。 A.区位码 B.形声码 C.音码 D.形码 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 C medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 【学生答案】 A 对计算机病毒的防治也应以"预防为主"。下列各项措施中,错误的预防措施是______。 A.将重要数据文件及时备份到移动存储设备上 B.不要随便打开/阅读身份不明的发件人发来的电子邮件 C.在硬盘中再备份一份 D.用杀病毒软件定期检查计算机 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 C 【学生答案】 C 下列说法中,正确的是______。 A.硬盘的存取速度比软盘的存取速度慢 B.软盘驱动器是唯一的外部存储设备 C.软盘片的容量远远小于硬盘的容量 D.优盘的容量远大于硬盘的容量 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 C 【学生答案】 [未答此题] CD-ROM光盘______。 A.能读能写 B.只能写不能读 C.只能读不能写 D.不能读不能写 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 C 【学生答案】 C 下列关于计算机病毒的叙述中,错误的是______。 A.计算机病毒具有传染性 B.反病毒软件必须随着新病毒的出现而升级,提高查、杀病毒的功能 C.计算机病毒是人为制造的、企图破坏计算机功能或计算机数据的一段小程序 D.反病毒软件可以查、杀任何种类的病毒 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 D 【学生答案】 D 第一台计算机是1946年在美国研制的,该机英文缩写名为______。 A.EDVAC B.EDSAC C.MARK-II D.ENIAC 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 D 【学生答案】 B 下列存储器中,CPU能直接访问的是______。 A.内存储器 B.硬盘存储器 C.软盘存储器 D.CD-ROM 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 A 【学生答案】 A 下列叙述中,正确的是______。 A.内存中存放的是当前暂时不用的程序和数据 B.内存中只能存放指令 C.内存中存放的是当前正在执行的程序和所需的数据 D.外存中存放的是当前正在执行的程序和所需的数据 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 C 【学生答案】 [未答此题] 显示器的主要技术指标之一是______。 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance A.亮度 B.对比度 C.分辨率 D.彩色 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 C 【学生答案】 C 组成一个计算机系统的两大部分是______。 A.硬件系统和软件系统 B.主机和外部设备 C.系统软件和应用软件 D.主机和输入/出设备 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 A 【学生答案】 A 十进制数64转换为二进制数为______。 A.1000010 B.1000001 C.1100000 D.1000000 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 D 【学生答案】 B 配置高速缓冲存储器(Cache)是为了解决______。 A.CPU与内存储器之间速度不匹配问题 B.主机与外设之间速度不匹配问题 C.CPU与辅助存储器之间速度不匹配问题 D.内存与辅助存储器之间速度不匹配问题 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 A medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 【学生答案】 A 微机硬件系统中最核心的部件是______。 A.CPU B.输入输出设备 C.内存储器 D.硬盘 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 A 【学生答案】 A 判断 在Excel中当数据源的数据值发生变化时,利用它生成的图表也会自动更新。 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 正确 【学生答案】 错误 不同厂家生产的计算机一定互相不兼容. 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 错误 【学生答案】 错误 因为硬盘的容量比优盘大,所以读写硬盘的速度比读写优盘的速度慢. 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 错误 【学生答案】 错误 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 一台没有软件的计算机,我们称之为"裸机"."裸机"在没 有软件的支持下,不能产生任何动作,不能完成任何功能. 