首页 儿童画教案15课时



儿童画教案15课时儿童画教案15课时 第一课时 教学内容:漂亮的花 教学目的: 1.了解每个学生的造型能力,色彩表现能力。 2.通过教师的示范,纠正规范学生在平时绘画中的一些坏习惯。 教学的重点与难点: 1.第一节课要求学生纠正平时绘画中的一些坏习惯。 2.课堂纪律。 教学方法:讲解、分析、启发的教学法。 教具:蜡笔,8K纸张。 教学过程: 一、回答提问,获得鼓励 同学们,平时生活中都见过哪些花,说出最多种类的奖颗五角星,积极举手发言。 二、老师讲解 花的种类很多,我们今天主要学习大自然中常见的太阳花的绘...

儿童画 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 15课时 第一课时 教学内容:漂亮的花 教学目的: 1.了解每个学生的造型能力,色彩表现能力。 2.通过教师的示范,纠正规范学生在平时绘画中的一些坏习惯。 教学的重点与难点: 1.第一节课要求学生纠正平时绘画中的一些坏习惯。 2.课堂纪律。 教学方法:讲解、分析、启发的教学法。 教具:蜡笔,8K纸张。 教学过程: 一、回答提问,获得鼓励 同学们,平时生活中都见过哪些花,说出最多种类的奖颗五角星,积极举手发言。 二、老师讲解 花的种类很多,我们今天主要学习大自然中常见的太阳花的绘画过程。花是植物最美丽的生命阶段之一,花颜色艳丽,气味芬芳,吸引着小蜜蜂小蝴蝶。 三、自主选择,表现太阳花 同学们,太阳花大家一定再熟悉不过了,现在请同学们拿起手中的画笔,让老师看看你们各自的太阳花都长什么样。 四、互相交流 同学们,要知道太阳花是五颜六色的,你们的画面中是否缺少了点颜色,没关系,不要紧,人多力量大,大家可以相互学习一下,看看各自都有哪些颜色,然后添加到自己的画面中去。 the report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure human 五、课堂 小结 学校三防设施建设情况幼儿园教研工作小结高血压知识讲座小结防范电信网络诈骗宣传幼儿园师德小结 第一节课很重要,学生对老师,老师对学生都有第一次的了解,要在教学过程中,抓住学生的兴趣,让学生轻松快乐的学习。同时,第一节课也可以推荐几位画的比较好的同学,成为大家的榜样,改掉一些绘画中的不好习惯。 第二课时 教学内容:大公鸡 教学目的: 1.学习简单的创作情景设置,进行构图审美教育。 2.培养学生形象思维能力。 教学的重点与难点: 1.注意画面的创意、安排和色彩搭配。 2.能从不同的角度、题材表现公鸡的特点,表现手法及材料不拘一格。 教学方法:讲解、分析、自由发挥。 教具:铅笔、橡皮、蜡笔或水彩笔 教学过程: 一、组织课堂纪律。 二、谈话导入。 1 猜谜:头上顶着大红冠,身穿五彩花花衣,每天早晨要歌唱,人人听了忙穿衣。 (谜底:公鸡) 启思:(1)你见过公鸡吗,它是什么模样,(2)公鸡有喜、怒、哀、乐吗,你是怎么知道的, 2 导人新课。 公鸡很漂亮,油亮脖子金黄的脚;公鸡很勤快,每天总是迎着太阳歌唱,唱出 loyee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanfy empnal needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modiees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupatiomploythe work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 e nner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment ofly mabenefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a time emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation ands and ve measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trendpect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective correctithe report on the work of various departments, supervise and ins2 了早霞,唱来了黎明。瞧,这里走来一只神气的大公鸡,他昂着头,挺着胸,下 副神气活现的样子,你们喜欢吗,(教师出示"公鸡"图示,贴在黑板上)这节课, 我们就来学着画"公鸡"。(板书课题) 三、动手实践创造美。 1 分小组探究画的方法,用幻灯指导讨论思路。 (1)启发学生围绕"公鸡为什么美,美在何处"认真观察,积极思考,大胆发表 自己的见 解,可从不同的角度表现花公鸡的特点。 (2)指导学生构图。主题画中的主体应突出,构图饱满。 3)引导学生选择适合于自己的创作方法及材料。 ( 2 汇报讨论结果。 动手实践。学生开始构思?构图?选择表现方法及材料?设计制作。 3 教师巡视指导。 (1)根据学生的构思,帮助学生修改创作方法。 (2)允许差生进行模仿性创作。 (3)鼓励学生大胆创新。 四、师生评价欣赏美。 (1)学生自评。请几个同学到讲台上说说自己的创作过程,说明自己的创作意 图和创作方法。 (2)学生互评。 第三课时 教学内容:喜欢的水果 教学目的: 1、培养学生热爱家乡、热爱劳动的思想感情。 2、引导学生画出各种水果的特征。 stics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanstati nt goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of thelopment of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its developmee devend continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and ththods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, an mebenefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational desig business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and cs infor the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topi f implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectivesthe report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results o3 3、继续指导学生正确的使用油画棒工具。 教学的重点与难点: 1、 引导学生观察实物要抓住其特征。在用油画棒起稿时要注意有大有小,聚散 变化。 2、课前准备 教师:范画、几种常见的水果。 学生:水彩画常用工具、油画棒。 教学方法:讲解、分析、示范 教具:铅笔、橡皮、蜡笔 教学过程: 一、联想导入: 、 教师在黑板上画出圆形,提问:这是什么,(让学生展开联想) 1 2、 你能把它变成一种水果吗, 3、 请几名学生上台演示。 4、 请学生点评。 二、思维拓展练习: 1、 除了这些水果,你还能想到其他的水果吗, 2、 我们可以在圆形上进行添加,把它变成葡萄„„ 3、 我们可以在圆形上减去一部分,让它变成香蕉„„ 4、 你能象老师一样变吗, 5、 拿出纸和笔,把你变出来的水果画出来。 