首页 保险公司财务部门负责人任职资格核准



保险公司财务部门负责人任职资格核准保险公司财务部门负责人任职资格核准 保险公司财务部门负责人 任职资格核准申请表 重要提示:根据《保险法》和中国保监会《保险公司高级管理人员任职资格管理规定》~中国保监会制定了《保险公司财务部门负责人任职资格核准申请表》。申请人必须如实填写本表~保险公司负有对本表进行审查的责任~如出现虚假、隐瞒和遗漏等问题~申请人及保险公司均要负法律责任。 保险公司名称及公章 申请人姓名 拟任职务 填报日期 中国保险监督管理委员会制 Designed for screw for the ground; ground...

保险公司财务部门负责人任职资格核准 保险公司财务部门负责人 任职资格核准申请表 重要提示:根据《保险法》和中国保监会《保险公司高级管理人员任职资格管理规定》~中国保监会制定了《保险公司财务部门负责人任职资格核准申请表》。申请人必须如实填写本表~保险公司负有对本表进行审查的责任~如出现虚假、隐瞒和遗漏等问题~申请人及保险公司均要负法律责任。 保险公司名称及公章 申请人姓名 拟任职务 填报日期 中国保险监督管理委员会制 Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within 填表说明: 一、本表应使用钢笔、签字笔填写~字迹要清晰端正。或用计算机依格式打印。 二、表内所列项目应实事求是~认真填写。 三、表中内容需如实填报~不得遗漏~申请人如不存在所列事项~请填“无”,如存在请详细填写~填写不下可加附页。 四、表内的年、月、日一律用公历。 五、相片使用近期一寸正面免冠相片。 六、家庭成员及主要社会关系包括但不限于本人配偶、子女、父母及兄弟姊妹的情况。 七、学习简历从高中开始填写~工作履历从首次参加工作开始填写。 八、申请人应提供学位证书复印件~专业技术资格复印件等证明材料。 d design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min withinrange, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reache ividedserial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of dage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drain-running, trouble uilding lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H recordblic bng pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, puperating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lightiand o check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioningication switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 ntif3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit ide ng with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero.of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housiDesigned for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use 2 本 人 基 本 情 况 申请人姓名 性别 民族 籍贯/出生年月 政治面貌 相片 国籍 身份证号码 护照号码 最高学历 毕业院校 及学位 及专业 参加工作毕业时间 时间 经济工作 金融从业 年限 年限 专业技术 授予部门 职称 是否有国家庭住址 外居留权 现任职务 批准文号 拟任职务 学 习 简 历 毕,结、脱产/证明人及 起止年月 毕业院校及专业 证书号码 肄,业 在职 联系电话 Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within 与本人现工作或学习单位 姓名 职务 关系 ,单位全称及所从事的工作, 家 庭成员 及主 要社会 关系 熟悉何种专业技术及特长 请简述你对今后所要管理的财务部门的工作设想 d design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min withinrange, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reache ividedserial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of dage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drain-running, trouble uilding lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H recordblic bng pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, puperating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lightiand o check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioningication switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 ntif3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit ide ng with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero.of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housiDesigned for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use 4 培 训 情 况 起止年月 举办单位 培训内容 证书名称 工 作 履 历 起止年月 工作单位及部门 工作内容 职务 社会兼职 情况 是否直接从会计师事务所调 入~若是~请说明是否具有保 险业审计经验以及所在事务所 是否是本公司的审计师或财务 顾问, Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within 是否受过中国保险行业 协会的处罚~若受过~ 请注明处分时间、原因 及内容 是否受过中国保监会的 行政处罚~如受过~请 注明处罚时间、原因及 内容 是否受过其他部门的行政处罚~如受过~请注明处罚时间、原因及内容 是否受过刑事处罚~如受过~请注明处罚时间、原因及内容 个人是否有未到期负债情况~若有~请说明具体情况 近五年是否受过党纪、政纪处分~若受过~请注明处分内容及原因 是否涉嫌正在调查中的重大投诉或违法违规行为~如有~请详细说明 其他需说明的问题 填表人签名: ividedserial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of dage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drain-running, trouble uilding lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H recordblic bng pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, puperating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lightiand o check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioningication switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 ntif3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit ide ng with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero.of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housiDesigned for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use d design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min withinrange, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reache6 最近工作过的单位对申 请人出具的鉴定意见 拟 聘 任 单位 意 见 拟聘任单位负责人签字并加盖公章 Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within
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