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 正确 【学生答案】 正确 计算机的外部设备主要指的是计算机的输入设备和输出设备. 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 正确 【学生答案】 错误 窗口的大小可以通过鼠标拖动来改变。 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 正确 【学生答案】 错误 计算机可以加工的对象有语言、文字、图形、图像、音乐等。 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 正确 【学生答案】 正确 在Windows 7中,无法更改桌面上"计算机"图标。 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 错误 【学生答案】 正确 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 按下Alt+PrintScreen组合键可以拷贝当前窗口 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 到剪贴板上。 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 错误 正确 【学生答案】 错误 计算机病毒是因为程序长时间运行使内存无法负担而产生的。 【评分报告 得分:1.0 之 1.0 】 【参考答案】 正确 错误 【学生答案】 错误 中英文打字 1996年网络电话引起美国电信公司的注意,他们要求国会禁止该项技术。马来西亚总理MahathirMohamad、巴勒斯坦解放组织主席YasserArafat、菲律宾总统FidelRhamos在一个网上交互对话中交谈了10分钟。因为没有缴纳域名注册费,9272个组织的域名被InterNIC从名字服务器删除。一些ISP遭遇到服务能力不足 【评分报告 得分:10.0 之 10.0 】 Word文字处理 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 请在打开的WORD的文档中,进行下列操作。完成操作后,请保存文档,并关闭WORD。 说明:文件中所需要的指定图片在考试文件夹中查找。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1、在正文第1段"眼下的校园生活......做了如上描述。"前添加标题文字为"谁动了大学生的钱袋子",、字体为"隶书",字号为"二号",颜色为主题颜色"深蓝,文字2",字形为"粗体",对齐方式为"居中"。为标题添加尾注:"大学生状况社会调查",设置为小五号字。 2、页面设置,纸张大小为"16开(18.4x26厘米)",上、下、左、右页边距均为"1.5厘米",每页34行,每行42个字符,各段首行缩进2字符。 3、设置正文"1."温饱"消费只占三成--吃饭穿衣每月花费不大"、"2.手机、电脑、MP3电子产品消费--大学生不亚于白领"......"6.考证、出国--大学生消费新增长点"等六个小标题字体为"黑体",字形为"加粗",段前、段后间距均为"7.75磅"。 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 4、设置正文第3段"大学生是如何......新增长点。"边框为"阴影",颜色为主题颜色"蓝色,强调文字颜色1",宽度为"1.5磅",行距为"18磅行距",底纹填充色为主题颜色"白色,背景1,深色15%",作用于段落。 5、设置页眉文字为"谁动了大学生的钱袋子",对齐方式为"居中"。 6、设置正文最后一段"此次调查也发现......支出会超标。"分栏,栏数为"2栏",偏左,栏间添加"分隔线"。 7、参考样张所示,在第5段"本次调查以......其中一名被访者回答说。"中部插入考生文件中的图片"picture.jpg",环绕方式为"四周型",图片高度为"83.3 磅",宽度为"170.4 磅"。 8、插入样式所示的三线表格。 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 【评分报告 得分:20.0 之 20.0 】 【字体】 正确 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 答案:隶书 学生答案:隶书 【字号】 正确 标准答案:二号 或 22 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 学生答案:二号 或 22 【颜色】 正确 标准答案:深蓝 文字2 学生答案:深蓝 文字2 【加粗】 正确 标准答案:True 学生答案:True 【对齐方式】 正确 标准答案:居中对齐 学生答案:居中对齐 【尾注内容】 正确 标准答案:大学生状况社会调查 学生答案:大学生状况社会调查 【上边距】 正确 标准答案:1.50厘米 学生答案:1.50厘米 【右边距】 正确 标准答案:1.50厘米 学生答案:1.50厘米 【每行字符数】 正确 标准答案:42 学生答案:42 【每页的行数】 正确 标准答案:34 学生答案:34 【特殊缩进(首行缩进或悬挂缩进)】 正确 标准答案:20.8 学生答案:20.8 【字体】 正确 标准答案:黑体 学生答案:黑体 【加粗】 正确 标准答案:True 学生答案:True 【段前间距】 正确 标准答案:7.75 学生答案:7.75 【段后间距】 正确 标准答案:7.75 