首页 盐城话务分布分析报告



盐城话务分布分析报告盐城话务分布分析报告 盐城双频网络话务分布分析报告 (2000年8月30日) 一、前言 该报告根据盐城双频网络8月21日至8月28日忙时(10:00AM -11:00AM)的话务统计~对盐城网络无线话务分布情况进行了分析~并给出了相应的话务均衡的建议。 二、概述 盐城网络有小区471个~载频1108个~话音信道7717个。根据8月21日至8月28日忙时(10:00AM-11:00AM)的话务统计~盐城网络的忙时话务量在1400-1700爱尔兰之间~话务信道拥塞率为0.05%左右~信令信道拥塞率为0.10...

盐城话务分布分析 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 盐城双频网络话务分布分析报告 (2000年8月30日) 一、前言 该报告根据盐城双频网络8月21日至8月28日忙时(10:00AM -11:00AM)的话务统计~对盐城网络无线话务分布情况进行了分析~并给出了相应的话务均衡的建议。 二、概述 盐城网络有小区471个~载频1108个~话音信道7717个。根据8月21日至8月28日忙时(10:00AM-11:00AM)的话务统计~盐城网络的忙时话务量在1400-1700爱尔兰之间~话务信道拥塞率为0.05%左右~信令信道拥塞率为0.10%左右~信道利用率为33.7%(*)。 注:根据CMCC规定~无线信道利用率=全网话务量/全网无线容量。33.7%的无线信道利用率是根据CMCC计算公式得出的。 三、信道利用率分析 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 为了了解网络中各小区的话务情况~我们将小区按信道利用率分为五个等级: 等级 划分 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 说明 极高话务小区 利用率>=80% 需立即扩容 高话务小区 80%>利用率>=45% 话务增长1倍时~需扩容 一般话务小区 45%>利用率>=20% 话务增长1倍时~基本无拥塞 低话务小区 20%>利用率>=10% 可承担至少2倍以上的话务 极低话务小区 利用率<10% 可承担至少4倍以上的话务 下面是对盐城网络各小区的话务分布统计报告: 全网 小区数 比率 TCH信道数 比率 极高话务小区 89 18.9% 726 9.4% 高话务小区 113 24.0% 1665 21.6% 一般话务小区 167 35.5% 3168 41.0% 低话务小区 73 15.5% 1516 19.6% 极低话务小区 27 5.7% 630 8.2% 故障 2 0.4% 12 0.2% 总计 471 7717 从统计数据看~网络中极高话务小区的小区数较多~但89个小区中~只有一个载频的共77个~两个载频的共5个~两个以上载频的只有7个。由于盐城网络中包含一个或两个载频的小区较多~其信 -94 curtain GB/T15226-mance test method GB/T1522794 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation perfor-2000 classification GB/T15225-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-ds of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in2000 8, physical inspection and technical standar-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-ng protection standard building GB5005795 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightni-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-protection design of tall buildings GB50045sound 2002 House Windows-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-nd resistance performance test method JG/T21194 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wi-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T152282 道利用率非常容易达到80%的门限~这是盐城极高话务小区数目所占比例较多~而其占载频数的比例并不高的原因。 另外~一般话务小区和低话务小区所占的比例~无论是小区数比例还是载频数比例~均达到了50%以上。因此~全网的信道利用率处于一个较低的水平。 四、网络预测 盐城网络今年5月份的最高话务量为1440爱尔兰左右~而目前的最高话务量为1700爱尔兰左右~若我们假设每月用户数(话务量)增长比例相同~则盐城全网话务量每月增长率为5.0%。根据这一假设~我们对今年年底的话务量情况进行了预测。 全网 小区数 比率 TCH信道数 比率 极高话务小区 132 28.0% 1369 17.7% 高话务小区 124 26.3% 2023 26.2% 一般话务小区 139 29.5% 2705 35.1% 低话务小区 55 11.7% 1172 15.2% 极低话务小区 19 4.0% 436 5.6% 故障 2 0.4% 12 0.2% 总计 471 7717 -2000 classification GB/T15225-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-rformance testing method for in2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction pe-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-ilding curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T5003394 7, bu-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-protection design of tall buildings GB500452002 House Windows sound-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-07 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T1197620-e performance test method JG/T21194 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistanc-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 curtain GB/T15226-522794 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T13 SHANGHAI BELL ALCATEL MOBILE 从预计能达到的话务量上看~极低话务小区到一般话务小区共同所占的比例从56.7%下降至45.2%。同时~高话务小区和极高话务小区所占的比例从42.9%上升54.3%~而它们的话音信道所占比例也从31%上升至43.9%。因此~在这种情况下~为了避免出现话音信道的拥塞问题~我们对每个小区所需的信道数进行了估测~给出了所需增加的频点数。 根据我们的估算~盐城网络需增加频点的小区有133个~共需增加139个频点,详见附录1,。其中, 需立即增加载频的小区如下表所列。而所需增加的载频可以从话务量较小的小区中获得,详见附录2,。 