首页 中韩两国劳动法的现状与发展




摘要:人类进入20世纪末以来,世界经济以前所未有的速度向前发展,全球化已成为经济发展的潮流,由此也给法律的发展带来了广阔前景,劳动法的立法和研究也因此而更加繁荣。在开放的社会和世界性的经济环境下,以一种新的思维和观念来研究和探讨劳动法律问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 显得尤为重要。去年,中国人民大学法学院和韩国比较劳动法协会共同举办了“中韩劳动法的现状与未来学术研讨会”。与会的中方代表包括北京大学、中国政法大学、北京经贸大学、劳动和社会保障部、中华全国总工会、北京市总工会、北京市法学会、中国法学会、人民日报、工人日报、中国劳动与保障报和中国人民大学法学院等单位的教授、专家、政府官员等30多人,韩方代表有韩国各著名大学和研究机构的劳动法教授、专家等10多人。中国人民大学法学院院长曾宪义教授和韩国比较劳动法协会会长李乙珩教授分别代表双方致开幕辞。会议就中韩劳动法学界目前所共同关注的主要问题展开了热烈的讲座,主要分为以下几个专题: 一、中韩两国劳动法的现状与发展 在世界经济发展的新形势下,中韩两国的劳动法的发展和研究都面临着新的机遇和挑战。本次研讨会上,中韩双方首先就两国劳动法的现状与发展进行了概括和展望。韩国劳动法协会会长李乙珩教授在其《国际劳动公约与韩中劳动法的发展-21世纪韩中劳动法的课题》的报告中,对中韩两国在劳动法方面取得的进步给予了积极的肯定,但同时指出,用国际标准来衡量两国劳动法的发展,仍存在很多需要改进的地方,可以概括为以下方面:(1)劳动法的国际化、普遍化和统一化问题。第二次世界大战后,劳动法领域出现了迅速国际化、普遍化和统一化的趋势。国际劳工组织制定的国际劳工标准超越了国家的利害关系,其带有普遍性特征为世界各国所认同,但东亚及东南亚的国家普遍存在忽视劳动法国际发展趋势的问题。从韩国情况看,韩国已加入了(世界经合组织)等国际组织,但对国际化和普遍化的原则并未给予足够的重视,在这一点上,早已加入国际劳工组织的中国也有相似之处。(2)劳动法应当从民法中摆脱出来。从劳动法发展的历史看,在资本主义发展初期,雇佣劳动关系是由民法来调整的,遵循当事人意思自治的原则。随着社会经济的发展,劳动法已成为独立的法律部门,成为介于公法和私法之间的第三类法-社会法,劳动法有其不同于民法的理念和原则,不能再以民法的观念去看待劳动法律关系。(3)急需劳动标准的法律化。自1919年国际劳工组织成立后,先后制定了大量的国际劳工公约和建议书,并大大促进了各国劳动立法的发展,今天,国际劳工组织的国际劳动标准在实现劳动者的劳动权、提高劳动标准、促进国际贸易的公平竞争方面起了重要作用,已加入OECD的韩国和即将加入WTO的中国应当认识到该国际潮流。(4)从理想到实践的转化。面对劳动法发展国际化的潮流,韩国和中国应重新审视国际劳工组织的设立宗旨和目的,并实现立足于其精神的“理想到实践的转化”,以符合时代的要求。韩中两国首先应进行法律的调整,使之达到国际劳动标准的水平,并逐步向发达国际靠拢。韩国和中国的劳动法学者应努力研究作为世界各国和平生存与发展象征的国际劳动标准以及发达国家的劳动法,以促进韩中两国学术的进步和国家的发展。 中国改革开放20年来,随着经济体制改革和市场经济的建立,劳动立法有了很大的发展,已初步建立起了适应社会主义市场经济体制的劳动法律 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。就我国劳动立法的现状与未来,中国人民大学法学院的关怀教授发表了题为《中国劳动立法概况与未来发展》的报告。关怀教授首先回顾了我国《劳动法》颁布前劳动立法状况,指出《劳动法》的颁布是我国劳动立法新的里程碑。我国《劳动法》的制定经历了艰辛的历程。早在1956年劳动部就成立了劳动法起草小组,后因极左思潮的泛滥而夭折。1978年12月邓小平同志在中央工作会议上提出了要抓紧制定《劳动法》,(劳动法)的起草工作重新被纳人工作日程,但由于改革刚刚起步,许多问题的认识难以统一,起草工作再次中断。1989年后,随着劳动制度改革的深入,《劳动法》的起草工作再次成为当务之急,1993年初,建立有中国特色的社会主义市场经济的目标确立后,为《劳动法》的起草确定了方向,1994年7月5日八届全国人大常委会第八次会议正式通过了《劳动法》。《劳动法》的颁布,填补了我国法制建设的空白,结束了我国长期以来仅仅依靠劳动法规调整劳动关系的局面,全面地 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 了劳动工作,把劳动工作纳入法制轨道,为进一步实施劳动制度改革保驾护航,有利于劳动争议的解决,促进了社会安定团结。《劳动法》颁布后,为了贯彻实施和进行具体操作,同年劳动部就发布了17个配套规章,以后又发布了一系列配套规章。与此同时,国家还提出了进一步完善劳动立法的规划,今后,我国将陆续出台《安全生产法》、《社会保险法》、《职业技能开发法》、《促进就业法》、《劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 法》、《集体合同法》、《工资法》、《劳动保护法》、《劳动监察法》、《劳动争议处理法》等劳动法律,其中,《社会保险法》和《劳动合同法》是当前我国劳动立法的重点。现阶段我国正向劳动法日益完备的方向迈进。 二、劳动法中的人权问题 人权问题是世界各国所共同关注的问题,从各国对人权的态度来看,西方国家主要强调公民权利和政治权利,发展中国家则更加强调个人的经济、社会、文化权利和生存权、发展权等,生存权又主要体现为劳动权,因此,人权保护与劳动法有密切关系。在本次研讨会中,与会者专门就该问题进行了讨论。 韩国自1980年代后期外国劳动者不断涌入,主要从事3D[1]行业。按照韩国出入境管理法滞留资格规定,可将外国劳动者分为合法就业者、产业技术研修生及非法滞留劳动者。韩国产业技术研修生制度是1991年后实行的,由于研修生的工资很低,再加上昂贵的出国成本,使得许多人离开研修岗位进行非法就业。外国劳动者人权问题由此引起了韩国学者的关注。研讨会上,韩国劳总产业安全局长朴寿万教授就此问题作了《外国劳动者的人权保护》的报告。从事3D业的外国劳动者容易遭受产业灾害,发生事故后,能否按照产业灾害 险保险法获得赔偿成为受害人生活保障的关键。1995年韩国大法院规定了非法滞留者在劳动法的地位,现在产业技术研修生和非法就业者都成为了产业灾害补偿保险法的保护对象。由于韩国经济的发展已难以离开外国劳动者的存在,对外国劳动者的人权保护已成为重要课题,现阶段可建议的人权保护措施主要有:(1)对外国劳动者实行平等待遇原则;(2)继续完善产业技术研修制度。目前,韩国正在起草《外国人劳动保护法草案》,相信外国劳动者的人权保护制度将逐步完善。 在我国,人权一直是我国政府所特别关注并致力发展的事业,我国政府为保障公民的人权作了不懈的努力。1991年10月,我国政府发表了《中国的人权状况》白皮书,第一次向世界公布了中国的人权状况。1997年10月,我国签署了《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》, 1998年10月又签署了《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》。迄今为止,我国已加入了17个国际人权公约。我国政府在承认人权的普遍原则应当得到尊重、公民的个人权利和政治权利应当受到尊重和保护的同时,又特别强调生存权和发展权的重要性。在本次研讨会上,中国人民大学法学院林嘉副教授从劳动法的角度探讨了该问题,宣读了题为《劳动权与人权问题》的论文。长期以来,人们习惯将人权分类或者分代,最早的人权或称第一代人权是指个人的公民权利和政治权利(CivilandPoliticalRights),后扩大到个人的经济、社会和文化权利,这被称为第二代人权,第三代人权则进一步发展为国家和民族的权利,即民主自决权、发展权等。劳动权作为人权的重要内容,被我国宪法规定为公民的基本权利之一,1994年通过的《劳动法》被称为是一部权利保障法,是保障公民实现劳动权的基本法律,也是保障公民生存权的重要法律。《劳动法》规定劳动者有平等就业权和择业权、获得劳动报酬权、休息休假权、获得劳动安全卫生权、职业技能培训权、享有社会保险和福利权、提请劳动争议处理权、组织工会和参与民主管理权,这些权利构成了劳动权的基本内容。