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恋爱假期 英文剧本台词看电影学英语 The Holiday 《恋爱假期》 -Iris: I have found almost everything ever written about love to be true. 我发现人们对于爱情的各种阐释都是真理。 Shakespeare said journeys end in lovers meeting. journeys: 旅途 end in: 以?为结束 莎士比亚曾说:“漂泊止于爱人相会”。 Oh, what an extraordinary thought! ext...

恋爱假期 英文剧本台词
看电影学 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 The Holiday 《恋爱假期》 -Iris: I have found almost everything ever written about love to be true. 我发现人们对于爱情的各种阐释都是真理。 Shakespeare said journeys end in lovers meeting. journeys: 旅途 end in: 以?为结束 莎士比亚曾说:“漂泊止于爱人相会”。 Oh, what an extraordinary thought! extraordinary: 非凡的,特别的 thought: 想法,思想 真是神来之笔~ Personally, I have not experienced anything remotely close to that, personally: 个人地 experience: 经历 remotely: 遥远地 虽然我自己不曾有过这样的经历, but I’m more than willing to believe Shakespeare had. more than: 很,非常 willing: 愿意的 但我想莎翁必定是有感而发。 I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should. suppose: 认为 我想我求索爱情的时间比别人都长。 I’m constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives. constantly: 一直 amaze: 使吃惊 sheer: 完全的 power: 力量 alter: 改变 define: 定义,解释 我常惊叹爱情改变我们生活的神奇。 It was Shakespeare who also said, Love is blind. blind: 盲目的 莎士比亚还说过:“爱是盲目的”。 Now that is something I know to be true. 现在我知道这也是千真万确的。 For some, quite inexplicably, love fades. inexplicably: 无缘无故地,莫名奇妙地 fade: 消失 有些爱情的火焰无缘无故地就熄灭了。 For others, love is simply lost. simply: 的确,完全 还有一些已经随风而逝? But then, of course, love can also be found, even if just for the night. 当然爱情也可重拾哪怕只是一夜温存。 And then there's another kind of love, the cruelest kind, the one that almost kills its victims. cruel: 残忍的 victim: 受害者 还有一种爱情,是最残酷的那种。让深陷其中的人身心交瘁。 It’s called unrequited love. unrequited love: 单恋 unrequited: 无报答的,一厢情愿的 那就是所谓的,单恋。 Of that, I am an expert. expert: 专家 在这方面我可是个专家。 Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other, 多数爱情故事的主角都是相爱的彼此。 but what about the rest of us? rest: 余下的 可我们呢? What about our stories, those of us who fall in love alone? 我们这些陷入单恋的人呢?我们的情感历程有谁关心呢? We are the victims of the one-sided affair. affair: 爱恋关系 我们饱受单恋的相思之苦。 We are the cursed of the loved ones. curse: 咒骂 被相爱的人们嗤之以鼻。 We are the unloved ones, the walking wounded, walking wounded: 失魂落魄 wounded: 受伤的 爱情不会眷顾我们,只能一个人舔舐感情的伤口, the handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space. handicapped: 残疾人 advantage: 有利条件 parking: 停车 我们是爱情国Yes, you are looking at one such individual. individual: 个人 对,你现在看到的我就是这么样的一个人。 and I have willingly loved that man for over three miserable years, willingly: 情愿地 miserable: 痛苦的,凄惨的 我死心塌地地爱着那个男人,整整3 年。 the absolute worst years of my life. absolute: 绝对的,完全的 我生命中最痛苦的3 年。 The worst Christmases, the worst birthdays, New Year’s Eves brought in by tears and Valium. bring in: 带来 eve: 前夕 tear: 眼泪 不堪回首的圣诞节,不堪回首的生日,在泪水和安眠药里迎接新的一年。 