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权力的游戏 中英剧本第五集


权力的游戏 中英剧本第五集权力的游戏 中英剧本第五集 权力的游戏 第一季第五集 狼狮斗 -修夫骑士在都城有亲属吗 -没有- Does Ser Hugh have any family in the capital? - No. 昨晚是我亲自替他守的灵I stood vigil for him myself last night. 这孩子无依无靠He had no one else. 这套铠甲他只穿了一次He'd never worn this armor before. 对上魔山Bad luck for him... 是他的不幸...

权力的游戏 中英剧本第五集
权力的游戏 中英剧本第五集 权力的游戏 第一季第五集 狼狮斗 -修夫骑士在都城有亲属吗 -没有- Does Ser Hugh have any family in the capital? - No. 昨晚是我亲自替他守的灵I stood vigil for him myself last night. 这孩子无依无靠He had no one else. 这套铠甲他只穿了一次He'd never worn this armor before. 对上魔山Bad luck for him... 是他的不幸going against the Mountain. 是谁安排对阵顺序Who determines the draw? 所有骑士都是抽签的 史塔克大人All the knights draw straws, Lord Stark. 是啊Aye. 但是谁主持抽签But who holds the straws? 姐妹们 你们做得很好You've done good work, sisters. 生活真是难以预料 想当年Life is strange. Not so many years ago 你我还是三叉戟河上对阵的仇敌we fought as enemies at the Trident. 我很庆幸未在战场上遇到您 巴利斯坦爵士I'm glad we never met on the field, Ser Barristan. 我妻子也很幸运As is my wife. 我想孀居生活并不适合她I don't think the widow's life would suit her. 您太谦逊了You're too modest. 我亲眼见您战败许多伟大的骑士I've seen you cut down a dozen great knights. 家父曾对我说My father once told me 您是他见过的最优秀的骑士you were the best he'd ever seen. 谈及战斗 家父从未走眼I never knew the man to be wrong about matters of combat. 您父亲是个好人He was a fine man, your father. 疯王的暴行令人发指What the Mad King did to him was a terrible crime. 那年轻人And that lad... 他之前一直是侍从 数月前才受封He was a squire until a few months ago. 怎么买得起一套全新铠甲How could he afford a new suit of armor? 或许艾林公爵留了钱给他Perhaps Lord Arryn left him some money? 听说国王打算今天参加团体比武I hear the king wants to joust today. 没错 但那是不可能的Yes, that will never happen. 劳勃一向随心所欲Robert tends to do what he wants. 如果国王就能随心所欲If the king got what he wanted all the time, 他还在造那该死的反呢he'd still be fighting a damned rebellion. 陛下 它太小了 套不上It's made too small, your grace. It won't go. 你妈是个肥得要死的蠢妓女 这你知道不Your mother was a dumb whore with a fat ass. Did you know that? 你看这个白痴 脑子都长脸上去了Look at this idiot! One ball and no brains. 连副铠甲都穿不好He can't even put a man's armor on him properly. 是你太胖了 这才穿不下You're too fat for your armor. 太胖 太胖 是吗Fat? Fat, is it? 你对国王是这样讲话的吗Is that how you speak to your king? 很好笑是吗That was funny, is it? 不 陛下No, your grace. 不好笑 你不喜欢首相讲的笑话No? You don't like the Hand's joke? 你别折磨这可怜的孩子了You're torturing the poor boy. 听见首相的话没 国王太胖所以穿不下铠甲You heard the Hand. The king's too fat for his armor. 去找撑开胸甲的钳子来 快去啊Go find the breastplate stretcher... Now! "撑开胸甲的钳子""The breastplate stretcher"? 看他多久才能发现压根儿没这东西How long before he figures it out? -或许你该叫人发明一把 -好啦好啦- Maybe you should have one invented. - All right, all right. 你就等着瞧吧 我还是会使长枪的But you watch me out there... I still know how to point a lance. 你不该参加比武 让年轻人大显身手吧You have no business jousting. Leave that for the young men. 怎么 因为我是国王 去死 我想打人Why, because I'm king? Piss on that. I want to hit somebody! -可是谁敢还击呢 -谁都行啊- And who's going to hit you back? - Anybody who can. -反正最后坐在马上的... -一定是你- And the last man in his saddle... - Will be you. 七国上下绝没有人敢冒着伤到你的危险There's not a man in the Seven Kingdoms 对你动手would risk hurting you. 你的意思是那些没用的胆小鬼会故意失手Are you telling me those cowards would let me win? 没错Aye. -喝吧 -我不渴- Drink. - I'm not thirsty. 快喝 这是国王的命令Drink. Your king commands it. 神哪Gods, 胖到穿不下铠甲too fat for my armor. 你的侍从 是兰尼斯特家的人Your squire... A Lannister boy? 嗯 怂货一个Mm. A bloody idiot, 瑟曦硬塞给我的but Cersei insisted. 我娶这女人全拜琼恩?艾林所赐I have Jon Arryn to thank for her. 他告诉我"瑟曦?兰尼斯特是个好对象""Cersei Lannister will make a good match," He told me. "你会需要他父亲的支持""You'll need her father on your side." 我曾经以为当了国王就可以随心所欲I thought being king meant I could do whatever I wanted. 不说了 咱去看他们比试吧Enough of this. Let's go watch 'em ride. 至少我还能闻闻别人的血腥味儿At least I can smell someone else's blood. -劳勃 -怎么啦- Robert? - What? 多么振奋人心的景象啊An inspiring sight for the people, eh? 来吧 给国王行礼 来呀 蠢货们Come, bow before your king! Bow, you shits! -艾莉亚呢 -上舞蹈课去了- Where's Arya? - At her dancing lessons. 百花骑士The Knight of the Flowers. 谢谢你 洛拉斯爵士Thank you, Ser Loras. 别让格雷果爵士伤了他Don't let Ser Gregor hurt him. 我不敢看了I can't watch. 一百金龙赌魔山赢 gold dragons on the Mountain. 我跟I'll take that bet. 我该怎么来花那一百金龙呢Now what will I buy with gold dragons? 买十二桶多恩酒A dozen barrels of Dornish wine? 还是从里斯的妓院里买个姑娘Or a girl from the pleasure houses of Lys? -或者买个朋友 -他会死的- Or you could even buy a friend. - He's going to die. 洛拉斯爵士骑术很好Ser Loras rides well. 好可惜呀 小指头Such a shame, Littlefinger. 你若有个朋友该多好It would have been so nice for you to have a friend. 告诉我 蓝礼公爵And tell me, Lord Renly, 您几时能享有您的朋友呢When will you be having your friend? 洛拉斯知道那母马正在发情Loras knew his mare was in heat. 真是有心计Quite crafty, really. 洛拉斯爵士才不会那样做Ser Loras would never do that. 这种伎俩毫无荣誉可言 There's no honor in tricks. 