首页 桂阳三中2013届高二上期《文化生活》综合测试卷



桂阳三中2013届高二上期《文化生活》综合测试卷桂阳三中2013届高二上期《文化生活》综合测试卷 答题注意事项: 命题:贺向阳 本试卷满分100分,考试用时90分钟。 审核:廖建清 第I卷 选择题,共60分, 单项选择题,在每小题给出的四个选项中~只有一项是最符合题目要求的。共30小题~每小题2分。, 1. 马克思说:“最蹩脚的建筑师从一开始就比最灵巧的蜜蜂高明的地方~是在他用蜂蜡建筑蜂房以前~已经在自己的头脑中把它建成了。劳动过程结束时得到的结果~在这个过程开始时就已经在劳动者的想象中存在着~即已经观念地存在着。”从文化的本质来看,这从一个侧面说明( ) ...

桂阳三中2013届高二上期《文化生活》综合测试卷 答 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 注意事项: 命题:贺向阳 本试卷满分100分,考试用时90分钟。 审核:廖建清 第I卷 选择题,共60分, 单项选择题,在每小题给出的四个选项中~只有一项是最符合题目要求的。共30小题~每小题2分。, 1. 马克思说:“最蹩脚的建筑师从一开始就比最灵巧的蜜蜂高明的地方~是在他用蜂蜡建筑蜂房以前~已经在自己的头脑中把它建成了。劳动过程结束时得到的结果~在这个过程开始时就已经在劳动者的想象中存在着~即已经观念地存在着。”从文化的本质来看,这从一个侧面说明( ) A.人类的文化比动物的文化要高明 B.文化具有强烈的意识形态色彩 C.文化是人所创造、为人所特有的 D.文化是人类预先 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 的精神产品 2. 一种生产方式能否建立与之相适应的文化模式~关系到一种文明的前途和命运~关系到它能否可持续发展。下列对此观点理解正确的是( ) ?文化具有相对独立性 ?文化是经济的反映 ?文化对经济具有反作用 ?经济发展是文化发展的基础 A.?? B. ?? C.?? D.?? 3. 春秋战国时期~经济的发展远比现在落后得多~但当时诸子百家~群星璀璨~是中国文化发展的黄金时代。这说明( ) A.文化有其自身的传承性和相对独立性 B.文化可以脱离经济发展水平的制约 C.人们的精神活动离不开物质活动 D.文化对社会发展具有引导和制约作用 4. 有人用“吃的是薯片、用的是芯片、看的是大片、揣的是名片” 形容在观念多元化、资讯大爆炸时代背景下成长的青少年。这从一个侧面反映了( ) A.文化影响人们的交往行为、交往方式 B.文化对人的影响来自特定的文化环境 C.落后文化阻碍青少年健康成长 D.文化是人类社会实践的产物 5. 2012年的美国总统大选已经提前拉开帷幕~考虑到文化因素对竞选获胜具有重要意义~两党为围绕着文化问题展开了一系列的宣传~以期抢占文化的“桥头堡”。这体现了( ) A.文化是政治的基础 B.文化与政治相互影响相互交融 C.文化是一种现实的物质力量 D.文化教育对政治起促进作用 6.从文化对人影响的角度看,下列说法中与耳濡目染体现的道理一致的是( ) A.忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开 B.少小离家老大回,乡音未改鬓毛衰 C.随风潜入夜,润物细无声 D.蝉噪林逾静,鸟鸣山更幽 7. 法国哲学家爱尔维修有句名言:“人是环境的产物”。某论坛上~主讲人让听众写下与自己关系最密切的6个朋友~并指出他们月收入的平均数大致就是你的月收入。测试结果的准确程度让所有听众惊讶不已。物以类聚~人以群分。每个人的朋友圈子都是一个特定的文化环境~它彰显着你的现在~也预示着你的未来。这种现象说明( ) A.文化决定人们的交往行为和交往方式 B.文化影响人们的实践活动和思维方式 C.文化改变人们的价值观念,丰富精神世界 D.文化提高人们的道德修养,塑造完美人格 8. 从永定门一路向北~前门、正阳门、社稷 坛、太庙、天安门、故宫、景山、钟鼓楼…… 始建于元代的中轴线是古都魅力的重要部分~ “北京独有的壮美秩序就由这条中轴的建立 而产生”,梁思成,。如果为中轴线申报世界文 化遗产撰写 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ,可用的观点有( ) ?中轴线反映了北京城市文明的演进 ?中轴线是北京历史文化的重要基础 ?中轴线展现了北京城市文化的独特性 ?中轴线的保护将确保文化传统的稳定 A.?? B. ?? C.?? D. ?? 9. “没有底蕴的开放是瓦解~没有原则的包three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 容是妥协~没有扬弃的继承是退化”。这一观点启示我们在文化发展过程中( ) ?学习外来文化必须保持民族文化的根基 ?借鉴、融合其他民族优秀文化成果,要以我为主、为我所用 ?要避免与其他民族的文化交流、合作与竞争 ?对待传统文化既要“取其精华、去其糟粕”,又要“推陈出新、革故鼎新” A.??? B. ??? C.??? D. ??? 10. 随着计算机技术的普及~快速的键盘输入取代了手写汉字~汉字的日常书写受到前所未有的冲击。光明网日前做了“汉字书写调查”~85.2,的被调查者认为~全民的汉字书写水平在下降。如果请你撰文谈谈书写汉字的重要性,文章的标题最恰当的是( ) 普及书法,古为今用 B.书写汉字,批判继承 A. C.立足实践,创新汉字 D.书写汉字,传承文化 11. 漫画在现代中国的报刊中比比皆是~然而漫画并不“原产”于中国~而是向西方画界学习得来的。目前漫画已成为中国文化的重要组成部分。这说明( ) A.