学生答案:7.75 【边框线型】 正确 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 标准答案:1 学生答案:1 【边框线宽】 正确 标准答案:1.50 磅 学生答案:1.50 磅 【边框线颜色】 正确 标准答案:蓝色 强调文字颜色1 学生答案:蓝色 强调文字颜色1 【底纹填充颜色(背景)】 正确 标准答案:白色 背景1 深色15% 学生答案:白色 背景1 深色15% 【行距】 正确 标准答案:18 学生答案:18 【页眉内容】 正确 标准答案:谁动了大学生的钱袋子 学生答案:谁动了大学生的钱袋子 【分栏数】 正确 标准答案:2 学生答案:2 【分栏线】 正确 标准答案:True 学生答案:True 【环绕方式】 正确 标准答案:四周型 学生答案:四周型 【图像宽】 正确 标准答案:170.4 学生答案:170.25 【图像高】 正确 标准答案:83.3 学生答案:83.25 【表格套用格式】 正确 标准答案:1 学生答案:1 【栏宽相等】 正确 标准答案:False 学生答案:False Excel数据处理 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance --------------------------------------------------------------------- 请在打开的窗口中进行如下操作,操作完成后,请关闭Excel并保存工作簿。 注意:请按题目要求在指定单元格位置进行相应操作。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 在工作表Sheet1中完成如下操作: 1、在A1行前插入二行,在A1中输入内容为"万和集团2000年家电销售统计表",字体设置为"华文行楷",字号为"14",A1:F1"合并及居中"。 2、在F2中输入"单位:千元",对齐方式为"右对齐"。 3、利用函数计算出"总计"、"合计"和"平均值"(结果均保留1位小数),为数据区B4:F10设置底纹颜色为主题颜色"茶色,背景2,深色10%",A1:F10区域中其他单元格底纹颜色为主题颜色"蓝色,强调文字颜色1,淡色60%",并为区域A1:F10设置内外边框线,线条样式均为细实线。 4、利用函数统计B4:E7区域中销售低于100万的销售额总计,将结果显示在I9单元格中。 5、用折线图比较每种家电在各季度的销售额,图例为家电名称,图表名为"销售额比较图",图表填充色为"细微效果-水绿色"。 6、将区域A3:F7的内容复制到Sheet2中首行(A1为起始位置)。 在工作表Sheet2中完成如下操作: 7、将Sheet2重命名为"筛选统计"。 8、筛选出电视机和音响销售额均在100万元以上的 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。 【评分报告 得分:0.0 之 15.0 】 【文本】 错误 标准答案:万和集团2000年家电销售统计表 学生答案:季度 【名称】 错误 标准答案:华文行楷 学生答案:宋体 【字号】 错误 标准答案:14 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 学生答案:12 【合并单元格】 错误 标准答案:True 学生答案:False 【文本】 错误 标准答案:单位:千元 学生答案:无 【水平对齐】 错误 标准答案:右对齐 学生答案:常规 【区域模糊公式集合】 错误 标准答案:=4636.7|=3894.4|=3612.9|=4615.0 学生答案:无 【区域模糊公式集合】 错误 标准答案:=5049.3,=3106.8,=3993.6,=4609.3,=16759.0 学生答案:无 【区域模糊公式集合】 错误 标准答案:=1262.3,=776.7,=998.4,=1152.3,=4189.8 学生答案:无 【颜色】 错误 标准答案:RGB(184,204,228) 学生答案:RGB(255,255,255) 【边框线样式】 错误 标准答案:较细的实线 学生答案:无线条 【边框线样式】 错误 标准答案:较细的实线 学生答案:无线条 【图表类型】 错误 标准答案:折线图 学生答案:无 【文本】 错误 标准答案:销售额比较图 学生答案:无 【前景色】 错误 标准答案:RGB(158,234,255) 学生答案:无 【工作表成员】 错误 标准答案:Sheet1,筛选统计,Sheet3 学生答案:Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3 【区域筛选(结果显示在原区域)】 错误 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 标准答案:2|5 学生答案:无 【区域公式集合】 错误 标准答案:=SUM(B4:E4)|=SUM(B5:E5)|=SUM(B6:E6)|=SUM(B7:E7) 学生答案:无 【区域公式集合】 错误 标准答案:=SUM(B4:B7),=SUM(C4:C7),=SUM(D4:D7),=SUM(E4:E7),=SUM(F4:F7) 学生答案:无 【区域公式集合】 错误 标准答案:=AVERAGE(B4:B7),=AVERAGE(C4:C7),=AVERAGE(D4:D7),=AVERAGE(E4:E7),=AVERAGE(F4:F7) 学生答案:无 【区域公式集合】 错误 标准答案:=SUMIF(B4:E7,"<1000") 学生答案:无 【区域模糊公式集合】 错误 标准答案:=7033.3 学生答案:无 【颜色】 错误 标准答案:RGB(221,217,196) 学生答案:RGB(255,255,255) PowerPoint演示文稿 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 要求:请在打开的演示文稿中完成以下操作,完成之后请保存并关闭该窗口。 