首页 商场A工程卫生间.沉箱.屋面防水分项工程方案



商场A工程卫生间.沉箱.屋面防水分项工程方案商场A工程卫生间.沉箱.屋面防水分项工程方案 施工组织设计(专项施工方案)报审表 AQ2.12.1 工程名称:海印又一城商场A工程 编号:电建海印AQ2.12.1-002 致:广东省建东工程监理有限公司 我方已完成了卫生间、沉箱、屋面、消防水池防水分项工程专项施工方案 施工组织设计(专项施工方案)的编制,并经公司技术负责人批 准,请予以审查。 附:卫生间、沉箱、屋面、消防水池防水分项工程专项施工方案 承包单位(章):茂名市电白建筑工程总公司 项目负责人: 日 期: 2009年4月29日 专业监...

商场A工程卫生间.沉箱.屋面防水分项工程 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 施工组织设计(专项 施工方案 围墙砌筑施工方案免费下载道路清表施工方案下载双排脚手架施工方案脚手架专项施工方案专项施工方案脚手架 )报审表 AQ2.12.1 工程名称:海印又一城商场A工程 编号:电建海印AQ2.12.1-002 致:广东省建东工程监理有限公司 我方已完成了卫生间、沉箱、屋面、消防水池防水分项工程专项施工方案 施工组织设计(专项施工方案)的编制,并经公司技术负责人批 准,请予以审查。 附:卫生间、沉箱、屋面、消防水池防水分项工程专项施工方案 承包单位(章):茂名市电白建筑工程总公司 项目负责人: 日 期: 2009年4月29日 专业监理工程师审查意见: 专业监理工程师: 日 期: 总监理工程师审核意见: 项目监理机构:广东省建东工程监理有限公司 总监理工程师: 日 期: construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of the review report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project manager; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish to the Internet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall include the following elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; The allocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verification on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective, preventive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departments dealing with the formation of urban spatial 工程名称: 海印又一城商场A工程 施工单位: 茂名市电白建筑工程总公司 编 制 人: 冯冠玉 审 核 人: 编制时间: 2009年4月28日 he allQuality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; Tollowing elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; the f for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall includenternet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible the I er; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish toeview report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project managthe review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the r of theager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manconstruction work area in the 4ling with the formation of urban spatialts dea, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departmenentive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, prevon on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific correctiveocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verificati 海印又一城商场A工程 防水工程专项施工方案 目 录 一、工程概况………………………………………………1-4 二、作业条件 ……………………………………………4-5 三、材料及工具准备 ……………………………………5-7 四、操作工艺要点 ………………………………………7-8 五、细部构造做法 ………………………………………8-11 六、质量验收要求 ……………………………………… 11 七、施工注意事项 ………………………………………11-12 八、施工进度 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 … ………………………………………12 九、成品保护 …………………………………………12 十、质量保证措施 ……………………………………12-13 十一、安全注意事项……………………………………13-14 【茂名市电白建筑工程总公司】 1 防水分项工程 一、工程概况 1、材料选用:卫生间、沉箱及屋面、消防水池,防水材料采用科顺‘911’聚氨酯,根据商场A工程屋面、厕所防水设计施工图纸的要求及《防水工程技术规程》规定,材料决定选用广东科顺化工实业有限公生产911ks-2A非焦油双组份聚氨酯防水涂料,涂刷二至三遍,成膜厚度最薄处2mm,按广东省《建筑防水工程技术规程》DBJ15-19-97,以常规做法及设计图纸要求施工。 