文化创新的需要来自社会实践 B.文化创新要体现时代精神 C.文化创新必须在继承传统的基础上进行 D.文化创新必须学习、借鉴其他民族的优秀文化成果 12(大众传媒现已成为现代文化传播的主要手段,其出现的主要标志是( ) A.互联网的出现 B(广播电视的出现 C(印刷媒体的推广 D(教育的出现 13. 明末清初~晋西北高原一带土地贫瘠~自然灾害频繁:连年饥荒迫使无数山西难民背井离乡北上~远赴内蒙古中西部~乃至更远的大草原逃荒~谓之“走西口”。这一走就走了300多年~它对内蒙的文化变迁产生了极大影响。“走西口”属于文化传播途径中的( ) A.商贸活动 B.人口迁徙 C.旅游活动 D.口语传播 14. 2011年刚刚开始~一部《青春期撞上更年期》的电视剧热播齐鲁荧屏。该剧真实反映了“80后”与“50后”在爱情以及生活方面的交流与差异~切中了社会现实~扣动了人的心弦~紧紧吸引着观众的眼球。这启示文化创新应( ) A.坚持批判与继承的统一 B.以我为主,博采众长 C.立足实践,面向大众 D.依靠人民群众进行文化创新 15. 2011年7月在阿根廷举行的美洲杯足球赛期间~很多商家都适时地推出了各类展现奥古特传统文化的足球纪念品~深受世界各地球迷的喜爱~这同时也让阿根廷文化传播到了世界各地。阿根廷足球纪念品的热卖说明( ) ?商品交换可以推动文化的交流与发展 ?文化是人们社会实践的产物 ?文化促进经济的发展 ?文化传承离不开一定的物质载体 A.?? B.?? C.?? D.?? 16. 中国的“农耕文化”和国人的“家国伦理”~造成了中国人心日中的“家”~不仅是遮风避雨的居住处所~也是最终的情感归宿地。与国外截然不同的是~中国人渴望“居者有其屋”~不愿意租房~甚至不惜成为“房奴”~这也成为助长高房价的原因之一。这表明( ) A.文化决定了人的认识、实践活动和思维方式 B.文化对人的影响是深远持久,无法改变的 C.传统文化是一个民族生存和发展的精神纽带 D.对待传统文化要正确处理继承与发展的关系 17. 襄樊、南阳争相举办诸葛亮文化节~以此作为平台~发展经济值得赞扬~但如果一味吃祖宗的饭~不去文化创新~就值得思考了。这对我们的启示是( ) ?在时代的高起点上推动文化内容形式和体制、机制创新 ?对传统文化要推陈出新、革故鼎新 ?取其精华,去其糟粕 ?面向人民群众,在历史与现实,东西方的交汇点上推动文化发展 A.??? B.??? C.??? D.??? 18. 中国旅德歌唱家龚琳娜演唱了歌曲《忐忑》。该曲以笙、笛、提琴、扬琴等乐器伴奏~运用戏曲锣鼓经作为唱词~融合老旦、老生、黑头、花旦等多种音色~在极其快速的节奏中变化无穷。这首歌曲获得在欧洲举办的“聆听世界音乐”最佳作品演唱大奖。这意味着( ) ?中国传统器乐文化已被全世界关注 ?中国的传统音乐博大精深,影响世界 ?文化传承离不开发展与创新 ?文化的多样性是文化创新的源泉与动力 A.?? B.?? C.?? D.?? 19(为纪念辛亥革命100周年~某校团委准备开展形式多样、内容丰富的各类主题活动~在青年学生中营 eam construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall qualityconstruction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the t-stantly strengthening the selfction implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, conPaying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective a tees was very consistent. y. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committhree standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediatel-responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control threed political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight ne, anim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political disciplium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slbegan, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposi-three strict three real topic education learning, from November midine of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has discipl-to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self on of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015three thematic education and Central and provincial implementati- 2 - 造爱国主义的良好氛围。