首页 可行性研究报告:年产12万立方米秸秆木质刨花板生产线技术改造项目获批



可行性研究报告:年产12万立方米秸秆木质刨花板生产线技术改造项目获批可行性研究报告:年产12万立方米秸秆木质刨花板生产线技术改造项目获批 年产12万立方米秸秆/木质刨花板生产线技术改造项目获批 日前,年产12万立方米秸秆/木质刨花板生产线技术改造项目商业计划书已经编制完成,该项目已获得有关部门审批。 年产12万立方米秸秆/木质刨花板生产线技术改造项目,项目性质为技术改建。其建设地点位于成都市双流县黄水镇花矛村。项目的主要建设内容包括新建原料堆场、上料工段厂房、燃料厂房、水泥木片料仓、成品库房等建筑,建筑面积22516?,在原有年产10万立方米秸秆刨花板生产线的基础上,引进意大...

可行性研究报告:年产12万立方米秸秆木质刨花板生产线技术改造项目获批 年产12万立方米秸秆/木质刨花板生产线技术改造项目获批 日前,年产12万立方米秸秆/木质刨花板生产线技术改造项目商业 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 书已经编制完成,该项目已获得有关部门审批。 年产12万立方米秸秆/木质刨花板生产线技术改造项目,项目性质为技术改建。其建设地点位于成都市双流县黄水镇花矛村。项目的主要建设内容包括新建原料堆场、上料工段厂房、燃料厂房、水泥木片料仓、成品库房等建筑,建筑面积22516?,在原有年产10万立方米秸秆刨花板生产线的基础上,引进意大利进口设备,对该生产线进行必要的改造,建成年产12万立方米木质刨花板生产线。该项目的建设周期为1年。 人造板制造业是我国木材工业综合利用和节约木材资源的核心产业,是我国木材工业的重要组成部分。人造板产品作为不可或缺的生产、生活资料,在国民经济发展和人们物质生活中起着重要作用。随着社会经济的快速、稳定、持续发展以及建筑业、房地产业和居民消费市场的不断拓展,人们对性能优良、用途广泛、适应性强、环保经济的人造板产品需求量日益增加。 生产和使用刨花板是节约和高效利用木材资源的主要途径之一,刨花板是木材工业中高增值、高技术含量的主要产品之一,它对提高森林资源综合利用率、缓解日益紧张的木材资源供求矛盾和保护生态环境具有积极而重要的意义。 reform there will be danger of suffering consciousness, take the initiative to grasp the pulse of the times, and always maintain a" break "Jin, a shares" risk "strength, and constantly go beyond the self, breaking the previous. Excellent style, do what business vanguard. Party members and cadres style is the position, the value of the external performance, is a comprehensive quality. To develop a good style, Party members and cadres can not be avoided" compulsory course ". To face to the difficulties of courage. As to the inventory, production capacity, to leverage the efforts of the increase, the current work is facing many difficulties and resistance, but" difficult like spring Passion, you weak it is strong, Party members and cadres to knowing that mountain tiger, undeterred, encounter contradictions do not avoid difficulties not detour, encountered setbacks, not discouraged, with great courage, pragmatic style, unshaken, distractions to keep growth, improve people's livelihood. To keep the general business. To summon a shares jingqishen, firmly establish the "do a good job not to eat a good meal, sleep is not good sleep" crisis consciousness and sense of play, and consciously the standard high shelf, the requirements to improve file, vibrant, high spirited target firm forward, do not admit defeat, not character is defeated, dare and quick ratio, dare with strong match, play actively, create new brilliance . to adhere to the scientific feasible method. Based on local conditions, adhere to the orientation, give full play to the creativity of the cadres and the masses, innovation, absorbing, ningxinjuli, forceful, orderly and effective to crack the current hot and difficult problems, not to engage in unrealistic "brought meaning" static 刨花板作为木质人造板的主要板种之一,自20世纪40年代问世以来,在半个多世纪的发展历程中,凭借其优良的特性、广泛的应用领域及相对低廉的市场价格,得到迅速发展,现已遍及世界各地。 根据国家林业局《在我国人造板行业市场 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 及发展趋势》的报告中指出,目前我国所使用的优质刨花板国产的仅占3%,而进口的刨花板占97%。基于此形势,项目运营主体单位决定进行年产12万立方米秸秆/木质刨花板生产线技术改造,可以节约外汇减少进口,也是实现社会、经济、资源和人口的可持续发展具有重要意义。 据专家分析,该项目的建设具有很强的必要性。 