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Advanced GameMaker - Rupert


Advanced GameMaker - RupertAdvanced GameMaker - Rupert Advanced Game Maker Tony Forster Aug 07 for GameMaker version 6.1 May be copied or modified with acknowledgement of authorship Tony Forster 23/7/07 Variables .......................................................................

Advanced GameMaker - Rupert
Advanced GameMaker - Rupert Advanced Game Maker Tony Forster Aug 07 for GameMaker version 6.1 May be copied or modified with acknowledgement of authorship Tony Forster 23/7/07 Variables ............................................................................................................................. 2 Execute a piece of code................................................................................................... 2 Setting and testing variables ........................................................................................... 2 Common variables .......................................................................................................... 3 Scope and visibility ......................................................................................................... 4 Persistence....................................................................................................................... 5 Sprites and Drawing............................................................................................................ 6 Steering a car................................................................................................................... 6 The clock......................................................................................................................... 8 Individual health bars...................................................................................................... 9 Entering Data .................................................................................................................... 10 Miscellaneous.................................................................................................................... 10 Random ......................................................................................................................... 10 With............................................................................................................................... 11 Self, other, all, instance ................................................................................................. 11 What do these do? Try them ......................................................................................... 11 More reading ................................................................................................................. 12 Gamemaker Code – self paced tutorial ............................................................................. 12 Getting started ............................................................................................................... 12 Making Teddy Move..................................................................................................... 13 Something to shoot at.................................................................................................... 15 OK Lets Shoot!! ............................................................................................................ 18 Kill Ghosts .................................................................................................................... 20 Links.................................................................................................................................. 23 Resources .............................................................................................................. 23 Forum .................................................................................................................... 23 Kids work .............................................................................................................. 23 Book ...................................................................................................................... 24 Variables Execute a piece of code Rather than drag and drop actions, you can use the more powerful code. The “execute a piece of code” action looks like this: You can type code into this window or paste to it from help or elsewhere. Note how the colour changes when Gamemaker recognises something, for example: if(mouse_x<200 && mouse_y<200) window_set_cursor(cr_hourglass) else window_set_cursor (cr_default) light blue for variables dark blue for functions red for constants magenta for objects green for comments bold for language words If you don?t get the colour you expect, you have made a typing error Try this, new game add an object add event step execute a piece of code if(mouse_x<200 && mouse_y<200) window_set_cursor(cr_hourglass) else window_set_cursor (cr_default) new room place object in room run Setting and testing variables You can use code fragments in “set the value of a variable” and test with “if a variable has a value” or “if an expression is true” or Common variables x Is an object?s x-position. y Is an object?s y-position. Example: new game new sprite new object set the sprite for the object add event keypress set the value of a variable x=100 y=100 new room place object in room run it jumps to position 100 100 when you press space hspeed Horizontal component of the speed. Example In the keypress event hspeed =10 move to the right speed 10 when you press right cursor vspeed Vertical component of the speed. direction Its current direction (0-360, counter-clockwise, 0 = to the right). speed Its current speed (pixels per step). X-coordinate of the mouse. mouse_x mouse_y Y-coordinate of the mouse. Example: In the step event x= mouse_x y= mouse_y the object moves with the mouse Scope and visibility There are some reserved names mouse_x mouse_y health score lives room_width room_height which are global most variables belong to the object within which they are defined there is also the global object global eg global.x So for code within object0 , x is the horizontal position to refer to it from inside another object use object0.x (is the x value or horizontal position of object0) See The object "inventory" is used to keep track of diamonds, the variable "diamonds" is the number of diamonds collected Create Event: set variable diamonds to 0 When you collide with the diamond it is destroyed and