2、材料使用部位:卫生间、杂货区沉箱、屋面、消防水池使科顺911ks-2A 非焦油双组份聚氨酯防水涂料,风机房及空调压缩机和除湿机房使用科顺 KS-901B好涂壁柔性聚合物水泥防水胶按图纸设计要求施工。 3、海印又一城商场A工程按业主要求各部分做法及设计图纸做法详见下表 序防水分部分部详细做法 施工部位及方法 备注 号 名称 ?2,3厚纯水泥扫底,20厚1:2.5水泥砂 浆找平层纯水泥油压光 ? 2厚科顺911ks-2A非焦油双组份聚氨沉箱及墙脚反起墙酯防水涂料(保证防水厚度,在最后一道完1 二层厕所 ?级防水 面2.5m高 成后,使用筛过的细砂掺少量水泥粉洒一 遍,细砂洒得一定要均匀) ?20厚1:2.5水泥砂浆保护层 ?2,3厚纯水泥扫底,20厚1:2.5:0.15掺底部及墙面(施工方 氯丁胶乳水泥砂浆找平层纯水泥油压光 法先完成底部及墙 ? 2厚科顺911ks-2A非焦油双组份聚氨脚2m以下试水验收 酯防水涂料(保证防水厚度,在最后一道完合格后,施工保护地下及屋 成后,使用筛过的细砂掺少量水泥粉洒一层, 保护层干后再2 顶消防水?级防水 遍,细砂洒得一定要均匀) 搭设脚手架施工上池 ?15厚1:2.5水泥砂浆保护层 面的防水,防水搭接 ?4,5厚纯水泥浆粘结层 位不少于300mm), ?贴防水面砖,白水泥擦缝 完成防水层后洒细 砂一定要均匀小粒. entive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, prevon on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific correctiveocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verificatihe allQuality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; Tollowing elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; the f for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall includenternet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible the I er; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish toeview report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project managthe review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the r of theager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manconstruction work area in the 2ling with the formation of urban spatialts dea, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departmen 海印又一城商场A工程 防水工程专项施工方案 ?2,3厚纯水泥扫底,20厚1:2.5水泥砂 浆找平层纯水泥油压光 ? 2厚科顺911ks-2A非焦油双组份聚氨 酯防水涂料(保证防水厚度,在最后一道完二层杂货沉箱及墙脚反起成后,使用筛过的细砂掺少量水泥粉洒一?级防水 3 区沉箱 300mm 遍,细砂洒得一定要均匀) ?20厚1:2.5水泥砂浆保护层 ?200厚C20陶粒混凝土 ?100厚C20混凝土地坪 地下室、首?地面基层清理(必须清洗干净)20厚层夹层、二1:2.5水泥砂找平层 层夹层风? 3.0厚科顺KS-901B好涂壁柔性聚合物机空调压水泥防水胶 墙脚反起300mm ?级防水 4 缩机房除?50厚1:2.5水泥砂地面层 湿机房 ?按规范36?锯5mm宽15mm深分格缝, 密 封胶填满缝 ?2,3厚纯水泥扫底,20厚1:2.5水泥砂 浆找平层纯水泥油压光 ? 2厚科顺911ks-2A非焦油双组份聚氨 酯防水涂料(保证防水厚度,在最后一道完室外车道 成后,使用筛过的细砂掺少量水泥粉洒一及卸货区 遍,细砂洒得一定要均匀) ?级防水 5 墙脚反起300mm ?20厚1:2.5水泥砂浆保护层 ?C20细石砼耐磨层最薄处50厚(室外车 道), 120厚(卸货区),内ø6@150× 150,3.6m×6m留8宽10深分格缝.密封胶 填满缝 ?沥青混凝土层(车道) ?2,3厚纯水泥扫底,20厚1:2.5水泥砂 浆找平层纯水泥油压光 ? 2厚科顺911ks-2A非焦油双组份聚氨 酯防水涂料(保证防水厚度,在最后一道完上人屋面 成后,使用筛过的细砂掺少量水泥粉洒一(18m停车遍,细砂洒得一定要均匀) ?20厚1:2.5水泥砂浆保护层 场) ?陶粒混凝土找坡层(A3-A4交Ab-Al底部及墙脚 ?