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英汉相同动物词汇的跨文化研究 期末论文 A Cross-cultural Study of Identical Animal Words in Chinese and English 姓    名:  Tory  ABSTRACT In the long course of the development of human history, animals usually keep a close relation with human beings and influence human existence and develop...

期末论文 A Cross-cultural Study of Identical Animal Words in Chinese and English 姓    名:  Tory  ABSTRACT In the long course of the development of human history, animals usually keep a close relation with human beings and influence human existence and development deeply. The close relation results in human complex feelings of fondness, sympathy, antipathy, or fear. Also, people often use animals to express their feelings. There are so many vocabularies with relation to animals in both English and Chinese cultures, and those English and English and Chinese words make up a great part of their own respective system of language. However, we cannot make the ignorance that language has be keeping the closest relationship with culture. Words, which has been playing a role of cornerstone in language, are extensively related with culture. Words reflect the special social culture, and different social backgrounds and cultural differences lead to the connotative differences of words in English and Chinese. For example, different cultural backgrounds and ways of thinking result in the different connotations of animal words. Even though there are two identical animal words, they can share quite different connotations in the two cultures. On the contrary, two different animal words can also share similar cultural connotations. Therefore, it is very necessary and indispensable for English learners to have such a profound study on animal words influenced by culture. The thesis makes a comparative analysis, focusing on differences of identical animal words sharing different connotations in the two cultures; From the comparison, we can clearly find the historical and cultural differences of animal words in the two cultures. Key Words: animal words, cultural connotations, cultural differences, comparative analysis 摘要 在人类历史发展的漫长进程中,动物一直与人类保持着密切联系,并对人类的生存与发展产生深刻的影响。这种亲密无间的关系使得人们对动物产生了喜爱或同情或厌恶或恐惧的错综复杂的情感,人们也常借动物来寄托和 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达人们的情感,所以在英汉两种语言中就会出现许许多多与动物词汇相关的词汇也就不足为奇。 然而,不可忽视的是,语言与文化息息相关,而作为中基石作用的词汇他们都同本国的文化精密相连。词汇反映了特定的社会文化,不同的社会背景和文化差异造成了词汇在文化内涵上的差异。比如说,由于英汉民族思维方式和文化背景不同,同一动物词语所承载的意义也就会出现差异,而即便是不同的英汉动物词语,也极有可能表达相同的内涵,所以对于打上深深的文化烙印的动物词汇的探究是极其必要而不可或缺的。 而本文正是使用比较分析法,分析汉英文化中相同动物词汇所引起的不同联想意义。通过比较,人们可以更清楚地感受到英汉文化在动物词语上留下的历史文化差异。 关键词:动物词汇、文化内涵、文化差异、比较分析 CONTENTS Chapter One Introduction    1 1.1Animal Words in General    1 1.2 Cultural Connotation of Animal Words    1 1.3 Research Value and Research Approach    1 Chapter Two The Comparative Study of the IdenticalEnglish and Chinese Animal Words    3 2.1 Some Animal Words with Commendatory Meaning in English,but with Derogatory Meaning in Chinese    3 2.1.1 Dog    3 2.1.2 Bear    5 2.1.3Owl    5 2.2 Some Animal Words with Commendatory Meaning in Chinese, but with Derogatory Meaning in English    5 2.2.1 Dragon    6 2.2.2 Phoenix    6 2.2.3 Magpie    7 2.2.4 Bat    7 Chapter Three Factors Influencing Different Cultural Connotations    9 3.1 Geographical Influence in Animal Words    9 3.2 Customary Influence in Animal Words    9 3.3 The Influence of History    10 3.4 The Influence of Religion and World View    10 Chapter Four Conclusion    15 REFERENCES    16 Chapter One  Introduction Language and culture are closely related and the former is indispensable to the latter. A language is said to be the carrier of its culture. Their close relationship can well be illustrated by cross-linguistic comparison of animal words in respect to cultural connotation. 1.1Animal Words in General Animals are friends of human beings. Languages of all nations contain a lot of words denoting animals, and so do Chinese and English. Along with the development and process of human society, many animals are tamed to become domestic animals serving people, and many others have become people's pet animals. So, animals have become part of people's life, as science develops, people learn more and more about animals.Many animals have become a kind of symbolism in people's thinking, and this symbolism is reflected in the language. Saying like 'as cunning as a fox' appear in many languages. However, these sayings do not necessarily coincide from one language to another because of different outlook of life and conception of beauty in different cultures. 