the inventory count increases by 1 Collision Event with object object1: set variable inventory.diamonds relative to 1 for other object: destroy the instance diamonds lives inside the inventory object, when referred to inside inventory, you can just call it diamonds, when referred from another object, you must use the full name inventory.diamonds In the draw event for inventory, a box and the collected diamonds are drawn Draw Event: set the fill color to 16777215 and line color to 0 draw rectangle with vertices (0,0) and (200,40) A white box is drawn set variable i to 0 repeat next action (block) diamonds times at position (20*i,0) draw image -1 of sprite sprite1 set variable i relative to 1 The sprite is drawn "diamonds" times i is increased each time it is drawn, it is drawn further to the right each time as i increases Persistence Objects and rooms can be persistent Normally objects and rooms are created fresh every time See The balls in room 0 stay where left in room 1 they revert to original positions See Move the dog with the mouse When the dog walks through paint, it is that colour in all rooms Turn off persistent for the dog and it starts anew in each room Sprites and Drawing Steering a car We will rotate a car using its inbuilt variable “direction” Add a sprite edit sprite double click image0 zoom in with magnifying glass Draw a car facing left Note the colour of the bottom left pixel becomes transparent To draw this at 10 degree rotation, close with the green tick animation|rotation sequence|counterclockwise now add an object and room put the object in the room in the object?s step event move in the direction of a point mouse_x, mouse_y at speed 1 change the sprite, sprite0, subimage direction/10 Now we will display some text Delete the change sprite in the step event Instead use draw sprite in the draw event It should work the same Add a font, (Arial 12 is OK) In the draw event, set the font to font0 Draw a text: ""+string(direction), 0,20 relative The clock Add object Add room Room properties, settings 400x400 Place object in room Draw event, execute a piece of code draw_circle(200,200,130,true) see help game graphics, drawing shapes Run it, that?s the circle minuteangle=2*pi*current_second/60 x2=200+100*sin(minuteangle) y2=200-100*cos(minuteangle) x2,y2 is the tip of the second hand and 200,200 the centre draw_line(200,200,x2,y2) Now repeat for minute and hour, a little shorter you will need current_minute and current_hour which are in help under gameplay, timing Add the hour marks for(i=0; i<12; i+=1) { x1=200+110*sin(2*pi*(i)/12) y1=200-110*cos(2*pi*(i)/12) x2=200+125*sin(2*pi*(i)/12) y2=200-125*cos(2*pi*(i)/12) draw_line(x1,y1,x2,y2) } Completed clock at Add the day and date, maybe even an alarm Individual health bars There is a global variable, “health” and you can draw the health for one object New sprite new object new room place object in room draw event, draw a sprite, sprite0 0,0 relative from the score tab, draw the health bar, -20,30,20,40 relative But health is global and you can?t have instances with different health, test this with multiple instances and eg mouse click reducing health Delete: draw a health bar create event, set the value of a variable, energy ,30 draw event set the colour to green draw rectangle –20,30,-20+energy,40, filled, relative (this is the energy) set the colour to black draw rectangle –20,30,20,40, outline, relative (this is the outline) test this with multiple instances with differing energy See Tony Forster Entering Data See The rest are code result = show_menu('menu0|menu1|menu2',0) show_message('menu '+string(result)+' selected') if(show_question('yes or no')=1) show_message('you said yes') else show_message('you said no') show_message('squared is' + string(sqr(get_integer('enter a number',0)))) show_message('you entered:' +get_string('enter text','no string')) show_message('colour number '+string(get_color(0))) Miscellaneous Random random(x) random(x) Returns a random real number between 0 and x. The number is always smaller than x. With In addition to the usual if () repeat () while () do until() for ( ; ;) there is the with construction with (object) repeats statement for all instances of object Self, other, all, instance self // the object containing the code other // the other object in the collision all // all instances of all objects in the room object0 // all instances of object0 in the room What do these do? Try them (You can paste these from this document directly into the “execute a piece of code” window) In the step event: if(mouse_x<200 && mouse_y<200) window_set_cursor(cr_hourglass) else window_set_cursor (cr_default) in a keypress event for (i=0 ; i<10 ; i=i+1) instance_create(x+10*i,y+10*i,object0) What?s the difference between with (object0) instance_destroy() and instance_destroy()when placed in object0?s code? in another object?s code In a keypress event: instance_create(random(400),random(400),object0) In the step event: if (x<0) hspeed=5 if (x>300) hspeed=-5 try this in the draw event: draw_sprite(sprite0,-1,x-5,y) draw_sprite(sprite1,-1,x+5,y) instance_create instance_create (x,y,obj) Creates an instance of obj at position (x,y). Example: In a keypress event instance_create (100,100,object0) create an object0 at position 100 100 of the screen instance_change instance_change (obj,perf) Changes the instance into obj. perf indicates whether to perform the destroy and creation events. Example: instance_change (object0,false) change into object0 without performing the destroy and creation events More reading Go to gamemaker help contents and look at The Gamemaker Language, there are heaps of useful things there. Gamemaker Code – self paced tutorial Getting started Just like any other Gamemaker game, you will need a sprite I?ll choose the teddy You will need an object You need to assign the sprite to the object You need a room You need to put the teddy in the room Making Teddy Move OK so far its all been the same as what we?ve done with drag and drop. Now we?ll make teddy move with the arrow keys but we?ll use code. Add event keyboard left Drag an “Execute a piece of code” action into the action window See how a window opens up When we hit keyboard left we want teddy to move left, we want to set the horizontal speed to a negative value because in Gamemaker, positive is too the right. There?s an inbuilt variable for every object, the horizontal component of speed hspeed. How did I know that? Its in the help. All the code stuff is