BSC 名 G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 245.4% 5.59 6.70 294.5% 3 2 xingfeng_3 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 236.5% 5.38 6.46 283.8% 2 1 panhuang_2 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 205.5% 4.68 5.61 246.6% 2 1 xinxing_1 G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 185.8% 4.23 5.07 222.9% 2 1 zhongzhuang G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 181.2% 4.12 4.95 217.4% 2 1 小区名 guosu_FN G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 170.2% 3.87 4.65 204.3% 2 1 xingfeng_2 G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 162.0% 3.69 4.42 194.4% 2 1 yanhe G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 160.4% 3.65 4.38 192.5% 2 1 sanzhao_FN G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 160.2% 3.65 4.37 192.2% 2 1 xinxing_3 载频数 G1-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 156.0% 3.55 4.26 187.1% 2 1 hexing_3 TCH 信道数 G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 155.0% 3.53 4.23 186.0% 2 1 wuli_DT 话务容量 信道利用率 94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 curtain GB/T15226-mance test method GB/T1522794 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation perfor-2000 classification GB/T15225-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-ds of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in2000 8, physical inspection and technical standar-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-ng protection standard building GB5005795 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightni-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-protection design of tall buildings GB50045sound 2002 House Windows-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-nd resistance performance test method JG/T21194 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wi-4 话务量 预测话务量 预测信道利用率 所需载频数 所需增加载频数 附录1:需增载频小区列表 BSC 名 G1-BSC-YAC1 1 6 2.3 142.9% 3.25 3.90 171.5% 2 1 hezha G1-BSC-YAC1 2 14 8.2 71.6% 5.87 7.04 85.9% 3 1 xuhe G1-BSC-YAC1 3 21 14.0 68.5% 9.61 11.53 82.1% 4 1 fuanzheng G1-BSC-YAC1 1 6 2.3 104.3% 2.37 2.85 125.2% 2 1 qionggang_2 G1-BSC-YAC1 1 6 2.3 77.5% 1.76 2.12 93.0% 2 1 小区名 bali G1-BSC-YAC1 1 6 2.3 102.7% 2.34 2.81 123.3% 2 1 liuzhao_DT G1-BSC-YAC1 1 6 2.3 139.5% 3.18 3.81 167.4% 2 1 shengzhao_DT G1-BSC-YAC1 1 6 2.3 123.7% 2.81 3.38 148.4% 2 1 caopie_DT G1-BSC-YAC2 4 29 21.0 121.5% 25.56 30.67 145.8% 7 3 sheyang_1 载频数 G1-BSC-YAC2 4 29 21.0 67.4% 14.18 17.02 80.9% 5 1 sheyang_2 TCH 信道数 G1-BSC-YAC2 2 14 8.2 70.5% 5.78 6.94 84.6% 3 1 liuduo_SY G1-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 149.4% 3.40 4.08 179.3% 2 1 haihe 话务容量 G1-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 104.6% 2.38 2.86 125.5% 2 1 chengyang G1-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 111.5% 2.54 3.04 133.8% 2 1 hexing_1 信道利用率 G1-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 156.0% 3.55 4.26 187.1% 2 1 hexing_3 G1-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 94.4% 2.15 2.58 113.2% 2 1 xingyangnongchang_3 话务量 G1-BSC-YAC3 4 29 21.0 82.8% 17.41 20.90 99.3% 5 1 binhai_3 G1-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 120.2% 2.74 3.28 144.3% 2 1 kanbei_3 预测话务量 G1-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 106.4% 2.42 2.90 127.6% 2 1 zhanggou G1-BSC-YAC3 2 14 8.2 69.7% 5.72 6.86 83.7% 3 1 batan 预测信道利用率 G1-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 118.1% 2.69 3.22 141.7% 2 1 chengtao G1-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 78.3% 1.78 2.14 93.9% 2 1 chengzhu 所需载频数 G1-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 111.1% 2.53 3.03 133.3% 2 1 guoling_BH 所需增加载频数 G1-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 102.7% 2.34 2.81 123.3% 2 1 sheyanggang_1 G1-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 103.1% 2.35 2.81 123.7% 2 1 sheyanggang_2 