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饭店服务英语800句饭店服务英语800句 PART ONE 前厅部 Front office Department UNIT 1 客房预订 Room Reservation ? 欢迎问候 Welcome 1( Good morning(afternoon, evening), sir(madam). 早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。 2( How do you do? 您好~(初次见面时) 3( Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到您。 4( How are you? 您好吗, 5( Fine...

饭店服务英语800句 PART ONE 前厅部 Front office Department UNIT 1 客房预订 Room Reservation ? 欢迎问候 Welcome 1( Good morning(afternoon, evening), sir(madam). 早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。 2( How do you do? 您好~(初次见面时) 3( Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到您。 4( How are you? 您好吗, 5( Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢。您也好吧, 6( Welcome to our hotel(restaurant, shop). 欢迎到我们饭店(餐厅、商店)来。 7( Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel. 愿您在我们饭店住得愉快。 8( I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们饭店住得愉快。(客人刚入店时) ( I hope you are enjoying your stay with us. 9 希望您在我们饭店住得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间) 10( I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆住得愉快。(客人离店时) 11( Have a good time! 祝您过得愉快~ ?关于日期 About Date 12( When for? 您哪天要这个房间, 13( For what dates? 您要订哪天的房, 14( Which date would that be? 那是哪一天, 15( Is it just for tonight? 只订今天一个晚上吗, 16( When do you need the room? 您什么时候需要房间, 17( What time will you be here? 您什么时间入住, 18( For how long? 您要住多久, 19( For how many nights? 您要住几个晚上, 20( How long do you plan to stay? 您打算住多久, 21( How long will you be staying? equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 您要住多久, ? 接电话 Receiving a Telephone Call 22( Hold on, please. I’ll check it up for you. 请稍等,我给您查一下。 23( Hold the line, please. I’ll check the room availabilities for those dates. 请别挂电话,我查一下那几天的预订情况。 24( Thank you for waiting. 谢谢您耐心等待。 25( Sorry to have kept you wating. 对不起,让您久等了。 ? 关于房间 About Room 26( What kind of room would you like? 您想要什么样的房间, 27( Would you like a single or a double room? 您想要单人间还是双人间, 28( We have deluxe suites, deluxe double rooms, twin-bed rooms with bath and single room. Which do you prefer? 我们这儿的房型有豪华套间、豪华双人间、带浴室标准双人间和单人间,您要哪一种, 29( Which do you prefer, a double room with bath or a twin-bed room with bath? 您是要带浴室的双人间还是要带浴室的标准间, 30( Would you like a room with a front view or a near view? 您是要临街的还是背街的房间, 31( How many people will there be in your party? 请问您有几位, 32( How many rooms would you like? 您想要几个房间, ? 关于付款方式 About Payment 33( How will you be paying? 您将如何付款, 34( How would you like to make payment? 您打算以何种方式付款, 35( Who will be paying the bill? 谁将支付费用, 36( Is the company willing to cover all the expenses? 公司是否愿意支付所有费用, 37( Which company do you work for? 您为哪个公司工作, 38( You’ll have to send us a deposit of 1000 RMB Yuan. 您需要寄给我们1000元人民币的押金。 ? 关于费用 About Cost 39( For a single room the price would be 400 RMB Yuan. 单人间的价格是400元人民币。 40( A double room costs 550 RMB Yuan. 一间双人间价格是550元人民币。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 41( Breakfast is also included. 早餐也包括在内。 42( The total cost would be 1800 RMB Yuan. 全部费用是1800元人民币。 43( The rate includes three full meals. 此价格包括三顿正餐。 44( We’ll give you 10 percent off. 我们可以给您打九折。 45( I can give you 15 percent discount. 我可以给您15%的折扣。 ? 关于抵达日期和时间 About Arrival Date and Time 46( What time will you be arriving? 您将何时到达, 47( Will you be arriving before 8 a.m. ? 您是在上午8:00前到达吗, 48( Will you be arriving after 4 p.m. ? 您是在下午4点之后到达吗, 49( Will you be coming by plane? 您将乘飞机来吗, 50( Could you give me your flight number, please, in case the plane is late? 能把您的航班号告诉我吗,怕万一出现飞机晚点的情况。 51( Could I have the flight number and arrival time? 请将您的航班号和到达时间告诉我,好吗, ? 关于客人姓名和联系地址 About Guests’ Name and Address 52( Could you give me your name, please? 请问您贵姓, 53( May I have your name and initials, please? 请问您的姓名和名字的首写字母是什么, 54( Who’s the reservation for? 您为谁预订房间, 55( What’s your address, please, 请告诉我您的地址,好吗, ? 预订确认 Confirming a Reservation 56( Your reservation is confirmed. 您的预订被确认了。 57( You can have the room then. 届时您可以入住预订的房间。 58( We have single rooms available on those dates. 那几天我们有空闲的单人房。 thth59( I can book you a double room for the 16 and 17. 我可以为您在16、17日订一个双人房。 ? 预订没有被确认 The Reservation Is Not Confirmed 60( We don’t have any single rooms available. Would you mind a double room instead? 我们没有单人房了,双人房行吗, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 61( I cannot let you have one on the fourth floor. 我无法在四楼为您安排一间房。 thth62( Unfortunately, we’re fully booked for the 25, but we can guarantee you a room for the 26. 很遗憾,25号那天房间全部订满,但26号我可以保证为您留一间房。 thth63( I’m sorry, I can’t book you a room for the 7 and 8.、 对不起,我无法为您订7号和8号的房间。 64( We’re booked solid for all kinds of rooms on that night. 那天所有的客房全部订满。 65( If there isn’t any room, we can get you on a waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel. 如没有空房间,我们可以记下您的名字,一旦有空房间就给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个 房间。 66( This is the busiest season. I’m very sorry, but could you call us again later this week? We may have a cancellation. 现在是旅游旺季,很抱歉,请您在这周后几天再打电话过来好吗,也许会有人取消预订。 67( Is it possible for you to change your reservation date? We do have rooms available on the following day. 您可以改变您的预订日期吗,我们第二天就有空房了。 ? 关于酒店情况 About the Hotel 68( Our hotel is a 4-star hotel with good reputation. 我们是一家信誉良好的四星级酒店。 69( Our hotel is beautifully situated. 我们酒店环境优美。 70( Our hotel is located in the center of the city. 我们饭店位于市中心。 71( Our hotel is close to the business district. 我们饭店靠近商业区。 72( Our hotel is near the downtown area. 我们饭店靠近市区繁华地带。 73( It takes only 15 minutes’ drive from our hotel to the airport. 从我们饭店开车去机场只需15分钟。 74( Our hotel is conveniently situated, only minutes from banks, shopping centers and major attractions. 我们饭店地理位置优越,靠近银行、商场和主要景点。 75( Our hotel is very modern and comfortable. 我们酒店服务设施先进,环境舒适。 76( There are 500 rooms in our hotel. 我们酒店有500间客房。 77( We offer baby-sitting service. 我们提供保姆服务。 78( No guests are allowed to bring pets or animals into the hotel. 客人不得携带宠物或其他动物进入饭店。 79( Our hotel faces the sea. 我们饭店面朝大海。 80( You can have a bird’s-eye view of the city on the top of our hotel. 在我们饭店顶楼您可以鸟瞰整个城市。 81( You can overlook a beautiful park in your room. 在房间您就可以看到一个美丽的公园。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power ? 期待客人的到来 Looking Forward to Guests’ Arrival 82( We look forward to seeing you. 我们恭候您的光临。 83( We’ll be expecting you next Monday. 我们下星期一见。 UNIT 2 登记入住 Check-in ? 有预定客人登记入住 Receiving Guests with a Reservation 84( Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎下榻我们饭店。 85( Do you have a reservation with us? 您有预订吗, 86( That was a single room, wasn’t it? 您预订的是一间单人房,对吗, 87( Will you register, please? 请您登记。 88( Would you register individually, please? 请你们分开登记,好吗, 89( Will you complete the registration form, please? 请您填写登记 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 。 90( Please fill in the registration form. 请填写登记表。 91( Could you please put your nationality here? 请将您的国籍写在这儿。 92( Could I ask you to put your name in block capitals? 请用大写字母书写您的名字。 93( What’s your occupation, please? 请问您的职业, 94( What’s your address in your native country, please? 请问您在贵国的地址是什么, 95( Sign here, please? 请在这儿签名。 96( Could you sign your name, please? 请您签名。 97( May I see your passport? 可以看看您的护照吗, 98( Your passport, please? 请出示护照。 99( Have you got any identification? 您有什么可以证明您身份的证件吗, 100( Show me your ID card, please? 请出示您的身份证件。 101( We have a room reserved for you. 我们有您预订的房间。 102( Here’s your room card. 这是您的房卡。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 103( Here’s your room key. 这是您的房间钥匙。 104( Could you keep your room key until you check out? 请您在住店期间自己保管钥匙,直到离店。 th105( Your room number is 1508, on the 15 floor. 您的房间是1508,在十五层。 106( A bellboy will show you to your room. 