随着人权思想和观念不断的进步和发展,我国已加入越来越多的国际人权公约,对国际社会有了更多的承诺。从发展的眼光看我国的《劳动法》,需要进一步完善相关的制度,主要应考虑以下几个方面:(1)应明确规定保护劳动者的人格尊严。随着人权观念的发展,人格尊重已成为现代人权运动的目标和基本理念,人格被视为人的最高价值,人格利益也被视为人的最高利益。从世界范围来看,第二次世界大战后,随着世界人权运动的蓬勃兴起,人格尊严获得了前所未有的重视。许多国家纷纷修改宪法,明确规定人的尊严受到保护。我国宪法第38条也规定了公民的人格尊严不受侵犯,民法通则规定了公民享有的具体的人格权,这些对人格尊严的保护起了积极的作用。但是,在劳动关系领域中,由于劳动关系存在着管理与被管理、支配与服从的特征,劳动者的人格尊严往往容易被忽视甚至被侵犯。据媒体报道,一些企业主随意打骂工人,有些企业为了严格 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,工人每天下班都要搜身才能出厂,有时企业限制工人每天上厕所的时间和次数,一家企业老板因怀疑女工偷鞋,竟然指使保安人员将该女工与两只大狼狗关在一起示众。这些行为严重侵害了劳动者的人格尊严,为了制止发生在劳动关系中的这些行为,应当在劳动法中明确规定劳动者的人格尊严不受侵犯。(2)应明确规定不得强迫劳动。不得强迫劳动是对劳动者人格新生的一种延伸。在现代社会,劳动是人们谋生的一种基本手段,但又应当是一种自觉自愿的行为,不应当被迫或者强制劳动。但在现实生活中,一些私营企业老板采取高压手段强迫劳动者劳动,有些借口劳动合同未满强迫劳动者在恶劣的劳动条件下劳动,这些都与人权的基本思想相违背,应当在劳动法中明确规定不得强迫劳动。[2](3)应规定劳动者的罢工权。新中国成立后颁布的历次宪法中,曾于1975年和1978年的宪法中规定了罢工权,1982年的宪法对罢工权予以取消。从宪法对罢工权的规定和取消看,都是与当时的历史条件相适应。随着市场经济的建立,劳动关系的多样性和复杂性使得劳动关系双方的对立不可避免地出现,劳动争议由此增多。当劳动争议得不到及时和妥善解决时,劳动者就会采取罢工的手段来争取权益,罢工是所有市场经济国家普遍存在的现象,应当对罢工的问题重新认识。罢工权是国家赋予劳动者在一定条件下对抗用工单位或雇主的一种权种,许多国家在宪法中都规定了罢工权。《经济、社会、文化权利公约》中也规定了罢工权。罢工权已被视为人权的一项重要内容。从我国实际情况看,罢工已成为客观存在的现象,立法不应当采取回避态度,而是应当将其纳入法律规范中,明确规定罢工的构成要件,允许一定条件下的罢工,这样,一方面,有利于协调劳动关系,推动集体谈判和集体合同制度的实施,另一方面,有利于保护劳动者的合法权益,保障公民基本人权的实现。(4)应进一步规范各种劳动关系,尤其是雇佣关系。根据《劳动法》第2条规定,该法只适用于企业、个体之形成劳动关系的劳动者,以及国家机关、事业组织、社会团体和与之建立劳动合同关系的劳动者。对于许多从农村进城的打工者来说,《劳动法》似乎并未成为他们的权利保障法,或者是企业主没有法律意识,置《劳动法》于不顾,肆意侵犯劳动者的权益;或者是进城务工人员根本不适用《劳动法》。据国家统计局的资料,1998年底,从农村流人城镇的人口是8000多万,他们生活在城市的边缘,许多人在打黑工,订的是“生死合同”,干的是最重最累的活,却没有基本的权利保障。鉴于我国人口结构的特点,农村劳动力还将加快向城镇流动,进城务工的民工还会越来越多,应尽快制定《雇佣劳动法》,规范各种雇佣劳动关系。此外,随着家务劳动的社会化,许多农村流入城镇的人员从事家庭保姆或小时工,而且越来越多的城镇下岗工人也加入了这一行业,但却没有相应的法律对家务劳动予以规范,因此,也应当尽快制定《家务劳动法》,以保障这些劳动者的合法权益。(5)加快劳动法配套法律的立法进程。《劳动法》是调整劳动关系的基本法律,对劳动关系的各个方面都作了原则规定,为了使劳动法各项制度更加具体化和规范化,应当加快制定相配套的劳动法律,形成规范的劳动法律体系,更好地保障劳动者劳动权的实现。 China and South Korea Situation and Development of Labor Law Abstract: As mankind enters the 20th century, the world economy forward at an unprecedented rate development,globalization has become the trend of economic development, and thus also the law of development has brought broad prospects, labor law, legislation and research which adds prosperity. In an open society and the global economic environment, with a new way of thinking and ideas to study and explore the legal aspects of labor is particularly important. Last year, the Chinese People's University Law School, and South Korea Comparative Labor Law Association jointly organized the "China-South Korea Status and Future of Labor Law Symposium." Chinese representatives attending the meeting, including Peking University, China University of Political Science, Beijing University of Economics and Labor and Social Security, the ACFTU, the Beijing Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Beijing Law Society, the China Law Society, the People's Daily, Worker's Daily, China's Ministry of Labor and protect the newspaper and the Chinese People's University Law School and other units of the professors, experts, government officials more than 30 representatives of South Korea South Korea's leading universities and research institutions of the labor law professors, experts, etc. more than 10. Chinese People's University Law School Dean Professor Zeng Xianyi, and South Korea Comparative Labor Law Association, Professor Li Yiheng were delivered an opening speech on behalf of both parties. South Korea labor law experts meeting on current major issues of common concern had been a lively lectures, mainly divided into the following topics: First, China and South Korea labor law status and development