第一,它是保护生态环境、保护森林资源的需要。人造板工业,是以高效利用木材和节约木材资源的支柱产业之一,是林业可持续发展战略的重要组成部分。在当前我国可采森林资源严重不足、资源结构失衡的情况下,充分利用林业“剩余物”、“次小薪材”和人工速生丰产商品林材等资源加速发展人造板工业,以人造板产品替代大径级木材产品,对调整森林资源的培育结构,满足国民经济建设对林产品的不同需求,有着不可替代的作用。利用木材(速生林、枝桠材、次小薪材以及旧城改造拆下的废旧木材)资源生产人造板材是保护生态环境、保护森林资源的需要。 第二,它是大力发展新型墙体材料和装饰装修材料的需要。改革开放二十多年来,我国建设日新月异,大型建设项目及城市中高层建reform there will be danger of suffering consciousness, take the initiative to grasp the pulse of the times, and always maintain a" break "Jin, a shares" risk "strength, and constantly go beyond the self, breaking the previous. Excellent style, do what business vanguard. Party members and cadres style is the position, the value of the external performance, is a comprehensive quality. To develop a good style, Party members and cadres can not be avoided" compulsory course ". To face to the difficulties of courage. As to the inventory, production capacity, to leverage the efforts of the increase, the current work is facing many difficulties and resistance, but" difficult like spring Passion, you weak it is strong, Party members and cadres to knowing that mountain tiger, undeterred, encounter contradictions do not avoid difficulties not detour, encountered setbacks, not discouraged, with great courage, pragmatic style, unshaken, distractions to keep growth, improve people's livelihood. To keep the general business. To summon a shares jingqishen, firmly establish the "do a good job not to eat a good meal, sleep is not good sleep" crisis consciousness and sense of play, and consciously the standard high shelf, the requirements to improve file, vibrant, high spirited target firm forward, do not admit defeat, not character is defeated, dare and quick ratio, dare with strong match, play actively, create new brilliance . to adhere to the scientific feasible method. Based on local conditions, adhere to the orientation, give full play to the creativity of the cadres and the masses, innovation, absorbing, ningxinjuli, forceful, orderly and effective to crack the current hot and difficult problems, not to engage in unrealistic "brought meaning" static 筑拔地而起,传统墙体材料已不适应高层建筑的要求,墙体材料必须向轻质大块、保温隔热、多功能方向发展。国家已制定的建筑技术政策“建筑业10项新技术”都十分明确规定“发展框架轻墙建筑体系”和推广“建筑节能和新型墙体应用技术”。发展框架轻墙建筑就需要大量的轻质墙体板材,而目前我国轻质大墙板尤显缺乏,无法满足建筑业的需要,必须大力发展轻质大墙板,再则建筑装饰装修业也需要大量的人造板和饰面板,木材中、高刨花板正是其理想的替代品。 第三,它是解决我国木材供需矛盾的有效途径。随着住房建设逐渐成为我国经济建设新的经济增长点和天然林保护工程的实施,我国木材供需矛盾将更为突出。目前我国年均木材总需求量约2.6亿—2.8亿立方米,每年木材缺口约7000万立方米;而解决这一矛盾主要依靠两个渠道:一是扩大进口木材数量,二是大力发展人造板工业生产。我国拥有丰富的人造板工业的原料(木质和非木质)和潜力巨大的市场,发展人造板生产将是解决我国木材供需矛盾的有效途径。 第四,它是实现森林资源的可持续经营和发展的需要。该项目的建成将有效拉动成都及其周边地区的人工商品用经济林建设,拉动山区经济社会发展,提高社会投资者、林农的造林积极性,实现森林资源的可持续经营和发展。