级防水 6 轴,A7-A10交Ab-Al轴,A14-A15交Ab-Al 轴30,300厚) ?50厚挤塑型聚苯乙烯保温隔热(其抗压 强度须满足行车要求), ?50厚c30UEA补偿收缩混凝土防水层,内 配钢筋ø4@150,6m×6m留15mm宽分隔缝, 密封胶填满缝,钢筋贯通,表面压光。 ?40厚沥青混凝土层 【茂名市电白建筑工程总公司】 3 ?2,3厚纯水泥扫底,20厚1:2.5水泥砂(23.00m, 浆找平层纯水泥油压光(最薄处20厚) 26.70m)不? 2厚科顺911ks-2A非焦油双组份聚氨 酯防水涂料(保证防水厚度,在最后一道完上人屋面墙脚反起300mm ?级防水 7 成后,使用筛过的细砂掺少量水泥粉洒一 及楼梯屋遍,细砂洒得一定要均匀) ?30厚1:2.5水泥砂浆保护层留15mm宽分面 隔缝, 密封胶填满缝, ?2,3厚纯水泥扫底,20厚1:2.5水泥砂 浆找平层纯水泥油压光(最薄处20厚) ? 2厚科顺911ks-2A非焦油双组份聚氨(23.00m) 酯防水涂料(保证防水厚度,在最后一道完 不上人屋成后,使用筛过的细砂掺少量水泥粉洒一墙脚反起300mm ?级防水 8 遍,细砂洒得一定要均匀) ?陶粒混凝土找坡层, (最薄处30厚) 面 ?30厚1:2.5水泥砂浆保护层留15mm宽分 隔缝, 密封胶填满缝, 二、作业条件 ?、防水材料进场后,必须附有厂家生产合格证及检验报告等厂家有关证明 书,并向现场监理工程师出书面防水材料审批表,并对进场防水材料抽 取样本送质检单位检测合格后使用。 ?、防水层施工期间,禁止在雨天施工,应做好防护工作,直至防水工程全 部完成为止,仍须继续排水一周,使科顺‘911’聚氨酯涂料有足够的 粘结固化时间。 00?、科顺‘911’聚氨酯防水层应在气温不低于5C,最好在10-35C时进行 施工。防水涂料及配套材料进场后应按规定取样检验,其性能指标应按 符合要求。 ?、地漏穿通管道应预留孔洞。 ?、基层应坚固;防水基层即为水泥砂浆找平层。水泥砂浆的配合比不得低 于1:2.5,石井水泥325R标号;控制水泥砂浆的配合比是提高基层坚 固性,防止起砂的关键。涂膜防水层直接铺贴在水泥砂表面,必须检查 entive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, prevon on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific correctiveocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verificatihe allQuality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; Tollowing elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; the f for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall includenternet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible the I er; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish toeview report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project managthe review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the r of theager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manconstruction work area in the 4ling with the formation of urban spatialts dea, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departmen 海印又一城商场A工程 防水工程专项施工方案 水泥砂表面是否有蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等,如有类似情况,应用掺胶乳水 泥砂浆修补。 ?、基层平整、牢固、干净、无明水、无渗漏;裂缝处必须修补找平,渗漏 处须进行堵漏处理。 ?、平面与装门面的转角处及阴阳角应做成圆弧或钝角。 三、材料及工具准备 ?、主要材料:科顺‘911’聚氨酯防水涂料(屋面、室外车道及卸货区、二层杂货区沉箱、二层厕所、地下及屋顶消防水池)。科顺KS-901B好涂壁柔性聚合物水泥防水胶(地下室、首层夹层、二层夹层风机空调压缩机房除湿机房) ?、基层处理剂;采用881型防水涂料。 ?、材料储备根据实际工程量确定。 ?、科顺‘911’聚氨酯防水涂料性能技术指标:执行 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 GB/T19250-2003 序号 项目 ? ? 1 拉伸强度,Mpa? 1.9 2.45 2 断裂伸长率,% ? 450 450 3 撕裂强度,N/mm? 12 14 4 低温弯折性,?? -35 5 不透水性0.3 Mpa 30min 不透水 6 固体含量, % ? 92 7 表干时间,h? 8 8 实干时间,h? 24 9 加热伸缩率,% ? 1.0 【茂名市电白建筑工程总公司】 5 ? -4.0 10 潮湿基面粘结强度a, Mpa? 0.50 加热老化 无裂纹及变形 11 定伸时老化 工人气候老化b 无裂纹及变形 拉伸强度保持率, % 80~150 12 热处理 断裂伸长率,% ? 400 低温弯折性,?? -30 拉伸强度保持率, % 60~150 13 碱处理 断裂伸长率,% ? 