三、画面安排: loyee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanfy empnal needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modiees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupatiomploythe work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 e nner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment ofly mabenefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a time emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation ands and ve measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trendpect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective correctithe report on the work of various departments, supervise and ins4 1、 教师在黑板上画出果盘。 2、 果盘中可以放上哪些水果, 3、 是不是随便乱放,应该怎样放比较美观,(要先放„„再放„„) 4、 果盘外面可以放„„ 四、学生作画指导: 1、 像老师一样,画出一盘放着的水果。 2、 可以变换水果的种类和果盘的样式。 3、 画的快的同学可以画上背景。 五、作业讲评: 表扬画面饱满、有自己创意的作品 第四课时 教学内容:我喜爱的玩具 教学目的: 1、能用简单的语言描述现代玩具的造型、色彩、花纹、材料、玩法等特点 。 2、 培养学生热爱生活、珍惜今天、创造未来的情感。 教学的重点与难点: 1、引导学生感受歌曲,歌曲具有想象力的特点,尽可能完整的理解演唱歌曲。 2、指导学生在注意连贯演唱歌曲的基础上,吐字力求清晰,演唱力求完整。 教学方法:讲解、自由发挥 教具:铅笔、橡皮、蜡笔 stics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanstati nt goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of thelopment of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its developmee devend continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and ththods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, an mebenefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational desig business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and cs infor the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topi f implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectivesthe report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results o5 教学过程: 一、启动主体 把自己带来的玩具与同学们分享,向大家介绍自己为什么喜欢这个玩具(玩具的名称、造型、色彩、花纹、材料、功能、玩法与故事) 二、发挥主体 1、播放课件图片,欣赏不同玩具。选一件自己喜欢的现代玩具,说说它给你带来的感觉, 2、选一件自己喜欢的玩具说说它特点,颜色。 3、用简单的线画出自己玩具的造型或用线设计想象中的现代玩具,学生自己刻画,师指导。 三、发展主体 1、布置玩具画展(实物玩具、图片玩具、作业玩具) 2、探讨玩具功能性与审美趣味。 三、课堂小结: 教师对本节课进行 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf ,督导学生课下实践练习气息。 四、课堂总结 1、小节本节课学习情况。 2、评选优秀作品,采用先自评、在他评、最后师评。鼓励有创意的作品。 第五课时 教学内容:美丽的小鸟一起飞(二课时) 教学目的: 1、学会小鸟的绘画方法。 2、再次提高学生的绘画兴趣,培养大家的想象力和表现力。 loyee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanfy empnal needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modiees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupatiomploythe work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 e nner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment ofly mabenefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a time emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation ands and ve measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trendpect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective correctithe report on the work of various departments, supervise and ins6 教学的重点与难点: 1、引导学生进入想象 2、将想象到的美丽的画面用纸笔表现出来 教学方法:讲解、分析、启发、示范 教具:铅笔、橡皮、蜡笔 教学过程: 一、创设情境,认识小鸟 1、小朋友,今天老师给你们带来了一位好朋友,你们想知道是谁吗,(出示小鸟) 从小朋友们的表情中,老师看出,你们都很喜欢小鸟,今天老师特地带来了许多小鸟呢~小朋友,你们仔细看啊~小鸟来了~ 哇~那么多小鸟向我们走来了~ 2、小朋友,你们发现这些小鸟有什么特点,长的怎么样, 3、老师还知道,有些小朋友特别喜欢小鸟。课前就已经收集了有关小鸟的资料,我们请他们拿上来和大伙儿一起来分享快乐,好吗, 4、小鸟非常聪明,不但会帮助人们做事,而且还会表演节目。小朋友,你们看,上面的小鸟正在为我们表演精彩的节目呢~(出示图片) 二、激情表达,亲近大象 1、刚才小朋友们了解了那么多小鸟的知识,而且还看到了一幅幅精美的小鸟图片,那么此时的你想对小鸟说些什么呢,(小鸟你真聪明、小鸟你真能干、小鸟我真想摸你的长鼻子„„) 2、 你们的想法五彩缤纷,让老师也深受感染~刚才,有几个小朋友说,想跟着小鸟一起去游玩,这个想法有多有趣啊~小朋友们,你们想不想,现在,让我们一起来实现这些美好的愿望吧~ 三、大胆想象 1、 请小朋友闭上眼睛,伴着悦耳的音乐,走进了想象的世界。现在,小鸟向我们走来啦~让我们赶快爬上去吧~想坐哪儿就坐哪儿,坐好了吗,我们出发啦~ 我们来到了茂密的森林,趟过了清澈的小河,小鸟飞过了山坡。