in the world economy under the new situation, China and South Korea's labor law development and research are faced with new opportunities and challenges. The symposium, China and South Korea first on the status of the two countries and development of labor law have been summarized and prospects. South Korean Labor Law Association, Professor Li Yiheng in its "international labor conventions and the development of South Korea -21 century labor law labor law issues in Korea" report on China and South Korea in the progress of labor law and gave a positive recognition, but also pointed out that the two countries to use international standards, the development of labor law, there are still plenty of room for improvement, can be summarized as the following: (1) labor law international, universal and unification of the issue. After World War II, labor law field of rapid internationalization, generalization and unification trend. Developed by the ILO international labor standards beyond the country's interest, which with the universal character of the recognized countries in the world, but in East Asia and Southeast Asian countries ignore the labor laws prevailing trends in international development issues. From the South Korean situation, South Korea has joined the (OECD) and other international organizations, but internationalization and universalization of the principle is not given sufficient attention to this point has long been China's accession to the International Labor Organization also has similarities Department. (2) The labor law should extricate itself from the civil law. The development of labor law from the historical perspective, in the early stage of development of capitalism, wage-labor relationship is by China and France to adjust, and to follow the principle of party autonomy. With the social and economic development, labor law has become an independent legal sector, between public and private law as between the third category of law - Social Law, Labor Law has its own different from the civil law concepts and principles of civil law can no longer be concepts with which to look at the relationship between labor law. (3) The much-needed labor standards into laws. After the establishment of the International Labor Organization since 1919, has developed a large number of international labor conventions and recommendations, and greatly contributed to the development of national labor legislation, today, the ILO's international labor standards in the realization of workers labor rights, improve labor standards, promoting fair competition in international trade has played an important role, had joined the OECD, South Korea and China's imminent accession to the WTO should recognize that the international trend. (4) from the ideal to practice the conversion. The face of labor law development and internationalization of the tide, South Korea and China should re-examine the establishment of the ILO's aims and objectives and to achieve based on its spirit of "ideal to practice the transformation" in order to meet the requirements of the times. South Korea and China should first be carried out to adjust the law so as to reach the level of international labor standards, and gradually move closer to the advanced international. South Korea and China's labor law should strive to study as a world symbol of peace and the survival and development of international labor standards and labor laws in developed countries, South Korea and China in order to promote academic progress and national development. China's