首页 应收账款池融资合同(两方协议)-accounts receivable fi

应收账款池融资合同(两方协议)-accounts receivable fi


应收账款池融资合同(两方协议)-accounts receivable fi应收账款池融资合同(两方协议)-accounts receivable fi 编号No.: 应收账款池融资合同 Accounts Receivable Pool Financing Contract (两方协议) (Two Sides Agreement) (2012年版) (2012 version) 特别提示:本合同系甲乙双方在平等、自愿的基础上依法协商订立,所有合同条款均是 双方意思的真实表示。为维护乙方的合法权益,甲方特提请乙方对有关双方权利义务的全 部条款、特别是黑体部分内容予以充分注意。...

应收账款池融资合同(两方协议)-accounts receivable fi
应收账款池融资 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 (两方协议)-accounts receivable fi 编号No.: 应收账款池融资合同 Accounts Receivable Pool Financing Contract (两方协议) (Two Sides Agreement) (2012年版) (2012 version) 特别提示:本合同系甲乙双方在平等、自愿的基础上依法协商订立,所有合同条款均是 双方意思的真实表示。为维护乙方的合法权益,甲方特提请乙方对有关双方权利义务的全 部条款、特别是黑体部分内容予以充分注意。 Important Notice: This Contract is entered into by the Parties in accordance with laws based ,1, on equality and free will, and the terms and conditions of this Contract fully reflect the genuine intention of the Parties hereto. In order to protect legal rights and interests of Party B, Party A hereby draws Party B's special attention to the terms and conditions of this Contract in relation to each Party's rights and obligations, in particular those in bold. ,2, 融资银行(甲方): Financing bank (Party A): 住所(地址): Address: 法定代表人(负责人): Legal Representative 融资人(乙方): Financier (Party B): 住所(地址): Address: 法定代表人: Legal Representative: 鉴于:乙方作为销货方以其与购货方之间形成的应收账款为第一还款来源,向甲方申 请办理应收账款池融资业务。为明确责任,恪守信用,甲、乙双方经平等协商一致,签订本 合同。 Whereas: Party B, as the seller, takes accounts receivable formed between it and the buyer as the first source of repayment to apply for accounts receivable pool business to Party A. To clarify the obligations and abide by the credit, the Contract is hereby made and entered into by two parties on the basis of equality and through consultation. 第一条 定义 Article 1 Definition 1.1 除本合同另有规定外,本合同中下列有关用语的定义是: Except as otherwise stipulated in this Contract, definitions of the following related terms hereunder are: (1) 应收账款池融资业务:指乙方将其在一段时间内向境内一个或多个购货方销售商 品、提供服务或其他原因所产生的多笔应收账款批量质押给甲方,甲方以上述应收账款为基 础建立应收账款池后,以池中应收账款为第一还款来源为乙方提供的短期融资。 Accounts receivable pool financing business: Party B pledges its accounts receivable, which are generated by selling commodities, providing services to one or more buyers or other causes, within a period of time in batches to Party A. After setting up accounts receivable pool upon the above mentioned accounts receivable, Party A provides short-term financing to Party B with accounts receivable in the pool as the first source of repayment. ,3, (2) 购销合同:指乙方与购货方签订的产生本合同项下应收账款的合同,在本合同中 包括购销合同、服务合同及其他产生应收账款的合同; Purchases and sales contract: contract that Party B signed with buyers to generate accounts receivable under this Contract, which herein includes purchases and sales contract, service contract and other contracts generating accounts receivable. (3) 应收账款:指乙方质押给甲方的其与购货方在真实、合法的交易和债权债务关系 的基础上产生的唯一、具体、特定和排他的无争议合法债权。 Accounts receivable: the sole, specific, exclusive and legal creditor?s rights without dispute generated from Party B?s real, legal trade and debtor-creditor relationship with its buyers, and which are pledged to Party A. (4) 应收账款池:指乙方质押给甲方的其对一家或多家购货方的多笔应收账款形成的 债权包。 Accounts receivable pool: the creditor's rights package formed by several accounts receivable of one or more buyers of Party B, which are pledged to Party A. (5) 应收账款池建池:指甲方以乙方质押给甲方的应收账款为基础新建立一个应收账 款池。 Set up accounts receivable pool: Party A sets up a new accounts receivable pool with accounts receivable Party B pledged to it. (6) 应收账款入池:指乙方向甲方质押新的符合本合同约定条件的应收账款。 Accounts receivable into the pool: Party B pledges new accounts receivable that meet stipulations of this Contract to Party A. (7) 应收账款出池:指应收账款池内应收账款收回,或应收账款达到本合同约定的退 出条件时,该部分应收账款质押解除。 Accounts receivable out of the pool: taking back accounts receivable from accounts receivable pool, or removing pledge for accounts receivable that reaching exit conditions stipulated by this Contract. (8) 应收账款池有效期:指在应收账款池项下允许办理应收账款出池、入池的期限。 Validity of accounts receivable pool: refers to allowable duration of handling accounts receivable into and out of the pool under accounts receivable pool. (9) 应收账款回款专户:乙方在甲方开立的账号为 的账户,专用于收 取应收账款池中应收账款以及扣划应收账款池融资本息及相关费用。 Accounts receivable payment collection account: the account with number Party B sets up in Party A, to collect accounts receivable in the accounts receivable pool and deduct principal and interest of accounts receivable financing and correlative charges. (10) 应收账款池融资比例=应收账款池融资本息/(应收账款池内全部发票实有金额+ 应收账款回款专户资金余额)×100%。同时存在多个应收账款池的,计算应收账款池融资本 ,4, 息和应收账款池内发票实有金额时,应将多个池的余额累加。 Accounts receivable pool financing ratio = principal and interest of accounts receivable pool financing/ (actual amount of all invoices in accounts receivable pool + remaining balance in accounts receivable payment collection special account) ×100%. In case there are multiple accounts receivable pools at the same time, remaining balance of these several pools shall be accumulated to calculate principal and interest of accounts receivable financing and actual amount of invoice in the accounts receivable pool. (11) 发票实有金额:指发票票面金额扣除乙方已回笼货款后的余额。 Invoice actual amount: remaining balance of deducting Party B?s collected payment from invoice face amount. 第二条 融资期限、金额和用途 Article 2 Financing Duration, Amount and Purpose 2.1 应收账款池有效期自本合同生效之日起至 年 月 日止。有效期内乙方可 以 申请 关于撤销行政处分的申请关于工程延期监理费的申请报告关于减免管理费的申请关于减租申请书的范文关于解除警告处分的申请 多笔融资。各笔融资的融资期限自提款日起计算,到期日不得晚于应收账款池有效期 的到期日。各次融资具体融资期限见《应收账款池融资明细表》(见附件1,下称《融资明 细表》)。 YYYY Accounts receivable pool is valid from the date this Contract comes into effect until MM DD. Party B can apply for a lot of financing during the validity period. Each financing shall be calculated from the date of withdrawal, and the maturity date shall not be later than the maturity date of the accounts receivable pool. See Accounts Receivable Pool Financing Detailed Statement (appendix 1, hereinafter referred to as Financing Detailed Statement) for duration of each financing. 2.2 在应收账款池有效期内,任一时点的应收账款池融资比例不得高于 %。 During the validity period of accounts receivable pool, financing ratio of accounts receivable pool at any point shall not be higher %. 