哇~小鸟带我们 stics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanstati nt goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of thelopment of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its developmee devend continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and ththods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, an mebenefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational desig business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and cs infor the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topi f implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectivesthe report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results o7 飞起来啦~我们飞过了乡村、飞过了城市、看到了碧绿的草原、看到了壮观的大海、越过了高山、来到了北京„„ 2、 小朋友,刚才你们跟着小鸟,心里觉得怎么样呀,你们跟着小鸟都看到些什么呢, 四、自主选择,表达小鸟 1、这些感觉真妙啊~小朋友,看看其他小朋友是怎样来表达的。要是你来画,能不能比他表达得更好,更有趣, 2、现在,请小朋友拿出自己心爱的美术工具,用自己喜欢的方式,把刚才乘着大象的情景,尽情得表达出来吧~ (音乐) 3、想画的小朋友,只要完成构图, 如果先画好的小朋友,可以和你最要好的小朋友交流自己的作品。也可以拿到前面来介绍给大家,并说说你的感受。 ( 学生自己讲述, 师生点评 )(投影仪展示) 五、以点带面,超越小鸟 1、刚才小画家们把和小鸟一起的感受表达的淋漓尽致。是呀,小鸟是我们的好朋友,还有好多动物也是我们人类的好朋友呢~现在,你还想和什么动物去玩呢, 六、相互友好,共同生存 1、你们说得真好~小朋友,动物是那么的可爱~有了它们,我们的地球才这么生机勃勃;有了它们,我们的生活才这么多姿多彩;有了它们,小朋友们的想象才如此的丰富和有趣~ 2、让我们和动物永远做好朋友吧~ 第六课时 教学内容:好吃的冰淇淋 教学目的: 1.了解各种各样的冰激凌,体验冰激凌的奇特之处。 loyee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanfy empnal needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modiees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupatiomploythe work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 e nner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment ofly mabenefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a time emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation ands and ve measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trendpect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective correctithe report on the work of various departments, supervise and ins8 2.运用自由、夸张的表现手法,大胆、快乐地描绘冰激凌,培养学生的想象力。 3.感受想象的乐趣,培养学生爱想象、敢表现的个性品质。 教学的重点与难点: 1、表色的表达 教学方法:讲解、示范、自由发挥 教具:铅笔、橡皮、蜡笔、水彩笔 教学过程: 一、创境激趣 (1) 小朋友们,没有空调热吗,现在的你最想要什么, (2)提问:你想吃冰激凌吗,你见过的冰激凌都有哪些样子的, 二、畅谈想法 (1)我们平时常常会想吃各种冰激凌,冰激凌有各种各样的口味、形状。你想要什么样的冰激凌,你的冰激凌有什么奇特的地方, (这个想法真棒,亏你想得出2)对于学生的叙述,教师要注意鼓励和引导:“ 来~”“后来怎样了,”„„让学生把自己想到的冰激凌说完整、说精彩,激活想象,加深体验。 三、欣赏评析 (1)课件播泛画,让学生解析这幅作品的含义。 (2)课件播放书中的电脑绘画作品和动画作品,让学生谈谈自己的感受。 (3)课件播放学生优秀作品,请学生评一评画,并谈谈冰激凌是怎样的。 四、引导创作 (1)冰激凌,有各种各样的口味、形状。你想表现什么样的, (2)冰激凌,色彩瑰丽神奇,但都有一个主色调。你的冰激凌有什么样的主色调, (3)让学生小组间相互交流、启发,使梦更加生动、完善。 五、学生创作 作业要求:画一幅自己喜欢的冰激凌 stics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanstati nt goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of thelopment of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its developmee devend continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and ththods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, an mebenefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational desig business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and cs infor the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topi f implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectivesthe report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results o9 六、交流评价 以买“卖冰激凌”的形式实施评价。学生把自己描绘的冰激凌,向同组同学述说。 每组选出最佳“冰激凌”上台讲述,然后进行拍卖,出价最高者且能说出缘由的 中标。 第七课时 教学内容:大树的故事 教学目的: 1、通过回忆、观察,大树的故事了解大树的基本结构(树根、树干、树枝、树权、 树叶等)。 2、培养学生的大树的故事想象能力、儿童画创作能力、语言表达能力 教学的重点与难点: 1、围绕大树的故事的特点进行充分的想象和表现。 2、画面构思和组织。 教学方法:讲解、分析、自由发挥 教具:铅笔、橡皮、水彩笔 教学过程: 一、组织教学,导入新课。 1. 教师讲一个有关大树的故事 2. 板书课题: 大树的故事 二、创设情境: 1. 提问:大树由哪几部分组成? 2.学生根据教师讲的内容进行想象。 3.学生发表自己的看法(树根、树干、树枝、树叶等。) 