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日专家抱怨美国无能 连承诺对抗解放军都做不到


日专家抱怨美国无能 连承诺对抗解放军都做不到日专家抱怨美国无能 连承诺对抗解放军都做不到 “焦虑的日本等待奥巴马到来”,美国总统奥巴马22日动身前往亚洲前,美国公共广播公司这样形容东京的“紧张”。对于奥巴马此次国事访问,日本各界似乎都充满期待:富士电视台21日曝光他的在日行程,日本经济界呼吁让奥巴马乘坐磁悬浮列车,支持捕鲸的政客提议把鲸鱼肉端上总统晚宴的餐桌。安倍政府与白宫也各有盘算,前者期望在强化日美关系的同时,奥巴马能明确承诺对钓鱼岛协防,美国则希望访问促成日本在TPP问题上让步,让强调经济立国的奥巴马能带回些值得炫耀的成果。21日,安倍向靖国神社献上被...

日专家抱怨美国无能 连承诺对抗解放军都做不到
日专家抱怨美国无能 连承诺对抗解放军都做不到 “焦虑的日本等待奥巴马到来”,美国总统奥巴马22日动身前往亚洲前,美国公共广播公司这样形容东京的“紧张”。对于奥巴马此次国事访问,日本各界似乎都充满期待:富士电视台21日曝光他的在日行程,日本经济界呼吁让奥巴马乘坐磁悬浮列车,支持捕鲸的政客提议把鲸鱼肉端上总统晚宴的餐桌。安倍政府与白宫也各有盘算,前者期望在强化日美关系的同时,奥巴马能明确承诺对钓鱼岛协防,美国则希望访问促成日本在TPP问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 上让步,让强调经济立国的奥巴马能带回些值得炫耀的成果。21日,安倍向靖国神社献上被称为“真榊”的供品,据说此举是为赶在奥巴马抵达东京前完成安倍的意愿,避免过度刺激美国,但它不可避免地点燃了北京与首尔的怒火。英国《经济学家》说,奥巴马为拯救“亚太再平衡”战略而来,却走上一条危险的钢索,这种“再平衡”最好的结果是给予盟友保证但不令中国紧张,而最坏的,是疏远了中国且令盟友更加难过。   对奥巴马,东京想要的很多   “如果美国人这都能同意,简直是对自己总统的羞辱”,21日,一名对日本政经情况十分熟悉的中国媒体人对《环球时报》这样说,原因是日本《产经新闻》报道称,为体现日本捕鲸正当性,并对国际社会反对日本捕鲸表达不满,曾担任日本经济产业大臣的二阶堂俊博公开呼吁把鲸鱼肉端上奥巴马在日晚宴的餐桌。   “现在的日本已被奥巴马国事访问的消息淹没了”,日本外交评论家天木直人21日公开撰文表达不满,认为为让奥巴马23日开始的3天日本行顺畅,日本贡献了太多,却总按照美国人的意愿行事。在奥巴马最重视的TPP(跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定)问题上,日本让步明显,奥巴马却还担心日本核武装,逼日本交还核材料。天木直人还抱怨美国已没能力做世界警察,如果解放军进攻钓鱼岛,美国连句能帮日本守住的保证都没留下。他据此预测,奥巴马访问对日本“没什么好处”。   同日,日本舆论场对奥巴马访问的另一种声音是期待。富士电视台当日公布了奥巴马访日行程,包括23日晚抵达后在东京银座某高级寿司店出席安倍私人晚宴;24日会见天皇,与安倍举行首脑会谈并共同会见记者,当日傍晚在明治神宫看“流镝马(骑射比武)”等。《日本经济新闻》的文章期待“让奥巴马坐上日本磁悬浮列车”,该报称,为向美国推销东海旅客铁路(JR东海)磁悬浮技术,安倍近期亲自推销,邀美国驻日大使卡罗琳试乘了磁悬浮,日本一名相关人士表示,如果奥巴马访日期间能试乘磁悬浮,“将令人喜出望外”,“就等于美国同意引进日本磁悬浮了”。   由于奥巴马访问期间决定不住大部分访日国宾下榻的赤坂迎宾馆,第一夫人米歇尔也未随行,一些日本媒体认为奥巴马没有给日本面子。日本共同社称,奥巴马此行也不到日本国会发表演讲,这一点还不如今年来访的越南国家主席张晋创和去年访日的法国总统奥朗德。文章总结说,日方为展现两国亲密关系坚持以国宾规格接待奥巴马,后者却执意贯彻其一贯的务实风格,这再次凸显日美之间的“温差”。美联社称,米歇尔访华不访日的决定注定在日本引发关注,而美国第一夫人办公室的解释是,“在国际行程方面,第一夫人总是要做对家庭最有利的选择”。   “焦虑的日本等待着奥巴马来访”,美国公共广播公司以此为题的文章既像总结,也像预测。文章说,此次访问原本旨在促使日美加速围绕TPP的谈判,却演变为对日美同盟成色的全方位审视,奥巴马与安倍间不仅说的话要被人细听,举止和姿态也要被人 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 。对安倍政权而言,最需要的是美国政府再次确认战后日美同盟重要性,尤其期待奥巴马能像他的国务卿克里和防长哈格尔那样发表声明,宣称如果日中因岛屿爆发军事冲突,美国将协防日本。而安倍政权最不希望看到的景象,也是自1972年尼克松敲开中国大门后历任日本首相都不愿看到的景象是——美中共管亚洲,日本被晾在一旁。文章称,外交犹如音乐剧,总是言尽而曲始,而对于奥巴马访日,不论言还是曲,日本人都会仔细倾听。   研究日本多年的中国资深媒体人陈言21日也对《环球时报》表示,对此次奥巴马访日,安倍政权最期待是能将日美关系理顺,此前因安倍执意参拜靖国神社,奥巴马政府对安倍本人已流露出不信任。对奥巴马政府来说,最希望得到的是日本在TPP问题上让步,期待借此重塑美国在亚洲领导力并振兴美国经济的奥巴马非常清楚,只有先把日本拉入协定,协定才真正有意义。但双方最新一轮谈判并未谈拢,美国要求日本在农产品方面对美国商品免税,对日本提出的日本车进入美国市场减免税却表示“免谈”。 "Anxiety of Japanese waiting for Mr Obama, US President barack Obama is 22 before leaving for Asia, the United States public broadcaster described" tension "in Tokyo. For President Obama's state visit, the Japanese people from all walks of life seemed to be full of expectation: Fuji TV exposure of his 21 in the day, Japanese entrepreneurs called for Mr Obama to take the maglev, pro-whaling politicians proposed the whale meat on the President's dinner table. Mr Abe's government and the White House also have thought, the former is expected to strengthen the japan-american relationship at the same time, Mr