行李员会带您去您的房间。 107( Please take Mr. White’s suitcase up to Room 1508, will you? 请帮怀特先生拿行李,带他到1508房间。 108( The elevator is over there, on your right. 电梯在那儿,您的右手边。 109( Enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们这儿住得愉快。 110( Have a nice day! 祝您愉快~ ? 入住纠纷 Check-in Dispute 111( What name was it, please? 请问您以什么名字预订的房间, 112( In whose name was the reservation made? 请问房间预订在谁的名下, 113( Who made the reservation, please? 请问谁做的预订, 114( When did you make the reservation? 请问您什么时候订的房, 115( When was it made? 什么时候订的, 116( What was the date of the reservation? 请问您预订房间的日期。 117( From which country? 从哪个国家, 118( Do you remember the name of the reservation clerk? 您还记得接待您的服务员的名字吗, 119( Can you spell that for me, please? 请您拼写一下,好吗, 120( How do you spell your name, please? 请问怎么拼写您的名字, 121( I’m sorry, but I haven’t got any record of that. 对不起,我们这里没有您预订的记录。 122( I’m sorry, but there is no record of that. 对不起,我们没有您预订的记录。 123( I’m sorry, we have no record of a reservation in your name. 对不起,没有以您的名字预订的记录。 124( Do you have a fax confirming the reservation? 您收到过确认预订的传真吗, 125( The room may have been reserved in the name of the person who made the reservation. 房间可能预订在为您做预订的那人的名下了。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power ? 房间还没准备好 When the Room Is Not Ready 126( I’m afraid your room is not ready yet. Would you mind waiting a moment, please? We are very sorry for the inconvenience. 恐怕您的房间还没收拾好,请您稍等一会儿,好吗,给您带来不便,真对不起。 ? 换房间或者延长预订时间 Changing Rooms or Extending a Reservation 127( We’ll extend the reservation for you. 我们可以为您延长预订时间。 128( We’ll make the change for you. 我们可以给您换个房间。 129( You may keep the room till 3 p.m., if you like. 如果您愿意,可以将房间保留到下午三点。 130( By how many nights do you wish to extend? 您希望延长几个晚上, 131( If you weren’t so heavily booked, we would let you stay in the room till 4 p.m. free of charge. 如果不是因为我们房间紧张,我们可以免费让您在房间呆到下午四点。 132( We’ve got a full house, so if you really want to keep your room this afternoon, we’ll have to charge you 50% of the price. 我们客房很紧,如果您确实需要再住一个下午,恐怕我们要向您收50%的房费。 133( The hotel is full and there’ll be someone taking your room. We’ll keep your luggage if you like. 我们饭店现已客满,您的房间有人要住进去。如果您愿意,我们可以为您保管行李。 134( I’m afraid you’ll have to vacate your room by 11. I must apologize for the inconvenience. 非常抱歉,恐怕您得在11点以前搬出房间。给您带来不便,我深表歉意。 135( Your room has been booked for tomorrow. Would you mind changing rooms? 您的房间明晚已预订给别人了。请您换个房间,好吗, UNIT 3 行李生服务 Bellboy Service 136( The reception desk is just over there. This way, please. 总台就在那儿,这边请。 137( Let me help you with your baggage. 我来帮您拿行李。 138( How many pieces of baggage do you have in all? 您一共有几件行李, 139( I’ll show you up to your room. 我来领您去房间。 140( Is this your first time to stay in our hotel? 您是第一次住我们饭店吗, 141( May I have a look at your room card? 让我看一下您的房卡,好吗, 142( Here we are. 我们到了。 143( After you, sir. 先生,您先请。 144( Here is Room 1508. May I have your key? 1508房到了,请您把钥匙给我。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 145( I’m sure you’ll like your room. 您肯定会喜欢您的房间的。 146( If you need anything, just call the reception. The number is 0. 如有什么需要,请拨0与总台联系。 147( The bathroom is here on the left. And here is the closet. 左边是盥洗室,这儿是壁橱。 148( If you need anything, please refer to the hotel services directory. 如需要什么,请参阅饭店服务指南。 149( Please leave your laundry in the laundry bag. 请将要洗的衣服放在洗衣袋里。 150( Do you need a wake-up call in the morning? 您早晨需要叫早吗, 151( The coffee shop is open 24 hours. 咖啡厅24小时营业。 152( Here’s our hotel card. You can show it to the taxi driver. 这是我们酒店的名片。您可以把它向出租车司机出示。 153( There is a souvenir shop on the second floor. 二楼有一间纪念品店。 154( You can either take a taxi or take bus No. 1 to go there. 您可以乘出租车或1路公共汽车去那里。 155( There are many scenic spots in our city. 我们这座城市有很多风景点。 156( I’ll call a taxi for you. 我帮您叫部出租车。 UNIT 4 问讯处 Information Desk 157( Can I take a message for you? 您要留言吗, 158( Would you like to leave a message? 您想留言吗, 159( I’m sorry, he is out. He won’t be back until six. 对不起,他出去了,得到六点钟才回来。 160( I’m afraid I we don’t know at what time he left the hotel. 抱歉,我们不知道他什么时候离开饭店的。 161( I’m afraid he has already checked out. 对不起,他已经结账退房了。 162( I’m sorry, he left yesterday. 对不起,他昨天就退房了。 163( I’m sorry, he left for Beijing this morning. 对不起,他今天早晨刚刚离开去北京了。 164( I’m afraid he has cancelled his reservation. 抱歉,他取消了预订。 165( I’m sorry, there’s no such a person here. Is he a hotel guest? 对不起,没有这么个人,他住我们酒店吗, 166( I’m sorry, I can’t find his name on the register list. 对不起,我在客人登记表上找不到他的名字。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 167( I’m afraid he isn’t staying in our hotel. 恐怕他没住我们酒店。 168( I’m afraid there is no guest with that name. but we have a guest with a similar name. Would that be him? 抱歉,这里没有客人叫这个名字,但我们有位客人的名字和这个名字相似,会不会是他, 169( I’m afraid he is out for the day. Could you call again later, please? 恐怕他整个白天都不在,您能不能晚些时候再打电话过来, 170( Would you leave a message? We’ll inform him when he comes back. 您要不要留言,等他回来时我们可以转告他。 171( I’m afraid we can only take simple message. 抱歉,我们只能转达简短的口信。 172( What’s your telephone number in case he wants to call you? 请问您的电话号码是多少,也许他想给您打电话。 173( What’s your phone number in case he has forgotten? 请问您的电话号码是多少,万一他不记得您的电话号码了。 174( I’ll repeat your message. 我来重复一下您的留言。 175( Is that the message? 这就是您的留言吗, 176( There is a message for you from Mr. James Brown. He called at 4:40 p.m. and asked you to call him back as soon as you returned. His number is 6595-1122. 这是詹姆斯?布朗先生给您的留言,他下午4:40打电话来让您一回来就给回电话,他的号码 是6595-1122。 177( Mr. Green is here for his appointment. 格林先生来赴约了。 178( There is a gentleman by the name of Smith who wants to see you. 有一位叫史密斯的先生 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 见您。 179( There is a Mr. Black who wants to see you. Shall I ask him to go up? 有一位布莱克先生要求见您,我请他上去吗, 180( He is meeting somebody. He can’t see you right now. 他在会见客人,现在不能见您。 181( I’m afraid you can’t see her right now. She is at the hairdresser’s. 恐怕这会儿您不能马上见到她,她在美发厅呢。 182( He asked us to tell you to meet him in the coffee shop. 他让转告您,他将在咖啡厅和您见面。 UNIT 5 总机服务 Switchboard Operator 183( Who is speaking, please? 请问您是哪位, 184( May I ask who is calling, please? 请问是哪位, 185( This is Mr. Li speaking. 我是李先生。 186( Mr. Clark speaking. Who is calling, please? 我是克拉克先生,请问您是哪位, 187( May I speak to Mr. Brown, please? equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 请问布朗先生在吗, 188( There are two Mr. Browns in the hotel. Could you please give me his first name? 我们酒店有两位姓布朗的先生,您能告诉我您要找的那位先生的名字吗, 189( Would you put me through to the Front Desk? 请帮我转前台。 190( I beg your pardon? 请再说一遍。 191( Hold on, please. 请稍等。 192( Please hold the line while I try to connect you. 请别挂线,我来给您接通。 193( Mr. Wang, you’re through. Mr. Li’s number is ringing. 王先生,电话接通了。李先生的电话响了。 194( Could you hold on a minute? I’ll get him for you. 请稍等,我去找他来。 195( Mr. Brown, phone call for you. 布朗先生,您的电话。 196( Mr. Brown, you’re wanted on the phone. 布朗先生,有您的电话。 197( Sorry, the line is busy. 对不起,电话占线。 198( The line is engaged. 占线。 199( The line is dead. 电话掉线了。 200( The line has been cut off. 电话中断了。 201( The line has been disconnected. 电话中断了。 202( I’ve been connected to the wrong party. Could you reconnect me, please? 刚才搞错了,重新帮我接一下,好吗, 203( There is a call for you. Shall I put him/her through? 有电话找您,用我帮您接过来吗, 204( He’s on another line now. 他在接打另一个电话。 205( He’s not in at the moment. Would you like to leave a message? 他这会儿不在,您要留言吗, 206( He’s out. Would you like to speak to someone else? 他出去了,别人接行吗, 207( He’s out on business today. 他今天因公外出了。 208( Would you call him later? 您过会儿再打给他,好吗, 209( He’s occupied at the moment. Would you mind waiting? 他这会儿正忙着。您稍等一会儿,好吗, 210( He’s not available now. 他这会儿正忙着/他这会儿不在。 211( There is no one by the name of Liu Ming here. Would you check it? equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 我们这里没有叫刘明的,请您再核对一下。 