下列诗句属于抒发爱国主义情怀的是( ) 臣心一片磁针石,不指南方不肯休 ?寄意寒星荃不察,我以我血荐轩辕 ? ?愿得此身长报国,何须生入玉门关 ?千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风 A.??? B. ??? C. ??? D.??? 20(中央电视台开播《百家讲坛》以后~一些艰涩高深的传统经典经过现代诠释变得通俗易懂~富有时代气息~为大众所接受。这说明( ) A.传统文化的具体内涵能够因时而变 B.传统文化对人的发展具有积极作用 C.各族人民对中华文化具有认同感 D.中华传统文化具有鲜明的民族性 21(古语云,“君子以厚德载物”,下列现象中能体现中华文化包容性的是( ) 中医药学主张从整体出发对症下药 ?各民族的文化各具特色相互交融 ? ?清明祭扫、中秋赏月的习俗世代相传 ?佛教与道教在南岳的衡山共存于一庙 A.?? B. ?? C. ?? D. ?? 22(“民族虚无主义”和“历史虚无主义”的共同点是( ) A.一味的鼓吹本民族的文化 B.拒绝接受新文化和外来文化 C.有选择的借鉴和吸收外来文化 D.一味推崇外来文化,全盘否定传统文化 23(有人认为:“经济全球化必然导致文化一体化。”这种观点( ) ?认为各种文化间的差异会逐步消除 ?肯定了经济对文化具有深刻的影响 ?否认了民族文化的多样性和生命力 ?否认了文化的相对独立性 A.??? B.??? C.??? D.???? 24(观众互动节目《我爱记歌词》~把中国老百姓喜爱的卡拉OK方式和欧美的歌词记忆游戏相结合~深受观众喜爱。这说明( ) A.通俗文化就是我们所提倡的大众文化 B.通俗文化能满足人们多层次精神需求 C.文化活动应该要贴近生活、贴近群众 D.文化活动借助现代传播手段才能深受喜爱 (国家广电总局下发《中国广播电视播音员主持人自律公约》~严禁在播音和主持节目时滥用港台腔、25 方言和不必要的外语~避免节目格调庸俗。这是因为( ) A.文化产业不能走市场化道路 B.价值观不同导致审美的多元化 C.不同文化对社会发展和人的发展的作用不同 D.加强对文化市场的管理,正确引导文化市场的发展 26(中国特色社会主义文化,无论思想内容还是表现形式,都发挥着强有力的( ) A.吸纳和融合作用 B.吸纳和排斥作用 C.继承和创新作用 D.导向和示范作用 27(某机构对200名20岁以下青少年的偶像崇拜情况进行了问卷调查~其中对崇拜对象的统计结果: 对象 科学家 时代英雄 娱乐明星 体育明星 自己 反面人物 无偶像 其他 人数 30 18 79 44 3 4 9 13 针对这种情况,你认为当前社会主义文化建设需要( ) A.尊重人们思想活动的独立性,支持人们的自主选择B.尊重人们价值选择的差异性,包容各种思想和行为 C.用社会主义核心价值体系引领当今社会的思潮 D.提倡多元化,反对以某种意识作为社会的主流思想 28(“一个中国、两岸相联、三生有幸、四季飞歌、五谷丰登、六神齐贺、七彩盛世、八面玲珑、九州欢畅、十分和谐、百折不回、千秋伟业、万众同心、亿人祝福:”在低俗不良信息充斥手机网络空间的今天~“红段子”正在掀起一波引领时代“心”风的浪潮。网络“红段子”的盛行( ) ?推动社会主义精神文明建设,提高人们的思想道德修养 ?是中华文化由衰微走向重振的重要转折点 ?可以为社会大众营造良好的网络文化环境 ?是人类特有的传承文化的能动性活动 A.?? B.?? C.?? D.?? 29(为进一步推动全民阅读活动的开展~在全社会形成“多读书、读好书”的文明风尚~中宣部、新闻出版总署联合印发《关于进一步推动做好全民阅读活动的 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 》。开展全民阅读活动( ) ?有利于丰富文化传承方式,建设“学习型社会” ?有利于全面吸收传统文化和外来文化 ?有利于弘扬先进文化,促进文化发展 ?有利于提高全民族思想道德和文化素质 A.??? B.??? C.??? D.??? three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in ac第 - 3 - 页 cordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 30(多读那些向你传递爱和真善美~传递博大精深、高尚道德和科学文化的书~你的生命一定会浸透了书香~一定会成为熠熠生辉的发光体~能够创造文明和书写历史~能够引导、照耀、温暖别人和后人。这表明:( ) A.人们常常遭遇思想道德上的“两难选择” B.读书的根本意义在于提高自己知识文化修养 C.要在知识文化的陶冶中不断升华自己的思想道德境界 D.知识文化修养随着思想道德修养的提高而提高 第?卷 非选择题,共40分, 31(2011年5月9日~中国文化部副部长赵少华在京会见了立陶宛文化部部长盖鲁纳斯一行~双方就进一步加强两国文化交流与合作深入交换了意见~并签署了《中华人民共和国文化部与立陶宛共和国文化部2012-2016年文化交流计划》。此次签署的文化交流内容十分丰富~涉及演出、展览、文学翻译、新闻出版、广播影视、文物保护等多个领域。两国在文化领域进一步合作~将会更好地促进两国关系。 运用《文化生活》知识分析我国应如何更好地开展对外文化交流?(14分) 32(到目前为止~全国已有9.8万名“村官”~小明就是其中的一位。大学一毕业~小明只身来到千里之外的一个乡村任村委会主任助理。任职期间~他走访农户~宣传党和政府的有关方针和政策~传授农业科技知识~他刻苦学习雕刻知识~与该村艺人共同努力~使该村濒临失传的木雕工艺重放异彩~并将木雕品发展为人人喜爱的旅游纪念品。