提问:树上、树下、树洞里可能有什么故事? loyee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanfy empnal needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modiees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupatiomploythe work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 e nner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment ofly mabenefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a time emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation ands and ve measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trendpect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective correctithe report on the work of various departments, supervise and ins10 提问: 1(你能根据小朋友的作品,讲一讲他们画的是什么故事吗? 2(你是通过哪些形象看出来的? 邻近的两位同学之间互相讲一讲有关大树的故事。 分小组研究教师提出的问题,每组可以重点研究1,2幅作品。 小组代表向全班同学介绍分组研究的情况。 三、小结:总结本节课作业情况。展示其他同学画的“大树的故事”的儿童画 作品,引导学生课后进一步大胆表现。 提问:通过这节深你对大树有什么新的认识?今后应如何做? 第八课时 内容:爱护海洋 教学目的: 1、让学生了解一部分海洋知识。 2、让学生掌握一些主要海洋动物的绘画方法。 3、通过教学,让学生产生保护环境的意识。 教学的重点与难点: 1、学生对同种海洋动物的不同见解。 2、在讨论的过程中,使学生同意 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 ,避免发生吵闹。 教学方法:讲解、分析、讨论、示范 教具:剪切画、铅笔、橡皮、水彩笔 教学过程: 一、讲述海洋的故事 大海有多深,大海里有多少大家不知道的秘密,就让老师来告诉大家一些关于 海洋的故事。 二、提问 1、海洋里最大的是什么动物(鲸鱼) stics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanstati nt goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of thelopment of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its developmee devend continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and ththods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, an mebenefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational desig business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and cs infor the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topi f implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectivesthe report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results o11 2、海洋里最凶猛的是什么动物(鲨鱼) 3、海底最美丽的是什么(珊瑚) 4、海洋里最聪明的是什么动物(海豚) 5、海底还有什么(宝藏、沉船、海草、海星、螃蟹) 三、 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 绘画内容 今天主要要画的就是老师刚才提问的那些海洋动物,大家也知道,现在海洋受严重污染,这些原本快乐生活着的动物们也面临生存危险,请大家以保护海洋为主要中心思想,再海洋动物身上体现出来。 四、讲评 选择比较突出的几幅作品给同学们欣赏,并让同学们理解,自己的画面中有哪些不足之处,可以加以改进。 第九课时 教学内容:机器猫 教学目的: 1、培养学生对线条的控制能力。 2、培养学生的想象能力 教学的重点与难点: 1、对画面的掌控,绘画大小适中。 2、圆对于小朋友来说一直是个难点。 教学方法:讲解、示范 教具:铅笔、橡皮、蜡笔 教学过程: 一、发挥想象 先在黑板上画一个圆,然后提问,看到这个圆能想到什么,给同学们这个圆,同学们能把它变成什么。 二、确定主题 机器猫,大家一定看过这个动画片,它圆头圆脑,长的很憨厚,它害怕老鼠。它胸口有个百宝袋,可以拿出任何神奇的机器。 三、示范 机器猫的身体大小也有严格的比例,否则会画的头重脚轻,做出正确的示范,要求学生学习比例的控制。 四、发挥想象 loyee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanfy empnal needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modiees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupatiomploythe work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 e nner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment ofly mabenefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a time emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation ands and ve measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trendpect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective correctithe report on the work of various departments, supervise and ins12 机器猫的百宝袋,你最想从里面拿出什么宝物来,请同学们再画面中表现出来, 不能抄袭。 第十课时 教学内容:水果娃娃 教学目的: 学会夸张的造型手法,表现拟人化的水果娃娃,培养学生的学习兴趣。提高学生 的想象力和创造力。 教学的重点与难点: 1、画出各种水果的外形。 2、各种水果娃娃的有趣表情。 教学方法:启发、自由发挥 教具:铅笔、橡皮、水彩笔 教学过程: 一.前提测评: 1,组织教学,按常规进行。 2,做游戏: 今天徐老师给大家带来了一个水果娃娃,你们看看她是谁啊, (水果娃娃自己介绍自己。) 嗨,大家好~ 我是菠萝娃娃,来自美丽的水果乐园,今天,我想找一些朋友和我一起去美丽的 水果乐园玩一玩、逛一逛。 同学们我们愿不愿意和她一起去水果乐园玩啊, 但在去之前,我们要打扮一下,把自己也变成一个水果娃娃,那么,水果是怎样 变成娃娃呢, 出示水果娃娃的基本步骤。 (水果的基本型+五官、四肢、装饰物) (多媒体 二,认定目标: 今天,我们就学习一节十分有趣的课。 