2.3 乙方将应收账款及相关权利质押给甲方,经甲方审批同意并办理应收账款入池后, 在不超过2.2条约定的融资比例前提下给予乙方融资。具体融资金额、期限、币种、利率等 事项见《融资明细表》。 Party B pledges its accounts receivable and related rights to Party A. After approving and handling accounts receivable into the pool, Party A will provide financing not exceeding the ratio stipulated in article 2.2 to Party B. Please see Financing Detailed Statement for specific amount, duration, currency, interest rate and other matters of financing. 2.4 本合同项下借据与《融资明细表》中记载的应收账款池融资金额、期限、币种、利 率等事项不一致时,以借据为准。 In case there is any discrepancy between the financing amount, duration, currency and interest rate of accounts receivable pool recorded in Financing Detailed Statement with that of IOU under this ,5, Contract, the IOU shall prevail. 2.5 本合同项下各笔融资用途见《融资明细表》。 See Financing Detailed Statement for purpose of each financing under this Contract. 第三条 融资利率和利息 Article 3 Financing Interest Rates and Interests 3.1 本合同项下融资利率按以下第 种方式确定: Financing interest rate under the Contract shall be determined by the item: 2.1.1 (1)以融资提款日的基准利率加浮动幅度确定,其中基准利率为与《融资明细表》所 约定的融资期限相对应的中国人民银行同期限档次人民币贷款基准利率,浮动幅度为 (上 浮/下浮/零) %。乙方提款后遇基准利率调整,按下列第 种方式处理: Determined by adding the floating range to the benchmark interest rate of the financing withdrawal date, hereinto, the benchmark interest rate is the corresponding RMB loan interest rate of People?s Bank of China with the same period and grade as the term of the financing stipulated in „Financing Detailed Statement?; the floating range is (float up/float down/zero) %. In case that the benchmark interest rate is adjusted after Party B?s withdrawal, item in the following shall be adopted: A、以 (1/3/6/12)个月为一期,一期一调整,分段计息。在每一利率确定日, 按该日有效的基准利率和本条约定的浮动幅度对借款利率进行调整。第一期的利率确定日为 提款日;第二期的利率确定日为提款日满一期之后的对应日,如果调整当月不存在与提款日 对应的日期,则以该月最后一日为对应日。其他各期依此类推。 The rate shall be adjusted every ____ (1/3/6/12) month/months, which is referred to as “a floating period”. At every date of determining the interest rate, the loan interest will be adjusted in accordance with effective benchmark interest rate of that day and floating range stipulated in this term. The date of determining the interest rate of the first floating period shall be the actual withdrawal date, and the date of determining the interest rate of the second floating period shall be the corresponding date following a full floating period after the withdrawal date. If there is no corresponding date to the withdrawal date in the adjusting month, then the last date of the adjusting month shall be deemed as the corresponding date, and so forth. B、在整个合同期限内融资利率不作调整。 The interest rate of financing will not be adjusted within the whole term of the Contract. C、其他: Others: (2)融资利率以基准利率加浮动幅度确定,其中基准利率为融资发放日前一工作日全 国银行间拆借中心公布的 (年/月)期贷款基础利率(LPR),浮动幅度为 (上浮/下 ,6, 浮/零) %或 (加/减/零) 个基点(一个基点为0.01%)。融资发放后融资利率 按下列第 种方式调整: Financing interest is determined by adding the floating range to the benchmark interest rate. Hereinto, the benchmark interest rate is the (YYYY/MM) period loan base interest rate (LPR) published by National Inter-bank Funding Center one working day before financing issue date, the floating range is (float up/float down/zero) % or (plus/minus/zero) base point/points (one base point is 0.01%). In case that the financing interest rate is adjusted after financing issued, item in the following shall be adopted to make adjustment: A、以 (1/3/6/12)个月为一期,一期一调整,分段计息。第二期及以后各期的利 率确定日为融资发放日满一期后的对应日,甲方在该日按前一工作日全国银行间拆借中心公 布的前述期限的贷款基础利率和浮动幅度对融资利率进行调整。如遇调整当月不存在与提款 日对应的日期,则以该月最后一日为对应日。如利率确定日前一工作日全国银行间拆借中心 未公布相应期限的贷款基础利率,则以全国银行间拆借中心再上一工作日公布的贷款基础利 率为准,以此类推。 The rate shall be adjusted every (1/3/6/12) month/months, which is referred to as “a floating period”. The date of determining the interest rate of the second and subsequent floating period shall be the corresponding date following a full floating period after the financing issue date. Party A will adjust the financing interest rate at that day in accordance with loan base interest rate and floating range with above mentioned duration published by National Inter-bank Funding Center one working day before financing issue date. If there is no corresponding date to the withdrawal date in the adjusting month, then the last date of the adjusting month shall be deemed as the corresponding date. In case that National Inter-bank Funding Center did not publish loan base interest rate with corresponding duration one working day before the date of determining the interest rate, then loan base interest rate published by National Inter-bank Funding Center the working day before above mentioned working day shall be adopted, and so forth. B、在整个融资期限内不调整。 Will not be adjusted within the whole financing period 3.2 本合同项下各笔应收账款池融资利率见《融资明细表》。 See „Financing Detailed Statement? for every account receivable pool financing interest rate under this Contract. 3.3 融资到期乙方未按约定偿还的,融资逾期部分仍适用上述利率确定方式。 In case that Party B fails to repay on due date of financing, the above-mentioned method of determining the interest rate shall still apply to the overdue amount of financing. 3.4 本合同项下融资按日计息,按 (月/季)结息。融资到期,利随本清,其中日 利率=年利率/360。 The interest of financing under this Contract shall be calculated per day and settled per (Month/Quarter). When the financing becomes due, the interest shall be paid in the form of ,7, matching the principal. The daily interest rate = the annual interest rate/360. 3.5 本合同项下融资按月结息的,结息日为每月20日;按季结息的,结息日为每季度 末月的20日。 For monthly settlement of financing under this Contract, the 20th day of each month is the interest settlement date; for quarterly settlement, the 20th day in the last month of each quarter is the interest settlement date. 3.6 如遇中国人民银行调整贷款利率确定办法,则按中国人民银行的有关规定办理, 甲方不再另行通知乙方。 In case that People?s Bank of China adjusts the method of determining the loan interest rate, the relevant regulations of People?s Bank of China shall be followed. Party A will make no further notice to Party B. 第四条 应收账款池融资管理与还款 Article 4 Accounts Receivable Pool Financing Management and Repayment 4.1 在应收账款池融资有效期内,甲乙双方可根据需要办理应收账款入池和出池。应收 账款入池和出池可单独办理,也可同时办理。 