reform and opening up 20 years ago, with the economic reform and the establishment of a market economy, labor legislation has been greatly developed, has initially established a socialist market economic system, labor legal system. China's labor legislation on the status and future care of the Chinese People's University Law School professor published a report entitled "China's labor legislation overview and future development". Caring professor first review of China's "Labor Law" before the promulgation of state labor legislation, pointing out that the "Labor Law" is the promulgation of a new milestone in China's labor legislation. China's "Labor Law" formulation experienced a difficult course. As early as 1956, the Ministry of Labor set up a drafting group, labor law, the latter due to the proliferation of ultra-left trend of thought and die. In December 1978, Comrade Deng Xiaoping at the central work conference proposed that we should pay close attention to development of the "Labor Law" (Labor Law) have been satisfied that the drafting of the man to re-schedule, but because the reform has just begun, many of awareness of the problem difficult to unity, the drafting of again be interrupted. After 1989, with the deepening of the reform of the labor system, "Labor Law" once again become a top priority in the drafting of the beginning of 1993, establishing a socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics, the objectives are established, as the "Labor Law" drafted to determine the direction of , July 5, 1994 Eighth Meeting of the Eighth National People's Congress formally adopted the "Labor Law." "Labor Law" enacted to fill gaps in China's legal construction, the end of our long-term adjustment of labor laws alone the situation of labor relations and comprehensive regulation of the labor work, labor work into the legal system, in order to further the implementation of labor reforms escort is conducive to the settlement of labor disputes, and promoting social stability and unity. "Labor Law" was announced, in order to implement and carry out specific operations, the same year the Ministry of Labor issued a 17 supporting regulations, and later issued a series of supporting regulations. At the same time, the state also proposed to further improve the planning of labor legislation in the future, China will be launched soon, "Production Safety Law," "Social Insurance Law," "Professional Skills Development Act", "Employment Promotion Law," "Labor Contract Law" , "Collective Contract Law," "Wage Law," "Labor Protection Law," "Labor Inspection Law," "Labor Dispute Resolution Act" and other labor laws, including, "Social Insurance Act" and the "Labor Contract Law" is the current Labor legislative priorities. At the present stage of China's labor laws are increasingly being complete direction. Second, labor law, human rights issues of human rights issues of common concern to countries in the world issues, from national human rights point of view, the Western countries the main emphasis of civil and political rights, developing countries greater emphasis on individual economic, social, cultural rights and the survival, the development rights of survival are primarily reflected in labor rights, therefore, closely related to human rights protection and labor law. In this seminar, participants held discussions on the issue specifically. South Korea since the late 1980s, the continuous influx of foreign workers, mainly engaged in 3D [1] industry. South Korean Immigration Control Act in accordance