G1-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 74.9% 1.70 2.05 89.9% 2 1 shiming G1-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 92.5% 2.11 2.53 111.0% 2 1 qianqiu G1-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 70.2% 1.60 1.92 84.2% 2 1 linhai_1 G1-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 99.6% 2.27 2.72 119.5% 2 1 linhai_2 94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 curtain GB/T15226-522794 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T1-2000 classification GB/T15225-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-rformance testing method for in2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction pe-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-ilding curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T5003394 7, bu-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-protection design of tall buildings GB500452002 House Windows sound-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-07 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T1197620-e performance test method JG/T21194 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistanc-5 SHANGHAI BELL ALCATEL MOBILE BSC 名 G1-BSC-YAC4 2 14 8.2 75.3% 6.17 7.41 90.3% 3 1 huangshagang_2 G1-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 101.8% 2.32 2.78 122.2% 2 1 xingdan G1-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 132.5% 3.02 3.62 159.0% 2 1 lizhao_SY G1-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 84.4% 1.92 2.30 101.3% 2 1 beidan G1-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 67.7% 1.54 1.85 81.3% 2 1 小区名 zhengdong G1-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 93.2% 2.12 2.54 111.8% 2 1 fuyu_SY G1-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 104.8% 2.38 2.86 125.7% 2 1 baodun_SY G1-BSC-YAC5 1 6 2.3 74.4% 1.69 2.03 89.3% 2 1 nanghe_XS G1-BSC-YAC5 1 6 2.3 74.0% 1.68 2.02 88.8% 2 1 686fengju_1 载频数 G1-BSC-YAC5 1 6 2.3 83.3% 1.90 2.27 99.9% 2 1 shuanggang_XS TCH 信道数 G1-BSC-YAC5 3 21 14.0 89.6% 12.57 15.09 107.5% 4 1 gong_anju_3 G1-BSC-YAC5 1 6 2.3 83.6% 1.90 2.28 100.3% 2 1 laoshe_XS 话务容量 G1-BSC-YAC5 1 6 2.3 91.6% 2.09 2.50 110.0% 2 1 haianji_XS G1-BSC-YAC5 1 6 2.3 75.0% 1.71 2.05 90.0% 2 1 liutao_XS 信道利用率 G2-BSC-YAC1 6 44 34.7 75.6% 26.20 31.44 90.7% 7 1 yancheng_1 G2-BSC-YAC1 5 36 27.3 79.2% 21.65 25.98 95.0% 6 1 hualian_1 话务量 G2-BSC-YAC1 5 36 27.3 97.9% 26.77 32.12 117.5% 7 2 hualian_2 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 101.9% 2.32 2.78 122.3% 2 1 panhuang_1 预测话务量 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 236.5% 5.38 6.46 283.8% 2 1 panhuang_2 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 137.3% 3.12 3.75 164.7% 2 1 panhuang_3 预测信道利用率 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 81.3% 1.85 2.22 97.5% 2 1 guomeng_1 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 98.8% 2.25 2.70 118.5% 2 1 所需载频数 guomeng_2 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 72.0% 1.64 1.97 86.4% 2 1 所需增加载频数 guomeng_3 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 67.4% 1.53 1.84 80.8% 2 1 qingnan_1 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 153.9% 3.50 4.20 184.6% 2 1 qingnan_2 G2-BSC-YAC2 4 29 21.0 69.1% 14.53 17.43 82.9% 5 1 yanchengkaifaqu_1 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 118.8% 2.70 3.25 142.6% 2 1 bianchang_2 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 85.9% 1.95 2.35 103.1% 2 1 bianchang_3 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 205.5% 4.68 5.61 246.6% 2 1 xinxing_1 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 160.2% 3.65 4.37 192.2% 2 1 xinxing_3 94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wi-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 curtain GB/T15226-mance