出示课题:《 水果娃娃》 三,导学达标: stics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanstati nt goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of thelopment of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its developmee devend continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and ththods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, an mebenefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational desig business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and cs infor the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topi f implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectivesthe report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results o13 1,教授示范: 示范操作一种新的绘画方法:(示范画:西瓜娃娃) 1)说明西瓜娃娃的色彩,选取绿色油画棒。(说明任何色彩笔都可以选用)不用铅笔和橡皮,学习用绕线的方法将西瓜的外形修整出来。(同时将西瓜的简单基本型展示于多媒体上) 2)请学生们微笑一下,感觉一下自己在微笑时的神情变化:嘴角向上翘、眼睛小了„„) 3)用黑色记号笔,将五官按照微笑的感觉表现出来并对四肢加以讲解。 4)提问:还可以添加哪些装饰物, 2,分组作业: 接下来完成个人作业要求是: 1)用自己喜欢的一种表现方法画一个水果娃娃。 2)要用概括的方法表现四肢和五官表情。 3)创造出一个充满个性的水果娃娃。 出示多种水果的基本形状和多种表情。(多媒体) 教师巡回辅导,并放音乐. 完成了充满个性的水果娃娃以后,请把它粘贴到黑板上来。 四,达标测评: 1,作业展示:设计一个“水果娃娃乐园”的栏目,把学生画好并剪好的作品贴上去。 2,作业的评选和奖励: 请学生进行评选,并选出好的作业和发奖品。 总结: 今天,同学们在不断尝试和帮助下,掌握了用各种绘画方法和拟人化的表现手法,使水果娃娃变得可爱、漂亮。还懂得概括的方法来表现四肢和五官,加快了创作速度。希望你们能在以后的绘画中要经常注意观察身边的事物,用简单的表现手法画出最美丽的图画。 第十一课时 教学内容:手印、指印变变变 教学目的: 1、了解学习指印、手印画,展开想象,进行适当添画。 2 、培养学生丰富的联想和造型能力,培养与人合作的情感。 3、在有意无意的拓印中,从不同角度对于手指印进行联想添画。 教学的重点与难点: 1、引导学生放松地玩,在玩中掌握手印、指印及随形联想的方法。 loyee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanfy empnal needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modiees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupatiomploythe work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 e nner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment ofly mabenefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a time emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation ands and ve measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trendpect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective correctithe report on the work of various departments, supervise and ins14 2、根据自己印的形状,大胆地联想、大胆地变化、大胆地表现。 教学方法:启发、示范、自由发挥 教具:水彩笔 教学过程: 一、课前准备 师生共同准备颜料、彩笔、大号排笔、水粉笔、甘油、布、水桶、大张白纸、 彩色纸等。 1、谜语: 两棵小树十个叉, 不长叶子不开花。 能写会算还会画, 天天干活不说话。 学生猜谜,揭示答案——小手。 2、做“拍手游戏”。 课件:拍手歌。(出示歌词)带着孩子们一起拍手一起唱。 3、师:我们都有一双能干的小手,说说我们的小手都能干些什么呢,(与 生活结合)。 生:写字、做事、吃饭拿筷子、弹钢琴等等。 师:“手”的用处可真大啊~那我们来观察一下我们的小手到底是什么样 子的, 二、发展阶段 观察讨论:观察自己的手心、手指,自己发现手的纹理变化。 2、与同学们比一比,一样不一样。 (1)掌心的纹理(2)手指的罗纹 三、教师示范 (准备):一张大白纸贴在黑板上,请孩子选出2种喜欢的颜色。 用排笔蘸上颜料在自己的手上涂色。先涂左手,然后把手压在大白纸上,再用右手涂上颜色,压在白纸上。 师:看老师印了2个手印,你们想不想也尝试一下呢, stics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanstati nt goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of thelopment of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its developmee devend continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and ththods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, an mebenefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational desig business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and cs infor the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topi f implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectivesthe report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results o15 生:想。(开始动手)。同桌合作。 3、学生尝试练习。师巡视,指导。 4、添画(教师示范,先洗净手再用彩笔添画、或者直接用手代替笔选择 手印或指印添画)。 师:老师添了几笔,手印变成了孔雀,你们来想象一下,你们能把它们 变成什么呢, 四、学生想象 学生作业(给自己刚才印的手印添画)。 第十二课时 教学内容:春天的色彩 教学目的: 1、通过对自然的观察,感受春天丰富的色彩,感受季节美 2 、在看一看,说一说,画一画的学习活动中,提高学生的观察能力、语言表达能力和想像力,并能用自己擅长的美术语言表达自己的思想感情。 3、通过对春天的观察与表现,充分感受春天的色彩美与季节美。 4、教学的重点与难点: 1、感受春天的色彩美,用简短的语言和自己喜欢的色彩加以描述和表现,体验美术探究活动的快乐。 2、用什么样的美术语言表现春天的色彩美。 教学方法:启发、自由发挥 教具:蜡笔、水彩笔 教学过程: 一、课前准备 教师准备:关于春天的自然风光图片若干,影碟《嘀哩哩——春天在哪里》,用于图片展示、音像播放的设备。 