The parties can handle accounts receivable into and out of the pool as needed within the validity period of accounts receivable pool financing. Accounts receivable into and out of the pool can be handled separately as well as handled at the same time. 4.2 办理应收账款池建池时,乙方应按甲方要求向甲方提供包括但不限于以下材料,经 甲方审批同意后办理入池: When applying for setting up accounts receivable pool, Party B shall provide including but not limited to the following materials to Party A as required, and handle accounts receivable into the pool only after get approval from Party A. (1)应收账款池融资业务申请书; Application of accounts receivable pool financing business; (2)营业执照; Business license; (3)拟办理入池的应收账款所对应的购销合同及发票原件; Corresponding purchases and sales contract and original copy of invoice of accounts receivable that to be put into pool; (4)与应收账款所对应购货商的合作年限、交易记录、上年度对购货商应收账款情况 等; Cooperation duration, transaction records, performance, accounts receivable to the buyer in previous year and other materials corresponding to accounts receivable; ,8, (5)甲方要求的其他资料。 Other materials required by Party A. 申请为已建立应收账款池办理新增应收账款入池时,应至少向甲方提供以上(3)、(4)、 (5)项所列材料。 In case Party B apply for adding accounts receivable to established accounts receivable pool, at least materials listed in above item(3)、(4)、(5)shall be provided to Party A. 4.3 经甲方同意,乙方申请应收账款建池(入池)时可以加盖企业财务章的发票清单 代替全部发票原件,但融资发放前须经甲方抽查发票原件,抽查张数不得低于该次拟质押发 票总张数的20%,且抽查金额不得低于该次拟质押总金额的40%,抽查无误后方可放款。 Upon consent of Party A, Party B can use invoice list affixed with company financial seal instead of original invoices to apply for setting up accounts receivable pool (into pool). But before financing, Party A will spot check the original invoices, the spot check number shall not be less than 20% of the total number of invoices pledged this time, and spot check amount shall not be less than 40% of the total amount of the pledge. Loan can be issued only after the spot check is error free. 4.4 对符合以下条件之一的应收账款应办理出池: Accounts receivable out of the pool can be handled if one of the following conditions is met: (1)已经按期或提前收回的应收账款; Accounts receivable are recalled on or ahead of schedule; (2)超过购销合同约定收款期10个工作日仍未收回的应收账款; Accounts receivable that are not recalled 10 working days after the collection period stipulated by purchases and sales contract; (3)购货方与乙方或与其他第三方产生贸易纠纷(包括但不限于质量、技术、服务 方面的纠纷)和债务纠纷,导致可能无法到期按时偿付的应收账款; Any trade dispute (including without limitation dispute over quality, technology or service) or debt dispute arises between the buyer with Party B or with other third party, which may prevent the accounts receivable from being settled when they become due; (4)应收账款坏账率连续两个月上升的购货方对应的全部应收账款; All corresponding accounts receivable of the buyer that suffers bad debt ratio increase for two consecutive months; (5)融资期间在银行出现逾期、垫款、欠息等不良信用记录的购货方对应的全部应 收账款; All accounts receivable of the buyer who suffers overdue, advance in cash, debit interest and other poor credit records in the bank within financing period; (6)甲方认为须办理应收账款出池的其他情况。 Other situations that Party A thinks should handle accounts receivable out of the pool. ,9, 4.5 办理应收账款建池(入池)或出池时,甲乙双方应制定(更新)《应收账款质押清 单》(下称“《质押清单》”,见附件2),《质押清单》应完整列示乙方质押给甲方的全部应 收账款,自双方签章确认之日起生效,原《质押清单》(如有)同时失效。 When setting up (into pool) accounts receivable pool or out of the pool, the Parties shall make (update) Accounts Receivable Pledge List (hereinafter referred to as „pledge list?, see Appendix 2). The pledge list shall fully list all accounts receivable Party B pledged to Party A, and come into effect upon signature and seal of the Parties, and the original Pledge List (if any) shall be invalid at the same time. 4.6 当乙方提供的应收账款约定到期日加宽限期(宽限期不得超过10个工作日)晚于 已建立应收账款池融资有效期的到期日,且乙方仍有融资需求时,甲方将为乙方新建立应收 账款池。 If the broadened duration ( broadened duration shall not exceed 10 working days) of accounts receivable provided by Party B is later than due date of established accounts receivable pool financing, and Party B still has financing need, Party A will re-set up accounts receivable pool for Party B. 4.7 在应收账款池有效期内及2.2条约定的融资比例内,乙方申请融资时,必须满足下 列融资前提条件,否则甲方没有义务向乙方提供融资,甲方同意先行予以融资的除外: If Party B applies for financing within the validity period of accounts receivable pool and financing ratio stipulated in article 2.2, the following preconditions of financing should be met. Otherwise, Party A shall have no obligation to provide financing to Party B, except Party A agrees to provide financing in advance. (1) 按本合同约定向甲方提交融资申请书; Submit financing application to Party B as stipulated by this Contract; (2) 乙方已按甲方要求提供应收账款进行质押且已经办理完毕相关登记手续; Party B, as requested by Party A, has provided accounts receivable for pledge and has already finished relevant registration formalities. (3) 未发生本合同项下或乙方与甲方签署的其他合同项下的违约情形; No default is occurred under this Contract or other contracts signed by Party B with Party A; (4)所提供的办理应收账款入池及融资用途证明材料真实。 Materials Party B provided to handle accounts receivable into the pool and prove financing purpose are real. 4.8 乙方申请融资须提前至少5个银行工作日向甲方提交融资申请书。融资申请书一经 提交,未经甲方书面同意不得撤销。 When applying for financing, Party B shall submit a financing application to Party A at least 5 bank business days in advance. Once submitted, a financing application will be irrevocable unless otherwise agreed by Party A in writing. ,10, 4.9 乙方满足融资前提条件或经甲方同意先行予以融资后,甲方将融资款项划入乙方指 定的账户,即视为甲方已经按照本合同约定向乙方发放了融资。 After all conditions precedent for financing have been satisfied by Party B or Party B gets financing in advance with approval of Party A, Party A will remit the financing amount into a designated account of Party B. Such remittance shall be deemed as advance of the financing by Party A to Party B in accordance with this Contract. 4.10 应收账款池有效期内,应收账款到达应收账款回款专户时,有融资到期的,甲方 应扣除到期融资的应付本息及相关费用;没有融资到期的,则甲方应在确保应收账款池项下 融资比例不高于2.2条约定融资比例的前提下,同意乙方支取全部或部分回款款项; Within the validity period of accounts receivable pool, if there is due financing, Party A shall deduct payable principal and interest and related charges of due financing when accounts receivable get to accounts receivable payment collection special account; if there is no due financing, Party A shall allow Party B to withdraw all or part of the collected amount on the premise that financing ratio under accounts receivable pool is not higher than financing ratio stipulated in article 2.2; 4.11 乙方要求提前偿还全部或部分融资的,应于拟定提前还款日前10个银行工作日书 面通知甲方。 