test method GB/T1522794 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation perfor-2000 classification GB/T15225-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-ds of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in2000 8, physical inspection and technical standar-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-ng protection standard building GB5005795 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightni-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-protection design of tall buildings GB50045sound 2002 House Windows-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-nd resistance performance test method JG/T2116 BSC 名 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 69.6% 1.58 1.90 83.6% 2 1 bufeng_2 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 76.3% 1.74 2.08 91.6% 2 1 yongfeng_2 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 104.7% 2.38 2.86 125.6% 2 1 yongfeng_3 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 118.0% 2.68 3.22 141.6% 2 1 anhu_2 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 74.8% 1.70 2.04 89.8% 2 1 小区名 anhu_3 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 86.1% 1.96 2.35 103.4% 2 1 zhangzhuang_1 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 91.9% 2.09 2.51 110.3% 2 1 zhangzhuang_2 G2-BSC-YAC2 1 6 2.3 101.9% 2.32 2.78 122.2% 2 1 zhangzhuang_3 G2-BSC-YAC3 4 29 21.0 88.4% 18.59 22.31 106.0% 6 2 dongtai_1 载频数 G2-BSC-YAC3 4 29 21.0 71.6% 15.06 18.07 85.9% 5 1 dongtai_3 TCH 信道数 G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 101.8% 2.32 2.78 122.2% 2 1 jindun G2-BSC-YAC3 4 29 21.0 74.4% 15.65 18.78 89.3% 5 1 dafeng_3 话务容量 G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 73.1% 1.66 2.00 87.7% 2 1 SN_chuandongfengchang G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 73.2% 1.67 2.00 87.8% 2 1 sanlong_1 信道利用率 G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 83.7% 1.91 2.29 100.5% 2 1 sanlong_2 G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 113.7% 2.59 3.11 136.5% 2 1 wanggang_3 话务量 G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 79.2% 1.80 2.16 95.1% 2 1 caomiao_1 G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 80.2% 1.83 2.19 96.3% 2 1 xingfeng_1 预测话务量 G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 170.2% 3.87 4.65 204.3% 2 1 xingfeng_2 G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 245.4% 5.59 6.70 294.5% 3 2 xingfeng_3 预测信道利用率 G2-BSC-YAC3 2 14 8.2 78.9% 6.47 7.76 94.7% 3 1 shiyan G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 96.0% 2.19 2.62 115.2% 2 1 所需载频数 shizhao G2-BSC-YAC3 3 21 14.0 71.7% 10.06 12.08 86.0% 4 1 所需增加载频数 liangduo G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 75.6% 1.72 2.06 90.7% 2 1 haifeng1_DT G2-BSC-YAC3 2 14 8.2 73.3% 6.01 7.22 88.0% 3 1 qindong G2-BSC-YAC3 2 14 8.2 125.6% 10.30 12.35 150.7% 4 2 fangong_1 G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 153.5% 3.49 4.19 184.2% 2 1 guangshan_DT G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 155.0% 3.53 4.23 186.0% 2 1 wuli_DT G2-BSC-YAC3 2 14 8.2 88.4% 7.25 8.70 106.1% 3 1 sanwei_DF G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 85.3% 1.94 2.33 102.3% 2 1 xintuan_1 -94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 curtain GB/T15226-522794 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T1-2000 classification GB/T15225-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-rformance testing method for in2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction pe-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-ilding curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T5003394 7, bu-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-protection design of tall