400 低温弯折性,?? -30 拉伸强度保持率, % 80~150 14 酸处理 断裂伸长率,% ? 400 低温弯折性,?? -30 断裂伸长率,% ? 400 低温弯折性,?? -30 a仅用于地下工程潮湿基面的要求。 b仅用于外露使用的产品。 ?、工具准备:?普通工具:涂料分散机、吸尘器、开刀、钢丝刷、抹子、 滚刷、量具、合称、专用橡胶刮板、铁桶、小油漆刷、弹线盒等,及其 配套的施工设施。 ?防火、防毒器材。 ?、操作工艺:(见下图) 找平层验收 Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; Tollowing elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; the f for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall includenternet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible the I er; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish toeview report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project managthe review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the r of theager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manconstruction work area in the 6ling with the formation of urban spatialts dea, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departmenentive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, prevon on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific correctiveocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verificatihe all 海印又一城商场A工程 防水工程专项施工方案 涂刷基层处理剂 配料搅拌 管道、节点处理 涂料施工 固化保养 保护层施工 自检 质量验收 四、操作工艺要点 (1)、清理基层:在验收合格的基层上将杂物、浮灰等用吸尘器处理干净。 (2)、涂料基层处理剂:将按比例配制好881防水涂料搅拌均匀,待用,在大面积涂刷之前应用油漆刷蘸底胶在阴角、穿墙管道根部等造部位均匀涂刷一道,大面积涂刷则改用长把滚刷进行施工,纵横涂刷时要薄厚均匀,不得见白露底,一般涂刷后3h以上,即可进行下道工序施工。 (3)、配料:按该材料的配合比取料,将涂料徐徐加入液料中开动搅拌器搅拌(采用专用涂料分散机)充分搅拌至均匀细微,不含团料的混合物,搅拌时间约为三分钟。 (4)将搅拌好的涂料分底涂、下涂、中涂、上涂均匀刮涂于基面,施工 0环境温度为5~35C之间,每遍刮涂间隔时间为3-5小时,以涂层基本不粘手,涂料固化结膜为准。 (5)刮涂顺序:先底处,后高处及特殊部位,后大面积刮涂,刮涂遍数 【茂名市电白建筑工程总公司】 7 为三至四遍,底涂厚度0.5mm,下、中、上涂厚度各0.4-0.5mm左右,总厚度2mm以上,底涂每平方米用量0.8kg,下、中、上涂每平方料每遍用量2.2kg左右。 (6)每遍刮涂方向应互相垂直,涂刷时的接口搭接宽度为150-200mm。 (7)施工完后进行固化保护,如遇天气温低可采取烘干;如找平层过于干燥,气温高可采用水湿润办法加强养护,养护至涂层结膜坚韧。 (8)卫生间防水层,20mm厚1:2.5水泥砂浆找平层,2mm厚防水层至2.5m高, 20mm厚1:2.5水泥砂浆保护层。 五、细部构造做法 沉箱及屋面要处理的细部一般有:水落口处理、泛水处理、变形缝处理和凸出屋面的管道处理。 (1)水落口处理 水落口应设在排水沟的最低处,水落口杯与找平层接融处,应留宽20?、深20?的凹槽,槽内用SBS改性沥青弹性沥青密封膏嵌填严密。上面做2?厚的氯丁橡胶改性沥青防水涂膜附加层,并用化纤纺布胎体进行增强。如图1所示。 竖式水落口 1-防水层;2-附加层; 3-密封材料;4-水落口杯 横式水落口 1-防水层;2-附加层;3-密封材料;4-水 落口 ts dea, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departmenentive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, prevon on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific correctiveocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verificatihe allQuality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; Tollowing elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; the f for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall includenternet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible the I er; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish toeview report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project managthe review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the r of theager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manconstruction work area in the 8ling with the formation of urban spatial 海印又一城商场A工程 防水工程专项施工方案 (2)泛水节点处理 砖砌女儿墙上在距檐沟沟底最高处的上方250?,预留60?×60?的凹槽,槽内用水泥砂浆抹出斜坡。找平层在泛水处应抹成半径为50?的圆角,然后再刷2?厚的氯丁橡胶改性沥青防水涂膜附加层,并用化纤无纺布做胎体增强材料。聚氨酯防水层的收头应压入凹槽内,然后用干性砼将凹槽嵌填、挤实,表面用水泥砂浆找平。如图2所示。 2 ?200 1 泛水构造 1-涂膜防水层 2-胎体材料附加层 3-密封材料 图 2 (3)凸出屋面的管道接口处理 在防水层上沿排气管道壁铺贴聚氨酯附加层,上口用金属箍卡牢,在附加层上口与排气孔管道壁间用SBS改性沥青弹性密封膏封口。如图3所示。 【茂名市电白建筑工程总公司】 9 4 2 1 ?2502 3 1-金属箍;2-密封材料;3-防水附加层;4-管道。 图3 立管构造做法 (4)变形缝处理 本有变形缝的工程,缝内先用沥青麻丝填塞,并用卷材做成形状每边加300mm,放入缝内,两侧与变形缝挡墙上部粘牢,然后在槽内放入泡沫塑料棒衬垫,再覆盖形卷材封闭,上扣砼盖板保护,盖板与盖板之间的接头缝隙,应用SBS改性沥青弹性密封膏封严。 (5)蓄水试验: 防水层完成后,经外观初步检查合格,然后用碎布或其它材料塞严水落管,灌水试验,一般蓄水24小时,未发现有渗漏为宜。 六、质量验收要求 1、科顺‘911’聚氨酯防水涂料有出厂合格证,进场材料经取样复验符合设计要求并能达到有关规定的技术指标。 2、沉箱及墙脚、女儿墙脚,锚固系统及其变形缝、穿墙管道,预埋件等细部作法必须符合设计要求和施工规范的规定。 3、科顺‘911’聚氨酯涂料防水层严禁有渗漏现象。 4、科顺‘911’聚氨酯涂料防水层的基层应牢固、平整、洁净、无起砂 ocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verificatihe allQuality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; Tollowing elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; the f for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall includenternet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible the I er; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish toeview report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project managthe review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the r of theager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manconstruction work area in the 10ling with the formation of urban spatialts dea, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departmenentive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, prevon on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific corrective 海印又一城商场A工程 防水工程专项施工方案 和松动现象,阴阳角处应呈圆弧形或钝角。 5、科顺‘911’聚氨酯防水涂料应粘结凝固、结合紧密、厚度均匀一致。 七、施工注意事项 在施工间休或结束时,应及时用清水清洁粘有涂料的工具及衣物、因涂料干固后极难清洗。 八、施工进度计划 1、配合总包单位的进度进行施工,分区施工作业(整个区域考虑能试水),分段验收保护。 2、由总包单位安排好穿插施工计划。 3、根据实际情况需要加班必须加班完成。 九、成品保护 1、防水层完工后,应及时洒细砂做好水泥砂保护层,并防止在施工水泥砂保护层过程中损坏防水层,小车或吊斗等不得碰坏防水层,推小车时应铺好马道,小车脚、梯子脚应用橡胶片材垫好,并绑扎牢固,防水层表面的石子,砂浆颗粒应吸尘干净,操作人员不得穿钉子鞋在防水层表面施工。 2、立面防水层完工后,应及时做保护层,若有损坏,应设专人检查,修补。 3、穿墙管不得损坏或变位。 4、变形缝处施工中临时堵塞用的废纸、麻绳、塑料布等杂物,完工后应及时清理出去,保持管内、口内清洁、畅通。 5、防水层、保护层施工完毕后,应认真进行保护。在二次装饰过程中注意不得钉铁钉等,碰坏已完工的防水层,以免发生渗漏。 十、质量保证措施 【茂名市电白建筑工程总公司】 11 1、施工前应充分了解施工图中防水细部做法,防水构造和技术要求,提供防水工程技术措施。 