随着1998年国家开始实施天然林资源保护工程的实施,我市全面停止了对所有森林资源的商品性采伐,对人工用材林的经营性抚育间伐也被迫完全停止,严重影响了全市人工商品用材林的生长培育,山区经济社会发展、社会投资者、林农的投资回 reform there will be danger of suffering consciousness, take the initiative to grasp the pulse of the times, and always maintai第 3 页 共 5 页 n a" break "Jin, a shares" risk "strength, and constantly go beyond the self, breaking the previous. Excellent style, do what business vanguard. Party members and cadres style is the position, the value of the external performance, is a comprehensive quality. To develop a good style, Party members and cadres can not be avoided" compulsory course ". To face to the difficulties of courage. As to the inventory, production capacity, to leverage the efforts of the increase, the current work is facing many difficulties and resistance, but" difficult like spring Passion, you weak it is strong, Party members and cadres to knowing that mountain tiger, undeterred, encounter contradictions do not avoid difficulties not detour, encountered setbacks, not discouraged, with great courage, pragmatic style, unshaken, distractions to keep growth, improve people's livelihood. To keep the general business. To summon a shares jingqishen, firmly establish the "do a good job not to eat a good meal, sleep is not good sleep" crisis consciousness and sense of play, and consciously the standard high shelf, the requirements to improve file, vibrant, high spirited target firm forward, do not admit defeat, not character is defeated, dare and quick ratio, dare with strong match, play actively, create new brilliance . to adhere to the scientific feasible method. Based on local conditions, adhere to the orientation, give full play to the creativity of the cadres and the masses, innovation, absorbing, ningxinjuli, forceful, orderly and effective to crack the current hot and difficult problems, not to engage in unrealistic "brought meaning" static 报,再投入积极性严重受挫,危及着森林资源的可持续经营和发展。而今我司在市林业局实施林业“五大战略工程”的政策指引下,技改年产12万立方米秸秆/木材刨花板项目,将实现现有人工用材林的高效利用,实现现有人工用材林的科学抚育间伐,提升林地生产率。 第五,它为推进成都市城乡一体化进程助力。该项目的建成将为推进成都市城乡一体化进程助力。据统计,我市640多万农村人口中有近六分之一的为直接涉林人员,达100万余人。从事人工商品林经营,一直是我市山区林农的主要生产活动和生活来源,该项目建成之后,年消耗经济林木材将达到15万立方左右,按每立方550元的收购价计算,将每年为林区人民带来8250万左右的直接经济收入,这必将为我市的林(农)业循环经济提供强大助力,也为城乡一体化进程提供强大助力。 第六,它是项目运营主体单位发展的需要。经过对市场的考察以及对成本的测算,发现成都当地的木质加工剩余物很充足,而且成本较低,刨花板的需求量也非常大,因此公司决定对原年产5万m3 的秸秆生产线进行改造,以扩大公司经济实力,最大限度提高经济效益。该项目建成后每年可消耗20多万吨的木质加工剩余物,生产出12万m3 的木质刨花板。因此,该项目的完成既能提高经济效益,又能增加农民收入,可谓一举多得,利国利民。 第七,它能顺应刨花板产业发展潮流。我国的刨花板工业经过多年的沉寂之后终于又迎来了良好的发展势头。国内多家知名企业都已reform there will be danger of suffering consciousness, take the initiative to grasp the pulse of the times, and always maintain a" break "Jin, a shares" risk "strength, and constantly go beyond the self, breaking the previous. Excellent style, do what business vanguard. Party members and cadres style is the position, the value of the external performance, is a comprehensive quality. To develop a good style, Party members and cadres can not be avoided" compulsory course ". To face to the difficulties of courage. As to the inventory, production capacity, to leverage the efforts of the increase, the current work is facing many difficulties and resistance, but" difficult like spring Passion, you weak it is strong, Party members and cadres to knowing that mountain tiger, undeterred, encounter contradictions do not avoid difficulties not detour, encountered setbacks, not discouraged, with great courage, pragmatic style, unshaken, distractions to keep growth, improve people's