These years that I’ve been in love have been the darkest days of my life, 深陷爱情的那3 年是我这辈子最暗无天日的3 载春秋, all because I’ve been cursed by being in love with a man who does not and will not love me back. 因为我爱上了一个永远不会爱上我的男人。 Oh, God, just the sight of him. the sight of: 一见到 一见到他。 Heart pounding, throat thickening, absolutely can’t swallow. pound: 敲打,跳动 thicken: 使厚,变厚 swallow: 吞,咽 我就小鹿乱撞,说不出话,简直喘不过气来。 All the usual symptoms. usual: 通常的 symptoms: 症状 每次都是这样。 -Newspaper Party Guest: Oh, Jasper. Don't tell me you're still... Jasper 别跟我说你还?? -Iris: No, no, no, no, that's over. Very over. 没有,已经结束了,彻底结束了。 -Newspaper Party Guest: What's the story with you two, anyway? 可你们俩到底怎么回事? You were shagging him, weren't you? shag: 追赶,追逐 你还是忘不了他,是吗? -Iris:More importantly, I was in love with him, truth be known. importantly: 重要地 in love with: 爱上 关键是,我爱他。众所周知。 -Newspaper Party Guest:Yes, yes, I remember. 对,对,我知道。 Then you found out he was shagging that drip from Circulation. drip: 从??滴下,勾搭【To Drip- the act of ejaculating into someone's cuppedhands. —from City Dictionary】 circulation: 流通 可你要知道他还勾搭了流通部的一位姑娘。 -Iris:Which is when I stopped shagging him. shag: [美国俚语]立刻离开 我知道,所以才退出了。 I don't think we should be talking about this at the office party. 我觉得在公司聚会上谈这个不太合适。 -Newspaper Party Guest:But I always see you two together. 可我常看到你们俩在一起。 He cheated on you, but you stayed friends? cheat on: 对??感情不忠 他甩了你,可你还把他当朋友? -Iris:I was head over heels, you know? Everyone knew. head over heel: 完全,神魂颠倒 heel: 脚后跟 我完全栽进去了,谁都知道。 -Newspaper Party Guest:Oh, no. 哦,别这样。 -Iris:Does it look like I'm crying right now? 我是不是看起来像在哭, -Newspaper Party Guest: No, No, no. No, 不,不,不,不是的。 No, it just looks like it's the smoke from my cigarette. cigarette: 香烟 看起来像被我这烟熏得 Did he ever actually tell you that he loved you back? actually: 确实地 他有没有说过爱上你了什么的? -Iris:Yes. Three, almost four times and when I've reminded him of that, remind sb of: 提醒某人某事 remind: 提醒 当然,说过3??不是4 次,可我再问他的时候, he said that it must have been as an answer to a question, 他却说,我那么问他就那么答了, which, by the way, it absolutely was not. absolutely: 确实地 其实并不爱我。 -Newspaper Party Guest:You know, Iris, when you catch your guy with another woman, you're not supposed to stay friends with him. be supposed to: 应该 你要知道Iris,一旦抓到男朋友劈腿,就连朋友也没的做了。 You're supposed to never talk to the prick again. prick: 讨厌鬼;卑鄙的人 永远别跟这种傻子再说一句话。 You're supposed to throw things at him, scream, call him names, not do his blooming laundry. call one's name: 骂人 blooming: 青春健美的,充满活力的 laundry: 洗衣 你应该拿东西砸他吼着名字骂他,而不是当个贤惠的洗衣女工。 -Iris:I don't do his laundry. 我没给他洗衣服。 Did someone tell you I do his laundry? 谁跟你说我给他洗衣服的? No, no, all we do now is we e-mail. 才没有,我们现在顶多??发个电子邮件。 