1.2 Cultural Connotation of Animal Words The cultural connotation refers to the general meaning including connotative meaning and cultural meaning carried in different cultural circumstances. It includes the meaning added and the amplified meaning under special social and cultural backgrounds, and also includes the emotions and attitudes of some particular cultural colony. 1.3 Research Value and Research Approach Learning a language is inseparable from learning its culture. It can be seen from many English books that the associations of most animal expressions differ from those of Chinese. The word bat, in Western culture, often carries a negative meaning, such as "as blind as a bat".In China, however,bat is a symbol luckiness, happiness, and well-being with the same pronunciation as the word "福", refers to richness and prosperity. This is a reflection of cultures. At present, it is reported that in China many English teachers and scholars have discussed the differences of cultural connotations of animal expressions between English and Chinese. Tan Wenhui (谭文辉,2001) focuses on the cultural meaning of animal words coming from the cognitive mechanism of human beings. Meanwhile, some other scholars put more emphasis on the differences on cultural connotations of animal words. Bao Hongming(包虹明,2002) pays more attention to translations of animal words and their cultural connotations. This idea is also indicated by Wang Ying(王瑛,2002) and Li Junwen and Yand Xiaojun(李君文,杨晓军,2000). This thesis will focus on the relationship between cultural connotations of animal words and intercultural communication. Chapter Two The Comparative Study of the Identical English and Chinese Animal Words It can be seen from many English books, that the English speaking-people have different association of most animals from China. This is a reflection of culture. Therefore, similarities and dissimilarities in the connotation of animal words in the two languages should been taken into consideration in cross-cultural communication. 2.1 Some Animal Words with Commendatory Meaning in English,but with Derogatory Meaning in Chinese Because of different cultural backgrounds, naturally, English people and Chinese people would have different associations of the same animal words and give more different cultural connotations to the same animal words. 2.1.1 Dog  According to their feeling, associations and customs under different cultural backgrounds, people show their likes and dislikes in using animal words. Some animal words, like dogs, are welcome in English but disgusted in the other.    In Chinese, dogs are generally connected with unpleasantness. Phrases with dogs are used as disparaging terms, just look at these words:走狗,狐朋狗友,丧家犬(狗),狗仗人势,狗东西,狗腿子,狗眼看人低……And dogs are usually connected with various bad human actions: “狗嘴里吐不出象牙来” is used to describe a bad person that can not speak good words; “狗急跳墙” is saying about a bad man who is landed in a predicament but still trying to put up a last-ditch struggle; and “挂羊头,卖狗肉” means to do evil deeds in the name of justice. The relationship between human being and dog is masters and their servants, if the master succeed in his career once, it will be “兔死狗烹”(cook the dog after killing the hare). What is to be pointed out is that, dogs in ancient times were not always despised by human being. After the founding of Han dynasty, it was not ashamed that LiuBang(刘邦,the first Lord of Han dynasty in Chinese history) called his founding military officers “忠狗” which means infinitely loyal subordinates. While with the developing of history, people add all sorts of evil intentions to dogs, we can’t but say it is dog that be a scapegoat for human being. In a word,in traditional Chinese culture,dogs are kept because they are useful, but not because they make good companions. Generally, they are considered a necessary evil, to be tolerated but not loved.    It is well-known that English like dogs. Just take a look at the lines of dog food in the supermarket and the specialized dog houses and dog books. Even there are lots of sumptuous magazines that cost several tens dollars written to explain how to feed dogs. When mothers in China are reading about “how to raise your baby”, western people may study about “how to keep healthy of your doggie”. In English people calls dog as: Man’s best friend. The word “dog” in most situations is in good sense in English, used to describe a person who deserves the deserving pity. Such as “help a dog over a stile” (帮助人度过难关), “a lucky dog” (幸运儿), “an old dog” (老手/上了岁数的人), “love me, love my dog” (爱屋及乌), “every dog has his day”(凡人皆有得意日), these statements obviously reflect the cultural minds of people