Obama can be a clear commitment to the www.ajsdjj.com diaoyu islands help defense, the United States wants to access to Japan's concessions on the question of the TPP, to emphasize the economic state of barack Obama can bring back something worth showing off. 21, Mr Abe to the yasukuni shrine is known as the "real" 榊's offerings, it is said that the move is to finish before Obama arrived in Tokyo, Mr Abe will avoid excessive stimulation of the United States, but it inevitably lit in Beijing and Seoul's anger. British economist, said President barack Obama to save the "asia-pacific rebalancing" strategy, but on a dangerous wire rope, this kind of "rebalancing" the best is to give Allies assurance but not China, and the worst, is alienated China and make Allies more sad. For Mr Obama, Tokyo wanted a lot "If americans can agreed to this, is the President's humiliation to oneself", 21, a political and economic situation in Japan is very familiar with the Chinese media people to the global times, the reason is that Japan's "sankei shimbun" reported that to manifest the Japanese whaling legitimacy, and oppose Japan's whaling in the international society, served as the Japanese economy industry minister ErJieTang CSL bo public calls for the whale meat served barack Obama at the dinner table. "Now Japan is infested with Obama's state visit news", Japan's foreign critics 21 days straight wood's public discontent, think to make Mr Obama 23 began to 3 day line is smooth, Japan contributed too much, but always act according to the will of the americans. In Mr Obama's most cherished the TPP (the trans-pacific strategic economic partnership agreements), Japanese concessions, Mr Obama has also worried about Japan's nuclear armed, forced Japan returned to the nuclear material. Amaki straight people also complained that the United States has not the ability to do the police, if the people's liberation army to attack the diaoyu islands, Japan keep us connected a sentence can do to help ensure that all didn't leave. He predicted accordingly, Mr Obama's trip to Japan "no good". On the same day, the Japanese public opinion field of Mr Obama's trip to another kind of sound is looking forward to. Fuji TV announced Obama's visit to Japan on the day trip, including 23 night a senior after arrival in Tokyo's ginza sushi at Mr Abe private dinner; 24 to meet with the emperor, hold summits with Abe and jointly meet the press, on the day of the evening in the pilgrimage to see "flow dysprosium horse (QiShe duration)", etc. "Japanese economic news" of the article expects Obama maglev train in Japan ", the paper said, to sell to the United States in the east China sea passenger railway (JR central) maglev technology, Abe personally selling recently, we invite the American ambassador to Japan Caroline take the maglev, a Japanese officials said that if we can take maglev during Obama's visit to Japan, "will be very exciting," "maglev is equivalent to the United States