with the eligibility requirements for retention can be divided into two legally employed foreign workers, industrial technical trainees and illegal retention of workers. South Korea Industrial Technology trainee system was introduced after 1991, due to the low salaries of trainees, coupled with the cost of expensive abroad, leading many to leave the training posts for illegal employment. Foreign workers in Korea human rights issues resulting attention of scholars. Seminar on South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions Secretary for Industrial Safety, Professor Park Su made on this issue, "protection of human rights of foreign workers," reports. Engaged in 3D industry, foreign workers vulnerable to industrial accidents, incidents, whether in accordance with industry to receive compensation for Disaster Risk Insurance Act, a victim of life to protect the key. South Korea's Supreme Court in 1995, provides of illegal status in the labor law, and now industrial technical trainees and illegal employment of those who have become the industry's Accident Compensation Insurance Law of the protected object. As South Korea's economic development has been difficult to leave the presence of foreign workers, protection of human rights of foreign workers has become an important issue, at this stage may recommend measures for the protection of human rights are: (1) The principle of equal treatment of foreign workers; ( 2) continue to improve the industrial technology research system. At present, Korea is the drafting of "foreigners draft law on labor protection," I believe that human rights protection system for foreign workers will be gradually improved. In China, human rights have been of special concern to my Government and is committed to development, as our government to protect the human rights of citizens have made unremitting efforts. In October 1991, the Chinese government issued "China's human rights situation in the" White Paper, the first time released to the world of China's human rights situation. In October 1997, China signed the "Economic, Social and Cultural Rights", in October 1998 signed the "Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant." To date, China has acceded to 17 international human rights conventions. My Government recognizes the universal principles of human rights should be respected, civil rights and political rights of individuals should be respected and protected the same time, with special emphasis on the importance of the right to survival and development. In this symposium, the Chinese People's University Law School Professor Lin Jiafu from a labor law perspective of the issue, presented a paper entitled "Labor rights and human rights issues" papers.For a long time, people used to sub-classifications or on behalf of human rights, the earliest that the first generation of human rights or human rights is the individual's civil and political rights (CivilandPoliticalRights), later expanded to individual economic, social and cultural rights, which is known as the first second-generation human rights, the further development of third generation human rights are the rights of the country and the nation, namely, democracy and self-determination, the right to development. The right to work as an important part of human rights have been stipulated in the Constitution, one of the fundamental rights of citizens, adopted in 1994, "Labor Law" was described as a right to protection of law is to protect the citizens to exercise their basic legal right to work, but