who speaks English, they treat dog as a pretty companion, man’s best friend. What is more, they even call some food with “dog”, such as the popular “hot dog” (hot sausage in a soft roll) and “a dog in a blanket” (grapes or pudding in a cake). In English army, it is unimaginable that soldiers call biscuit and cheese “dog and maggot”. After meal in the restaurant, the remnant of food will be brought home in a “doggie bag”, it is not shared with dogs but eat after heated the next day. It follows that dogs in West are held a high position. In western culture, dog means faithful, reliable and hard-working, for example the phrase “as faithful as a dog” is used to describe a person’s faith; “dog-tired” means that a person is tired as a dog; “dog sleep” refers to be startled out of sleep frequently; “dog-eared books” is a book with its margins tucked up and “dog watch” refers to night duties. In Chinese “老狗” is a curse, while in English an “old dog” refers to a old man or an experienced person(corresponds to “old hand”),that is similar to the Chinese “老人言” in the saying “不听老人言,吃亏在眼前” and “老马” in the phrase “老马识途”. A “gay dog” means a happy person, and a “top dog” stands for a winner. In Chinese “狗”is a lowly animal containing the meaning “vile” or “disgusting”. Phrases with “dog” are always in derogatory sense, such as “狗东西”, “狗胆包天”,“狗急跳墙”,“狼心狗肺”,“鸡呜狗盗”,“狐群狗党”, “狗血喷头”,“狗屁不通”and so on. It is said that an Englishman once made a wrong understanding of his Chinese friend’s “小犬定于下月初七成亲”(my son dues to marry on 7th next month) in the letter, he considered “小犬” as a “little dog” and sent a chain which is made of brass as a present. It is a jest about dogs because of the cultural differences. Yet English-speaking people do not always speak of dogs endearingly,such as “ You dog!”, “Son of a bitch!” “They say English is going to dogs”, but these swearing words do not impair dog’s position. Most of “dog words” are used in good causes or neutral ones. In England and American dogs are still people's good friends.    In Greek and Roman mythology, owl always stays by the goddess of witness. It is invited to make a verdict on arguments between animals, especially on emergent occasions. Therefore, in English, owl is a bird standing for witness. Such as “as wise as an owl” Owlish refers to clever, shrewd. For example, Patrick peered owlishly at us through his glasses. However, in Chinese, owl is thought as a symbol of omen because it always flies around graveyard at night, sending out sad voice. In the old legend, it is said that someone would die if the owl rest on his house. Owl is related to bad luck, death .There are many expressions showing people’s view towards owl, such as “夜猫子进宅,无事不来”, “夜猫子抖翅,大小有点事”, “夜猫子进屋,全家都哭”,etc. 2.1.2 Bear To Chinese people and English people, "bear" has quite different associations. In English, people use "bear' to refer to those persons having special ability, for example, "he is a bear at mathematics(他是个数学天才)".However, to Chinese people, bear means "cowardly and timid". 2.1.3 Owl In English, owl implies wisdom and calmness,"as wise as an owl(像猫头鹰一样聪明)" indicates that English speaking people associate wisdom with this bird. In children's books and cartoons, the owl  is usually solemn and wise. In dispute among birds and beats, it is the owl that they go for advice. Sometimes, the bird is considered as impractical and foolish. But in general, the owl stands for wisdom. However, there is a superstitious belief that this bird is a sign of bad luck and the symbol of sinister things among Chinese people. So comes the common Chinese saying,"猫头鹰进宅,好事不来(an owl misfortune in that house)". The mere sight of an owl or the sound of the creature's hooting might cause people to draw back in fear. 2.2 Some Animal Words with Commendatory Meaning in Chinese, but with Derogatory Meaning in English 2.2.1 Dragon The dragon in English and “龙”in Chinese are both imaginary animals but have very different connotations.To Chinese “龙” is something sacred and has been referred to as the ancestor of the Chinese nation. That is why the Chinese call themselves “龙的传人”(descendants of the dragon) and Chinese feudal emperors were often referred to as “真龙天子”,wearing “龙袍”,living in palaces decorated with the dragon. “龙王”(the dragon king)is a powerful god in Chinese legendary which rules the seas and other water bodies and is in charge of raining . Many Chinese would “望子成龙”,but its literal translation “to expect one’s son to become a dragon” would sound ridiculous to the English speaking people, because in their mind the dragon is some evil monster which can spit fire and possesses three to nine heads. There are very few English idioms with the word “dragon” except “blind dragon” and “fight like a dragon”. Out of such consideration, “亚洲四小龙” is properly turned into “the four tigers of Asia”. 