Not when he's with her, of course. 当然是他俩不在一起的时候发。 Also, when he's not with her, we talk on the phone, 他一个人的时候,我们也会打电话聊聊。 sometimes for hours, and then there's the occasional long lunch. occasional: 偶尔的 有时候一聊就是好几个小时,偶尔还会一起吃个午饭。 -Newspaper Party Guest: You know, I never realized how pathetic you are. realize: 察觉,发现 pathetic: 悲哀的,可怜的 我才发现你已经可怜到这种程度了。 -Iris:Really? Oh, God. I'm so aware of it. be aware of: 明白,知道 aware: 明白的,知道的 真的? 哦上帝,我算是知道了。 -Newspaper Party Guest: They always know just how to get us, don't they? 他们总有办法把咱们搞到手,不是吗? He knows whenever he wants to come crawling back into your life... crawl: 爬行 他知道不管什么时候,只要他想回来?? -Iris:Actually, he has made some small comments like that recently. comment: 评论,言论 realize: 最近 事实上,他最近的确说过这种话。 Well, he hasn't exactly come right out and said it, but he's... exactly: 确切地,完全地 come right: 直接 虽然没说的那么直白可他?? -Newspaper Editor: Iris. Iris。 -Iris: Yeah? 嗯, -Newspaper Editor: Did you file your story? file: 发送(报道给报社) 文章好了没? -Iris:Oh, No, not yet. 哦,没,还没有。 Oh! Sown to the wire. Sorrsow: 散布,灌输 wire: 打电报 哦! 就差一点了,抱歉。 Better go. 我得走了。 Groom's best friend spoke for many guests when he said, Hilary will open Edward's eyes and round out his life. round out: 使完整 新郎最好的朋友对客人们说Hilary 让Edward 重新认识了这个世界,让他的生活从 此变得充 实。 -Jasper: Okay, I've got a question for you. 我有个问题想问问你。 What's it like to be the only person committed to their work while the rest of us are slumming? commit to: 从事 commit: 从事,致力于 slumming: 贫民窟【约会,很多人的聚 会】[go out with someone on a lesser scale than you—from City Dictionary] 别人都开怀畅饮的时候就你一个人还在工作那是什么感觉呢? -Iris:You mean what's it like to be the only person not to finish their work on time? on time: 按时 你是想问别人都按时交作业了就我一个人没做完那是什么感觉吧? Hold on, don't... Don't go. 等等,别??别走。 -Jasper:Is it fun having a brain that works that fast? fun: 有趣的 有个好脑子一定很有意思吧? -Iris:Shut up. shut up: 闭嘴 别说话了。 -Jasper:No, I mean it. mean: 意欲 不,我说真的。 Probably a brilliant finish, too. probably: 大概 brilliant: 完美的 finish: 结尾,结束 完美的结尾也很带劲啊。 -Iris:I assure you it's not.。 assure: 保证 一点也不完美。 -Jasper:Hi, Simpkey. 你好,Simpkey。 -Iris:Hi. 你好。 Your column today was fantastic. God, I loved that line. column: 专栏 fantastic: 极好的,棒极了 你今天的专栏棒极了,上帝,那句话简直了。 The onrushing stripping of dignity and thought from British lives. onrushing: 汹涌的 stripping: 剥去,剥离 dignity: 尊严 thought: 思想 大英帝国的尊严与思想汹涌着浸透到不列颠的骨子里。 Great writing. writing: 作品 真是绝了。 -Jasper:Hey, I got you something for Christmas. 嘿,我给你准备了份圣诞礼物。 -Iris:That's convenient, 'cause I got you something, too. convenient: 合宜的 正好,我这也有你一份。 -Jasper:Oh, darling, I don't actually have my gift with me. darling: 亲爱的 哦亲爱的,其实我还没把礼物带过来。 In fact, I've probably mislaid it, but I know I got you something. mislaid: mislay 的过去分词,将?放错地方 事实上,我把它落在别的地方了,不过我确实准备了一份。 