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招商部工作流程招商部工作流程 招商工作流程 附:招商部一日工作流程 市场调研和目标客户分析 一、市场调研: 1、调查内容: ?商品品牌资料:含品牌、生产地、价位、目标消费群 ?商品品牌代理商资料:联系电话、地址、招商意向 ?商品销售状况:咨询法、观察法(如销售人员状况、 转让信息) 2、资料分析: 对拿到手的资料进行分析,整理,并判断该品牌是否适 合引进以及能否引进,如不能直接引进,能否考虑间接引 进(如推荐客户代理), 目标客户分析 1、确定目标客户: 通过市场调研,对收集到的信息进行分析,确定部分目标顾客。目标顾 客数一般...

招商部工作流程 招商工作流程 附:招商部一日工作流程 市场调研和目标客户分析 一、市场调研: 1、调查内容: ?商品品牌资料:含品牌、生产地、价位、目标消费群 ?商品品牌代理商资料:联系电话、地址、招商意向 ?商品销售状况:咨询法、观察法(如销售人员状况、 转让信息) 2、资料分析: 对拿到手的资料进行分析,整理,并判断该品牌是否适 合引进以及能否引进,如不能直接引进,能否考虑间接引 进(如推荐客户代理), 目标客户分析 1、确定目标客户: 通过市场调研,对收集到的信息进行分析,确定部分目标顾客。目标顾 客数一般掌握在招商数的2-4倍。 2、目标客户的顾虑分析: 通过换位思考,找出目标客户的顾虑,并一一消除,在实 际招商时并能应付自如。为顾客想得越周到,招商成功的可能 性就越大。具体可参见《客户百问解答》。 3、目标客户的赢利分析: 为目标客户展望未来可促进招商。但在招商过程中,如对 该业种的成本不熟悉时,可避开成本不谈,只谈总销售的增幅。 但为客户预估销售时要有信心但不可离谱。 招商分工与计划 一、招商分工: 只有在分工明细的基础上才能更好的合作。在分工上, 可根据招商组成人员的个人情况、专业特长,进行业种或 区域分工。在分工的基础上互相合作,共同完成招商工作。 二、招商计划: 招商部及招商人员应制定相应的招商计划,主要有: ?总招商计划 ?月招商计划 ?周招商计划 在进行详细计划的基础上按计划执行招商,如在招商过程中招商 进度与计划有出入,在改动相three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 应的招商计划。 目标客户开发、拜访、接洽 在完成市场调研、客户分析以及作了详细的招商计划 后,招商进入实施阶段。 目标客户开发、拜访、接洽注意事项: 1、招商资料的准备:招商手册、单页、名片、笔记本等; 2、目标客户资料的熟记; 3、个人形象及礼仪; 4、招商说辞的熟记; 5、目标客户的顾虑分析熟记; 6、自信心。 客户分类、确定重点 通过几次的沟通与接洽,对目标客户已经有了一定深 度的了解,这时就必须对目标客户进行分类。 目标客户的分类: ?重点客户:意向性很强,对招商条件基本接受; ?观望客户:意向性较强,对招商条件不太满意,持观望态度; ?普通客户:意向性很强,对招商条件不接受; ?难点客户:意向性不强,对招商条件不接受; 分类客户攻击战略: ?重点客户:小心维护,促成签约;(不卑不亢) ?观望客户:攻心为上,不断加压;(积极促成) ?普通客户:强调定位,小利小惠;(坚持底限) ?难点客户:暂作放弃,以备后用。(不理不睬) 谈判小技巧 在租金抛高、优惠抛低的基础上假装到主管领导处为客户争取优惠,会让客户认为你对他的事情很热心,树立你个人在他(她)心目中的形象。注意事项: ?能在坚持底限的情况下能把租金拉高是最理想的选择; ?在招商政策及你的权限以内的事,不要总征求领导意见,否则会降低你在客 户心中的形象; ?在签约前不要接受客户的任何礼物及宴请,这样会导致主动权丧失; ?要懂得适当的批评指正客户,不要他说什么都说好,树立自己的专业权威; ?学会在适当的时候three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 请示领导,才能表现你的热心;懂得在适当的时候拒绝或 表示无奈,更能表现你的魅力; 如果在“宰”了客户后,客户还把你当恩人看,那么,你就是一个很成功的招商人员~ 客户填写意向书 当双方接洽到合适时机是应促进客户填写《租赁意向书》。 