没有荣誉 但有金子可赢No honor and quite a bit of gold. 拿剑Sword! 不要碰他Leave him be! 以你们的国王之名 立刻给我住手Stop this madness in the name of your king! 让他去吧Let him go! 我欠您一条命 爵士阁下I owe you my life, ser. 我不是什么"爵士阁下"I'm no ser. 摘掉他的头罩Remove his hood. 黄昏时刻被俘的小恶魔*On that eve, the captive Imp 从马上跌落瘸着拐着*Downwards from his horse did limp 再也没法洋洋自得*No more would he preen and primp -*披着狮家的金红色* -这不是国王大道- in garb of red and gold. - This isn't the Kingsroad. 你说我们要去临冬城You said we were riding for Winterfell. 说了很多次 而且很大声I did... often and loudly. 非常明智Very wise. 会有成群结队的追兵They'll be out in droves, 沿错误的方向寻找我looking for me in the wrong place. 消息大概已经传到家父那里了Word's probably gotten to my father by now. 他将开出一笔可观的赏金He'll be offering a handsome reward. 人人都知道兰尼斯特有债必还Everyone knows a Lannister always pays his debts. 您能好心给我松绑吗Would you be so good as to untie me? -为何给你松绑 -有何不可- And why would I do that? - Why not? 我还能逃跑不成Am I going to run? 高山氏族部落会为了抢靴子杀掉我The hill tribes would kill me for my boots. 除非我先给影子山猫吃掉Unless a shadowcat ate me first. 你不必担心影子山猫和高山氏族部落Shadowcats and hill tribes are the least of your concerns. 这是朝东边的路Ah, the eastern road. 我们是去艾林谷We're going to the Vale. 你要带我去你妹妹那儿You're taking me to your sister's 以莫须有的罪名审判我to answer for my imagined crimes. 告诉我 史塔克夫人Tell me, Lady Stark, 你上次见你妹妹是什么时候when was the last time you saw your sister? 五年前Five years ago. 她变了She's changed. 她以前只是有点儿不正常 但现在...She was always a bit touched, but now-- 你还不如就在这儿结果我you might as well kill me here. -我并非杀人犯 兰尼斯特 -我也不是- I am not a murderer, Lannister. - Neither am I! 意图谋害贵公子的事与我毫无瓜葛I had nothing to do with the attempt on your son's life. -那把匕首... -哪个笨蛋- The dagger found... - What sort of imbecile 蠢到把自己的武器给刺客用arms an assassin with his own blade? -要他闭嘴吗 -凭什么- Should I gag him? - Why? 因为我说得有道理吗Am I starting to make sense? 罗德利克Rodrik! 夫人 躲这边My lady, this way. 给我松绑Untie me. 我死了你就白跑这一趟了If I die, what's the point? 罗德利克Rodrik? 我没事 夫人I'll be fine, my lady. 没必要让血脏了您的手There's no need to bloody yourself. 第一次上战场Your first? 你需要找个女人You need a woman. 打完仗后找个女人最来劲Nothing like a woman after a fight. 她说好我就上I'm willing if she is. 布兰Bran. 铁群岛The Iron Islands. 家徽 海怪Sigil: a kraken. 家族箴言 强取胜过苦耕Words: We do not sow. -领主呢 -葛雷乔伊- Lords? - The Greyjoys. 以箭术 航海Famed for their skills at archery, 和床上功夫见长navigation and lovemaking. 以及叛乱失败And failed rebellions. 家徽 雄鹿Sigil: a stag-- 宝冠雄鹿 劳勃为当今国王a crowned stag now that Robert's king. -很好 -家族箴言 怒火燎原- Good. - Words: Ours is the fury. 领主 拜拉席恩Lords: the Baratheons. 西境The Westerlands. 家徽 狮子Sigil: a lion. -家族箴言 兰尼斯特有债必还 -不对- Words: A Lannister always pays his debts. - No. 这是俗语 而非他们的正式族语A common saying, but not their official motto. 领主 兰尼斯特Lords: the Lannisters. -族语还没说完呢 -我不知道- We're still on their words. - I don't know them. 你知道的 好好想想You do know them. Think. 不屈不挠"Unbowed, unbent, unbroken." -那是马泰尔家的 -正义之怒- That's house Martell. - "Righteous in wrath." -这是霍伍德家族的 -家族 责任 荣誉 House Hornwood. - "Family, duty, honor." 那是你母亲 徒利家族的族语Those are Tully words-- your mother's. -你在跟我闹着玩吗 -家族 责任 荣誉 Are we playing a game? - Family, duty, honor... -顺序对吗 -你很清楚是对的- Is that the right order? - You know it is. 家庭排第一吗Family comes first? 你母亲离开临冬城Your mother had to leave Winterfell 就是为了保护家庭to protect the family. 她不在家人身边How can she protect the family 又怎么保护家庭if she's not with her family? 你昏迷不醒的时候Your mother sat by your bed 你母亲在床边守了整整三周for three weeks while you slept... 然后她就走了And then she left! 你出生时 是我给你母亲接生的When you were born, I was the one who pulled you from your mother. 我把你放入她的臂弯I placed you in her arms. 从那一刻起 到她离开人世From that moment until the moment she dies, 她都会爱着你She will love you. 毫无疑问地Absolutely. -竭尽全力地爱你 -那她为什么离开- Fiercely. - Why did she leave? 我还不能告诉你I still can't tell you, 但她很快就会回家but she will be home soon. 您知道她在哪儿吗Do you know where she is now? -就现在 -不 我不知道- Today? - No, I don't. 那您怎能保证她很快就会回家Then how can you promise me she'll be home soon? 有时候我就担心 太过聪明对你未必是好事Sometimes I worry you're too smart for your own good. 我再也不能射箭了 I'll never shoot another arrow. 何以见得And where is that written? 有腿才能拉弓You need legs to work a bow. 如果提利昂 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 的马鞍确实有用If the saddle Lord Tyrion designed actually works, 你就能学习在马背上射箭了you could learn to shoot a bow from horseback. 真的吗Really? 多斯拉克人四岁就开始学了Dothraki boys learn when they're four years old. 你为什么不行呢Why shouldn't you? 小声点Shh, keep it down. 你本来不能进城堡的You're not supposed to be inside the castle walls. 我本来以为你在这儿算个大人物呢I thought you were supposed to be an important person around here. 跟你这种人比起来就算大人物了Important enough for the likes of you. 要说贵族 我这辈子遇见的可不止你一个You're not the only nobleman in my life, you know. 还有谁 小恶魔吗Who, the Imp? 他只能算得上半个贵族I'd call him half a nobleman. 嫉妒了Jealous? 