2.2.2 Phoenix Phoenix is called “凤”or “凤凰” in Chinese. In the mind of Chinese, phoenix, which is clubby with its feathers multicolored, is a miraculous bird beyond mundanity. As king of birds, it is always followed by the other birds, so in Chinese there is a saying “百鸟朝风”. It just corresponds to the relationship of Lord and his ministers, therefore phoenix symbolizes the power, which is the same as the Chinese dragon. Afterwards, “phoenix”(凤) gradually became a special byword for empress in feudal times. Its appearance betokens a peaceful period; ,and there is also the saying “龙风呈祥”. However, it still can not match with the position of the Chinese dragon which is the symbol of the king.      In western myths, phoenix is a magical bird, which is said living in Arabian Desert with a long life about 500 or 600 years. Before death, it builds a nest for its own, sings a dirge, flaps its wings to take fire to burn itself, then in ashes there comes a newborn phoenix which is so beautiful and it won’t die again. Therefore, phoenix has a meaning of rebirth or revival. In English phoenix refers to perfections and excellent persons.   2.2.3 Magpie What is about the bird called the " magpie"? In China, a magpie is a symbol of good luck. If a magpie sings in a tree besides houses, people would think some happy things would happen. However, even such a lucky bird cannot get any reference from people in western countries. On the contrary, they usually get some unfair names. In some places in Scotland, if a magpie flies near a window, it is a symbol of bad luck. In a state of England, if someone happens to meet a magpie he has to spit three times to avoid bad luck. If we say traditional culture has been out of date, we should not doubt about the items under the word "magpie". Thee Oxford Reference Dictionary(1956) offers us three explanations: (1) A kind of crow with black ad white plumage and a long tail, reputed to collect objects. If we should translate the explanation as "喜鹊", it would degrade our culture;(2) A random collector;(3) A chatterer. All these explanations have nothing to do with good luck. 2.2.4 Bat In china, bat is a symbol of luckness, happiness, and well-being with sharing the same pronunciation as the word "福”,“洪福齐天',refers to the richness and prosperity. Some pictures or designs combining with deer enjoys popularity because "福鹿" is pronouced '福禄”, which symbolizes luckness, happiness, richness, and status. However, to English people, talking about "bat", they are very "frightened. A bat is very annoying, which means "ugly and evil". Therefore, in English, expressions with 'bat' have derogatory meanings, e.g., such as "as blind as a bat(有眼无珠)","crazy bat(发疯)","he is a bit batty(他有点反常r)". Anyway, bat is ugly, ferce, and blood-sucking creature in westerner's mind. Chapter Three Factors Influencing Different Cultural Connotations As we all know, language is part of the culture of a people and the chief way by which members of a society communicate. "A language, therefore, is both a part of culture and a medium through which the other parts of culture are expressed"(Lado, 1958). As to animal words, culture exerts an important influence on them. Cultural connotations are fully reflected in animal words. In addition, connotative meaning is indeterminate and open-ended, because connotations are relatively unstable. They vary according to cultural, historical period, and the experience of the individual. 3.1 Geographical Influence in Animal Words Geographical culture refers to the culture formed by the area, natural condition and geographical environment. The geographical cultures of the Chinese and English nations are of great importance and difference, which have obviouly manifestations in their individual proverbs. It is the case that English and Chinese people live in an absolutely different natural environment and their social developents are also different. The Chinese people belong to an agrarian society that places agricultural production at the top of the national agenda. Hence there is a surprising number of farming idioms and idiomse with animal images accumulated in their productive Chinese peasants from generation to generation. E.g. Fuel is not sold in a forest, nor fish on a lake.