学生准备:搜集有关春天的图片若干,绘画和制作工具、颜料(水粉、水彩、油 loyee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanfy empnal needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modiees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupatiomploythe work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 e nner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment ofly mabenefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a time emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation ands and ve measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trendpect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective correctithe report on the work of various departments, supervise and ins16 画棒或彩纸、橡皮泥等)。 二、引导阶段 1、课件出示:“唧唧喳喳”的鸟叫声(音频)、“美丽的花朵、翠绿的山林、绿油油的草地”(图片出示)。 师:小朋友们,你们听了、看了、感觉到了什么, 出示课件:“春天”。 2、《嘀哩哩——春天在哪里》是孩子们非常喜爱的儿歌,请欣赏儿歌《嘀哩哩——春天在哪里》并学习演唱。(让孩子们在欣赏春天美丽的画面和美妙歌曲的过程中,感受春天的气息,调动他们学习的兴趣和参与活动的热情。) (歌词:春天在哪里呀春天在哪里?春天在那青翠的山林里,这里有红花呀,这里有绿草,还有那会唱歌的小黄鹂。嘀哩哩哩哩哩哩嘀哩哩哩哩,嘀哩哩哩哩哩哩嘀哩哩哩哩,春天在青翠的山林里,还有那会唱歌的小黄鹂。 春天在哪里呀春天在哪里?春天在那湖水的倒影里,映出红的花呀,映出绿的草,还有那会唱歌的小黄鹂。嘀哩哩哩哩哩哩嘀哩哩哩哩,嘀哩哩哩哩哩哩嘀哩哩哩哩,春天在那湖水的倒影里,还有那会唱歌的小黄鹂。 春天在哪里呀春天在哪里?春天在那小朋友眼睛里,看见红的花呀,看见绿的草,还有那会唱歌的小黄鹂。嘀哩哩哩哩哩哩嘀哩哩哩哩,嘀哩哩哩哩哩哩嘀哩哩哩哩,春天在那小朋友眼睛里,还有那会唱歌的小黄鹂。) 三、发展阶段 老师: 1、小朋友们、老师和你们一起感受到了春天的气息,你喜欢春天吗?为什么?(色彩丰富、生机勃勃。) 可是老师现在有一个疑问,夏天、冬天、秋天都有颜色,可是春天呢,谁 能帮助老师呢, 2、你想如何表现春天的色彩,有哪些色彩可以表达你对这些事物的喜欢? (用简短的话谈谈你的构思:画面构思、工具材料的选择与运用,对学生的构思 提出改进意见。) 3、绘画或制作练习。 stics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanstati nt goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of thelopment of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its developmee devend continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and ththods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, an mebenefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational desig business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and cs infor the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topi f implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectivesthe report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results o17 4、作品分析、评价。 5、收拾与整理:要求学生整理桌面、地面,保持教室环境整洁。 四、拓展阶段 1、欣赏歌曲《嘀哩哩——春天在哪里》,边唱边舞,活跃课堂气氛。 2、鼓励学生课后走进大自然,寻找春天的足迹,感受春天的色彩。 五、课堂小结: 评价应贯穿教学全过程,对学生的评价可采用师评、生评、自我评价等方式,内容包括: 1、对学生参与活动的兴趣和态度进行评价 2、对学生语言表达、构思创意和画面表现的效果进行评价。 3、对学生之间、师生之间的协作和配合进行评价。 第十三课时 教学内容:有趣的鞋 教学目的: 1、解生活中鞋的结构以及设计原则,培养实用造型能力。 2、掌握利用多种材料制作鞋的方法和要求。 3、培养学生对应用美术的兴趣和对牛活的热爱。 教学的重点与难点: 1、能运用撕、剪、画、印等方法制作漂亮、合脚的鞋。 2、对鞋形式美的装饰。(鞋款式、图案、色彩的完美统一) 教学方法:讲解、示范、自由发挥 教具:彩笔、白纸、各种材料纸、有色卡纸,剪刀、胶水,小装饰品等 教学过程: 一、引导阶段 吴老师最喜欢给大家猜谜语,想知道是猜什么吗, 那你们的耳朵可要仔细听好了。看看谁是你们班的“猜谜大王” loyee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanfy empnal needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modiees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupatiomploythe work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 e nner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment ofly mabenefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a time emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation ands and ve measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trendpect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective correctithe report on the work of various departments, supervise and ins18 十个客人分两半, 乘着两只小小船。 早上出行数里路, 晚上靠岸在床边。(鞋) 教师:“真棒”就是与我们风雨同舟的鞋子。看看你们今天都穿什么漂亮、好看 的鞋子了。学生纷纷回答介绍自己的鞋子。 教师自述:鞋与我们的生活息息相关,我们的祖先穿着它走过了几千年的历程, 他们中的每一款表现出了中华民族各个时期的特色,你能猜出最原始的鞋 是什么样的吗,(学生相互交流猜想){此时出示课件图片,一边出示图 片,一边叙述}这是5000年前仰绍文化时期人们用兽皮、麻绳、树皮捆绑 在脚上的鞋,相当初我们的红军战士就是靠草鞋走过了25000里长征。