212( I’m afraid you’ve dialed the wrong number. 恐怕您打错了。 213( Sorry, wrong number. 对不起,打错了。 214( Please consult the telephone directory. 请查电话簿。 215( I’d like to place a wake-up call. 我想预订叫醒服务。 216( At what time, please? 请问几点钟, 217( At what time shall we call you? 我们几点叫醒您, 218( At what time would you like us to call you, 您希望我们几点钟叫醒您, 219( You may use the computer automatic wake-up system. 您可以使用电脑自动叫醒服务系统。 220( Please dial 5 first, then the time you want. Say 6:30, you dial 0630. Be sure there are 5 digits in the final number. 请先拨5,然后是时间。比如说6:30,您就拨0630。请确定最后显示的必须有五位数。 221( The computer will record your room number and the time automatically. 电脑会自动记录您的房间号和时间。 222( If someone calls me, will you connect him or her with my voice mail, please? 如果有人打电话找我,能否帮我接通语音留言, 223( Sorry, I can’t tell you the guest’s extension number. 对不起,我不能告诉您客人的房间电话号码。 224( The guest’s extension number is confidential. 我们客人的房间电话号码不对外公开。 225( Thanks for calling. 谢谢垂询。 226( Thank you for your calling. 谢谢您打来电话。 UNIT 6 外币兑换 Foreign Currency Exchange 227( Would you like to change some money? 您要换汇吗, 228( How would you like to change? 您想怎么换, 229( I want to change some US dollars into Chinese RMB. 我想把一些美元换成人民币。 230( How much would you like to change? 您要换多少, 231( We change foreign currencies according to today’s exchange rate. 我们根据今天的外汇牌价来兑换外币。 232( Our buying rate for notes is 821 RMB Yuan for 100 US dollars. 今天的现金买入牌价是821元人民币兑100美元。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 233( Our buying rate for notes is 1063 RMB Yuan for 100 Euros. 今天的现金买入价是1063元人民币兑100欧元。 234( 100 Euros, an equivalent of 1063 RMB Yuan. 100欧元可兑换人民币1063元。 235( Please fill in the exchange memo, your passport number and the total sum, and then sign your name. 请在水单上填写您的护照号码和兑换金额,然后签名。 236( It comes to 1642 RMB Yuan. 一共是1642元人民币。 237( What denomination do you need? 请问您需要什么样面值的, 238( There are 100-Yuan notes, 50-Yuan notes, 20-Yuan notes, 10-Yuan notes, 5-Yuan notes, 2-Yuan notes, 1-Yuan notes, and coins. 有100元、50元、20元、10元、5元、2元和1元的纸币,还有硬币。 239( Give me two 50-Yuan notes, four 10-Yuan notes, two 1-Yuan coins and the others are 100-Yuan notes. 给我两张50元的,四张10元的纸币,两枚1元的硬币,其他都要100元的纸币。 240( Here’s 1642 Yuan. Please check it and keep the memo. 这是您的1642元,请点一下,并请保存好水单。 UNIT 7 订票服务 Ticket Booking 241( I’d like to book a plane ticket. 我想订张机票。 242( Where are you flying to ? 您要飞往哪里, nd243( I’d like to book a seat on a flight from Beijing to Shanghai on the 2 of October, please. 我想订个10月2日北京飞往上海的机位。 244( Which airline are you planning to take? 您打算乘坐什么航班, 245( When are you leaving? 您什么时候走, 246( Do you want a morning or an afternoon flight? 您想要上午的还是下午的航班, 247( There is a flight leaving at 16:30 in the afternoon. Will that be okay with you? 下午16:30有一个航班,您觉得可以吗, 248( I’m afraid that flight is fully booked. 恐怕那个航班已订满了。 249( There are seats available on a flight leaving at 17:30. 17:30起飞的航班还有机位。 250( May I have your name and room number, please? 请问您的姓名和房间号码, 251( May I see your passport and room card, please? 让我看看您的护照和房卡,好吗, 252( First-class or economy? 您要头等舱还是经济舱, 253( One-way or return (ticket)? 单程还是往返票, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 254( Please sign your name here. 请在这儿签名。 255( How many tickets do you need? 您需要几张票, 256( There are not any 100-Yuan ones left. 100元的已经没有了。 257( We’d like to sit together. 我们想坐在一起。 258( We charge 500 Yuan in advance. Come to fetch the tickets this evening. 请预付500元。今天晚上来取票。 UNIT 8 问路指路 Asking and Directing the Way 259( —— Can you tell me the way to the coffee shop, please? 请问去咖啡厅怎么走, —— The bellman will show you the way. 行李生会为您指路的。 260( —— Excuse me, where is the Chinese restaurant? 请问,中餐厅在哪儿, —— I’ll show you the way myself. 我来领你们去。 261( —— We’re looking for the bank. 我们要找银行。 —— It’s just over there, behind you. 就在您身后那边。 262( —— Could you direct us to the coffee shop? 你能告诉我们去咖啡厅怎么走吗, —— Go straight through the cafeteria, and you’ll find it just in front of you. 一直往前走,穿过自助餐厅,对面就是咖啡厅。 263( —— I wonder if you could tell me where the health club is. 你能否告诉我健身房在哪儿吗, —— It’s round here to the left. Follow the sign marked sauna and it’s just next door to that. 从这儿向左拐,顺着桑拿室的标志走,健身房就在桑拿室隔壁。 264( —— Which way is the phone booth, please? 请问去电话亭怎么走, —— Along there to your left. It’s just past the ladies’ room, opposite the elevator. 向左走,过了女洗手间,电梯对面就是。 265( —— Is this the right way for the souvenir shop? 去礼品店是从这儿走吗, —— Yes. Along the corridor, past the newsstand. 是的,顺着楼道往前走,过了报摊就是。 266( —— Is the lobby bar somewhere hereabouts? 大堂酒吧就在附近吗, —— It’s right behind you, sir, but I’m afraid it’s not open till 11. 就在您身后,先生,但是恐怕11点才开始营业。 267( —— Am I going the right way for the tennis courts? 去网球场是这条路吗, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power —— Along the corridor to your right, then turn left. Go down the stairs, along a bit further and out into the yard. 顺着右边的楼道走,然后左拐,下楼梯,再往前走几步,出门进了院子就是。 268( —— I’m looking for the No. 4 conference room. 我要找第四会议室。 —— They’re all facing the open lounge. Walk along to your right, past the elevators and up the stairs. 会议室都在公共休息室对面,顺着右边走,过电梯上楼就是。 UNIT 9 结账离店 Checkout 269( Are you checking out today, 您今天要退房吗, 270( What’s your room number, please? 请问您的房间号是多少, 271( Were you in Room 1201? 您是住1201房吗, 272( Are you Mr. Brown? 您是布朗先生吗, 273( May I have your name and room number? 请告诉我您的姓名和房号。 274( Did you make any phone calls from your room? 您从您房间打过电话吗, 275( How many phone calls did you make? 您打过几个电话, 276( Did you take anything from the minibar this morning? 您今天早上是否从客房小冰箱里取过东西, 277( Let me figure it out. 我把您的帐算出来。 278( That comes to $320. 总共是320美元。 279( That’ll be 2100 Yuan. 共计2100元。 280( Here’s your bill. Please check it. 这是您的账单,请您过目。 281( Would you like to check it? 请您核对一下,好吗, 282( Would you like to check and see if there is any mistakes? 请您核对一下,看是否有误。 283( This is for the phone calls you made from your room. 这是您从房间打电话的费用。 284( That’s for the laundry. 那是洗衣费。 285( The service charge is included in the bill. 这个账单包括服务费。 286( How would you like to pay, in cash, with checks or by credit cards? 请问您想以何种方式付账,现金、支票还是信用卡, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 287( What’s your way of payment, please? 您想怎么付账, 288( What kind have you got? 您用的是那一种, 289( What credit card do you have? 您的是哪种信用卡, 290( Sorry, we don’t accept personal checks. 对不起,我们不收私人支票。 291( It’s the policy of the hotel. 这是店规。 292( You’ll have to give me your name and address. 请告诉我您的姓名和地址。 293( Please show me your passport or some other identification. 请出示您的护照或者其他证件。 294( May I have the card, please? 请把卡给我。 295( May I have a print of your card? 我可以把您的卡复印一份吗, 296( Since the amount exceeds 12000 RMB Yuan, we have to get the approval code. 由于总额超过12000元人民币,我们必须得知道授权号码才行。 297( Here’s your receipt. 这是您的收据。 298( Thank you. I hope you’ve enjoyed your stay here. 谢谢,希望您在本店住得愉快。 299( How do you like our hotel? 您觉得我们酒店怎么样, 300( It’s very kind of you to say so. 谢谢您这么说。 301( Hope you’ll come and stay with us again. 希望您再次光临我们酒店。 302( Have a good flight. 祝您旅途愉快。 303( Have a pleasant journey home. 祝您归途愉快。 PART TWO 客房部 Housekeeping Department UNIT 10 客房服务 Chamber Service 1( The electric current in your room is 220 volts. 您房间的额定电压是220伏。 2( The minibar will be replenished on a daily basis. 小冰箱的食品和饮料每天补充一次。 3( If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call. 如有任何需要,请随时打电话。 4( Ice cubes are in your minibar or dial 6 for room service. equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 小冰箱里有冰块,您也可以拨6,送餐中心将会送冰块来。 5( I’ll turn on/off the air-conditioning/heat. 我给您打开/关上空调/暖气。 6( I’ll turn up/down the air-conditioning/heat. 我给您调高/调低空调/暖气。 7( I’ll bring in some fresh towels. 我去拿干净毛巾。 8( I’d like one more blanket. I feel a little bit cold. 我想再要一床毛毯,我觉得有点冷。 9( I’ll have it sent to your room immediately. 