(林中不卖材,湖上不卖鱼) Taking a panoramic view of English history and analyzing English words, we will find out that "island culture".Britain is an island country which has a long history of navigation. The life and labor of the English are closely concerned with oceans. England is an island country and surrounded by the sea, where life is closely related to sailing and fishing. People get most chances to understand sea animals and naturally have profound association with them, such as fish: "drink like a fish; a big fish; a cool fish;a poor fish". 3.2 Customary Influence in Animal Words Customary culture is the culture of a nation's customs and conventions which exist in daily social life and communicative activities. Linguists hold that language is accepted through common practice. Many words and prases both in Chinese and English come from colloquial speech in daily life and customs of different nations. For instance, in Chinese, the animal word "magpie" is considered as good luck because "magpie" in Chinese is pronunced "喜鹊(Xi Que)", "喜”in Chinese means good and happy. People in the West have had a long tradition of keeping pets. Of them, domestic animals such as dogs and cats are dear and valued compaions. People have favorable expressions as follows:"a top dog(最重要的人物)", " a lucky dog(幸运儿)". 3.3 The Influence of History The cultural connotation from history is the gems of human cultural heritage. It is worth learning history culture.Knowledge of the historical background of English and Chinese may help comprehend what the cultural connotation means. As we know, England is governed by the Pope and the King for a long time so in English, there are so many idioms to express their outrage, disdain and averseness such as "the king and the pope, the lion and wolf".  China is an ancient country with 5000 years cultural tradition. In ancient China, the King is regarded as a dragon, and the Queen is considered as a phoenix, so there are many idioms such as "望子成龙","龙飞凤舞","龙凤呈祥". 3.4 The Influence of Religion and World View Chinese culture is deeply affected by Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism, among which the effect of Buddhism is the most inveterate, while English culture is greatly influenced by Christianity. There is no question that Chinese expressions reflect the influence of Buddhism, whereas English expressions reflect the influence of Christianity. A large number of idioms derived from different religions in China and they had an immense influence on people in feudal society. For example, "the local god catching grasshoppers"(土地爷捕蚂蚱——慌了神). The English nation has long believed Christianity and its holy book, the Bible, has had a profound and tremendous influence on the social thoughts and culture English society. People quote so much from the Bible that many idioms enter their daily life. For example, it is said that Satan, the Devil, often appear as an image of a black cat. E.g. Don't let a black cat cross your path. 不要让霉运降临到你头上。 Chapter Four  Conclusion Words are almost never found in isolation. They nearly always have partners together from meanings in certain restricted ways. This thesis makes a contrastive analysis of cultural connotations of identical animal words in English and Chinese.Through conparison, we can know that people with different cultural backgrounds often entrust language with different implications because of distinct thinking way, geographical position, customs, aesthetic ideas, and perceptions of objective world. Language and culture are interrelated. Language is the carrier of the culture. Language is not only a tool of learning culture but also certain profound cultural knowledge. People's words and deeds refect certain cultural connotation consciously or unconsciously. In a word, it is no exaggeration to say that language is the life-blood of culture and that culture is the track along which language forms and develops. It is essential for us to know the connotations of expressions. Knowing connotations of expressions can make the world less mysterious. It will help us get a better understanding of a language, being alert in learning not only the denotations of expressions, but also the connotations and other types of meanings. Only with a thorough understanding of English and Chinese cultures can we understand the cultural connotations of animal expressions of English and Chinese. It is necessary for us to improve and strengthen the understanding of English and Chinese cultures, shorten the distance between two cultures so as to eliminate the barrier to understanding caused by the lack of knowledge of cultural connotations in the two cultures. It is a very complex problem to deal with cultural connotations of animal words. 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