说明:文件中所需要的素材在当前试题文件夹查找。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1、插入一张新幻灯片,版式为"标题和内容",并完成如下设置: 1)设置标题内容为"大学计算机基础考试",字体为"方正舒体",字形为"加粗、斜体",字号为"54"; 2)设置文本内容为"进入",插入动作为链接到"下一张幻灯片"; 3)插入考试目录文件夹下的图片1.jpg,设置图片高度"11.26厘米",宽度"8.8厘米"。 2、插入一张新幻灯片,版式为"空白",并完成如下设置: 1)插入一横排文本框,设置内容为"祝你考试顺利通过",字体为"宋体",字形为"加粗、斜体",字号为"54",字体效果为"下划线"; 2)然后插入考试目录文件夹下的图片2.jpg,设置高度为"7.38厘米",宽度为"12.3厘米"。 3、设置所有幻灯片的切换方式为"垂直百叶窗"。 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 【评分报告 得分:13.0 之 15.0 】 【版式】 正确 标准答案:标题和内容 学生答案:标题和内容 【内容】 错误 标准答案:大学计算机基础考试 学生答案:大学计算机基础测试 【名称】 正确 标准答案:方正舒体 学生答案:方正舒体 【粗体】 正确 标准答案:True 学生答案:True 【大小】 正确 标准答案:54 学生答案:54 【内容】 正确 标准答案:进入 学生答案:进入 【与指定超链接相关联的文档中的位置】 错误 标准答案:-1,-1,NEXT 学生答案:257,2, 【高度】 正确 标准答案:319.1811 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance 学生答案:319.1811 【版式】 正确 标准答案:空白 学生答案:空白 【内容】 正确 标准答案:祝你考试顺利通过 学生答案:祝你考试顺利通过 【斜体】 正确 标准答案:True 学生答案:True 【大小】 正确 标准答案:54 学生答案:54 【下划线】 正确 标准答案:True 学生答案:True 【宽度】 正确 标准答案:348.6614 学生答案:348.6614 【切换效果】 正确 标准答案:垂直百叶窗 学生答案:垂直百叶窗 medical students and junior doctors to complete tasks, with clinical research and paper writing ability, professional foreign language proficiency required to read foreign literature, as well as at higher levels under the guidance of doctors completing more complex surgery. Second, training method 1. training for 3 years. Trained in surgical sub specialties Web learning. Rotary Department time (months) General surgical 15 (including in superior physician guide Xia general surgical outpatient 3 months) orthopedic 6 (including in superior physician guide Xia orthopedic outpatient 1 months) urinary surgical 3 heart surgical 3 neural surgical 3 anesthesia section 2 surgical heavy syndrome guardianship treatment room (SICU) 1 surgical emergency 3 (in principle General outside 2 months, orthopedic 1 months, the hospital can according to specific situation adjustment) total 36 2. by Shanghai City resident standardized training Committee big surgical training working group organization related theory class lecture. Three, training contents and requirements (a) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: disinfection and aseptic techniques, water and electrolyte balance
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