If Party B asks for prepayment of all or part of the financing, it shall submit a written application to Party A for its approval 10 bank business days prior to such prepayment. 4.12 乙方经甲方同意提前还款,应向甲方支付补偿金,补偿金按下列 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 计算:提前还 款金额×剩余融资期限(月数)× ‰,剩余融资月数不满一个月的,按一个月计算。因应 收账款提前到期导致乙方提前还款的,乙方无需支付补偿金。 Party B shall pay compensation to Party A if it is agreed to make prepayment by Party A. the compensation shall be calculated according to the following standard: prepayment amount multiply by remaining financing duration (months) multiply by ‰, the remaining financing duration will be added to one month if it is not enough. Party B shall have no need to pay compensation if prepayment is caused by accelerated mature of accounts receivable. 4.13 在提前还款时,乙方应同时付清至提前还款日止,依据本合同约定到期应付的融 资本金、利息、补偿金和其他一切应付款项。 When prepaying, Party B shall fully pay on the prepayment date all principal, interest, compensation and other amounts due and payable as of such prepayment date hereunder stipulated in this Contract. 4.14 因乙方提前还款或甲方根据本合同约定收回融资导致实际融资期限缩短的,相应 利率档次不作调整,仍执行原融资利率。 The applicable interest rate grade will not change if the actual term of loan is shortened due to any prepayment by Party B or early repayment as required by Party A in accordance with ,11, this Contract. 第五条 乙方的陈述和保证 Article 5 Party B’s Representations and Warranties 乙方向甲方做出以下陈述和保证,并维持在本合同有效期内始终有效: Party B makes the following representations and warranties to Party A, which shall remain valid and effective within the term of this Contract: 5.1 依法具备借款人主体资格,具有签订和履行本合同的资格和能力。 It is eligible to act as a borrower hereunder, and has all qualifications and capacity to enter into and perform this Contract. 5.2 有健全的组织机构和财务 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,在最近一年内的生产经营过程中未发生重大违 规违纪行为,现任高级管理人员无任何重大不良记录。 It has a well-established organizational structure and financial management system. It has not committed any material violation of regulations or disciplines during its production and operation in the past one year. Its current senior management has no material negative record. 5.3 提供给甲方的所有文件和资料在所有方面都是真实、准确、完整和有效的,不存在 虚假记载、重大遗漏或误导性陈述。 All documents and information provided to Party A are true, accurate, complete and effective and do not contain any false record, gross omission or misleading statement. 5.4 签订本合同已获得所有必需的授权或批准,签订和履行本合同不违反本公司章程或 相关法律、法规的规定,与乙方已签订或正在履行的其他任何合同均无抵触。 It has obtained all necessary authorizations or approvals to enter into this Contract. Its execution and performance of this Contract does not violate its articles of association or any applicable laws or regulations, or conflict with any other contracts Party B signed or performing. 5.5 未向甲方隐瞒其所涉及的诉讼、仲裁或索赔事件。 It has not concealed from Party A any litigation, arbitration or claim involved. 5.6 应付的其他债务已按期清偿,无无恶意拖欠银行贷款本息行为。 Its other debts have been repaid when they become due and it has not committed any malicious default in repaying any principal or interest of bank loan. 5.7 乙方质押给甲方的应收账款赖以产生的购销合同及所对应的债权债务关系真实、合 法、有效、没有争议。 The purchases and sales contract and its corresponding debtor-creditor relationship that the accounts receivable Party B pledged to Party A is depended on is real, valid, effective and without dispute. 5.8 乙方质押给甲方的应收账款权属清楚,没有瑕疵,乙方未将其转让给任何第三人, ,12, 也未在其上为任何第三人设定任何质权和其他优先受偿权。 The accounts receivable ownership that Party B pledged to Party A is clear and has no flaw. Party B did not transfer it to any third person, and did not set up any pledge and priority of compensation on it for any third person. 第六条 乙方承诺 Article 6 Party B’s Undertakings 乙方向甲方做出如下承诺: Party B makes the following undertakings to Party A: 6.1 按照本合同约定的期限和用途提取和使用融资款项,本合同项下融资不以任何形式 流入证券市场、期货市场、房地产市场或用于股本权益性投资,以及相关法律法规禁止或限 制的其他用途。 Party B undertakes to withdraw and use the financing amount in accordance with the schedule and purpose as agreed hereunder. Party B shall not use the financing hereunder for investment in securities or futures market, or real estate market, or for investment in equity, or any other purpose prohibited or restricted by applicable laws and regulations. 6.2 按照本合同的约定清偿融资本金、利息和其他应付款项。 Party B undertakes to settle principal, interest and any other amount payable in relation to the financing hereunder in accordance with this Contract. 6.3 接受甲方对本合同项下融资使用情况的调查、了解及监督。按照甲方要求提供资产 负债表、损益表、现金流量表等财务会计资料,积极配合甲方对其有关生产、经营和财务情 况的调查、了解和监督。 Party B undertakes to accept financing usage investigation, understanding and supervision by Party A, to provide financial documents including balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements and other documents, as requested by Party A, and to actively assist and cooperate with Party A in investigating, understanding and supervising its production, operation and financial conditions. 6.4 在还清本合同项下融资本息和其他应付款项前,不以任何形式分配股息和红利。 Party B undertakes not to distribute any dividend or profit in any form before full settlement of principal, interest and other amount payable in relation to the financing under this Contract. 6.5 进行合并、分立、减资、股权变动、重大资产和债权转让、重大对外投资、实质性 增加债务融资以及其他可能对甲方权益造成不利影响的行动时,事先征得甲方书面同意或 就甲方债权的实现作出令甲方满意的安排方可进行。 Party B undertakes to obtain prior written consent of Party A or make appropriate arrangements in relation to the realization of Party A's claims to Party A's satisfaction, before it ,13, carries out any merger, division, decrease of capital, equity change, transfer of material assets and creditor's rights, material external investment, material increase of debt financing and other action that may cause an adverse impact on Party A's rights and interests. 6.6 发生下列情形之一,及时通知甲方: Party B undertakes to promptly notify Party A upon occurrence of any of the following events: (1)公司章程、经营范围、注册资本、法定代表人变更; Any change to its articles of association, business scope, registered capital or legal representative; (2)歇业、解散、清算、停业整顿、被吊销营业执照、被撤销或申请(被申请)破产; Its winding-up, dissolution, liquidation, suspension of business, revocation or cancellation of its business license, or application (or be applied for) for bankruptcy; (3)涉及或可能涉及重大经济纠纷、诉讼、仲裁,或财产被依法查封、扣押或监管; It is or may be involved in any material economic dispute, litigation or arbitration, or its property is subject to seizure, attachment or supervision in accordance with applicable laws; (4) 股东、董事和现任高级管理人员涉嫌重大案件或经济纠纷。 