短短两年~该村的社会风气明显好转~村民的钱包鼓了起来。为此~“村官”小明得到了领导和村民的一致好评。小明自己也认为当“村官”是自己人生的一次正确的选择。 结合 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 ,简述“村官”小明给乡村带来的变化体现了《文化生活》的那些道理,(12分) 33(中国共产党第十七届中央委员会第六次全体会议~于2011年10月15日至18日在北京举行。审议通过了《中共中央关于深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》。 全会研究了深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题~认为总结我国文化改革发展的丰富实践和宝贵经验~研究部署深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣~进一步兴起社会主义文化建设新高潮~对夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面、实现中华民族伟大复兴具有重大而深远的意义。 建设社会主义文化强国~就是要着力推动社会主义先进文化更加深入人心~推动社会主义精神文明和物质文明全面发展~不断开创全民族文化创造活力持续迸发、社会文化生活更加丰富多彩、人民基本文化权益得到更好保障、人民思想道德素质和科学文化素质全面提高的新局面~建设中华民族共有精神家园~为人类文明进步作出更大贡献 运用《文化生活》有关知识,谈谈我们应如何建设社会主义文化强国,(14分) three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediatel-responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control threed political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight ne, anim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political disciplium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slbegan, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposi-three strict three real topic education learning, from November midine of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has discipl-to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self on of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015three thematic education and Central and provincial implementatieam construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall qualityconstruction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the t-stantly strengthening the selfction implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, conPaying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective a tees was very consistent. y. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party commit- 4 - 桂阳三中2013届高二上期《文化生活》综合测试答题卡 ???????? ?单项选择题:(每小题2分,共60分) ???????? 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ???????? 答案 ???????? 题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ???????? 答案 ???????? 题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 装 答案 考 室 号 ?非选择题:(共40分) 31、答: 密 密 座 次 号 封 封 班 次 学 号 线 线 姓 名 32、答: 订 ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in ac第 - 5 - 页 cordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 33、答: eam construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall qualityconstruction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the t-stantly strengthening the selfction implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, conPaying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective a tees was very consistent. y. