首页 2014国家公务员考试行测专项练习:易落陷阱



2014国家公务员考试行测专项练习:易落陷阱2014国家公务员考试行测专项练习:易落陷阱 中公教育专家经长期研究发现,资料分析题以计算见长,包括增长量、增长率等容易混淆的概念,考生们要在备考中预知一下这些陷阱是什么样的,以下是各种陷阱: 一、概念理解陷阱 1.增长率、增长量混淆 应对策略: 1.增长率表示的是本期比上期(前期)增长了百分之多少,强调的是增长的快慢问题;常见表述有: (1)“XX快速(较快)增长”、“XX增速加快(减慢)” (2)“XX增幅(降幅)较大”、“XX大幅度增长(降低)” (3)“XX增长率最高(最低)的是” 2.增...

2014国家公务员考试行测专项练习:易落陷阱 中公教育专家经长期研究发现,资料分析题以计算见长,包括增长量、增长率等容易混淆的概念,考生们要在备考中预知一下这些陷阱是什么样的,以下是各种陷阱: 一、概念理解陷阱 1.增长率、增长量混淆 应对策略: 1.增长率 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示的是本期比上期(前期)增长了百分之多少,强调的是增长的快慢问题;常见表述有: (1)“XX快速(较快)增长”、“XX增速加快(减慢)” (2)“XX增幅(降幅)较大”、“XX大幅度增长(降低)” (3)“XX增长率最高(最低)的是” 2.增长量表示的是本期比上期增长了多少,强调的是增长的多少问题。常见表述有:“增长量(增长值)为多少/多多少” 【例题1】今年前两个月,该市对外出口超亿美元的国家有六个国家和地区,分别是美国、日本、韩国、德国、新加坡和香港。六个国家和地区出口总额为18.38亿美元,占全市出口总额的69.7%。其中对美国出口7.3亿美元,增长12.2%,扭转了一月份下降的局面。对日本出口2.99亿美元,增长16.2%;对韩国出口2.66亿美元,增长32%;对德国出口2.46亿美元,增长1.2倍;对新加坡出口1.62亿美元,增长1.8倍;对香港出口1.35亿美元,增长25.4%。 今年前两个月该市对外出口超亿美元的国家有六个国家和地区中,与去年同期相比,出口额增长最多的是( )。 A.美国 B.日本 C.新加坡 D.德国 中公解析:此题 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 为C。对美国出口额增长了7.3-7.3?(1+12.2%)=0.8亿美元,同理,对日本出口额增长了0.42亿美元,对德国出口额增长了1.34亿美元,对新加坡出口额增长了1.04亿美元,综上,D项正确。 陷阱分析:增长率和增长量陷阱。此题极易误选C项,由材料可知“对美国出口,增长12.2%”、“日本出口,增长16.2%”、“对德国出口,增长1.2倍”和“对新加坡出口,增长1.8倍”,那么我们通过比较可知:对新加坡出口增长最快。而题干所求的是出口额增长最多的,也就是求增长量最多的。所以C项就是错误选项。 2.同比增长、环比增长和年均增长的混淆 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police 应对策略:1.同比表示的是相同时间特性下两个数据大小的比较;环比表示的是时间顺延特性下两个数据大小的比较。 2.同比增长指的是相较于上年同期增长的量或增长的百分比;年均增长指的是某变量一段时期内平均每年增长的量或百分比。年均增长量并不等同于同比增长量,年均增长率也不等同于同比增长率。 【例题2】国基本型乘用车产销21.19万辆和22.13万辆,比去年同期分别增长1.86%和26.03%;运动型多用途乘用车产销1.43万辆和1.52万辆,降幅不大;交叉型乘用车本月产销6.60万辆和6.85万辆,分别比上月下降14.23%和2.83%;多功能乘用车产销降幅最大,本月产销1.23万辆和1.24万辆。 1至5月,基本型乘用车累计产销99.10万辆和96.93万辆,产量同比下降2.73%,销量同比增长1.07%;多功能乘用车累计产销6.11万辆和5.71万辆,同比增长31.26%和31.54%;运动型多用途乘用车累计产销6.46万辆和6.54万辆,同比下降16.00%和10.25%;交叉型乘用车累计产销36.77万辆和37.41万辆,同比增长6.02%和10.29%。 根据上述材料,以下表述正确的一项是( )。 A.与去年相比,全国今年1至5月基本型乘用车产、销量都有不同程度的增长 B.今年1至5月份全国运动型多用途乘用车产、销量都低于去年同期 C.去年5月全国交叉型乘用车产、销量都低于今年5月 D.今年4月全国基本型乘用车产、销量都略高于5月 中公解析:此题答案为B。A项,从资料中可以看出,今年1-5月份基本型乘用车产量同比下降了2.73%,A项错误; B项,今年1至5月份全国运动型多用途乘用车产、销量同比下降16.00%和10.25%,B项正确; C项,今年5月份全国交叉型乘用车产、销量分别比上月下降14.23%和2.83%,这是一个环比下降,不是同比下降,而C项的叙述却是关于同比的,则C项无法从材料中得到; D项,今年5月份全国基本型乘用车产、销量比去年同期分别增长1.86%和26.03%,这是一个同比增长,而D项的叙述却是关于环比的,则D项也无法从材料中得到。 综上,正确答案为B。 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police 黑龙江中公教育: 陷阱分析:材料中出现的“比去年同期”、“同比”属于同比增长(下降),是把今年5月的数据和去年5月的数据相比;“比上月”属于环比增长(下降),是把今年5月的数据和今年4月的数据相比。C项中出现的交叉型乘用车产、销量在今年5月份均比4月份下降,是环比而不是同比。D项中出现的基本型乘用车产、销量在今年5月份均比去年同期增长,是同比而不是环比。 3.相对数、绝对数混淆 应对策略:1.绝对数通常反映一定时间、地点条件下的规模、水平,可以比较大小,带有单位。资料分析当中经常涉及的总产量、增长量、销售额、进出口总额、顺差额等; 2.相对数反映的是现象之间数量上的联系程度和对比关系的综合指标。资料分析中相对数主要以增长率、指数、倍数、人口密度、就业率、人口自然增长率等形式出现; 3.资料分析中求绝对数的问题时,大多会和相对数关联,我们在解题时要注意与相对数相关的具体的绝对数值; 4.在求相对数时,要注意相对数的具体计算 公式 小学单位换算公式大全免费下载公式下载行测公式大全下载excel公式下载逻辑回归公式下载 ,不要因为计算公式的错用而导致解题错误。 【例题3】 2002-2006年我国进出口总额及其增长速度 下列说法中,不正确的是( )。 A.2003-2006年,我国出口额与上年相比的增长量都超过1000亿美元 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job securi ty and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice latt黑龙江中公教育官方微博:, the most direc t service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police B.2003-2006年,我国的进出口总额呈逐年上涨状态 C.2004年至2006年,我国进出口总额呈逐年上升趋势 D.2001年,我国的出口额约为2673亿美元 中公解析:此题答案为D。