buildings GB500452002 House Windows sound-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-07 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T1197620-e performance test method JG/T21194 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistanc7 SHANGHAI BELL ALCATEL MOBILE BSC 名 G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 85.2% 1.94 2.33 102.3% 2 1 xintuan_3 G2-BSC-YAC3 2 14 8.2 106.1% 8.70 10.44 127.4% 3 1 dongtai_1d G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 82.0% 1.87 2.24 98.4% 2 1 shihuafengju_2d_DT G2-BSC-YAC3 1 6 2.3 105.4% 2.40 2.88 126.5% 2 1 youdianbangonglou_1d G2-BSC-YAC4 4 29 21.0 67.7% 14.24 17.09 81.2% 5 1 小区名 jianhu_1 G2-BSC-YAC4 4 29 21.0 79.1% 16.64 19.97 94.9% 5 1 jianhu_3 G2-BSC-YAC4 2 14 8.2 69.3% 5.68 6.82 83.2% 3 1 goudun G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 124.7% 2.84 3.41 149.7% 2 1 yangzai G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 88.8% 2.02 2.43 106.6% 2 1 guhe 载频数 G2-BSC-YAC4 4 29 21.0 68.8% 14.48 17.37 82.6% 5 1 shihuaerfengju_2_JH TCH 信道数 G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 154.1% 3.51 4.21 184.9% 2 1 chengliang G2-BSC-YAC4 2 14 8.2 92.1% 7.55 9.06 110.5% 3 1 shengdagongyequ_3 话务容量 G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 142.0% 3.23 3.88 170.4% 2 1 banfu G2-BSC-YAC4 2 14 8.2 82.3% 6.75 8.10 98.7% 3 1 jianhukaifaqu_3 信道利用率 G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 91.9% 2.09 2.51 110.3% 2 1 dangzhong_JH G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 118.1% 2.69 3.23 141.8% 2 1 xingzhuang 话务量 G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 74.4% 1.69 2.03 89.3% 2 1 daxiehe G2-BSC-YAC4 2 14 8.2 77.6% 6.36 7.64 93.1% 3 1 huiyuanjituan_2 预测话务量 G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 95.0% 2.16 2.60 114.0% 2 1 shizhuangshoufeizhan_1 G2-BSC-YAC4 4 29 21.0 73.5% 15.45 18.54 88.1% 5 1 funi_2 预测信道利用率 G2-BSC-YAC4 4 29 21.0 106.7% 22.44 26.93 128.0% 6 2 funi_3 G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 115.0% 2.62 3.14 137.9% 2 1 所需载频数 lufu_FN G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 150.5% 3.42 4.11 180.6% 2 1 所需增加载频数 donggou_1 G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 117.5% 2.68 3.21 141.1% 2 1 donggou_3 G2-BSC-YAC4 4 29 21.0 68.4% 14.39 17.27 82.1% 5 1 jianhugonghang_1 G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 143.9% 3.27 3.93 172.7% 2 1 gangdong G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 185.8% 4.23 5.07 222.9% 2 1 zhongzhuang G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 115.1% 2.62 3.14 138.1% 2 1 piliu_JH G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 162.0% 3.69 4.42 194.4% 2 1 yanhe G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 160.4% 3.65 4.38 192.5% 2 1 sanzhao_FN 94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wi-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 curtain GB/T15226-mance test method GB/T1522794 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation perfor-2000 classification GB/T15225-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-ds of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in2000 8, physical inspection and technical standar-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-ng protection standard building GB5005795 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightni-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-protection design of tall buildings GB50045sound 2002 House Windows-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-nd resistance performance test method JG/T2118 BSC 名 G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 181.2% 4.12 4.95 217.4% 2 1 guosu_FN G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 137.6% 