Any of its shareholders, directors or current senior management personnel is suspected of major crime or involved in any material economic dispute. 6.7 及时、全面、准确地向甲方披露关联方关系和关联交易。 Party B undertakes to disclose its related party relationship and related transaction to Party A in a prompt, complete and accurate manner. 6.8 对甲方寄出或以其他方式送达的催收通知及时签收。 Party B undertakes to promptly confirm receipt of collection notices sent by Party A by post or any other means. 6.9 不以降低偿债能力的方式处置自有资产;向第三方提供担保不损害甲方的权益。 Party B undertakes not to dispose of its own assets in a way that will reduce its ability to repay its debts. Party B undertakes not to provide security to the benefit of any third party in a way that will harm Party A's rights and interests. 6.10承担甲方为实现本合同项下债权而产生的费用,包括但不限于律师费、评估费、 拍卖费等。 Party B undertakes to bear the expenses incurred by Party A for realization of its claim hereunder, including without limitation legal fee, appraisal fee and auction fee. 6.11 本合同项下债务的清偿顺序优先于乙方对其股东的债务,并且与乙方对其他债权人 的同类债务至少处于平等地位。 The debt hereunder is senior to the debts owed by Party B to its shareholders, and is not subordinated to similar debts owed by Party B to other creditors. 6.12 加强环境和社会风险管理,并就此接受甲方的监督检查。如甲方要求,向甲方提 交环境和社会风险报告。 Party B undertakes to reinforce the management of environmental and social risks, and ,14, agrees to accept Party A's supervision and inspection in this regard. If requested by Party A, Party B shall provide Party A with relevant environmental and social risk report. 第七条 乙方的权利和义务 Article 7 Party B’s Rights and Obligations 7.1 乙方有权要求甲方按本合同约定提供融资。 Party B shall have the right to ask Party A to provide financing stipulated by this Contract. 7.2 未经甲方同意,乙方不得自行从应收账款回款专户支取任何款项。该专户不得开通 网上银行业务。 Without the consent of Party A, Party B shall not withdraw any money from accounts receivable payment collection special account. The special account shall not open internet banking business. 7.3 乙方授权甲方对应收账款回款专户进行日常监管,包括但不限于对该账户的资金收 入和支出情况进行了解和记录,且须配合甲方对到账的款项进行逐笔核对。 Party B authorizes Party A to do daily supervision on accounts receivable payment collection special account, including but not limited to acknowledge and record fund income and expenditure of this account, and shall cooperate with Party A?s checking of each fund arrived. 7.4 乙方应配合甲方签订《应收账款质押登记协议》,并将应收账款池中应收账款对应 的债权及相关权利全部质押给甲方,应收账款池中应收账款构成以《质押清单》为准。 Party B shall cooperate with Party A to sign Accounts Receivable Pledge Registration Agreement, and pledge all corresponding claims and related rights of the accounts receivable to Party A. composition of accounts receivable in accounts receivable pool shall be subject to the Pledge List. 7.5 本合同签署前,乙方应已与购货方约定应收账款回款以汇款等方式划入本合同约定 的应收账款回款专户,如购货方使用票据等方式结算的,乙方应当确保收到款项及时划入专 户。 Before signing this Contract, Party B should reach consent with buyer that accounts receivable payment collection shall be transferred to accounts receivable payment collection special account stipulated in this Contract in the form of remittance. 7.6 在甲方要求下,将本合同项下的相关权利凭证原件,包括购销合同、发票、运输单 据、购货方验收凭证或甲方要求的其他权利凭证原件交由甲方保管。 Under the request of Party A, the original documents of related rights under this Contract, including purchases and sales contract, invoice, shipping documents, buyer?s acceptance certificate or other original documents of title requested by Party A shall be handed over to Party A for custody. 第八条 甲方的权利和义务 Article 8 Party A’s Rights and Obligations ,15, 8.1 依本合同约定向乙方提供融资(因乙方原因造成迟延的除外)。 Party A undertakes to provide financing to Party B in accordance with this Contract (excludes postpone caused by Party B). 8.2 按照本合同的约定保管乙方留存的发票等原件,本合同履行完毕后,及时将甲方留 存的发票等原件返还乙方。 Party A shall take care of original invoice and other copies provided by Party B according to this Contract, and shall return those originals to Party B in time after the performance of the contract. 8.3 乙方足额偿付融资本息的,甲方应及时办理应收账款质押解除手续。 Party A shall timely go through accounts receivable pledge remove procedures if Party B fully repays the principal and interest of financing. 8.4 对乙方提供的非公开资料及信息保密,但本合同另有约定和法律法规另有规定的除 外。 Party A undertakes to keep non-public materials and information provided by Party A confidential, unless otherwise required by applicable laws and regulations or agreed hereunder. 8.5 依本合同约定从应收账款回款专户上划收乙方应偿付的融资本金、利息、复利、罚 息及所有其他应付费用。 To deduct principal, interest, compound interest, penalty interest of the financing and other related accrued charges that Party B shall repay from the accounts receivable payment collection special account as stipulated by this Contract. 8.6 应收账款池有效期内如出现下列情况之一,甲方有权立即停止为乙方办理融资并要 求乙方立即偿还未偿融资本息,或要求乙方在规定期限内追加经甲方认可的新的应收账款或 甲方认可的其他合法、有效、足值的担保。乙方未能追加或还款的,甲方有权宣布本合同项 下应收账款池融资到期: If any of the following events occurs within the validity period of the accounts receivable pool, Party A shall have the right to cease handling financing for Party B and demand Party B to repay outstanding principal and interest of the financing, or demand Party B to provide new accounts receivable acceptable to Party A within specified time limit, or provide additional legal, effective and sufficient security acceptable to Party A. If Party B fails to provide or repay, Party A shall have the right to declare the maturity of the accounts receivable pool under this Contract: (1) 乙方或任一购货方在甲方的信贷业务出现逾期、垫款、欠息等不良行为; Party B or any of its buyers has bad behaviors like overdue, advance in cash, debit interest on its credit operation in Party A; (2) 乙方对池内任一购货方的应收账款坏账率连续2个月上升; Accounts receivable of Party B to any of its buyers within the pool suffers bad debt ratio increase for two consecutive months; ,16, (3) 购货方与乙方或其他第三方产生贸易纠纷(包括但不限于质量、技术、服务方面 的纠纷)和债务纠纷,导致应收账款可能无法到期按时偿付的。 Any trade dispute (including without limitation dispute over quality, technology or service) or debt dispute arises between the buyer with Party B or with other third party, which may prevent the accounts receivable from being settled when they become due; (4) 应收账款池融资有效期内,因任何原因导致应收账款池项下融资比例超过2.2条 约定的融资比例。 