想 了解更多的鞋的历史吗,让我们一起去感受一下古老的鞋文化吧~ 二、欣赏 课件中不同朝代的鞋各个朝代鞋的花纹、颜色款式各不相同 三、实践阶段 1、“现在不急着制作,我们先一起来看看这两只鞋是用什么材料和方法制作的。” 2、分析鞋子的制作材料和制作方法 3、这两只鞋子分别采用了什么材料制作,(彩色卡纸、瓦楞纸、即时贴、吹塑纸等) 4、这两只鞋子的鞋面和鞋底采用了什么方法装饰,(剪贴图形、画图案) 5、师叙述:设计师们在鞋面、鞋跟上下功夫,设计出一双双精美的鞋,而且人们对鞋产生丰富的联想(欣赏很多的鞋),多么有艺术气息,穿上这样的鞋多么的与众不同。 6、你想拥有一双什么样的鞋呢, (喜欢运动,想拥有一双运动鞋;喜欢舞蹈想拥有一双精美的舞蹈的鞋„„) 7、老师开了一个鞋店,快进去看看有没有你想要的鞋,我的鞋店是与众不同的,看用什么材料做的(彩纸、色卡纸、废旧的材料,生活中的小饰物,彩笔画的„„)多么美观、环保、有创意,可是都被抢购一空。你们想不想当一回设计师,让老师的鞋店丰富起来呀, 四、作业要求 1、每一个同学根据自己材料和设计需要选择自己喜欢的方式、可以几人合作。 2、每组分发一个柜台,组长将组内有创意、设计新颖、制作精美的鞋贴入柜台(每组分发一张四开的色卡纸,组长可适当的装饰,体现本组的特色)。 3、时间是15分钟的时间 五、作业讲评 老师非常的感谢大家,看这一双双的鞋太漂亮了, 1、先小组内评一评,本组内谁的鞋最有特色,你最喜欢。 stics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanstati nt goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of thelopment of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its developmee devend continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and ththods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, an mebenefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational desig business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and cs infor the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topi f implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectivesthe report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results o19 2 、一起来评一评谁的鞋最有创意、设计新颖、制作精美,并让这些同学起来说 一说他的想法和构思,大家交流提高,同时对作业需要帮助的同学大家共 同提议修改。 六、课后拓展 1、 你在这节课上学得开心吗, 2、 学到了什么,还想学什么,还有什么问题要解决, 3、 总结:这节课我非常的高兴,你们不但帮助了别人,而且通过劳动创造了美, 一定更高兴吧~鞋就像一双默默无闻的小船,任劳任怨的和我们共风雨, 从古到今鞋在人们的生活中有着重要的地位,古代人们把他们叫做“足 衣”,课下同学们可去找一下鞋子的故事再去感受他的魅力,同时也祝愿 大家穿着它们乘风破浪,步步成功。 第十四课时 教学内容:京剧脸谱 教学目的: 1、让学生初步了解中国戏曲的艺术特色及京剧脸谱艺术的特点、谱式、色彩等方面的基础知识,了解京剧脸谱艺术富有的图案美,具有鲜明的思想性和艺术性,培养学生对京剧脸谱艺术的欣赏能力。 2 、学习按步骤临摹京剧脸谱 3、通过对京剧脸谱知识的学习,激发学生关心、热爱中国脸谱艺术的情感,培养民族自豪感。 教学的重点与难点: 1、表现戏曲人物脸谱的特点。 2、如何把握好京剧脸谱的主要特征,解决好脸谱知识学习与刻制、印制版画的时间分配。 教学方法:讲解、分析、示范 教具:铅笔、橡皮、水彩笔 教学过程: 一、讲解京剧知识 京剧是我国传统艺术,京剧内容以惩恶扬善、孝敬长辈、忠诚国家为主,这一京剧片断唱的是李逵返乡接母亲到身边安度晚年的故事。在京剧中人物的脸上有一 loyee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanfy empnal needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modiees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupatiomploythe work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 e nner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment ofly mabenefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a time emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation ands and ve measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trendpect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective correctithe report on the work of various departments, supervise and ins20 些图案和颜色,是京剧特有的舞台化妆艺术。这种用来化妆的图案和颜色在京剧中叫脸谱。 二、介绍京剧脸谱 京剧脸谱的起源与面具关系密切,人类早期的战争面具、傩舞面具、汉代百戏假面具都是戏剧脸谱的远祖。京剧兴起后,脸谱造型日臻完善,在构图上奠定了基本谱式,各类角色的脸谱进一步精致化、多样化,但仍然保持着传统脸谱的基本特点。 三、京剧脸谱的谱式 ?整脸:在整个面部涂一种主色,不勾花纹,而是在主色上画出眉、眼、口、鼻的纹理,这种谱式称之为“整脸”。图例:关羽 ?三块瓦脸:在整脸的基础上,用黑色把眉、眼、鼻等在颜色上突出出来,而使前额、左右面颊呈现出三块明显主色,平整的如同三块瓦,称之为“三块瓦脸”。图例:晁盖 ?十字门脸:从脑门顶至鼻子尖,用黑色或颜色的立柱纹与眼窝大体呈“十字”形,额头涂白,有灰色小圈眉子,此种谱式称之为“十字门脸”。图例:张飞 ?碎花脸:与整脸相反,脸谱色彩、构图对称中显得复杂的称之为“碎花脸”。图例:杨七郎 ?歪脸:色彩、构图不对称,表现人物形象反常、滑稽风趣、丑陋反面的脸谱谱式,称之为“歪脸”。 四、教师示范 五、学生作业 1、完成一副京剧脸谱版画。 2、注意事项:?自选谱式;?左右对称(歪脸除外) 3、根据不同角色、不同人物特点选用不同的颜色 六、教师巡回辅导 stics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanstati nt goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of thelopment of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its developmee devend continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and ththods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, an mebenefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational desig business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and cs infor the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topi f implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectivesthe report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results o21 第十五课时 教学内容:老人和儿童 教学目的: 1、了解老人与儿童不同的年龄特征和不同的表现手法。 