我嫉妒他做什么Why should I be jealous? 不管是谁 只要有几个铜板 就能包你一晚上Anyone with a few coppers in his pocket can own you for the night. 侏儒的下面是什么样子What's a dwarf like down below? 我一直很好奇I've always wondered. 说出来吓到你Might surprise you. 他的手指也很灵巧He's good with his fingers too. 还有舌头And his tongue. 小费很丰厚嘛Generous tipper. 兰尼斯特还真是挥金如土啊I guess gold is cheap for a Lannister. 你还真嫉妒了You are jealous. 我是葛雷乔伊家的人I'm a Greyjoy. 我们统领铁群岛长达三百年之久We've been lords of the Iron Islands for years. 维斯特洛大陆上没有家族敢瞧不起我们There's not a family in Westeros that can look down on us, 即便是兰尼斯特家也不敢not even the Lannisters. 那史塔克家族呢And what about the Starks? 我八岁起就成了史塔克大人的养子I've been Lord Stark's ward since I was eight years old. 养子 这种称呼倒是好听A ward-- that's a nice word for it. 你父亲曾经起兵反叛劳勃国王Your father rebelled against King Robert -要是他再敢叛乱... -我父亲- and if he does it again... - My father fought 是为子民的自由而战for the freedom of his people. 你父亲干了什么What did your father do? 操了个厨娘 生了个妓女Fucked a cook and whelped a whore. 你这小子真是开不起玩笑You're a very serious boy. -我不是小子 -不 你就是 I'm not a boy. - Oh yes, you are. 小鸡巴小子 假鸡巴正经A serious boy with a serious cock. 我今天不打算付钱了I don't want to pay for it. 那就去找个老婆啊Then get yourself a wife. 别怕Come on. 我不会伤害你的I'm not gonna hurt you. 贵公子怎样了 大人How is your son, my lord? 他永远不能走路了He'll never walk again. 但脑子还好使吧But his mind is sound? 信上是这么写的So they say. 还算诸神保佑A blessing then. 我早年也受过身残之苦I suffered an early mutilation myself. 诸神关起了一扇门Some doors close forever... 就在你不经意间打开另外一扇Others open in the most unexpected places. 我可以坐下吗May I? 这话如果被别人听去了If the wrong ears heard what I'm about to tell you, 我的脑袋就保不住了off comes my head. 到时候谁会替可怜的瓦里斯哀伤呢And who would mourn poor Varys then? 天南地北 没有人会为蜘蛛唱歌啊North or south, they sing no songs for spiders. 不过有些事您必须知情But there are things you must know. 您是御前首相 但国王却是蠢才一个You are the King's Hand and the King is a fool-- 我知道他是您的挚友 但蠢才就是蠢才your friend, I know, but a fool-- 而且注定要完蛋 除非您能救他And doomed unless you save him. 我来都城一个月了I've been in the capital a month. 你为何不早告诉我Why have you waited so long to tell me this? 我不信任您I didn't trust you. 为何现在又信任我了So why do you trust me now? 除了王后 还有很多人The Queen is not the only one 暗中监视着您的一举一动who has been watching you closely. 都城里没有几个忠于王国的人There are few men of honor in the capital. 您算一个You are one of them. 虽然听上去奇怪I would like to believe I am another, 但我认为自己也算一个strange as that may seem. 国王注定要面对何种命运What sort of doom does the King face? 与琼恩?艾林如出一辙The same sort as Jon Arryn. 那东西叫里斯之泪The Tears of Lys, they call it. 非常罕见 价格高昂A rare and costly thing, 其味道清甜如水As clear and tasteless as water. 不留一点痕迹It leaves no trace. 谁下的毒Who gave it to him? 必然是某个亲近的朋友 但是哪一个呢Some dear friend, no doubt. But which one? 可疑的对象太多了There were many. 艾林大人是个和蔼可亲又值得信赖的人Lord Arryn was a kind and trusting man. 不过倒确有这么个孩子There was one boy. 他的一切都是琼恩?艾林给的All he was he owed to Jon Arryn. 那个侍从 修夫爵士The squire, Ser Hugh? 我对他深表同情Pity what happened to him, 眼看着飞黄腾达 却遭此不幸just when his life seemed to be going so nicely. 如果是修夫爵士下的毒If Ser Hugh poisoned him-- 又是谁雇佣的他who paid Ser Hugh? 自然是付得起价钱的人Someone who could afford it. 琼恩与世无争Jon was a man of peace. 他已经当了十七年的首相He was Hand for years-- 十七年兢兢业业 good years. 为何杀他Why kill him? 因为他开始质疑了He started asking questions. 他找到了一个私生子He's found one bastard already. 也拿到了那本书He has the book. 其余的迟早会查出来The rest will come. 等他查出真相 他会怎么做And when he knows the truth, what will he do? 只有天上诸神知道The gods alone know. 那群蠢蛋想杀他儿子The fools tried to kill his son. 更糟糕的是 他们全都搞砸了What's worse-- they botched it. 狼和狮很快就会打成一团The wolf and the lion will be at each other's throats. -战争在即 我的朋友 -现在开战有什么用- We will be at war soon, my friend. - What good is war now? 我们还没准备好We're not ready. 既然死了一个首相 为什么不能死第二个If one Hand can die, why not a second? 如今的首相不一样了This Hand is not the other. 我们需要时间We need time. 在儿子诞生前 卓戈卡奥是不会出兵的Khal Drogo will not make his move until his son is born. 你也清楚这些野蛮人是什么德行You know how these savages are. 你就说 "拖一拖""Delay," You say. 我只能说 "要快""Move fast," I reply. 这已经不再是一场两个人对弈的游戏了This is no longer a game for two players. 从来都不是It never was. 最先抵达 最后离开The first to arrive and the last to leave. 你的勤勉我深表佩服I admire your industry. 你的行动确实无声无息You do move quietly. 我们各有所长罢了We all have our qualities. 你今天看上去有点落寞啊You look a bit lonely today. 晚上该去我的妓院逛逛 You should pay a visit to my brothel this evening. 第一个男孩我请客First boy is on the house. 我想你这是错把公事当成消遣了I think you're mistaking business with pleasure. 有吗Am I? 那些在你耳边叽叽喳喳的小小鸟All those birds that whisper in your ear-- 净是些漂亮的小东西such pretty little things. 相信我Trust me, 任何需求我都能满足we accommodate all inclinations. 这点我确信Oh, I'm sure. 我听说雷德温大人喜欢男童Lord Redwyne likes his boys very young, I hear. 我既能提供美色 又不节外生枝I'm a purveyor of beauty and discretion-- 两者同样重要both equally important. 