Within the validity period of accounts receivable financing, financing ratio under accounts receivable pool exceeds financing ratio stipulated in article 2.2 due to any reason. 第九条 违约及违约责任 Article 9 Default and Responsibility of Default 9.1 本合同生效后,甲乙双方均应履行本合同所约定的各项义务。任何一方不履行或不 完全履行本合同项下义务的,应当依法承担违约责任。 Both parties shall perform the obligations under this Contract after it comes into force. Any party that fails to perform or incompletely perform the obligations under this Contract shall be liable for responsibility of default in accordance with the law. 9.2 发生下列下情形之一的,构成乙方违约: Party B will be in default upon occurrence of any of the following events: (1)乙方未按约定偿还本合同项下融资本息及其他应付款项,未按约定用途使用融资, 未履行本合同项下任何其他义务,或违背在本合同项下任何陈述、保证或承诺的; Party B fails to repay any principal, interest or other amount payable in relation to the financing hereunder in accordance with this Contract, or fails to employ the financing in term of stipulation, or fails to perform any other obligations hereunder, or breaches any of its representations, warranties or undertakings hereunder; (2)本合同项下担保发生了不利于甲方债权的变化,乙方未另行提供甲方认可的其他 担保的; Party B fails to provide other security acceptable to Party A when the security provided hereunder suffers any change that is adverse to the claim of Party A; (3)乙方承担的任何其他债务在到期(包括被宣布到期)后未能清偿,或者因不履行 或违反在其他协议项下的义务,已经或可能影响到其在本合同项下义务的履行的; Party B fails to settle any other debt when it becomes due (including due to maturity declared by the creditor), or is in default or breach of any of its obligations under other agreements, which has affected or may affect performance of its obligations hereunder; (4)乙方的盈利能力、偿债能力、营运能力和现金流量等财务指标恶化或股权结构、 ,17, 生产经营、对外投资发生重大不利变化,已经或可能影响到其在本合同项下义务的履行的; Party B's ability to make profit, repay debts or operate its business, or its financial indicators such as cash flow suffer deterioration, or its equity structure, production, operation or external investment suffers any material adverse change, which has affected or may affect performance of its obligations hereunder; (5)乙方资产被查封、扣押或被强制执行,已经或可能影响到其在本合同项下义务的 履行的; Party B's property is subject to attachment, seizure or enforcement, which has affected or may affect performance of its obligations hereunder; (6)乙方涉及或可能涉及重大经济纠纷、诉讼、仲裁,已经或可能影响到其在本合同 项下义务的履行的; Party B is or may be involved in any material economic dispute, litigation or arbitration, which has affected or may affect performance of its obligations hereunder; (7)乙方被司法机关或税务、工商等行政执法机关和行政管理机关依法立案查处或依 法采取处罚措施,已经或可能影响到其在本合同项下义务的履行的; Party B is investigated or punished by any competent judicial or administrative authority such as Tax, Industrial and Commercial Department in accordance with laws, which has affected or may affect performance of its obligations hereunder; (8)乙方的主要投资者个人、关键管理人员异常变动或涉嫌违法犯罪行为而被司法机 关依法调查或限制人身自由,已经或可能影响到其在本合同项下义务的履行的; There is any abnormal change of major individual investor or key management personnel of Party B, or any competent judicial authority has launched investigation on or restricted right of freedom of such investor or personnel in accordance with laws, which has affected or may affect performance of Party B's obligations hereunder; (9)乙方歇业、解散、清算、停业整顿、被吊销营业执照、被撤销或申请(被申请) 破产的; Party B is under winding-up, dissolution, liquidation, suspension of business, or its business license has been or may be revoked or cancelled, or it has applied or been applied, or may apply or be applied, for bankruptcy; (10)乙方因违反食品安全、安全生产、环境保护及其他环境和社会风险管理相关法律 法规、监管规定或行业标准造成责任事故,已经或可能影响到其在本合同项下义务的履行的; There is any liability accident or major environmental and social risk event caused by Party B?s violation of applicable laws and regulations, regulatory rules or industry standard in relation to food safety, production safety, environmental protection or other environmental and social risk management, which has affected or may affect performance of its obligations hereunder; (11)乙方利用与关联方之间的虚假合同,以无实际贸易背景的交易套取甲方资金或授 ,18, 信,或通过关联交易有意逃废甲方债权的; Party B obtains fund or credit facility from Party A by using false contracts between Party B and its related party or transactions that do not actually exist, or intentionally uses related transactions to evade from or invalidate Party A's claim; (12)可能导致甲方在本合同项下债权的实现受到不利影响的其他情形。 Other events that may cause adverse impact on realization of Party A's claim hereunder. 9.3 乙方违约,甲方有权采取下列一项或多项措施: If Party B is in default, Party A may take any one or more of the following steps: (1)要求乙方在规定期限内采取令甲方满意的补救措施; Party A may require Party B to remedy its default within a designated period in ways that meet Party A’s satisfaction; (2)停止向乙方发放融资; Party A may cease to advance financing to Party B; (3)宣布本合同项下的全部或部分融资到期; Party A may declare immediate maturity of all or part of the financing under this Contract; (4)要求乙方对甲方因此所受的直接损失予以赔偿,包括但不限于律师费、评估费、拍 卖费等实现债权的费用; Party A may require Party B to compensate Party A against all direct losses caused by such default of Party B, including without limitation legal fee, appraisal fee, auction fee and other fees to realize claim. (5)解除合同; Party A may terminate this Contract; (6)法律法规规定和本合同约定的其他措施。 Other steps that are set out under applicable laws and regulations, and agreed under this Contract 9.4 乙方未按期(含被宣布到期)偿还本合同项下融资的,甲方有权自逾期之日起在原 融资利率基础上加收 (30%-50%)计收罚息,对乙方不能按期支付的利息按本条约定 的罚息利率计收复利。 If Party B fails to repay financing when it becomes due (including due to maturity as declared by Party A), Party A may impose penalty interest on Party B at original financing rate with extra (30%-50%)from the day immediately following the due date. Compound interest will accrue at the overdue penalty interest rate on any interest that Party B fails to pay when it becomes due. 9.5 乙方未按本合同约定用途使用融资的,甲方有权自融资挪用之日起,在原融资利率 基础上加收 (50%-100%)计收罚息,融资被挪用期间未按时支付的利息,按本条约定 的罚息利率计收复利。 If Party B fails to use the financing for the purpose as agreed hereunder, Party A may impose ,19, penalty interest on Party B at original financing interest rate with extra (50%-100%)from the date of misappropriation. When the financing is being misappropriated, compound interest will accrue at penalty interest rate agreed in this term on any interest that Party B fails to pay when it becomes due. 9.6 乙方同时发生第9.4、9.5条所列情形的,罚息利率择其重者确定,不能并处。 