3.13 3.76 165.1% 2 1 gongxin G2-BSC-YAC4 1 6 2.3 153.7% 3.50 4.20 184.4% 2 1 yongxing G2-BSC-YAC4 3 21 14.0 83.5% 11.72 14.07 100.2% 4 1 zhonghangdalou_3_FN G2-BSC-YAC5 2 14 8.2 72.6% 5.95 7.14 87.1% 3 1 小区名 33fengju_2d G2-BSC-YAC5 2 14 8.2 72.3% 5.93 7.11 86.7% 3 1 33fengju_3d G2-BSC-YAC5 1 6 2.3 146.7% 3.34 4.01 176.0% 2 1 yanchengkaifaqu_3d G2-BSC-YAC5 1 6 2.3 94.9% 2.16 2.59 113.9% 2 1 dengyingshangsha_1d G2-BSC-YAC5 1 6 2.3 76.0% 1.73 2.08 91.2% 2 1 dengyingshangsha_2d 载频数 G2-BSC-YAC5 1 6 2.3 67.9% 1.54 1.85 81.5% 2 1 wuxiandianyjchang_2d TCH 信道数 G2-BSC-YAC5 1 6 2.3 229.7% 5.23 6.27 275.6% 2 1 hualian_1d G2-BSC-YAC5 1 6 2.3 168.0% 3.82 4.59 201.6% 2 1 hualian_2d 话务容量 G2-BSC-YAC5 1 6 2.3 154.7% 3.52 4.22 185.6% 2 1 hualian_3d 信道利用率 话务量 预测话务量 预测信道利用率 所需载频数 所需增加载频数 94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 curtain GB/T15226-522794 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T1-2000 classification GB/T15225-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-rformance testing method for in2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction pe-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-ilding curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T5003394 7, bu-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-protection design of tall buildings GB500452002 House Windows sound-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-07 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T1197620-e performance test method JG/T21194 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistanc-9 SHANGHAI BELL ALCATEL MOBILE 附录2:话务空闲小区列表 BSC 名 G2-BSC-YAC3 3 21 14.0 4.2% 0.59 0.71 5.1% 2 1 xijiao_2 G2-BSC-YAC3 4 29 21.0 4.7% 0.98 1.18 5.6% 2 2 shihuafengju_1_DT G2-BSC-YAC1 4 29 21.0 4.9% 1.04 1.25 5.9% 2 2 qianjinggongsi_3 G2-BSC-YAC1 4 29 21.0 5.2% 1.09 1.31 6.2% 2 2 hengchuanggongsi_2 G2-BSC-YAC3 4 29 21.0 5.4% 1.13 1.36 6.4% 2 2 小区名 nanmeng_2 G2-BSC-YAC3 4 29 21.0 5.4% 1.15 1.38 6.5% 2 2 taidong_1 G2-BSC-YAC1 4 29 21.0 5.6% 1.18 1.41 6.7% 2 2 hengchuanggongsi_3 G2-BSC-YAC1 4 29 21.0 6.1% 1.29 1.55 7.3% 2 2 hengchuanggongsi_1 G2-BSC-YAC4 4 29 21.0 6.5% 1.37 1.65 7.8% 2 2 shanggang_1 载频数 G2-BSC-YAC3 3 21 14.0 6.6% 0.93 1.12 8.0% 2 1 xijiao_3 TCH 信道数 G2-BSC-YAC3 4 29 21.0 7.4% 1.55 1.87 8.9% 2 2 nanmeng_3 G2-BSC-YAC3 3 21 14.0 7.4% 1.04 1.25 8.9% 2 1 taichengyoudian_1 话务容量 G2-BSC-YAC1 4 29 21.0 7.9% 1.66 1.99 9.5% 2 2 jiangongjituan_3 G2-BSC-YAC1 4 29 21.0 8.2% 1.72 2.06 9.8% 2 2 wujiaju_1 信道利用率 G2-BSC-YAC1 4 29 21.0 8.8% 1.85 2.22 10.6% 2 2 wujiaju_3 G2-BSC-YAC1 4 29 21.0 9.1% 1.92 2.30 11.0% 2 2 dayufangchang_3 话务量 G1-BSC-YAC5 3 21 14.0 9.5% 1.33 1.59 11.4% 2 1 shihuafengju_2_XS G1-BSC-YAC5 4 29 21.0 9.5% 2.00 2.40 11.4% 2 2 xangshui_3 预测话务量 G2-BSC-YAC1 4 29 21.0 9.8% 2.06 2.47 11.8% 2 2 huamuchang_3 G2-BSC-YAC1 4 29 21.0 10.0% 2.10 2.52 12.0% 2 2 qianjinggongsi_1 预测信道利用率 所需载频数 可减载频数 -2000 classification GB/T15225-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-ds of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in2000 8, physical inspection and technical standar-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-ng protection standard building GB5005795 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightni-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-protection design of tall buildings GB50045sound 2002 House Windows-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-nd resistance performance test method JG/T21194 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wi-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 curtain GB/T15226-mance test method GB/T1522794 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation perfor10
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