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象山二中期末练习卷1象山二中期末练习卷1 象山二中期末练习卷(一) 一、选择题(共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。在每小题只有一项是最符合题目要求的) 下图为太阳辐射量的纬度分布示意图。有效总辐射量是 考虑了大气和云的减弱之后到达地面的太阳辐射,据此回答 1,2题 。 1(云量最多的地区是 A(赤道 B(北纬20? C(北纬40? D(北纬60? 2(影响大气上界总辐射量分布的主要因素是 A(大气云量 B(大气厚度 C(太阳高度 D(通过的大气路径答案 下图为我国台湾岛沿地质剖面图,完成3,4题。 东 西部山麓带...

象山二中期末练习卷1 象山二中期末练习卷(一) 一、选择 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 (共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。在每小题只有一项是最符合题目要求的) 下图为太阳辐射量的纬度分布示意图。有效总辐射量是 考虑了大气和云的减弱之后到达地面的太阳辐射,据此回答 1,2题 。 1(云量最多的地区是 A(赤道 B(北纬20? C(北纬40? D(北纬60? 2(影响大气上界总辐射量分布的主要因素是 A(大气云量 B(大气厚度 C(太阳高度 D(通过的大气路径 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 下图为我国台湾岛沿地质剖面图,完成3,4题。 东 西部山麓带 中央山脉 海岸山脉 T 西部沿海平原 海面 沉积岩 沉积岩 岩浆岩 变质岩 板岩 新 老 3(该岛屿上变质岩主要分布在东部的主要原因是 A(断层发育比西部多,岩层受地壳的水平运动影响大 B(断层发育比西部少,岩层受地壳的垂直运动影响大 C(位于板块消亡边界附近,受岩浆活动和岩层挤压影响大 D(位于板块生长边界附近,受岩浆活动和岩层拉张影响大 4(图中中央山脉的物种非常丰富,其主要原因是 A(沿岸暖流,增温增湿 B(纬度较低,相对高度大 C(东南季风,带来水汽 D(地壳活跃,生物活动多 2014年12月22日正午,户外运动爱好者小王站在B地,顺着索道AB正好看到刺眼的 specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59-99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two-layer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction site must be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1) 太阳,小王利用携带的装备得知其所在纬度为36.5?N。读图回答5,6题。 5(索道AB的实际长度大约是 A(400米 B(462米 C(693米 D(800米 6(图中河流C的流向大致是 A(自东向西 B(自西向东 C(自南向北 D(自北向南 读世界咖啡主要产地分布图,回答7,8题。 7(由图中咖啡地的分布可知,影响其分布的主导因素是 A(热量 B(地形 C(水分 D(土壤 8(在人类影响下,美国咖啡种植的最北界线已经比图中的标注北移了,造成此现象的原因是 A(交通 B(科技 C(政策 D(市场 2015年1月,美国东北部遭受了历史上 a N 最强暴雪的袭击。下图为1月27日北美部, c b 分地区天气形势图。完成9,10题。 9(图中等压线a、b、c的数值大小关系是 A(a>b>c B(c>a>b 1016 1024 等压线 1030 C(a 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 为世界甲、乙两国主要工业区要素成本比较表。回答18,19题。 要素成本 甲国某工业区 乙国某工业区 3l point: (1)fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, contro-nstruction site must be equipped with adequate firethe const fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) on of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system agaientationstruction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implemrocedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at clayer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer p-ith twotruction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft wf consied requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds oion, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specif99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erect-specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59 劳动力,美元/小时, 22.50 7.00 土地,美元/平方英尺, 1.30-4.55 11.15-17.29 电力,人民币元/千瓦时, 0.41 1.00 18(甲国可向乙国转移 A(炼铝工业 B(普通服装工业 C(飞机制造工业 D(石油化学工业 19(针对表中乙国出现的各种要素成本问题,乙国工业区需 A(承接产业转移 B(扩大用地面积 C(发展高耗能产业 D(调整产业结构 读“北美(美国和加拿大)小麦和玉米主要产区分布示意图”,完成第20,21题。 20(北美小麦和玉米集中产区不具有的条件是 A(国际市场广阔 B(交通便利 C(人口稠密,劳动力丰富 D(技术装备好 21(该农业地域类型具有的特点是 ?机械化程度高 ?商品率很高 ?主要分布在发展中国家 ?集中在大城市周围 ?耗费能源多 A(??? B(??? C(??? D(??? 2015年初,以销售优质、低价名牌商品的奥特莱斯大型购物中心落户我国某城市。据图完成22,23题。 22(影响图中奥特莱斯购物中心分布的主要因素是 A. 交通条件 B.消费市场 C. 土地价格 D.气候条件 23(关于此购物中心的叙述,错误的是 4nteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1)fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guara-ite must be equipped with adequate fireust be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction sards m: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire haznd to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of pointssite aemolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction in a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, dlayer with-erials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two(2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction matl care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. 99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, specia-n the JGJ59specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance i A. 商业效益高 B. 服务范围大 C. 网点数量多 D.服务等级高 读“极地投影图”,图中ACB线是晨昏线,其中AC段是昏线,C点的纬度数值是 66?34′,据此回答24,25题。 24(图示时刻北半球的节气为 A(春分 B(夏至 C(秋分 D(冬至 25(图示时刻,北京时间为 A(6:00 B(8:00 C(12:00 D(20:00 象山二中期末练习卷(一)答题卷 一、选择题(共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。在每小题只有一项是最符合题目要求的) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 答案 题号 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 答案 二、非选择题(本大题有四小题,共50分) 26((10分)印度尼西亚是世界上最大的群岛国家,河流众多而短小,渔业资源丰富。