但美色与否 因人而异 不是吗Though I suppose beauty is a subjective quality, no? 此事可属实Is it true that Ser Marlon of Tumblestone prefers amputees? 据说腾石河的玛龙爵士慕残 只要有钱 任何欲望都是正当的All desires are valid to a man with a full purse. 我听过最可怕的传言 说一位大人And I heard the most awful rumor about a certain lord 对新鲜尸体情有独钟with a taste for fresh cadavers. 想必这样的需求满足起来难上加难吧Must be enormously difficult to accommodate that inclination. 不提运输The logistics alone-- 仅寻找尚未腐烂的漂亮尸体就很难了to find beautiful corpses before they rot. 严格说来 此事Strictly speaking, such a thing 与国王的法律相抵触would not be in accordance with the King's laws. 完全正确Strictly speaking. 告诉我 有没有人Tell me-- does someone somewhere 把你那一对卵蛋藏在小匣子里keep your balls in a little box? 我时常好奇I've often wondered. 我也不知道它们在哪儿 这你还不清楚吗Do you know I have no idea where they are? 我们曾经那么亲密And we had been so close. 别说我了 上次见面后But enough about me. How have you been 你过得如何since we last saw each other? 你说的见面是你见我 还是我见你呢Since you last saw me or since I last saw you? 我上次见到你时Now the last time I saw you, 你正与首相交谈you were talking to the Hand of the King. -你亲眼见到的吗 -我的眼线- Saw me with your own eyes? - Eyes I own. 谈的是御前会议的事Council business. 大家都有很多事要与奈德?史塔克商量We all have so much to discuss with Ned Stark. 大家都清楚你对史塔克大人的妻子Everyone's well aware of your enduring fondness 旧情不忘for Lord Stark's wife. 如果真是兰尼斯特家对史塔克家小鬼下手If the Lannisters were behind the attempt on the Stark boy's life 而他们又发现and it was discovered that 是你帮助史塔克家做出此番结论you helped the Starks come to that conclusion... 想想怎么对王后交代吧to think a simple word to the Queen-- 想想就不寒而栗One shudders at the thought. 不过你知道吗 在你见过我之后But you know something? I do believe that I have seen you 我不久前就见到你了even more recently than you have seen me. -有吗 -是的- Have you? - Yes. 今天早些时候 我清楚地记得Earlier today, I distinctly recall 看见你在史塔克大人的房里和他谈话seeing you talking to Lord Stark in his chambers. 躲在床下面的人是你吗Was that you under the bed? 不久之后And not long after that 我又看到你陪同一位when I saw you escorting a certain 来自异域的贵客foreign dignitary... 也是谈御前会议的事吗Council business? 当然 你有狭海对岸的朋友也很正常Of course you would have friends from across the Narrow Sea. 毕竟你就是从那儿来的You're from there yourself, after all. 我们也是朋友 对吧 瓦里斯大人We're friends, aren't we, Lord Varys? 我宁愿这样想I'd like to think we are. 所以你可以想象我的压力So you can imagine my burden, 生怕国王哪天会质疑我朋友的同情心wondering if the king might question my friend's sympathies. 就像站在岔路口To stand at a crossroads 一边是对朋友的忠诚where turning left means loyalty to a friend, 一边是对王国的忠诚turning right loyalty to the realm... -别说了 -我左右为难哪- Please. - Define myself in a position 要怎么对国王交代呢where a simple word to the king... 你们俩在密谋什么呢What are you two conspiring about? 不管在干嘛 都快点过来吧Well, whatever it is, you'd best hurry up. 我老哥来了My brother is coming. 亲临御前会议吗To a small council meeting? 远方有令人心烦的消息传来Disturbing news from far away. 你没听说吗Haven't you heard? 快滚 这里不准乞讨Off with you. No begging. 我不是乞丐 我住这里I'm not a beggar. I live here. 赏你两个耳刮子才听得懂吗Do you want a smack on your ear to help you with your hearing? 我要找我父亲I want to see my father. 照你这么说 我还要搞王后呢I want to fuck the queen, for all the good it does me. 你想找你父亲 小子You want your father, boy? 他可能躺在某个小酒馆的地上He's lying on the floor of some tavern, 跟他的朋友喝得烂醉如泥呢getting pissed on by his friends. 我父亲是御前首相My father is Hand of the King! 我不是小子 是临冬城的艾莉亚?史塔克 I'm not a boy. I'm Arya Stark of Winterfell 你们要是敢碰我and if you lay a hand on me, 我老爸会把你们两个的头砍下来挂在枪上my father will have both your heads on spikes. 现在 你们是让我进去Now are you going to let me by 还是要赏你们两个耳刮子才听得懂or do I need to smack you on the ear to help with your hearing? 你知不知道我派出一半的卫士去找你You know I had half my guard out searching for you? 你答应过不会出这样的事了You promised me this would stop. 他们说要杀你They said they were going to kill you. -谁说的 -我没看到- Who did? - I didn't see them, -但其中一人是个胖子 -艾莉亚- but I think one was fat. - Oh, Arya. 我没说谎 他们说你找到了私生子I'm not lying! They said you found the bastard 还说狼和狮很快就会打起来 还有野蛮人and the wolves are fighting the lions and the savage-- 说野蛮人什么的something about the savage. 你在哪儿听到的Where did you hear this? 在龙骨附近的地城里In the dungeons, near the dragon skulls. 你在地城里做什么What were you doing in the dungeons? 抓猫Chasing a cat. 打扰了 大人Pardon, my lord. 外面有个黑衣弟兄求见There's a night's watchman here begging a word. 说有要紧事相告He says it's urgent. -你叫什么 朋友 -请叫我尤伦- Your name, friend? - Yoren, if it please. 这一定是您的公子 长得跟您真像This must be your son. He has the look. 我是女孩I'm a girl! 是班扬派你来的吗Did Benjen send you? 没人派我来 大人No one sent me, my lord. 我是来寻找把守长城的人手I'm here to find men for the Wall, 看看地牢里有没有想处理掉的人渣see if there's any scum in the dungeons that might be fit for service. 我们会帮你安排人手Oh, we'll find recruits for you. 谢谢您 大人Thank you, my lord. 但我不是为这事来打扰您的But that's not why I disturb you now. 您弟弟班扬 他是黑衫军的一员Your brother Benjen, his blood runs black-- 我和您一样把他当成兄弟makes him as much my brother as yours. 