If both of the penalty interest rates under Articles 9.4 and 9.5 are applicable to Party B, the higher of the two interest rates will apply. The two types of penalty interest may not be applied at the same time. 9.7 乙方拖欠融资本金、利息(包括罚息和复利)或其他应付款项的,甲方有权通过媒 体进行公告催收。 Party A may make a public announcement in media to demand repayment if Party B fails to repay any principal, interest (including penalty interest and compound interest) or any other amount payable as scheduled. 第十条 扣收 Article 10 Deduction 10.1 乙方未按照约定偿还到期(包括被宣布到期)的融资本金、利息(包括罚息和复 利)和其他应付款项的,甲方有权从乙方开立在甲方或中国工商银行其他分支机构的所有 本外币账户中扣收相应款项用以清偿,直至乙方在本合同项下的所有应付款项全部清偿完 毕为止。 If Party B fails to repay any due principal and interest of the financing hereunder (including due to maturity declared by Party A) in accordance with this Contract, Party A may deduct relevant amount from all RMB and foreign exchange accounts opened by Party B with Party A or any other branch office of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to set off such debt, until all debts of Party B hereunder are fully settled. 10.2 扣收款项与本合同币种不一致的,按扣收日甲方公布的适用汇率折算后进行清 偿。扣收日至清偿日(甲方根据国家外汇管理政策将扣划款项兑换成本合同币种并实际清 偿本合同项下债务之日)期间产生的利息和其他费用,以及在此期间因汇率波动而产生的 差额部分由乙方承担。 If the currency of deducted amount is different from that of this Contract hereunder, the amount will be converted in accordance with applicable exchange rate published by Party A on the date of such deduction. Party B shall bear all interest and other expenses incurred between the deduction date and the actual settlement date (i.e. the date when the debts hereunder are actually settled after Party A converts the deducted amount into the currency of this Contract hereunder in accordance with applicable State policies on administration of foreign exchange), as well as the difference caused by fluctuation of exchange rate during ,20, such period. 10.3 甲方扣收款项不足以清偿乙方所有应付款项的,甲方有权决定清偿顺序。 If the amount deducted by Party A is insufficient to repay all debts owed by Party B, Party A may decide the priority sequence of each item to be settled. 第十一条 生效、变更和解除 Article 11 Effectiveness, Amendment and Termination 11.1 本合同自签订之日起生效,至乙方在本合同项下所有义务履行完毕之日终止。 This Contract shall take effect as of the date hereof, and end upon the date when all of Party B's obligations hereunder are fully performed. 11.2 对本合同的任何变更应由各方协商一致并以书面形式作出。变更条款或协议构成 本合同的一部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。除变更部分外,本合同其余部分依然有效, 变更部分生效前原条款仍然有效。 Any amendment to this Contract shall be agreed by the Parties and made in writing. Amended clauses or amendment agreement shall constitute an integral part of this Contract and have equal legal effect as this Contract. The rest terms of this Contract which are not amended shall remain effective. The original terms of this Contract which are to be amended shall remain effective until the relevant amendments take effect. 11.3 本合同的变更和解除,不影响缔约各方要求赔偿损失的权利。本合同的解除, 不影响有关争议解决条款的效力。 Amendments to or termination of this Contract shall not prejudice each Party's right to claim compensation for loss. The dispute resolution clause hereof shall survive termination of this Contract. 第十二条 争议的解决 Article 12 Dispute Resolution 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行及争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。凡由本 合同引起的或与本合同有关的争议和纠纷,甲乙双方应协商解决,协商不成按下述 种方 式解决: The execution, validity, interpretation, performance and dispute resolution of this Contract shall be governed by the PRC law. All disputes and controversies arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be solved by the Parties through consultations, failing which, be solved by the means agreed hereunder. (1)将该争议提交 仲裁委员会,按提交仲裁申请时该会有效之仲裁规 则,在 (仲裁地点)进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局性的,对双方均有约束力。 ,21, Such dispute shall be submitted to _________________Arbitration Commission for arbitration at ________________ (place of arbitration) in accordance with the arbitration rules of such commission in force upon submission of arbitration application. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both parties; (2)在甲方所在地法院通过诉讼方式解决。 Such dispute shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the competent court of place where Party A is located. 第十三条 其他 Article 13 Miscellaneous 13.1 甲方未行使或部分行使或迟延行使本合同项下的任何权利,不构成对该权利或任 何其他权利的放弃或变更,也不影响其进一步行使该权利或任何其他权利。 Failure to exercise, partial exercise or delay in exercise by Party A of any of its rights hereunder will not constitute waiver of or amendment to such right or any other right, nor will it affect Party A's further exercise of such right or any other right. 13.2 本合同任何条款的无效或不可执行,不影响其他条款的有效性和可执行性,也不 影响整个合同的效力。 Invalidity or unenforceability of any provision hereof will not affect validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof or validity of the whole Contract. 13.3 甲方有权依据有关法律法规的规定或金融监管机构的要求,将与本合同有关的信 息和乙方其他相关信息提供给中国人民银行征信系统和其他依法设立的信用信息数据库,供 具有适当资格的机构或个人查询和使用。甲方也有权为本合同订立和履行之目的,通过中国 人民银行征信系统和其他依法设立的信用信息数据库查询乙方的相关信息。 If so required by applicable laws, regulations, or other financial regulators, Party A may provide the information related to this Contract and other information related to Party B to the credit information database of the People's Bank of China and other credit database created in accordance with laws for duly qualified institutions or individuals to check or use. Party A may also enquire information related to Party B by using the credit information basic database of the People's Bank of China or other credit database created in accordance with laws for purpose of execution and performance of this Contract. 13.4 本合同项下的《融资明细表》、《质押清单》、《融资申请书》等所有附件、借据等 借还款凭证、结付息单据以及于履行本合同有关的协议、逾期索付及罚息通知等均为本合同 不可分割的组成部分,与合同具有同等法律效力。 Loan and reimbursement vouchers like Financing Detailed Statement, Pledge List, Financing Application and other appendixes and IOUs, interest settlement and payment documents, and agreements, overdue payment and penalty notice related to fulfilling this Contract are integral part ,22, of this Contract, which shall have the same legal effect. 