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committhree standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediatel-responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control threed political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight ne, anim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political disciplium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slbegan, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposi-three strict three real topic education learning, from November midine of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has discipl-to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self on of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015three thematic education and Central and provincial implementati- 6 - 参考答案 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 C D A A B C B B B D 题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案 D C B C C D B C A A 题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 答案 C D D C C D C B C C 31((14分)?通过商业贸易、教育等多种文化传播途径,借助于报刊、广播、电视、网络等现代传媒进行文化传播。(2分) ?面向世界、博采众长,正确处理外来文化和民族文化的关系,反对“民族虚无主义”和“封闭主义”;既要认同本民族文化又要尊重其他民族文化;遵循各国文化一律平等的原则。(每点2分,满分6分) ?在文化交流、借鉴与融合中,学习吸收外来优秀文化成果。(2分) ?在学习和借鉴外来优秀文化成果时,要以我为主,为我所用,不断实现中华民族的文化创新。(2分) ?热情欢迎外来优秀文化在中国传播,又要积极主动地推动中华文化走向世界。(2分) 32.(12分)?“村官”小明向农民传授农业科技知识,推动该村传统木雕工艺品转化为旅游纪念品,使村民的钱包鼓了起来,表明文化能反作用于经济。(3分) ? “村官”小明和艺人共同努力使原先小打小闹的传统木雕工艺实现了新的发展,表明文化的发展离不开继承与创新。(3分) ?该村社会风气明显好转,表明优秀文化可以促进人和社会的发展。(3分) ?小明给该村带来的变化与他自身良好的素质密不可分,表明只有不断加强思想道德修养和科学文化修 ,才能更好的服务人民,服务社会。(3分) 养,做到德才兼备 33((14分)?坚持马克思主义、中国特色社会主义理论体系、社会主义核心价值体系,保持先进文化的前进方向。 ?发展教育、科技、文化事业和文化产业,尤其是公益性文化事业;加强思想道德建设,树立社会主义荣辱观。 培育“四有”公民,提高思想道德素质和科学文化素质,追求更高的思想道德目标,适应现代化建设需? 要。 ?加强管理,正确引导,发展先进文化,支持健康有益文化,改造落后文化,抵制腐朽文化,提高眼力、拒绝污染;奏响主旋律,提倡多样化,发展人民大众喜闻乐见的社会主义文化。 ?立足中国特色社会主义伟大实践,与人民群众实践相结合,开展多种形式的群众性精神文明创建活动,建设和谐文化,培育文明风尚。 ?继承和发扬中华民族优良传统。 ?与时俱进,改革创新,加强文化创新。 ?学习吸收外来优秀文化成果。 ?弘扬以爱国主义为核心的民族精神与以改革创新为核心的时代精神。 ?发展社会主义市场经济,提供物质基础。 (每点2分,相关内容可酌情给分,但总分不超过14分) three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in ac第 - 7 - 页 cordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality
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