我正是为了他 才拼了老命飞速赶来It's for his sake I rode here so hard 差点把我的马都给累死了I damn near killed my horse. 其他人就在我后面赶路There are others riding too. 消息明天就会传遍整个君临The whole city will know by tomorrow. 什么消息Know what? 这事咱们最好私下谈 大人Best said in private, my lord. 你先回去 我们晚些再谈Go on. We'll talk more later. 乔里 带我女儿回房Jory, take her safely to her room. 小姐 走吧 您也听见您父亲的吩咐了Come along, my lady. You heard your father. 我爸爸有多少守卫How many guards does my father have? 在君临这儿吗 有五十个Here in King's Landing? . 你不会让别人有机会杀他 对不对You wouldn't let anyone kill him, would you? 小姐 您别担心No fear on that count, little lady. -说吧 -事关您的夫人 大人- Well? - It's about your wife, my lord. 她抓住了小恶魔She's taken the Imp. 您离家太远了 史塔克夫人You're far from home, Lady Stark. 敢问阁下是哪位To whom do I speak? 在下是艾林谷的骑士 瓦狄斯?伊根爵士Ser Vardis Egen, Knight of the Vale. 艾林夫人知道您此次到访吗Is Lady Arryn expecting your visit? 我没有时间送信给她There was no time to send word. 容我多问一句 夫人May I ask, my lady, 您为何带他前来why he is with you? 所以我刚才说没有时间That's why there was no time. -他是我的犯人 -他可不像是犯人- He is my prisoner. - He doesn't look like a prisoner. 由我妹妹决定他是不是犯人My sister will decide what he looks like. 遵命 夫人Yes, my lady. 就由她来决定She will at that. 据说鹰巢城无人可攻破The Eyrie. They say it's impregnable. 给我十条好汉 再加几样攀援的物件Give me good men and some climbing spikes-- 老子就能给她开苞I'll impregnate the bitch. 你很有意思I like you. 史塔克大人 请您到御前会议厅Lord Stark, your presence has been requested in the small council chamber. 参加会议A meeting has been called. 我要先单独觐见国王I need to see the king first-- alone. 大人The king is at the small council meeting, my lord. 国王就在御前会议厅 他传唤过您He has summoned you. -跟我妻子有关吗 -回大人 无关- Is it about my wife? - No, my lord. 我认为是丹妮莉丝?坦格利安的事I believe it concerns Daenerys Targaryen. 那贱货怀孕了The whore is pregnant. 你这是谋害幼儿啊You're speaking of murdering a child. 这事我早警告过你 在北境的时候就说过I warned you this would happen. Back in the north, I warned you, 可你不肯听but you didn't care to hear. 现在你给我听清楚Well, hear it now. 我要他们死 母子两个一起死I want 'em dead, mother and child both. 外加那个笨蛋韦赛里斯And that fool Viserys as well. 这样说够明白了吧Is that plain enough for you? 我要他们死I want them both dead. 假如真这样做 你的荣誉将永遭玷污You will dishonor yourself forever if you do this. 荣誉Honor?! 我有七国要统治I've got seven kingdoms to rule! 一个国王 七个国家One king, seven kingdoms. 你以为是荣誉让国家井然有序吗Do you think honor keeps them in line? 你以为是荣誉让国家安宁祥和吗Do you think it's honor that's keeping the peace? 是恐惧 恐惧和流血It's fear-- fear and blood. 那我们又比疯王好在哪里呢Then we're no better than the Mad King. 说话小心 奈德 小心Careful, Ned. Careful now. 就因为"八爪蜘蛛"道听途说You want to assassinate a girl 你就要暗杀一个小女孩吗because the spider heard a rumor? 并非道听途说 公主怀孕的事不会错No rumor, my lord. The princess is with child. 消息源自何处Based on whose information? 乔拉?莫尔蒙爵士 他给坦格利安当顾问Ser Jorah Mormont. He is serving as advisor to the Targaryens. 你说莫尔蒙 你把一个叛国者Mormont? You bring us the whispers 远隔重洋飘来的只言片语当作事实吗of a traitor half a world away and call it fact? 乔拉?莫尔蒙是奴隶贩子 而不是叛国者Jorah Mormont's a slaver, not a traitor. 当然对您这种正人君子区别是不大的Small difference, I know, to an honorable man. 他触犯法律 背弃家族 叛逃他乡He broke the law, betrayed his family, fled our land. 我们当真只凭他的话就下杀手We commit murder on the word of this man? 万一他说对了呢And if he's right? 万一她生的是儿子If she has a son? 一个坦格利安后人统领一支多斯拉克军队A Targaryen at the head of a Dothraki army... -那怎么办 -狭海依旧隔在中间- What then? - The narrow sea still lies between us. 等多斯拉克人教会I'll fear the Dothraki 他们的马在水上走路 我才会害怕the day they teach their horses to run on water. 什么也不做Do nothing? 这就是你给出的明智建议That's your wise advice? 什么也不做 直到敌人登岸了再说 是吗Do nothing till our enemies are on our shores? 你们都是御前会议的成员You're my council. Counsel! 谁来跟这个只讲荣誉的傻瓜讲讲道理Speak sense to this honorable fool. 大人 我完全能体会您的顾虑I understand your misgivings, my lord. 绝无虚言 我们在此讨论的Truly, I do. It is a terrible thing 是一件可怕的事 卑鄙的事we must consider, a vile thing. 可我们这些冒昧为政的人Yet we who presume to rule must sometimes 有时必须为了百姓福祉行卑鄙之事do vile things for the good of the realm. 假如诸神赐予丹妮莉丝一个儿子Should the gods grant Daenerys a son, 王国难免血光之灾the realm will bleed. 我对这个女孩没有恶意I bear this girl no ill will, 但倘若多斯拉克人打来but should the Dothraki invade, 多少无辜的人会丢掉性命how many innocents will die? 多少村庄会付之一炬How many towns will burn? 倘若死了丹妮莉丝一个Is it not wiser, kinder even, 能够拯救万千生灵that she should die now 是不是比较明智且仁慈的做法呢so that tens of thousands might live? 那兄妹俩早就该杀了We should have had them both killed years ago. 如果你发现跟自己上床的是个丑女When you find yourself in bed with an ugly woman, 最好的做法就是闭上眼睛 赶紧办事best close your eyes, get it over with. 割开她的喉咙 了事Cut her throat. Be done with it. 我随你南征北战I followed you into war-- 前后两次Twice, 眉头都不皱一下Without doubts, 不曾有一丝迟疑without second thoughts. 但我这次不会了But I will not follow you now. 我认识的那个劳勃The Robert I grew up with 可不会被还未出生的孩子的阴影吓得发抖didn't tremble at the shadow of an unborn child. 