13.5 本合同所述之环境和社会风险指乙方及其重要关联方在建设、生产、经营活动中 可能给环境和社会带来的危害及相关风险,包括与耗能、污染、土地、健康、安全、移民安 置、生态保护、气候变化等有关的环境与社会问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 The environmental and social risks referred to herein means any harm that may be caused by Party B or its material affiliates to the environment and society during their construction, production and operation activities, and related risks, including the environmental and social problems in relation to energy consumption, pollution, land, health, safety, relocation and settlement of residents, ecological protection and climate change. 13.6 在本合同中,? 凡提及本合同应包括对本合同的修改或补充;?条款标题仅用 于参考,不构成对本合同的任何解释,对标题项下内容及其范围也不构成任何限制;?提款 日、还款日为非银行工作日,则顺延至下一个银行工作日。 In this Contract, (1) any reference to this Contract shall include all amendments and supplements to this Contract; (2) the headings are for reference only, and do not constitute any interpretation of this Contract, or restriction on contents or scope of provisions under such headings; and (3) if a withdraw date or repayment date is not a bank business day, it shall be postponed to the immediate following bank business day. 13.7 本合同正本一式两份,签约双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。 This Contract is in duplicate, and each Party holds one which shall have the same legal effect. 第十四条 双方约定的其他事项 Article 14 Other Terms Stipulated by the Parties 附件:1.应收账款池融资明细表 Appendix: 1. Account Receivable Pool Financing Detailed Statement 2.应收账款质押清单 2. Account Receivable Pledge List 3.融资申请书 3. Financing application 双方确认:甲乙双方已对本合同的所有条款进行了充分协商。甲方已提请乙方特别注意 有关双方权利义务的全部条款,对其作全面准确的理解,并已应乙方要求对相关条款作出解 释说明。乙方已认真阅读并充分理解所有合同条款,甲乙双方对本合同条款的理解完全一致, 对合同内容无异议。 ,23, The Parties hereby confirm that all terms of this Contract have been fully negotiated by Party A and Party B. Party A has brought Party B's special attention to all terms in relation to the rights and obligations of each Party, asked Party B to fully and accurately understand all such terms, and upon Party B's request, made explanation on relevant terms. Party B has carefully read and fully understands all contractual terms hereof, the understanding of Party A and Party B of this Contract is consistent, and the Parties have no dispute over the terms of this Contact. 甲 方(公章): Party A (official seal): 负责人(授权代理人): Person in charge (authorized representative): 乙 方(公章): Party B (official seal): 法定代表人(授权代理人): Legal representative (authorized representative): 签订日期: 年 月 日 Date: ______________________ ,24, 附件1: Appendix 1: 应收账款池融资明细表 Account Receivable Pool Financing Detailed Statement 单位:元(人民币)Unit: Yuan RMB 归还应收账 应收账款池应收账款池款池融资 应收账款池应收账款池融融资金额 融资发放日 金额 融资到期日 融资利率 利息计资用途 Accounts Returned Accounts Accounts (%) 收方式 序号 Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable Receivable Financing Interest No. Receivable Pool Pool Receivable Pool Pool Interest CollectinFinancing Financing Pool Financing Financing Rate g Way Purpose Amount Financing Issue Date due date Amount 注:1.归还应收账款池融资金额以()形式表示; Note: returned accounts receivable pool financing amount shall be in the form of ( ); 2.应收账款池融资发放日和应收账款池融资到期日的填写格式为××××年××月××日; Filling in format of accounts receivable pool financing issue date and due date is ×××× YYYY ×× MM ×××× DD. 3.结息方式为按日计息,按月(季)结息。 The interest shall be calculated per day and settled per Month (Quarter). 甲方(合同专用章或公章): 乙方 (公章): Party A (contract seal or official seal) Party B (official seal) 负责人(签章): 法定代表人(签章): ,25, Person in charge (signature): Legal representative (signature): (授权代理人) (授权代理人) (Authorized representative) (Authorized representative) 年 月 日 Date: 附件2: Appendix 1: 应收账款质押清单 Account Receivable Pledge List 单位:元人民币Unit: Yuan RMB 购货方全称 发票票面金额 发票实有金额 应收账款还款日 序号 发票编号 Full Name of Invoice Face Invoice Actual Accounts Receivable No. Invoice No. the Buyer Amount Amount Repayment Date 注:1.应收账款还款日为本清单项下购销双方在购销或服务合同中约定的账款回收日,填 写格式为××××年××月××日; Note: accounts receivable repayment date is the accounts collection date stipulated in purchases and sales contract or service contract by the buyer and the seller under this list, format for filling in is ××××YYYY ×× MM ×××× DD. ,26, 甲方(合同专用章或公章): 乙方(公章): Party A (contract seal or official seal): Party B (official seal) 负责人(签章): 法定代表人(签章): Person in charge (signature): Legal representative (signature): (授权代理人) (授权代理人) (Authorized representative) (Authorized representative) 年 月 日 Date: ,27, 附件3: Appendix 3: 融资申请书 Financing Application 中国工商银行 : Industrial and Commercial Bank of China : 根据 年 月 日与贵行签订的编号为 的《应收账款池融资合同》(下称《融资 合同》),我方已完成了《融资合同》约定的所有融资前提条件,特向贵行发出以下融资申请: In accordance with the Accounts Receivable Pool Financing Contract between you and us on _____YYYY_____MM DD (contract no: ) (the Financing Contract), we have fully satisfied all conditions precedent to financing as required under the Financing Contract, and hereby send this financing application to you: 一、请于 年 月 日将人民币 万元划入我方下列账户: Please remit RMB on YYYY MM DD to the following account of us: 户名: Account name: 账号: Account number: 开户行: Bank: 二、该笔融资的期限为 个月,到期日为 年 月 日。 Duration for this financing is month/months, due date is . 三、在该融资申请发出之日,我方确认: On the date of this application, we confirm that: 1.该次提款将用于《融资合同》所约定的融资用途; This withdraw will be used for the purpose as agreed under the Financing Contract; 2.在该融资申请书发出之日及提款日,我方在《融资合同》中所作陈述、保证和承诺仍然真 实、准确、完整、有效; On the date of this application and the withdraw date, all representations, warranties and undertakings made by us in the Financing Contract remain true, accurate, complete and effective; 3.截至本申请书发出之日,我方的财务和信用状况未发生重大不利变化。 As of the date of this application, there has not been any material adverse change to our financial or ,28, credit condition. 4.在本申请书发出之日,不存在任何《融资合同》项下或与《融资合同》有关的违约或预期 违约事件,我方进一步确认,在提款日也不会发生或存续任何违约事件。 As of the date of this application, there is no default or expected event of default under or in relation to the Financing Contract. We further warrant that no event of default will occur or continue on the withdraw date. 5.本申请发出之后即为不可撤销。 This application is irrevocable once sent. 融资人(盖章): Financier (seal): 法定代表人或授权代理人(签章): Legal representative/authorized representative (signature): 日期: 年 月 日 Date: ______________________ ,29,
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