首页 第五章需求及供给价格弹性



第五章需求及供给价格弹性第五章需求及供给价格弹性 第五章 需求及供給價格彈性 5.1 需求價格彈性 一. 定義 需求價格彈性是 。 需求價格彈性(Ed)= ------------------------------- 例子: 若某貨品的價格下降了20%,而需求量上升10%,該貨品的需求價格彈性 為 。 二. 計算方法 利用 價格及 需求量的計算方法,所得的需求價格 彈性稱為需求價格弧彈性。 Ed= = =------------------- x ------------------- 例子: 若某貨品...

第五章需求及供给价格弹性 第五章 需求及供給價格彈性 5.1 需求價格彈性 一. 定義 需求價格彈性是 。 需求價格彈性(Ed)= ------------------------------- 例子: 若某貨品的價格下降了20%,而需求量上升10%,該貨品的需求價格彈性 為 。 二. 計算方法 利用 價格及 需求量的計算方法,所得的需求價格 彈性稱為需求價格弧彈性。 Ed= = =------------------- x ------------------- 例子: 若某貨品的價格由$5下降至$4,而需求量則由100上升至120件,該貨 品的需求價格弧彈性為 。 練習一 1. 為何需求價格彈性總是負數 , 2. 完成課本第81頁1997年會考題。 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above S4notes by M.H.Lin2003/04(updated04/05) P.1 / Ch5 三. 需求價格彈性的分類 在需求價格彈性除去負號以後,它的數值是介乎 與 之間 ( Ed )。 它可分為五類。 1. 低彈性需求(Ed ) 若貨品需求量改變的百分率 於價格改變的百分率,需求價 格彈性便 於1,該貨品的需求便屬於 。 2. 彈性需求(Ed ) 若貨品需求量改變的百分率 於價格改變的百分率,需求價格彈性 便 於1,該貨品的需求便屬於 。 3. 單一彈性需求(Ed ) 若貨品需求量改變的百分率 , 該貨品的需求便屬於 。 單一彈性需求曲線是呈 的。 4. 完全無彈性需求(Ed ) 若無論貨品的價格如何轉變,其需求量 ,需求價格彈 性便等於 。該貨品的需求便屬於 。 5. 完全彈性需求(Ed ) 若 的價格變動會導致貨品需求量 的變動,需 求價格彈性便是 。該貨品的需求便屬於 。 練習二 1. 完成下表。 需求彈性的種類 特點 Ed 彈性需求 Ed<1 需求量改變的%=價格改變的% Ed=? 不管價格如何改變, 需求量仍維持不變 2. 不論咖啡的售價是多少,陳先生每天都會飲3杯咖啡。 a. 這屬於哪種需求價格彈性, the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above S4notes by M.H.Lin2003/04(updated04/05) P.2 / Ch5 b. 畫出其需求曲線圖。 c. 畫出與上圖相反的需求曲線圖。 3. 完成課本第85頁問題5.3。 四. 影響需求價格彈性的因素 因素 情況 1. 代替品的數目 代替品越多,Ed愈 。 2. 必需品與奢侈品 必需品的Ed較 。 奢侈品的Ed較 。 3. 物品支出佔消費者收入的比例 比例愈大,Ed愈 。 4. 時間的長短 時間愈長,Ed愈 。 5. 消費者的習慣 愈習慣使用的物品,其Ed愈 。 6. 價格範圍 價格處於愈高水平,Ed愈 。 五. 需求價格彈性與總收入的關係 1. 總收入的計算 總收入 = x 下圖斜線部份的面積乃價格為P0時的總收入。 P S P0 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above D 0 Q S4notes by M.H.Lin2003/04 P.3 / Ch5 以消費者的觀點來看,上面斜線部份代表 。 2. 彈性與總收入的關係 (a) 低彈性需求 當貨品的價格上升時,貨品需求量減少的百分率會 於價格 上升的百分率,總收入會 。 當貨品的價格下降時,貨品需求量增加的百分率 於價格下 降的百分率,總收入會 。 例子: P S1 S0 P1 P0 D0 0 Q1 Q0 Q 當價格由P0上升至P1,若需求屬低彈性的,貨品需求量減少的百分率會 _ 於價格上升的百分率,數量下降令總收入減少的部分(--)會 ______於價格上升令總收入增加的部分(++),總收入會 上升/下降 (由 上升/下降 至 )。 (b) 彈性需求 當貨品的價格上升時,貨品需求量減少的百分率會 於價格上升的百分率,總收入會 。 當貨品的價格下降時,貨品需求量 , 總收入會 。 例子: P S0 S1 P0 P1 D0 0 Q0 Q1 Q 當價格由P0下降至P1,若需求屬彈性的,貨品需求量上升的百分率the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 會______於價格下降的百分率,數量上升令總收入增加的部分(++) 會______於價格下降令總收入減少的部分(--)。總收入會上升/下降 (由 上升/下降 至 )。 S4notes by M.H.Lin2003/04(updated04/05) P.4 / Ch5 (c) 單一彈性需求 由於貨品需求量改變的百分率 於價格改變的百分率,故無 論貨品的價格上升或下降,總收入都 。 例子: 當價格由P0下降至P1, 。 練習三 1. 完成下表。 彈性 價格上升 價格下降 低彈性需求 需求量下降的%<價格上升的% 需求量上升的%< (需求量改變的 ,總收入上升 價格下降的% %<價格改變的%) ,總收入下降 彈性需求 ( ) 單一彈性需求 ( ) 2. 完成課本第107頁問題6-8。 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above S4notes by M.H.Lin2003/04(updated04/05) P.5 / Ch5 5.2 供給價格彈性 一. 定義 供給價格彈性是 ____________________________ 。 