2、大胆的线条表现出老人与儿童的外型特征及活动情景。 3、培养学生尊老爱幼的高贵品质。 教学的重点与难点: 1、老人和儿童不同特征的刻画。 2、刻画老人和儿童时线条的运用。 教学方法:讲解、分析、示范 教具:铅笔、橡皮 教学过程: 一、初步感受老人和儿童 老师要给大家介绍一个小朋友(课件出示照片),知道他是谁吗, 生:不知道„„是一个小男孩„„ 师:那想不想知道他是谁,我们一起看看他的成长历程~ (课件展示刘德华从十岁?十几岁?二十几岁?三十几„„八十岁变化成 长的过程) 师:1、真是岁月不饶人哪~年少时和年老以后的差距真大呀~ 二、比较 这两个年龄阶段有什么变化,多了什么,少了什么, 生:眼睛无神„„皮肤松弛„„胡子白了„„ 教师小结板书: 儿童老人 眼睛明亮无神 眉毛浓黑变白 胡子无变白 皮肤紧绷 光滑皱纹 粗焅 loyee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of the statistics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanfy empnal needs, combined with the actual design for its development goals, according to implement communication with staff to modiees career planning: according to the realities and the development of the company and its needs, identification of occupatiomploythe work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, and continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 e nner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational design methods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment ofly mabenefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and benefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a time emerging issues within the company, called special topics in business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation ands and ve measures to ensure the achievement of business objectives for the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trendpect the management and project implementation and results of implementing financial plans of the company, effective correctithe report on the work of various departments, supervise and ins22 „„„„„„ 三、欣赏图片 老人的脸上有岁月的刻痕,儿童却像幼芽一样稚嫩。老师这里也有一些图片,请同学们欣赏一下,看看老人和儿童还有哪些不同,(通过欣赏和比较,进一步了解老人和儿童的特点。) 四、教师示范 画一个儿童、一个老人的头像。教师边讲老人的特点与儿童特点边绘画。 四、学生作业,教师巡回辅导 ,、作业:(1)用线条画画你所熟悉的老人或儿童。 (2)也可以表现你和爷爷奶奶在一起时的情景。 ,、要求:(1)抓老人和儿童的特征,有些表情及动态则更好。 五、作业评论 1、说一说:说说自己的想法和构思 2、评一评:相互评价,并提出意见 师:同学们,我们常常把儿童比做朝阳,把老人比做晚霞,其实朝阳和晚 霞同样美丽,学了今天这课以后同学们应该更加尊敬老人,爱护儿童。 nt goals, according to implement communication with staff to modify employee development goals; 2.9 archives: archives of thelopment of the company and its needs, identification of occupational needs, combined with the actual design for its developmee devend continuous upgrading of the working methods and quality; 2.8 employees career planning: according to the realities and ththods of performance evaluation, objective and fair assessment of the work of the staff, to improve their employees ' work, an mebenefits system and develop payroll and staff benefits in a timely manner; 2.7 performance measurement through rational desig business management strategy session on ... 2.6 compensation and benefits management: policy formulation, improve the pay and cs infor the year; 1.4 the objective fixed: according to market trends and emerging issues within the company, called special topi f implementing financial plans of the company, effective corrective measures to ensure the achievement of business objectivesthe report on the work of various departments, supervise and inspect the management and project implementation and results ostics of reasonable and effective management to ensure humanstati23
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