她必须死She dies. 我绝不会当共犯I will have no part in it. 史塔克大人 你是御前首相You're the King's Hand, lord Stark. 要么照我说的去做 不然我就另请高明You'll do as I command or I'll find me a hand who will. 那我祝他好运And good luck to him. 我以为您不是这种人I thought you were a better man. 滚 滚 该死的家伙Out. Out, damn you. 我受够你了I'm done with you. 快滚回临冬城去Go, run back to Winterfell! 我要砍下你的脑袋挂在枪上I'll have your head on a spike! 我要亲自动手 你个蠢货I'll put it there myself, you fool! 你自以为多么正直 多么自豪 多么荣誉You think you're too good for this? Too proud and honorable? 这是打仗This is a war! 我带女儿先动身I'll go ahead with my daughters. 要她们准备好 你亲自去传达Get them ready. Do it yourself. -别找任何人寻求帮助 -我这就去 大人- Don't ask anyone for help. - Right away, my lord. 贝里席大人想见您Lord Baelish is here for you. 你走之后 国王陛下还接着His grace went on about you at some length 骂了好一会儿after you took your leave. "之类的字眼The word "Treason" was mentioned. 还提到过"叛国 你有何贵干What can I do for you? 你打算什么时候回临冬城When do you return to Winterfell? -怎么 此事与你何干 -要是你傍晚还在- Why? What do you care? - If you're still here come nightfall, 我带你去见I'll take you to see the last 琼恩?艾林病倒前见的最后一个人person Jon Arryn spoke with before falling ill. 要是你对此还感兴趣的话If that sort of thing still interests you. 我没时间I don't have the time. 这要不了一小时 不过随您的便It won't take more than an hour. But as you please. 召集所有人守在我女儿的房间门口Round up all the men we have and station them outside the girls' chambers. -你手下最好的两名剑士是谁 -海华和韦尔- Who are your best two swords? - Heward and Wyl. 带上他们 我们在马厩见Find them and meet me at the stables. 你竟然未经许可就把他带来这里You bring him here without permission? 任由兰尼斯特玷污我家You pollute my home with his presence? 你阿姨做了件错事 罗宾Your aunt has done a bad thing, Robin, 错得很离谱A very bad thing. 你还记得她吧You remember her, don't you? 你看他漂不漂亮Isn't he beautiful? 而且很强壮 琼恩早看出来了And strong too. Jon knew it. 他的遗言就是"种性强韧"His last words were "The seed is strong." 他要大家都知道He wanted everyone to know 他儿子长大后会变成个强壮的男子汉what a good, strong boy his son would grow up to be. 你们瞧 他可是艾林谷的领主Look at him, the Lord of all the Vale. 莱莎 你写信说到兰尼斯特Lysa, you wrote me about the Lannisters, -警告我... -离他们远远的- warning me... - To stay away from them! 不是让你带一个过来Not to bring one here! 妈咪Mommy? -他就是那个坏人吗 -就是他- Is that the bad man? - It is. 他好小呀He's little. 他就是兰尼斯特家的小恶魔提利昂He's Tyrion the Imp of house Lannister. 他害死了你父亲He killed your father. 他杀死了御前首相He murdered the Hand of the King! 哦 原来他也是我杀的Oh, did I kill him too? 看来我还真忙啊I've been a very busy man. 你最好管紧你那张碎嘴You will watch your tongue! 这些人都是艾林谷的骑士These men are knights of the Vale. 他们全都对琼恩?艾林敬爱有加Every one of them loved Jon Arryn. 每个人都愿意为我牺牲性命Every one of them would die for me. 我要有什么不测 我哥詹姆负责让他们如愿If any harm comes to me, my brother Jaime will see that they do. 没人敢在这里乱来 妈咪 告诉他You can't hurt us. No one can hurt us here. Tell him, mommy! -让他知道 -嘘 我的小宝贝- Tell him! - shh shh shh, my sweet boy. 他只是虚张声势He's just trying to frighten us. 兰尼斯特家通通是骗子Lannisters are all liars. 谁也别想欺负我的小亲亲No one will hurt my baby. 妈咪Mommy... 我想看坏人飞I want to see the bad man fly. 小心肝 或许可以哦Perhaps you will, my little love. 他是我的犯人This man is my prisoner. 我不会让他受到伤害I will not have him harmed. 瓦狄斯爵士Ser Vardis, 我姐姐的客人有些累了My sister's guest is weary. 把他带到下面好好休息Take him down below so he can rest. 让莫德照顾他Introduce him to Mord. 你现在可以睡了 小矮人You go sleep, dwarf man. 睡个好觉 矮冬瓜Sleep good, little dwarf man! 史塔克大人还活着 真是幸运啊Lord Stark's lucky he still has a head. 劳勃这几天会怒不可遏 但也仅限于此Robert will rant for a few days, but he won't do anything. 他喜欢史塔克He adores the man. 你嫉妒了You're jealous. 你确定这不会伤到我吗Are you sure this won't hurt? 除非我手滑了Only if I slip. 你喜欢我这样子吗And you'd prefer me like this? 你要是中意没毛的 大可以找个小男孩If you want hairless, maybe you should find a little boy. 我只要你I want you. 我老哥认为 没打过仗的男人不算真男人My brother thinks that anyone who hasn't been to war isn't a man. 他还当我是个被宠坏的小孩He treats me as if I'm a spoiled child. 你不也是吗Oh, and you're not? 洛拉斯?提利尔 百花骑士Loras Tyrell, the Knight of the Fowers? 你参加过多少次战役了How many wars have you fought in? 你父亲在你的盔甲上花了多少钱Oh, and how much did your father spend on that armor of yours? 别动Hold still. 劳勃和史坦尼斯就只会说All I ever hear from Robert and Stannis 我不够强悍啦 见到血是多么懦弱啦is how I'm not tough enough, how I squirm at the sight of blood... 团体比武中 那小子的眼珠You did vomit when that boy's eye 你确实吐了was knocked out in the melee. 被打出来时 他的眼球可就吊在眼窝外边晃啊His eye was dangling out of the damn socket! 如果他不知道如何战斗He shouldn't have entered the melee 就不该参加团体比武if he didn't know how to fight. 你说得轻巧Easy for you to say. 并非人人都是你这种天赋异禀的剑客Not everyone is such a gifted swordsman. 这可不是天赋 剑术不是谁给我的It's not a gift. No one gave it to me. 我之所以厉害 是因为勤加练习I'm good because I work at it-- 从能拿棍子的年龄就开始了 十年如一日every day of my life since I could hold a stick. 就算我没日没夜地练剑I could work at fighting all day, every day, 还是不可能赶上你and still never be as good as you. 