我马上叫人给您送过来。 10( I’ll send someone up with it right now. 我马上派人给您送上来。 11( When do you need it? 您什么时候需要, 12( May I have some more writing-paper? 再给我一些信纸,好吗, 13( Did you sleep well last night? 昨晚睡得好吗, 14( I have a cold. 我感冒了。 15( I have a bad headache/stomachache. 我头/肚子痛得厉害。 16( Do you have a temperature? 您发烧吗, 17( Would you like to see a doctor? 需要看医生吗, 18( You’d better go to see a doctor. 您最好去看一下医生。 19( Please take a good rest and I hope you will get well soon. 希望您好好休息,早日恢复健康。 20( Do you feel better now? 您现在感觉好点了吗, UNIT 11 客房清扫 Room Cleaning 21( May I come in? 我可以进来吗, 22( Sorry to disturb you, but may I clean your room now? 对不起打扰一下,现在可以打扫您的房间吗, 23( May I make the beds now? 请问现在可以为您做床吗, 24( May I do the turn-down service now? 现在给您做夜床,好吗, 25( Will you come back later? 请你过会儿再来,好吗, 26( What time would be convenient, sir? equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 先生,请问几点钟比较方便, 27( Would it be convenient if I return at 9:30? 我九点半再来,方便吗, 28( I’ll come and clean your room immediately. 我马上来打扫您的房间。 29( Can I make the beds for you now or later? 请问现在还是再过一会儿为您铺床, 30( When would you like those done for you? 您希望什么时候把这些给您做了, 31( I have a section of 14 rooms and I always do the check-out rooms first unless there is a request. 我要打扫14间客房,如无客人要求先打扫,我总是先打扫走客房。 32( May I refill your minibar? 我可以补充小冰箱里的食品饮料吗, UNIT 12 洗衣服务 Laundry Service 33( Do you have any laundry, sir? 先生,有要洗的衣服吗, 34( If you have some laundry, please leave it in the laundry bag. 如需洗衣,请把衣服放在洗衣袋里。 35( You’ll find a laundry bag and list in your closet. 洗衣袋和洗衣单在壁橱里。 36( Please fill in the laundry list. 请填写洗衣单。 37( Please refer to your laundry list for further information. 洗衣单上有详细说明,请查阅。 38( Please don’t forget to fill out the laundry form; otherwise our list must be accepted as correct. 请别忘了填写洗衣单,否则一律以我们统计的洗衣单为准。 39( Would you like express service? 您需要快洗服务吗, 40( We have express service. 我们有快洗服务。 41( We also provide express service, but it will cost 50% more. 我们提供快洗服务,但加收50%费用。 42( Express service charge is double the regular service. 快洗服务加倍收费。 43( Express service takes only 3 hours. 快洗服务只需3个小时。 44( The laundry account will be charged on your master account. 洗衣费将打入您的总账单。 45( Laundry fee will be added to your bill or you can pay it when they are back. 洗衣费将打入您的账单,您也可以在收到洗好的衣物时付账。 46( When can I have them back? 什么时候给我洗回来, 47( When will it be ready? 什么时候能洗好, 48( We collect the laundry at 9:00 every morning and return it to you by 4:00 p.m. the same day. equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 收衣时间是每天早上9点钟,当天下午4点钟送衣进房。 49( Laundry will be collected at about 9:00 every day. 每天早上9点收要洗的衣服。 50( They will be back to you at 4 p.m. 下午4点就给您送回来。 51( I’d like to have my overcoat dry-cleaned, my shirt and pajamas laundered and my suit pressed. 我的大衣要干洗,衬衫和睡衣要水洗,西服需要熨一下。 52( I don’t want the shirt starched. 这件衬衫不要上浆。 53( Is your dress colorfast? 您的衣服不褪色吧, 54( Will the color run? 会掉色吗, 55( Don’t worry. We’ll dry-clean the dress. The color won’t run. 别担心,我们干洗这件衣服,就不会褪色了。 56( A button is missing on your blouse. 您上衣的一粒纽扣掉了。 57( We can mend it. 我们可以织补。 58( We can mend a seam, not a hole. 我们可以补一条缝,不能补一个洞。 59( Your coat has been mended. Is it all right? 您的大衣补好了,您看可以吗, 60( We’ll do our best to remove the stain. 我们会尽力去除这个污点。 61( You’ll find your laundry in your closet. 您的衣服洗好后会放在壁橱里。 62( Here’s your laundry. 这是为您洗好的衣服。 63( —— May I have the misdelivered items? 请把送错的衣服给我。 —— Sorry for the inconvenience. 对不起,给您带来了不便。 64( There is no need to compensate. 不用赔偿了。 UNIT 13 失物招领 Lost and Found 65( What’s the matter? 怎么了, 66( Sorry to hear that. 听到这事,我感到很遗憾。 67( When and where did you last see it? 您最后一次见到它是什么时候,在什么地方, 68( When and where did you first miss it? 您最早发现丢失东西是什么时候,在什么地方, 69( Where did you leave it? equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 您把它放哪儿了, 70( We have checked our lost and found list, but I’m afraid your camera didn’t appear on it. 我们查了一下失物招领单,很遗憾没有发现您的相机。 71( Could you fill out this form with your address and the value and description of the camera? 请您填一下这个表,写上您的地址及照相机的价值和情况说明,好吗, 72( Could you fill out the lost property form, please? 请填写一下失物登记表,好吗, 73( If we locate it, we will send it to you by airmail. 如果找到了,我们会用航空邮件寄给您。 74( We’ll contact you if it is located. 如果找到了,我们会跟您联系。 75( What make is it? 什么牌子的, 76( What brand is it? 什么牌子, 77( What color is it? 什么颜色, 78( What size is it? 多大尺寸, 79( What style is it? 什么样式, 80( What is the value of your camera? 您的相机价值多少钱, 81( What is it made of? 是什么材质的, 82( How many items are there? 有几样东西, 83( What is in it? 里面有什么, 84( Was it a man’s or a lady’s watch? 是男士表还是女士表, UNIT 14 损坏与维修 Damage and Maintenance 85( I’m the housekeeper. May I know what happened here? 我是客房部主管,请问这儿发生什么事了, 86( I’m sorry to hear that. Let me take a look first. 真糟糕,让我先看一下。 87( I’m sorry to say they are badly damaged. 对不起,但我不得不说它们被损坏得很严重。 88( I’m afraid we have to charge them to your account. 恐怕我们必须向您收取赔偿金。 89( I’ll ask the chambermaid to bring a new bedcover and a blanket for this evening. 我让客房服务员给您拿一条新床单和一条毛毯来。 90( What’s the matter? 出什么问题了, 91( Is there anything to be repaired? equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 有什么要修的吗, 92( The television isn’t working. 电视机坏了。 93( The toilet is stopped up. 马桶堵了。 94( The toilet is blocked. 马桶堵了。 95( The toilet is overflowing. 马桶往外溢水了。 96( There is no water in the toilet. 马桶里无水。 97( The flush isn’t working. 马桶不能冲水了。 98( There is something wrong with the showerhead(sink, toilet, tap, desk-lamp) 淋浴喷头(洗手池、马桶、水龙头、台灯)坏了、 99( The desk-lamp is broken/out of order. 台灯坏了。 100( The heating is off. 暖气停了。 101( The power is off. 停电了。 102( The sink is leaking/clogged. 洗手池漏水/堵了。 103( The water tap drips all night. 水龙头滴了一整夜水。 104( The light bulb has blown. 灯泡烧了。 105( I’ll check into it. 我会调查一下此事。 106( I’ll take care of it personally. 我会亲自去解决这件事的。 107( A repairman/electrician will come and check it right away. 修理工/电工马上就会来检查一下。 108( I’ll send for the plumber. 我去叫水管工来。。 109( I’m sorry for that. I’ll tell the manager of the Maintenance Department. He’ll deal with it at once. 我对此表示歉意,我会通知维修部的经理,他会立即处理此事。 110( We’ll send someone up to repair it. 我们会派人去修的。 111( We’re very sorry for the inconvenience. The night manager will come immediately. 很抱歉给您带来了不便,夜班经理马上就来。 112( Maintenance can be in your room in 15 minutes. 维修工15分钟后就到您房间。 113( We are trying to find the cause. Could you wait a little longer, please? 我们正在查找原因,请您再等一会儿,好吗, 114( We’ll bring a replacement immediately. 我们马上给您换一个。 115( I’ll fix it for you. equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 我来为您修理。 116( Please wait just a few minutes. It won’t be long. 请等一会儿,很快就好。 117( We can have it repaired. 我们可以修好它。 118( We will have it repaired at once. 我们马上开始修理。 119( Some parts need to be replaced. I’ll be back soon. 要换几个零件,我去取,很快就回来。 120( Do you mind if I remove your things? 可以将您的东西挪一下吗, 121( It’s all right now. You may try it. 修好了,您可以试一下。 122( I’m sorry, but we can’t fix it today. 很抱歉,今天修不好了。 123( We do wish we had known it earlier. 要是早点知道这个情况就好了。 124( I guarantee that this won’t happen again. 我保证此事不会再发生。 125( Since the water pipes are being repaired, cold water is not available from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. 由于正在修水管,从上午8点到下午3点,暂停供水。 126( We do apologize for the inconvenience. 给您带来了不便,我们深表歉意。 127( We appreciate your cooperation. 多谢您的合作。 128( Thank you for your understanding. 谢谢您的理解。 129( Thanks for your cooperation. 谢谢合作。 PART THREE 餐饮部 Food &Beverage Department UNIT 15 餐饮预订 Food &Beverage Reservation 1. I’d like to book a table for four for this evening at 7:30. 我想订一张今晚7:30的四人桌。 2. What time do you open this evening? 你们今晚几点钟开始营业, 3. We open at 6:00 p.m. and close at midnight. 我们从晚上6点至午夜营业。 4. I’m sorry, we are not open at 5:30 p.m. 对不起,我们下午5:30还没开始营业。 