agreed to the introduction of Japan". Because Obama during his visit can not decided to visit Japan most of the ambassador hotel akasaka hotel, first lady michelle Obama is not traveling, some Japanese media said Obama did not give Japan's face. Japan's kyodo news agency said, Obama's trip less than Japan's parliament, a speech, it is not as good as visiting Vietnam's President truong tan sang this year and last year's visit of www.makayikanggw.com French President francois hollande. Article concludes, Japan to show the close relationship between the two countries adhere to ambassador reception Obama, who is determined to carry out its pragmatic style, this once again highlights day "difference" between us. Ap said, michelle's visit to China's decision not to visit destined triggered concern in Japan, and the first lady's office of the explanation is that "in terms of international travel, the first lady always to do the best for the family selection". "Anxiety of Japanese waiting for Obama's visit", public broadcasting companies in the United States the topic of the article both as a summary, as predicted. Article said that the visit was aimed at prompting the japan-american speed around the TPP negotiations, has evolved into the full range of colour to the alliance, not only between Mr Obama and Mr Abe said to be one fine listening, behavior and attitude were analyzed. For Mr Abe regime, need most is the U.S. government reaffirmed the post-war japan-us alliance importance, especially look forward to barack Obama as his secretary of state, John kerry and prevent long hagel in that statement, that if Japan island military conflicts, the United States will help Japan. Mr Abe regime the most don't want to see the scene of a is also since 1972, when Nixon knocking on the door all don't want to see the former Japanese prime minister after - the us-china condominium is Asia, Japan was hanging on the side. Diplomacy, it said, like musicals, always beginning speech and music, and for Obama's visit to Japan, both speech and music, Japanese people will listen carefully. Study Japanese senior media person doing 21 years of China also told the global times, to the Obama's visit to Japan, Mr Abe regime is the most looking forward to to the japan-american relationship straighten out, after Mr Abe determined to visit the yasukuni shrine, the Obama administration's mistrust of Abe I have revealed. For the Obama administration, the most hope to get concessions on the TPP issue in Japan, and expected to restore U.S. leadership in Asia and the revitalization of the economy of Obama is very clear, only to pull Japan into the first agreement, agreement truly meaningful. Didn't wind up but the latest round of negotiations, the United States for Japan in terms of agricultural products to the United States duty-free, Japanese cars to the U.S. market for the Japanese put forward tax has said "no way".
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