also to protect an important legal right to life of citizens. "Labor Law" provisions of workers have equal right to employment and career, the right to the right to remuneration, rest and vacation, the right to the right to labor safety and health, vocational skills training, rights, access to social security and welfare rights, dealing with labor disputes brought to the right to form trade unions and participation in democratic management rights, labor rights, these rights constitute the basic elements. With the ideas and concepts of human rights continue to progress and development, China has joined a growing number of international human rights conventions, the international community have more commitments. From a development perspective, our "Labor Law", the need to further improve the relevant system, the principal should consider the following aspects: (1) should be clearly provides for the protection of human dignity of workers. With the development of the concept of human rights, respect for personality has become the modern human rights movement, the goals and basic concepts, personality is considered the supreme value, personality is seen as the interests of people's best interest. From a global perspective, World War II, as the world's burgeoning human rights movement, human dignity, access to an unprecedented attention. Many countries have to amend the constitution clearly states that all human dignity is protected. Article 38 of our Constitution also provides for the inviolability of personal dignity of citizens, Civil Code stipulates that the citizens enjoy the right of a specific personality, which the protection of human dignity has played a positive role. However, in the field of labor relations, due to the existence of management and labor relations to be managed, the dominant and subordinate to the characteristics of the human dignity of workers are likely to be neglected or even violated. According to media reports, some business owners free to maltreatment of workers, some companies in order to strict management system, the workers must be searched in order to the factory every day after work, and sometimes companies, workers every day to the toilet of time and frequency, a female business owners on suspicion of stealing shoes surprise, security personnel ordered the women off with two big dogs together for public display. The behavior has seriously undermined the dignity of workers, in order to suppress the occurrence of labor relations in these acts should be clearly stipulated in the labor law workers dignity is inviolable. (2) should be clear that no forced labor. No forced labor is an extension of the nascent character of workers. In modern society, labor is an essential tool for people to make a living, but should be a voluntarily act should not be forced or compulsory labor. But in real life, some private sector employers to force workers to take heavy-handed labor, some excuse for forced laborers under the labor contract in bad working conditions, labor, which are contrary to the basic idea of human rights, it should be in the labor law clear that no forced labor. [2] (3) should be required of workers right to strike. After the founding of New China, promulgated by the previous Constitution, in 1975 and 1978 Constitution provides for the right to strike, the 1982 Constitution, the right to strike be canceled. From the provisions of the Constitution the right to strike and cancellation of view, are related to adapt to the prevailing historical conditions. With the