那就只有天知道了Yes well, I guess we'll never know. -都要刮吗 -都要刮- Everywhere? - Everywhere. 事情的结果怎样So how did it end up? 那个坦格利安的女孩会死吗The Targaryen girl will die? 虽说这不太好 但她必须死It needs to be done, unpleasant as it is. 关于这事 劳勃都快失去理智了Robert's rather tasteless about it. 每次说到要杀她时Every time he talks about killing her, 我敢发誓 桌子都顶高了六英寸I swear the table rises six inches. 可惜啊 他对自家老婆就没有这么激情It's a shame he can't muster the same enthusiasm for his wife. 不过对她的钱财可是欲求不满He does have a deep, abiding lust for her money. 对于兰尼斯特家 你真是不服不行You have to give it to the Lannisters-- 那帮贱货自大和无趣的程度 世上无人可比they may be the most pompous, ponderous cunts 再多分毫 就连诸神也不能忍the gods ever suffered to walk the world, 但他们的钱真是多得要命but they do have outrageous amounts of money. 我的钱也多得要命I have an outrageous amount of money. 没有兰尼斯特家那么多Not as much as the Lannisters. 跟你比还是绰绰有余But a lot more than you. 劳勃威胁说要带我一起去狩猎Robert's threatening to take me hunting with him. 上次狩猎 我们在外边熬了两周Last time we were out there for two weeks. 每天都淋着大雨 踩着泥巴穿林子Tramping through the trees in the rain, day after day, 就为了陪他玩长矛叉肉的游戏all so he can stick his spear into something's flesh. 但劳勃就喜欢打打杀杀Oh. But Robert loves his killing. 而且他是国王And he's the king. -他怎么成为国王的 -因为他喜欢打打杀杀- How did that ever happen? - Because he loves his killing. 而且过去非常擅长And he used to be good at it. 你知道谁该成为国王吗Do you know who should be king? -严肃点 -我很严肃- Be serious. - I am. 我父亲可以资助你My father could be your bank. 我以前从没打过仗 但我愿意为你而战I've never fought in a war before, but I'd fight for you. 我在继承人中排第四位I'm fourth in line. 那劳勃又是排第几位的王位继承人呢And where was Robert in the line of royal succession? 乔佛里是个魔头 托曼才八岁Joffrey is a monster. Tommen is eight. -史坦尼斯呢 -史坦尼斯的性格跟龙虾没两样- Stannis? - Stannis has the personality of a lobster. 但他毕竟是我的兄长He's still my older brother. -你在干嘛 -你看- What are you doing?! - Look at it. -你割伤我了 -只是血而已- You cut me. - It's just blood. 我们体内都有 偶尔流点血很正常We've all got it in us. Sometimes a little spills. 如果你成了国王 见到的血可不止这么一点If you become king, you're going to see a lot of this. 你要习惯You need to get used to it. 来吧 看看Go on. Look. 人民爱戴你People love you. 他们乐于效忠你 因为你仁爱友善They love to serve you because you're kind to them. 他们都愿意靠近你They want to be near you. 你要心甘情愿地担负起应有的责任You're willing to do what needs to be done, 不能冷眼旁观but you don't gloat over it. 你不好杀戮You don't love killing. 哪里写到过Where is it written that 只有十恶不赦才能掌权power is the sole province of the worst? 被恐惧 被怨恨的人That Thrones are only made for 才能称王the hated and the feared? 你将成为一代明君You would be a wonderful king. 很遗憾 你和奈德?史塔克的结合不太完美I'm sorry your marriage to Ned Stark didn't work out. 你们看起来那么般配You seemed so good together. 很高兴我做了件取悦你的事I'm glad I could do something to make you happy. 没有首相 王国就不能正常运转Without a Hand, everything will fall to pieces. 我想你的意思是I suppose this is where you tell me 要我任命你弟弟詹姆为首相吧to give the job to your brother Jaime. 不 他还不够认真No. He's not serious enough. 我对奈德?史塔克的评价就是I'll say this for Ned Stark: 他非常认真He's serious enough. 值得吗 就这样失去他Was it really worth it? Losing him this way? 我不清楚I don't know. 但我知道一点But I do know this: 如果那个坦格利安女孩If the Targaryen girl convinces 说服她的马王丈夫打过来her horselord husband to invade 而多斯拉克人成功地横渡狭海and the Dothraki horde crosses the Narrow Sea... 我们就没办法抵挡了We won't be able to stop them. 多斯拉克人不懂航海 连小孩都知道The Dothraki don't sail. Every child knows that. 他们毫无军纪 没有铠甲They don't have discipline. They don't have armor. 没有攻城器械They don't have siege weapons. 你耍什么把戏呢It's a neat little trick you do: 你老爹的话居然从你嘴里吐出来了You move your lips and your father's voice comes out. 我父亲说错了吗Is my father wrong? 要是韦赛里斯?坦格利安Let's say Viserys Targaryen lands 率领四万多斯拉克哮吼武士登陆with , Dothraki screamers at his back. 而我们龟缩在城里We hole up in our castles-- 这样很明智 只有傻子A wise move-- only a fool 才会出城正面抵抗多斯拉克人would meet the Dothraki in an open field. 然后他们不管我们了They leave us in our castles. 横扫一个又一个村庄 烧杀抢掠They go from town to town, looting and burning, 杀光所有没能躲进城堡的人killing every man who can't hide behind a stone wall, 抢走所有的粮食和牲畜stealing all our crops and livestock, 奴役所有的女人和小孩enslaving all our women and children. 而他们的国王躲在高墙之内How long do the people of the Seven Kingdoms stand behind 拒不露面 胆小如鼠 且问七国的臣民their absentee king, their cowardly king 还能拥戴他多久hiding behind high walls? 还用多久 人们就会重新拥戴When do the people decide that Viserys Targaryen 韦赛里斯?坦格利安为真龙天子is the rightful monarch after all? 我们毕竟有人数优势We still outnumber them. 哪个数更大 五还是一Which is the bigger number: five or one? 五Five. 五Five... 一One. 一支铁血的军队One army-- a real army 只由一人统率 唯有一个目标united behind one leader with one purpose. 而我们的目标呢 早随疯王之死消失了Our purpose died with the Mad King. 现在腰缠万贯的人Now we've got as many armies 多如牛毛 不比当兵的人少as there are men with gold in their purse. 大家的追求也都各有不同And everybody wants something different. 