5. We’re open until midnight. 我们营业至午夜。 6. We open 24 hours. 我们24小时营业。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 7. We open round the clock. 我们昼夜营业。 8. I’m sorry, we’re not open on Mondays. 对不起,我们星期一不营业。 9. When would that be for? 请问订哪一天的餐位, 10. For what time? 您要订什么时间的, 11. For how many? 一共有几位, 12. How many people are there in your party? 你们一共有几位, 13. How many would that be for? 一共有几位, 14. Who’s the reservation for? 请问订在谁的名下, 15. May I have your name? 请问您贵姓, 16. What time will you be arriving? 请问您几点钟到, 17. How much per head would you like to spend? 请问您订什么标准的,/您打算每位花多少钱, 18. What rate do you have in mind? 您想按什么样的标准用餐, 19. What is it going to be, Chinese food or Western food? 您要中餐还是西餐, 20. Would you like a table in the main restaurant or in a VIP room? 您要大厅餐位还是包间, 21. Would you like to sit by the window or near the doorway? 您想靠窗坐还是靠门口坐, 22. Anything special you’d like to have on the menu? 您对菜单有什么特别要求吗, 23. Do you have any special wishes as regards the food? 您对食物有什么特别要求吗, 24. At what time have you planned to hold the banquet? 宴会定在几点钟开始, 25. Do you have our banqueting information pack? 您有我们的宴会信息介绍单吗, 26. What sort of table plan do you have in mind? 您希望餐桌摆成何种形式, 27. What type of service would you require? 您需要何种餐桌服务方式, 28. I’d like to confirm your reservation. 我来确认一下您的预订。 29. A table for two for this evening at 8:00 for Mr. Baker. Is that right? 您为贝克先生订的今晚8点的二人餐位,对吗, 30. A table near the window for four at 8:00 p.m. for Mr. Miller. 您要为米勒先生订今晚8点靠窗的四人餐位。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 31. So it’s Mr. Smith, a table of six for this evening, it’s Chinese food and you are coming at 7:00 p.m. 我再确认一下:史密斯先生、一张六人桌、中餐、晚7点到。 32. I’m sorry, the restaurant is full. 对不起,我们餐厅预订已满。 33. I’m afraid we are fully booked at that time. 对不起,那时间的餐位已全部订满。 34. Sorry, we are fully booked for today. 对不起,我们今天餐位已订满。 35. Would you like to make a reservation some other time? 您愿意预订其他时间的餐位吗, 36. I’m sorry, sir. There are not any tables left for 8:00 p.m., but we can give you one at 8:30 p.m. 对不起,先生,晚上8点钟的餐位没有了,但是8点半还有空的餐位。 37. I regret to say we can’t guarantee, but we’ll do our best. Hope you’ll understand. 很抱歉,我们不能保证有餐位,但我们会尽力安排,希望您能理解。 38. I’m afraid we only serve lunch until 3:00 p.m. 恐怕我们午餐只能营业到下午3点。 39. The drinks are not included in the prices you quoted. 给您报的价不包括酒水。 40. The cost of the drinks will be charged separately. 酒水费用另算。 41. No, that would be extra. 不,那是额外的(不含在内,要另收费)。 42. We look forward to your coming then. 我们期待着您的光临。 43. We look forward to having you with us. 盼望您的光临。 UNIT 16 接待客人 Receiving the Guest 44. Do you have a reservation? 您预订了吗, 45. Have you got a reservation? 您有预订吗, 46. A table for four? 是四人桌吧, 47. Could you come with me, please? 请跟我来,好吗, 48. This way, please. 这边请。 49. Please step this way. 请这边走。 50. Would you follow me, please? 请随我来,好吗, 51. Will this table be all right? 这张桌子可以吗, 52. Would you like to sit near the dancing floor? 您愿意靠近舞池坐吗, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 53. Where would you like to sit? 您想坐在哪儿, 54. You can sit where you like. 您可以随便坐。 55. This is the table reserved for you. Do you like to sit here? 这是为您预留的餐桌,您愿意坐这儿吗, 56. What about that one? 那张怎么样, 57. I’m sorry, that table is already reserved. 对不起,那个餐桌已经有人订了。 58. I’m sorry, the restaurant is full now. We can seat you in about 20 minutes. 对不起,餐厅现在客满,您要等20分钟左右。 59. I’m sorry, there isn’t a table right now. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for about 20 minutes. May I have your name? We’ll call you when we have a table. 对不起,现在没有空桌了,恐怕要请您等20分钟。请问您贵姓,一有餐位我就来叫您。 60. You can sit/ have a drink, wait/ in the lounge if you like. We’ll accommodate your party as soon as possible. 您可以在休息室坐一会儿/喝点饮料/稍等片刻,我们会尽快安排你们入座的。 61. Your table is ready now. 您的餐位已经准备好了。 62. Why don’t you take off your coat? 要把大衣脱了吗, 63. Here’s the menu. Please take your time. The waiter will come for your order when you are ready. 这是菜单,请慢慢点菜。等你们决定下来了,服务员就会过来。 64. Here’s the menu and wine list. What would you like to have? 这是菜单和酒水单,您想来点儿什么, UNIT 17 点菜 Taking Orders 65. Are you ready to order now? 您现在点菜吗, 66. May I take your order now? 您现在可以点菜了吗, 67. Would you like to order now? 您想现在点菜吗, 68. Have you decided on anything? 您决定吃什么了吗, 69. What would you like to have, sir? 您想吃点儿什么, 70. What would you like? 您来点儿什么, 71. Would you like to try Chinese food? 您想吃中餐吗, 72. What would you like to drink? 您要喝点儿什么, 73. Would you like something to drink? 您想喝点儿什么吗, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 74. Would you care for a drink before dinner? 您想在吃饭前喝点儿什么吗, 75. Would you like some appetizer before lunch? 饭前您想来点儿开胃品吗, 76. What would you like to start with? 您想先来点儿什么开胃品, 77. What dressing would you like? 您想要什么调料, 78. What do you prefer for the dessert? 您想来点儿什么甜品, 79. And to follow? 接下来呢, 80. Anything else? 还要点儿别的吗, 81. We have prepared Chinese dishes for you. 我们为你们准备好了中餐。 82. What’s the soup of today? 今天的靓汤是什么, 83. What are your chef’s specialties? 今天的厨师推荐菜是什么, 84. What vegetables have you got? 你们有什么蔬菜, 85. Please tell me the difference between Sichuan food and Cantonese food. 请告诉我四川菜和粤式菜的区别。 86. We specialize in Beijing cuisine. 我们主要经营北京菜。 87. We have a buffet, and you can have whatever you like for 20 Yuan. 我们有自助餐,20元可随便吃。 88. Everything is a la carte. 这里只能零点。 89. What’s the price of your set menu? 你们套餐的价格是多少, 90. We’ve got beef steak with onions today. 今天我们有洋葱牛排。 91. Today’s special is grilled chicken. 今天的特色菜是烤鸡肉。 92. I would suggest that you order„ 我建议您点„„ 93. I can recommend roast duck to you. It is very delicious. 我向您推荐烤鸭,味道特别鲜美。 94. Perhaps you might like „ 也许您可以尝一尝„„ 95. I’d suggest the chef’s delight-roast pigeon. 我建议您点厨师的拿手菜——烤鸽子肉。 96. How about having some„? 来点„„怎么样, 97. Sydney oysters are good here. Would you like some? 我们这儿的悉尼牡蛎很不错,要不要来一些, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 98. How about trying some„? Maybe you will like it. 来点„„怎么样,也许您会喜欢吃的。 99. Why don’t you try some strawberry? 来点草莓怎么样, 100. May I suggest„? It’s very tasty. 我建议您尝尝„„,味道很不错。 101. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. 我保证您会喜欢的。 102. I hear it is very good. 我听说很好吃。 103. How would you like it? 您想怎么吃, 104. How would you like it prepared/done? 您希望怎样做, 105. How would you like your soup served, thick or thin? 您想要什么样的汤,浓汤还是淡汤, 106. How would you like your steak? 牛排您要几成熟, 107. Would you like your steak rare, medium or well done? 您希望牛排半生、适中还是熟透, 108. How would you like your salad served, with sauce or without? 您想要什么样的色拉,带调料还是不带调料, 109. What tea would you like, green tea, black tea or jasmine tea? 您想喝什么茶,绿茶、红茶还是花茶, 110. Do you like your tea strong or weak? 您要浓茶还是淡茶, 111. How would you like your coffee served, black or white? 您想要什么样的咖啡,加不加奶, 112. I’m sorry, there is no chops left. 对不起,排骨没有了。 113. I’m sorry, we haven’t got any more lobster today. Maybe you would like to have it tomorrow. 对不起,今天的龙虾已经卖完了,也许您可以明天再吃这道菜。 114. I’m afraid that this vegetable is not in season. Would you like to try something else? 抱歉,现在不是生长这种菜的季节,您是不是吃点儿别的什么, 115. Your dining coupons don’t include drinks. 您的餐券不含饮料。 116. I’m afraid you’ll have to pay extra for that. 对不起,恐怕您得另外付费。 117. Could you have muffin instead of toast? 我们不要土司而要小松饼,行吗, 118. If you want more dishes, you can order during the meal. 如果您还需要别的菜,还可以边吃边点。 119. We take the last orders at 10:00. 我们接受点餐最晚到10点钟。 120. This is what you have ordered. 这是您点的菜。 121. Enjoy your food. 请慢用。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 122. Enjoy your meal. 请慢用。 UNIT 18 埋单 Paying the Bill 123. Is everything all right? 一切都还好吧, 124. Is everything to your satisfaction? 一切都合您的意吗, 125. How was the food? 饭菜还可以吗, 126. Have you found everything satisfactory? 您还都满意吗, 127. Would you like anything else? 你还要别的什么吗, 128. Is there anything else? 