由图中所给出的信息,只能计算出2001年的进出口总额,不能算出2001年的出口额,而其他选项都是正确的,应选择D。 陷阱分析:干扰选项是C。图中曲线上的点表示的含义是进出口总额与比上年相比的增长率,考生在考试时由于时间紧,很容易将该曲线直接当成是进出口总额与上年相比的增长量变化曲线,错选C项。 二、材料、题目解读陷阱 1.材料解读陷阱 应对策略:1.针对各种材料,一定要在材料解读的时候注意材料中的所有相关内容,任何内容都不能忽视; 示例:我们在解读图形材料时,对标题、单位、图注、注释(某些材料会有)等这些特别细节的内容都要仔细阅读。 2.平时复习时,注意对一些比较常考的,但是不常用的一些专业术语、生僻词汇的熟悉和积累。 【例题4】 2006年全国农村外出从业劳动力流向及从业情况统计表(单位:%) 2006年,全国农村外出从业劳动力中,男性劳动力8434万人,占64%。从年龄构成上看,20岁以下占16.1%;21-30岁占36.5%;31-40岁占29.5%;41-50岁占12.8%;51岁以上占5.1%。从文化程度看,文盲占1.2%; 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 文化程度占18.7%; 初中 初中体育教案免费下载初中各年级劳动技术教案初中阶段各学科核心素养一览表初中二次函数知识点汇总初中化学新课程标准 文化程度占70.1%;高中文化程度占8.7%;大专及以上文化程度占1.3%。 表中“?”处的数值应为( )。 A.41.6 B.42.5 C.51.5 D.52.4 中公解析:此题答案为C。东北地区第三产业比重为1-4.2%-44.3%=51.5%。 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice lattice every Duan lattice. The public security organs Service Development and protect the livelihood of the people, the most direct service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police 黑龙江中公教育: 陷阱分析:干扰选项为A。本题属于表格解读陷阱。考生在解题时,容易把全国第三产业百分比误认为是后面四个地区第三产业百分数的平均值,直接列式为40.5%×4-41.7%-40.7%-38%=41.6%,错选A项。 2.题目要求解读陷阱 在前十大客源国中,上海市入境游客增幅最大的是( )。 A.新加坡 B.印尼 C.法国 D.马来西亚 中公解析:此题答案为A。根据条形可知:前十大客源国有日本、韩国、美国、德国、法国、英国、新加坡、菲律宾、马来西亚、澳大利亚,由折线可知这十大客源国中,入境游客增幅最大的是新加坡。 陷阱分析:题干要求解读陷阱,干扰项是B项。注意题干条件“在前十大客源国中”,虽然上海市入境游客增幅最大的是印尼,但是印尼不属于前十大客源国,因此不要误选B项。 中公教育专家建议考生们认清以上陷阱,在考场上绕开之后便可大路坦途。 problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job securi ty and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the "iron Lattice latt黑龙江中公教育官方微博:, the most direc t service is to create a good public security environment, let people have a sense of security, let investors to worry. If a burglary can prevent cases of multiple masses safety feeling low, the masses "iron", means that our work dereliction of duty. Therefore, to enhance the people a sense of security and satisfaction, so that "iron" more and less, is our biggest goal. As long as we earnestly to press incidence, enhance people's sense of security and satisfaction as the starting point and the foothold, will be able to work in the Party committee and government approval to obtain the support of the masses, the vast majority of the civilian police support, will not Continue to make new achievements. Second, we must find a good breakthrough point. In recent years, through to the primary research and development of visit, a sense of security satisfaction survey and public reception of visitors, accept masses to complain etc. channel, the police and the masses reflects the tension of police, theft cases, after the report did not deal with the results, the police slowly, service attitude stiff problems. Analysis the above problems, the breakthrough point is to solve tension of police and individual police service attitude problem. To solve the problems of shortage of police
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