I expect it's somewhere in my car. So you want to know what it is? expect: 猜想,(料)想 我想是在车上,来看看是什么吗? -Iris:No. No, no, that's okay. 不,不,不,不用了。 -Jasper:I know you're gonna look hot in it. hot: 热辣的,性感的 我知道你穿上它一定很性感。 -Iris:Well, let's hope you find it, then. 那就等你把它找出来再说吧。 Not exactly something hot, but Happy Christmas. 没什么特别的东西,圣诞-Jasper:Thank you. 谢谢。 -Iris:I didn't think we'd actually get a chance to do this this year. 我还以为今年没有这样的机会了。 Remember, last Christmas we exchanged gifts in March. exchange: 交换 还记得吗? 去年圣诞节,咱们3 月份才交换了礼物。 This is good. 今年不错。 We're getting better. 比去年好很多。 -Jasper: You stinker. stinker: 讨厌鬼 你啊。 It's a first edition. edition: 版本 这可是第一版啊。 Where did you find it? 你从哪弄到的? -Iris: Buried in that little place we found in Covent Garden that time. bury: 埋 Covent Garden: 科芬园/考文特花园,伦敦中部的一个蔬菜花卉市场 咱们不是在科芬园发现个好地方吗? 我在那扒出来的。 -Jasper: Why are you so great? 你干嘛要这么好? -Hugh: Everyone, can I have your attention, please? have one's attention: 引起某人注意 attention: 注意 各位各位,听我说两句好吗? Just a couple minutes. Thank you. couple: 对,双;数个 就几分钟,谢谢。 -Jasper:Hate it that we can never talk. 我不喜欢跟你形同陌路。 -Iris:Hate it. 不喜欢。 -Hugh:Well, first of all, a very Happy Christmas to each and every one of you. first of all: 首先 首先,祝各位圣诞快乐。 Now, we're not officially closed, as you very well know, officially: 官方的 closed: 不开的,关闭的 大家都知道,现在咱们还没有正式放假, but we are going to try and get by this week with a smaller than normal staff. normal: 正规的 staff: 全体员工 不过这周我们尽量让一部分人先放假。 But before some of you rush off on holiday, I do have one rather important announcement. rush off: 匆促离开 rather: 相当 announcement: 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 不过在某些人急赶着度假之前我还有件大事要宣布。 Now, this affects Iris. affect: 影响 跟Iris 有关 Iris Simpkins, where are you? Iris Simpkins 在哪呢? -Iris:Here, sir. 我在这,先生。 -Hugh:Iris, I have a tip for you. tip: 秘密新闻,内部消息 Iris 有个料要爆给你。 -Iris: Excellent. 棒极了。 -Hugh: A wedding was privately announced earlier today that I don't believe any other paper in town knows about, wedding: 婚礼 privately: 私下,,秘密地 announce: 宣布 believe: 认为,相信 今天早上有人宣布要结婚了我想这块料还没有爆到其他报社, and I want you to be the first to report on this particular union, particular: 特殊的,特别的 union: 婚姻 我想让你第一个来报道, as it is between two of our most esteemed colleagues. esteemed: 受尊敬的,受推崇的 colleague: 同事 我们之中最优秀的2 位的结合。 May I introduce the newly-engaged Sarah Smith-Alcott and Jasper Bloom! newly:最近,新近 engaged: 已订婚的 有请刚刚订婚的 Sarah Smith-Alcott 和Jasper Bloom! -Jasper: Well, if I'd known this was gonna happen, I'd have wsuit: 套装 早知道要上台我就换身好行头了。 Let's celebrate! celebrate: 庆祝 咱们得庆祝庆祝啊! Everyone, drink the champagne and eat the canapés here。 champagne: 香槟 canapés: [法语] 小块面包或薄饼(常用作佐酒的开胃食品) 各位尽情享用香槟和脆饼吧。 so we can save money and elope. elope: 私奔 这样能给我们省下钱来私奔了。 -Ethan:Amanda! Amanda! Amanda? Amanda? Look. May I just say again that I did not sleep with her. sleep with: 和?