根据下列材料,结合所学知识,完成下列题。 材料一 印度尼西亚地理位置示意图。 5l point: (1)fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, contro-nstruction site must be equipped with adequate firethe const fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) on of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system agaientationstruction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implemrocedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at clayer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer p-ith twotruction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft wf consied requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds oion, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specif99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erect-specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59 材料二 爪哇岛地处板块边界上。北部是平原。南部是熔岩高原和山地,山间多宽广盆地,是世界上雷雨最多、土壤最肥沃、人口密度最高的地区之一。 (1)印度尼西亚大约四分之三的陆地位于_____半球,主要气候类型是_______ _。(2分) (2)爪哇岛附近海域是世界上发生________地质灾害频率最高的地区之一。此灾害有可能引发破坏性极大的海啸。引起海啸的另一种气象灾害是 。(2分) (3)爪哇岛是世界上雷雨最多的地区之一,其原因是_______ _ 、_______ _ 、 _______ _ 。(3分) (4)简述爪哇岛种植业可持续发展的主要措施。(3分) 27((10分)根据下列资料,完成下列问题。 材料一 我国某区域简图 材料二 2010年8月7日22点,甘肃甘南藏族自治 州舟曲县发生特大泥石流。死亡人数高达1 364人, 失踪401人。自然灾害不断为我们敲响警钟。 (1)图示区域冬春季节城市大气污染严重,其主要 原因有 、 、 。(3分) (2)图中A河流河水的主要补给来源是 ,并简述该河流的水文特征。(4分) 6nteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1)fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guara-ite must be equipped with adequate fireust be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction sards m: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire haznd to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of pointssite aemolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction in a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, dlayer with-erials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two(2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction matl care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. 99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, specia-n the JGJ59specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance i (3)试分析舟曲一带泥石流多发的原因。(3分) 28((15分)根据下列材料及图示,完成下列问题。 材料一:世界某区域略图,左图,和M、N两地气温统计图,右图,。 山脉 河流 ? 黑 42? 20 里 海 海 M 10 N M 巴库 N 0 40? 1 4 7 10 月 42? 46? 材料二:巴库为阿塞拜疆,1922年加入前苏联~1991年独立,的首都~该市居民有多个民族~主要有阿塞拜疆、亚美尼亚、俄罗斯和犹太族~其中俄罗斯族人口在19世纪末约为4万人~到1939年达35万~目前降至约10万左右。20世纪初巴库油田是世界上产量最大的油田之一。 (1)从形态和流向角度简述虚框内区域河流的水系特征,并简析其成因。(4分) (2)简述M、N两地气温的主要差异并简析其原因。(4分) (3)简析巴库俄罗斯族人口数量变化明显的主要原因。(4分) 7l point: (1)fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, contro-nstruction site must be equipped with adequate firethe const fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) on of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system agaientationstruction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implemrocedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at clayer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer p-ith twotruction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft wf consied requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds oion, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specif99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erect-specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59 (4)简述油田开发对巴库产业结构的影响。(3分) 29((15分)阅读图文资料,回答下列问题。 材料一 长江三角洲局部区域图,图1,。 南通 图 例 32º 城 市 长 无锡 铁路线 崇明岛 江 苏州 水 域 口 上海 31º 湖州 嘉兴 湾 州 杭 杭州 30º 绍兴 舟山 宁波 120º 121º 122º 29题图1 材料二 波音公司与中国商飞签署了关于在中国建立737飞机完工中心的合作文件,双方将共同出资建立合资公司。该项目是中美两国航空工业企业的高等级合作,标志着波音公司与中国企业的合作层次进一步提升,同时也是波音公司首次将其总装生产系统的一部分延伸到海外。波音决定在中国设厂,这家工厂将是波音在美国境外的第一个工厂,很可能落户浙江省舟山市的朱家尖。 材料三 产业相似度是指不同地区产业结构的相似程度~产业完全一样~其相似度为1。 图2为1997—2011年长三角地区产业相似度变化图。 相似度 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 8nteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1)fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guara-ite must be equipped with adequate fireust be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction sards m: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire haznd to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of pointssite aemolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction in a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, dlayer with-erials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two(2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction matl care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. 