首页 27工程项目合同交接与评审管理办法



27工程项目合同交接与评审管理办法27工程项目合同交接与评审管理办法 工程项目合同交接与评审管理办法 1 总 则 1.1 目的: 为规范工程项目合同管理工作,保证工程项目技术资料的完整性,确保中标工程项目在开工之前,能全面、准确地理解合同条款,规避和减少合同执行过程中的风险,维护企业信誉和合法权益以及创造良好的经济效益。结合总公司的实际情况,特制定本办法。 1.2 使用总公司资质并由公司组织投标的工程项目,由公司组织评审。由各子/分公司用总公司资质承揽或用子公司资质中标的工程项目,中标价值在三亿 由总公司组织评审;中标价值在三亿元以下的工程...

27工程项目 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 交接与评审管理办法 工程项目合同交接与评审管理办法 1 总 则 1.1 目的: 为 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 工程项目合同管理工作,保证工程项目技术资料的完整性,确保中标工程项目在开工之前,能全面、准确地理解合同条款,规避和减少合同执行过程中的风险,维护企业信誉和合法权益以及创造良好的经济效益。结合总公司的实际情况,特制定本办法。 1.2 使用总公司资质并由公司组织投标的工程项目,由公司组织评审。由各子/分公司用总公司资质承揽或用子公司资质中标的工程项目,中标价值在三亿 由总公司组织评审;中标价值在三亿元以下的工程项及三亿元以上的工程项目, 目由各子/分公司自行组织评审。 1.3 子/分公司可参照总公司合同评审管理办法执行,可根据实际情况制定本单位的合同评审管理办法。 2 管理职责 2.1 总公司分管领导 主持合同的交接工作。负责组织有关部门和参建单位对中标工程项目的工程合同进行评审,并签署最终评审意见。 2.2 总公司经营部 牵头组织合同的交接工作。参与合同评审工作。 2.3 总公司财务部 参与合同交接和评审工作。负责对工程项目的成本目标和资金 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 做出评估。 2.4 总公司技术部 参与合同交接和评审工作。对工程项目的技术难点进行评审。 质部、人事部、法律室 2.5 安 参与合同交接和评审工作。根据各部门职责和工程项目情况,提出评审意见。 2.6 总公司项目部 参与合同评审,并负责补充合同的评审工作。 2.7 总公司工程部 是合同评审管理的归口部门。负责招投标文件及合同的存档工作。根据合同评审意见,起草合同评审报告。负责合同评审报告的建档工作。 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 2.8 各子/分公司 2.8.1 负责子/分公司组织投标项目的合同交接工作。将使用总公司资质中标、子公司资质中标价值在5000万以上的工程项目招投标文件及合同移交总公司工程部。 2.8.2 参与总公司组织的合同评审工作。 2.8.3 负责由本单位的合同评审工作,并编写合同评审报告,并报公司工程管理中心。 2.8.4 根据本单位的实际情况,制定或补充必要的合同管理和评审办法。 3 合同交接与评审流程图 工程项目中标 招投标文件及合同交接 施工调查 成立合同评审小组 实施合同评审 编制合同评审报告 主管领导签署意见 分发报告 存档 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 4 合同交接与评审时间 4.1 合同交接时间 招投标文件及合同交接工作一般在接到工程项目中标 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 书一周之内完成。 4.2 合同评审时间 合同评审应在施工调查之后和工程开工之前完成。 5 合同交接 5.1 合同交接内容 5.1.1 工程承发包合同文本。 5.1.2 招标文件及投标商务和报价。包括招标文件、投标书及投标书附录(含补遗书、答疑书、要求投标人澄清、补充的确认资料)。(报价部分包括软件操作电子版) 5.1.3 标前合同评审报告 5.2 合同交接程序 5.2.1 由总公司经营部牵头组织相关部门进行合同交接工作。交接前将招投标文件和合同移交给总公司工程部和参与交接的相关部门。(承发包合同移交总公司工程部、档案科和法律事务室各一份) 5.2.2 由总公司经营部根据招投标文件、投标书和承发包合同,介绍招投标情况以及投标项目存在的不平衡报价、潜在风险、成本预测以及有利条件等。 6 合同评审 6.1 合同评审依据 6.1.1 承发包合同,包括施工合同专用条款、通用条款及工程量清单。 6.1.2 招投标文件。 6.1.3 投标书及其附件。 6.1.4 设计文件和图纸. 6.1.5 施工调查报告(包括有关市场信息)。 6.1.6 标前合同评审报告(包括企业管理层的投标决策意见)。 6.2 合同评审程序 6.2.1 工程项目中标并进行施工调查后,由标后主管领导组织相关部门成立中标合同评审小组,对中标项目的合同进行评审。 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 6.2.2 合同评审小组根据合同评审内容,对招标文件提出的人员、设备、物资、资金、质量、安全、工期、违约奖罚等条件,逐一进行合同评审,并对各施工单位提出指导性意见和需加强的防范措施。 6.2.3 根据评审小组的意见,形成合同评审报告和填报合同评审表,由主管领导在合同评审表上签署意见后,发送相关领导和部门。 6.2.4 总公司所管项目的补充合同,由项目部根据业主提出的补充合同条件进行评审,并写出合同评审报告上报公司工程部。 6.3 合同评审内容及评审意见 6.3.1 合同评审内容 1) 合同操作程序、合同的商务条款及执行要求以及合同的有效性; 2) 合同主体的权利和义务; 3) 发包单位的信誉; 4) 资金到位情况; 5) 成本目标和利润率; 6) 施工环境和条件; 7) 标后工程项目所配置的人员、设备的可行性,以及主要 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 和周转材料需求量; 8) 合同价款及支付方式; 9) 项目风险预测及防范对策; 10) 项目有利条件并如何合理利用; 11) 变更设计和清算索赔方式。 以上合同评审条款中, 5)、7)、8)条必须做定量分析,其余条款根据评审资料的详细程度做出定量分析或定性分析。 6.3.2 合同评审意见 工程项目进行评审后,在各种资源能保证工程顺利完成的条件下,按照利润率进行工程项目等级评定,具体评定标准如下:?利润率在10%(含)以上,属A级;?利润率在10%,5%(含)范围内,属B级;?利润率在5%,2%(含)范围内,属C级;?利润率在2%,0%(含)范围内,属D级;?利润率在0%以下,属E级,?利润率在-2%以下,属F级。 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 7 附 则 7.1 本办法由总公司工程部负责解释。 7.2 本办法自发布之日起实行。 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 合 同 评 审 表 评审单位: 评审项目 主 持 人 日 期 参评人员: 评审意见: 审批意见: 审批人: Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good,
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