睡觉;与?做爱 我再说一遍,我真的没跟她睡过。 -Amanda:Right, because your receptionist needs to work till 3:00 in the morning. receptionist: 接待员 是吗? 谁家的接待员要工作到凌晨3 点? -Ethan:A bunch of us were working all night. She wanted to hang out. a bunch of: 一群 hang out: 闲逛【跟朋友待在一起】[to spend time with friends—from City Dictionary ] 那天我们很多人都是通宵工作她只是想留下帮帮忙。 Okay. Then swear on my life that you didn't sleep with her. swear: 发誓 那好。拿我的命发毒誓,说你没跟她上过床。 Oh, come on.. 哦,别闹了。 -Amanda:Go ahead. go ahead: 说吧,开始吧 说啊。 -Ethan:Look, I don't wanna?I'm not gonna... wanna: =want to,想要 gonna=going to: 将要 听我说我不想??不想?? -Amanda:Your receptionist, Ethan? 那用你的接待员的命发啊,Ethan, You know, this is why I knew that we were smart never to get married. smart: 聪明的 get married: 结婚 这就是为什么我说还是不结婚比较明智。 This is why I told you never to get rid of your house. get rid of: 摆脱,离开 这就是为什么我说别从你家搬出来。 You know, somewhere inside, I knew this about you. 我太了解你了。 -Ethan:Okay, first of all, can you please calm down? All right? calm down: 冷静 好吧,首先,你先冷静冷静,行不行? Because I did not sleep with her. All right? 因为我真的没跟她睡过。 And secondly, we've had problems for over a year, and I know you don't want to deal with that but we have. secondly: 第二;其次 deal with: 处理 其次,咱们已经吵吵了1 年多了。我知道你很烦,但烦也得面对。 -Amanda:Oh, I am well aware we've had problems for the last year. aware: 知道的 last: 最近的 我当然知道咱们这1 年是怎么过的。 If I work a little bit too much, I never stop hearing about it, a little bit: 一点儿 我要是工作再卖命点,也就听不到那些闲言碎语了。 but if you work too much, maestro, it's for the sake of your music. maestro: 名作曲家 for the sake of: 为了 sake: 缘故 可要是你再卖命点呢,音乐大师,为了你那些音乐。 -Ethan: If you work too much? 要是你再卖命一点? Amanda, you cut 75 trailers this year, trailer: 电影预告片 Amanda 你今年已经剪了75 部片子了you put a cutting room in the house and you sleep with your BlackBerry. cutting room: 〈电影〉剪接室 BlackBerry: 黑莓手机 把工作室搬家里来了,你都跟商务通睡觉了。 And I'm not even gonna have a conversation with you about sex because I can't remember the last time we did it. conversation: 交谈 sex: 性爱 我连那事也懒得跟你探讨了,咱们上次激情是什么时候我都不记得了。 -Amanda:Come on, nobody has time for sex. 算了,谁还有时间干那事。 -Ethan: That's not entirely true. entirely: 完全地 不是那么回事。 -Amanda:That's it! 就是! You absolutely slept with her. Seriously, you have to get out. absolutely: 确实地 seriously: 严肃地,认真地 你肯定是跟她上过床了,我说真的快滚吧。 Oh, God. 哦,上帝啊。 You know what I really think, Ethan? 知道我在想什么吗? Ethan I don't think you ever really loved me. 我觉得你根本就没爱过我 How's that? 对吗? -Ethan:Oh, please. 哦,别闹了。 -Amanda:No, I think you love the idea of you and me, but not so much me. Not me. Not really. 你爱的不过是那种感觉,而不是我,不是我。 -Ethan:Look, I did the best I could. Is anybody good enough for that job? 听我说我尽力了还有人能比我更卖命吗? -Amanda:I will send you your things. send: 送,寄 我会把你的东西送过去的。 -Ethan:You know you do this, right? 