您还要点儿什么吗, 129. Do you care for a dessert? 您想点些甜品吗, 130. If you need anything else, just feel free to tell me. 如果您还需要别的什么,只管告诉我好了。 131. —— What’s this for? 这笔是什么(费用), —— That’s for the wine. 这是酒水钱。 132. Would you like to sign for that? 请您签单。 133. Would you like to put it on your hotel bill? 您希望把费用打入您的住店总账吗, 134. Could you sign here, please? 请在这儿签字。 135. I’ll need your signature and room number, please. 我需要您的签字和房间号。 136. May I also have your room number, please? 我可以问一下您的房间号吗, 137. Could you please put down your room number as well? 请将您的房间号也写上,好吗, 138. Thanks for coming. 感谢惠顾。 139. We look forward to your coming again. 期待着您再次光临。 140. We are glad you have had an enjoyable meal. Welcome to our restaurant again next time. 我们很高兴您用餐愉快。欢迎下次再来我们餐厅用餐。 141. It’s very kind of you to say so. 您这样说真是太好了。 142. I’m glad you like it. 我很高兴您喜欢。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 143. Have a nice evening. 祝您今晚愉快。 144. Have a pleasant weekend. 祝您周末愉快~ 145. Good night. 晚安。 146. Pleasant journey home. 祝您返程愉快。 147. Happy landing. 一路顺风。 148. Goodbye. Thank you for coming. Please come again. 再见,谢谢光临。欢迎再来。 UNIT 19 酒吧服务 Bar service 149. Good evening. Welcome to Jinjiang Hotel. 晚上好,欢迎光临锦江饭店。 150. Nice to see you. 见到您很高兴。 151. What kind of beverage would you like? 您想要哪类饮料, 152. What is your pleasure, sir? 先生,您喜欢什么, 153. What can I offer you, ladies? 女士们,我给你们上点什么呢, 154. What can I prepare for you? 您想喝杯什么, 155. There is no minimum charge. 没有最低消费。 156. Your usual, sir? 和每天一样吗,先生, 157. Perhaps I could recommend our house wine. 也许我可以向您推荐我们自制的酒。 158. Would you like to start with a glass of beer? 您想先来一杯啤酒吗, 159. We’d like to try some Chinese spirits. What do you suggest? 我们想尝尝中国的酒。你给我们推荐什么, 160. What cocktails do you serve? Do you have pink lady? 你们供应哪些鸡尾酒,有红粉佳人吗, 161. Bring us some martini on the rocks, please. 给我们加冰块的马提尼酒。 162. We’d like to try the local brew. 我们想尝尝本地酿造的酒。 163. Bottled or draught? 是瓶装的还是散装的(鲜啤酒), 164. Straight up or on the rocks? 加不加冰, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 165. Here you are, sir. 先生,这是您要的(酒)。 166. Your beer, sir. Enjoy your drink. 先生,您要的啤酒。请慢用。 167. With or without ice, sir? 先生,请问是要加冰的还是不要冰的。 168. —— I’ll have a whiskey with soda water. 我想喝一杯加苏打水的威士忌。 —— Please say “when”, sir. 先生,够了您说一声。(添加苏打水时) 169. The same again, sir? 先生,同样再来一杯吗, 170. One for the road? 临走前再喝一杯,如何, 171. The complimentary food would be on the house, of course. 赠送的食物当然是不收费的(由店家出钱)。 172. A nightcap before retiring, sir? 先生,临睡前要喝一杯吗, 173. How about the other half? (刚才那杯不够您的酒量)再来一杯,好吗, 174. If you don’t like this drink, how about„? 如果您不喜欢这个,是不是喝点„„, 175. I’m not really a drinker. 我不大会喝酒。 176. I’m afraid not. 恐怕不行。 177. I’m really sorry, but you see my difficulty. 真对不起,但是希望您能体谅我。 178. Good night and pleasant dreams. 晚安,做个好梦。 179. Good night and rest well. 晚安,愿您休息好。 180. Watch your step. 请小心。 181. Good night. Have a good rest. 晚安,祝您休息好。 182. Hope you’ll come again tomorrow. 希望明天再来。 UNIT 20 咖啡厅服务 At the Coffee Shop 183. What do you prefer, Chinese breakfast or continental breakfast? 您喜欢中式早餐还是欧(洲大陆)式早餐, 184. What kind of juice would you like, pineapple juice or orange juice? 您要菠萝汁还是橘子汁, 185. How would you like your eggs cooked, boiled, fried or scrambled? 您想要什么样的鸡蛋,煮的、煎的还是炒的, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 186. Two fried eggs, sunny-side-up. 两个煎蛋,一面煎。 187. Make it over easy. (鸡蛋)两面稍煎一下(两面煎软)。 188. Make it over hard. (鸡蛋)两面煎硬。 189. Would you like bacon, sausage or ham? 您要熏肉、香肠还是火腿, 190. Could I have croissants with my breakfast? 我早餐能来点牛角面包吗, 191. So that’s orange juice, two eggs sunny-side-up, croissants and coffee. 您点了橘子汁、两个单面煎的煎蛋、牛角面包和咖啡。 192. It sounds fascinating. 听起来太诱人了。 193. It sounds terrific. 听起来太棒了。 194. It’s just to my taste. (它)正对我的口味。 195. Care for some wine? 想不想喝点葡萄酒, 196. —— Anything else? 还要点什么吗, —— Not at the present moment. 暂时不要什么了。 UNIT 21 客房送餐服务 Room Service 197. If you need anything, just feel free to call Room Service. The number is 5. 如果需要什么,请拨“5”与送餐服务联系。 198. Can we have room service 24 hours a day? 我们24小时都可以叫送餐服务吗, 199. Would you please bring me some breakfast? 请给我们送些早餐来。 200. I’d like a snack sent up to my room. 请送一份小吃到我房间来。 201. Would you like breakfast in your room? 您要在房间里用早餐吗, 202. What would you like, Western or Chinese breakfast? 您想要西式早餐还是中式早餐, 203. For how many? 要订几份, 204. For just one person? 只要一份吗, 205. Just one portion? 只要一份, 206. How many would you like? equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 您要几份, 207. We have a good choice of drinks. 我们有多种饮料可供选择。 208. You can choose from the menu hanging on the doorknob. 您可以按照门挂菜牌点菜。 209. —— How long will it take? 需要多长时间送到, —— It won’t take long. 很快就到。 210. It will take 15 minutes. 需要15分钟。 211. It will be up in a few minutes. 几分钟就会送到。 212. It will be up right away. 马上就送上去。 213. I’ll bring it up right away. 我马上就给您送上去。 214. The waitress will be up shortly. 服务员一会儿就上来。 215. It won’t be long. 一会儿就到。 216. Excuse me, may I put your breakfast on the table? 打扰一下,我把早餐放在桌上可以吗, 217. Here’s some fruit for you with the compliment of our manager. We apologize for the wrong dish. 这是我们经理赠送给您的水果。实在对不起,刚才上错菜了。 218. Can you sign for it? 请您签单。 219. I’m sorry the kitchen is closed now. We open at 11:00 a.m. 对不起,厨房现在已熄火,上午11点才开火。 220. We start serving at 6:30 a.m. 我们早上6点开始服务。 221. I’m sorry, we don’t serve breakfast until 6:30 a.m. 对不起,早餐要到6点半才有。 UNIT 22 处理投诉 Dealing with Complaints 222. What’s the problem, sir? Can I be of any assistance? 先生,出什么问题了,我能为您做点什么, 223. This is quite unusual. I’ll look into the matter. 这种情况确实很少见,我会调查这事的。 224. Sorry, I’ll get you another one. 对不起,我给您换一份。 225. I’ll have the chef make you another one. 我让厨师重新为您做一份。 226. Sorry, would you like it cooked a little more? 对不起,要不要回锅再烧一烧, 227. Shall I have them cooked again? equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 要不要把这些菜重做一遍, 228. I’ll speak to the chef and see what he can do. 我去和厨师商量一下,看他是否能给予补救。 229. I’ll have them prepare another one. Would you like some„while you are waiting? 我去让他们再做一份,在等的同时您是不是先吃点„„, 230. Would you like me to send it back? 您要我把它送回去吗, 231. Sorry, I’ll change it for you at once. 对不起,我马上为您换。 232. I’m terribly sorry. I can offer you something else if you’d like; that’ll be on the house, of course. 非常抱歉,如果您愿意,我们可以给您上点别的菜,这当然算是本店免费招待的。 233. Would you like to try something else? With our compliments, of course. 您想不想吃点儿别的,这当然算是我们餐厅的小小敬意。 234. I can offer you some„, compliments of the chef. 我给您上点儿„„,作为我们厨师对您的敬意。 235. It takes quite a while to prepare. 做这道菜要花些时间。 236. I’ll check your order with the chef immediately. 我马上去问厨师,看您的菜做好没有。 237. I’m sorry, please excuse her. We are very busy today. 对不起,请原谅她。我们今天实在太忙了。 238. I’m sorry, we are short of help today. Would you like to have a drink first? 对不起,我们今天人手少。您是不是先喝点什么, 239. Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel/restaurant. 请接受我代表饭店/餐厅的道歉。 240. I’m sure everything will be right again next time you come. 我保证您下次再来时一切都是好的。 PART FOUR 会展中心 Convention and Exhibition Center UNIT 23 会议Convention 1( I’m Jane, director of Convention Sales Dept. 我是简,会议销售部主任。 2( I’m here to discuss with you about holding a meeting at your property. 我今天来是要和您讨论一下在贵饭店举行一个会议的事宜。 3( What meeting is it? 请问是什么会议, 4( Can I see the name list of the attendees? 我能看一下出席者的名单吗, 5( How many participants will there be? 请问有多少人参会, 6( There are 120 attendees. I think our medium-sized meeting room can serve your purpose. 共有120名与会者,我想我们的中型会议厅可以满足您的需求。 7( Here are the convention brochures showing the details about meeting facilities. 这是会议服务宣传册,里面有关于会议设施的详细介绍。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 8( Do you have sufficient number of breakout room? We have several seminars after the plenary session. 你们有足够多的分组讨论会议室吗,我们在全体会议后要开几个研讨会。 9( We’ll let you know by fax once we’ve decided. 