你老爹想要一统天下Your father wants to own the world. 奈德?史塔克一心回到那冰天雪地窝着Ned Stark wants to run away and bury his head in the snow. 那你想要什么What do you want? 我们已经有九年没有真正打过仗了We haven't had a real fight in nine years. 等打起仗来 只有背后偷袭的本事怎么行Back-stabbing doesn't prepare you for a fight. 看看现在王国都什么风气And that's all the realm is now: 背后偷袭 阴谋算计back-stabbing and scheming 阿谀奉承 唯利是图and arse-licking and money-grubbing. 有时我都不知道Sometimes I don't know 是什么在维系国家what holds it together. 我们的婚姻Our marriage. 所以十七年后Ah, so here we sit 我们还坐在这儿 years later, 维系着国家的完整holding it all together. 你不觉得厌烦吗Don't you get tired? 没有一天不觉得Every day. 那这种憎恶还能让这个国家撑多久How long can hate hold a thing together? 十七年可算是很久了Well, years is quite a long time. 是啊 的确Yes, it is. 的确Yes, it is. 她长什么样What was she like? 你可从没问到过她 一次都没有You've never asked about her, not once. 为什么不问Why not? 起初 即使私底下提她的名字At first, just saying her name even in private 我都害怕她在你记忆中愈加鲜活felt like I was breathing life back into her. 我以为如果不再提她I thought if I didn't talk about her, 也许你就会渐渐淡忘she'd just fade away for you. 当我意识到你不可能忘记她When I realized that wasn't going to happen, 便不愿意当个怨妇了I refused to ask out of spite. 我不想让你自以为魅力十足I didn't want to give you the satisfaction 以为我多么在乎你的感情of thinking I cared enough to ask. 到最后我终于清楚And eventually it became 我的怨恨在你眼里一文不值clear that my spite didn't mean anything to you. 就我看来 你反倒还很享受As far as I could tell, you actually enjoyed it. 那现在为什么又问So why now? 我们对彼此的伤害还不够狠吗What harm could Lyanna Stark's ghost do to either of us 相比之下 莱安娜?史塔克的幽灵又能怎样that we haven't done to each other a hundred times over? 你想知道事实有多残酷吗You want to know the horrible truth? 我甚至记不起她的样子来I can't even remember what she looked like. 我只知道她曾是我唯一的追求I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted... 有人把她从我身边夺走Someone took her away from me, 庞然如七国都弥补不了她留下的空白and seven kingdoms couldn't fill the hole she left behind. 我曾经对你有过感情 你知道吗I felt something for you once, you know? 我知道I know. 即使在我们的头胎夭折之后Even after we lost our first boy. 很长一段时间 我都怀揣这份情意For quite a while, actually. 我们之间曾经有过可能吗Was it ever possible for us? 是否有那么一段时期 甚至一瞬间Was there ever a time, ever a moment? 没有No. 这样的回答让你觉得好点还是更难过Does that make you feel better or worse? 没有丝毫感觉It doesn't make me feel anything. 大人 孩子和他长得真像 对吧She looks like him, don't she, my Lord? 有他的鼻子 还有他的黑发She has his nose, his black hair. 的确Aye. 大人 您见到他的时候请告诉他Tell him when you see him, my Lord. 如果您高兴的话If it please you, 请您告诉他女儿有多漂亮tell him how beautiful she is. -我会的 -请告诉他我没跟过其他人- I will. - And tell him I've been with no one else. 大人 我以新神和旧神之名起誓I swear it, my lord, by the old gods and new. 我不要金银珠宝I don't want no jewels or nothing, 我只要他的人just him. 国王对我一直很好The king was always good to me. 琼恩?艾林曾经来找你When Jon Arryn came to visit you, 所为何事what did he want? 大人 他不是那种人He wasn't that sort of man, my lord. 他只是想知道孩子快不快乐He just wanted to know if the child was happy, 健不健康healthy. 我看这孩子很健康He looks healthy enough to me. 这姑娘永远不会愁吃愁穿The girl shall want for nothing. 我早就发现 买妓院远比投资船队Brothels make a much better investment than ships, 来得稳当I've found. 因为妓女不会沉Whores rarely sink. 你对劳勃的私生子女所知多少What do you know of king Robert's bastards? 这个嘛 从最简单的说起Well, he has more than you, 他生得比你多for a start. -有多少 -有关系吗- How many? - Does it matter? 反正只要睡过的女人够多If you fuck enough women, 总有人会送你大礼some of them will give you presents. 琼恩?艾林为什么要挨个找到他们And Jon Arryn tracked them all down. Why? 他是御前首相He was the King's Hand. 想必劳勃要他代为照顾吧Perhaps Robert wanted them looked after. 一时间父爱大发了He was overcome with fatherly love. 走Come. -乔里 -在 大人- Jory! - My lord. 就这么几头狼啊Such a small pack of wolves. 不得无礼 这可是国王的首相Stay back, ser. This is the Hand of the King. 国王的前任首相Was the Hand of the King. 至于现在嘛Now I'm not sure what he is... 我不知道他算老几lord of somewhere very far away. 兰尼斯特 这是什么意思What's the meaning of this, Lannister? 你最好躲进安全的地方去Get back inside where it's safe. 我在找我老弟I'm looking for my brother. 您还记得我弟弟吧 史塔克大人You remember my brother, don't you, Lord Stark? 金头发 舌头利 个子矮Blond hair, sharp tongue, short man. 我记得非常清楚I remember him well. 他似乎在半路上碰到点麻烦It seems he had some trouble on the road. 您该不会正巧知道他有什么麻烦吧You wouldn't know what happened to him, would you? 令弟乃是在我的命令下遭到逮捕He was taken at my command 以为其罪行负责to answer for his crimes. 两位大人My Lords! 我这就去找都城守卫队I'll bring the city watch. 拔剑吧 史塔克Come, Stark. 我倒愿意你死的时候手里拿着武器I'd rather you die sword in hand. -你胆敢再威胁我家大人... -威胁- If you threaten my Lord again... - Threaten? 那要这样说 "我要把你家大人开膛破肚As in, "I'm going to open your lord 瞧瞧史塔克的身子是何种材质造的"from balls to brains and see what Starks are made of"? 你杀了我You kill me, 你弟弟也性命难保your brother's a dead man. 说得对You're right. 饶他一命 把他手下全宰了Take him alive. Kill his men. 史塔克大人My brother, Lord Stark... 至于我弟弟 我们要他回来we want him back.
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