你知道自己在做什么,是吗? I mean, you screw up every relationship you've ever been in. screw up: 搞糟 relationship: 男女关系,情感关系 我是说,你一直这样给自己的爱情搅局。 It's what you do. 每次都这样。 You didn't really want to be a couple! couple: 夫妇,情侣 你根本就不想结婚! You resist it in your own way! resist: 抵抗 你一直用自己的方式排斥婚姻! -Amanda: Shut up! 闭嘴! -Ethan: And it's hard to detect how you even do it because nobody's quite as smart as you. detect: 发现 smart: 聪明的 别人都想不明白你干嘛要这样。因为没人跟你那么聪明。 So you're hard to catch at it, but it always surfaces, and this is what happens. catch at: 抓获;发现(某人)在干(坏事) surface: 表面,外观 所以你也就觉察不到。可觉察不到也还是会变成这样。 -Amanda:What happens? 变成哪样? -Ethan:Things end. end: 结束 走到头了呗。 Just like you knew they would. Amanda, you know how I feel about you. 就像你期望的那样 Amanda 你知道我对你感情。 There's nobody like you. 没人能替代你在我心里的位置。 You just don't want to be what I need. 可你就是不肯配合。 Well, not What I need. 好吧。不肯配合。 -Amanda:What? 什么, -Ethan:I mean, you know... You know what I mean. 我是说??你知道我的意思。 -Amanda:You know, I would never cheat on you. Not under any conditions. cheat on: 对?感情不忠 condi 我永远都不会欺骗你,不管出了什么事。 -Ethan: And neither would I, okay? 我也不会啊,好吧? I mean, look at me, I'm down here sweating like a pig, and look at you. sweat: 流汗 瞧我啊,站在下面像头蠢猪,再看看你呢? I mean, you're the only woman on the face of the earth who breaks up with her boyfriend and doesn't even shed a tear? break up: 分手 shed: 流出 tear: 眼泪 我是说地球上再也找不出第二个你这样的女人了跟男朋友分手了一滴眼泪都没 有。 I mean, that's gotta mean something, right? gotta=have got to: 必须 我是说,这总能说明些问题吧? -Amanda:Why does it bug you so much that I can't cry? bug: 使?痛苦 我不哭你就那么痛苦吗? Oesophageal spasm. oesophageal spasm: 食道痉挛症 oesophageal: 食道管的 spasm: 痉挛 食道又痉挛了。 God, it's a big one. 上帝,这次这么厉害。 No, it's okay. I'll be all right. 我没事,一会就好了。 -Ethan: I know, I know. 知道,知道。 I'm thinking about me. 我在担心我自己。 -Amanda:Ethan, look, it's over. Ethan,听着,都结束了。 You know, we might as well be honest with each other. as well: 也 be honest with: 对...说老实话 honest: 诚实的 你也明白,咱们应该坦诚相待。 Just tell me. 告诉我。 Did you sleep with her? Just say it. 你有没有跟她睡过? 说啊。 What's the difference at this point, right? I mean, why torture me? Just... point: 点 torture: 折磨 都这样了还有什么好隐瞒的呢? 干嘛还要这么折腾我? 就?? Just put me out of my misery. misery: 痛苦,悲惨 就别让我猜来猜去的了。 God, what are we doing here? 天呐。咱们这是干嘛呀? -Ethan:Okay. 好吧 Yes, okay? I slept with her. 睡了,行吗? 我跟她睡了。 Are you happy? I've been sleeping with her. She's in love with me. She's young. 你满意了? 我跟她睡过,她很年轻,还爱上我了。 Look, this is not a proud moment for me. I mean, you should just know that. proud: 骄傲的,自豪的 听着,我并不是以此为荣,但我想你应该知道。 Amanda! Amanda! -Amanda:Did you say am I happy? 你刚才问我满意了吧? -Ethan: I didn't mean that. 我不是那个意思。 You know, you get me nuts sometimes. I say things I don't mean. nuts: 发狂的,疯的 你有时候弄得我真不知道该怎么办,我就随口那么说了。
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