填写意向书应注意事项: ?意向书要填写完整; ?对客户不理解的地方要予以解释; ?填写意向书时应发放《经营户承租须知》; ?意向书必须待乙方交纳进场保证金后才能生效; ?如因乙方原因毁约保证金不予退还; ?意向书填写后,乙方必须在甲方规定的时间内签正式 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 并交付首笔租金,否则,视为乙方违约; ?意向书必须要经乙方签字盖手印并由招商人员、招商经理、财务经理签字方可生效; ?意向书只有一份,原则上只由甲方留存。如乙方需要,可酌情复印。 签定合同 签定合同应注意事项: 1、合同的签定由招商经理签定,招商人员需要全程跟踪; 2、合同为一式三份,招商部、财务部、乙方各留一份。复 印一份交行政存档; 3、合同签定时乙方应交纳首笔租金,租金的计算日期从专 柜正式营业时间算起,如乙方超出装修时间,也计算租金。 4、签定合同后招商人员要根据进度在开业前7-10天通知乙 方办理装修手续,进场装修; 5、发放《装修须知》、《商场管理规定》等 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 。 客户提供装修 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 及电脑效果图 客户在签定合同后,进场装修前,须向甲方提 供装修方案(含效果图、电路图、用电功率等)经 甲方工程部签字认可后方能施工。装修方案 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 参 照合同签定时发放给乙方的《装修须知》。 装修 一three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 切按《承租须知》、《装修须知》在规定时间内完成装修。 火 爆 开 业 开业按照《开业策划书》进行。 涉及到的开业费用视开发商意见,由开发商出 或摊入经营户,或由双方共同承担。 招商部一日工作流程 热情邀约 坚持底限 一日工作流程 1、晨会: 时间控制在30-60分钟左右,主要内容为制度宣传、培 训、工作 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 、新闻信息共享、激励语等。 2、拜访: 晨会结束后,根据进度安排,招商人员值守现场或出 外市调、拜访。 3、下班: 招商人员下班前须到招商经理处报告一日工作。 三只闹钟的故事: 我常常不知道自己该做些什么。幼时的梦想越走越远,风霜的磨砺和肩上的重担时时让我不知所措,我不知道接下来该怎么办。 其中一只旧钟对小钟说:“来吧,你也该工作了。可是我有点担心,你走完三千二百万3次以后,恐怕便吃不消了。” 一只新组装好的小钟放在了两只旧钟当中。两只旧钟“滴答”、“滴答”一分一秒地走着。 “天哪~三千二百万次。”小钟吃惊不已。“要我做这么大的事,办不到,办不到。” 另一只旧钟说:“别听他胡说八道。不用害怕,你只要每秒滴答摆一下就行了。” “天下哪有这样简单的事情。”小钟将信将疑。“如果这样,我就试试吧。” 小钟很轻松地每秒钟“滴答”摆一下,不知不觉中,一年过去了,它摆了三千二百万次。 每个人都希望梦想成真,成功却似乎远在天边遥不可及,倦怠和不自信让我们怀疑自己的能力, 放弃努力。其实,我们不必想以后的事,一年、甚至一月之后的事,只要想着今天我要作些什么,明天我该作些什么,然后努力去完成,就three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 象那只钟一样,每秒“滴答”摆一下,成功的喜悦就会慢慢浸润我们 的生命。 * * * three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality
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