一旦决定下来,我们会发传真通知您。 10( This meeting hall can accommodate about 400 people. 这个会议大厅可容纳400人。 11( The center of the multi-purpose hall is the main conference auditorium seating 400. 多功能厅中央是主会场,可容纳400人。 12( Our conference hall is multi-purpose. 我们的会议厅是多功能厅。 13( We have a fully-equipped convention center that provides complete secretarial service. 我们会议中心设备齐全,提供全套秘书服务。 14( We have all the state-of –the-art audio-visual equipment. 我们拥有全套一流的视听设备。 15( And we have simultaneous translation system. 我们有同声传译系统。 16( We have some brand-new imported equipment. 我们有几种全新的进口设备。 17( You can hire our nightclub for private use. 夜总会你们也可以租用。 18( I’ll send you a support facilities list with a price list by fax. 我会把配套设备清单和价目表传真给您。 19( So you’d like to reserve our conference room for 3 days together with an overhead projector. 我来确认一下,您要预订我们的会议室开三天会,并需要一台幻灯机。 20( Here is the rental rate list for equipment and personnel for the convention. 这是会议设备租金单和会议服务员名单。 21( Perhaps we could just test out the microphone and amplifier. 我们还是试一试话筒和扩音器。 22( I’ll take you to the auditorium and we can both check the equipment on the spot. 我这就带您去会议厅,现场检查一下会议设备。 23( When will the pre-conference meeting be held? 会前会议什么时候开, 24( The convention service manager is demonstrating the electronically operated furniture and AVs(audio-visuals). 会议服务经理正在演示电子控制设备和视听设备。 25( The center can comfortably seat 400 people. And this is the 800-square-meter center stage. 这个中心可轻松容纳400位来宾。这是800平方米的中央舞台。 26( There is to be an awards ceremony. We need raised tiers for those prizewinners. 我们有一个颁奖仪式,需要给那些获奖者准备升降台。 27( Will there be any special dietary requirement? 餐饮方面有什么特别要求吗, 28( Our restaurant caters for various religions. 我们餐厅可为持不同宗教信仰的人士提供餐饮。 29( We have a good selection of vegetarian dishes. 我们的素食菜肴品种多样。 30( How would you like the banquet to be served? 您想要什么样的宴会服务方式, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 31( What about the minimum you charge for each attendee? 每位与会者最低费用是多少, 32( 400 Yuan each for one day. 每人每天400元。 33( As for the menu choice, we’d like the routine entrée and chef’s choice for the two banquets on the first day and the last day respectively. Buffets are for other meals on other days. 至于菜单,我们想第一天和最后一天的两个宴会分别用常规的主菜搭配主厨推荐菜,其他几 天用自助餐。 34( Here is your meeting badge and meeting packet. 这是您的参会证章和会议材料袋。 35( The packet contains a layout of the hotel, a map of downtown Shanghai, nearby restaurant information and other related items. 材料袋里有一张饭店平面图、一张上海商业区地图,还有附近餐馆信息及其它相关物品。 36( By the way, where is the preparation area? I need to review my audio-visual presentation. 顺便问一下,发言准备区在哪儿,我想去准备一下我的多媒体发言。 37( When and where does the plenary session begin? 全体会议什么时候召开,在哪儿, 38( It starts at 8:30 a.m. in the Peony Conference Hall. 上午8:30在牡丹会议厅。 39( We’ll put the extra expenses of refreshing on your account. 我们要将额外的饮料点心费用打入您的总账。 40( Are you sure all rented equipment is included in the inventory list? 您确信所有需租用的设备都列在物品清单上了吗, 41( Our personnel will collect all the signs and return them to you. 我们的服务员会收集所有的标志牌,然后交还给你们。 42( There are 5 no-shows and 4 early departures. 有5位应与会者未到,有4 位早退。 43( The final account shall be settled by these supporting vouchers. 最终账目将根据这些有效凭证计算。 44( We look forward to meeting you for the next convention. 我们期待下次会议能再与您合作。 UNIT 24 展览 Exhibition 45( I know you have received the outline we sent to you for the coming exhibition. And I want to confirm the date in person. 我知道您收到了我们寄给您的有关展览日程表。今天我想与您当面确认一下展览日期。 thth46( The exhibition is to be held on the 26 and 27, for two days. 展览将于26日、27日两天举行。 47( What’s the capacity of your exhibition hall? We are expecting and attendance of 400 at a time. 你们的展厅能容纳多少人,我们预计会有400人次参观。 48( Our exhibition hall can hold 800 people. 我们的展厅能容纳800人。 49( Do you have any special requirement about the decoration of the exhibition hall? 你们对展厅装饰有何特别要求, 50( Do you need aisle carpet to cover the ground? 需要在过道铺红地毯吗, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 51( Do you also need flowers and plants to decorate the hall? 还需要鲜花和盆景点缀展厅吗, 52( The flowers and plants can help to create friendly and harmonious atmosphere for the show. Be sure to make them fresh and fragrant. 鲜花和绿植有助于营造友好和谐的气氛,但一定要确保新鲜和芳香。 53( According to the schedule, the exhibits are arriving this afternoon. I wonder whether your staff are ready for unpacking? 按计划,展品今天下午到,你们的职员做好拆包准备了吧, 54( We have served a dozen such exhibitions before. Our unpacking staff are professionals. 我们有为十几个这样的展览服务的经验,我们拥有专业的拆包人员。 55( These exhibits are glassware. You can’t be too careful in moving them. 这些展品是玻璃制品,搬动时务必多加小心。 56( Do you have sufficient storage area for the large container boxes? 你们有足够大的储藏区域存放集装箱吗, 57( There is a 1600-square-meter house right beside the exhibition hall. It can house 20 large container boxes at a time. 在展厅旁边有一间1600平方米的平房,一次能容纳20个集装箱。 58( How are you getting along with the setting-up of booths? 展位搭建进展怎么样了, 59( We have just finished the space assignment. 展位刚刚分配完毕。 60( The island booth takes up so much space. What about peninsula booth? In that case, more space is saved. 岛型展位占据的空间较多,半岛型展位怎么样,这样可以节省更多空间。 61( Where do you plan to locate the show office? 您打算把展览办公室放在哪里, 62( Better put it near the entrance. 在靠近入口处好一些。 63( How do you like the decorating done? 您想怎么装饰, 64( Because this is the tabletop display, we wish there to be good draping. 因为这是台面展示,我们希望用带垂边的布艺装饰台面。 65( Everything shall be ready tomorrow morning. Would you come and check then? 明天下午一切都将准备完毕,届时请您来检查一下。 66( Our company delivered the exhibits later than schedule. Can you ask your staff to unload the exhibits and move in right way? 我们公司运送展品比计划晚了些,请你们的职员赶快把展品卸下搬进展厅,好吗, 67( What is the number of the exhibits? 有多少件展品, 68( What kind of exhibits are they? 是什么类型的展品, 69( They are some glassware and porcelain. They must be handled with care. 是一些玻璃器具和瓷器,搬运时一定多加小心。 70( Could you help us unpack the exhibits? 你们能帮我们拆包吗, 71( How was the exhibits packed? 展品是如何包装的, 72( I’m the dispatcher. What can I do for you? equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 我是装卸工,有何吩咐, 73( Our company has finished dismantling. 我们公司已拆除完展台。 74( We also have some exhibits left. Because we want to present them to the municipal Art Gallery for their long-standing help. 有一些展品我们要留下来,我们要把它们赠送给贵市艺术馆,以感谢他们多年来对我们的支 持。 75( Our convention center also serves as an exhibition hall. 我们的会议中心也可用作展厅。 76( Stands can be laid out in regular rows along gangways. 展台可沿过道规则排列。 77( For this type of exhibits, we shall leave 2.5-meter aisles. 展览这种展品要留2.5米宽的过道。 78( Visitor circulation in the hall is planned on a simple grid arrangement. 观览通道成方格状安排。 79( Uniform signposting, together with the use of identifying symbols, numbers and color codes, is essential for orientation and direction to a particular area. 为了引导参展者到某一特定区域,使用统一路标和识别符号、数字及色标至关重要。 80( We offer both visitors and exhibitors a choice of food and beverage service. 我们为参展者和办展者提供餐饮服务。 81( We provide separate F&B service module in each hall. 每个厅都有独立的餐饮服务区域。 82( Portable counters are provided for snack and refreshment services. 有流动柜台提供小吃和饮料售卖服务。 83( There is an additional toilet area for the disabled. 我们有残疾人专用卫生间。 84( If overseas visitors and exhibitors want to get travel information, they may go to the travel desk in the public counters. 海外参展者和办展者如想了解旅游信息,可到设在公共服务处的旅游服务台咨询。 85( Would it be more appropriate to fix fluorescent lighting. 用荧光灯可能会更好。 86( I think the hall should be very luminous with glare of light, because this is a high-tech products show. 这是一个高科技产品展览会,我想用强光照射使展厅明亮些会比较好。 87( I wonder if you’d prefer soft diffused natural lighting for the work of art. 对于这些艺术品,我想知道您是否愿意用柔和散射的自然光呢, 88( For this particular delicate material, the temperature can be adjusted to 21degrees centigrade. 对于这种易损的特殊材料,可以将温度调到21度。 