establishment of a market economy, labor relations, diversity and complexity makes the antagonism between labor relations will inevitably occur, thus an increase in labor disputes. When the labor dispute is not timely and properly resolved, the worker will take the means to fight for their rights to strike, a strike in all market economies, pervasive phenomenon, the problem should be re-understanding of the strike. The state to give workers the right to strike under certain conditions, against a kind of labor units or of the right kinds of employers, many countries are set in the constitution the right to strike. "Economic, Social and Cultural Rights," also provides for right to strike. The right to strike has been regarded as an important element of human rights. From China's actual situation, the strike has become the objective existence of the phenomenon, legislation should not be evasive, but it should be incorporated into legal norms, the clearly defined the composition of the strike elements, allowing a strike under certain conditions, so that on the one hand, facilitate the coordination of labor relations, the promotion of collective bargaining and collective contract system implementation, on the other hand, there is conducive to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers to ensure the realization of basic human rights of citizens. (4) should be further regulate a variety of labor relations, in particular the employment relationship. According to the "Labor Law" Article 2 provides that the Act applies only to businesses, the formation of labor relations of individual workers, as well as state organs, business organizations, social groups and building a labor contract between workers. For many from the countryside into the city workers are concerned, the "Labor Law" does not seem to be their right to protection of law, or business owners have no legal sense, and placing the "Labor Law" expense and wantonly violated the rights of workers; or is simply not apply to migrant workers, "Labor Law." According to the National Bureau of Statistics, by the end of 1998, the population from rural to urban inflow of 8,000 million, they live in the city's edge, and many people in undeclared employment, set the "death contract", dry weight of the most tired of is the most live, but there is no protection of basic rights. In view of the demographic characteristics of China's rural labor to urban areas will also speed up the flow of migrant workers will be more and more migrant workers should be developed as soon as possible, "wage-law" to regulate all kinds of wage-labor relationship. In addition, as the socialization of housework, and many rural areas into cities and towns to engage in the family nanny, or hourly, but a growing number of urban laid-off workers have also joined the industry, but there is no corresponding legal right housework to be standardized, Therefore, should also be developed as soon as possible "domestic labor law" in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of these workers. (5) to speed up labor law supporting the law the legislative process. "Labor Law" is the adjustment of labor relations and the fundamental law, in all aspects of labor relations stipulates, in principle, in order for the system of labor law more specific and standardized, it should be matched to speed up the development of labor law to form a standardized labor the legal system, and better realization of the right of labor to protect workers.
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