99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, specia-n the JGJ59specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance i 0.6 年份 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 29题图2 (1)分析崇明岛南北两岸沉积作用的差异。(4分) (2)说明地形因素对加快长江三角洲地区城市化进程的有利影响。(3分) (3)根据材料二,简述波音总装厂落户舟山的区位优势。(3分) (4)简述长江三角洲地区产业相似度特征,分析其对经济发展的有利影响。(5分) 答 案1 一、选择题(共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。在每小题只有一项是最符合题目要求的) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 答案 A C C B D B A B C A D B B 题号 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 答案 A D B A B D C D A C B D 二、非选择题(本大题有四小题,共50分) 26((10分)(1)南 热带雨林气候(2分) (2)地震 台风(飓风)(2分) 9l point: (1)fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guaranteed in good condition. 2, contro-nstruction site must be equipped with adequate firethe const fire hazards must be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) on of points: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system agaientationstruction site and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implemrocedures, demolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at clayer within a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer p-ith twotruction materials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft wf consied requirements. (2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds oion, dismantling, special care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specif99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erect-specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance in the JGJ59 (3)原因:?地处热带;?周围水域广阔;?空气对流强烈;?地形复杂。(每点1分,写出3点即可) (4)措施:?加强农田基础设施建设,防治水土流失;?合理利用土地资源,推行生态模式,优化种植结构;?加强科技研发、应用与推广;?提升产业化水平,延长产业链。(每点1分,写出3点即可) 27((10分)(1)冬春季节气温低,燃煤取暖;多风沙天气;城市地处谷地,污染物不易扩散。 (3分) (2)补给来源:高山冰雪融水。(1分)水文特征:流量小;汛期短且主要集中于夏季;冬季断流(下游为季节河);含沙量大。(每点1分,写出3点即可) (3)地形崎岖,地表起伏大;地壳活动强烈,岩石破碎;季风气候,暴雨集中;地表植被覆盖率低。(每点1分,写出3点即可) 28((15分)(1)形态特点:水网密集,纵横交错。主要原因:地势低洼,人工开挖(2分) 流向:南北两边向中间流。主要原因:地势南北两边高,中间低(2分) (2)M地冬季气温高于N地(或全年气温高于N地);M地气温年较差较小。(2分) 原因:冬季M受暖湿西风影响;(1分)东北侧有山脉阻挡冷空气入侵,气温较高(1分)(或N地受大陆气团影响更加明显,气温较低) (3)吸引人口迁入的原因:石油资源开发;阿塞拜疆加入前苏联,(2分);导致人口迁出 的原因:阿塞拜疆独立(1分);其他原因:临近俄罗斯,便于迁移;人口迁移政策比 较宽松等(1分,其他答案合理可酌情给分)。 (4)第二产业比重上升;促进石油等相关工业发展,导致第二产业中重工业比重上升;促进第三产业发展,第三产业比重上升(3分)。 29((15分)(1)长江向东流;在地转偏向力作用下向南偏转;崇明岛南侧水流速度较快,沉积作用较弱;北侧水流速度较慢,沉积作用较强(4分)。 (2)长江三角洲地区地形平坦,城市基础设施建设成本低、技术难度小;有利于城市人口集聚;地形开阔,便于城市用地规模的扩大(写出3点即可,言之有理即可给分)。 (3)港口优势,便于设备运输;临近机场,便于飞机起降;属于长三角地区,生产协作条件好;技术力量雄厚;国家政策的支持(写出3点即可,言之有理即可给分)。 (4)长江三角洲地区(或江苏与浙江之间)产业相似度高(或较高);相似度逐渐下降(2分)。 观点1:相似度高有利。可以充分发挥产业的区域集聚优势,提高产业竞争力;有利于区域产业的协作和联系(3分)。 或观点2:相似度下降有利。能减轻技术、资源等的相互间封锁和恶性竞争;利于地区间产业的互补和合作(3分)。 10nteed in good condition. 2, control point: (1)fighting equipment, is maintained by the project safety, management, regular updates, guara-ite must be equipped with adequate fireust be immediately eliminated. (2) the project to establish volunteer fire brigade, normal activities. (3) the construction sards m: (1) led group under the leadership of the fire, found according to key parts of the fire protection system against fire haznd to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction work is an important part of safety. 1, the implementation of pointssite aemolition of a large scaffolding with programme, and approved before implementation. Fire safety fire safety at construction in a quarantine or every 10m the provision of a safety net. (4) facilities available to coordinate and transfer procedures, dlayer with-erials, and avoid overloading. (3) tube, well within the scaffolding must be protection in place, no foot shaft with two(2) when used according to the provisions of the load required to use, it is forbidden to place all kinds of construction matl care. (5) checks on a regular basis. 2, control point: (1) the material must comply with the specified requirements. 99. (3) workers built a shelf arrangement through the training. (4) set up warning flags of the erection, dismantling, specia-n the JGJ59specification erection and scaffolding inspection score requirements for acceptance i
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