89( Carpet strips and acoustic panels have been prepared to reduce excessive noise levels. 地毯条和隔音板准备用来减少过量的噪音。 PART FIVE 康乐中心 Health & Recreation Center UNIT 25 健身中心 Health Center ? 保龄球 Bowling equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 1( Are there any alleys available at the moment? 现在有空的球道吗, 2( VIP alley or regular alley, sir? 先生,您要贵宾球道还是普通球道, 3( Let me take the bowling shoes for you. What size? 我给您拿保龄球专用鞋,您穿多大号, 4( Size 41. 41号。 5( How many games would you like to play? 你们要玩多少局, 6( What size bowling balls would you like, sir? 先生,你们要几磅的球, 7( We’d like 14-pound balls. 我们要14磅的球。 8( Please show me your deposit receipt, sir. 先生,请出示押金收据。 ? 在美发沙龙 At the Hair Saloon 9( Now it’s your turn, sir. This way, please. I’ll give you a shampoo first. 先生,现在该您了。请这边来,我先给您洗一下头。 10( Wet or dry shampoo, sir? 先生,要湿洗还是干洗, 11( How would you like your hair done? 您想要什么发型, 12( Not too short on the forehead, not so much off at the back. 前额不要太短,后面稍剪一下就行了。 13( Do you want a shave? 您要修面吗, 14( I’d like you to trim my beard. 把胡子刮一下。 15( Some hair tonic would be good to your hair. 上一些润发剂对您的头发会有好处。 16( Should I do the parting on the right side or left side? 头发偏左分还是偏右分, 17( Your hair is growing thin, sir. 先生,您的头发掉了不少。 18( We have one type of hair-restorer. I suggest that you give it a try. 本店有一种专治脱发的药水,您不妨试一试。 19( My hair is growing too gray. I want it dyed. 我的白发不少,我想染一下。 20( What color do you prefer? 您想染成什么颜色, 21( Do you want me to trim your moustache? 胡须要不要修一修, 22( Does the haircut suit you, sir? 这样可以吗,先生, 23( Please have a look in the mirror. Is it all right? 请您照照镜子,可以吗, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 24( Are you planning to get a manicure later? 您打算过会儿修修指甲吗, ? 桑拿浴 Sauna-Bathing 25( We also offer massage on call. 我们的按摩师随叫随到。 26( Want a Finnish Sauna. 我想选芬兰浴。 27( What’s the temperature of the sauna room? When is the dry steam given off? 桑拿室的温度怎么样,什么时候放干蒸汽, 28( Would you like some ice water and icy face towel? 您想要冰水和凉毛巾吗, 29( Don’t you want to cool off under a shower or have a quick swim? 您不想冲个淋浴或游个泳来凉快凉快吗, 30( How are you feeling now? 现在感觉怎么样, ? 健身活动 Body-Building 31( Welcome to the gym. The number of your locker, please? 欢迎来到健身中心。请问您的锁柜钥匙号码, 32( Wow, you have a lot of apparatus here. 哇,你们的体育器材不少呀。 33( Basically there are two types: the ones for aerobics and the ones for strengthening your muscles. 这里的器材基本分两类:一类用作有氧健身,另一类用来锻炼肌肉。 34( I’ll try to run on the treadmill. 我想试试跑步机。 35( The gym is very modern. 这个健身房很现代化。 36( The barbell is too heavy. Try the dumbbell. 杠铃太重,试试哑铃吧。 37( You can also play badminton here. 您还可以在这儿打羽毛球。 38( I said I’d like my shoes polished. 我刚才说希望能把我的鞋子擦一擦。 39( Your polished shoes were put in the closet. 擦好了,给您放在柜子里了。 ? 室内泳 Swimming Pool 40( The swimming suits, caps and goggles are on sale today. 泳衣、泳帽和泳镜今天都减价销售。 41( May I have a complete set of them? 给我来一套吧。 42( We change the water of the indoor swimming pool every other day. 室内游泳池每隔一天换一次水。 43( The temperature in the pool today is about 21 degrees centigrade. 今天泳池的温度是21摄氏度。 44( I’m afraid the water is too cold in such cold weather. 今儿天冷,恐怕水也很凉。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 45( Don’t worry. Ours is a heated swimming pool. The temperature is as high as 28 degrees centigrade. 别担心,我们的泳池是温水游泳池,水温高达28摄氏度。 46( You may have a dip in our heated swimming pool. 您可以去温水池泡一泡。 47( If you don’t swim well, you can swim in the shallow area. It is a half meter to two meters deep. 如果您不怎么会游,可以到浅水区,深度是0.5米至2米。 48( If you feel tired, you may relax with soft drinks at the pool side bar. 如果觉得累了,您可以在池边的水吧休息一下,喝点软饮料。 49( For staying guest, they’re free of charge. 这些对住店客人是免费的。 50( We’ve kick board and buoy on loan. You’d better start with the shallow area. 我们有踢水板和游泳圈供出租。您最好从浅水区开始。 51( What’s the use of the kick board? 踢水板有什么用, 52( Just hold it in your hands, and kick. In this way, you can learn swimming quickly. 把踢水板抓在水中,然后踏水,这样练你很快就学会了。 53( Do you have a female coach here? 你们这儿有女教练吗, 54( We have an experienced one. She’ll make you a great swimmer in the shortest possible time. 我们有一个很有经验的教练,她可以在最短的时间内让您成为游泳高手。 55( The clean towels are putting on the hanger in the center of the bathroom. 干净毛巾挂在浴室中央的衣架上。 56( Here’s the key to the locker. 这是您锁柜的钥匙。 UNIT 26 娱乐中心 Recreation Center 57( It’s the first time I have come to the nightclub. What can we expect to enjoy here? 我是第一次来夜总会,这儿都有哪些娱乐和服务项目, 58( A variety of things. You can dine, wine and enjoy good floor show. 项目很多,您可以用餐、喝酒,还可以欣赏各种表演。 59( How much do you charge for it? 怎么收费, 60( You may dance till 2:00 a.m. to two bands. 您可以伴着两个乐队一直跳到凌晨两点钟。 61( The floor show changes every week. 演出节目每周更换。 62( Which do you prefer, VIP or regular table? 您喜欢包间还是散台, 63( What do you charge for this VIP room? 这个包间怎么收费, 64( 150 Yuan per hour, not including drinks and dry snacks. 每小时150元,不包括饮料和小吃。 65( Take your seat, please. And your time starts at 6:30 p.m. 请坐,你们的时间从下午6点半开始。 66( What’s the song being played? 正在播放的是什么曲子, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 67( It’s called The Butterfly Lovers, a Chinese folk music telling a story about the Chinese Romeo and Juliet-Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. 这首曲子叫“化蝶”,是一首中国民间乐曲,讲述的是一个关于中国的罗密欧与朱丽叶——梁 山伯与祝英台的爱情故事。 68( It’s moving and melodious. 真是悦耳动听。 69( Your time ends at 7:30 p.m., one hour in all. 你们的结束时间是晚7点半,共一个小时。 70( This is the drink list and that is the song list. 这是饮品单,那是点歌单。 71( We have performance of dance, singing, fashion show and showmanship, including the lucky draw. I hope you’ll join us. 我们这里有舞蹈表演、唱歌、时装表演,还有抽奖活动,欢迎您的参与。 72( We have Heineken, Carlsberg and Blue Ribbon. 我们的啤酒有荷兰的喜力、丹麦的嘉士伯以及美国的蓝带。 73( The music has started. It’s a slow waltz. 音乐开始了,这是慢华尔兹。 74( There is an average charge of 30 Yuan RMB per person. 先生,每人30元。 75( The minimum charge is 40 Yuan for each, including drinks. 每位最低消费40元,含饮料。 76( Please wait a minute. When your turn comes, the D.J. will announce through the microphone. 请稍等,轮到您时,调音师会通过话筒叫您。 77( Can I take your song order? 可以点歌了吗, 78( Attention, please. Next is an English song. Mrs. Green at Table 6 is welcome to the stage. 各位来宾,下面是一首英文歌曲,有请6号桌的格林夫人上来为大家演唱。 79( Do you want to sit at a table or at the bar? 您要一个桌位还是靠吧台坐, 80( Would you please let me put your coat at the cloakroom? 让我把您的外套存放在衣帽间里吧。 81( This is the number plate to your coat. 这是您取衣服的号牌。 82( What do you care for as drinks? 您来点什么饮料, 83( What types of dance are there tonight? 今晚都有什么舞蹈, 84( There are disco, tango, and to finish with rock-and-roll. 有迪斯科、探戈,最后以摇滚结束。 85( Do you need a partner? 您需要舞伴吗, 86( That’s waltz. It’s a beautiful dance. Will you have a try? 这是一首优美的华尔兹,您要跳一曲吗, 87( I’m fond of sitting and watching people dance. 我喜欢坐着看别人跳。 88( We’d like to play bridge. Is there any table available? 我们想玩桥牌,有空桌子吗, 89( This way, please. Is this room all right? equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 这边请。这个房间如何, 90( May I ask if you could recommend to us a chief coach? 我想问一下,你能为我们推荐一位主教练吗, 91( This is our chief coach, Ms Li. She will help you all through the game. 这是我们的主教练,李女士,她将在整个游戏中帮助你们。 92( Please don’t forget to carry the belongings with you. Good night! 请别忘了拿上你们的东西。晚安~ 93( What do you prefer, net chatting, net entertainment, net games, E-mail or net shopping? 您要哪种上网服务,网上聊天、网上娱乐、在线游戏、电子邮件还是网上购物, 94( Would you please feel free to call me if you need to download files? 您要想下载文件,请随时叫我。 附录 Appendix Appendix ? 饭店服务英语基本分类词汇535个 535 Classified Basic English Words for Hotel Service 国名(Countries 10) America 美国; Canada 加拿大; China 中国; England 英国; France 法国; Germany 德国; Italy 意大利; Japan 日本; Singapore 新加坡; Thailand 泰国。 城市名(Cities 5) Hong Kong 香港; London 伦敦; Macao 澳门; New York 纽约; Paris 巴黎。 星期(Week 7) equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power
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