at the end under Game Maker Language (GML) I found about hspeed in Gameplay – Moving around hspeed Horizontal component of the speed Lets make hspeed –5 Note how hspeed is in blue, Gamemaker recognised it as a variable Just like hspeed is the horizontal component of speed, vspeed is the vertical component. Now add event keyboard right, make hspeed =5 add event keyboard up make vspeed =–5 add event keyboard down make vspeed =5 See how we can move teddy with the cursor keys. Now I want teddy to stop when I?m not pressing a key. Add event keyboard no key And drag in the “execute a piece of code” action Now I could type vspeed=0 hspeed=0 but I read the help and noticed another variable speed so I?ll just type speed=0 Ok it works. What next? Something to shoot at Shooting is not „politically correct?. Big problem. Ghosts don?t have rights. Lets shoot ghosts. Like before get a new sprite Get a new object, assign the sprite to the object and put the object in the room Ok, we want the ghost to move in a random direction Add a create event for the ghost Drag an “Execute a piece of code” action into the action window We?ll give the ghost a fixed speed but a random direction speed=5 direction=random(360) How did I know about the variables speed and direction? Found them same place as vspeed and hspeed How did I know about the function random random(x) Returns a random real number between 0 and x. The number is always smaller than x Lets keep the ghost in the room by making it wrap Add event other / outside room Add this code to make it wrap move_wrap(true,true,0) Where did move_wrap(true,true,0) come from? move_wrap(hor,vert,margin) Wraps the instance when it has left the room to the other side. hor indicates whether to wrap horizontally and vert indicates whether to wrap vertically. margin indicates how far the origin of the instance must be outside the room before the wrap happens. So it is a margin around the room. You typically use this function in the Outside event. Note how true is red, it is a pre-defined constant OK Lets Shoot!! We need a sprite for our bullet, an object for our bullet and we need to assign the sprite to the object. Do it. The bullet should be object2 Now, we?ll shoot bullets from the teddy when we press space For object TEDDY add event keyboard space And add the following code instance_create(x,y,object2) (I?m assuming that object2 is your bullet too) Because we are inside the teddy object, x and y refer to the position of the teddy so the bullet appears where the teddy is, position x,y Where did instance_create(x,y,object2) come from? instance_create(x,y,obj) Creates an instance of obj at position (x,y). The function returns the id of the new instance Small problem, the bullet doesn?t move For the bullet, add event create speed=10 direction=object0.direction The bullets are created with speed=10 and their direction is set to the same direction as the teddy What?s the dot all about? In direction=object0.direction the dot “.” is important If we are inside an object, x, y , vspeed, hspeed etc refer to that object, if we want to refer to other objects we use the dot Kill Ghosts Ok when the bullet collides with the ghost we destroy the ghost. Easy. For object ghost add the collision event with the bullet And add the following code instance_destroy() Where did instance_destroy() come from? In case its not working for you, here?s the pseudo code for my program. You can display pseudo code with alt / edit / show object information My teddy is object0, ghost object1 and bullet object2 Information about object: object0 Sprite: sprite0 Solid: false Visible: true Depth: 0 Persistent: false Parent: Mask: Keyboard Event for Key: execute code: speed=0 Keyboard Event for Key: execute code: instance_create(x,y,object2) Keyboard Event for Key: execute code: hspeed=-5 Keyboard Event for Key: execute code: vspeed=-5 Keyboard Event for Key: execute code: hspeed=5 Keyboard Event for Key: execute code: vspeed=5 ______________________________________________________ Information about object: object1 Sprite: sprite1 Solid: false Visible: true Depth: 0 Persistent: false Parent: Mask: Create Event: execute code: speed=5 direction=random(360) Collision Event with object object2: execute code: instance_destroy() Other Event: Outside Room: execute code: move_wrap(true,true,0) ______________________________________________________ Information about object: object2 Sprite: sprite2 Solid: false Visible: true Depth: 0 Persistent: false Parent: Mask: Create Event: execute code: speed=10 direction=object0.direction ______________________________________________________ Total for the above, 10 marks Add a sound when you shoot 1 mark Hint: You?ll find sound_play(sound0) at When you shoot all ghosts, go to the next room 1 mark Hint: Use if , instance_number() and room_goto_next() Make homing missiles 1 mark Hint: move_towards_point() Show the score 1 mark Show a dialogue box congratulating you when you have won the game 1 mark Show the help screen when you first start the game 1 mark When you shoot the ghost boss, have 10 ghosts spawn at random places which you then have to shoot 1 mark Hint: Use repeat () random()and instance_create() In the above, instead of using repeat () use for() 1 mark In the above, instead of using repeat () use do 1 mark () use while() In the above, instead of using repeat 1 mark Links Resources www.gamemaker.nl Forum Kids work , Gamemaker year 1 to 8 , years 5 & 6 , Gamemaker games High School, Tasmania Australia, Gamemaker helps serve the communication and collaboration needs of an Australian Year 3 class. It is also an exploration and demonstration to help cater for the needs of other primary school classes Overseas School of Colombo Gamemaker games from El Paso Country Day School (K-12) High School and New Plymouth Girls' High have been taught to create games that are fun to play while learning about programming, logic and graphics design. ~bbair/WIC/games4girls/ a workshop for 2006 Women in Science day, called "Computer Games for Girls". Seventeen girls, ages 13-14, attended the workshop in the course, Foundations of Interactive Game Design, taught at the Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, in Winter quarter 2006 /SummerCamp/2005/Games/Students students from Kurwongbah State School traveled to Dakabin High School to use the computer program Game Maker to design and make our own computer games Book Beginners/dp/1590596153
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