2、贯彻执行95.12.14全国建筑防水会议精神,建立防水施工质量保证制度。 3、使用科顺‘911’聚氨酯防水材料应有出厂合格证,并且经检测机构的测试认证符合材料标准的设计要求及GB50108-2001《地下工程防水技术规范》。 4、科顺‘911’聚氨酯防水涂料工程施工验收合格后,面做一道1:2.5水泥砂浆保护找平层,用水泥油压光。 5、防水质量管理体制 项目经理 建设单位工地质量安全监督监理单位现邱志光 代表:高灿兴 部门:冯镜明 场:郝建沃 高欣健 孙家明 黄丹益 项目副经理 谢达明 丘高文 总施工: 冯冠玉 专职安全员: 林德生 林德生 施工员: 质量员检查: 安全员: 张亚捌 崔寓桄 黄国德 朱海基 李景国 林营 防水施工班:卜中桥 十一、安全注意事项 1、患皮肤病、眼结膜病以及对防水材料严重敏感人员,不得从事防水工作,防水作业每班适当增加间歇时间。 2、装卸、搬运、熬制、调制、铺涂防水材料,必须使用规定的防护用 Quality policy and quality objectives are achieved and to meet customer requirements, whether it be maintained and revised; Tollowing elements: the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system, whether it be maintained and revised; the f for tracking the implementation of corrective measures inspections. 3.4.5 the output from the management review shall includenternet by engineering part of the project staff and departments. Organized by the quality control Department is responsible the I er; Quality control Department is responsible for the preparation of records and reports the distribution list, or publish toeview report and corrective action plan, representative of the management audit of the project, approved by the project managthe review meeting, scheduled content under review; Quality control Department is responsible for the records, the preparation of project, approved by the project manager; Review Project Office issued notices of meetings; Project manager facilitates the r of theager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, representative of the management audit form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manconstruction work area in the 12ling with the formation of urban spatialts dea, verification and evaluation the effect of corrective and preventive actions. 3.4. ... (1) the safety programs and departmenentive and corrective measures, and seriously implemented. Project quality control Department is responsible for the tracking, prevon on the issues raised in the review, by the primary responsibility of departments draw up corresponding specific correctiveocation of resources to meet requirements, whether you need to add or adjust. 3.4.6 corrective action tracking and verificatihe all 海印又一城商场A工程 防水工程专项施工方案 品,皮肤不得外露。 3、液化桶装防水材料,先将桶盖和气眼全部打开,用铁条串通后,方准烘烤,并经常疏通放油孔和气眼,严禁火与油直接接触。 4、配制冷底子油,下料应分批、少量、缓慢、不停搅拌,不准超过锅容量二分之一,温度不得超过80,C,并严禁烟火。 5、装运热沥青等材料的工具,不得用锡焊、塑料等,盛油量不得超过容器的三分之二。肩挑或用手推车,道路要平坦,绳具要牢固,吊运时垂直下方不得有人。 6、在水池内等处进行‘911’聚氨酯防水涂料工程施工作业,应定时轮换间歇,使用送风及排风机械设备通风换气。 7、在施工现场必须配置有灭火器械。禁止工作人员吸烟。 8、本章无规定者按(80)国家建安工人安全技术操作规程执行。 【茂名市电白建筑工程总公司】 13
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