供給價格彈性(Es)=------------------------------------ 例子: 若某貨品的價格上升了20%,而供給量上升了40%,該貨品的供給價格彈 性為 。 二. 計算方法 利用 價格及 供給量的計算方法,所得的供給價格彈 性稱為供給價格弧彈性。 Es = = =------------- x --------------- 例子: 若某貨品的價格由$20上升至$40,而供給量則由100件上升至120件, 該貨品的供給價格弧彈性為 。 三. 供給價格彈性的分類 一般而言,貨品的供給量與價格向 的方向變動。故此,供給 價格彈性是 數。它的數值介乎 與 之 間 ( Es ),共分五類。 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above 供給彈性的種類 特點 Es 1. 低彈性供給 2. 彈性供給 3. 單一彈性供給 4. 完全無彈性供給 5. 完全彈性供給 S4notes by M.H.Lin2003/04(updated04/05) P.6 / Ch5 練習四 1. 試在下圖的括號內填上適當的供給價格彈性種類的名稱。 ( ) ( ) ( ) 0 1 ? ( ) ( ) 2. 繪畫出完全無彈性及完全彈性的供給曲線。 P P 0 Q 0 Q (完全無彈性供給曲線) (完全彈性供給曲線) 四. 影響供給價格彈性的因素 因素 情況 1. 時間的長短 時間愈長,Es愈 2. 生產方法 勞工密集的生產方法,Es較 資本密集的生產方法,Es較 3. 生產因素的流動性 生產因素流動性愈高,Es愈 4. 進入市場生產的自由度 愈容易進入市場生產,Es愈 ***完*** the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above S4notes by M.H.Lin2003/04(updated04/05) P.7 / Ch5 the primary analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, such as pests, disinfection, pest control in advance. Garden plant growth by required of minimum planting soil thickness should meet Xia table (construction figure Shang indicate of except) vegetation type herb flower lawn to was small shrubs big shrubs shallow root trees deep root trees soil thickness 30 (CM) 30 (CM) 45 (CM) 60 (CM) 90 (CM) 120 (CM) planting soil should selection for plant growth of selective soil, as humic acid soil, and lawn fertilizer, and peat soil, and pH 5.5~7.0, humidity 30~70%, completely loose, Lawn planting soil roughness (soil surface should be lower than teeth pond 2~5cm). 2, planting garden of foundation engineering projects from planning to the construction stage, focus on after completion of landscaping, the overall goal is to create a good living environment for plants, create a garden and green space. Plant engineering of the project was to create the basis for plant growth, soil, it can be said is the garden project, is one of the most important works. Also planted phase of this project must be carried out by the local soil improvement project. 3, seedling selection requirements: (1) engineering seedling selection of cooked goods, provisions relating to plant size. Plant procurement specifications can be large, so as to achieve ecological effect in a short time. Seedlings should have ... Strong, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. (2) the project should have growth robust, lush, Crown-shaped full, normal color, root system, pest and disease-free. Stems, root cause mechanical damage, looping root amputation at the wound to prevent infection. (3) category tree seedlings: a spindle should have a uniform distribution of main branches, branches, trunk diameter above
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