livelihood. To keep the general business. To summon a shares jingqishen, firmly establish the "do a good job not to eat a good meal, sleep is not good sleep" crisis consciousness and sense of play, and consciously the standard high shelf, the requirements to improve file, vibrant, high spirited target firm forward, do not admit defeat, not character is defeated, dare and quick ratio, dare with strong match, play actively, create new brilliance . to adhere to the scientific feasible method. Based on local conditions, adhere to the orientation, give full play to the creativity of the cadres and the masses, innovation, absorbing, ningxinjuli, forceful, orderly and effective to crack the current hot and difficult problems, not to engage in unrealistic "brought meaning" static 开始投资兴建高档刨花板项目,以取代或改变目前大量进口刨花板的局面。如福建福人集团的年产30万立方米的刨花板项目,浙江丽人集团和江苏大亚集团也都已正式启动兴建年产30万立方米的刨花板项目。我国的刨花板80%应用于家具生产,而中国近年的家具产业又如日中天,正以跨越式的方式在发展,据悉,全国家具企业已达到5万余家,从业人员500万余人,行业产值超过3000亿元。同时室内装饰装修工程所带动的装饰装修材料产值也将突破4000亿元,这为刨花板的应用提供了广阔的市场。 总之,中国的刨花板工业大中型项目建设已拉开序幕,这无疑将对提升中国整个刨花板产业的水平起到很好的作用。 据悉,年产12万立方米秸秆/木质刨花板生产线技术改造项目商业计划书是由成都中哲企业管理咨询有限公司负责编制完成,中哲咨询(旗下子公司“重庆炳卓咨询”)专注于西部,是目前西部领先的咨询与策划专业机构,并形成了工程咨询、投融资咨询、项目与资金申报咨询、规划咨询、工程前期评价咨询五大业务模块。 reform there will be danger of suffering consciousness, take the initiative to grasp the pulse of the times, and always maintai第 5 页 共 5 页 n a" break "Jin, a shares" risk "strength, and constantly go beyond the self, breaking the previous. Excellent style, do what business vanguard. Party members and cadres style is the position, the value of the external performance, is a comprehensive quality. To develop a good style, Party members and cadres can not be avoided" compulsory course ". To face to the difficulties of courage. As to the inventory, production capacity, to leverage the efforts of the increase, the current work is facing many difficulties and resistance, but" difficult like spring Passion, you weak it is strong, Party members and cadres to knowing that mountain tiger, undeterred, encounter contradictions do not avoid difficulties not detour, encountered setbacks, not discouraged, with great courage, pragmatic style, unshaken, distractions to keep growth, improve people's livelihood. To keep the general business. To summon a shares jingqishen, firmly establish the "do a good job not to eat a good meal, sleep is not good sleep" crisis consciousness and sense of play, and consciously the standard high shelf, the requirements to improve file, vibrant, high spirited target firm forward, do not admit defeat, not character is defeated, dare and quick ratio, dare with strong match, play actively, create new brilliance . to adhere to the scientific feasible method. Based on local conditions, adhere to the orientation, give full play to the creativity of the cadres and the masses, innovation, absorbing, ningxinjuli, forceful, orderly and effective to crack the current hot and difficult problems, not to engage in unrealistic "brought meaning" static
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